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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网关于我们即时通讯
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2011/3/22 17:56:43 | 浏览:26394 | 评论:23

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
网站: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
杨鸣 ming.s.yang@gmail.com
Ming Yang
2011年 第7期 創刊第526期 3/16-3/22/2011
Table of content - 本期重要目录


  由国务院侨办和四川省委、省政府主办,四川省委组织部、省侨办、侨联和成都市共同承办的“2011海外高新科技人才创新创业洽谈会”(原“海外高层次人才天府行”活动与海科会合并),拟于今年7月25-27日在四川成都举行。美国华裔教授专家网将组团参加本次活动,请有意参加本次活动的专家教授及时联络:郭繁夏博士 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements





UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2011 No.7)

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [3996]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4518]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4799]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4001]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4026]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4289]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4603]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [4957]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4170]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5159]
:“为什么海外华人那么爱国,但是让他回国却不愿意?...“ :学术出版巨头Elsevier 彻查433名审稿人“强迫引用”黑幕 :中国336个国家重点实验室布局 :中澳政府联合出手打击洗钱和逃税漏税 大量中国居民海外账户遭冻结 :摄影师苏唐诗与寂寞百年的故宫对话6年,3万张照片美伦美奂 :大数据分析图解:2019中国企业500强 张梦然:英国惠康桑格研究所:人体内的微生物与出生方式有关 :美众议院将调查华裔部长赵小兰“利用职权为家族谋利“
PAROS 浦东留学生联合会说:留言于2011-03-28 23:32:51(第21条)
PAROS 浦东留学生联合会  


时 间: 2011年03月31日(本周四)18时
    ( 18:00参与嘉宾相互认识、交流;18:30主题沙龙正式开始)   
地 点:忆叶情咖啡吧时尚俱乐部
电 话:021-50800359*8003
邮 箱:service@paros.cn

  朱盾鸣先生 上海跨太平洋资源有限公司-专注清洁技术的投资公司总经理。他在清洁技术战略,投资和可持续性管理领域工作多达15年之久。自2000年以来,他为太阳能,风能,生物能源,垃圾回收和发电,循环利用,水处理,余热回收,工业能源效率,绿色建筑,发光二极管,新材料,低碳园区开发,电动汽车等领域的清洁技术公司提供了战略,技术转让和投资顾问服务。此外,朱先生还为许多与生态相关的顶尖外国基金会提供了生态咨询服务,如盖茨基金会,洛克菲勒基金会,国际金融公司。

2011年4月07日 风水真的跟命运有关吗?
2011年4月14日 亲子关系
2011年4月21日 办公室白领的健康
2011年4月28日 情商管理


PAROS 浦东留学生联合会   

富兰克林基金会 Franklin Fondation说:留言于2011-03-28 18:59:09(第20条)

在2011年4月2日联合国世界自闭症日到来之际,为呼吁全社会都来关注自闭症儿童问题,鼓励社会各界对自闭症儿童事业给予更多关怀,我们富兰克林基金会(Franklin Foundation)和弗拉斯提格学院(Frostig School)将联合举办一场由好莱坞音乐家担纲的轻松活泼的周日音乐会。音乐演唱会将于2011年4月3日下午2:30到4:30在圣马力诺圣爱得蒙的圣公会教堂举行。好莱坞音乐制作人凯文肯特和双簧管演奏家普莱斯女士将带来富有特色的音乐表演。音乐会后,弗拉斯提格学院的老师们将会为孩子们举行特别的音乐、艺术和特殊体育运动活动。欢迎社会各界人士和自己的家人及孩子踊跃加入支持和关心自闭症儿童的爱心行列。


今年,基金会的工作得到了美国主流社会的关注和支持,帕萨迪纳市专门针对发育缓慢儿童进行教​​育的弗拉斯提格学院(Frostig School)全面参与组织策划。好莱坞著名音乐制作人凯文肯特和双簧管演奏家普莱斯女士专门为今年的音乐会创作设计了可以和孩子们互动表演的《十二生肖系列变奏曲》。在音乐会上,凯文和普莱斯将演出以中国农历日历的十二生肖动物为主题的音乐小品。普莱斯将用双簧管及英国管的独特音色演绎中国节庆和好莱坞风味共享共存的音乐图画。他们的音乐创作和表演,把印象派艺术、摇滚乐和蓝调音乐等各流派统一到一个爱的主题,她的演奏富有儿童和家庭情趣,受到家庭和儿童观众的喜爱。

这场慈善音乐会对公众开放,免费入场。音乐会日期:2011年4月3日下午2时至下午5时。演唱会地点: 圣马力诺圣爱得蒙圣公会教堂大礼堂
(St. Edmund''''s Episcopal Church,1175 San Gabriel Boulevard,San Marino, CA 91108)。



May God Bless you and your family!

