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招才引智:TCL Overseas Investment & Recruiting Event(MIT 1/5)
2012/12/20 1:35:34 | 浏览:2270 | 评论:0
招才引智:TCL Overseas Investment & Recruiting Event(MIT 1/5)                                                                                     

TCL Overseas Investment and Recruiting Event 

  • Date & Time: Saturday, January 5, 2013, 10:00am-1:00pm
  • Venue: MIT 70 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA E51-335
  • Admission: Free 
  • Register here >> http://tclseminar.eventdove.com/


TCL Corporation is a Chinese multinational electronics company headquartered in Huizhou, Guangdong, China. In 2010 it was the world's 25th-largest consumer electronics producer and sixth-largest television producer(after Samsung, LG, Sony, Panasonic and Sharp), and at the end of 2012, raised to 4th, just after Samsung, LG, Sony.   


Investment:Early-stage IT, Consumer electronic devices. Offer R&D funding no less than ¥1 Million.
Recruiting:Overseas Talents 
Work Locations:US East Coast, US West Coast, Shenzhen, China.

Reasons to Attend:
Get first hand materials on the high tech industry in China, and the opportunities available at a successful enterprise such as TCL.
Network with top leaders at TCL(CEO, CTO, etc), NECINA(President, General Manager, entrepreneurship and marketing leaders), as well as other successful professionals in the Boston high tech communities.
Free event with lunch provided


Mr. ZHAO Zhongyao - CEO, TCL Corporation
TCL多媒体科技控股有限公司CEO及执行董事 赵忠尧先生

招才引智:TCL Overseas Investment & Recruiting Event(MIT 1/5)  

  • Mr. Zhao has more than 20 years experience in sales and marketing and management of consumer electronics business. Mr. Zhao graduated with a Master's Degree in Engineering from Northwestern Polytechnic University of PRC and was a post-graduate in Aeronautical Engineering in the same university. He also obtained a Master's Degree in the Business Administration from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2007.

    Mr. Kuang-Lang Chen - CTO, TCL Corporation 
    TCL多媒体全球研发本部首席技术官 陈光郎先生

    招才引智:TCL Overseas Investment & Recruiting Event(MIT 1/5)  

    Mr. Kuang-Lang, Wolf, CHEN was born in 1964 in Taiwan. He received his Master of Engineering degree from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, and his EMBA degree from National Taiwan University. In 2011, he was elected the High-Level Talent based on the "Thousand Talent Program" held by CPC Central Committee Recruit Administration.

    新年伊始,机遇临门。TCL多媒体CEO,CTO, HR Director等高管团队来美招才引智,亲临现场,与大家互动交流。

    时间:2013年1月5日星期六 10:00AM - 1:00PM





    • "筑巢引凤计划"针对中高端人才,提供不低于100万元的科研及运作经费。
    •  "长板凳计划"旨在吸引和着重培养公司的经营管理核心岗位的后备。
    • 对高端人才及专家提供灵活多样的选择,合作方式不一定要求为全职加盟,可以以顾问、项目合作、兼职的方式进行合作。
    • TCL多媒体在美东、美西以及海外其他国家都设有分支机构,对于高端人才。其工作地点不要求一定在国内。

    Register now >>

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