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Faculty Position Available at The Institute of Rehabilitation Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.
2010/1/17 16:35:22 | 浏览:4340 | 评论:1

Faculty Position Available at The Institute of Rehabilitation Engineering, The Med-X Research Institute
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China

A full-time, permanent faculty position at the rank of Assistant/Associate/Full Professor is available at the Med-X Research Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shanghai, China, in the areas of Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Engineering, with an emphasis on Neural Prosthesis. The Med-X Research Institute is a newly established research center that promotes multidisciplinary solutions to health care problems through application of engineering technologies. Its aim is to provide a vibrant environment for faculty and researchers to perform basic and translational research across schools of medicine and engineering. One of the main research areas at Med-X is Rehabilitation Medical Engineering. The Institute of Rehabilitation Engineering (IRE) serves as a hub for the development and translational research in rehabilitation technologies and science within the SJTU. The engineering schools of SJTU provide excellent facilities in microelectronics, bio-MEMS/MEMS, nano-technology, biomaterials and bio-robotics. The Med-X Research Institute houses facilities for neurobiology, molecular and neural imaging, neural engineering and nano-biomaterials, and the IRE has extensive collaboration with rehabilitation departments of the affiliated clinical hospitals of SJTU.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics, Neurophysiology, Biokinesiology, Neuroscience, or related field. For junior faculty, candidates should have completed his/her Ph.D. degree. Candidates with a post-doctoral training and more extensive experiences in carrying out externally funded research will be considered for the Associate Professor position. Candidate with an exceptional credential may be considered for the Full Professor rank. The successful candidate is expected to develop an independent research program on neurorehabilitation and/or neural prosthesis. For more information, please contact Prof. Ning Lan, Email: ninglan@sjtu.edu.cn.

Send an electronic application, including a CV, a research plan (one page), and two or three names of reference with contact information, to the following address, reference to Faculty in Rehabilitation Engineering. Applications received before February 28, 2010 shall be given full consideration.

Address to send application:

Ms Sun Hua
Med-X Research Institute
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
1954 Hua Shan Road
Shanghai, 200030 China
Phone: 86-021-62933344
Email: sun@mail.lib.sjtu.edu.cn

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Ning Lan说:留言于2010-02-02 05:20:27(第1条)
Dear Prof. Jiang Zhenying,

Happy new year!

Would you please place this attached faculty position in SJTU in your website as well?

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