富兰克林基金会 Franklin Fondation
中国国际广播电台国际台说:留言于2011-03-28 18:23:40(第19条)


休士頓華僑文教服務中心说:留言于2011-03-28 14:17:10(第18条)
休士頓華僑文教服務中心電腦班招生:課程有:1.「電腦基礎班」:建立電腦的基本概念及學習基本操作,做為未來繼續學習的基礎。開課時間:3月31日起(每周四) 上午10:00 至12:00 (共12小時 );2.「電腦進階班」: 學習安裝數位相機、收發電子郵件、上網下載軟體、安裝軟體、寄送免費的電子賀卡及電腦環境的基本設定等,開課時間:4月1日起(每周五)上午10:00至12:00 (共14小時 );3. 「電腦實用班」: Word / Excel / PowerPoint的應用/範例整合訓練等軟體入門課程。開課時間:3月30日起(每周三)上午10:00至12:00 (共12小時,需具備電腦基本概念) ;4. 「Windows7研習班」。

詳情請與「華門多媒體」孫小姐(Sherri)聯絡,電話 : 713-271-0677或832-754-2528。上課地點 僑教中心。
美南國建會獎學金说:留言于2011-03-28 13:56:20(第17条)

得獎者之獎學金將於國建會2011年年會中頒發,今年國建會年會將於6月4日假糖城美麗華飯店舉行。美南國建會今年舉辦的多元化高峰會議亦將於5月20日假糖城美麗華飯店舉行,有關資料可參考上述美南國建會網站或多元化高峰會議網站 http://www.DiversitySummit.org。
128cute说:留言于2011-03-28 08:22:44(第16条)
I am glad to inform you that we are co-sponsoring Boston ENET's Networking Meeting Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Report Card: How are Local Entrepreneurs Succeeding or Failing

Meeting Overview

Boston Entrepreneurs’ Network invites you to bring your stories for a night of networking and a talk by Jack Derby of Derby Management and Common Angels on Tuesday evening, April 12, 2011 from 6:30pm to 9:00pm. The event will take place at the NERD – Microsoft, New England Research & Development Center One Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02142 - 11th Floor Commons Room, and the charge is $10 for all attendees, with a light dinner
and soft drinks included, catered by Off the Vine caterers.

The night will be mainly for networking with a talk from Jack Derby on the theme of the evening - successes, failures and lessons learned by entrepreneurs in the past year or recent years, with Jack speaking from his experience as coach, mentor, CEO and angel investor.

Jack Derby’s background includes past positions as CEO of Mayer Electronics Corporation, President of CB Sports, President of Litton Industries Medical Systems, CEO of Datamedix Corporation and President of Becton Dickinson Medical Systems, before he formed in 1990, Derby Management, a management consulting firm specializing in both emerging and middle market growth companies. Jack is extremely active in the New England emerging and middle market business communities. Jack has been
named to Mass High Tech’s All Star Team. Additionally, he was Chairman of the MIT Enterprise Forum, Vice Chair of the Smaller Business Association
of New England, President of the University Club of Boston and is currently Chairman of the Association for Corporate Growth of Boston. Jack is also an investor with Common Angels and corporately, Jack is currently a Director at the Associated Industries of Massachusetts, Accounting Management Solutions, The Alliance Companies, Beacon ! Hospice, Brainshark
Corporation, Common Angels, Research Frontiers, Rome Snowboards and Ntirety Inc. Jack has been an active board member in 10 other companies.
Jack is a graduate of Boston College, the University of Chicago and the United States Peace Corps. He divides his time between working in Boston, living and snowboarding in southern Vermont during the winter and living and surfing on the beach in NH whenever he can.

Register online for this event or call the meeting organizer and moderator, Robert Adelson, Boston attorney and Chairman of ENET, at 617-951-9980 ext. 205 or radelson@engelschultz.com

$10.00 fee for all attendees.
6:30 - 9:00PM Networking and Jack Derby talk.
Note: Meeting at NERD – Microsoft, New England Research & Development Center One Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02142 - 11th Floor Commons room

Please note that online registration for this meeting
will close at 12:00 midnight on April 11, 2011, however, registration at the door willbe available.

