致力于资助中国贫困地区中小学生教育的海外中国教育基金会(Overseas China Education Foundation, OCEF)自1992年成立以来先后资助了中国21个省的26000多人次贫困中小学生以及2000多人次贫困优秀高中生上学读书。最近在众多网友的热心支持下,OCEF顺利地进入了美国Chase银行赞助的公众网络投票慈善总决赛(Chase Community Giving,CCG)。
Vote for OCEF, Win $1MM for Rural School Children in China!
Overseas China Education Foundation (OCEF) is a grassroots non-profit organization that supports the education of impoverished children in rural China. OCEF has awarded 26,000 assistantships to needy children in elementary and secondary schools as well as over 2,000 assistantships to outstanding high school students, and built 306 libraries. For more information, please visit: www.ocef.org.
OCEF is participating in an on-line voting competition, Chase Community Giving (CCG), cosponsored by Chase and Facebook from Jan 15th to Jan 22nd. During the competition, the organization that receives the most votes will win a top prize of $1 Million dollars; organizations that are placed second to sixth will each win a prize of $100,000.
With the $1 million prize, OCEF can support thousands of students in poverty to finish high school, establish hundreds of libraries and provide training and resources to rural teachers in the extremely impoverished areas of China.
Please log on www.ocef.org/chase to become a Fan of Chase Community Giving, and vote for OCEF! It's free!
Your vote can change lives of thousands of kids that are struggling in poverty. Please vote now and help the kids!