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2014/11/18 17:10:25 | 浏览:9536 | 评论:51

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net


(ISSN: 2372-9937)
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2014年 第34期 創刊第665期 11/12-11/18/2014
Table of content - 本期重要目录


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements







UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2014 No.34)

Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4509]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [5007]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [5304]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4511]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4492]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4830]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [5091]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5458]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4634]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5713]
:大数据分析图解:2019中国企业500强 张梦然:英国惠康桑格研究所:人体内的微生物与出生方式有关 :美众议院将调查华裔部长赵小兰“利用职权为家族谋利“ :UCLA CCS 2019 Fall Quarter Lecture Series Overview 谭晶晶:美国科技界高度关注中国科技创新进展 :推荐:2019年底前中国高校重要学术论坛(10月 - 12 月) :黄奇帆:今后10年,中国经济将发生5个历史性变化 :为了在外太空住,人们都设计过怎样的房子?
Chinese Hometown说:留言于2014-12-03 03:11:25(第51条)
感恩节夜凶杀案 冷血枪爆弑双亲(图频)
台湾动荡 传马英九不日将辞党主席(图)
【弗格森】示威者堵5号公路 “这就是我要说的”视频风靡全美
zhong liu说:留言于2014-12-03 03:04:46(第50条)
为了扩大椰油可能使痴呆缓解的信息,本人近来编写了一个科普小册。有兴趣的读者,可点击如下网页,读到小册子的详细内容,包括目录和核心内容,甚至试读主要章节30页之多。金石堂书店网页如下: http://www.kingstone.com.tw/book/book_page.asp?kmcode=2014100101718&lid=search&actid=wise
SOMSA说:留言于2014-12-03 03:01:31(第49条)
2014 Special Operations Medical Association Scientific Assembly (SOMSA) - "Preparing for the Next Fight"
December 8-11, 2014
Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida
Invitation from the SOMA President:
On behalf of the Special Operations Medical Association, I''d like to invite you to the 2014 Special Operations Medical and Scientific Assembly. Since its formation more than two decades ago, SOMA has endeavored to advance the art and science of Special Operations Medicine. During that time we have grown from a small but dedicated group of like-minded SOF medical providers meeting in one hotel conference room to the most unique international medical society in the world hosting a meeting of more than 1000 attendees from more than two dozen countries. Click here for entire message.
Registration Information: Click here to view or download the 2014 SOMSA program http://origin.library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1116949751609-46/SOMA+AC+14_RB_Web_Final.pdf
China Institute - NY说:留言于2014-12-02 14:24:06(第48条)
Dear Friend,
In honor of Giving Tuesday, China Institute pledges to Use your generous tax-deductible contribution responsibly in support of the oldest bi-cultural organization that focuses solely on China and provides the public with a meaningful understanding of China through programs in culture, art and business.
•Offer a variety of education programs ranging from Mandarin to brush painting to Taijiquan (a martial arts energy training program for health and vitality) for teachers, students, and the general public regardless of your age or level of familiarity with Chinese culture.
•Keep our community connected to China by providing an open forum to network and opportunities to hear the latest views on China.
•Sponsor innovative panel discussions and lectures on Chinese culture, films, books, and market trends presented by top scholars, journalists, authors, and business leaders.
•Provide FREE admission into our Gallery on Thursdays from 6PM to 8PM, made possible by donations from individuals like you.

China Institute
125 East 65th Street, New York, NY 0065
CHINESE ROUND TABLE说:留言于2014-12-02 14:16:19(第47条)
侨界在12/6/2014(星期六)有两场重要纪念活动:上午10AM 在蒙市市政府前二战纪念碑前将举行“南京大屠杀公祭日”暨“二战纪念碑二期捐赠”奠基仪式。这将是南加州两岸侨界社团首次合作,由二战纪念碑建碑委员会和南加州华人华侨共同主办,两岸三地的侨界将携手共同向二战牺牲军民致敬,缅怀在南京大屠杀30万遇难者,警惕日本军国主义,维护世界和平。下午4-6PM时在Richard Garvey Intermediate School举行“美国南加州华人华侨纪念南京大屠杀死难同胞国家公祭日”烛光晚会,由美国东方文化联谊会和美国群英会发起,侨界联合主办协办。届时南京市话剧团将演出大型话剧《沦陷》的精编版。《沦陷》创作于2006年,曾荣获第八届中国艺术节(文华剧目奖)等诸多奖项,自创作至今,每年的12月13日都会在于南京演出。悲壮的场面、悲怆的音乐、凄厉的故事、精湛的表演感动了无数观众,也在警醒世人勿忘国耻、珍惜和平,激励国人奋发向上,振兴中华!
晚会地点:Richard Garvey Intermediate School
2720 N Jackson Ave., Rosemead, CA 91770
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies说:留言于2014-12-02 08:22:16(第46条)
How to Commit to the Traumatic Past: Knowledge and Book Space in Ding Yaokang’s A Sequel to Plum in the Golden Vase

