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Bruce  留言于2011-02-26 05:59:42
一些老上海话的来历 :
【门槛精】 MONKEY 英语"猴子"加上汉语词根"精",猴子精,引申为聪明的、精明的,构成典型的洋泾浜英语。其构词法得基本规则,就是英语读音的中文译名,再加上一个汉语词根。其它与此均可依次类推。
【赤佬】 CHEAT ,欺骗,和中文"佬"的混生词语,一个鲁迅时代最流行的洋泾浜俚语。( ZX : 据我知,那是国统区骂共产党的,大家用惯了就不去在意原本意思,而成了 "坏蛋 " 的代名词 )
【小(老)开】 小(老) KITE,大小"骗子"之意,以后引申为对有钱人的泛称。
【混枪势】" 混CHANCE",CHANCE,机会,混枪势就是混机会,也引申为浑水摸鱼,等等。
【发嗲】 "发 DEAR",DEAR,亲爱的,可爱的,引申为娇柔的,撒娇的,媚态万千的。
【轧朋友】"GET朋友",GET,搞,得到。搞女人,结交异性)。 "轧"是一个普遍运用的动词,可 以进行各种自由组合,如 "轧闹猛"(凑热闹)。
【拉三】LASSIE ,少女,情侣,引申为*女、卖淫者或生活不检点的青年女子。
【大班】大 BANKER,大银行家,引申为大老板、富豪。
【退招势】 " 退JUICE",JUICE为油水和钱财,"退JUICE"的本义,是流氓退还敲诈得来的油水与钱财,后引申为丢脸、失面子。
【克拉】COLOUR,色彩,引申为时髦的、衣着光鲜的,现仅由于形容上海老小资 ――"老克拉"(又记为"老克腊")
【接(划)翎子】 "接LEADS",LEADS, LEAD的复数形式,意为提示,暗示,线索。接LEAD,即得到示暗示或暗示( "划"为上海方言,意为给出、抛出)。
【扎台型】(衣)着DASHING,DASHING本义指穿着打扮很漂亮,后引申为出风头、自我表现, 自我炫耀等。
【挖色】 WORSE,更糟的,更恶劣的,被引申为专门形容心情的难受和恶劣。
【噱头】SHIT,大便、胡说、谎言、大话,蹩脚的商品或表演,引申为吸引观众的低级 趣味的表演,引顾客上当的骗局,以及各种华而不实、哗众取宠、引人发笑的手段。
瘪三:BEG SIR,乞丐先生,用来形容叫花子、难民、逃荒者等各式穷人,后引申为最广泛的骂人用语之一
阿三: I say ( ZX 注: 过去沪上英租界的警察、门卫等不少由印度人担任,他们的上司或主人向他们 事情时常说:" I say, You hear ." 即 "我说,你听好."上海人就从为 "I say"是他们的称呼,另这些印度人大多是锡克族,头上包着红布,上海人就称他们为 "红头阿三",我小时侯就见到过。)
昂三:on sale二手货*卖,引申为垃圾货、形容人的品行
么克么克(太多了) much much 拉斯卡(最后一个) lastcard
还有很多很多 , 例 : 馬達(motor)、臘克(lacquer)、克羅米(chromium)、泡立水(polish)、馬賽克(mosaic)、水汀(steam)、戤司(gas)、吉普(jeep)、摩托車(motorcycle)、派力司(palace)、開司米(cashmere)、檸檬(lemon)、色拉(salad)、土司(toast)、布丁(pudding)、三明治(sandwich)、白脫(butter)、咖啡(café or coffee)、可可(cocoa)、咖喱(curry)、阿司匹林(aspirin)、來蘇爾(lysol)、凡士林(vaseline)、課程(course)、戳子(chop)、麥克風(microphone)、披耶那(piano)、梵喔鈴(violin)、薩克斯風(saxophone)、倍司(bass)、沙蟹(show hand)、道勃兒(double)、输到破(stop)、脫去包(touch ball)、搞兒(goal)、捎(shoot)、派司(pass)、維納斯(venus)、沙發(sofa)、派对(party)、德律風(telephone)、撲落(插撲)(plug)、司答脫(start)、違司(waste)、司的克(stick)、行(hong)、康白度(comprador)、台頭(title)、嘜頭 (mark)、聖(saint)、安琪兒(angel)、磅(pound)、打(dozen)、聽(tin)、朱古力(chocolate)、牛軋(nugget)、厄戤(again)、派司(pass)、哈夫(half)卡車(Camion)、卡片(card)、啤酒(beer)、酒吧(bar)、沙丁魚(sardine)、雪茄煙(cigar)、雪紡綢(chiffon)、卡賓槍(cabine)、加農炮(canon)、來複槍(rifle)、米達尺(meter)、法蘭盤(flan)、杏利蛋(omelet)、司必灵鎖(spring [disambiguation needed])、道林紙(dauling)、拍紙薄(pad)、高爾夫(golf)、華爾茲(waltz)、茄克衫(jacket)、車胎(tire)、派克大衣(parka)、貝雷帽(béret)冰淇淋(ice cream)、蘇打水(soda water)、羅宋湯(russian)、求是糖(juice)、霓虹燈(neon light)、俱樂部(club)、維他命(vitamin)、引擎(engine)、幽默(humor)、烏托邦(utopia)瘟生(one cent)、噱頭(shit)、發格(fuck) ......
Fei Lu  留言于2011-02-26 05:48:16

