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2012/1/22 17:34:47 | 浏览:11734 | 评论:38

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
网站: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
杨鸣 ming.s.yang@gmail.com
Ming Yang
2012年 第2期 創刊第560期 1/13-1/21/2012
Table of content - 本期重要目录




Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements





UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2012 No.2)

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4032]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4561]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4840]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4038]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4071]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4334]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4649]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [4996]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4213]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5194]
:摄影师苏唐诗与寂寞百年的故宫对话6年,3万张照片美伦美奂 :大数据分析图解:2019中国企业500强 张梦然:英国惠康桑格研究所:人体内的微生物与出生方式有关 :美众议院将调查华裔部长赵小兰“利用职权为家族谋利“ :UCLA CCS 2019 Fall Quarter Lecture Series Overview 谭晶晶:美国科技界高度关注中国科技创新进展 :推荐:2019年底前中国高校重要学术论坛(10月 - 12 月) :黄奇帆:今后10年,中国经济将发生5个历史性变化
varlog说:留言于2015-01-10 14:27:15(第37条)
尊敬的姜老师: 此次能够接待您我觉得很开心,姜老师此行给我们提供很多信息和帮助,两位校长委托我再次表达谢意。 祝姜老师及家人身体健康,万事顺意! 彦华
南加州清華大學校友會说:留言于2012-02-01 02:51:38(第36条)

新竹清華大學(NTSU)陳力俊校長將率代表團于2月3日晚莅臨洛杉矶。南加州清華大學校友會(THUAA-SC)誠摯邀請貴校校友參加陳校長的專題報告。講座由清華大學校友會和南加大中國學生會(USC CSSA)共同主辦,歡迎大家來南加大共襄盛舉,謝謝!

ICSPAH说:留言于2012-02-01 02:14:49(第35条)
Dear Members and friends of ICSPAH,

With the help of our members and friends, lead by Dr. Wei Bian, our excellent Society secretary, I present you the January 2012 Newsletter from the International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health (attached).

Within the newsletter, you will learn that members of ICSPAH have received many honors from Chinese government, AAHPERD, and regional academic organizations. Congratulations to all of the award winners!

Many of our members will attend AAHPERD annual meeting in Boston during March 12 - 16 this year. We will host our annual meeting there too. Details are in the Newsletter. You are invited to attend the ICSPAH meeting and welcomed to our dinner gathering afterwards.

Enjoy reading the newsletter. Comments and suggestions for our future newsletters welcome.

Hope you have a healthy and productive year.

Li Li, Ph.D.
President, International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health
Jo Ellen Levy Yates Professor
Department of Kinesiology
Louisiana State University
Hongfei Lin说:留言于2012-02-01 02:13:04(第34条)
I’m very interested in joining the Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network. Would you mind being my reference?


Hongfei Lin, PhD
Assistant Professor
Chemical and Materials Engineering
University of Nevada, Reno
Michelle Chen说:留言于2012-02-01 02:11:04(第33条)
祝您在新的一年身体健康,心想事成 ,事业更上新台阶!

Nankai Boston说:留言于2012-01-31 12:20:42(第32条)
You are invited to view Nankai Boston's photo album: HotPot2012.01.28 龙年火锅红红火火蒸蒸日上 If you are having problems viewing this email, copy and paste the following into your browser:
NKAA-Boston说:留言于2012-01-31 06:26:24(第31条)
January 28, 2012 (世界新闻网): 南开校友滑雪乐http://www.worldjournal.com/view/wjmanews/17320652/article-%E5%8D%97%E9%96%8B%E6%A0%A1%E5%8F%8B-%E6%BB%91%E9%9B%AA%E6%A8%82?instance=bo21
January 23,2012 (星岛日报): 不畏寒冷 南開校友滑雪迎新年http://ny.stgloballink.com/boston/201201/t20120123_1695758.html
HR说:留言于2012-01-30 01:21:21(第30条)
Math C-ID Course Outline of Record Evaluator说:留言于2012-01-29 02:21:49(第29条)
Dear Faculty,
We are currently seeking faculty interested in serving on behalf of the Mathematics discipline as Course Outline of Record Evaluators (COREs) for the Course Identification (C-ID) System. As COREs, you will be active in reviewing submitted community college courses and assigning appropriate C-ID designations to those courses – a process facilitated through the C-ID website. If you have an interest in taking a role within your discipline as a CORE, please respond via email. We need to begin work in this discipline immediately and will need to seek approval from your local Senate President.

