2007年第2期 創刊第366期 1/31/2007
v 欢迎您参加美國南加州教授學者協會 - 慶祝新春團拜聯歡餐舞晚會
Invitation from CSSA_UCLA:
Welcome to Chinese New Year Cultural Night on 1/28/07
UWest - Seminar on US Stock
CSA 海归打造海归门户网 - 上海双博信息技术有限公司总裁王志杰
The Wilbur K. Woo Greater
China Business Conference
美國移民規費2007年漲一倍 申請入籍、綠卡費用4月起將超過600元
More Chinese parents want
their kids to be teachers
China welcomes talented
personnel from all over the world (MOST)
Call for nominees for ICSPAH
Executive Committee Member Election
USC Is a $4 Billion Economic
中国政改新动向-打出组合拳: "三减改革"正成为新增长点
2% Mainland Graduates Return
from HK
中国教育部: 2007年全国选派7000国家公派出国留学人员
Dr. Hu Renjie of CSA
discussed Vector-Borne Disease at TV-18
2007年经济蓝皮书《2007年中国经济形势分析与预测》中国就业供大于求 缺口1500万以上
Over 70% of working women in
Shanghai suffer from breast diseases
Women in China crazy about
world-famous brands
SCCAEPA Board invites you to
2007 Member Annual Meeting
南加大在洛郡經濟發展中貢獻突出 畢業生在各行業年產出高達40億美元
Invitation to Asian Piano
Recital at CSUN on 2/16
Message from the ACPSS: New book series
v Job
Vacancies at Shanghai International Studies University.
欢迎您参加美國南加州教授學者協會 - 慶祝新春團拜聯歡餐舞晚會
Chinese Scholars Association “Tuan Bai” Dinner
Dance Party
March 4, 2007 Sunday, 5:00pm - 10:00 pm
地址: Pavilion, Titan Student Union, 800 N State College Blvd,
CSUF 加州州立大学富乐敦分校
(Freeway 57, exit Nutwood Ave, right on State
College Dr., right on
社交美食, 精彩表演,幸運抽獎,輕歌漫舞
晚会券: 所有会员、家属及宾客 每位$10
Ticket: $10 per person
or guest
预定RSVP: 陈钧铭教授Kwan Chan drkmchan@gmail.com
订票截止日期:2/28/07 (预先约订,订满即止)
CSA Board Directors 美国华裔教授学者协会
Dr. Jiang Zhenying 姜镇英 教授 zjiang@barstow.edu CSA
President 会长
Dr. Li, Yong-Gang 郦永刚教授 ygli@terra.usc.edu CSA
VP 副会长
Dr. Huang, Shenghe 黄胜和教授 Shhuang@hsc.usc.edu Secretary 秘书长
Dr. Chan, K. Ming 陈钧铭教授 drkmchan@gmail.com Treasure 司库
Dr. Shen, Binghui 沈炳辉教授 BShen@coh.org Director of Fundraising
Dr. Lisa Wang 王云霞教授 ylwang@csupomona.edu Dir of Science & Engineering
Dr. Kern Kwong 邝国强教授 kkwong2@calstatela.edu
Dir of Social Science
Dr, Howard Wang hwang@exchange.fullerton.edu
Dir. Lisa Xue lxue@Exchange.FULLERTON.EDU
Dir. Arthur Wang ahwang@exchange.fullerton.edu
Invitation from CSSA_UCLA: Welcome to
Chinese New Year Cultural Night on 1/28/07
CSSA-UCLA will be holding a three-hour-long cultural night on Sunday, Feb. 18th, 2006, to celebrate the 2007 Chinese Lunar New Year. Before the formal show, CSSA-UCLA is going to hold a one-hour pre-show exhibition, “Our Lives, remembering 2006”, to feature the colorful and versatile life of our CSSA members. We welcome everyone to share with us his photographs during trips or from daily lives, drawings, paintings, sculptures, calligraphy and other art works, self-made craftworks, poems (contemporary or traditional, Chinese or English), short assays, family funny videos, your baby's cute photos, his/her first drawing, first hand-made pottery alike that you are proud of. By sharing with others the photos/videos, you have relived those interesting and memorable moments one more time! By exhibiting your art/literary works, you are showing a person inside of you that probably your advisor/lab mate will never find out.
What: Theme
Exhibition “Our lives, remembering 2006 – CSSA-UCLA members show” for The 2007
Chinese New Year Cultural Night
When: Sunday, 2/18/2007,
pm - 6:30 pm pre-show programs, light refreshment, socials
pm - 10:00 pm show
Pictures we are looking for: pictures took from traveling; pictures on your personal life; pictures of your lovely baby alike;
Art works we are looking for: personal drawings; kids’ drawings; personal calligraphy, sculpture, paintings alike;
Literary works we are looking for: poems in all formats and languages, short assays, short novels, any lines expressing yourself in a literary form.
Videos we are looking for: funny personal video; funny family video and others recording unforgettable moments.
Volunteers that we are looking for: Chinese traditional talents instructors who excel in conventional Chinese games such as shuttlecock, Chinese chess, Chinese painting, Calligraphy and are willing to teach others especially the kids on site.
All pictures, drawings, art works, literary works and videos can be sent to CSSA-UCLA in hard copy (on paper or CDs) or through email/ftp. All the hard copies will be given back to the owners after exhibition.
Registration: Send email to cssavolunteer@gmail.com
Subject: pre-show exhibition
Phone Number (home, office or cell):
Affiliation with UCLA if any:
Submission name with a brief description:
Submission formats (hardcopy or email, ftp):
A confirmation email will be sent to you with detailed directions about your submission shortly after we receive your registration email.
Deadline: Feb 10, 2006
Don't miss the precious opportunity to know and be known by hundreds of peer students and scholars! We look forward to hearing from you and can't wait to acquaint you and your family!
