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2018/5/16 15:00:38 | 浏览:4101 | 评论:5

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net


(ISSN: 2372-9937)
主編: 姜镇英博士 drzjiang@hotmail.com
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘博士 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅博士 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏博士 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云博士 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2018年 第11期 創刊第785期 5/4-5/16/2018
Table of content - 本期重要目录


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements





  若因任何原因,您未能收到上期《即时通讯》(2018 No.10),请点击此处查阅

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2018 No.11)



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UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4395]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4908]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [5197]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4401]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4408]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4720]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4992]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5345]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4534]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5565]
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Ding Yi说:留言于2018-05-23 15:46:18(第5条)

特朗普昨天的总统竞选演说 如下:
美国在全球推行民主二十年,我们得到了什么。 这二十年来,我们以国际警察和民主斗士自居,大力推行民主。 我们美国人拿着枪和美金,在二十年内,相继干倒伊拉克的萨达姆,利比亚卡扎菲,叙利亚,埃及,乌克兰,土耳其,希腊。 请问我们美国人得到了什么。 我们的商人不敢去中东和非洲做生意,在巴西奥运会不敢打国旗,在中东石油产区只要承认自己是美国人,直接是作死的行为。得罪了普京,得罪了欧盟,得罪了中国。

我们美国控制了高科技,居然在国际贸易中干不过中国,只得舍弃世贸组织去搞TPP. 请看中国,这二十年得到了什么。 他们不光夺走了我们的世贸组织第一名,还买到了全世界百分之八十的钢铁,百分之四十的石油天然气,百分之70的大豆,百分之80的铜和黄金,买到了乌克兰的航母,以色列的导弹,德国的机床和法国的红酒。他妈的还都是用美金买的。 他们买走我们的粮食,卖给我们辣条和方便面,买走了我们的钢铁,卖给我们比基尼内裤。买走了我们的石油,卖给我们玩具。 这都不是主要的,中国现在人民币国际化直接拿美国的美元作保,就算人民币不值钱了,立即可以兑换美元,谁都知道,他们有很多美元,比我们还多。 妈的,非洲都被他们夺走了,这就是我们的下场。 我绝对不支持奥巴马的TPP,我要让民主党的奥巴马和希拉里变成美国历史上最大的笨蛋。 我就是你们的下一届总统,请支持我,我们要光荣独立,谁有钱和谁做生意,我们要过好日子。


S. Kevin说:留言于2018-05-22 23:53:29(第4条)

1. 政府的功能。你觉得政府可以逼迫人民做什么,比如一定要表示爱国,一定要买健康保险等,或者说由政府利用公权力(暴力)强制执行的,是左派;认为政府只有提供服务的功能,提供对所有的人公平公正的规则,是右派。

2. 帮助别人的方法。支持由政府买单,给穷人提供永久福利的,是左派;相信幸福来自于自强自立, 自己找工作,自食其力, 有尊严地生活,帮助别人培养谋生的本领,是右派。

3. 对待不同意见的态度。主张个人服从集体,认为自己的意见最正确,如果别人有不同意见,那一定是错的,别人必须和自己意见一致,支持控制信息,控制言论自由的,是左派;主张个人独立,个人自由,尊重别人不同意见,尊重别人自己的选择,是右派。

4. 关于富人的态度。觉得穷人是富人剥削造成的,仇视富人的,是左派;认为财富是创造出来的,有人创造财富的能力高一点,他们有权利享受自己的劳动果实,是右派。

5. 种族政治。喜欢打种族牌的,动不动就说黑人被歧视, 墨裔被歧视, 亚裔被歧视, 而鼓动恨白人, 恨警察, 恨美国, 搞女性政治的,是左派;主张肤色之间没有区别,帮助需要帮助的人,而不是按种族肤色决定政策, 认为男人和妇女,有生理上的区别,所以会选择不同的职业,不能强求所有男人做的工作,妇女也去做,是右派。

6. 出了恶性案件,喜欢同情罪犯,追究别人的责任,追究社会责任,不太关心受害者的,是左派;关心受害者,主张严惩罪犯,爱憎分明的,是右派。

7. 喜欢陌生的东西,对陌生人张开怀抱,但是喜欢批评自己熟悉的人,抨击熟悉的环境的,经常认为法律有问题的,是左派;对陌生人既热情又承认需要时间认识, 对亲人,朋友充满爱,遵纪守法的,是右派。
U.S. Food and Drug Administration说:留言于2018-05-19 05:13:02(第3条)
Bausch + Lomb ULTRA (samfilcon A) Contact Lenses - P170035
The Bausch + Lomb ULTRA is a disposable extended wear contact lens that can be worn continuously for up to six nights and seven days. The use of this contact lens requires an eye doctor's visit and prescription.

ThinPrep Integrated Imager - P950039/S036
The ThinPrep Integrated Imager is a computer-based, bench-top device which combines the functions of slide imaging and review into a single system. It is intended to assist in primary cervical cancer screening for the presence of abnormal cells in cervical samples prepared, stained and coverslipped on glass slides which are called ThinPrep Pap test slides.
USC U.S.-China Institute说:留言于2018-05-18 04:52:52(第2条)
Screening: Woman Sesame Oil Maker 香魂女
Date: Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Time: 7-9pm
Location: School of Cinematic Arts (SCA) 110, USC

About the Film
Xiang is hard-working, running a small sesame oil business. Her husband is lazy and a drunk; her son is mentally handicapped. When Japanese investors provide capital to expand Xiang''''s business, she has the wealth to raise her social standing and buy a wife for her son, Dunzi. When money and a forceful personality fail to bend others to her will, including daughter-in-law Huanhuan, Xiang must find another way to tranquility.

Xie Fei was born in Yan''''an in 1937 and graduated from the Beijing Film Academy in the 1960s. Xie has directed nine films during his long career, all of which have been showered with acclaim, both at home and from abroad. His movie Black Snow won the Silver Bear Award for personal achievement at the Berlin Film Festival in 1989, where he later won the Golden Bear Award for Woman Sesame Oil Maker in 1992. Three years later his touching movie A Mongolian Tale won Best Director at the Montreal Film Festival. Most of Xie''''s films have been adapted from famous Chinese novels, helping to offer a deeper insight into Chinese history and culture. The movies focus on the lives of ordinary people who struggle in vain to come to terms with the limitations imposed by the society they live in. Xie was a visiting scholar at USC 1988-1989.

Jason Squire, Associate Professor of Cinema Practice, USC School of Cinematic Arts
Stanley Rosen, Professor of Political Science, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.

USC U.S.-China Institute
E Club说:留言于2018-05-18 02:15:16(第1条)
"My Lessons learned in Entrepreneurship
& Digital Marketing"
- Dataxu co-founder Sandro share lessons learned in his 25-year entrepreneurship and his insight on digital marketing

Date/Time: May 18th, 2018 (Friday), 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Cambridge Network Group in Constant Contact Building,
1601 Trapelo Rd, Suite 264, Waltham, MA
Fee: Free to NECINA E Club members, and VIP guests, $10 other NECINA members, $25 non NECINA members. Online Registration required

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm *Registration & Lunch
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm "Lessons learnt by breaking Entrepreneurship and my take on digital marketing" Mr. Sandro Catanzaro
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm Round Table discussion, E-Club member introductions

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