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2015/1/22 16:31:58 | 浏览:6555 | 评论:19

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net


(ISSN: 2372-9937)
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2015年 第3期 創刊第672期 1/15-1/22/2015
Table of content - 本期重要目录


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements






  若因任何原因,您未能收到上期《即时通讯》(2015 No.2),请点击此处查阅

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2015 No.3)

Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4046]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4581]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4860]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4057]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4090]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4355]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4665]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5014]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4230]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5210]
:中国336个国家重点实验室布局 :中澳政府联合出手打击洗钱和逃税漏税 大量中国居民海外账户遭冻结 :摄影师苏唐诗与寂寞百年的故宫对话6年,3万张照片美伦美奂 :大数据分析图解:2019中国企业500强 张梦然:英国惠康桑格研究所:人体内的微生物与出生方式有关 :美众议院将调查华裔部长赵小兰“利用职权为家族谋利“ :UCLA CCS 2019 Fall Quarter Lecture Series Overview 谭晶晶:美国科技界高度关注中国科技创新进展
洛杉磯臺灣書院说:留言于2015-01-30 01:20:45(第16条)
Free Admission
Taiwan Film Series 2015: Taiwan Flavor ''Au Revoir Taipei'' 《一頁台北》
Date : 2015-1-29 6:30PM~
Venue : Taiwan Academy in Los Angeles
Address : 1137 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024
Director: Arvin Chen
Kai yearns to be with Susie who's left for Paris. He spends his days working at his parents' noodle restaurant and his nights trying to learn French at the local bookstore, where he meets Susie, a sweet but lonely girl who works there. Afraid of losing Susie, and in need of money to get to Paris, he accepts a dubious offer from a local gangster – to deliver a mysterious package to Paris. It's the beginning of a wild night for Kai, at the end of which he realizes that leaving both Susie and Taipei will only take him further away from true love.