Course Outline of Record Evaluators (CORE)
The Course Outline of Record Evaluators are responsible for ensuring that the official course outline of record submitted by the AO meets the minimum requirements of the C-ID Descriptor. Their responsibilities include:
A. Attend the training and actively participate.
B. Learn how to use the C-ID website to review CoRs.
C. Be familiar with the discipline C-ID descriptors.
D. Review CoRs as assigned by the Primary Reviewer within three weeks of assignment. Alert the Primary Reviewer if unable to meet this deadline so that the course can be reassigned.
E. Provide clear and adequate feedback when a CoR is not approved to receive the requested C-ID designation. The feedback will help the CoR submitters (the campus Articulation Officer and discipline faculty) understand why the course was not approved and how it might be improved.
F. Work with the Primary Reviewer and your other discipline team members to ensure and maintain the integrity of the review process.
G. Communicate any issues, questions, concerns, and/or suggestions to the Primary Reviewer. If you are unable to meet any of your assigned review deadlines, please notify the Primary Reviewer as soon as possible.

Term of commitment: Members appointed to serve on the CORE are appointed annually their segments.
Qualifications: Experience with developing curriculum in the discipline assigned.
Stipend: $10 per course reviewed and paid each June.
Number of reviews: Reviewers are expected to review at least 100 courses each year.
Innovation in Mobile Applications说:留言于2012-01-29 02:03:45(第28条)
Innovation in Mobile Applications

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Perkins Coie, 3150 Porter Drive, Palo Alto, CA 94304

Mobile app developers remain at the top of the chart for investors as iPhones, iPad and Android devices continue to gain more market share. Some key questions for every mobile app developer are:

- How to turn your mobile application into a top hit and gain significant market share in short timeframe?
- How to monetize your mobile apps?

Come and join our mobile event on January 31, 2012, where industry experts and leaders share their experience and "secrets" in making some of the best mobile apps. As an audience, you will have the opportunity to connect with successful entrepreneurs and talented mobile developers.

About our panelists and their companies:

David Lam (Moderator), President of AAMA, Managing Director of West Summit Capital
Thomas Chung, GM, Playforge, the producer of Zombie Farm, the No.1 Mobile Game in Apple''s App Store
Paul Longhenry, VP & GM, Tapjoy, industry expert and leader in game monetization and distribution.
James Pearce, Head of Mobile Developer Relations, Facebook, No.1 platform for social games
Raymond Wei, Co-founder and CEO, Weaver Mobile, mobile apps to make photo sharing easy and fun


6:30 pm - 7:00 pm: Registration and networking with VIP reception
7:00 pm - 7:30 pm: Moderator introduction of the mobile app industry and trends
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm: Panel discussion

Registration: General Admission, $10
Chinese Youth Camp说:留言于2012-01-27 11:55:34(第27条)
深受華裔青少年們所喜愛的CYC(Chinese Youth Camp),每年結營時都讓學員們依依不捨,由於今年CYC的時間較往年提前,正、副輔導員的徵選也因此提前;今年夏令營輔導員報名由即日起至2月25日截止。 今年華裔青少年夏令營要擴大舉行,改成七天六夜。預定於7月1日至7月7日,營地將設於阿靈頓德州大學(UTA),駐營時間也更改為周日至周六(周六下午結束);今年的CYC仍將由達拉斯華人活動中心主辦,僑務委員會、美洲中國工程師協會達福分會以及Comerica Bank共同贊助。為了能讓參加夏令營的同學們,有既快樂又有意義的營地活動,正、副輔導員的訓練十分重要,在這個屬於他們自己的活動裡,如何在團體中與同伴相處,共同完成輔導學員的任務,又能夠分享快樂的時光,除了課程的安排必須是他們所喜愛的之外,正、副輔導員在這七天當中領導才能的展現,正是CYC籌備會所要達成的目標。