Talk by Xiaoqiao Ling, Arizona State University
Thursday, December 04, 2014
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Bunche Hall 10383
Ding Yaokang 丁耀亢 (1599–1669), in his sequel to Xu Jin Ping Mei 續金瓶梅 (A sequel to Plum in a Golden Vase), brings the main characters back to life in their reincarnations to experience the Jürchen invasion of China, a temporal reimplacement that is a thin veil thrown over the Manchu conquest of China in mid seventeenth century. Assuming the moral stance of preaching to sentient beings in a tumultuous world, the author-¬‐narrator evokes knowledge of gongguo ge 功過格 (ledgers of merit and demerit), Buddhist scriptures, Taoist Canon, and biographies in official history to explore ways of positioning the self in a world ravaged by war, and, in the mean time, to reconfigure traumatic memories of the Manchu conquest. In addition, eyebrow commentary at the upper margin of the book pages open up discursive interpretive moments in which an amused reader points out how Ximen Qing, in his second life, lost his claim to self-¬‐identity by forgetting his past, while Jinlian, by adhering to her lustful nature even in her reincarnation, receives Buddhist salvation. The book pages have therefore provided a virtual space where the commentator and the author-¬‐narrator engage each other in dialogic imagination to contemplate, on a symbolic level, the meaning of remembrance and the imperative to commit to the traumatic past, while keeping a comfortable distance from the flawed fictional characters.

Xiaoqiao Ling received her M.A. from University of Washington and Ph.D. from Harvard University. Her main field of interest is late imperial Chinese literature with a focus on performance texts and vernacular fiction. She is currently working on a book manuscript that explores traumatic memories and their transmission across generations during the Manchu conquest of China in the seventeenth century.

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies
11381 Bunche Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Campus Mail Code: 148703
Tel: (310) 825-8683 Fax: (310) 206-3555
PAROS说:留言于2014-12-01 00:25:52(第45条)
忆叶情沙龙 - 音乐养生
【活动时间】12月4日(周四)18:30 - 20:30

【内容提要】■ EXCEL操作高手技巧 
      ■ 引用函数详解及实际应用
      ■ 数据透视表详解
【活动时间】2014年12月2日(周二)18:00 - 20:00
【网上付费】银行:交通银行银城中路支行 户名:靳玉婷 帐号:622262 0110002385517
【报名方式】编辑短信“1202+姓名+性别+单位+出生年月+联系方式”发送至 15002118799 或邮件至 jyt99@126.com(报名是否成功以收到组织者电话或邮件确认为准)
厦门说:留言于2014-11-30 13:23:20(第44条)
苹果出大事了!俄罗斯宣布:2015年将全面禁用苹果产品!11月4日,俄媒体报道,美国苹果公司的产品都装有“间谍程序”iCloud,用户的信息会被美国情报部门获悉,俄国家杜马已通过法令,禁止使用苹果公司的产品,2015年1月起生效...​ 此消息意味着苹果将失去俄罗斯这一巨大的市场。(讽刺的是,中国才是苹果最大的市场)而此事件的罪魁祸首是苹果的iCloud。​苹果公司在其所有出售的设备中安装了“间谍程序”iCloud。同时,iCloud服务器设在美国,这违反了俄明年初即将生效的法律,该法律要求所有在俄使用的网络服务的服务器必须在该国本土。而早些时候人们以为这一规定将从2016年9月起生效。​俄政府认为,苹果iCloud储存的用户信息极可能被美国情报部门获悉。而俄罗斯颁布此项法令,也是为了避免本国人民数据遭到别国的监听。​
​而我们呢?为了一部苹果6不惜偷运、排队抢货、大打出手!警醒吧! 苹果6在美国价1200元,郭台铬25元加工费,只要中国人1个月不买iphone6立马掉价。是中国人就拒绝iphone6(求扩散): 苹果公司又一次对中国玩饥饿营销,全世界iphone6首发,独缺中国内地!苹果公司认为中国人人傻又钱多!把中国人都当傻子,黑你中国人,中国内地无iphone6,傻瓜们就会通过各渠道买水货!从而制造产品供不应求假象! ​
普京训得对!一部烂苹果6,只是一个通迅工具而已,连首发资格都没有的全球最大苹果市场-中国。这简直就是侮辱,如此歧视中国大陆,却让无数国人为之疯狂,膜拜!真是让人痛心!让人鄙视!一件商品,成功的让无数人洗脑一样的追宠。​一部iphone6的造价只需220元,却被炒到一万多,这将是一个民族脑残的表现,也是一个民族灾难到来的前奏,也将是一个民族的悲哀! 所以,中国人坚决不要做傻瓜!​
Gene J.说:留言于2014-11-29 11:03:15(第43条)
acca说:留言于2014-11-29 00:14:52(第42条)
China-US Bridge to 2020: Building Relationships & Alliances for Results & Next Practices Awards Announcement Taco Bell Head Quarters, 1 Glen Bell Way, Irvine, CA 92618
Date: 12 Dec 2014 9:00 AM UTC-08:00
Time 报到时间: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Registration & Networking
Time 论坛时间: 9:00 AM -12:00 PM Program
Location 会场: Taco Bell Headquarters
Address 地址: 1 Glen Bell Way, Irvine, CA 92618