Q & A with Mr. Justin Guerrieri
Justin Guerrieri is a Writer, Director, and Editor of feature films, living in Los Angeles, California. He is the editor of "Au Revoir Taipei" and 'Will you still love me tomorrow?' for the same director Arvin Chen
Au Revoir Taipei won the "Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema" (NETPAC Prize) at the Berlin International Film Festival 2010 and was considered a box office success in Taiwan.
Pizza and drinks will be provided before screening.
Please email info@taiwanacademyla.org for seat reservations.
JL168说:留言于2015-01-29 02:41:38(第15条)
[東森新聞HD]好大! 扁獨享208坪 總統級牢房首曝光
臺灣人真會說謊真會騙人,馬英九給陳水扁這樣優裕的別墅住,還不夠好??? 請大家看看下面的youtube吧!!
阿扁獨享208坪 總統級牢(套)房首曝光:
connie说:留言于2015-01-29 00:38:39(第14条)
thank you very much with regards. Sincerely yours, Lifei
卓越说:留言于2015-01-29 00:34:46(第13条)
大學學費日益增漲;家長學生憂心忡忡,我的孩子能上得起名校/私校/公校嗎?不用擔心!卓越和大學教育資助顧問遵守IRS和Department of Education法規,合法合理協助申請助學金&獎學金!幫您解除後顧之憂!多年來,我們的財務專家幫助灣區許多家庭和學生成功申請到大學助學金和獎學金,包括學費高昂的私立大學!以下數種來自灣區高中學生家長的說法,聽起來是不是有點像您?
1. 申請大學教育資助是浪費我們的時間。我們收入太高,不夠資格申請。
2. 我們有太多的房屋和資産,不可能得到財務資助。
3. 我們得花費我們的退休金,才能讓孩子讀完大學。
4. 我孩子學習成績很棒,可我們只能讓他上州立大學,我們上不起私立大學。
5. 我們家收入不高,只好讓孩子先上兩年社區大學。
6. 我是單親,生活勉強過得去。我不知道去哪裏尋求幫助,供孩子們上大學。
7. 我聽到的訊息讓我感到稀裏糊塗,有人這樣說,有人那樣說,答案完全不一樣。
如果您有類似上述的想法,或者正在被日益增長的大學學費所困擾,那您來聽聽我們本週末的講座,就沒煩惱了!老中朋友,最近國債攀升,QE退出,股市盤整,房市迷離,在這段波動的時期,有人乘勝追擊趁機暴富?也有人急流勇退見好就收?俗話說,盛世古董,亂世黃金,波動市場就應該穩中求金!卓越2015最新推出[富貴穩中求, 提錢退休圓夢]計劃:
1. [福祿滿堂]每年保證7%計畫,開戶送10%穩定獲利沒煩惱!
2. [美滿人生]零風險零費用計畫,開戶送15%滿足退休沒煩惱!
3. [長命百歲]只漲不跌遞增計畫,開戶送20%豐盛晚年沒煩惱!
另外,最近灣區房市在高成長中趨於穩定,有些投資者也獲利兩難,到底要繼續出租收取可觀的租金收入? 還是拿到資本利得一舉多得?換房省稅一定明智划算嗎?財稅講座時間是本週六1/31@2-4pm, 本周日2/1@2-5pm.講座報名電話:1-877-253-8288,電郵:Jenny@EliteWealths.com。
哈佛大學中國學生學者聯合會说:留言于2015-01-28 08:03:07(第12条)
由哈佛大學中國學生學者聯合會主辦、其他七所常春藤盟校中國學生學者聯合會協辦的「2015美國常春藤盟校春節聯歡晚會」,將於2月7日(周六)晚7時30分,在波士頓約翰漢考克廳(John Hancock Hall)舉行,地址:180 Berkeley St., Boston, MA 02116。
今年活動得到波士頓地區高校廣大校友和當地華人社團的鼎力支持,將有豐富多采的演出項目,涵蓋歌舞表演、民族樂器、相聲小品及魔術等。還有哈佛與達特茅斯大學學生學者深情歌唱、康乃爾與哈佛大學學生傾情演繹舞蹈、麻省理工學院無伴奏樂團清唱、紐約Takala Land Dance Studio激情街舞、哈佛中美學生聯合帶來小品、波士頓浮雲社相聲、人大附中藝術團專業武術表演,及國際知名演奏家趙聰的琵琶表演等。活動對民眾開放。售票可上網:www.eventbrite.com/e/2015-ivy-league-chinese-spring-festival-gala-tickets-15250794537。
LL说:留言于2015-01-28 05:03:43(第11条)
虎父无犬子 解放军现役将领中的“红二代”
中国侨联说:留言于2015-01-28 04:56:07(第10条)
由中国侨联主办、纽约中国和平统一促进会承办,以中国杂技为主体的综艺性文艺演出将于2月13日在纽约曼哈顿隆重上演。晚会的举办旨在欢庆中华民族新春佳节、传播中华文化、深化中美两国间的文化交流、促进两国人民友好。此次演出是中国侨联自2008年起所开展的《亲情中华》全球主题巡演的一部分。 艺术团成员包括诸多中国国家一级演员及顶尖专业演艺团队,深受世界各地中外观众欢迎。往期《亲情中华》演出活动也得到了中国政府、各地使领馆、各国媒体以及中外各界人士的大力支持和广泛关注。本届文艺晚会以杂技类节目为主,由中国杂技团担纲出演。此外还有中国东方演艺团、中国广播艺术团、中国国家交响乐团的著名歌唱家、舞蹈家加盟参演。还将有来自大纽约地区华侨艺术家及美国友人表演的精彩节目。
演出时间: 2015 年 2 月 13 日(星期五)晚上 7:00
演出地点: 百老汇剧院NYC Town Hall, 123 West 43rd Street, New York, NY, 10036(6 大道和 Broadway之间,时代广场地铁站附近)
凡是购买2月7日举办的羞答答的玫瑰开在中国年--双节派对。 均可获得《亲情中华•欢聚纽约》新春文艺晚会15%的折扣代码, 操作方式购买双节派对门票,把购买信息发送邮件至 infornacs@gmail.com 获得回复邮件(内有折扣代码)
SACPAA说:留言于2015-01-28 03:10:12(第9条)
報稅季節到了, 北美華人會計師協會2015新春年初稅務,理財及法律演講會, 1/31/2015 & 2/1/2015, 分別在 洛僑中心及橙僑中心舉辦, 歡迎大家踴躍參加.

