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2009/12/1 15:35:23 | 浏览:2546 | 评论:1

主講人:Mr. Daniel L. De Tour, Vice Chairman, Etech Securities
時間:2009年12月3日星期二, 2:00-4:00 p.m.

  爲了擴大業務,企業通常利用金融市場來籌集基金。上市或是首次公開募股(IPOs)是拓展融資業務的有效方法。許多企業如GOOGLE在IPOs中非常成功,但有一些企業卻不理想。IPOs的主要條件是什麽?如何更好地準備首次公開募股?Daniel L. De Tour先生作爲這個領域的專家,將在本次IPOs專題研討會中解答上述疑問。他將分享他多年專業的經驗,與聽衆一起討論如何在IPOs中避免常見的錯誤。

  Daniel L. De Tour 先生是Etech證券公司的副主席。他有三十多年華爾街金融業的經驗。在職期間,他是全美國表現最好的資金經理之一。他曾經在SMITH BARNEY擔任資金經理,還在一家交易量超過十億美元的納斯達克上市公司擔任執行長。他曾經被中國多名大型企業聘為金融顧問。De Tour先生從2002年開始在中國多次大型金融會議中擔任主講人,並因此受到多傢中國國家級金融媒體的採訪和報導。

  此次研討會由西來大學少數族裔及小型企業研究中心、工商管理系主辦。研討會免費開放, 歡迎大家踴躍參加。西來大學地址:1409 N. Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, CA 91770。如有任何問題,請電:(626)-571-8811 轉125分機

Seminar on Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)
Daniel De Tour, Vice Chairman, Etech Securities
Thursday, December 3, 2:00-4:00 p.m., 2009
UWest Conference Room

To expand its business, companies often need to raise money through financial markets. One effective way of financing business expansions is to go public or Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). Many companies are very successful in its IPOs such as Google but some companies were not so successful. What are main requirements of and how to better prepare for the IPOs?  Mr. Daniel L. De Tour, an expert in the field, will answer the above questions during this special Seminar on Initial Public Offerings. He will share his many years of professional experience with the audience and discuss how to avoid common mistakes in the IPOs.

Mr. Daniel L. De Tour is the Vice Chairman of Etech Securities, Inc., a member firm of National Association of Securities Dealers with 4 divisions on Investment Banking, Stock Trading, Asset Management, and Online Banking.  He has over 30 years of experience in the Wall Street Financial Industry. While serving as a Money Manager his Firm was often ranked as one of the best performing U.S. money managers. He also served as money manager at Smith Barney and has served as an Officer in a NASDAQ traded Company with sales of over $1 billion USD. He has been named as a Financial Advisor by the Chairmen of some of the largest Enterprises in China. Mr. De Tour has been a Keynote Speaker at some of the largest Financial Conferences in China since 2002 and is interviewed and quoted in many of China’s national financial media.

The seminar is organized by the Center for the Study of Minority & Small Business and the Department of Business Administration at UWest.

The seminar is free of charge to the public. UWest is located in Rosemead, 1409 N. Walnut Grove Avenue (turn right off Fwy 60, exit at San Gabriel). Please call (626) 571-8811, ext. 125 to reserve seating.

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