+ Featuring governmental, Chinese and American CEOs
China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
... introduce corporate innovation cases. China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone is a test field for China to promote reform and raise the level of open economy. 上海自贸区
+ Over 150 companies in 35 verticals attending
How to conduct business in China
Emerging regulatory and trade issues
Make key connections with top Chinese and American business development resources
Current confirmed speakers:
Liu, Haiyan, Counsellor for Commercial Affairs, Consulate General of P.R. China in L.A.
Michael Yu, Director of Shanghai Office, Department of Commerce
Mitch Junkins, President/CEO and Founder of The CDM Company
IFei Chang, President Greenland USA (Investment picture and process)
William Schulz, President IMA (Disney China project)Ima
John McGonegal ,Global Head ,Financial Services Training Solutions, New York Institute of Finance (Financial Times of London)
More information and online registration Pls Click Link: China-US Bridge to 2020: Building Relationships & Alliances for Results & Next Practices
Our most popular session- top So Cal companies and leaders will be recognized.
華美人文學會说:留言于2014-11-28 23:40:21(第41条)
專題講座: 流行與經典
Xiao Di Zhu, a Harvard-based scholar, essayist, and newspaper columnist, will discuss the relationship between pop and classical in modern Chinese literature, as well as many other findings from his critique of books. His insights come from his fourth and latest book of essays. Citing Zhu as his favorite Chinese writer, the renowned American author Ross Terrill praises Zhu as "an independent spirit with Daoist traits" and his literary essays as shining "with a love of literature and China's best values.")

網上訂位請訪: http://chineselectures.org/120614.html.
Date: Saturday, December 6, 2014
Time: 2:00-4:00 pm

China Institute
125 East 65th Street, New York, New York 10065
XC说:留言于2014-11-28 13:11:16(第40条)
Happy Thanksgiving! 商祺, 晓春

David W说:留言于2014-11-28 12:20:59(第39条)
Greetings for the start of holiday season's

Happy Thanksgiving!

Fei说:留言于2014-11-28 12:10:52(第38条)


Y. Zhan说:留言于2014-11-28 12:08:49(第37条)
Today is thanksgiving day, I wish you all the best and a wonderful break on thanksgiving holiday! Best Regards, Zhan
energycq说:留言于2014-11-28 12:05:34(第36条)
In this special holiday, I want to thank you for your help and considerate all the way. Wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving:) Best, Qin