喬治亞州立大學孔子學院说:留言于2012-01-27 11:50:41(第26条)
孔子學院大春晚 31日免費入場
由中國國家漢辦孔子學院總部、南京大學、愛默蕾大學孔子學院、喬治亞州立大學孔子學院聯合舉辦的2012年孔子學院大春晚,將於31日晚上7時,在喬治亞州立大學的Rialto劇場舉行,免費入場,主辦單位歡迎有興趣的人士前往觀賞。喬治亞州立大學孔子學院美方院長顧寶桐教授表示,這次的春晚將安排各種民族樂器如管弦樂、古箏、琵琶、嗩吶、二胡、彈撥樂器演出。 南京大學民族樂團成立於1996年,該樂團的弓弦、彈撥、吹奏、打擊等各種聲部齊全,他們的演奏主要以合奏、齊奏、重奏、獨奏等形式演奏中國民族音樂。 演出的劇場位於80 Forsyth Street NW, Atlanta, GA 30303,訂票電話:喬治亞州立大學孔子學院(404)413-5298或愛默蕾大學孔子學院(404)727-6427。
哈佛大學燕京圖書館说:留言于2012-01-27 11:45:29(第25条)
北京師範大學哲學與社會學學院劉孝廷教授和哈佛大學訪問學者、上海華東師範大學中文系宋耀良教授,將於2月2日(周四)下午3時至5時,在哈佛大學燕京圖書館聚會廳(Common Room, 2 Divinity Ave. Cambridge, MA 02138)分別講述「當前中國的科學與宗教研究」,以及「人文學術與文學創作,從長篇小說《人面岩畫之謎》到《哈德遜之謎》」。詳情洽張鳳changphong@gmail.com。

Sophie C Wong说:留言于2012-01-27 01:40:05(第24条)
On Message -- Or Lazy Speechwriters?

Enjoy!! Familiar Rhetoric, Failed Record


Dr. Sophie C. Wong
张璐说:留言于2012-01-26 09:36:23(第23条)
在龙年的喜庆日子里 给您拜年啦!
祝您身体健康 万事大吉!

Dr. James J. Zhang说:留言于2012-01-26 09:22:12(第22条)
Great to hear from you. I have recently moved to work at the University of Georgia. Would you please start using my new e-mail address (jamesz48@uga.edu). Many thanks. Happy Lunar New Year!

Dr. James J. Zhang, Professor and Director
International Center for Sport Management (ICSM)
Department of Kinesiology, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602
Tel. (706) 542-4420
E-mail: jamesz48@uga.edu
潘維德说:留言于2012-01-26 09:20:04(第21条)
Whatever you have wished for 2012, I wish you get twice as such for you and each one of your family member. Happy Chinese New Year!

WEIDE PAN (Victor) from L.A.

顾伯铭说:留言于2012-01-26 09:17:55(第20条)
HMTCF Angel Care说:留言于2012-01-26 09:16:54(第19条)
Wishing You & Your families most Prosperous & Happy DRAGON YEAR!
Peace & Joy !

your sincerely

Angelique Yeh
HMTCF Angel Care
Student Assistance Project founder ~ 2007
Live simply ! Speak kindly ! Care deeply ! & Love generously !

Thom说:留言于2012-01-26 06:54:53(第18条)
This is a very impressive newsletter. Nice job to everyone who contributed to it!

h.liang@hotmail.co.uk说:留言于2012-01-26 03:58:15(第17条)
How are you? Hope you are well.
Just Keep in touch.

齐鸣 & 齐萱说:留言于2012-01-25 07:25:25(第16条)

齐鸣,齐萱 同贺
NKAA-Boston说:留言于2012-01-25 02:33:30(第15条)
2012 New Year Boston Reunion Lunch Party 1/28/12

Who: Nankai alumni or relatives and friends
When: Saturday, January 28, 2012

Agenda (Lunch and/or Poker Games)
1:00pm Start Hot Pot lunch at
Hot Pot Buffet (肥牛火锅城)
70 Beach Street, Boston, MA 02111
(Close to South Station Red Line or Chinatown Orange Line)
Tel: 617-338-0808

3:00 pm Start Poker Games or Other Group Activities (Place to be determined)

Parking: Street parking; $11 flat rate whole day garage parking above the Super Hong Kong Market (1 block away)

Cost:Group sharing on the spot

Reservation (by January 27 noon) by filling the following form:

Please come, network and celebrate the start of Chinese New Year!

Boston Nankai Alumni Association
Chih-Hung Ying说:留言于2012-01-25 02:07:13(第14条)

Zifeng Nie说:留言于2012-01-25 02:05:36(第13条)
Happy New Year !

Could you please put the attached News of DCEA Tech Council (DCEA 专业委员会)onto your web and newsletter?
Wish you the best in the Dragon Year!

Happy Spring Festival !

DCEA Tech Council would like to thank you for your active participation and strong support...

