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2016/11/29 15:15:53 | 浏览:5519 | 评论:7

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net


(ISSN: 2372-9937)
主編: 姜镇英博士 drzjiang@hotmail.com
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘博士 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅博士 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏博士 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云博士 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2016年 第32期 創刊第741期 11/18-11/29/2016
Table of content - 本期重要目录




Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements





  若因任何原因,您未能收到上期《即时通讯》(2016 No.31),请点击此处查阅

     UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2016 No.32)


Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4025]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4550]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4830]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4032]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4059]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4322]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4636]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [4988]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4203]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5184]
:《2019全球肿瘤趋势报告》 :阿尔茨海默病预防与干预核心讯息图解 :引力波天文台或有助搜寻暗物质粒子 :Sail Through the Mist - SoCal Innovation Forum 2019(10/5) 游天龙:《唐人街》是如何炼成的:UCLA社会学教授周敏的学术之路 :“为什么海外华人那么爱国,但是让他回国却不愿意?...“ :学术出版巨头Elsevier 彻查433名审稿人“强迫引用”黑幕 :中国336个国家重点实验室布局
China Institute in America说:留言于2016-12-16 05:50:50(第7条)
Dear Friend,

Happy Holidays from all of us at China Institute! During this festive season, we want to thank you for your support of China Institute. We greatly appreciate your dedication, friendship and participation throughout the year. We hope you will visit our highly acclaimed exhibition, Art in a Time of Chaos: Masterworks from Six Dynasties China, 3rd to 6th Centuries, or attend one of our many programs and events. We look forward to seeing you often at China Institute in 2017!


China Institute
China Institute 说:留言于2016-12-14 06:04:04(第6条)
Pronunciation & Tones
As a tonal language, Chinese Mandarin is unique with its musical tones, syllabic melodies, rhythms and special pronunciation. After studying Chinese for a good amount of time, you may still find it difficult to communicate with native speakers. Learning Chinese is not only mastering the consonants and vowels, but it is also about perfecting your tones and melody. Our featured and unique pronunciation and tones class will focus on improving your pronunciation through fun activities that include but not limited to the practice of tongue twisters, songs and poems, aided by TV shows and audio clips. Fluency and listening comprehension will also be emphasized as part of the expected goals. This course is designed for students who have completed our Beginner level Chinese classes or at an equivalent level of lower intermediate proficiency.

10 sessions (20 hours)
$465 member / $505 non-member
(plus a $25 non-refundable registration fee)
Monday 6:30pm-8:30pm

Winter classes start on January 9, 2017
China Institute offers a wide range of Chinese language classes at every proficiency level, from beginner to advanced. The year-round Private Tutoring has been designed to meet an individual''''s specific language needs.Our experienced instructors can bring private lessons to any location of your choice, and at the convenience of your schedule. In the Studio Program, we''''ll offer short courses of Calligraphy, Brush Painting, & Tai Chi. Please contact: tfang@chinainstitute.org or call 212-744-8181 ext. 150

Classical Chinese II: A Rare Linguistic Gem
- Taught by Ben Wang, Senior Lecturer
Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm
10 sessions (20 hours)
January 10 - March 14
Tuition: $465 members / $505 non-members
(plus a $25 non-refundable registration fee)

Requirements for taking this course:
Knowledge of basic grammar points and reading characters of the vernacular Chinese, which is at least one year Chinese study at a university or college Chinese program, or similar proficiency level. For those who did not attend the first session of this course, Classical Chinese I, it is highly recommended that you contact the office for an assessment.

