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2016/5/11 16:34:37 | 浏览:5785 | 评论:20

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net


(ISSN: 2372-9937)
主編: 姜镇英博士 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘博士 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅博士 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏博士 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云博士 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2016年 第14期 創刊第723期 5/6-5/11/2016
Table of content - 本期重要目录




Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements






  若因任何原因,您未能收到上期《即时通讯》(2016 No.13),请点击此处查阅

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2016 No.14)


Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4299]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4833]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [5105]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4307]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4329]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4611]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4916]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5243]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4444]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5426]
:摄影师苏唐诗与寂寞百年的故宫对话6年,3万张照片美伦美奂 :大数据分析图解:2019中国企业500强 张梦然:英国惠康桑格研究所:人体内的微生物与出生方式有关 :美众议院将调查华裔部长赵小兰“利用职权为家族谋利“ :UCLA CCS 2019 Fall Quarter Lecture Series Overview 谭晶晶:美国科技界高度关注中国科技创新进展 :推荐:2019年底前中国高校重要学术论坛(10月 - 12 月) :黄奇帆:今后10年,中国经济将发生5个历史性变化
Beaty说:留言于2016-05-19 09:07:51(第18条)
Awesome! Thank you, so much!
Jenny@EliteWealths.com说:留言于2016-05-19 02:03:40(第17条)
投資房地產或出租房屋到底需不需要成立Limited Liability Company (LLC)?有人說是資產保護,有人說是畫蛇添足?
現在大多灣區華人買下房地產後出租,並由自己所有,而不是公司所有。但是,從投資目的來說,是否比較穩妥的做法應該把房地產的所有權從個人轉入有限責任公司裡? 這個做法可以100%保護擁有者的個人其他財產,如現金、投資和其他房子,避免責任混在一起,承擔賣掉還債的風險嗎?是否有限責任公司的資產轉移可以豁免轉移稅及利得稅呢?有限責任公司申請房地產貸款到底難不難?如果投資者用個人的姓名購買房地產,後來房產轉入有限責任公司,是否必須得到貸款銀行同意?

假如您把房產轉入有限責任公司,您的責任保險是否會受到影響? 保險公司或者保險規定是否要求變成商業保險,是否必須採用商業保險的價格? 通過有限責任公司擁有房地產,能否真的把您個人和公司的責任分開?如果您把住房轉入有限責任公司裡,是否就失去國稅局對住宅房25萬元單身報稅或者50萬元夫妻聯合報稅的資本利得稅豁免福利?如果您把自住房轉入公司裡,是否還符合房屋貸款利息抵稅的條件?

朋友們,在您決定房地產是否放進有限責任公司前應該通盤考慮稅法、財產贈與和遺產規劃等自身的情況和需要。 請注意:房地產進到股份公司時不用交稅,但是它將來要轉名、買賣或傳承子孫的時候,會有很多稅務棘手的大問題!面對霧裡看有利有弊的房地產LLC投資決定,卓越財富攜手資深會計師將在下週六5/28@2pm舉辦專題為【投資房產需不需要LLC】講座。講座報名電話是:1-877-253-8288,Jenny@EliteWealths.com。
C.H.Y说:留言于2016-05-19 01:50:16(第16条)
中国与全球化智库说:留言于2016-05-18 14:32:21(第15条)


UCLA Center for Chinese Studies说:留言于2016-05-18 05:52:01(第14条)
All Together Now: Ethnic Crowds and Vernacular Media in ''Minority'' China - Talk by Jenny Chio, Emory University
Thursday, May 19, 2016, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Haines 352 (Reading Room), UCLA
Every spring, national delegates from across China gather in Beijing for the annual “Two Sessions,” the meetings of the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Congress. During these sessions, photographs of ethnic minority delegates dressed in their finest ethnic clothing circulate widely, authenticating national discourses of China’s “happy family” of 56 official ethnic groups, visibly claiming unity between minority and majority, periphery and center, and subsuming ethnic difference within the mainstream majority. In this talk, however, I juxtapose these commonplace national images against locally produced videos of ethnic festival crowds, where the minority is the majority. Such examples of contemporary vernacular media in rural ethnic China, made by amateur videographers, typically feature lengthy shots of the massed gatherings of people, dressed in their festival best. My aim in this talk is to examine how ethnic minority bodies, individual and collective, are being imagined in the body politic of China and as body politics in China. To do so, I ask: Why are these crowd shots so commonplace in rural videos, and what do they suggest in terms of how these ethnic communities see and show themselves as a polity and as a public? How might the visual presence of a crowd of ethnic minority sameness in locally produced videos speak against, or at least Jenny Chio is a cultural anthropologist and ethnographic filmmaker. She is an assistant professor of Anthropology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Her current research examines vernacular media practices, including amateur and semi-professional videography and documentary filmmaking, in rural, ethnic minority communities in Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, and Qinghai. She has also conducted extensive fieldwork on tourism, ethnicity, and rural development in China, published as her book A Landscape of Travel: The Work of Tourism in Rural Ethnic China (U Washington Press, 2014) and her film, 农家乐 Peasant Family Happiness (Berkeley Media, 2013).
Cosponsored with UCLA Anthropology - Culture Power and Social Change