UCLA-CSSA Committee
07年科技臺灣探索「候鳥計劃」呼籲洛杉磯市科技領域的青年積極報名為期8周的返臺學習參觀計劃,增加海外實習經驗,了解臺灣高科技動態和文化。 「候鳥計劃」是由臺灣行政院國科會05年設立並主辦,選徵18至30歲的海外優秀台裔青年和學生短期返台。與臺灣科技研究機構、政府部門、及民間企業共同實習研究,借重其語言和專業特長,促進臺灣國際化發展,同時增長自己海外實習經驗,拓寬就業前景。 去年的徵選情況,全美有1650人報名,洛杉磯300人報名,錄取65人。07年估計超過2000人報名參加徵選。今年所參加的實習機構有中央研究院,國家實驗研究院,財團法人工業技術研究院,臺灣民主基金會,國際合作發展基金會等。
第三届中国国际动漫 四月在杭州举行
UWest -
Seminar on US Stock Markets
Hank Ching, Executive Vice
President/ Principal, Etech Securities, Inc.
Wednesday, February 14,
5:00-6:30 p.m., 2007
UWest (AD 208)
The financial markets,
particularly stock markets in the
Mr. Ching, Executive Vice
President of Etech Securities, Inc., is licensed with Series 24 and CA
insurance, managing the Asset Management Division of the company and
supervising its headquarter and branch’s trading tasks and business affairs as
a compliance officer. He is also a
senior technical analyst in the stock market for 17 years and has helped many
companies and individual investors diversify their investment portfolio, reduce
risk, and improve investment performances.
Etech Securities, Inc. is a
member firm of National Association of Securities Dealers with 4 divisions on
Investment Banking, Stock Trading, Asset Management, and Online Banking. IB division has become the gateway for
US-China capital exchanges by providing instrumental advisory services to
Chinese enterprises. ST division has
full service and online self-trading for investors. AM division offers retirement planning and
variety of investment channels such as annuities, life, mutual funds, real
estate investment trust, managed futures account, hedge fund, bonds, etc.
The seminar is organized
by Etech Securities, Inc., the Center
for the Study of Minority & Small Business and the Department of Business
Administration at UWest.
The Seminar is open to the public,
free of charge. UWest is located at
中文在美国教育中地位空前提高 AP中文5月首考
Chinese Task Force)成員制定,成員共有15人,其中華裔成員13人,分別從全美國的大、中、小學現任中文教師中經評選後出任。該小組從2004年10月第一次在紐約召開會議以來,到2005年4月定下中文AP考試雛型之後,完成階段性任務,並將工作移交中文考試出題委員會。
Chinese Task Force)的曾妙芬,隨後又擔任了中文AP專業發展諮詢委員、中文AP課程資深評委、中文AP大學理事會諮詢委員。她指出,首次的中文AP考試,有以下各項考試要點﹕
CSA 海归打造海归门户网 - 上海双博信息技术有限公司总裁王志杰 (何勇 每日经济新闻)
The Wilbur
K. Woo Greater
Spirit - Pacific Vision
February 01, 2007
5:30 PM - 7:45 PM
The Wilbur K. Woo Greater China
Business Conference aims to bring business leaders, professionals, academics,
and students together to discuss business trends, challenges, and impacts of the
increasing role of Greater China in the global economy. It also aims to provide
a collaborative platform for participants to build networks, exchange ideas,
and share knowledge.
Keynote speeches will highlight the
economic and social implications of entrepreneurial growth in increasing
integration between the Chinese and world economies, and explore the strategies
businesses in
February 02, 2007
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
The Wilbur K. Woo Greater China
Business Conference aims to bring business leaders, professionals, academics,
and students together to discuss business trends, challenges, and impacts of
the increasing role of Greater China in the global economy. It also aims to
provide a collaborative platform for participants to build networks, exchange
ideas, and share knowledge.
Keynote speeches will highlight the
economic and social implications of entrepreneurial growth in increasing
integration between the Chinese and world economies, and explore the strategies
businesses in
Panel discussions feature industry experts
who share their experiences and ideas on human capital management, supply chain
integration, and industry trends. Additional sessions include:
Building for the Future: The real estate nexus
Playing to Win: The challenges and opportunities
of the sports and entertainment industries
It Makes the World Go ‘Round: Banking, venture
capital and private equity in Greater China
Turning It On: Media, technology, and innovation
Building a China-related Career: Workshop for
Career Contacts Session
This session will connect businesses with individuals who have an interest in a
China-related career.
For more information, call +1(310)
825-2001, email us at execed@anderson.ucla.edu,
Management (Anderson School)
美國移民規費2007年漲一倍 申請入籍、綠卡費用4月起將超過600元
美國公民與移民服務局(USCIS)局長岡薩雷茲(Emilio Gonza-lez)表示,為了防止積壓更多的申請案,移民申請美國公民、綠卡等的規費將大幅上漲。新的規費從2007年4月起開始實行。
漲價以後,入籍等申請收費可能都將超過六百元。 提高規費所得的資金將用於僱用更多職員以處理申請案,訓練現有的雇員,整修移民局辦公大樓以及改善科技設備。
維護移民權益人士表示,他們擔憂規費上漲會阻礙移民申請入籍和其他移民福利,更何況一旦漲價,就永遠不會再降價,也不能保證積案問題獲得解決。 岡薩雷茲反駁說,漲價不會嚇跑申請者,「美國公民權是無價之寶」。他稱,規費上漲後每隔兩年,將根據生活費用的變化而繼續調整規費。他表示,對若干較少申請的項目,像是凶案受害人親屬、家暴受害人或是人道理由的簽證申請費考慮全部取消。
More Chinese
parents want their kids to be teachers
Which vocation commands highest
respect among most of Chinese people? What do the parents want their kids to do
in future? The Chinese Association for
Science and Technology Tuesday released a survey recently showing that most
parents want their children to be teachers, followed by doctors and scientists.