Course Description:
In the lives of all those interested in world cultures, there is surely a moment when the door to classical Chinese must be open for them to come to better understand the poetry, literature, music, drama, and fine arts. Far from being a demised and vanished (or vanishing) language, classical Chinese, at its ripe age of more than 3,000 years, glows not only as a sine-qua-non to the appreciation of classical written matters in Chinese, it is used by all writers to this day in composing fine modern poetry, novels, essays, and journalistic reports and comments. Most importantly, classical Chinese language, sound and alive, makes an astonishing appearance in daily conversations often embellished by countless common sayings and proverbs in classical (or semi-classical) Chinese. These are as much an indispensable and integral part of both the spoken and written Chinese as they are the most popular and favorite phrases to all Chinese language speakers and writers.
Jeff说:留言于2016-12-13 07:34:58(第5条)
发现了一个 洛杉矶大骗子 -- 王XX (Wang Ximeng)
加州公立开工资的人都在里面,你看看有没有叫Wang Ximeng的人。附件是此人近照。此人只是在洛杉矶开了几家皮包公司,在中美之间倒卖一些东西而已。 你们可以上网google 就能发现,此人从没有在美国正式职业。他的手机号是562-841-1812,Email是xmwang10@yahoo.com; xmwang10@gmail.com, qq: 267350817. 我不想让他再在国内安徽省各高校之间行骗。谢谢你们能够认真查处此事
xilin说:留言于2016-12-12 00:27:48(第4条)
2016年12月11日,我们推出全美国第二台以中国和平统一为主题的、纪念孙中山诞辰150周年的《圆梦-祖国统一之恋》的专场大型文艺演出。今年2016年是中国近代伟大的民主革命先行者孙中山先生(1866年11月12日-1925年3月12日)诞辰150周年,孙中山先生的理想是中国的统一和中华民族的伟大复兴。我们纪念和缅怀孙中山先生,我们要学习、继承和发扬孙中山先生的爱国思想、革命意志和进取精神,实现两岸的统一。 这台演出是我们海外华人的心和泪水的奉献,是我们海外赤子的无限爱的奉献!
1、男高音歌唱家 乐汉宁 (粤港三大男高音之一)
2、旅美女高音歌唱家 曾竹戈
3、 旅美女高音歌唱家张亚莉, 芝加哥地区歌唱家
7、民族女高音 曾珊珊
8、花腔女高音Lucy Xu
9、主持人: 广东电视台著名主持人、CCTV奥运节目主持人余菲
10、主持人: 董晨空
11、器乐:古筝演奏家 关梦华
12、特邀洛杉矶著名朗诵大师 - 王灵玲老师

时间: 2016年12月11日星期天7:30PM
地址: Wentz Concert Hall
171 E Chicago Ave,Naperville, IL 60540 USA
icspah.org说:留言于2016-12-09 09:34:10(第3条)
2017 International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health (ICSPAH)
Program Schedule
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Boston, Massachusetts USA
10:00 am-11:50 am
Business Meeting of ICSPAH

Coordinators: Charles Huang (Secretary of ICSPAH); John Liu (President of ICSPAH).
Participants: Members of Executive Council, Chairs of Committees and Task Forces, and Representatives of China Divisions of ICSPAH only.
13:30 pm-15:30 pm

International Academic Leadership Forum
The theme of the 2017 International Academic Leadership Forum is to provide a platform for academic administrators and program representatives to exchange ideas and share information regarding the current trends and development of higher education in physical activities, sports, health, recreation and related disciplines in the world community. In addition, an effort will be made to explore possible collaborative opportunities and exchange programs among higher education institutions of USA and China and other regions as well.
2017 International Chinese Society for Physical Activities and Health (ICSPAH)
General Assembly Meeting
This is the annual general assembly meeting for Chinese professionals in health, physical activity, physical education and sports, and other related disciplines to meet and discuss ICSPAH related affairs. During this meeting, we will discuss and summarize annual associational affairs, present awards, elect new officers of the association and discuss ICSPAH activities in year 2017-2018. Membership status is required.
Organizer: Executive Council of ICSPAH
18:00pm-20:00: Banquet of ICSPAH (Local Restaurant)
China-U.S. Friendship Exchange说:留言于2016-12-08 13:09:21(第2条)
Dear Friend,
Please click www.ChinaUSFriendship.com to read 1) “How Historians of Tomorrow Will Interpret Donald Trump’s Election” by Time Staff;
and 2) “Separatist pair must be excluded from LegCo” by Wang Shengwei
In the Music Section, we have Taiwan folk songs sung by Rustavi Choir (Georgian Voices) (喬治亞魯斯塔維合唱團安可曲 2016雲門劇場): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJYEzYSP20o&list=RDbJYEzYSP20o&index=1
MA说:留言于2016-12-06 09:35:46(第1条)
注意: 留言内容不要超过4000字,否则会被截断。
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