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欢迎参加2010 Asian Pacific Islander Strategic Collaboration Conference(2/12)
欢迎参加2010 Asian Pacific Islander Strategic Collaboration Conference(2/12)
2010/1/29 14:38:23 | 浏览:2456 | 评论:1

Edison International (EIX) and Southern California Edison (SCE) warmly invite you to an exciting day of building strong alliances in the API community. Ms. Barbara Parsky, Senior Vice President of EIX and Veronica Gutierrez, Vice President of SCE will attend and participate to develop an impactful framework to find commonalities, forge new partnerships, and plan strategically for the API community.

  • Meet and connect with key SCE senior executives, nonprofit leaders, and representatives from the philanthropic community within the area of interest to your organization
  • Learn about SCE's community initiatives, programs and services as well as partnership opportunities in meeting the needs of our communities
  • Collaborate on creating specific strategies to partner directly with SCE as well as other stakeholder organizations


Friday, February 12, 2010
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Cost is FREE


Customer Technology Application Center (CTAC)
6090 North Irwindale Avenue, Irwindale, CA

PROGRAM AGENDA - Friday, February 12, 2010

Conference Objectives

  • To provide a platform for critical information sharing to inform sector specific strategies to meet the needs of mutually shared customer base
  • To create sustainable strategic alliances between the AAPI Nonprofit organizations and SCE through networking and planning processes

8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Registration Breakfast, CTAC self-guided tours

9:00 – 9:10 a.m. Welcome – Daphne Ng

9:10 – 10:00 a.m. Overview of the AAPI Communities & Southern California Edison

  • Barbara Parsky, Senior Vice President of Edison International
  • Stewart Kwoh, President & Executive Director of Asian Pacific American Legal Center
  • Wendy Chang, President of Dwight Stuart Youth Foundation Past Chair of Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy

10:00 – 10:15 a.m. BREAK
10:15 – 11:45 a.m. Panel Discussions

  • Overview of SCE Programs & Services - Bill Imada, Moderator
  • Veronica Gutierrez, Vice President of Corporate Communications
  • Tammy Tumbling, Manager of Community Involvement
  • Gene Rodrigues, Director of Energy Efficiency Department
  • Linda Yamauchi, Manager of Consumer Affairs

11:45 – 1:00 p.m. SCE Scholarships Recognition Luncheon

  • Erwin Furukawa, Vice President of Customer Programs & Services
  • Neil Horikoshi, APIASF Students Presentations

1:00 – 3:30 p.m. Joint Strategy Planning Session - Tom Hayashi, Facilitator

3:30 p.m. Closing Remarks & Evaluation - Daphne Ng

3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Networking

Breakfast and lunch will be served.
Seating is limited. Please RSVP by February 5, 2010

To RSVP, please complete the attached RSVP Form and send to Elizabeth.Canadas@sce.com.

For further information, please contact Elizabeth Canadas at 626-302-1156, fax 626-302-7113.

This event is co-hosted with:

Asian Pacific Community Fund
Asian Pacific Policy & Planning Council
Asian Professional Exchange
IW Group, Inc.
Organization of Chinese Americans Greater Los Angeles

欢迎参加2010 Asian Pacific Islander Strategic Collaboration Conference(2/12)

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