It is learned that the masses
believe teachers enjoy the highest reputation in
流出12万人流入14万人 中国现留学逆差
The Ministry of Science and
Technology has recently released its plan on international technological
cooperation in the 11th Five-Year Plan Period, in which it declares that
In fact,
This plan will strengthen
It will also be the central
government's responsibility to push Chinese enterprises to “go out”to join in
the international development industrial chain. This is the best way for
Besides cooperation with
洛加大論壇二月一日隆重登場 中美經濟體需更多交流合作 (Singtao-USA包承柯洛)
洛杉磯加大(UCLA)安德森學院將在2月1日舉辦為期兩天中美經濟討論會,這次會議的主題是大中華經濟圈同美國經濟聯繫。安德森學院資深副教務長奧斯本(Alfred E. Osborne)指出,大中華區域和美國都是全球經濟中舉足輕重的經濟實體,兩大經濟體本身需要有更多的交流與合作。奧斯本表示,舉辦這樣的討論會在於認識彼此,增加交流,架設溝通的橋梁。美國和大中華經濟之間的聯係已經是非常密切,相互之間的投資、貿易和金融合作也相當頻繁。隨著科技的發展,地球變小了,在日益增多交流的今天,需要有個更好的管理。使充滿活力的經濟能夠始終保持下去,同時今天正在學校就讀的學生,他們需要對未來的發展有一個清醒的藍圖,以至將來他們可以從學校畢業之後,能夠投入到富有前景的事業中去。
最先提出舉辦這一建議的國泰銀行榮譽副主席胡國棟表示,在全球經濟中,大中華經濟正展現最強大的活力。中國大陸經濟是如此,台灣和香港經濟都有非常卓越的表現,邀請中國大陸、以及台灣、香港的經濟專家和美國的專家到安德森學院來討論,可以更多地增加彼此之間的經濟交流,了解大中華經濟發展帶來的影響,並可以推動美國同大中華經濟之間聯係。他說,這個活動之所以能夠實現,是獲得安德森學院的支持。 洛杉磯市政規劃委員會委員胡紹基說,通過這個討論會還可以向民眾表明,除了伊拉克問題之外,大中華經濟發展也是同樣重要的。經濟發展對美國來說是至關重要,現在很多政治都忙著處理伊拉克的問題,但是加強同大中華地區的經濟聯係,對美國的未來發展是必不可少的。 負責籌辦該論壇的孫正說,這次討論會的主題是「創業精神:太平洋視野」。奧利安院長將在1日的開幕式上作基調發言。討論會在2日進行一整天的會議,屆時各位專家將會在會議上表達對大中華經濟發展的看法。有關該討論會的詳細情況可以從網上查閱,其網址為:www.woochinaconference.org 。
Call for
nominees for ICSPAH Executive Committee Member Election
Dear ICSPAH members,
First of all, the Executive Committee would like to express our sincerely appreciation to Dr. Weidong Li and Mr. Zan Gao for their wonderful service as members of Executive Committee for this Society. As the Treasurer of our Society, Dr. Weidong Li has set up a bank account for us, and finished the application of tax-exempted and got it approved. Mr.Zan Gao created our society website in summer 2006, and has kept modifying and maintaining the website since then. You may visit it at http://www.icspah.org/
Based on the Society Bylaw, it's time to re-elect (1) one two-year term general member, and (2) one one-year term student member for the Executive committee. You may nominate either yourself and/or someone you trust for the Executive Committee.
Please send the name(s) of your nominee(s) to Guoli Liang at liangg@uww.edu AND Jingjing Yang at yangj1@southernct.edu , and make sure to attach a 100-200 words biography of your nominee(s).
The deadline of the nomination is the midnight (central time) of February 15, 2007.
election will be conducted on March 15, 2007 in
Thanks for supporting and serving our own society.
Best regards,
ICSPAH Executive Committee
USC Is a $4
Billion Economic Engine
New economic impact study shows
the university annually generates $4 billion in total economic impact in
The recently opened
USC is responsible for $4
billion annually in economic activity in
The university is also the City
The study, released Dec. 6,
shows that USC in fiscal year 2005-06 injected $1.86 billion into the economy
with an estimated additional indirect and induced output from the university of
more than $2.14 billion in Los Angeles County.
The study, “Economic Impact
Analysis of the
The study includes the impacts
of USC’s academic spending; it does not include the direct spending or impacts
of USC-affiliated hospitals.
Among the report’s other
findings for the fiscal year studied:
• Every $1 million spent by USC
in the region supports 10.6 full-time equivalent jobs;
• For every dollar spent by USC
• USC’s 32,000 students
annually spend $406 million in the economy;
• USC visitors bring more than
$12.3 million in direct expenditures to the local economy; and
• USC capital construction
expenditures last year totaled more than $207 million.
“The university has always been
an incredible asset to the city and the region as a whole,” said USC President
Steven B. Sample. “Since its founding more than 125 years ago, USC has been
there to meet the needs of this ever-growing and ever more important part of
the world. Today,
Added study author David
Bergman of Economics Research Associates, “We knew USC was a huge economic
engine for Southern California, and these study results reveal just how big the
piece of economic pie the institution has in the region. The fact that USC accounts
for one 100th of a percent of the state’s GDP is very significant.
