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2012/7/26 23:06:37 | 浏览:1495 | 评论:1

Professor Zan Gao Using Video Games to Reduce Childhood Obesity


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Dr. Zan Gao, assistant professor from University of Minnesota, has been awarded a research grant as principal investigator from National Institute of Health in June 2012. This project titled “Impact of Interactive Video Games on Underserved Children’s Health” attempts to alleviate many of the health disparities that are common in underserved communities.

Interactive video games(e.g., Wii Fit, Dance Dance Revolution, Kinect Sports)are suggested to be fun and entertaining ways for children to develop healthy habits and a fitness-oriented lifestyle. These types of interactive video games have capitalized on children’s interest in computer and video interaction by combining interactive exercise equipment and activities to get children moving and enhance physical activity. Recently, interactive video games have been incorporated into short-term school-based physical activity programs as a tool to successfully promote children’s physical activity levels and physical fitness, which may in turn help fight childhood obesity. However, the long-term health benefits and attrition rates of interactive video game participation are not known as studies involving Interactive video games are generally short-term. Thus, this 3-year longitudinal study is designed to examine the impact of interactive video games on underserved children’s pa participation, health-related physical fitness, motor skill competence, and perceived motor competence. 

This project is imperative in PA and health field as it aims to alleviate the obesity issues that are common in underserved children from Title I schools. The outcomes of the project can inform health professionals regarding how to effectively promote underserved children’s PA participation and physical fitness, and tackle and reverse the epidemic of obesity.

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