《San Diego Chinese Press》
谁言子綦 应声而起 -- 本地新鲜事即时报道
百商萃集 供求互济 -- 社区好信息一网打尽
reportli  留言于2011-02-26 02:34:02
DANIEL KWONG  留言于2011-02-25 15:46:39
Thanks for the information.


H. Yang  留言于2011-02-25 15:45:32
Have a nice weekend! Best regards to all of you.

Understanding Term Sheets and Valuations  留言于2011-02-25 10:38:34
Understanding Term Sheets and Valuations
This meeting will be an instructional meeting where expert attorneys, bankers and investors describe the basics of term sheets, the important specifics to be included in every term sheet and the pitfalls to avoid. The panel will describe the methodologies used to value companies and describe how to achieve the most favorable valuations for your company. Closing out the discussion will be a question and answer session.
Panelists include:
Dan Allred, Silicon Valley Bank
Paul Sweeney, Partner, Foley Hoag LLP.
Moderator: Joseph Sabatini, President of the Innovation Network, LLC.
Boston ENET meetings are free for our members and $20 for non-members.
5:15 PM Pre-meeting Dinner: Bertucci''s Restaurant
475 Winter St., (exit 27B off Route 128), Waltham, MA ("pay-as-you-go")
7:00 - 10:00 PM Meeting Presentation: The Emerging Enterprise Center at Foley Hoag, 1000 Winter St. Suite 4000, North Entrance, Waltham, MA. Click here for directions .
To expedite the registration process, we ask that everyone -- Members as well as Non-members -- preregister online for the meeting. We will have badges ready when you come in. Part of preregistration is a "Virtual Card Basket". The contact information for attendees is distributed to all attendees. If you would like your contact information to be excluded from the distribution, please be sure to click NO on the online registration form. Please note that online registration for this meeting will close at 12:00 midnight on February 9, 2011, however, registration at the door will be available.

Boston-ENET LinkedIn Group. Extend the networking beyond the meetings, join Boston-ENET''s LinkedIn group at http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1857314 .
AB|TV Casting for Asian Owned or Asian Related Bus  留言于2011-02-25 10:33:36
We are excited to announce that AsianBoston Media Group, and our AB|TV division, is in collaboration with a major television station to broadcast our upcoming shows! This station reaches millions of households in New England and along the entire east coast.

Our first AB|TV season planned, 13 episodes, will be A|B Business Spotlight, in which our co-hosts will visit and feature two of our local Asian owned businesses for each episode; approximately 12-14 minutes each in duration. This totals 26 businesses for our first season.

Here is the fun stuff! We are auditioning Asian owned or Asian related businesses to spotlight.

This is a great opportunity for your business to be featured on a major broadcast station, and this type of exposure will be worthwhile. This type of media avenue usually costs thousands to facilitate, but because of our past work, AB|TV was offered a very reasonable air-time rate. We will pass that savings onto our clients. In addition, or as substitute, please inquire about opportunities for commercial slots, logo or product placement, branding partnership, etc.

Other good news: The spotlights will also be available to view online after broadcast at our newly developed AsianBoston website.

Note: At this point, spots are filling up quickly. We already have 12 businesses interested, so please, do not hesitate on this offer.

Please contact us now for complete details at info@asianboston.com .

Summer @ Highland 2011  留言于2011-02-25 10:32:25
Are you a student entrepreneur with a business startup that you''''d like to grow to the next level this summer? If so, Summer@Highland may be just what you need.
We are especially interested in having you spend the summer with us if:
- You have a leadership team with vision, passion, and drive
- Your initiative is built around a breakthrough idea that is scalable
- You''''re pursuing a large addressable market opportunity with a product/service that has the potential to be highly-disruptive in its area
- Your business initiative is already showing momentum and (ideally) some demonstrable market traction (i.e., you''''re well beyond concept)
- You''''re operating in the technology sector - SaaS, internet/digital media, infrastructure, energy efficiency, robotics, advanced materials & semiconductors
- You can direct us to some advisors or business leaders who see your potential as you do

