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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网活动公告聚会联欢
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2012/5/23 14:24:39 | 浏览:3323 | 评论:2

邀請函 Invitation

Former Education Consul E Xuewen of Los Angeles is now the Executive Vice President of BOSSA

Xuewen E(Sherwin)
Executive Vice President, BOSSA
Rm 7015, Beijing International Convention Center
Chaoyang, Beijing, China 100101
Cell:+86 13601032675




On Sunday, June 3, 2012 the delegation will visit Los Angeles, on route to Houston, and would like to meet with the education professional people of our Net.  The major objective is to establish link and further understanding of each other. The delegation members have very rich experience of overseas study(www.cnbossa.org).

  为了促進我们的团队工作和服务,进一步加深联谊交流,和欢迎代表團,美国华裔教授专家网(www.scholarsupdate.com Chinese American Professor and Professional Association)将于6月3日星期日下午5:00至晚上8:00,在徐嘉定教授夫婦位于Santa Ana私家社區(有警衛、需報備)的家中舉行晚宴款待代表團,並由陳鈞铭、勒公玫教授夫婦協同主持。謹热诚地欢迎住在附近的教授专家网成员朋友出席,特別歡迎有兴趣参与回国服务或专家学者和我们分享服務留學人員的经验和交流互动。家宴不收費用但需要先與陳鈞銘教授drkmchan@gmail.com報名,截止日期為五月三十一日,請告訢我們你的學歷專長及聯絡電話。收到報名後當答覆地址及其他詳情。

Our Net will hold a brief dinner reception for the delegation, on Sunday, from 5 pm to 8 pm, June 3, 2012 at Professor David and May Hsu’s home in Santa Ana(gate guarded community, name and identity needed prior entry). Please contact the co-host Professor Chan and Karen drkmchan@gmail.com before Thursday, May 31, 2012, if you are interested in the event and are willing to provide your academic and professional affiliation information to us and the delegation.

We shall furnish you the exact address and your name will be listed for the guard. 

Beijing Overseas Study Service Association(BOSSA)

  • Non-profit NGO founded in 2004
  • Operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Education of China and the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education
  • The only accredited agent association in China
  • 68 member agencies
  • Collaborates with 600+ universities and colleges across China
  • Experienced in working with educational organizations and institutions around the world


  • Setting standards and monitoring operation for quality control
  • Providing advice and recommendation for government policy-making
  • Promoting exchange and collaboration with International partners


To ensure students receive high quality international educational experiences.

To provide an online one-stop platform for students to receive the most comprehensive selection of reliable and transparent overseas-study value- added services.  

  • Standard procedures for application, screening, and verifying credentials
  • On shore immersion and support services

To ensure Transparency, Quality Standards, and Fairness in International Education and Exchange

  • Establishing industry standards in China for study abroad
  • Training, certifying, and monitoring Chinese agents, in accordance with industry standards
  • Increasing the number of certified Chinese agents
  • Collaborating with more than 600 universities and colleges all over China
  • Promoting overseas institutions in China, and Chinese institutions abroad
  • Creating Scholarship Programs with the Chinese government, and with Chinese universities and colleges
  • Providing up to date information on overseas study policies to Chinese agents, institutions and students wishing to study abroad
  • Bridging the gap between overseas education organizations and Chinese universities, colleges and schools
  • Providing comprehensive data and analysis of the overseas-study industry in China

To provide a global communication bridge between students, institutions and organizations.

For further information please visit our website(www.cnbossa.org)or email us(bossa@liuxue.org

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Weide Pan说:留言于2012-05-29 20:45:49(第2条)
I'm willing to attend, please let me know if there's anything I can assist for this event. My contact info is found below.

Best regards,

Weide Pan说:留言于2012-05-29 20:38:10(第1条)
I'm willing to attend, please let me know if there's anything I can assist for this event. My contact info is found below.

Best regards,

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