J. Liao说:留言于2014-11-27 17:11:04(第35条)

另外,祈禱所有在[火雞蒙難日]犧牲小我的火雞,能轉世投胎到土耳其,據說土耳其人對火雞最友善??? 所以他們的英文國名叫Turkey.
USC U.S.-China Institute说:留言于2014-11-27 10:25:05(第34条)
Happy Thanksgiving! 感恩节好!
Martin Yan 甄 文 達 loves food, loves preparing it, and sharing his passion for it with others. In a career spanning four decades, Yan has produced more than 3,500 television episodes which have been broadcast in more than 50 countries. More people have seen prepare Chinese food than any other chef in America. His 30 cookbooks have helped many explore different Chinese cuisines. In addition, he has three restaurants, takes fans on culinary tours, and runs a culinary academy in Shenzhen. His energy, knowledge, and infectious enthusiasm has won him legions of fans and two prestigious James Beard Awards for the top food documentary. Yan was born in Guangzhou and grew up in his mother's restaurant. He was trained in Hong Kong and eventually moved to Canada. On a slow news day, a local station asked him to prepare a dish on air. The industry that is Martin Yan was born. He describes himself as a cultural ambassador. Yan's knife work is legendary. The San Jose Mercury News reported that even students at his culinary academy, who have presumably seen the master's knife work on television, were stunned when he deboned a chicken in just 15 seconds. But Yan argues that good cooks don't just have the mechanics down, but also pay attention to the science of cooking. Though he'd been working in restaurants for ten years, he enrolled at the University of California, Davis and earned bachelor's and master's degrees in food science.
Below is the recipe for Chef Yan's pumpkin stew 杞子燴南瓜. To learn more about Yan, please visit his website and Facebook page. Both have plenty of videos with Yan's trademark humor and skills. His new television show is Martin Yan's Taste of Vietnam and is being aired on public television stations across the U.S. A big thanks to Chef Yan for selecting this recipe for Talking Points readers. Getting hungry? Previous Thanksgiving specials from Madame Wu and Ming Tsai are available.
Early tomorrow, the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade in New York City will feature a Chinese-themed float, the first ever in the parade. It's called the Beauty of Beijing and was sponsored by a community group (it will be the third Children and others were invited to see the float ahead of time in New Jersey). This float hasn't garnered the attention or criticism that befell a Chinese-themed float that was part of the Rose Parade in Pasadena, California on June 1, 2009. When will a Chinese cartoon character balloon join Pikachu, Hello Kitty, and Spiderman floating above the streets?
南瓜, 切小塊 300 克
素火腿, 切小粒 20 克
杞子, 浸軟 2 茶匙
蔥, 切段 2 條
罐頭油燜筍 70 克
上湯或水 2/3 杯
淡奶 (Evaporated Milk) 2 湯匙
酒 2 茶匙
麻油 2 茶匙
鹽 1/2茶匙
糖 1/2茶匙
白胡椒粉 1/4茶匙
1. 大火燒熱炸油, 炸南瓜2分鐘至金黃色, 取出瀝油; 調味料拌勻, 備用。
2. 大火燒熱1 湯匙油, 炒香素火腿, 加入南瓜、杞子及蔥炒2分鐘, 加入油燜筍及調味料, 加蓋, 中火燜5分鐘, 盛碗, 趁熱享用。
海外学子浙江行说:留言于2014-11-27 08:19:37(第33条)

本次“海外学子浙江行”活动覆盖杭州、宁波、嘉兴等地,并邀请浙江其他地市的企业、园区、投资机构的相关人员参加。重点突出浙江民营企业、民间资本与海外高层次人才智力对接,帮助海外人才了解落户浙江,促进浙江产业的升级转型。 报名方式:请把报名表于11月28日之前发至:info@tsinghuadelta.com。联系方式:186-6835-7057,0573-82582685,weina.huang@tsinghuadelta.com )。
livic说:留言于2014-11-27 07:50:30(第32条)
It is thanksgiving day again upon a year. We are writing to you to give my best wishes to you. Thank you so much for all you have done for us. Hope you enjoy your holiday and have good times with your family and friends. Thanks and best regards. Sheng & Yiqing

Ethan X.说:留言于2014-11-27 06:56:20(第31条)
Hi Dr. Jiang, I want to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and all the best to you and your family. Thank you again for your support and help in the past year. Best, Ethan
Penny L.说:留言于2014-11-27 06:53:55(第30条)
Thanks and happy thanksgiving!