Boston-ENET LinkedIn Group. Extend the networking beyond the meetings, join Boston-ENET's LinkedIn group at
http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1857314 .
林旭说:留言于2011-03-28 00:24:03(第15条)


Donald Shaw, Ph.D.说:留言于2011-03-27 23:04:20(第14条)
Best regards, 祝好!
Donald D.X. Shaw,Ph.D.
ICEPN.tv说:留言于2011-03-27 23:01:05(第13条)
ICEPN.tv - Your source for local community videos, entertainment, news and more
ICEPN Announcements:
IcePN.TV has been overwhelmingly busy at times, please accept our apologies when server slows you down, please log on again at a later time.

Events are to be happening in our local areas:
A: April 6 at the Forge, 1002 RT 9 North, Woodbridge, the Middlesex county republican convention will be held at 7:00pm

B: NJCACC Luncheon Seminar on April 7th, Thursday 11:30am at Royal Seafood Restaurant with topics are “observations on China’s economic development” and “legal Aspects of Doing business in China”. Details contact Josephine Ho at 732-507-7348

C: Yangtze Repertory Theatre of American is currently casting the American Premiere of “The Empress of China”. Open Audition at: April 3, 4, 6, & 7 2011 from 6:00pm – 8:30pm Callbacks on Sunday, April 10th, 2011. First Reading & Rehearsal on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays from 5:45pm – 9:45pm starting April 11th, 2011 in Chinatown area. Details read at http://www.icepn.com/home/category/local/local-events
Check out at www.icepn.tv

New show and Recap of the video news had happened recently, do not miss the opportunity to watch and learn

A: “Meet Virginia “ Episode 3- Chinese Tea Ceremony with Timothy Hsu “Mandarin’s tea Room”

B: Special Interview with Pipa Soloist- Ms Jessica Feng (Conducted in Chinese)

C: Jilin University student Art troupe Lunar Year Celebration from China sponsored by Confucius Institute at Rutgers University

D: “Jersey Talk” Episode 5 Part 1 High School, College and College Life

E: China Anhui province Traditional Orchestra 2011 US Tour Part 1 and Part II

Come and Visit these restaurants: Asian Fusion Buffet, Superstar east buffet, Makkoli Seafood buffet, West Lake seafood restaurant, SzeChuan House and Fuji Japanese Seafood buffet. Check our coupons before dining

Stay tuned for the upcoming EXCLUSIVE interview with world famous television host and cosmetics tycoon, Ms. Yue-Sai Kan, new shows called “Mike on the Money” and “ Biz Connect “ and even more shows and more events coming up!

Do not forget to check video news each day at www.icepn.tv

Check our sites for local events section and do not forget to download the coupons for savings!
Xilin Chinese Academy说:留言于2011-03-27 22:53:43(第12条)
Xilin2011 Lantern Festival - The Happy Rabbit Melody

Show time: 5:00PM Sunday, April 17, 2011
Pfeiffer Hall, North Central College

Xilin Asian Community Center
1163 E. Ogden Ave, Suite 301, Naperville, IL 60563
630-355-4322 Ext. 104 Carla Zhang
(MSESCS 2011)说:留言于2011-03-27 08:01:18(第11条)
2011 International conference on Material Science, Environmental Science and Computer Science September24-25, Guangzhou, China

该会议由国际科教研究者协会和瑞士的TTP联合主办。该会议所有录用的论文均出版在国际EI期刊Advanced Materials Research正刊上,会议所有的论文将会被EI compendex检索,期刊号ISSN: 1022-6680。

Indexed by: Ei Compendex (CPX) www.ei.org/.
ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science) www.isinet.com,
Elsevier: SCOPUS www.scopus.com
Chemical Abstracts (CA) www.cas.org,
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) www.csa.com,
Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) www.iee.org, etc.