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies
11381 Bunche Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Tel: (310) 825-8683 Fax: (310) 206-3555

天海说:留言于2016-05-18 05:42:38(第13条)
thanks my dear teacher. I admire you very much, I want to be the person like you .you are so nice and knowledge.
Renwen Society说:留言于2016-05-18 05:21:20(第12条)
Film screening: Dreaming Against the World
Saturday, May 21, 2:00PM-4:00PM
40 Rector Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10006

DREAMING AGAINST THE WORLD is a documentary portrait of Mu Xin (1927-2011), one of the most original and overlooked Chinese artists and authors of the past century. Born in Wuzhen, near Shanghai, China, into a wealthy aristocratic family, Mu Xin was among those in the last generation to receive a classical education in the literati tradition, while at the same time he was also exposed through voluminous reading to the highest achievements of Western art and culture at a very young age. A selection of Mu Xin's prose fiction, An Empty Room, was published in English by New Directions Publishing in New York in 2011. Last year the Mu Xin Museum in his hometown Wuzhen was opened to public. Filmed on location in China and New York by OSCAR® and EMMY® nominated filmmakers Tim Sternberg and Francisco Bello, DREAMING AGAINST THE WORLD is the story of Mu Xin and his incredible commitment to his artistic vision.

Joanne Wang, the Associate Producer of the film and the literary agent of Mu Xin's books, will give an introduction and the showing of the film will be followed by a Q&A with the filmmakers. This lecture is in English. FREE
City of Murrieta说:留言于2016-05-18 04:53:19(第11条)
Murrieta Business Roundtable
May 18, 2016
8:00 am - 9:00 am

Speaker E. Magill has over 25 years combined professional experience in both the corporate and academic environments, managing both people and projects. This included working with start-ups from the ground up, as well as leading a faculty pool of 300 for the largest school of business, University of Phoenix Campus in Southern California. During her professional career, Elisa observed the effects of burnout on the individual, especially for entrepreneurs managing multiple "hats," (Including Herself). These experiences fueled Elisa's passion for helping busy professionals to realize their dreams, while staying strong, energetic, and healthy enough to enjoy them!
Murrieta Innovation Center, 26442 Beckman Court, Murrieta, CA
No cost to attend, no RSVP necessary.
Refreshments provided

1 Town Square, 24601 Jefferson Ave., Murrieta, CA 92562
Heather M.说:留言于2016-05-18 04:45:47(第10条)
Thank you.
chinainstitute.org说:留言于2016-05-18 04:42:44(第9条)
China's Great Emperors
Thursdays, 19, 26, 6:30-8:00PM
40 Rector Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10006
Per Session: $15 for non-members, $10 for members and students
Entire Lecture Series: $75 for non-members, $50 for members and students
Oxford Symposium说:留言于2016-05-18 04:28:51(第8条)
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Oxford Symposium on Population, Migration, and the Environment. The symposium will be held 1 and 2 August 2016 at the Rothermere American Institute, Oxford, UK. We invite you to present a paper that encourages the exchange of interdisciplinary ideas about the main themes of the conference: world population increase, human migration, and environmental sustainability. Alternatively, you may wish to attend as an observer or panel member.

The Symposium seeks to cover a broad agenda that includes disciplines such as economics, education, environmental studies, agriculture, law, political science, religion, and social studies. Topics for presentation may reach beyond these areas, and our website contains an extensive list of suggested topics. Papers presented at the meeting will be subsequently peer-reviewed by external readers for possible inclusion in Symposium Books or sponsored academic journals. Please Email us at contact@oxford-population-and-environment-symposium.com if you have questions.
望京科技创业园说:留言于2016-05-18 02:32:44(第7条)
望京科技创业园,是中国北京(望京)留学人员创业园是国家人事部和北京市人民政府为全面吸引、培育、扶植留学人员回国创业而共同建立,旨在为留学人员回国创业提供全方位服务的专门机构。 中国北京(望京)留学人员创业园位于北京市城区东北部的望京高新技术产业区内,占地四公顷,总建筑面积70000平方米已全部投入使用,是集科研、生产、办公为一体的智能化、多功能、花园式的高新技术企业孵化基地和留学人员回国创业基地。
时间:6pm,20th May 2016
地点:Judge Business School, LT3, University of Cambridge
时间:4pm 27th May 2016
地点:Room 410, G. O. Jones building, School of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University of London, 327 Mile End Road, E1 4NS
报名办法:点击链接在线报名 http ://goo . gl/forms/amzPxyBcAo
425 Hamilton House,Mabledon Place,Bloomsbury,London,WC1H 9BB,UK
Tel: +44 (0) 208 123 6088
Fax: +44 (0) 207 554 8501

