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作者:ICSPAH | 2010/7/29 7:40:02 | 浏览:4005 | 评论:6

Delegation of the ICSPAH to Chinese Universities during Summer 2010

After an extensive preparation, the ICSPAH delegation, led by President Dr. Ping Xiang, visited several Chinese universities including three universities in Shanghai and two universities in Hunan province. The Shanghai delegation consisted of Drs. Weiyun Chen(University of Michigan), Guoyuan Huang(Southern Indiana State University), Li Li(Louisiana State University), John Liu(Springfield University), Ping Xiang(Texas A&M University), and Jinjin Yang(Southern Connecticut State University). They visited East China Normal University(ECNU), East Polytechnology University, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai Institute of Sports Research(SISR), where each of them presented and exchanged ideas with administrators, faculty, and students.  The presentations were well received and all presenters entertained questions from the audience.

Additionally, Drs. Chen, Yang, Liu, and Huang participated in East China Normal University master students’ proposal meetings on June 22nd. Due to the number of proposals and limited time, two meetings were held at the same time which resulted four delegation members were divided into two groups. The students presented their research projects that ranged from basic sciences to applied sciences in the field of physical education. Drs. Chen, Yang, Liu, and Huang provided valuable comments to the students on their projects.

Moreover, the delegation engaged in a friendly and productive discussion with Dr. Liu Ji, Dean of Physical Education College at ECNU, and Dr. Yu Liu, Dean of the College of Exercise Sciences at Shanghai University of Sport and their faculty. Drs. Xiang, President of ICSPAH and Li, President Elect, proposed some potential collaboration between ICSPAH members and the two universities. Both universities expressed their willingness and interests in strengthening the relationships in faculty and student exchange, grant writing, and research collaboration.

During a visit in Hunan province, Drs. Ping Xiang, Yuanlong Liu, and Jinjin Yang gave lectures to graduate and undergraduate students, faculty, and administrators at both HNU and HAU. Students and faculty were actively engaged in presentations and discussions. The delegation felt the enthusiasm and openness of Chinese students that encouraged delegation members to provide them more current information and research.

During their visit, President Xiang officially announced that Dr. Xiaozan Wang of ECNU is the director of the ICSPAH’s Shanghai office.  The delegation expressed their gratitude to Dr. Xiaozan Wang who was instrumental in assisting the delegation during their visit to Shanghai this summer. Dr. Ping Xiang, president of ICSPAH, stated that the Shanghai office will play a vital role in the future development of our society. All the members of delegations were overwhelmed by the hospitality of their hosts.

The sign that announced the lectures the delegation offered at ECNU

Dr. Jinjin Yang delivers her lecture at SUS

Dr. Xiang during her lecture at ECNU

Dr. Chen in discussion with students

Dr. Yunlong Liu at Hunan Normal University

Drs. Xiang, Yang and Liu visit Hunan Normal University

On June 21, the delegation visited Shanghai University of Sport(SUS). They met with vice president Dr. Peijie Chen and Dean of the College of Exercise Sciences, Dr. Yu Liu for a very friendly discussion.  In addition, all six members of the delegation presented very engaging and in depth discussions with graduate students from different Colleges of SUS.

On June 22, Dr. Li visited Shanghai Institute of Sports Research(SISR)and had a wide range of interesting discussions with their researchers.

Dr. Li with the president of SISR, Dr. Zhijun Li and his staff

In summary, the monthly long visit of the ICSPAH delegation members to the different institutions and organizations in China was very fruitful. The first branch office of the ICSPAH office in China was established, and the delegation discussed potential collaborations with their hosts for the future.  The members of the delegation also lectured to various audiences, participated in discussions and offered advice on multiple research projects.  This productive visit will lead to greater collaboration between the ICSPAH and universities and institutions in China.


Collaboration between ICSPAH and SCSEPF during Summer 2010

The collaboration between the International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health(ICSPAH)and the Society of Chinese Scholars on Exercise Physiology and Fitness(SCSEPF)had a successful progress in the summer of 2010. The ICSPAH president Dr. Ping Xiang and Dr. Yuanlong Liu visited the SCSEPF headquarters in Hong Kong for four days from July 12th to 16th, 2010. In the 2010 SCSEPF Sport Science Seminar:  Sports for All and Health, their invited presentation “Children and Adolescent Obesity In 21st Century:Can Running Be One of The Solutions?” was very well welcomed and received by over 50 attendees. The long term collaboration between ICSPAH and SCSEPF has been established. The two organizations have agreed to work together closely in promoting the visibility of our research and academic work.

The 9th Annual Conference of SCSEPF was held in Beijing from July 16th to 19th.  Drs. Yuanlong Liu and Ping Xiang ICSPAH delegates were the invited speakers for the conference. Around 200 participants from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao, the United States, Australia and Europe took part in the conference. The SCSEPF President Dr. Frank Fu, in his closing remarks, warmly welcomed the ICSPAH delegates. We are very grateful to Dr. Fu for his   great support of the collaboration between ICSPAH and SCSEPF!





The “中美体育现状与发展研讨会” was held in Beijing on July 19, 2010. The conference was organized by the Chinese Sport Science Society(CSSS)and China Association of Science and Technology(CAST). At the conference, ICSPAH representatives Drs. Ping Xiang, Jinjin Yang, Hongwei Guan, and Yuanlong Liu presented the new development of physical education and sports science in the United States of America. The topics included:  (1)Pedagogy development in USA K-12 physical education(Ping Xiang),(2)Adapted physical education characteristics in USA(Jinjin Yang),(3)Health and physical education issues in the USA(Hongwei Guan),(4)Measurement and evaluation development trend focused on youth and elder population(Yuanlong Liu), and(5)Track and field performances in the new Millennium(Yuanlong Liu). The representatives of the affiliated associations of CSSS introduced the new development in different areas of the CSSS.   The conference was very successful because it established the formal relationship between ICSPAH and CSSS. In future, ICSPAH and CSSS will work closely to promote the physical activity, health and sports sciences in China and the USA.


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Njomvppd说:留言于2014-02-15 11:03:01(第2条)

Ping Xiang说:留言于2010-07-30 14:05:32(第1条)
Dear All,

Hope that you enjoyed reading our July Newsletter. Here I would like to acknowledge that Dr. Yanling Li, Dean of the College of Physical Education at Hunan Normal University (HNU), provided great support to our visits to his college and Hunan Agricultural University as well. Thank you to Dr. Yanling Li and his faculty!

Best wishes,

Ping Xiang, PhD
ICSPAH President
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