“Through its purchases of goods
and services, USC is a significant contributor to the economy of downtown and
中国政改新动向-打出组合拳: "三减改革"正成为新增长点 (韩爱红)
前衛生部長湯普森洛城民論壇驚爆 美國88%進口藥無許可證 (China Press 劉茁)
美國進口藥物安全亮紅燈﹖有意競選 2008年總統的前衛生部長湯普森 (Tommy Thompson) 在洛杉磯市民論 (Town Hall) 發表演說時,驚暴美國88%的進口藥物﹐沒有得到官方許可,其中一些動物藥劑竟然供人使用。此外,許多從加拿大進口的這類藥品﹐上貼中文標簽﹗他屢出驚人之語﹐大談美國健保改革計劃﹐並指到2009年美國醫保費用將漲到2萬9000億美元﹐若不進行改革﹐美國恐將破產。
他表示﹐美國的進口藥物安全問題十分堪憂。他做衛生部長期間﹐對這一問題進行過深入調查,發現美國75%到88%的進口藥物沒有得到官方許可。在這樣的進口藥物中﹐甚至發現了動物藥品﹐卻標示供人使用。他們發現通過加拿大的一家網站發貨的這類藥品﹐上貼中文字樣的標示。這樣的藥物裝在特百慧(Tupperware,一家生產儲存﹑保鮮盒的公司) 的一種保鮮盒中﹐運入美國境內。經調查此類藥物的最初來源地卻是印度﹗他表示雖然標有中文標示﹐但目前並沒證據顯示與中國有關。
面對美國的老大難醫療改革﹐湯普森提出了避重就輕的改革理念。他首先倡導民眾要學會「吃﹑喝」 ﹐避免肥胖與糖尿病問題。他說加州05年有57.9%的人體重超標,而全美則是58.5%。美國人現在需要學點營養學﹐以保證身體健康。此外﹐戒煙也將有助全民身體健康。應當設立一項全國基金﹐幫助有意願戒煙的人。現在加州有15.1%的人是煙民,其中60.1%的人想要戒煙。
2% Mainland
Graduates Return from HK
Only 2 % of mainland graduates
from Hong Kong universities returned to the mainland to work this year, a
survey by the
Earning power is the major
reason for graduates' reluctance to return to the mainland. The average
starting salary for graduates in Hong Kong is HK$12,000 (US$1,500) while in
Aside from the higher pay,
mainland students can obtain permanent residency permits after studying and
working for seven years in Hong Kong, sources with the
2007年国家留学基金委将以国家留学基金资助方式在全国选派各类国家公派出国留学人员7000人。 2006年,国家留学基金委根据出国选派计划和专家评审意见,共录取各类留学人员7000人,并进一步优化了选派结构,研究生的选派规模由2005年的400人增加到1100人,留学院校大部分为哈佛、耶鲁、牛津、剑桥、澳大利亚国立大学等世界一流高校。
《2007年国家留学基金资助出国留学人员选拔简章》及有关出国留学项目的详细情况将在2006年12月下旬在国家留学网(www.csc.edu.cn )上予以公布。凡符合选拔简章及相应项目要求的中国公民,均可按规定的程序和办法申请国家留学基金资助出国留学,申报时间为2007年2月25日至3月20日。此外,为规范工作程序,提高工作效率,国家留学基金委将全面使用更新完善后的网上报名、评审系统,并依托该系统,逐步建立国家公派出国留学工作信息平台,提高工作效率。
Dr. Hu
Renjie of CSA discussed Vector-Borne Disease at TV-18
CSA member, Dr. Renjie Hu,
Supervising Public Health Biologist, California Department of Health Services,
Vector-borne Disease Section, was a guest on the show LA Living at Los
Angeles-based LA18 TV Station on Jan. 22, 2007.
He and Ms. Juliette Zhuo, the
producer and host of the show, discussed a wide range of vector-borne disease
related topics including the most prevalent vector-borne diseases in the world
and in the U.S. (malaria, Dengue fever, West Nile virus, Lyme disease, etc),
ectoparasites of cats and dogs (mainly fleas and ticks), house dust mite and
its potential association with asthma attack, resurgence of bed bugs as a
public health problem in the U.S., and prevention measures for vector-borne
Several topic-related pictures were also displayed
during the show. The show can still be
viewed at www.la18.tv.
2007年经济蓝皮书《2007年:中国经济形势分析与预测》- 07年中国就业供大于求 缺口1500万以上(闫昕霞)
时风:引进人才不能“不惜代价” (章淑平)
Over 70% of working women in
A medical check in
Breast diseases are common
among women aged between 25 and 40, and the only prevention against it is by
taking regular checks. However, about 59% of
The check also finds that
incidence of breast diseases is 15.3% higher among single women. About 87.8% of
the unmarried women in the check have fallen a victim to the diseases.
中国基层科普设施缺乏 98.8%的公众没有参观过科技类场馆 (王丽、吴晶晶)
Women in
A report on women's consumption
of famous brands in
The survey, launched by Huakun
Women Research Center and covering the large cities of Beijing, Shanghai,
Guangzhou, Changsha, Ningbo, Wuhan, Chengdu, Qingdao, Xi’an and Harbin showed
that more than 1,200 women participated in the survey.
It indicates that nearly 30
percent of respondents intend to buy famous brands, and those who are most favor
these brands are women from
Respondents from
The survey also shows that the
average price of a single piece of name brand reaches 3,560 yuan (US$454.6),
and the highest amounts to 210 thousand yuan ($26.8 thousand). Most respondents
The average age of the
respondents is 37, three quarters of them married, with a monthly salary of
5,000 yuan on average. Their families’monthly income can reach 12 thousand yuan
($1.5 thousand) on average.