Bill C.说:留言于2014-11-27 06:51:44(第29条)
Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Holidays! Bill
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies说:留言于2014-11-27 06:49:19(第28条)
How to Commit to the Traumatic Past: Knowledge and Book Space in Ding Yaokang’s A Sequel to Plum in the Golden Vase
- Talk by Xiaoqiao Ling, Arizona State University
Thursday, December 04, 2014
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Bunche Hall 10383
Ding Yaokang 丁耀亢 (1599–1669), in his sequel to Xu Jin Ping Mei 續金瓶梅 (A sequel to Plum in a Golden Vase), brings the main characters back to life in their reincarnations to experience the Jürchen invasion of China, a temporal reimplacement that is a thin veil thrown over the Manchu conquest of China in mid seventeenth century. Assuming the moral stance of preaching to sentient beings in a tumultuous world, the author-¬‐narrator evokes knowledge of gongguo ge 功過格 (ledgers of merit and demerit), Buddhist scriptures, Taoist Canon, and biographies in official history to explore ways of positioning the self in a world ravaged by war, and, in the mean time, to reconfigure traumatic memories of the Manchu conquest. In addition, eyebrow commentary at the upper margin of the book pages open up discursive interpretive moments in which an amused reader points out how Ximen Qing, in his second life, lost his claim to self-¬‐identity by forgetting his past, while Jinlian, by adhering to her lustful nature even in her reincarnation, receives Buddhist salvation. The book pages have therefore provided a virtual space where the commentator and the author-¬‐narrator engage each other in dialogic imagination to contemplate, on a symbolic level, the meaning of remembrance and the imperative to commit to the traumatic past, while keeping a comfortable distance from the flawed fictional characters.

Xiaoqiao Ling received her M.A. from University of Washington and Ph.D. from Harvard University. Her main field of interest is late imperial Chinese literature with a focus on performance texts and vernacular fiction. She is currently working on a book manuscript that explores traumatic memories and their transmission across generations during the Manchu conquest of China in the seventeenth century.
Esther W.说:留言于2014-11-27 02:08:00(第27条)
Dear Professor Jiang,
Thank you so very much for your amazing support and guidance. Please let us know anytime you need us to do anything. We wish you ALL a lovely holiday season. Esther

Jenny说:留言于2014-11-27 01:43:22(第26条)
12月6日(週六) & 12月7日(周日)@2pm舉辦[年底房地產和稅務規劃]講座。特別邀請房地產全美第一的經紀理財師免費現場指導房地產省稅疑難雜症!我們的財稅專家在講座中會重點實例分析:1,W2 高薪和高額股票如何合法節稅,雲裡霧裡嗎? 2,企業雇主各種省稅策略,利與弊比較了嗎? 3,各種房地產省稅局限與特殊性,全面瞭解嗎?4 ,房東開源節稅
臺中國家歌劇院说:留言于2014-11-26 14:51:45(第25条)
「臺中國家歌劇院 3D光雕秀」10分鐘記錄
Cathay Bank说:留言于2014-11-26 07:57:38(第24条)
Thank you very much, your support is very appreciated. Happy holidays! Chris

CESASC说:留言于2014-11-26 07:32:28(第23条)
Wish you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Sincerely, Dankai

class=blackG>San Diego Chinese Press说:>留言于2014-11-26 02:39:25(第22条)
案犯频频出没 SDSU周末继发性侵绑架案
小小汤圆飘浓香 中华学苑文化节 (多图)
HKBU说:留言于2014-11-25 15:36:32(第21条)
You are invited to attend the HONG KONG BAPITIST UNIVERSITY Cheque Presentation & Thanks Ceremony
2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Sat. 6. Dec. 2014
HKBU Shiu Pong Hall, 9 Broadcast Drive , Kowloon Tong , H.K.
nankaiboston说:留言于2014-11-25 11:53:46(第20条)
自校友会于今年9月份组织大家为在国内生病的何铭皓同学捐款以来,我们陆续受到大家的捐款和关切询问,截止到11月初我们共收到捐款$930。除了本地热心校友外,捐款的还有曾经在波士顿学习工作而现居住其它城市的,感谢大家对波士顿校友会的一贯支持。也有很多其它校友,通过国内的亲友/校友组织直接给小何捐款的,校友会也在此一并感谢!相信大家的支持和爱心传递会帮助小何战胜疾病,早日康复。下面的名单是我们收到的捐款者:Jun Qi; Yi Zhou; Xiong Liu; Haihong Li; Shuxia Liu; Xianru Sun; Shuo Zhang; Xiaoxi Liu; Zheng Ma; Wenlong Yang; Zhong Wang
捐款总额已于11月18日汇给南开校友总会,他们会代表波士顿校友会转交到何铭皓同学手中。另外,据最近消息,小何经过化疗,身体情况恢复良好,下一步的骨髓移植也已找到配型很高的供者。让我们一起为小何的后续治疗祈祷,祝愿他很快恢复健康,祝愿这个年轻的生命早日重放光彩! 再次感谢大家的慷慨解囊和爱心支持!

