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上海刘金  留言于2010-08-01 17:58:18
最后那张合照真棒,又见姜镇英教授 很开心,谢谢姜教授的电邮,已转发给我的30位美国,中国好友和网友。
Agnes Yang  留言于2010-08-01 14:52:12
Thank you so much.
Richard Wong  留言于2010-08-01 14:03:36
I attach herewith an article on the issue of asylum seekers in Australia. This issue has been been hotly debated in Australia in particular during the current election campaign.

I hope that you will consider to include it in the Update so that your readers will share the understanding of the issue in the Australian context.

With best wishes,

Richard Wong
Title: Australia must meet its obligations under international agreements to provide help and refuge to asylum seekers fleeing war and persecution

Australia is having yet another round of its “great refugee/asylum seekers controversy”. Government and Opposition are competing to prove that they are the tougher on “protecting border security” than the other.

Some Australians do have a phobia about the country being overrun by foreigners, refugees, boat people and so on. This negative trend in Australian society winds back through the recent Howard government's ''Pacific Solution'' that involved the incarceration (sorry “processing”) of thousands of asylum seekers on Nauru, then to the upholding of the White Australia Policy into the 1970s and even 1980s, to the endless political dramas over the South Vietnamese refugees who sought a new life in Australia in the aftermath of the Vietnam war, to the Europeans in the 1940s and 1950s fleeing the destruction of World War 2. This ugly, ignorant trend of course goes much further back in Australian history.

Roughly, there are four camps in the current controversy, especially amongst the politicians. They range from the most ugly through to the enlightened and humane.

The most ugly are those who seem to care nothing for those fleeing persecution and torture in the home countries. In a cynical way they don''''t mind stirring and then exploiting these ignorant fears to gather political support around themselves, especially at election time. They often promote false and ridiculous fears about “illegal immigrants”, “boat people and other nasty terms . These people are supposedly massing off-shore seeking to push their way “in”.

Then there are the people themselves who are vulnerable to this manipulation by the ugly. There may be an understanding gap in some about what is happening in many countries and around the world. and amongst the world's peoples. They are overwhelmingly good- hearted people who would put themselves last to help others facing difficulty or adversity. Stories abound of existing Australian communities who welcomed asylum-seekers, refugees and migrants once they came to live down the road. One of the shortcomings of the the current Government, Opposition and some other well established public bodies is that have not yet been able to adequately educate and lead these good people away from the manipulations of the ugly.

There are many important facts asylum-seekers and the refugees and Australia that could be presented much more effectively to the to the Australian public than at present. The well known Melbourne barrister and human rights advocate, Julian Birnside writes in The Age (Tuesday July 6) : “Julia Gillard wants an open debate about refugee policy. Good thing, but let the debate start with the facts. So far this year, just 3500 people seeking asylum have arrived in Australia by boat. This is a very small number. If it keeps up at this rate it would take about 20 years to fill the MCG with boat arrivals.
Richard Wong  留言于2010-08-01 13:50:36
PART 2: We receive about 240,000 migrants each year, so one year of asylum seekers arriving by boat is equivalent to about one week of new migrants. We aren't being flooded. 'Border protection' is a misleading term. We do not need to be protected from asylum seekers: they need to be protected from their persecutors....About 4 million people arrive in Australia each year by orthodox means; they come come for business, holidays, study and so on. If 5000 people arrive each year without authority it is is absurd to suggest that we have 'lost control' of our borders. Our borders are close to watertight.''

The third of the four camps are those, especially a series of political leaders, who express support for asylum seekers, but then seek to sidetrack and confuse the actual meeting of Australia's obligations under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and many and other international agreements, signed by Australia over the last 60 years, to provide asylum to those fleeing from persecution in another country.

John Howard said he was committed to providing shelter to genuine asylum-seekers but then set up a big detention centre on Nauru to allow for “screening” of the asylum seekers. The number who actually got through to reside in Australia was very small.

Kevin Rudd denounced people smugglers as vile low life. Indeed they are criminals, but if only he could have directed the same strength of passion against the persecutors and torturers who were causing hundreds of thousands to flee on whatever transport was available. They were not queue- jumpers seek to get in through Australia's back door.