1. 具有完整的发展规划,发展方向明确,实际运营时间在2年以上,经营状况良好。
2. 必须有具备独立法人资格的专业化管理机构。
3. 具有边界清晰、相对集中、法律关系明确、可自主支配的园区建筑面积15000平方米以上,其中孵化场地面积10000平方米以上。
4. 地方政府和依托高校应有支持大学科技园发展的具体政策,高校资源向大学科技园开放。
5. 大学科技园50%以上的企业在技术、成果、人才方面与依托高校有实质性关联。
6. 机构设置合理,有专门的经营管理团队,管理人员中本科以上学历占85%以上。
7. 服务设施齐备,功能完善,可为企业提供商务、融资、信息、咨询、市场、交流、国际合作等多方面的服务。
8. 管理规范,具有严格的财务管理制度,自身及在孵、在园企业的统计数据齐全。
9. 园内的在孵企业达50家以上。
10. 为社会提供1000个以上的就业机会。
加州肥胖成流行病 六成人超重 (王善言)
加州衛生局局長施伍利(Sandra Shewry)24日指出,過去十年肥胖已逐漸成為一種流行病,各族裔人口都有超重問題。不少孩童並因之出現第二型糖尿病,耗費政府不少醫療支出及費用。科學家認為,今後出生的嬰兒壽命會比他們的父母短,理由與肥胖衍生的問題有關。施伍利說,在加州肥胖已成為次於菸草的第二大可預防死因,孳生的醫療費用、損失的生產力及勞工傷殘保險,已耗費州政府285億元。
Board invites you to 2007 Member Annual Meeting
Date: Feb 3, 2007 (Saturday)
Location: South Coast Air
Quality Management District (AQMD)
(direction: www.aqmd.gov)
Program: 4:30pm - 10pm (GB
Room, 1st floor)
4:30pm Check-in
5pm Social (no alcohol served)
6pm Speech
¤ Key note speaker, Mr. David Nahai,
2006 Chairman of California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles
Region, and President of City of Los Angeles Board of Water and Power
¤ Ms. Ling Ling Chang, President of the
Board of Walnut Valley Water District
¤ Dr, Chung Liu, Deputy Executive Officer and Chief Scientist of AQMD
7pm Dinner (Chinese food catered)
¤ Association business (board election results, treasure
report, etc.)
¤ Association accomplishments in 2006
¤ Member recognitions and award (Raffle gifts and grand prize too!)
9pm Entertainment and Performance
10pm Adjournment
TICKET: $25 (including membership for 2007) $35
(with spouse)
$10 (Student & Life member); Check
Payable to SCCAEP
南加大在洛郡經濟發展中貢獻突出 畢業生在各行業年產出高達40億美元
報告指出﹐南加大的法律, 商業,
醫學, 電影以及美式足球等水平已在全美獲得公認﹐其畢業生每年在各行業創造的產值﹐將近40億美元。該研究報告還發現﹐南加大每花費100萬美元為社會提供的全職工作機會為10.6個﹔南加大在洛杉磯郡每花費一美元﹐獲得的經濟收入為39美分﹔南加大32,000名學生每年花費4億600萬美元﹔每年參觀南加大而產生的經濟效益為1230萬美元﹔南加大去年的建築消耗為2億700萬美元。
to Asian Piano Recital at CSUN on 2/16
Dear colleagues and
You are cordially invited to attend two exciting international events at CSUN
in Feb. and March.
On Friday evening (8p.m.), Feb. 16, the Music Department, the China Institute,
and the Office of Student Development and International Programs at CSUN will co-sponsor
an extraordinary "Asian Piano Recital" in the Music Recital Hall,
where authentic piano music by famous Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Mongolian
composers will be performed by Asian artists for the first time on our campus
and for the local community. You are also invited to attend a reception
with the musicians after the concert (see the following information in detail).
Justine Su, Ph.D.
Director, The China Institute
Coordinator of International Programs
California State University
Northridge, CA91330-8222
(818) 677-2138 (Office)
Piano Professor Shi
Zhong: Biographical Note:
Zhong is on the faculty at the Music College of Shanghai Normal University
(SNU) and is a visiting scholar in the Music Department at
Piano Program for
Feb. 16 Concert:
1. Three pieces of Dance Music― “Dance of Coral” and “Dance of Waterweeds” by Wu Zhuqiang and Du Minxin, and “Festival Dance” by Ding Shande
The first two pieces
are from the dance drama music, “Mermaid,” which was composed in 1959. The dance drama portrays the love story of a
mermaid and a young hunter and how they conquered evil forces. The dance music created an imaginary and
beautiful music world, and is deeply loved by Chinese audience. “Festival Dance” is from the “Suite-Delightful
Holidays,” and has been a piano solo favorite for concerts in
2. “Silver Clouds Chasing the Moon” arranged by Wang Jianzhong
Wang Jianzhong
arranged this piece in 1957, which was originally composed by Ren Guang for
Chinese music instruments. It has the
beautiful music texture and harmony that characterize the music in the southern
part of
3. “Days of Emancipation” arranged by Chu Wanghua
Based on the
traditional Chinese music piece by the same name composed by Zhu Jianer, Chu
Wanghua arranged this piece for piano in 1972.
Using the ornaments of chromatic half tone,
4. “Music at Sunset” by Li Yinghai
Li Yinghai arranged this piece for the piano in 1975 from the traditional Chinese music, “Spring River Flower on a Moon Night.” Using special rhythm, timbre, harmony, music texture, and articulation, the music conveys a feeling for “purity, elegance, simplicity, and distance” in the traditional Chinese culture.
Professor Ji Kang Jung’s Biographical
Ji Kang Jung has performed extensively throughout the
Piano Program for
Feb. 16 Concert:
1. “Snow” by Hyogun Kym
This piece has been originally composed as a Korean lyric song, and transcribed for piano, featuring to show very gentle and passionate moods simultaneously.
