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guohao  留言于2010-04-20 23:52:22
评论:2010中国海外学子创业周(6/29-7/1 大连)



龚建新  留言于2010-04-20 16:49:23
评论:第八届中国·海峡项目成果交易会邀请函(福州 6/18-20)
联 系 人:杜 预
联系电话:0591- 87984953 87984715 83847436
Who''''s Who  留言于2010-04-20 08:47:09
Dear Dr. Jiang, Zhenying,

You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent your professional community in the 2010 Edition of Who's Who among Executives and Professionals.

We are please to inform you that your candidacy was formally approved April 9th, 2010.


The Publishing Committee selected you as a potential candidate based not only upon your current standing, but focusing as well on criteria from executive and professional directories, associations, and trade journals. Given your background, the Director believes your profile makes a fitting addition to our publication.

There is no fee nor obligation to be listed. As we are working off of secondary sources, we must receive verification from you that your profile is accurate. After receiving verification, we will validate your registry listing within seven business days.

Once finalized, your listing will share prominent registry space with thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical area.

To verify your profile and accept the candidacy, please visit here. Our registration deadline for this selection period is April 16th, 2010. To ensure you are included, we must receive your verification on or before this date. On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our association.

Sincerely Yours,

Chris Jespersen
Nomination Committee Secretary
Who''''s Who among Executives and Professionals
2631 Merrick Road, Ste 203
Bellmore, NY 11710
Thanks, we are not interested in your project.
Xiaoming Zheng  留言于2010-04-20 08:16:30
Really appreciate your kindness and support. Thanks again!

Xiaoming Zheng
Da Hsuan  留言于2010-04-20 07:58:31
Quemoy University 金門大學 (to be established on August 1, 2010)

President Lee ChingCheng:

Once again, congratulations on the monumental effort you and your colleagues have made in developing QUEMOY UNIVERSITY!

Enclosed is the complete testimony of the 3rd debate between Vice President Richard M. Nixon and Senator John F. Kennedy on October 13, 1960. This is precisely some 2 years after the famous 823 (August 23, 1958) bombardment of Quemoy by Mainland China.

Today, the content of this debate is of historical interest only. Indeed, the situation in the Taiwan Straits today bears little or no resemblance from the Taiwan Straits then.

What is interesting, however, is that Quemoy-and Matsu were mentioned a grand total of 16 times in that debate. It should be noted that the other “hotspot” then, “Berlin,” was mentioned only 10 times!

Although according to your colleague Professor Chiang, the translation of 金
門 into QUEMOY were by the Portuguese (who also named Taiwan, Formosa,) based on the Min-Nan dialect more than 300 years ago, there is no doubt that when two global leaders in 1960 repeatedly mention it in a US nationally televised debate (which was also carried by the world media,) it made QUEMOY a household word in the world. That impact, President Lee, can still be felt today!

As you and your colleagues are building a new era of higher education in 金
門, a university called QUEMOY UNIVERSITY, I thought that this testimony between Nixon and Kennedy is another fundemantally relevant piece of history of the island.

Da Hsuan

P.s. More on NCKU’s involvement with Quemoy University

http://news.msn.com.tw/news1670979.aspx 國立大學首次成大材料系在金門技術
學院開課最快99學年度實行| MSN 新聞頻道


http://president.ncku.edu.tw/files/14-1026-64734,r761-1.php 成大醫學院附
設醫院金門分院有譜成大與金門縣政府7日簽定合作意願書 ...


http://www.chinareviewnews.com/doc/93_5670_101254428_1_0309175404.html 中


2010年洛杉矶华裔青少年中国寻根之旅文化研习夏令营报名已截止  留言于2010-04-20 07:03:11



由于名额和时间的限制,许多孩子未能参加到中心本次夏令营中。为了帮助更多的孩子参与到本次规模盛大的夏令营活动中,实现他们访问中国的梦想,中心已于4月19日正式推出了“2010美国华裔青少年中国寻根之旅中国舞专题夏令营”活动,并与洛杉矶J& L洁成文化中心合作,继续推出“2010年洛杉矶华裔青少年中国寻根之旅江西营”活动。

欢迎查询文化中心网站,了解更多信息 www.ccdcus.com

Lan Shu
Chinese Culture Development Center
2121 W Mission Road, Alhambra
California, CA91803, USA
Tel:626-281-8500 ext140
Steven Chen  留言于2010-04-20 05:36:36
We are looking for the Chinese candidates of biotechnology engineers with years experiences in the filed of the plant science or life science research and its production. We are located in southern California. I would appreciate it if you can help with it.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards

Steven Chen

Jason Wen  留言于2010-04-20 05:26:28
评论:首届全球华人科学家环境论坛(上海 5/5-7)
Dear All,

Here is the updated schedule for you and hope it will calm down you a little, and make things more efficient.

Day Event Your Role

2010-5-4 Arrive in Shanghai Check-in, get info, and sleep well

2010-5-5 China “12-5” Planning Meeting Listen and provide your input as a guest
consultant accordingly in six break-up sessions

2010-5-5 (Evening) Forum on Specific Topics (Panel Presentation/discussion)
Deliver or listen short panel presentation and participate in discussion in 4-5 sub groups.

2010-5-6 (Morning) CSES/Forum Conference Opening Session Attending

2010-5-6 (Afternoon) and 2010-5-7 (Whole Day) CESE/Forum Break-up Sessions
Your paper presentation (15 minutes!)

2010 5-6 (evening)
The Forum ‘Forming’ Ceremony Event
Attending; Founding Org rep may be called to speak a few words

Shanghai Expo Tour

Notice that all of you as the Forum speaker will attend at least four different events plus Shanghai Expo Tour. Your paper presentation will be limited to 15 MINUTES only due to number of speakers.

Please send you Form 1 ASAP if you have not done so to book your hotel.
Your Form 2 with 500 words suggestion is due 4/20.
You do not need Hotel confirmation number, just show up with your Passport/ID when you check in and everything should be OK. Hotel website: http://yalonginterhotel.chinahotel.com.cn/

The final program schedule will be out soon, if you need to leave early, please check your e-mail regularly for the upcoming updates. Also you can check CSES and/or Forum website for any notices. http://ep.65ce.com/

Anything else, you can always call Ms. Carol Wu at 010-62210689 or me at 562-448-8946.

Stay tuned and talk to you soon.


Jason Wen

Li-Ming Liang  留言于2010-04-20 05:14:11

Thank you so much!
Liu, Wenhao  留言于2010-04-20 05:05:32
评论:国际华人体育与健康协会(ICSPAH)2010年年会(Indianapolis 3/19)
Dear all,

We have 9 new members in 2010 and most members in 2009 have renewed or will renew their membership soon for 2010. In addition, the number of life members increases to 14. Thank all of you who support ICSPAH by joining the organization!

Meanwhile, we are making the last call for joining ICSPAH or renewing your ICSPAH membership. Your participation is important and will be greatly appreciated! To join or renew, please make your check payable to ICSPAH and send it to our Treasurer, Dr. Tao Zhang, at the address below. The postmark deadline for becoming an ICSPAH member for 2010 is May 1, 2010.

Tao Zhang, Ph.D.
Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion, and Recreation
University of North Texas
1155 Union Circle #310769
Denton, Texas 76203-5017

(Professional member, $25; student member, $10; life member, $200)

Thank you very much!

Wenhao Liu, PhD

ICSPAH Membership Committee Chair
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