“Advanced Materials Research” is available in full text online at www.scientific.net
(2)投稿系统: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=msescs2011
(4)本会议已进入ISER协会会议列表: http://iser-association.org/html/Academic/index-Academic.htm
不参会作者注册:2150元(4 pages)
主会征稿范围: Functional materials
◆Structural materials
◆Composite materials
◆Modeling functional materials
◆Material processing
◆Polymer nanocomposites technology
◆Environmental and energy problems
◆Environmental, health and safety
◆Material Science and information system
◆Material Science and Environmental Science
◆Materials and system
◆Biological nanometer materials
◆Soil environmental analysis
◆Study on Water conservancy project
◆Environmental science and technology
◆Water ecological evaluation method
◆Pollution control technology and system
◆River pollution control and governance system technology
◆Water management, technical renovation and repairedwater pollution in Urban landscape
◆Water health risk assessment
◆Atmospheric environment and global change
◆Pollution meteorological and atmospheric pollution process
◆Topics conneting with computer science
由ISER协会举办的MEMC2011国际会议(2011年1月22—23日 北京)在会后不到一个月的时间已经被EI compendex核心库检索。

Official Tel: 15926252868 or 13308628856
Official email: msescs2011@163.com
Strathmore''''s Who''''s Who说:留言于2011-03-26 22:02:34(第10条)
Dear Dr. Zhenying Jiang,

You were recently chosen as a potential candidate to represent your professional community in the 2011 Edition of Strathmore's Who's Who.

We are pleased to inform you that your candidacy was formally approved March 24th, 2011. Congratulations.

To verify your profile and accept the candidacy, please visit here.

The Publishing Committee selected you as a potential candidate based not only upon your current standing, but focusing as well on criteria from executive and professional directories, associations, and trade journals. Given your background, the Director believes your profile makes a fitting addition to our online and hardcover publications.

There is no fee or obligation to be listed. As we are working off of secondary sources, we must receive verification from you that your profile is accurate. After receiving verification, we will validate your registry listing within seven business days.

Once finalized, your listing will share prominent registry space with thousands of fellow accomplished individuals across the globe, each representing accomplishment within their own geographical area.

To verify your profile and accept the candidacy, please visit here.

Our registration deadline for this year''''s candidates is May 31st, 2011. To ensure you are included, we must receive your verification on or before this date. On behalf of our Committee I salute your achievement and welcome you to our association.


J.M. Blakely
Vice President, Research Division
Strathmore''''s Who''''s Who
26 Bond Street, Westbury, NY 11590, USA

This is the third time we inform you: Please do not send this to us again since we are not interested in your project.

Yanping Zheng说:留言于2011-03-25 20:52:50(第9条)
Your persistent efforts for the association are greatly appreciated! I am proud of being a member of the association.

Please keep in touch.


Angelique Yeh说:留言于2011-03-25 19:36:17(第8条)
Dearest Friend : How are you ?!
You & your families are all invited for
~ Angel Care ~ First Gathering Party
Time : 6:00 ~ 9:00 pm on
Sun. 8. May. 2011.
Venue : 3701 Bamboo Grove, 74 Kennedy Rd. Wanchai H.K. ( with guest car park )
Fee : HK$ 100 for adults & HK$ 50 for students & children
all income would be donated to HMTCF for supporting
HMTCF ~ Angel Care ~ Students Assistantship Projects
H.K., Macau, Singapore, Taiwan & The Mainland China ~ since 2007.
Please simply reply this email for your attendance !
your sincerely
Angelique Yeh 852-61028108

Live simply ! Speak kindly ! Care deeply ! & Love generously !

ENET''''s Monthly Meeting说:留言于2011-03-25 09:34:42(第7条)
Raising Money from VC's

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Meeting Overview

At face value from the media and public equity markets there appears to be an improvement in the economy. For emerging growth companies, the start-ups, the big question to ask is: "Are deals getting done?"

Venture capital is a leading source of growth capital for emerging companies. In normal times the challenges and risks to growing a company are daunting and the competition for the VC investment fierce. But when start-up growth capital lessens how does the entrepreneur position themselves to win this scarce capital?

On April 5th our panel of venture capital providers and entrepreneurs will guide the audience in the process of raising money, especially in tough times, to understand what is important to investors now and in the next stages of company growth. They will talk about investments that are being made today and why, highlight what are the key considerations venture capital investors focus on that compels them to do the deal. They will talk about positioning your company to be attractive to the investor and identify critical milestones to gain a preferred entrée to the capital market providers. They will offer perspectives on investment trends emerging and opinions on what the early stage investment markets may look like in the coming year.


Robert J. Chicoski - General Partner, Saturn Partners
Kyle Fugere - Business Development Associate, Tollman Capital Partners

Lawrence C. Grumer - Managing Director - TAA Corp., iVEST, LLC
( http://www.taacorp.com/, http://ivest.us )

Boston ENET meetings are free for our members and $20 for non-members.

