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作者:司马平邦 | 2010/1/29 17:24:08 | 浏览:5855 | 评论:9







  1987年,邓文迪认识了一对来自加州的美国夫妇,Jake Cherry和他的太太。在Cherry夫妇的帮助下她获得了学生签证,进入加州州立大学学习。不到3年,53岁的Jake Cherry与太太离婚,与22岁的邓文迪结婚。1992年9月,她和Cherry先生两年零7个月的婚姻走到了尽头,这个时间比获得绿卡所要求的时间只多7个月,这也是后来人们评说邓文迪心机重的原因之一。1996年邓文迪从耶鲁毕业,准备谋求到香港发展。在飞往香港的飞机上,邓文迪恰好坐在了默多克旁边,飞机还没到香港,她已轻而易举地谋到了卫星电视公司总部实习生的工作。两年后,默多克与她结婚31年的妻子Anna分手。第二年6月,他们正式签订了离婚协议。1999年6月,也就是距其离婚协议生效日仅仅17天后,默多克与邓文迪举行了婚礼。






  邓文迪早年与Jake Cherry结婚换得美国绿卡,那是建立在坑害了曾经帮助过她的另一个女人Cherry太太的基础上的;1999年她又与默多克结婚,婚后绞尽脑汁生下两个“试管女儿”,摆明了也是为了争夺默多克那接近三分之一的死后遗产,默多克结发31年的妻子Anna“机关算尽”最终败于邓文迪之手,这到底是说明邓文迪这个中国女人更聪明?还是说明邓文迪这个中国女人更坏呢?









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Helen说:留言于2010-02-06 03:02:39(第9条)
That I use *the author* rather then *司马平邦* is to blur the difference between 司马平邦 and 司马平邦's endorsement to the quotations. It seems that 司马平邦 wants to use the quotations to support the claim, 中国女人让全世界都瞧不起. That's the offense 司马平邦 has committed in the article. As for *the analysis* 司马平邦 made in the article, I think that Brad has responded with his point of views heard clearly. Let's inject a little humor here, I like the phase,无名小卒, better than 您的学生. Though, it's not big deal what I think. It'd be fun to hear different analysis behind the usage of 美国新闻界的第一夫人.
您的学生说:留言于2010-02-05 10:03:12(第8条)
Dear Sister Helen,

Thank you for your clarificaiton. However, the first paragraph was the quote from the media in China, not the comment by the author, and the second was the analysis made by the author. Internal logical consistence? :-)

Good or bad, it depends upon the value system of individuals. But being truthful or not, it reflects a person''''s integrity. In addition, in America, we say that one has the right to pursue his or her happiness, but one does not have the right to harm another or others. This might be a major different philosophy between what is taught and practised in China v. that in USA. :-)
Helen说:留言于2010-02-05 09:10:53(第7条)
by the way, here is a version of description of Ms. Deng's marriage from investing value, http://www.investingvalue.com/investment-leaders/rupert-murdoch/index.htm

Murdoch’s personal life has suffered 2 failed marriages with his first marriage ending after only a few years. His second marriage was to journalist Anna Murdoch one of his employee’s to whom he had 3 children. However they were divorced in 1998 after Murdoch had an affair with another employee, Wendi Deng who was 40 years his junior, they married soon afterwards. Rupert Murdoch’s net worth is estimated at 6.9 billion.
Helen说:留言于2010-02-05 08:58:57(第6条)
Thinking that it might be fun to follow up with the discussion here, I am back.

Brad, I am a loyal reader of the Update. I think you might have a typo error there. (royal)

It seems that an anonymous (您的学生) trying to make 司马平邦's point across. It actually stimulated my think to offer my perspective of the quotations.


The paragraph is the reason I called the writing as opinionated. The author thinks that 邓文迪的每一步都像一项不可能完成的任务, I.e., Ms. Deng''''s life seems impossible. That''''s why I say it''''s fictional and dramatic. However, I can''''t agree with the author''''s comments, 还在婚姻中飞一般提升了自我价值,what''''s the value increase here? Being a mother of two wealthy girls? 从无名小卒转变成美国新闻界的第一夫人…… what''''s the difference between 无名小卒 and 美国新闻界的第一夫人? Well, in a power hunger person''''s eyes, being powerful in controlling one''''s family is a big deal. No wonder that Brad thinks “the author is jealous of Deng.”


This paragraph seems worse! Even if the following saying is true,

您的学生说:留言于2010-02-04 14:11:44(第5条)
OMG! I am quite surprised to read the comments here toward an article that has a somewhat different viewpoint from praising Deng to marry to her "perfect" man after her first one. Please revisit the author's quote from the media report in China.