2. “Arirang Variations” by Unhoe Park
Variation I
Variation II
Variation III
Variation IV
Variation V
Variation VI
Although it is not
certain, Arirang has been thought to have a meaning “the one whom I’m missing”
Professor Aminchimeg
“Amina” Jamiyan’s Biographical Note:
“Amina” Jamiyan is a professional classical pianist who has graduated from
Tchaikowsky Conservatory’s college and Gnesins’
Piano Program for
Feb. 16 Concert:
The two pieces that
Amina will play at the “Asian Piano Concert” has received international
recognition and won several international prizes.
1. “Concert” by Z.Hangal.
Z. Hangal is a great
Mongolian composer, who originated the contemporary music in
2. “Great Legend” by S.
S. Soronzonbold is a
modern, leading composer of
Jeannie Chen’s
Biographical Note:
Jeannie Chen is a
sophomore in
Piano Program for Feb.
16 Concert:
1. “
2. “Liang Zhu--Butterfly Lovers” arranged by Richard Clayderman
French pianist
Richard Clayderman arranged this piece from the original Chinese music composed
by He Zhanhao and Chen Gang. The
“Butterfly Lovers” is a very popular Chinese love story, in which two young
lovers, known as
3. “Sonata No. 2”, first movement by Mutsuo Shishido
Shishido is one of the most important
contemporary Japanese composers, whose music won many international
prizes. He has maintained traditional
musical form and structure, but incorporated modern musical language in
harmony, melody, and tonality. “Sonata
No. 2” is a representative piece of his music style.
中国GDP增速超目标 比上年增10.7%
中国国家统计局: 中国2006年全年国内生产总值(GDP)为209407亿元人民币,按可比价格计算,比上年增10.7%,增速大大高于政府去年初设定的8%左右的目标,也高于最终核实的2005年增速10.4%,刷新了1995年以来GDP最高年度增速纪录。据最新公布的统计显示,2006年中国GDP第一季度增长10.4%,第二季度增11.5%,第三季度稳步回落到10.6%,第四季度回落到10.4%。整个经济运行避免了由偏快向过热的走势,但没有出现大的回落,从去年第三季度开始,中国的万元GDP能耗3年来首次出现下降。
中国去年对外贸易快速增长,外商直接投资有所增加。全年进出口总额17607亿美元,比上年增长23.8%,加快0.6个百分点。进出口相抵,顺差达1775亿美元,比上年增加755亿美元。全年实际使用外商直接投资金额630亿美元,比上年增长4.5%。年末国家外汇储备10663亿美元,比上年末增加2473亿美元。 针对巨额贸易顺差和外汇储备对人民币升值的压力。中国和日本、韩国、台湾地区、东盟、巴西等国家和地区,都存在着逆差。因此人民币汇率的未来走势,还是会按照中国政府所确定的主动性、可控性、渐进性的原则,根据市场的变化情况和海内外发展的态势来进行调整。
上海设外国留学生学者政府奖学金 全额每学期4万元
The Shanghai-based Workers’
Daily (Laodong Bao) recently published an alarming figure: more than 70% of the
residents in the city are in “sub-healthy condition.” The information was
released by Li Zhijun, deputy director of the Shanghai Sports Science Research
Institute. In order to get out of such condition, Li suggested that
“In Shanghai, only 5% of the residents are in a totally healthy condition and only 20% of the people have got diseases, and the rest are all at that in-between condition, neither healthy nor at sick,” said Li, adding that many people suffer from overwork, insufficient sleep or exercise. Sub-healthy condition has become a common disease in modern society and some people even die of overwork. He said that many people are reluctant to do exercise, "they are always too busy.” In fact, they can simply get out of the sub-healthy conditions with regular walks. “By saying so, however, I don’t refer to the ordinary walk we often see on streets.” He told our reporter that when walking, one should make sure his steps should be as large as 60-70 centimeters each and the walking space should be kept at around 120 steps every minute. “If one can keep walking for at least 30 minutes every day and follow a good living habit, one will surely get out of the sub-healthy condition,” he said.
GRE考试改革9月全球启动 (北晨 彭岚兰)
●2007年春 辅导材料和考点时间表确定;
●2007年7月 开始接受报名;
●2007年9月 正式实行网络化考试;
●2007年10月 确定语文、数学分数换算表;
●2007年11月 前3个考点和其他考点的分数公布;
●2008年1月 网上公布分数分布的报告。
Legislation provides grants to higher education institutions serving low-income and underserved Asian American and Pacific Islander student populations
Washington, DC -- Today Congressman David Wu introduced the Asian American and Pacific Islander Serving Institutions bill that would provide grants to institutions of higher education for their efforts to improve and expand services targeting Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) students. Specifically, Congressman Wu's legislation will help institutions identify and assist low-income and underserved AAPI students. Similar programs currently only serve other minority populations.
"The Asian American and Pacific Islander community has and will always be an integral and vibrant part of American society," stated Congressman Wu. "I am pleased to introduce legislation that will help foster further contributions by those members of the AAPI population that our educational system has neglected."
Current law allows the U.S. Department of Education to provide similar financial assistance to institutions which serve African American, Hispanic, Native American, Alaskan Native and Hawaiian Native students. Higher education institutions serving large numbers of AAPI students have not had access to this financial aid in part because of socioeconomic assumptions that categorize a complex youth population of over three million as a homogenous, academically successful unit that is not in need of academic support systems.
Thus, the current
educational support system fails to address the needs of specific ethnic groups
within the AAPI population. A
"The grants
acquired through the AAPI Serving Institutions bill would increase higher
education opportunities for low-income and underserved AAPI students by funding
culturally and linguistically appropriate services," said Congressman Mike
Honda (CA-15), Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus.
"This bill is an acknowledgement that educational disparities do in fact
exist within the AAPI community. It would enable
Congressman Wu's legislation is currently supported by 5 original cosponsors: Representatives Mike Honda, Neil Abercrombie, Jim McDermott, Betty McCollum and Zoe Lofgren.
