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2011/8/26 18:06:07 | 浏览:10983 | 评论:10

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
网站: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
杨鸣 ming.s.yang@gmail.com
Ming Yang
2011年 第25期 創刊第544期 8/21-8/26/2011
Table of content - 本期重要目录


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements





UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2011 No.25)

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4476]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4976]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [5266]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4464]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4463]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4799]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [5048]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5425]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4605]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5670]
:阿尔茨海默病预防与干预核心讯息图解 :引力波天文台或有助搜寻暗物质粒子 :Sail Through the Mist - SoCal Innovation Forum 2019(10/5) 游天龙:《唐人街》是如何炼成的:UCLA社会学教授周敏的学术之路 :“为什么海外华人那么爱国,但是让他回国却不愿意?...“ :学术出版巨头Elsevier 彻查433名审稿人“强迫引用”黑幕 :中国336个国家重点实验室布局 :中澳政府联合出手打击洗钱和逃税漏税 大量中国居民海外账户遭冻结
X. Lanzi说:留言于2011-09-24 02:40:59(第10条)
Thanks for your hard work for all these long years.
Love you guys.
北美世界日報2012年第二屆「大家來寫書」活動说:留言于2011-09-11 14:45:30(第9条)
北美世界日報2012年第二屆「大家來寫書」活動開始徵稿,歡迎全美讀者寫自己的書,留下個人或家族的文字紀錄,也可提供未來研究北美華裔發展足跡的歷史紀錄。 這項活動旨在鼓勵全美、加華裔,為家族或個人留下文字及圖片紀錄,此紀錄須有助於傳揚中華傳統文化、保留華裔在美洲大陸扎根歷史、促進族群和諧或文學創作功能。

著作形式不設限,包括個人傳記、散文、家族史、移民生活、故鄉憶往、評論集、詩集,或其他形式,可憑作者喜好。文稿約6萬字(編成150頁,繁體中文),須以電子檔傳送,不接受手寫稿及紙本圖片。 參加作品不得違反活動宗旨,世界日報將有作品內容審核權,並有權拒絕出版任何對象所提的作品。 所有作品審核通過後,世界日報將協助出版,包括負責編排、設計封面、印刷、宣傳。經出版的書籍將列為「世界日報讀者叢書」,依序編號。書本採數位印刷印製,費用2000美元,首刷100本,由作者收取或轉贈。世界日報圖書百貨中心可代銷首刷後增訂本,惟增印書籍費用須由作者支付。 對該項活動有疑問可洽洛杉磯世界日報公共服務中心,電話:323-268-4982分機281,或電郵writenow@worldjournal.com。
New England Chinese Information & Networking Assoc说:留言于2011-09-11 08:45:48(第8条)
The followings are the upcoming event from NECINA and its partners. We hope you could attend and enjoy the event - NECINA YES Program 6.0
Sign up for the YES 6.0 Program and get a chance to win a Canobie Lake Park ticket! The prize will be drawn in the first class on 9/17.
Thinking about starting a business?
Dreaming to be the next Steve Jobs?
Or, Wondering if you could be an entrepreneur?

YES, you could by joining the NECINA YES (Youth Entrepreneurship Service) Program 6.0. The YES (Youth Entrepreneurship Service) Program 6.0, organized by NECINA, is a FREE training program, for high school and undergraduate students to enter the world of real business. YES Program 6.0 is an opportunity for you:
To enroll in 10 Business Training Classes, including Business Plans Introduction, Product Conceptualization, Company Structure, Finance, Sales and Marketing, Public Speaking and mentioning.
To meet distinguished entrepreneurs, learning how skills acquired can be applied in real world business.
To work in teams, develop business ideas and participate in a business plan contest.
To win cash scholarship and possible internship opportunities in big firms or corporate.
To register, please fill out this online application form.
Detail information, please check http://www.necina.net/web/yes/yes-program.
web: http://www.necina.org

Jimmy Wang说:留言于2011-09-10 06:13:12(第7条)
第一章 思维模式1:很多事情变了,但多数事情没有变
第二章 思维模式2:未来就存在于现实之中
第三章 思维模式3:要认真把握媒体统计数据
第四章 思维模式4:勇于追求,错又何妨
第五章 思维模式5:把未来看作一幅拼图
第六章 思维模式6:别走得太快,免得不知道你在哪
第七章 思维模式7:要变革,先让人们看到收益
第八章 思维模式8:改变是需要时间的

America China International Exchange说:留言于2011-09-09 01:22:39(第6条)
Many thanks for the information.
BTW, Please use my new email address (jzhang@acieus.com) for future contact, jzhang@laibsusa.com will be closed shortly. Thanks.
Best wishes,

Jeff Zhang
America China International Exchange
哈佛中國文化工作坊说:留言于2011-09-08 02:37:55(第5条)
哈佛中國文化工作坊將於本月8日(周四)下午3時至5時,假哈佛大學燕京圖書館聚會廳(2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138)舉辦演講會。兩位哈佛大學的訪問學者將擔任主講。復旦大學中文系教授張業松將講「丘東平與中國左翼文學的相關問題」;北京清華大學中文系教授兼副主任張美蘭將主講「傳教與晚清口岸民間中西文化對話之媒介」。活動將由召集人之一的張鳳主持。活動免費公開,以中文進行。
Gang Chen说:留言于2011-09-06 04:20:23(第4条)
We have been watching Super Idols on Channel 62.2 HTTV. There is a girl from Shanghai sings very well, we cannot wait to watch her every Sat. night at 8pm or 9 pm or Sunday between 1pm to 2 pm. I think you may like her songs also. Here are some links:

