Explorers In NYC: A fun summer immersing yourself in English and experiencing American culture. First Camp session starts on July 17th, MondayMake your child''s summer a fun-filled experience by enrolling in the Children's Summer Day Camp at China Institute in New York City, U.S. Designed and tailored for different age groups ranging from 6 to 12, our camp offers instruction of English language, history, literature and culture in an exciting and interactive environment to students of all proficiency levels. Language instruction is led by experienced English language teachers with exciting historical themes designed to inspire learning, participation and engagement. There are 3 themes connecting American and Chinese cultures through our camp: Session I - My Summer in New York, Kids can relate the language they learn to their experience in New York, whether they are visiting for the summer or they live here. Session II & III - My Super Heroes, comparing the super heroes of popular culture to the heroes in Chinese fiction. Session IV & V - My World Trip, while experiencing New York, kids can imagine a trip to the world, while they learn about fun cultural places, people and activities they would encounter on their trip.Besides language classes there will be fun activities including shadow puppet play, musical instruments play, cooking projects, storytelling, etc. in the afternoon for kids to learn and explore a diverse culture. Friday's will be half days for all students. We will be traveling to different museums and cultural institutions in New York City, and there will be new places and new adventures! To register for Children''s Summer Program, please email children@chinainstitute.org, or call +01 212-744-8181, ext. 110
加入华美协进社儿童少年夏令营,给你的孩子一个难忘的纽约暑假!夏令营为6-12岁的少年儿童专门设计,针对不同英文水平的孩子提供英文课,融合历史、文学以及文化,为每一位学生提供交互式的学习新体验。夏令营的老师具备丰富的英语外教经验,以不同的主题为核心,为您的孩子创造一个激励学习与参与的全英文课堂。 夏令营围绕三个主题设计学习和文化活动: 第一周: 我的暑假在纽约!不论是在纽约短暂停留还是长期居住,学生们可以将学到的语言直接应用到在纽约的经历。 第二、三周:我喜欢的英雄们 那些陪伴我们成长的故事书里,哪些是我们喜欢的"英雄们"?是超人、蜘蛛侠还是齐天大圣、葫芦娃?通过学习美国文化与故事,学生们不仅学习和了解美国的"英雄"们,还可以更与中国的"英雄"们做对比哦! 第四、五周:我的世界之旅 学生们在这两周可以一边体验纽约的不同文化,一边想象他们的世界之旅,从中学习不同地方的风情、习俗及人物,为他们将来真正的世界之旅打开窥见未来的窗户。除了语言学习,夏令营安排中国学生每天下午与美国同龄学生一起参与丰富多彩的文化活动,包括皮影戏、音乐、烹饪、故事会等。周五上午中美学生将一起参观纽约的博物馆和文化机构,在充分的活动中建立友谊。 联系我们 children@chinainstitute.org, +01 212-744-8181, ext. 110 |