The "2012 Global Automotive Experts and Executives Forum" held on January 8, 2012 was a great success! Over 130 experts and executives from the United States, China, other Asian countries and global auto industry attended the event. The event was jointly hosted by DCEA Tech Council and NetEase Auto, and co-organized by Global Auto and AIEC. This was the first time that DCEA Tech Council held large-scale high-level technical exchange event in automotive industry with foreign auto media.

For more details, please see the on-line report below in Chinese and English, respectively:
If you are interested in joining DCEA tech council or its specialized committees, please visit our website at:

Wish you the most prosperous Dragon Year!
DCEA Tech Council
Shuchen BAO说:留言于2012-01-25 01:33:38(第12条)

codpa说:留言于2012-01-25 01:30:15(第11条)
All friends,
美国华裔医学科学家协会说:留言于2012-01-25 01:24:55(第10条)
拜年啦拜年啦!Happy Spring Festival!

您是美国华裔医学科学家协会的主人; 您又是美国华裔医学科学家协会的贵人。美国华裔医学科学家协会全体理事恭祝大家2012年:一帆风顺,双龙戏珠;三阳开泰,四季发财;五福临门,六六大顺;七星捧月,八面春风;九运当头,十全十美,恭喜恭喜,永远健康幸福!
George Zhao说:留言于2012-01-24 12:52:51(第9条)


这是我和科工会会长温俊山博士和说的原创相声 - 《龙年说一二》也许能推荐给大家。

China Institute - NY说:留言于2012-01-24 12:48:53(第8条)
(English summary: This lecture by Mr. Feng Zhe, founder and president of the Beijing Four-Seas Confucius'' Academy, will cover the following topics: 1) From Confucius to Sun Yat-sen: an overview of historical Confucian figures; 2) From Analects to Standards for Students: an overview of the teachings of Confucian classics through history; 3) Academies from Ancient to Modern: changing perspectives and practices and 4) Confucianism and Academies: the future of the education in China.)

• 第一部分:從孔夫子到孫中山,歷代中國儒學人物解讀;
• 第二部分:從《論語》到《弟子規》,歷代中國教育經典解讀;
• 第三部分:從岳麓、嵩陽、白鹿洞、鵝湖四大古代書院到復性、新亞、尼山、四海四家現代書院的主張與實踐;
• 第四部分:儒學與書院:以人物為中心,以經典為依歸,以精神為傳承,引領未來中國文教。

Saturday, January 28 ~ 2 - 4 PM
Free member / $5 non-member

To register and learn more about this lecture, please visit http://chineselectures.org/upcoming.html or call 646-912-8861.
Thelma Castelli说:留言于2012-01-24 12:46:58(第7条)
Happy Chinese New Year
GWLC-全球财富女人俱乐部/智慧女人学院说:留言于2012-01-24 12:24:13(第6条)
谢谢你们的电子杂志, 每期都能收到,感到很亲切!
我在美国达拉斯,拥有”GWLC“— global wealthy lady''''s club 和智慧女人学院,希望和华人社区友好社团保持联系!


王海霞 Helen knieff
Max Shao说:留言于2012-01-24 12:21:36(第5条)
New treatment for alcoholism/UCLA

You may be interested in putting a news in the Chinese American Professors Network about this:





I am a coauthor of the original paper published in J Neurosci.


Xuesi Max Shao
yiliuus说:留言于2012-01-24 11:32:41(第4条)
Happy Chinese New Year for you all !!
ICSPAH说:留言于2012-01-24 06:45:30(第3条)
Dear members and Friends of ICSPAH,

Many of you will attend AAHPERD conference this coming March. Pleasenote that ICSPAH general assembly will be held on Friday, March 16. We will also have our dinner party right after the meeting. Here is the detail of our meeting, details for the dinner gathering will be announced after it has been arranged.

International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health (ICSPAH) Meeting
Friday, March 16, 2012: 5:30 PM-7:00 PM
Marriott Copley Place: Provincetown

Thank you and hope to see you in Boston at the ICSPAH meeting,

Li Li, Ph.D.
President, International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health
Jo Ellen Levy Yates Professor
Louisiana State University
Betty and bob Hartley说:留言于2012-01-23 02:21:38(第2条)
Greeting from heart
A very happy Spring FestIval you all of you. Wishing you health, wealth, and happiness
Betty and bob Hartley

joemiaoz说:留言于2012-01-22 21:59:11(第1条)
Many thanks for your promotion. Gong-Xi-Fa-Cha!


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