What moral and value judgment is applied here? No money, no honey? :-)

Please also be reminded that the marriage vow Ms. Deng spelled out from her mouth when marrying to her first husband, "... for rich or poor,... " A marriage should not be used as a step-stone for upward mobility. When we learn to talk about a person right, please also be kindly reminded of its twin -- a person's responsibility as well.

Please be kindly observant to your surroundings in the U.S., girls/ladies may have dated with many guys, but once she has decided to settle down with her man, she is generally committed to her own choice and become family bound.

The title of this article is too harsh to our dearly beloved Chinese fellow ladies, but the content has revealed a popular fact and provided a critical analysis.


True love is always a perpertual topic admired in human history (oops, it should be "herstory" too) when it could be distinguished from being served as a mask to the desire of material possession. Again, ... "in health or in sickness" .... :-)

Please, we people should have some sort of moral compass one way or another, particularly after so many years of either "successful" or "accomplished" education/training in an either nurtured or developed manner on either mainland China or else where.

BTW, "在飞往香港的飞机上,邓文迪恰好坐在了默多克旁边..." either Deng in the first class or M in the economy class? :-) Another version is: Deng was a party crasher; went to M's reception without invitation, and "accidently" spilled wine on her dress in front of M, ... :-).
Bard说:留言于2010-02-04 13:28:59(第4条)
I totally agree with Helen: I am a royal reader of the Update, and I am extremely disappointed by this article.
Let me tell you why I call the author, 司马平邦, a loser:
Everyone has freedom of speech, but freedom of speech does not allow one to:
1) Infringe other people’s copyrighted materials. The author, 司马平邦, quoted several long paragraphs of another person’s article without giving any credit or sources (like the issue or name of the magazine). He did not seem to have obtained any permission to use these paragraphs; this IS an infringement of copyright. Even if he did get the permission to use the copyrighted materials, he should give credit to the original author and the magazine. What the author did was unethical and illegal.

He may be sued by original author for infringement of copyright. He not only created liabilities for himself, but also liabilities for the “Scholars Update.”

2) Slander, libel or defame other people. He’d better have facts to back up his statement. Otherwise, he may be sued by Deng Wendi for defamation.

3) Force other people to live life according to his standards and rules.

He also made a wholesale offensive statement: “Why Chinese women are looked down upon?” I do not how he comes up with this, maybe he had a bad experience with one Chinese lady, but this statement is not true. In fact, Chinese ladies are not only popular within the Chinese population, and they are popular in many other ethnic groups.

When you meet a loser, you will definitely know:
Instead of dealing with his own business, s/he always gossip about other people’s business, and is always very negative about others. This why they are losers: instead of work hard to achieve their own goals, they try to drag everybody else down. They surround themselves with negative energy.

For one thing, Deng Wendi is much better than the author: she knows what she wants, and she work hard to pursue her goal. She refuses to be an ordinary woman. She is taking care of her business instead of busy gossiping about others.

I hope the “Scholars Update” will not publish this kind of gossip article in the future, it lowers its own standard, and is offensive. How low do you want to go?

I will call司马平邦a winner if he can change his manner and write a better article instead gossip.
Helen说:留言于2010-02-04 07:54:18(第3条)
As a loyal reader of the news letter, I was very disappointed reading such opinionated article with such misleading title.

I would like to ask the author whether his claim is true under any circumstance. (中国女人让全世界都瞧不起) And I would like to tell the author that his writing did not convince me of such claim.

Admittedly, Ms. Deng's life is rather dramatic. Is her life representing 中国女人?
George说:留言于2010-02-03 14:10:22(第2条)
Yes, it is Deng's perfect right to marry and divorce smybody. Everybody does have the freedom to choose the way he/she wants to live. However, it is also people's perfect right to comment on issues and they should not be called losers for expressing their opinions. Whether it is worthwhile commenting on the issue is another story.
Brad说:留言于2010-02-03 12:34:33(第1条)
I am really disappointed by this article. This article is too harsh on Deng Wendi, and the language is extremely biased.

People marry or divorce all the time, you see many examples in the US or any other countries.

Why do you think Deng married her 2nd husband just for the money? She may have married him for love. I'd give her the benefits of doubt. Even if she did marry her husband for money, that is her rights, she can make her own choices. There are MANY, MANY more girls in other countries do the same, why is this reason for others to look down on Chinese women?

The bottom line: Her marriage is her own business, she can maryy wohever she wants to marry for ANY reason. You have ABSOLUTELY no rights to judge her.

If Jake Cherry really loved his 1st wife, Deng would have no chance and could not have married him. His marraige had problems, and that was why he divorced his 1st wife and married Deng.

Do blame everything on Deng. I think the author is jealous of Deng. What a losers/he is.
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