Particulars of Summer@Highland 2011
1. The program is open to teams with co-founders that are current undergraduate or graduate students, post graduate docs, as well as recent grads (must not have graduated earlier than December 2010). At least one participating member of the team must meet this criterion.
2. Teams need to consist of at least two co-founders and preferably aren''''t larger than four members.
3. Each selected team will receive a $15,000 stipend.
4. Participating teams are required to work full time for a minimum 10 weeks in the program over the summer. Ideally, teams should plan to arrive at their assigned Highland location on June 6th (there is some flexibility here) and depart no later than August 30, 2011.
5. As the 2011 program will be hosted at Highland locations in the United States, to be considered all applying team members must be citizens of the United States or have all appropriate paperwork in place (independently of Highland) to participate in the program in the United States during the summer
6. While participating in the program, teams will need to reside in either the Highland Entrepreneur Center in our Lexington, MA office, or at our designated California location (currently being planned for the SoMa neighborhood in San Francisco).
7. Each participating team will have a Highland sponsor who will be the team''''s gateway to advice and counsel from Highland''''s investors and industry network.
8. Participating teams in the core Summer@Highland program are under no obligation to Highland after the summer.

How to apply
1. Please complete the brief online application (available at www.hcp.com/summer)
2. Attach to your application (1) resumes/bios for each team member, and (2) up to two referrals/letters of recommendation (highly recommended). The latter may be from faculty & administration, board or advisory group members, business leaders in the industry/market you''''re operating in, customers & partners, or others affiliated with close knowledge of your initiative and/or team members.
3. You may also consider optionally including an introductory company presentation and/or up to three online links (videos, screenshots, etc.) that can help to further express the essence of what you''''re doing.
4. The deadline to submit all materials associated with an application is end of day Thursday, April 7, 2011.
5. Selected projects will be notified by April 29, 2011.
Please direct any questions regarding the program to summer@hcp.com.

NECINA Entrepreneurship SIG Seminar  留言于2011-02-25 10:22:41
NECINA Entrepreneurship SIG Seminar (March 29)
Stock Compensation - Considerations for Both Employers and Employees
• Date and Time: Tuesday, March 29, 2011, 6: 00 pm - 9:00 pm
• Venue: Foley Hoag, 1000 Winter St, North Entrance, Suite 4000, Waltham, MA
• Cost: Free for NECINA members and guests, $15 for general public

Seats are limited, online registration required. Please RSVP at: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=216722

Are you a high-growth company looking to attract and retain talent and would like to learn about the different types of compensation alternatives, how they impact the company and its employees, and their tax considerations? Or are you an employee who would like to understand how your stock compensation
package works and the related tax implications? Whether you are an employer or an employee, if your answer is YES to either of the questions above, you cannot afford to miss this NECINA Entrepreneurship SIG seminar! At this seminar, you will learn about the different types of stock compensation, how they benefit the employer and the employee, and the key tax considerations which should be kept in mind by both the employer and the employee.

5:30 - 6:30 Pizza and networking
6:30 - 6:35 Open Remarks
6:35 - 8:30 Presentation: Stock Compensation - Considerations for Both
Employers and Employees
Craig O''''Donnell, Deloitte Wayne Smith, Deloitte
8:30 - 9:00 Q&A and Networking

Event Sponsors: Deloitte & Touche LLP and Deloitte Tax LLP

Event Contact: Harry Gao (Please e-mail Harry.Gao@NECINA.org or call 781-492-4417)
NECINA Semiconductor SIG Seminar  留言于2011-02-25 10:18:46
Enabling Technologies and Opportunities for Internet of Things (物联网)
• Time: 6: 30 pm - 9:00 pm, Mar 10, 2011, Thursday
• Venue: IBM Innovation Center, 404 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02454
• Cost: Free for NECINA members and guests, $15 for general public
• Seats are limited, please RSVP at: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=216721

"Internet of things (IOT)", referring to internet network of everyday objects, is hot, especially in China. Internet unlocks the potential of billions of computers, and IOT will unlock the power hidden among trillions of objects. In 2010, the total IOT revenue in China is $30 Billion. It is expected to grow up to $100 Billion in 2015.

IOT is more than RFID, sensors and cloud computing. What would be the enabling technologies there? What opportunities can you grab? We are fortunate to have Sohail Khan, CEO of SiGe Semiconductor (RF silicon- germanium leader, M2M and smart energy RF front end provider and one of the fastest growing semiconductor companies based in North America), and Robert LeFort, CEO of Ember Corporation (Wireless mesh networking technology leader, Zigbee SOC provider, an initiator of Zigbee Standard) to talk about what is going on and what trend they see.

6:30-7:00 Pizza and networking
7:00-7:45 "RF Technology and Trend for Machine to Machine Applications" - Sohail Khan, CEO of SiGe Semiconductor
7:45-8:30 "Enabling the IOT with ZigBee Wireless Mesh Networking"- Robert Lefort, CEO of Ember Corporation
8:30-9:00 Networking

Event Contact: e-mail: edwardliyang@yahoo.com or call 617-953-8654
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