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2009/11/19 13:54:06 | 浏览:3397 | 评论:5

The Transformation of China during the 1990s


Friday, November 20, 2009
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
10367 Bunche Hall

The China Studies Graduate Student Colloquium is proud to present Baizhu Chen, Associate Professor of Clinical Finance and Business Economics at USC, and R. Bin Wong, Professor of History at UCLA, for talks on the transformation of China that occurred during the 1990's.

Professor Chen will address the changes that occurred in the economic sector and Professor Wong will address the transformation of China within a historical framework.

Baizhu Chen studies macroeconomics and international economics, with an emphasis on China. His work has been published in the Journal of Peace Research, European Journal of Political Economy, China Economic Review, Applied Financial Economics, Social Choice and Welfare, and Journal of Macroeconomics. He is Senior Researcher at the Institute of Finance and Banking at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, chief economist of Sino-Century Capital, a VC firm in Shanghai, and former president of the Chinese Economists Society. He is academic director for Marshall's GEMBA program, and a recipient of the Golden Apple Award.

R. Bin Wong is Director of the UCLA Asia Institute and Professor of History.  Before coming to UCLA in 2004, Bin Wong served as Director of the Center for Asian Studies at UC Irvine where he was also Chancellor's Professor of History and Economics. At UCLA he is responsible for overseeing and coordinating activities in five research centers and developing new initiatives in Asian Studies fields. Wong's own research has examined Chinese patterns of political, economic and social change, especially since eighteenth century, both within Asian regional contexts and compared with more familiar European patterns. Among his books, China Transformed: Historical Change and the Limits of European Experience (Cornell University Press, 1997) is the best known. Recent publications include an essay "East Asia as a World Region in the 21st Century" in Nihon Keizai Shimbun. A ten-page interview regarding his scholarship, intellectual background and vision appears in the August 2004 issue of Shehui kexue, published by the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

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- After 10 days changing of address without notifying DMV: $214
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- Run over 2 yellow double solid lane: $425
- Forbidden U-Turn: $284
- Exceeding Speed Limit (from 1-15 miles): $224
- Exceeding Speed Limit (from 16-25 miles): $338
- Driving too slow: $328
- Do not stop at Stop Sign: $284
- Over pass Transportation Bus when light flashing: $675
- Using hand phone while driving (first time): $160
- Parking in Bus reserved area: $976
- Do not turn light on when it is dark (30 mins): $382
- Cover car to block sun while driving: $178
- No Seat Belt while driving: $160
- Kids without Seat Belt or Car Seat by law: $436
- Wear head set on both ears while driving: $178

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Qdzuydpm说:留言于2014-01-26 07:45:44(第1条)
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