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China Institute(NY):消失與重現的元代都城&中國文物出入境的有關情況
2013/3/6 15:14:06 | 浏览:1366 | 评论:0



(English summary:From the time of Genghis Khan's conquest in 1206, which created the largest land empire in human history, to the fall of the Yuan dynasty in China in 1368, the Mongols established four capitals in their conquered Chinese territories. Three of the four capitals have been excavated and studied in depth, but the fourth, known as the Middle Capital, remained a mystery until its discovery in 1997 by Professor Liu Jianhua and her team. Join Professor Liu for an archaeological adventure to explore one of the most important archaeological discoveries in China in the last century. Professor Liu Jianhua is a renowned

Chinese archaeologist and the director of the Hebei Provincial Office in charge of authenticating and clearing Chinese state-level relics for entering and leaving China. In the second part of her lecture, she will address issues related to the protection of national treasures. )

  元代公元1206年成吉思汗統一蒙古各部,建立蒙古汗國始,至公元1368年朱璋攻入大都,元朝滅亡止歷十五帝,凡163年。在其統治的歷程中,曾先後建立過四個都城,即:和林城、上都、大都、中都。前三個都城地點明確,唯建於元代晚期的元中都卻因建造時間短、地點不明確,被歲月的風塵埋沒了幾個世紀。甚至許多學者曾懷疑元代是否真的建過中都城?直到一九九七年,在河北省張北縣荒漠草原上忽然冒出個元中都,考古、元史、建築新聞謀體,紛踏而至,一時間元中都被炒得風風火火,熱鬧非凡。 98、99年連續現兩年的考古發掘,成果顯著,被評為99年度中國十大考古發現之一。人們不禁要問,元中都是何時發現的?是怎樣發現的?為幫助大眾了解這段鮮為人知的過程和元中都發現的意義,華美人文學會特邀請元中都考古調查、確認的第一人,國家文物進出境審核河北管理處處長、河北省文物出境鑑定中心主任劉建華專程來紐約於3月16日(星期六)下午2時至4時做"消失與重現的元代都城---元中都"和"中國文物出入境的有關情況"兩個專題的講座。


    1. 中國文物進出境管理法規
    2. 執行文物進出境審核的機構與審核程序
    3. 出境文物的標準、標識
    4. 中國文物鑑定機構與現狀
    5. 中國文物盜掘走私概況
    6. 中國仿複製文物的生產、銷售與出境概況
    7. 中國文物拍賣的現狀
    8. 中國文物市場的現狀

  講座免費。因座位有限,需預先訂位。網上訂位請訪 http://chineselectures.org/031613.html

Saturday, March 16, 2013 2:00 - 4:00 PM

Free, but advance registration and payment required.

To register and learn more about this lecture, please visit http://chineselectures.org/031613.html.

To watch videos of selected Renwen lectures and events, please visit http://chineselectures.org/videos.html. The latest addition is the event with Aisin-Gioro Hengyi on Feb. 24, 2003.

China Institute
125 East 65th Street
New York, New York 10065

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