P. Cong说:留言于2015-01-28 02:08:44(第8条)
A)中国经济金融网: 入股中信 伊藤忠创日企对华投资最高纪录
B)日本朝日新闻网: 伊藤忠正大联手 投资中国中信集团
USC U.S.-China Institute说:留言于2015-01-27 23:55:28(第7条)
Please join the USC U.S.-China Institute for a book talk by Timothy Heath, Senior International Defense Research Analyst of The RAND Corporation, to discuss the historic context, drivers, and meaning of the governing party paradigm in China.
1/29/2015 - China's New Governing Party Paradigm: Political Renewal and the Pursuit of National Rejuvenation
Annenberg School of Communication and Journalism, ASC 204
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Time: 4:00 - 5:30PM
Cost: Free, please e-mail uschina@usc.edu to RSVP.
For the first time since its founding in 1921, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has adopted a new paradigm for its role in China. Abandoning its former identity as a ''revolutionary party'', the CCP now regards itself as a ''governing party'' committed to meeting the diverse needs of its people and realizing China''s revitalization as a great power. To enhance its ability to realize these aims, the CCP has enacted extensive political and ideological reforms. Central to that effort are changes to how the party develops and oversees strategy and policy.
About the Speaker
Timothy R. Heath is Senior International and Defense Analyst at the RAND Corporation and a recognized expert on Chinese strategy and political-military topics. He served for five years as the senior analyst in the United States Pacific Command (USPACOM) China Strategic Focus Group and has over fifteen years of experience in the US government as a specialist on China. Mr. Heath has authored many articles and a book chapter on topics related to Chinese security and political issues. He earned his MA in Asian Studies from George Washington University and speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese.
F. Tai说:留言于2015-01-27 08:32:59(第6条)
Thank you for the help!
China Institute NY说:留言于2015-01-27 08:31:13(第5条)
A Course on the Uniqueness of Chinese
3 Sessions (Tuesdays, February 17 - March 3 ~ 6:30-8:30pm)
All languages are interesting in their respective ways. For a genuine uniqueness, Chinese is nonpareil, as it singularly blends high music and captivating pictures, resulting in the visceral quality of the language. Every character, like a pearl, glows as a pictographic symbol that tells a story alternately moralistic, somber, amusing, or melancholy. Chinese is a written language that possesses a luster all its own, to be treasured like a painting, and thus these pearl-like characters must be set to what the Chinese perceive to be the right sounds and tones (pitches). By contrast, other languages, such as English, are similar to embroidery, with words resembling threads that must be woven together to function and shine. An understanding of this conceptual logic of the Chinese language should therefore elucidate why the structural rules of the Chinese language are founded on the pictures these characters represent, and why they must be placed in a grammatical order that abides by the rules of a precise natural sequence and scope.
This course will explore the musicality of the language and the artistic and ingenious features of the written characters as living images of the Chinese culture. An in-depth understanding of Chinese written characters, their sounds, and the tonal system enables one to grasp the structure of the Chinese language and, through all this learning, come to understand the culture and people of China.
To register:
Register over the phone by calling (212) 744.8181.
Register online by clicking here
Paul H说:留言于2015-01-27 08:23:05(第4条)
Happy Lunar New Year!!! Thank you very much for your Interview and Special Report / Article. Please keep in touch. Best regards, Paul H.
Joyce T.说:留言于2015-01-26 14:19:07(第3条)
Thank you and have a great evening!
Liao FW说:留言于2015-01-25 00:29:06(第2条)
(1) 中國的國際關係:精闢的總結
1. 中美是夫妻,貌合神離, 但絕不會離婚。畢竟有三萬億共同財產,離婚代價太大。
2. 日本是小三,找點刺激,釣釣魚可以,但必須嚴加防範,否則會搏上位。
3. 菲律賓和越南是小姐,爭過去爭過來就是為點兒小費。
4. 台灣是前妻,關鍵時候還是會力挺前夫的,特別是對付小三之時。
5. 養了一隻狗,大了發現原來是狼,為了面子只好還當寵物養。這就是中朝關係。

(2) 中國的新“ 四大名著”熱

(3) 打黑
重慶市公安局長王立軍“ 滯留” 美國領事館,尋求政治避難,領事急忙打電話向國內匯報。情報層層送到奧巴馬總統的手裡。

(4) 中國六大發明
1. 象棋:中國政治象徵,一切為了保帥。
2. 麻將:中國商場象徵,不讓各方摸清底牌,互相算計,只為自己成功。
3. 圍棋:中國思維象徵,一切都是非白即黑。
4. 軍棋:中國官場象徵,官大一級壓死人。
5. 雜技:中國現狀象徵,折騰來折騰去其實都是為了維穩。
6. 武術:中國軍事象徵,架式嚇人,近期沒見制服過誰。

(5) 收妖殺怪
央視大火燒掉10 幾億,最終抓了幾個運煙火的;
上海靜安大火燒死53 人,歸了竟然是4 個電焊工的責任!

(6) 照樣有效

難怪民進黨沒人敢切割陳水扁? 陳幸妤不是說過: "誰沒有拿過我爸爸的錢".
sci-tec.org说:留言于2015-01-24 17:38:26(第1条)
项目申报: 杭州萧山5213计
申报条件:1、申请人应取得硕士及以上学位;2、拥有自主知识产权和发明专利,或掌握核心技术、其技术成果国内先进或能够填补国内空白,创业项 目具有较好的产业化前景;3、申请人为企业的主要创办人,股权不低于30%;4、有海外创业经验或在国际知名企业机构担任中、高级职务,熟悉相关领域和国际规则,有较强的经营管理能力。
政策扶持: ⑴资金扶持:给予最高500万元项目扶持资金。 ⑵贷款贴息:给予两年内最高1000万元银行贷款的全额贴息,区属担保公司给予相应担保。⑶租金补助:给予企业三年1000平方米以内的办公用房房租补贴,标准为1元/平方米·天。 有意愿申报者,请发邮件至:service@sci-tec.org 索取申报材料

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