Executive Director | Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus
Congressman Michael M. Honda
1713 Longworth HOB |
http:// www.honda.house.gov/CAPAC
- 春节。
2007农历新年,美国AOB传媒公司将携手国内权威的娱乐媒体湖南卫视,湖南娱乐频道, 新浪网,中央电视台网络旅游频道,北京台娱乐频道,北京北广移动媒体有限公司,天娱传媒,中国妇女发展基金会,北京东方艺雅文化传播公司,天宝传媒等主流媒体鼎立支持,共同打造举办《FU•SION 2007》成龙/A-Mei/超女春节超强联合演唱会,
内涵丰富、时尚精彩、现代感实足。晚会分两天进行, 共举办两场,分别以中国和美国时尚音乐为主题,进行中美两国的时尚音乐交流。
Vegas Aladdin Planet Hollywood Theatre 举办,全场可容纳6000人。该剧院为每年美国小姐(Miss
Ÿ 中,港,台,美超强一线明星艺人首次联袂演出
Ÿ 中,港,台,美首次共庆传统农历新年和情人节
Ÿ 国际最顶级的流行音乐首次介绍到中国
Ÿ 美国演艺人员为首次参加中国人组织的演出并在中国进行转播
超眩的阵容, 超强的平台,20家媒体联动,30天持续预热,在农历新年除夕夜和情人节打造全球瞩目的美丽盛典,再掀收视狂潮。
美国AOB文化传播公司(AOB Media, Inc.)成立于2005年,公司总部位于世界文化娱乐与传媒中心
- 美国加州洛杉矶,比邻闻名遐尔的好莱坞影城和比佛利山庄得天独厚的地理位置,使得公司的发展与世界文化传播领域的发展同步进行。
晚会售票于一月十日起,可在Ticketmaster 和 http://www.2007fusion.com购买.
13 日礼拜二票价定于$188, $128, $108, $78
and $58 , 14 日礼拜三票价定于$155,
$100, $80, $70, and $60. 晚会详情可看 http://www.2007fusion.com 和 http://www.fusionyearoftheboar.com.
(English Version)
Dear all,
We are partnering with Hunan TV to organize one of the biggest and hottest concerts
during Spring Festival in Las Vegas, with many super stars such as Jackie Chan,
A-Mei, Li-Yuchun, Tan WeiWei, Shin Band, Mayday, as well as the top singers
from US. We have had a lot of momentum going since we launch our website and
blog. Our blog had 500000 hits within 2 days, and our official website had 400
concurrent users after a day. The event will have over 500,000,000 million
viewers in
This event will be aired on Hunan TV 4 times, the most popular entertainment
channel in
This will be a great opportunity to get involved if you like those singers and
get face time with them and gain experience organizing big events. We have
immediate openings for sales agent to sell tickets and sponsorship for us, and
we also have volunteer opportunities to help the logistics. If you are
interested, please see our website: http://www.2007fusion.com, and http://www.fusionyearoftheboar.com
to know more and contact us for details.
Thanks very much!
Discount available for SWCSSA members. Please visit newcssa.net or send email to lishdoa@yahoo.com
2007年中国普通高校本专科招生567万人 中职在校生数目突破1800万 创历史新高
Message from the ACPSS: New book series
Dear colleagues and friends,
I am the editor of the new book series with Lexington-Rowman & Littlefield
Publishers -- *Challenges Facing Chinese Political Development*. Below
is the blurbs sent to me from the publishers, and it will be soon placed on the
publishers' website and promotion materials. If you have any question regarding
this book series, please do not hesitate to contact me at my personal email
address: sguo@sfsu.edu I can assure
you a most efficient review process of your book proposal and/or manuscript! I
look forward to working with you on your scholarly work on
Introducing a New Book Series from
Lexington-Rowman&Littlefield Publishers!
Challenges Facing Chinese Political Development
*Series Editor: Sujian Guo, Ph.D. San Francisco State University*
In an attempt to reflect the rapidly changing political environment of the
People's Republic of China, editor Sujian Guo has assembled a book series to
present specialized areas of research in current Chinese political studies.
Incorporating theoretical, empirical, and policy research on contemporary
Chinese politics both domestically and internationally, this series
contemplates the Chinese past, present, and future by utilizing interdisciplinary
perspectives to approach issues related to Chinese politics, economy, culture,
social development, reform, the military, legal system, and foreign
relations. Aimed at bringing a greater understanding of the current
Chinese political climate to Western audiences, this series is focused on the
emerging voices of Chinese scholars and their perspectives on the ever-changing
Chinese diaspora.
Guo, Ph.D
Center for US-China Policy Studies (CUSCPS)
Journal of Chinese Political Science
Association of Chinese Political Studies
Professor, Department of Political Science
(415) 338-7523
(415) 338-2391
清华大学六亿经费不岀大成果 此言不正确
澳门科技大学的学生提问,请杨振宁教授谈谈多次提及关于“中国人有很高素质”的内涵。 以后半小时许的台上台下互动式的问答,让听众爆满的澳科大D座会议厅气氛更加热烈。八十四岁高龄的杨大师,为了能够更准确地回答问题,不时地离开讲台,在主席台上走动。“很多人关心中国血统的人,在世界各国做科研获得了诺贝尔奖,中国本土为什么还没有?主要原因是发展中的中国投入科研的资源还不足,我相信二十年后中国本土会产生诺贝尔奖得主。
经过几年的连续扩招,中国的高等教育规模已跃居世界第一,但教育质量却迟迟不见起色。 “十一五”期间,中央财政将投入二十五亿元实施“质量工程”,大力提高中国高等教育的质量。
Job Vacancies at
Founded in 1949, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) is a national key university with a “Project -211” status. It has also been jointly administered by the Ministry of Education and Shanghai Municipal Government. The University has been dedicated to the mission of cultivating high-level foreign language professionals with multi-disciplinary knowledge and international vision. For decades, SISU has been known for its academic excellence both at home and abroad.