5:15 PM Pre-meeting Dinner
Bertucci's Restaurant
475 Winter St., (exit 27B off Route 128), Waltham, MA ("pay-as-you-go")

7:00 - 10:00PM Meeting Presentation Note: Meeting at The Emerging Enterprise Center at Foley Hoag, 1000 Winter St. Suite 4000, North Entrance, Waltham, MA. Click here for directions .

To expedite the registration process, we ask that everyone -- Members as well as Non-members -- preregister online for the meeting. We will have badges ready when you come in. Part of preregistration is a "Virtual Card Basket". The contact information for attendees is distributed to all attendees. If you would like your contact information to be excluded from the distribution, please be sure to click NO on the online registration form. Please note that online registration for this meeting will close at 12:00 midnight on April 4, 2011, however, registration at the door will be available.

Boston-ENET LinkedIn Group. Extend the networking beyond the meetings, join Boston-ENET''s LinkedIn group at http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1857314 .

NECINA Conference on MultiMedia Convergence说:留言于2011-03-25 09:22:44(第6条)
NECINA Converged Media Tech Conference (April 2nd)
April 2, 2011 9:00am - 12:00pm
Radisson Hotel, 10 Independence Drive,
Chelmsford, MA 01824 (978) 256-0800
Reservation at http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=217444

We are living in a Converged Media world. Text, image, audio and video information, displayed on all screens (big and small), delivered via all digital technologies (wired and wireless), are beaming into our conscience all the time. Media convergence has profoundly impacted consumers'' way of receiving and interacting with information and entertainment. It also changes the business'' way of creating and disseminating information for their targeted consumers.

NECINA''s Multimedia Convergence Conference invites distinguished speakers from the industry, academia and the VC community to will examine rapidly changing landscape of Media. What are the enabling technologies behind the media convergence and how can we adapt and find opportunities in the age of Converged Media?

9:00 - 9:45 --- "Devices and content: a rapidly evolving ecosystem" Conrad Clemson, CEO, BNI Video
9:45 - 10:15 --- "Service provider applications for Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)" Jim Dolce, CEO, Verivue
10:15 - 10:30 --- Break and Networking
10:30 - 11:00 --- David Fellows, former CTO, Comcast and General Partner, Genovation Capital
11:00 - 11:30 ---"The Convergence of High Fidelity Content with New Mobile Platforms" Robert Corace, President, Objective Software
11:30 - 12:00 --- Panel Discussion
12:00pm - 1:00pm: Lunch and Discussion for registered participants.
NECINA Entrepreneurship SIG Seminar说:留言于2011-03-25 09:18:14(第5条)
Stock Compensation - Considerations for Both Employers and Employees

Date and Time: Tuesday, March 29, 2011, 6: 00 pm - 9:00 pm
Venue: Foley Hoag, 1000 Winter St, North Entrance, Suite 4000, Waltham, MA
Cost: Free for NECINA members and guests, $15 for general public
Seats are limited, online registration required. Please RSVP at: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=216722

Are you a high-growth company looking to attract and retain talent and would like to learn about the different types of compensation alternatives, how they impact the company and its employees, and their tax considerations? Or are you an employee who would like to understand how your stock compensation
package works and the related tax implications? Whether you are an employer or an employee, if your answer is YES to either of the questions above, you cannot afford to miss this NECINA Entrepreneurship SIG seminar! At this seminar, you will learn about the different types of stock compensation, how they benefit the employer and the employee, and the key tax considerations which should be kept in mind by both the employer and the employee.

5:30 - 6:30 Pizza and networking
6:30 - 6:35 Open Remarks
6:35 - 8:30 Presentation: Stock Compensation - Considerations for Both
Employers and Employees
Craig O''''Donnell, Deloitte
Wayne Smith, Deloitte
8:30 - 9:00 Q&A and Networking
Event Sponsors: Deloitte & Touche LLP and Deloitte Tax LLP
Event Contact: Harry Gao (Please e-mail Harry.Gao@NECINA.org or call 781-492-4417)

About Speakers: Craig O'Donnell, Principal, Global Employment Services, Deloitte Tax LLP
Craig leads the Deloitte Global Employment Services tax practice in New England, with more than 15 years of experience in employee benefit and compensation consulting. He specializes in benefits and compensation issues stemming from mergers and acquisitions, including golden parachute issues.
Craig assists clients in designing and administering global equity and deferred compensation programs and maximizing the tax efficiency of such programs. He also serves clients in minimizing the risks associated with their employee benefit programs, including performing compliance reviews of qualified and nonqualified plans, executive compensation programs, and payroll. He has a bachelor''''s degree from Boston College, a JD from Boston College Law School and an LLM in Taxation from the Boston University School of Law.

