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作者:楊青 | 2009/11/24 15:52:14 | 浏览:6159 | 评论:0

  金秋10月,全美知名學府紐約羅徹斯特大學(University of Rochester)迎來兩筆來自國際傑出校友的巨額捐款,其中一筆150萬元捐助,由南加州知名華裔理財專家、瑞士銀行金融財富管理部資深副總裁林日昇、馬綺冰夫婦捐出。



  林日昇表示,能捐款給母校,是他多年美國夢想的重要部分。 「對我來說,美國夢不僅是好車好房和漂亮太太,在這塊自由國土上努力創造財富,並與大家分享財富,是美國的立國精神,也是我的心願。」

  1979年以香港會考12萬考生前50名優異成績被羅徹斯特大學全額獎學金錄取的林日昇,成為當年該校發放全球的唯一全額獲獎者。 次年,高中未畢業的林日昇隻身來到美國。

  林日昇說,1980年代香港能出國留學的人家,多有殷實的家底,像他這樣父親每月工資只有80美元的工薪家庭孩子來說,沒有全額資助,根本不可能。 可喜的是母校每年給予他超過1萬元獎學金,還專門為他安排了每周16至18個小時的校園工,解除了生活後顧之憂。

  在學業上,學校也為其量體裁衣,將普通本科學生必修的十門課程減少到六門,在其兩年完成學士學位後,他又獲得諾貝爾獎得主教授力薦保送上商學院,如願以償在四年內獲得工商管理學碩士和經濟學學士兩個學位。 畢業後,他先後在加拿大多倫多銀行、德意志投資銀行、美國花旗集團高層擔任要職。

  在花旗20年後,2008年轉戰瑞士銀行集團,現任瑞銀金融財富管理部資深副總裁兼資深基金經理,負責歐美、中東和亞洲地區客戶財富管理。 「對母校,我一生都深懷感恩」,林日昇說,過去十年,他和太太商量,每年都為母校捐款上萬元。

  此次林日昇夫婦150萬元捐款,將作為該校商學院的教授獎勵基金,獎勵教授和對外吸引優秀師資的基礎。 林日昇說,他的下一步夢想是在羅徹斯特大學設立一個獎學金,專門獎勵兩岸三地華生,讓他們的才華得到充分發揮。(楊青)


Simon School Announces Two Major International Gifts for Professorships

Author/Contact: Charla Stevens Kucko, (585) 273-4806

Release Date: Oct 29, 2009

Rochester, N.Y.―October 29, 2009―The Simon School of Business at the University of Rochester is starting a new trend among the nation’s top business schools with two major gifts from international donors to establish endowed professorships.

A native of China Hong Kong, Evans Y. Lam, B.A. ’83, M.B.A. ’84, and his wife, Susanna, are beginning a $1.5 million endowment to support a professorship at the Simon School. The Susanna and Evans Y. Lam Professorship will allow the School to attract global business scholars from around the world. Lam is senior vice president―investments, at UBS Financial Services. Prior to joining UBS in 2008, Lam was senior vice president of wealth management and senior portfolio manager at Citigroup Smith Barney, where he advised affluent clients since 1991. Lam gained experience in mergers and acquisitions as director of corporate finance at Toronto Dominion Bank and vice president at Deutsche Bank. In 2002, he advised the State Council of China on monetary reform.  An actively involved alumnus, he currently serves on the Simon School Executive Advisory Committee and National Council, where he provides leadership and counsel to Dean Mark Zupan on the advancement of the School around the world. He is also a member of the University of Rochester’s Regional Cabinet in Los Angeles, Calif.

“I am forever grateful to the University of Rochester and the Simon School for providing me with the foundation for my career in corporate finance and investment management. I came to the United States with $180 and a four-year scholarship from the University.  The School enabled me to fulfill the American dream. Giving back is part of this dream, and what makes America great. I am inspired by Dean Zupan’s vision for the institution, and honored to contribute to the fulfillment of ‘Meliora’―‘Ever Better.’ ”

“We are most grateful to the Wadhawan and Lam families for their investment in the future of the Simon School,” says Zupan. “Their gifts will enable us to bring premier scholars to Simon to train the world’s future business leaders. We are also immensely grateful for their willingness to set a new example of philanthropy from international donors to top-tier schools of business in the United States.”



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