ciam.edu说:留言于2016-05-17 07:59:05(第6条)
The Graduation of CIAM
WHEN: Saturday, June 11
TIME: Check in 3:30, Event 4:00-5:30 pm followed by a mixer. Non-alcoholic drinks and snacks are provided
WHERE: Historic War Memorial Building - 435 Fair Oaks Ave South Pasadena, CA 91030
Bill Bartmann may be the most amazing man you will ever meet. For one thing he has mastered the art of amassing millions of dollars, legally, ethically and with incredible rapidity and in a way no one else ever dreamed possible. In three years he made $137 million on revenues of $349 million. One year he earned $182,000,000 on $1 Billion in revenue. Inc. Magazine estimated his fortune at $3.5 billion with a “B”. The same man, was raised in a troubled home. He left that home as teenager, but only a few years later, drunk, he fell down a darkened stairway and was condemned to spend the rest of his life as a paraplegic. Immobilized and flat on his back and unable even to sit up, he went against his doctor’s orders and began to exercise, and after some months was able to move a toe. From that one toe he learned to sit, stand, walk, and eventually to go to college, become a lawyer, and then without using his law degree, a wealthy entrepreneur --- and one more thing --- the former paraplegic earned a Black Belt in Karate.
“One of the Top Entrepreneurs of the Last 100 Years”
- Apple Computer.
No wonder --- as a business owner he annually flew his 3900 employees and their families to vacation spots around the country. In Las Vegas, 5 ft 10 inch Bill Bartmann wrestled “Hulk Hogan” --- and won! Most recently Bartmann has been an advisor to President Obama, and he recently joined CIAM’s Board of Trustees as well. Thousands have paid to hear him speak and to learn his secrets. On this one day he is CIAM’s Graduation Speaker for the Class of 2016. He is flying from his home in Oklahoma for this purpose, and you not only get to hear him speak, but may actually talk with him about his concepts --- and it won’t cost you a penny. If ever there was a once in a lifetime opportunity, this is it! Everything is at no cost.
Contact (626) 350-1500 or Brian.Tan@ciam.edu
SYS说:留言于2016-05-17 07:52:32(第5条)
Thank you very much . Have a Good weekend!
China Institute说:留言于2016-05-17 07:44:57(第4条)
Membership Special: Food Demonstration and Tasting with Mr. Bing*
Wednesday, May 25th, 6:00-8:00PM; Speaker: Mr. Bing (Brian Goldberg)
40 Rector Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10006
Join today through our Membership Special Which Includes A Complimentary Ticket ($45 Value) to this private China Institute Membership event featuring Mr. Bing's Beijing Bites. The evening includes a food demonstration with Mr. Bing Founder, Brian Goldberg, and a 6-course tasting menu paired with Tsingtao Beer.

Event Fees:
Membership Special: $75 China Institute Individual Associate Membership valid through December 31, 2016 and complimentary ticket to Mr. Bing Bites. Join today! Limited space! Inquiries and Questions? Contact: mconnolly@chinainstitute.org or call 212-744-8181 ext. 158.

Meet & Greet Networking for Young Professionals Thursday, June 9th, 6:00-8:00PM
Join China Institute Young Professional Members for Happy Hour and the kick-off of our Qin and Tonic Mixer! Cocktails, soft drinks, light fare, live music, and an opportunity to meet and mingle with other Young Professional China Institute Members. FREE for Young Professional Members!

China's Great Emperors
Thursdays, May 19, 26 , 6:30-8:00 PM
Event Fees: $15 for non-members, $10 for members and students (Per Session)

The Path: What Chinese Philosophers Can Teach Us About the Good Life with Michael Puett & Christine Gross-Loh
Tuesday, June 7, 6:30PM - 8:00PM
Event Fees: Members: $10; Non-Members: $15

Literati Painting: China's Unique Art Form
Thursdays, June 9, 16, 23
Event Fees:
$25 Members/$30 Non-Members [each lecture]
$60 Members/$75 Non-Members [for the series]

China's Investment Challenges and Opportunities: Perspectives From a Local Long/Short Fund Manager
Monday, June 13, 6:30PM - 7:30PM
Event Fees: Members: $20; Non-Members: $35
mconnolly@chinainstitute.org or call 212-744-8181 ext. 158.
華人工商婦女企管協會南加州分會说:留言于2016-05-15 01:47:38(第3条)
日 期:5月14日 (週六) 2016
時 間:1- 4 pm
地 點 : Luminarias - Ensueno Room,3500 Ramona Blvd., Monterey Park, CA 91754
電 話 :(323) 268-4177

