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宁月宝  留言于2010-04-15 18:51:58



Please get connected with Dr. Frank Guo (fanxiaguo@hotmail.com) at your convenience.

For more information: http://scholarsupdate.zhongwenlink.com/news_read.asp?NewsID=1162
Theadore, Alicia  留言于2010-04-15 06:21:37
评论:NECINA EVENTS (4/21 New England)
Many thanks.

Alicia Jaqubino (Theadore)
Bang-Hua Chen  留言于2010-04-15 06:08:25
评论:福建省赴北美高层次人才招聘和项目洽谈会 (4/13 华盛顿)
Thanks, Prof Jiang!

Bang-Hua Chen/CAPS-USA
American Red Cross  留言于2010-04-15 04:40:58
评论:NECINA EVENTS (4/21 New England)
The High Desert Chapter of the American Red Cross is pleased to announce that its Volunteer Appreciation Dinner will be held on Tuesday, May 11, 2010 from 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at the Courtyard by Marriott, 9619 Mariposa Road, Hesperia. I hope you'll find this year's theme of "Volunteers Plant the Seeds of Kindness", an inspiring tribute to you, whose valuable volunteer service is a source of compassion and comfort for those in need. Volunteers are free, but invited guests will be charged $10.00.

Recognizing the contributions of our volunteers, staff, supporters and donors is an important part of this event and I invite you to nominate those individuals you feel exemplified the values of the High Desert American Red Cross during the year. Please RSVP and review the enclosed awards criteria and submit your nomination forms to me by May 1, 2010.

I hope to see you at this year's Volunteer Appreciation Dinner and I look forward to reading your submissions. If you have any questions or need additional nomination forms, please call the Chapter office at (760) 245-6511 or email me at millert@hd-redcross.org.

Award Categories and Nomination Criteria

Awards are presented each year at the Chapter's Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. Nominations may be submitted by volunteers and staff. Please read the criteria for each award before submitting a nomination. Please use a separate nomination form for each category submitted.

Administrative Services Award
The Administrative Services Award may be presented to any volunteer or staff member who assists in the administration of the Chapter and whose performance with projects or office activities has made a significant contribution to the work of the Chapter.

Certificate of Appreciation
Certificates of Appreciation may be awarded to any volunteer, employee, business or organization that has demonstrated outstanding service or support to any Chapter program.

Clara Barton
The Clara Barton Award is the highest honor the High Desert Chapter can bestow upon a volunteer, and is awarded to an individual who has served in a number of leadership positions for the past several years within the Chapter.

Disaster Services Preparedness & Response Award
The Disaster Services Preparedness & Response Award is given to a volunteer that has demonstrated leadership in the delivery of preparedness and response programs, encouraged cooperative and collaborative relationships with community and local government agencies, and demonstrated exceptional efforts to meet the disaster-related needs of clients.

Health & Safety Services Award
The Health & Safety Services Award may be presented to any volunteer or staff member whose outstanding contributions has led to the improvement of health and safety programs, such as CPR, First Aid, Babysitting, Aquatics and Water Safety courses.

Good Neighbor Award
The Good Neighbor Award is presented to an individual or organization outside the American Red Cross for having made a significant humanitarian contribution to the High Desert Chapter.
Nomination Form
High Desert Chapter

July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010

Award Nomination Form

Please read the criteria for each award before submitting a nomination and to use a separate nomination form for each category submitted. Nominations may be submitted by volunteers and staff. Completed form(s) should be sent, faxed or emailed to the attention of Trish Miller at:

American Red Cross, High Desert Chapter, 1…
David Pan  留言于2010-04-15 04:38:03
评论:NECINA EVENTS (4/21 New England)

thanks a lot.
Si-Zhao Qin  留言于2010-04-15 03:04:52
评论:柏克萊-清華周討論會 顧秉林帶領清華大學「百年清華,百名師生」交流團訪美

Community Center舉行。

Change and Energy Solutions”。校友會會長秦泗釗教授將作校友會年度報告,文藝表演和幸運抽獎活動將穿插進行。我們還準備了丰盛的晚餐和社交環節,大會將在晚餐後結束。


時間:2010年4月25日, 下午3點~8點

地點:Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007




網上註冊的校友可享受 On-line Discount。With on-line registration,

Adults (non-student): $30
Children (under 11): $10
Students (ID required): $20
VIP: $70

Register on site (without on-line R.S.V.P): $10 additional.


Tsinghua University Alumni Association of Southern California


S. Joe Qin, Fluor Professor of Process Engineering University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-1211
626-241-6672 (M)
Frankfurt-China Business  留言于2010-04-15 02:57:22
评论:NECINA EVENTS (4/21 New England)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
verehrte Freunde des Frankfurt-China Business Lunch,

wir möchten Sie hiermit an unsere Einladung zum

1. Frankfurt-China Business Lunch

erinnern. Wir haben noch Plätze frei und würden uns über Ihre Teilnahme freuen.

Details und Anmeldung auf unserer Website

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Dirk Mussenbrock









Dirk Mussenbrock
Education Tech  留言于2010-04-15 02:54:51
评论:NECINA EVENTS (4/21 New England)
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Yong Li  留言于2010-04-15 02:52:13
评论:中国“第十二个五年计划”环境保护规划咨询会议”(5/5 上海)
Thanks much for your hard work to co-ordinate the US team.

See you in Shanghai.

Lou, Wang-He  留言于2010-04-15 00:47:49
Thank you very much to share the information.

Best Wish,

Wang Lou
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