20110716 超級偶像 陳婕 後知後覺
2011/08/13 超級偶像 陳婕 我是一隻小小鳥

Gang Chen, Architect, LEED AP BD+C
Author/Publisher (http://www.GreenExamEducation.com)
北京市侨联说:留言于2011-09-05 14:56:41(第3条)

周康年个人动物画展说:留言于2011-09-03 16:48:23(第2条)
画展日期: 2011年9月3-4日星期六,日上午10:00-4:30
地点: 2121 w mission RD Alhambra CA91803
画家介绍: 周康年(GEOGER. ZHOU)上海人 ,自幼酷爱画画。得哈定启蒙,后师从陈莲涛、(中国著名画猫大师,邓小平先生曾请他画一幅“白猫和黑猫”在访美时送给美国里根总统,当时传为佳话), 张雪父等。后进上海大学美术学院攻读美术和理论。经多年潜心研究并融汇中西技法自创一体,被称颂为“小猫王”特别在画动物的眼睛上颇为传神。不管在油画、水彩画或中国画中都有独创之处。我为什么对动物画情有独钟呢?因为每个动物都有个性,它们可流露出自然的野性而不掩饰,但它们也有人性的一面。虽然无法与人类在言语上的交流,但不失为眼神和肢体上的体现。它可以根据你的善良和爱来体现对你的友善。也可以成为你最忠实的朋友。所以我不在乎言语的沟通而更特别在意眼睛深处的意……。自1988年来美定居。“潜伏”20余年至今,一直从事教育和创作工作。这次画展谨希望各位嘉宾能亲临指教,免费入场。 http://www.chinesedailynews.com/article/article-c143821.aspx
MIT-CHIEF Business Plan Contest说:留言于2011-09-03 15:57:16(第1条)
MIT-CHIEF Business Plan Contest - First Round Deadline is 9/12/2011
MIT-CHIEF (MIT-China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum) presents to you the MIT-CHIEF "Pitch to China" Business Plan Contest, which strives to connect new technologies and business models with investment funding and experience from both China as well as overseas. We are dedicated to facilitating overseas entrepreneurs with resources in China and helping them both enter the Chinese market as well as bring about positive change for both China and the world as a whole.

6 teams will enter the final competiton for a total of $18,000 in cash prize, no string attached!
First prize (1 team): $10,000
Second prize (2 teams): $2,500 each
Third prize (3 teams): $1,000 each

Contestants will also be able to:
Have an opportunity to present business ideas, and receive feedback from experienced entrepreneurs and investors from both China and abroad
Exchange ideas with invited guests of MIT-CHIEF, including researchers, well-known entrepreneurs, and policy-makers.
Have an opportunity to receive critiques and advice from investors, successful entrepreneurs, professors, and lawyers.
Promote business plans to the mass media and potential customers.
Attend lectures at MIT-CHIEF given by well-known MIT scholars, seasoned entrepreneurs, and lawyers.
Present your business idea at a poster exhibition at the MIT-CHIEF conference.
Gain access to entrepreneurial resources from our partners to accelerate your business.
Meet face to face with representatives from industrial parks and high-tech zones in China.

Confirmed judges (ordered by confirmation date)
Xiaoping XU Founder, Zhen Fund
Xiaojun LI Partner, IDG Capital Partners
Sanford SELMAN Founder and Managing Director, Asian West LLC
Wei GAO Founder, US Group Discount and Axcel Photonics;
Mentor, MIT Venture Mentor Service
Zhongli ZHENG Owner, WinBos Chemical Materials Co., LTD
Madge MEYER Executive Vice President, Chief Innovation Officer and
Technology Fellow, State Street Corporation
Hai LIU Executive, GSR Ventures
Wei ZHANG Associate Professor, Tsinghua University School of Economics
and Management
Ting XIA General Manager, China Xingyue Group

How to enroll
You will need to submit an executive summary that answers key business questions to enroll in the contest. (Please visit our website for detailed requirements)

Agenda (US Eastern Time)
Sep 12, 2011 23:00 Deadline for Project executive summary submission
Sep 26, 2011 21:00 Announcement of Semi-finalists
Oct 1-2, 2011 Course: Entrepreneurship Fundamentals
Lecture: Entrepreneurship in the Technology Sector and Law
Oct 16, 2011 23:00 Deadline for business plan
Nov 4, 2011 21:00 Announcement of Finalists
Nov 19, 2011 Private Meeting and Dinner with Investors
Nov 20, 2011 Finale

For more information, please go to >> http://mitchief.org/contest
Contacts: Xin ZHAO (857-756-6001) zhao.xin@mitchief.org
Wener LV (857-928-5137) lv.wener@mitchief.org
Danyang WU (617-435-5767) wu.danyang@mitchief.org
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