本次活动由新英格兰地区六个华人专业团体:北美中华医学会(ACMA)、美中生物医药协会(CABA)、中美知识产权法律协会(CAIPLA)、留美华人企业家联合会(OCEAN)、纽英伦中华资讯网络协会(NECINA), 128华人科技企业协会(128CUTE)及香港协会麻州分会联合主办。
Saturday, August 4, 2012 10:00 am to 4:00 pm(rain date:Aug. 11)
Hopkinton State Park, 268 Cedar Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748
- Lunch buffet and BBQ:Chinese food, BBQ, watermelon, ice cream, water & beverage
- Outdoor activities and contests:Chinese hacky sack(踢毽子), jump rope(跳皮筋), and other kids games, volleyball, biking, hiking, swimming, fishing, kayaking, canoeing, soccer
- Raffle prizes
- Consultation with professionals including doctors, lawyers, scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs
- Onsite Ticket(cover the food, beverage and games)
$10 / adult, $5 / senior or kid(5-18 ys), Free / kid(< 5 ys)
Please RSVP thorough http://2012newenglandsummerouting.eventdove.com/
If you have any questions, please send email to infocpnweb@gmail.com, or contact the organizers from your organizations.