LLJ说:留言于2014-11-25 09:48:57(第19条)
YL说:留言于2014-11-25 08:19:44(第18条)
Dear professor, I really appreciate your kind help! Sincerely thank you from my inner heart. May you have a wonderful thanksgiving holiday!
Best Regards, YL

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies说:留言于2014-11-25 05:54:29(第17条)
Innovation and Invention: Transformations in the Art of Tang Poetry - Talk by Zhu, Qi
Monday, November 24, 2014
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
11360 Main Conference Room
Young Research Library
Zhu Qi, a scholar and writer, resides in the United States. He received his PhD in Chinese Literature from Peking University in 1990. After coming to theUnited States, he taught for several years in the Department of East Asian Languages & Literatures at the University of California, Berkeley before moving on to teach for over a decade in the Department of Asian Languages & Culture at Stanford University. He currently works as an independent scholar, researching, writing about, and disseminating Chinese history and culture. The lecture will be in Chinese with no translation.


UCLA Center for Chinese Studies
11381 Bunche Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Campus Mail Code: 148703
Tel: (310) 825-8683 Fax: (310) 206-3555

J Chang说:留言于2014-11-24 16:04:14(第16条)
CEO名家讲坛 - 加州的经济和政策走向以及中美经贸创业机会
主讲嘉宾: Mr. Henry Yin
Diamond Bar Center, Oak Room
1600 S. Grand Avenue, Diamond Bar, CA 91765
中国科技纵横说:留言于2014-11-24 15:52:08(第15条)

【中国科技纵横】杂志征收学术论文: 国际刊号ISSN 1671-2064,国内刊号CN11-4650/N。本刊为半月刊,论文2800—6000字符数为宜,来稿请使用word排版,并请注明作者姓名、单位、通讯地址、邮编、电子信箱、联系电话等。本刊已被《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据》全文收录。论文的基本要素齐全,文章标题、作者单位、作者姓名、关键词、摘要、结语、参考文献等。
联系电话:010-83487914 15011111606
投稿信箱:zgkjzhyang@126.com 892129870@qq.com
駐洛杉磯辦事處臺灣書院说:留言于2014-11-24 13:09:25(第14条)
The Compensation Foundation received up to 1,067 applications until its disbandment earlier this year, and its 1,067-dossier collection has since been transferred to the Ministry of Culture.

The first Taiwan International Poetry Festival will be promoting poetry from around the world with a series of events, including a film festival, a concert, and a book fair that are set to roll out over the next two months.

The University of Surrey launched its first Spotlight Taiwan event — Taiwan Week — featuring a photo exhibition titled “Frames In-Between: Street Level,” a documentary screening, and seminars.

“Rever la Terre,” a cooperative project organized by the Taiwan Photo Museum, French academic group TK-21, and art curators from both countries, will be held concurrently in Paris and Taipei throughout November.

A special documentary titled "The Moment" premiered on the night of Nov. 16. The film directed by award-winning director Yang Li-chou looks back on the half-century history of Taiwan's prestigious Golden Horse awards.

To introduce the original setting for creating and admiring Chinese character art, the National Taiwan Museum has recreated a traditional Chinese study that will be opened to visitors from Nov. 1 through 30.

An exhibition co-organized by the Bureau of Cultural Heritage and the French-Salon Taiwan Artists Association will showcase oil and glue-color paintings of global World Heritage sites and the potential sites in Taiwan.

The Golden Horse Awards are among the most time-honored film awards in the world of Chinese-language cinema, and the 51st edition of the awards will take place in Taipei's National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall on Nov. 22.

Proposals will be accepted from Oct. 30 to Dec. 1, 2014 for projects that arrange for Southeast Asian personnel to visit Taiwan for cultural and artistic exchanges in 2015. Grants will be awarded in amounts up to NT$500,000 per project.

To promote innovative cross-field cooperation in science and the arts, the Republic of China (Taiwan) Ministry of Culture and the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN) have come together to create Accelerate@CERN TAIWAN.

