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Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
2012/12/20 10:41:34 | 浏览:2713 | 评论:0

Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport(RQES)is pleased to welcome Weimo Zhu as its new editor-in-chief. Zhu is a professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Community Health at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. An internationally known scholar in kinesmetrics(measurement and evaluation in kinesiology), his primary research interests are in the study and application of new measurement theories(e.g., item response theory)and statistical models/methods(e.g., equating)to the field of kinesiology, especially in youth physical fitness and physical activity/sedentary behavior and health. His research has been well supported by external funding, from the National Institutes of Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Zhu was a section editor for RQES from 1999 to 2005. He has held many leadership positions in national professional organizations and was chair of the AAHPERD Measurement and Evaluation Council from 1996 to 98. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Kinesiology, American College of Sports Medicine, and the Research Consortium of AAHPERD. Zhu was a member of the Scientific Board of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports from 2005 to 2008 and has served on the FITNESSGRAM®/ACTIVITYGRAM® Advisory Committee since 2002. Recently, he was appointed as a panel member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies' Fitness Measures and Health Outcomes in Youth committee, which released its report earlier this year.

As Zhu expressed, "I am deeply honored to serve as editor-in-chief of RQES, one of the most respected interdisciplinary journals in the field. I have four specific goals during my editorship:(a)organize and publish more issues and papers focusing on 'hot' topics in our fields,(b)extend the international influence of the journal,(c)explore new technology and media for future information dissemination, and(d)further enhance RQESs quality and impact. I look forward to working with scholars around the world to achieve these goals."

Passing the mantle to Zhu is outgoing RQES editor, Mark G. Fischman, Auburn University, who has served in the position since September 2009 and will rotate on to the RQES editorial board for a 3-year term. Zhu's term as RQES editor will continue until September 2015.

Tai Chi illustrated :For greater balance, relaxation, and health


国际著名体育出版社——美国人体运动出版社(Human Kinetics)出版了由中国武术九段、上海体育学院博士生导师邱丕相教授和美国体育科学院院士、美国伊利诺伊大学终身教授,博士生导师,曾任美国总统体质与竞技体育委员会科学顾问的朱为模博士合著的Tai Chi illustrated:For greater balance, relaxation, and health(《太极图解:改善平衡,放松与健康》)一书,现已全球发行。


 该书是第一本“以国外读者为中心”的太极拳英文专著。它不仅从国际运动与健康的热点出发,为国外大众和在中国工作的外籍人士与留学生提供了一套深入浅出的太极拳锻炼健康课程,而且也根据国外文献约定俗成的“Tai Chi”替代“Tai Ji Quan”翻译,结合国外对中国文化的兴趣阐述了“太极拳即道,道即太极拳”之原理。此书可作为我国武术与民族传统体育学研究生乃至体育学科的专业外语读物、武术双语教材。                                               (戴国斌)



Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Tai chi can have a significant impact on health
The industrial and information revolutions changed the world. Although they brought many advances to civilization, they also brought many social problems, including competition and its related stress and increased isolation among people.
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Maintain correct positions during tai chi practice
During tai chi practice, the head should remain straight and upright with the neck straight, and the head should not incline in any direction.
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Circle, open-close, and up-down stances
This stance is named for the shape that the arms hold, which is a circle. In this stance, you stand with your legs apart and knees bent, and you form an open circle with your arms in front of your body, with the palms facing each other or angled slightly down toward the Dan Tian.
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Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES

Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQESDr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQESTai Chi Illustrated
Short Description

Tai Chi Illustrated offers a comprehensive look at the exercise some call “moving meditation.” Full-color photo sequences demonstrate how to perform the most popular tai chi routines. Tai Chi Illustrated makes it easy to learn these mind–body exercises and harness the healing power of chi, putting you on the path to better health and self-awareness.

© 2013
Book 240 pages
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Dr. Zhu Weimo --- The new editor-in-chief for RQES
Product Description
Increase muscle strength, improve flexibility, and reduce pain and stiffness. Each year, millions of people worldwide discover the incredible physical and mental benefits of tai chi. Now, with Tai Chi Illustrated, you can, too.

Internationally renowned instructor Master Pixiang Qiu and mind–body exercise expert Weimo Zhu demonstrate the most effective forms for harnessing the healing power of chi, or energy. Follow their lead and improve balance and coordination, relieve stress, and reduce pain and muscle stiffness.

Tai Chi Illustrated is a step-by-step guide complete with detailed instructions and full-color photo sequences for the basic movements and popular forms, such as Grasp Sparrow’s Tail and Part the Wild Horse’s Mane. You will connect the forms to follow the yang-style sample routines, or create your own to address your health and fitness needs.

Whether you are completely new to tai chi or have practiced for years, Tai Chi Illustrated will you be your guide to the path of better health and self-awareness.


Part I Tai Chi Basics
Chapter 1 Art and Practice of Tai Chi
Chapter 2 Basic Posture
Chapter 3 Basic Foot Movements
Chapter 4 Basic Hand Forms and Movements
Chapter 5 Basic Stances

Part III Tai Chi Forms
Chapter 6 Forms for Cardiovascular Health
Chapter 7 Forms for Stress Relief and Low-Back Health
Chapter 8 Forms for Balance
Chapter 9 Forms for Coordination

Part III Tai Chi Routines
Chapter 10 Six-Form Routine
Chapter 11 Twelve-Form Routine
Chapter 12 Basic Push Hands Routine

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