秉持著華人工商婦女企管協會宗旨:心懷世界、 掌握脈動、建立網絡、 發展經貿。 2016年世華南加分會將於 2016年5月14日 (星期六 )下午1時在 Luminarias, MONTEREY PARK 舉辦「世華姊妹專業經驗分享講座」,藉由姊妹們豐富的職場經驗和大家分享寶貴專業知識,也讓姐妹們有更多的機會與其他姐妹們互動,大家互相學習、一起成長。延伸 " 建立網絡、發展經貿、開拓國際視野" 等精髓。世華姐妹專業經驗分享講座,已經受到各界的好評, 世華的姐妹們各自在自己專業的領域都有相當的經驗和成就,會中還將邀請許多嘉賓蒞會, 這次參加的 4位主講人,都是各行各業翹楚,主講人及精彩內容如下:
1,蔣佩芳女士--律師 講題:國際異族婚姻之離婚在文化與法律上的錯綜複雜
2, 劉夢欣女士--理財顧問 講題:女人與財富
3,林慧懿女士--美食專家 講題:美食與健康
4, 施雅婷女士--美姿專家 講題:優雅的儀態、得體的禮儀是您身上永不退流行的精品。 您,就是一個名牌 !
現場備有精緻糕點、水果招待,誠邀社區領袖僑界先進們會員親臨指導,共襄盛舉, 若有其他問題請聯繫:
( 626) 329-2172 E-mail: pan.debby@gmail.com
Xilin Association说:留言于2016-05-14 10:41:11(第2条)
Summer Camp Program Registrations are now open!
Please contact Sheila Chen at sheilachen@xilin.org

Avon Walk 2016
AVON 39 is a wonderful organization with a mission to end breast cancer. As a grateful beneficiary of this organization we wanted to take a minute to let our readers know more about the work they are doing. AVON 39 is a 39.3 mile walk that takes place in 7 cities across the country. They would love for you to join them! You can become a walker, volunteer or at least go out and cheer! If you join them on their walk you will see it isn't easy, but that's what makes it worth it. As you train to strengthen your body, as you raise funds to crush breast cancer, as you walk farther than you ever thought you could - you'll discover you have the power of 39. Join them on June 4th and 5th to help us CRUSH this disease. Register today: http://walk.avonfoundation.org/site/TR?fr_id=2483&pg=entry
USAITA说:留言于2016-05-13 13:44:10(第1条)
High School Student Volunteers needed for USAITA summer camp
USAITA, a nonprofit organization, is looking for helps for the summer camp programs organized by USAITA. High School Students age fifteen through eighteen (15 – 18) are very helpful members of our USAITA volunteer program. They are able to earn service hours which can be applied to school service requirements while they provide a valuable service to our 2016 summer camp programs. To be considered, high school volunteer candidates must have a comfortable command of the English language and desire to serve the community. Knowledge of science and technology isn’t required but a strong desire to inspire the innovator in everyone is necessary!

The overarching objective of volunteers is to encourage children to become creators, rather than consumers, of technology. This is achieved primarily through collaboration with the staff of USAITA (USA Chinese Information Technology Association) in the development and delivery of a range of interactive technology-based summer camp, workshops, using EV3 RobotC, Miduino and Arduino, in the Los Angeles Areas.

Major Roles & Responsibilities:
Organize the application standard and the publicity materials for the SMART Technology Workshops, including poster/flyer design.
Promote the project and actively recruit workshop applicants.
Arrange and lead an introductory meeting for the applicants before the workshops.
Introduce applicants with the concepts involved with EV3 RobotC, Microduino and/or Arduino, and inform them about the format of the workshops, what to expect etc.
Liaise with the USAITA workshop teachers on class requirements. Keep them up to date with progress and inform them of any issues.
Maintain regular communication with USAITA workshop staff members regarding daily workshop sessions and schedules for EV3 RobotC, Miduino and Arduino.
Keep in touch with the applicants via email and Facebook to inform them about upcoming workshops and project activities.
Be in regular contact with USAITA Leaders and Organizers Group.Create spreadsheets to track workshop attendance, homework status, volunteer hours, training attendance, workshop availability and groupings.
Match volunteers into different applicant groups depending on availability.
Organize a handover meeting for new USAITA volunteers.
Actively uphold USAITA volunteers policies and procedures.

All volunteers will receive certified volunteering hours proof. They will receive ongoing support and guidance from USAITA staff. Volunteers will learn project management and technology by working alongside a designated USAITA staff member. If interested, please contact us at info@usaita.org with a brief bio of yourself attached. For our 2016 summer camp program details, please check our website at http://english.usaita.org/smart-technology-summer-camp/
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