Taiwan Academy
1137 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: 213-403-0168
亨利说:留言于2014-11-24 12:50:50(第13条)
I am your loyal reader, and have learned a lot from reading the UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network, thanks.‍‍
China-US Bridge说:留言于2014-11-24 12:14:00(第12条)
China-US Bridge to 2020: Building Relationships & Alliances for Results & Next Practices
美中企业家商会-ENP合办论坛: “中美携手迈向2020:建立关系联盟,
Date: December 12th 2014
Time: 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Registration & Networking
Time: 9:00 AM -12:00 PM Program
Location: Taco Bell Headquarters
Address: 1 Glen Bell Way, Irvine, CA 92618
+ Featuring governmental, Chinese and American CEOs
+ 政府官员,中美双方总裁精彩演讲
China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone
... introduce corporate innovation cases. China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone is a test field for China to promote reform and raise the level of open economy.
+ Over 150 companies in 35 verticals attending
+ 有来自35个行业超过150家企业出席
How to conduct business in China
Emerging regulatory and trade issues
Make key connections with top Chinese and American business development resources
Member Free to attend
Media Friends Free
Non-member online rate: $55 (Door rate $95.00)
蒙特利公園市中美二戰紀念碑建碑委員會说:留言于2014-11-24 11:14:22(第11条)

CESASC说:留言于2014-11-24 03:21:20(第10条)
Greetings! You are invited to two seminars will be held on Nov 29, 2014 and December 6, 2014, respectively. The first one is about how to encourage your family to be interested in Science and Technology and the second one is about Cloud Computing and Big Data. You will find both seminars will be extremely interested to you, your family and your friends. Both Seminars are organized by CESASC (Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California). The fliers for both seminars are attached. The first one is to discuss how to encourage your family interested in studying the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math fields by Dr. H.Y. Chang, will be held right after the Thanksgiving, on Nov 29, 2014 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm. The location is also in Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles, 9443 Telstar Ave., El Monte, CA 91731. The second one – Cloud Computing and Big Data is scheduled on December 6, 2014 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm, Location: Radio Golden Vintage (金華之聲廣播電臺), 601 Las Tunas Dr. Suite # 100, Arcadia, CA 91007
Cloud Computing is considered the fourth IT (Information Technology) revolution, while Big Data is considered one of the core technologies in the third industrial revolution. This is a “Big” and “critical” technology which will impact everyone’s daily life.
Today, due to the popularity of computing device and Internet, the data is so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process it using traditional data processing applications. The world''''s capacity to store information has roughly doubled every 40 months since the 1980s; as of 2012, every day 2.5 exabytes (2.5 billion GB) of data were created. A new method must be used to assist humans in understanding the data and making decisions with an acceptable risk. In this seminary, we will discuss: What is Cloud Computing, and what is Big Data? Why are they so critical today? What is the relationship between Cloud Computing and Big Data? How are they changing our businesses and society? What are the success cases or examples? What are the opportunities? How do they work? What are the challenges? What do they mean to you? What are the job opportunities and how do you prepare for it? These are the major questions that you will get the answer to, from this seminar.
The details of these seminars can be found in CESASC’s Web (www.cesasc.org) under the “Event” (http://www.cesasc.org/events). In addition to seminars, our Scholarship and STEM (Science, Technology Engineering and Math) 2015 Essay Competition and Scholarship Applications are open and the deadline for applications is Mid-Feb 2015. Please visit (http://www.cesasc.org/news). Again, You will find seminars and programs provided by CESASC will be extremely interesting to you, your family and your friends. Please forward this e-mail to anyone in your family and association in your organization. We are looking forward to seeing you at these very informative seminars. In the meantime, wish you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. Sincerely, CESASC
Chinese Hometown说:留言于2014-11-23 00:52:20(第9条)
胡鸿俊牵头组成精英群 (图频)
解决水源紧张 加州采取废水净化饮用
向二战援华飞虎群英致敬图片展在美国国会山庄举办 缅怀中美合作历程
“美国赌王” Archie Karas 在圣迭戈被判刑(图)
警方:Scripps Ranch 出现企图绑架学生疑犯
联邦处方药福利保险Med P-D已开始登记

San Diego Chinese Press

PL说:留言于2014-11-23 00:42:33(第8条)

yusheng Wu说:留言于2014-11-22 03:28:06(第7条)
《海外南开人》第87期 NANKAI OVERSEAS 87th
Ourenglish.org/ 我们的英语网站