Currently, SISU provides comprehensive education in liberal arts, humanities and social sciences. The University offers a total of 27 undergraduate programs, 23 graduate programs at the master’s level and 9 at Ph.D. level. There are 1 state-level humanity/social science research center, 1 national training center for non-commonly used languages, two national key disciplines and 3 municipal key disciplines. The University now has about 10,000 full-time students.
The University invites nominations and applications for the following positions of administrative leadership:
Position: |
College |
Dean |
The |
Dean |
The |
Dean |
The |
Dean |
The |
Details of Job Vacancies
The Deanship entails various academic and administrative responsibilities, including curriculum development, research supervision, faculty recruitment, outreach, as well as resources management. In addition, the appointee will be teaching one or two courses of his/her specialty per academic year.
A. The ideal applicant shall be a dedicated educator, and demonstrate a strong sense of responsibility, integrity and professionalism.
B. The ideal applicant shall have broad vision, strong abilities in management, and be cognizant of academic and administrative procedures. Those with experiences in academic leadership are preferred.
C. The ideal applicant shall be well-informed of the latest development in the relevant fields and shall be well established in his/her own specialty.
The ideal applicant shall hold a Ph. D. degree and an appointment at the rank
of professorship. Those who have obtained Ph.D. degrees in first-class overseas
universities and have been full-time faculty but have not yet owned
professorship at the institutions of higher education outside mainland
E. The ideal applicant shall generally be in good health and be below 50 in age. Those who are 50 years older but with exceptional academic accomplishments will also be considered.
F. The ideal applicant shall be committed to working full-time at SISU. Special arrangements may also be made for applicants with extensive overseas experiences.
A. The applicant is kindly requested to download and fill out the application form and provide the following documents:
a. An application letter and a recent curriculum vitae( the applicant shall sign both to verify that his/her information is accurate)
b. Photocopies of degrees, diplomas and letters of appointment.
c. A list of past 5 years publications and photocopies of three to five published articles most representative of his/her scholarship (the originals are to be presented during the interview).
d. A short statement on personal goals and plans for the advertised position.
e. 2 two-inch full-face photos.
B. The Selection Committee at the University short-lists interviewees on the basis of their reviewing of the application materials.
C. A Board of Experts nominates successful candidates on the basis of their overall assessments of the interviewees.
D. The University President makes a final selection of the appointees and signs employment contracts.
E. The rule of confidentiality will be observed upon request.
Details of Employment
The term of office covers 4 years with the first year as a period for probation. Those passing the evaluation at the end of the probation year will be formally appointed while those who fail will vacate the position but be appointed as faculties at the University in accordance with relevant university regulations. The contract of employment may also be terminated upon unsuccessful job evaluation.
Salary and Benefits
A. Salary, social welfare and allowances shall be granted in accordance with relative state, municipal and university regulations.
B. Appointees from out of SISU shall be granted salary, social welfare and allowances in accordance with the University’s special regulations concerning high-ranking recruited talents.
C. Appointees of exceptional excellence but unable to work full-time at SISU will have a chance to negotiate with the University for payments and compensations.
How to Apply
Means of Application: Both mails and emails are acceptable.
Deadline: March 31st, 2007 or until the position is successfully filled
People to Contact: Dr. Yugui Zhang, Ms Wei Liang and Mr. Gang Li.
The Personnel Department, 550,
Telephones: 0086-21-65311900 extensions 2626 and 2801
Emails: shisurenshi@yahoo.com.cn
Assistant Professor,
Family Financial Management Faculty Position
POSITION: Family Financial Management Faculty Professor (tenure track) 9-month
Starting date: August 2007.
RESPONSIBILITIES: - Teach two courses each semester selected from undergraduate courses including Family Financial Management, Consumer Rights, Resource Management for Individuals and Families, Debtor-Creditor Relationships, Financial Counseling, and graduate courses such as Family Economics, and Theories in Resource Management. Develop a research program that includes funding, scholarly presentations, and publications appropriate for a Rank I research university. Contribute to the Resource Management are by networking with industry for internships, employment, and professional development opportunities for students with diverse backgrounds and experiences. Advise undergraduate and graduate students, serve on graduate committees, serve on departmental, college, and university committees.
QUALIFICATIONS: - Doctorate degree, at least one earned degree in Family Financial Management, or closely related field, potential for effective teaching and successful research publications and grants. DESIRABLE: - Experience in Family Financial Management. College level teaching or professional presentation experience with culturally diverse populations and a variety of teaching methods. Record of successful grantsmanship, participation in professional and outreach activities, experience in service and leadership to the academic or professional community, experience conducting research including publication and scholarly activities, experience advising undergraduate and/or graduate students, experience working in a diverse, multi-disciplinary academic setting.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin February 15, 2007 and will continue until the position is filled.
APPLICATION PROCESS: Candidates must complete an application on-line at www.jobs.vt.edu refer to posting 061369.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: See http://www.ahrm.vt.edu/jobs/index.htm or contact Dr. Irene Leech, Department of Apparel, Housing, and Resource Management (0410), Virginia Tech, email ileech@vt.edu, phone (540) 231-4191, fax (540) 231-1697.
Tech has a strong commitment to the principle of diversity and, in that spirit,
seeks a broad spectrum of candidates including women, minorities, veterans, and
people with disabilities. Individuals with disabilities desiring accommodations
in the application process should notify Dr. Valerie Hardcastle,
Celia Ray Hayhoe, Ph.D., CFP
Family Resource Management Specialist and Assistant Professor
Virginia Tech
Department of Apparel, Housing and Resource Management
101 Wallace Hall (0410)
540-231-1697 (fax)