

The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network




Hey everyone, welcome back to yapping with Michael. Today I want to talk about something more chill, which is the subject of GPAs or grades at my school in America.


To start off, I want to just tell everyone that grading in America is very different from grading in China. In the sense that grading in America is not just the tests and quizzes that matter but also every classwork, every assignment, and homework that you do. The teacher grades all of those and counts them towards your final grade. The teacher takes all the scores of your homeworks, skills assessments, tests, and all of these, combines them, finds an average, and that\'s your final score. So, that\'s how grading in America is different than in China.


For the scores, our school is different because normal high schools and middle schools in America, their highest grade is an A+. Our school only has A; our school\'s highest grade is A. Our school\'s highest grade is now just an A. So, it goes from A+, A, A-, and then B+, B, B-, all the way down to F.


A to A- is usually in the range of around 90% to 100% for your overall grade. B- to B+ is usually around 80% to 90%. You get the point; it\'s between like a 10% range.

A- to A+ is excellent; you\'re doing very well in school, you don\'t need to worry about anything.

B- to B+ means you are doing decent. It\'s alright but you could be better, you could be getting A\'s.

C\'s are like eh, you\'re starting to step on the line of like, are you going down or are you going up? So that\'s C. You want to be moving up on C.

D is like, yeah, you\'re starting to lean towards like not learning what you\'re supposed to learn or you\'re not putting in enough effort. So maybe you\'re gonna have to repeat the class, or if it\'s a special case, you get to move on to the next grade.

F means you fail the class, which means you literally have not done like half the homework, or you haven\'t been there at tests, or you\'ve just bombed every test you went to. So that\'s F. You wanna go for as high a grade as possible.







The way GPA is counted is that for every grade, for example, an A+ is a 4.0 GPA. If you have all A+s in all 6 classes, you take 6 * 4.0, which is 24, and then you divide it by 6 again. So which means you have a 4.0 GPA. The lower letter grade you have,  which means you have like five A+s and one A, your GPA goes down a little bit. Each grade letter has its own worth of GPA, so the lower the grade, the lower your GPA.

GPA的计算方式是:每个成绩都对应一个GPA值,例如,A+是4.0 GPA。如果你所有6门课都是A+,你就用6乘以4.0,即24,然后再除以6。那么你的GPA还是4.0。你成绩略低的话,比如有五个A+和一个A,GPA会相应微降。每个成绩等级都有其对应的GPA值,成绩越低,GPA越低。

So, how do you maintain a good GPA? First off, you gotta do all your work, be there on time in class, do the tests, you gotta do your homework.


Second thing, you gotta put in effort towards your work. For example, if you have an essay to read and the teacher tells you to take notes on it, you have to make sure you write at least enough for the teacher to see that you actually read the paper. You have to show the teacher that you actually worked for them to be able to give you a good grade.


The final thing you want to do is your attitude. At school,another important factor of what your grade is also dependent on your attitude in class, like how you behave in class,if you talk in class, do all that stuff. Personally, I\'m not exactly the best at having a good attitude in class. I try to, but sometimes I do talk a little bit with my classmates. That\'s okay because that\'s a small factor, but also it\'s pretty important to give the teacher a good,like to give yourself and the teacher a good relationship. To make up a good relationship between them just in case. So those are three ways to maintain your GPAs: do your work, put in the effort, have a good attitude.


Finally, I want to make clear: does having a 4.0 GPA essentially mean that you get into a good college? It absolutely does not mean that. Having a 4.0 GPA only means that you are in a pool of people who are eligible to apply to a good college. That\'s the base of being able to get into a good college. You have to do extracurriculars, volunteer work, keep a good relationship with your teachers because the teachers have to send an email to the colleges saying their description of how you are. So, you have to maintain a good relationship with teachers. It\'s a whole lot of other stuff, but you have to be able to maintain a 4.0 GPA before you can even think about doing anything else to apply for college.

最后,我想强调一点:拿到4.0 GPA是否意味着你一定能进入一所好大学?并非如此。4.0 GPA仅仅助力你进入申请好大学的这个池子,这是申好大学的基础。你还需要做课外活动,志愿工作,保持与老师的良好关系,因为老师需要向大学发送关于你的推荐信。所以,你要与老师保持良好关系。方方面面事情其实很多,但尽量保持好的学术成绩,可以算是敲门砖一样的学生本分吧。

So, I just wanted to let everyone know that in case some people think that having a 4.0 GPA is the only thing you need to do to get into a good college. And that\'s it for today. Thank you.

我特意强调这点,以防有人认为4.0 GPA是进入好大学的唯一条件。今天就到这里,谢谢大家。

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