Julia Gillard supports the principle of providing sanctuary to the persecuted but not in my big, prosperous and beautiful land, at least to begin with. There is to be a regional processing centre in South East Asia or perhaps the Pacific once more. But not in Australia. An inconclusive conversation in Canberra with with the ceremonial President of East Timor in late June led Ms. Gillard to announce in a speech on asylum-seekers a couple of days later that it had all but been agreed that this regional processing centre will be in East Timor, even though the Government and Parliament of that country know nothing about it. The whole idea was met with disbelief amongst the East Timor people and throughout the region. Look at a map. East Timor is but a speck of land compared with Australia with all its vast land, resources, wealth and small population, compared with countries throughout the neighbouring region. How can Australia seek to transfer its problems and responsibilities to Asian and Pacific nations?

The final group in Australia regarding refugee and asylum seeker issues are those who are committed to providing reception and shelter – of welcoming in a humanitarian way - those who are refugees from persecution in other countries. There is a strong sentiment in the general public of this sort. It will be supplemented by the those already settled here after arriving as refugees from many overseas wars and upheavals. There are many people living in Australia who know what it's like to run for your life and seek shelter abroad. The political parties would be wise to take note in this election of the extent of the humanitarian feelings that asylum seekers be welcomed in Australia.
中国国际经济技术合作论坛组织委员会  留言于2010-08-01 13:29:55


2010年,中国经济步入后危机时代,中国企业谋求蜕变在即——产业升级方兴未艾;低碳经济、绿色产业、文化产业﹑节能与新能源经济已然成为经济发展主流趋势;创业板闪亮登场,成为中小企业成长的助推器;企业海外合作并购频繁进行……;在这重大新起点出现的时刻,为了加强海外华人与国内企业在经济、文化、科技、技术等领域之间的合作与交流,促进经济繁荣发展,增强民族凝聚力,由中国国际经济技术合作促进会、全国高科技企业发展委员会主办;世界华人创业楷模协会、中国华人企业联合会联合协办;北京经纬中企联合企业管理中心承办的“中国国际经济技术合作论坛暨中外杰出企业CEO圆桌会议”将于2010年9月24-26日在北京人民大会堂隆重召开。本次活动将围绕“全球共享中国机会·企业新机遇” ﹑“加强海内外企业发展与联盟” ﹑“彰显我中华情怀”展开交流,同时为全球华人、华商拓展高端人脉关系、分享优秀客户资源搭建良好的互动平台。届时,将有中国国家领导人、中国国家发改委﹑工业和信息化部﹑商务部﹑建设部、科技部、文化部、国务院发展研究中心﹑国资委﹑环境保护部﹑中国人民银行﹑银监会﹑证监会﹑保监会、国家能源局、北京市政府﹑全国工商联等部委和单位的领导,以及联合国官员﹑外国驻华商会、中外500强的商界领袖出席大会或相关论坛并演讲和对话。


顺  颂

商  祺!



Thanks for the invitation.

We will not attend the event.
Victor Yeh  留言于2010-08-01 06:50:38
Daphne Ng  留言于2010-08-01 01:35:49
Dear Colleagues & Friends,

As some of you may be aware of my additional assignment as the Executive Director of Asian American Professional Association (AAPA). I would like to take this opportunity to invite you or your employees to participate at the 2010-2011 Program sponsored by AAPA. The AAPA is sponsored by Edison, Apex Computer Systems, Inc. and Vanguard Charitable Endowment.

The 2010-2011 program year begins on August 23rd. The program provides networking sessions, mentoring and Saturday workshops.

Attached please find documents including the Program Overview, Program Schedules and Registration Form.

Please feel free to call me should you have any questions about the program.

Look forward to see you on the introductory session on August 23rd.
wang kake  留言于2010-07-31 15:39:43

Ping Xiang  留言于2010-07-30 14:05:32
Dear All,

Hope that you enjoyed reading our July Newsletter. Here I would like to acknowledge that Dr. Yanling Li, Dean of the College of Physical Education at Hunan Normal University (HNU), provided great support to our visits to his college and Hunan Agricultural University as well. Thank you to Dr. Yanling Li and his faculty!

Best wishes,

Ping Xiang, PhD
ICSPAH President
Yang, Guibao  留言于2010-07-30 03:14:43
Dear All,

Attached you will find the ICSPAH July Newsletter. Thanks to all of you for your contributions to our society, especially those people who are willing to share their summer activities with us. Please enjoy and have a good summer. Thanks Dr. Gao Zan for his excellent design of this newsletter.


Guibao Yang, Ph.D.
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