Wayne Smith, Director, Deloitte Tax LLP
Wayne has over 20 years of experience serving high technology companies. He has assisted clients with developing short-term and long-term strategies dealing with their financing needs. He has provided consulting services in many areas including: mergers and acquisitions, transactional analysis, equity compensation planning, state and local tax planning, international tax planning, family wealth planning, year-end tax planning, and strategic tax planning. It will be Wayne's responsibility to assign tax partners, managers and other appropriate resources to serve your tax compliance and planning requirements.

Wayne is the tax practice leader at our Tech-Venture Center. Wayne is a certified public accountant and an attorney. He received a BS/BA from Suffolk University, a JD from Suffolk University Law School, and an LLM from Boston University School of Law. He is currently an adjunct professor in the Boston University Law School Graduate Tax Program.
留美华人企业家联合会说:留言于2011-03-25 09:01:13(第4条)
OCEAN MBA 2011 Commencement




Program: http://www.ocean-usa.org/announcements/OCEAN_MBA11_Graduation

Time: 2 ~ 6pm, Saturday, March 26th 2011
Place: John Hancock Tower (200 Clarendon St. Boston ), 44th Floor
Keynote Speech by Dr. Fei Yao, CEO of Callisyn
Biomedical, 中国千人计划获奖者
" The Road to a Successful Startup Business "

Attendance: Free
Online preregistration required
>> 服务项目 >> "Ocean Class 11 Graduation Application"
Contact: Mr. Kaibin Wu ( 617 909 0199)

Overseas Chinese-American Entrepreneurs'' Association (OCEAN)
德清县领军人才计划说:留言于2011-03-25 08:46:33(第3条)
(二)申报领域。2011年 主要引进在先进装备、新能源、生物医药、节能环保、新材料、现代服务业和现代农业等我县重点发展产业中,带项目、带技术、带资金,具有自主创新能力的领军人才及其创新团队。




















Ming Kang Dai说:留言于2011-03-24 09:20:43(第2条)
解放日报 - 讣告 2011年3月22日

  原上海港务局顾问 (享受副市长级医疗待遇)、离休干部姜远同志,于2011年3月17日因病医治无效,在华东医院不幸逝世,享年94岁。

姜远同志遗体告别仪式,定于3月23日 (星期三)9时30分在龙华殡仪馆银河厅举行。




Richard Wei说:留言于2011-03-23 13:58:42(第1条)
25th Anniversary Ellis Island Medals of Honor Sponsored by NECO
First Round of Medal Recipients for 2011

促进中美文化交流 艾利斯島傑出移民獎 (www.neco.org)

艾利斯島(Ellis Island)曾經是美國最大的移民入境處,很多新移民都是首次在此踏上美國土地,是移民美國的歷史象徵。每年在艾利斯島舉行的年度頒獎儀式。今年欣逢慶祝自由女神像一百二十五週年暨“第25屆艾利斯島獎”

魏進發近日接到 ”全美少數族裔組織聯盟” 主辦單位正式公文通知, 他今年將獲得紐約「 艾利斯島傑出移民獎 」。



美國多元化容納各方移民之立國精神的最高榮譽獎項『艾利斯島傑出移民獎』, 是由“全美少數族裔組織聯盟”National Ethnic Coalition of Organizations/ NECO“於 1986年為慶祝自由女神像一百週年,表彰移民對美國傑出貢獻所設。聯盟主席凱茲米尼(納賽爾 Kazeminy)表示, 今年全國大約有近百位的傑出移民獲獎,魏進發則是全美唯一來自越南华裔得獎人。今年的獲獎者包括來自各族裔社區的傑出代表,他們來自不同的社會階層,但他們對社會的貢獻和他們的精神將激勵著未來的人們。

現居加州洛杉磯的魏進發對於這次獲獎及得到肯定認同,也讓他感到十分欣慰 ,也謝謝社區對他的支持。他把移民獎送給所有美國越柬寮華人來美的奮鬥和所作出的貢獻。這個獎,不單是給他個人,也給整個越柬寮華社區的,大家有理由獲得主流社會的認可。艾利斯島獎讓全美社會看到了來自不同族裔社區的移民對社會所作出的貢獻,也為新移民和下一代樹立了榜樣。
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