Boston Nankai Alumni Association, Boston-NKAA
paros说:留言于2014-11-21 00:28:25(第6条)
主题沙龙: 冬季学养生,健康吃出来
本周四沙龙,健康专家将与大家一起分享中医养生保健知识,冬季食补的注 意要点、冬季养生中的常见误区以及如何鉴别自己的体质等话题,欢迎参加!
【活动时间】11月27日(周四)18:30 - 20:30

【内容提要】■ EXCEL操作高手技巧     
■ 逻辑函数详解 
■ 查找引用函数详解及实际应用 
■ 数据透视表详解
【听课要求】学生自带笔记本电脑&电源,预装EXCEL2007/2010/2013 版本
【活动时间】11月25日(周二)18:00 - 20:00 (自由交流18:00 - 18:30,沙龙讲座18:30 - 19:30,交流互动19:30 - 20:00)

文汇讲堂: "文学季"系列讲座
 ■ 讲座主题:《情感与故事》&《迁徙与阅读》
【活动时间】2014年11月29日 14:00 - 17:00
【活动地点】威海路755号 上海报业集团文新大厦二楼报告厅(凭票入场)
【报名方式】网站报名(额满为止) 11月19日至11月25日,到文汇讲堂官网,点击"我要参加"即可报名。未注册者需先注册后填写报名表。
Yaoxiu L.说:留言于2014-11-20 08:23:41(第5条)
Thank you very much. I appreciate your web very much. I wanted to join your team, especially to join some delegation to china.
Best regards, Yaoxiu
lingding说:留言于2014-11-20 08:20:07(第4条)
Thank you so much! Ling
洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心说:留言于2014-11-20 00:43:33(第3条)
僑務委員會官方臉書粉絲團 https://www.facebook.com/iocac

Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles
Journal of Special Operations Medicine说:留言于2014-11-19 23:50:29(第2条)
Webinar: Integrating Technology into DoD Efforts to Promote Psychological Health
November 20, 2014; 1-2:30 p.m. (EDT)
Many behavioral health providers are beginning to incorporate modern technologies into the psychotherapy relationship and process, often at the encouragement of patients who bring apps and downloaded Internet material into clinical settings. This presentation will articulate various opportunities for enhancing the therapeutic impact inherent in several current technologies including web and mobile applications, simulations and distance collaboration technologies and will highlight the necessary steps for moving forward with an integrated model of behavioral health care.
During this webinar participants will learn to:
• Understand and articulate reasons why the standard of practice in behavioral health does not currently incorporate the use of modern technologies to include web and mobile applications and distance collaboration technologies
• Describe some promising opportunities for improving behavioral health care through the use of these technologies as an adjunct to standard treatment
• Outline the steps needed for moving forward with the integration of these technologies into their standard practice
To register for this webinar, please visit http://dcoe.mil/Training/Monthly_Webinars.aspx
JSOM说:留言于2014-11-19 23:48:21(第1条)
There are only three weeks until the Special Operations Medical Scientific Assembly in sunny Tampa, FL. If you haven't already signed up to be a member and to attend SOMSA, today is your last day to pre-register. After today, you will need to do it onsite. Go to http://www.specialoperationsmedicine.org/Pages/default.aspx for all the details. Or contact SOMA@goAMP.com.
The Winter JSOM Digital and Tablet are now available on our website. Print copies are in the mail.The Journal of Special Operations Medicine has a Special Call out for Papers.
Column Title: World of Special Operations Medicine
Purpose: The purpose of the World of Special Operations Medicine column in the Journal of Special Operations Medicine is to help connect the non-US portions of the Special Operations Medicine community with the rest of the Special Operations Medicine community.
Length: 2 to 4 journal pages (10 double-spaced Word pages) total to include any picture and tables, if needed.
Opportunities: One per quarterly edition. Note deadlines at website (https://www.jsomonline.org/CallForPapers.html).
Ideas for consideration: Brief identification of the authors' national SOF or SOF-relevancy, the who (individuals, units), the what (important issues, roles, missions, scholarly works, knowledge gaps), where (ground the global reader where you are and what it's like), when (let them know what's been going on the last couple of years and what you're thinking will be important to you for the next few), why (you can discuss any new items that are special to you and your nation that are relevant for the globe to know). Particularly key on items that are relevant to your connection to the world community so that the World of Special Operations Medicine knows about you and can relate to you better. Process of writing: We recommend that an outline of the ideas is checked with the editors early for feedback before much is written. Please contact editor@JSOMonline.org or john.kragh@JSOMonline.org
注意: 留言内容不要超过4000字,否则会被截断。
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