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2012/4/18 17:39:16 | 浏览:19164 | 评论:32

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
网站: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
杨鸣 ming.s.yang@gmail.com
Ming Yang
2012年 第11期 創刊第568期 4/10-4/17/2012
Table of content - 本期重要目录


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements





UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2012 No.11)

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4125]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4684]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4949]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4150]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4190]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4449]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4762]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5110]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4309]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5287]
:摄影师苏唐诗与寂寞百年的故宫对话6年,3万张照片美伦美奂 :大数据分析图解:2019中国企业500强 张梦然:英国惠康桑格研究所:人体内的微生物与出生方式有关 :美众议院将调查华裔部长赵小兰“利用职权为家族谋利“ :UCLA CCS 2019 Fall Quarter Lecture Series Overview 谭晶晶:美国科技界高度关注中国科技创新进展 :推荐:2019年底前中国高校重要学术论坛(10月 - 12 月) :黄奇帆:今后10年,中国经济将发生5个历史性变化
賽德克巴萊说:留言于2012-04-27 08:46:49(第32条)
賽德克巴萊 27日全美同上映 洛杉磯周末映期 魏導籲僑民觀片

千呼萬喚的台灣電影【賽德克巴萊】(Warriors of the Rainbow, Seediq Bale),終於要來全美上映了,27日將在全美特定戲院同步上映,原本分為上下集,全長4.5小時版本,在美上映魏導剪了國際版2.5小時,忠於原版,全片以賽德克語及日語為主,配有中英文字幕。製片黃志明、魏德聖導演、飾演老莫那的林慶台牧師,隨片來美巡迴造勢,24日在僑教中心舉辦記者會,暢談執導台灣史詩鉅片「賽德克巴萊」的心路歷程,並呼籲僑民能攜老扶幼,呼朋引伴揪團在週末觀片;目前上映預定是只有本週末,4月27日至29日,唯期三天,只要衝到一定票房,片商及院線將延長加映,像是休士頓若是衝到800票院線應允加映,洛杉磯片商正在觀察中。記者會詳情歡迎觀賞部分實況紀錄,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AffAadbaTI&feature=youtu.be。
洛杉磯戲院在蒙特利市亞特蘭大百貨廣場AMC Atlantic Times 14, 上映時間是12:20、15:50、19:25、23:00;工業市拉朋地谷百貨廣場 AMC Puente Hills 20,上映時間是10:00、13:15、16:30、19:45、20:50。也可查關網站Http://warriorsoftherainbow.wellgomovies.com。
广西外专局说:留言于2012-04-27 00:01:54(第31条)
SABAN说:留言于2012-04-26 07:44:07(第30条)
FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2012 Starts 10:00am
Meet LA Mayor & Council Members
上海市欧美同学会说:留言于2012-04-26 01:23:21(第29条)
地点:三至喜来登酒店 详细时间地点稍后将寄发正式邀请函!
1. 企业发展论坛(知名专家谈创业、投融资以及企业战略发展规划);
2. 项目演示推介;
3. 项目与资本对接;
4. 中高级人才交流。
【联系人】章逸帆(联系电话:62673528×306 手机:13917460539 传真:62728215 E-MAIL:fanfan_zhangyf@hotmail.com)
哈佛大學中國學生學者聯合會说:留言于2012-04-25 10:09:20(第28条)
由哈佛大學公共衛生學院中國項目部和中國學生學者聯合會主辦的哈佛中國文化之夜,將於27日(周五)下午5時半至8時半在Kresge咖啡廳(677 Hungtington Ave., Boston MA 02115)舉行。屆時可欣賞到民樂、南京師範大學美術學院徐培晨的國畫以及中國風表演。主辦方備有晚餐,活動公開免費,詳情可查閱http://groups.google.com/group/hkschinasociety-11-12?hl=zh-CN&pli=1。
- 我说:留言于2012-04-25 00:22:12(第27条)
Dr Zhiliang Ou说:留言于2012-04-25 00:21:04(第26条)
Dera friends,
Please be advised that I resigned from WorleyParsons last week. Kindly please update my email address in your contacts to zhiliangou@yahoo.com.au.
my previous email address (zhiliang.ou@worleyparsons.com) will no longer be working from this week. Thank you very much.
Best regards,

Dr Zhiliang Ou JP
華馨青少年台灣風情夏令營说:留言于2012-04-24 11:33:41(第25条)
第六屆「華馨青少年台灣風情夏令營」的報名時間至4日30日截止,招收對象為13歲至22歲的華裔青少年。 由僑委員、交通部觀光局指導,華馨基金會主辦的這項夏令營,活動中表現優異的學員,主辦單位將頒發社區服務證書。全程21天文化之旅,由南到北深入台灣風俗民情,體驗文化傳承,每位學員3398元。含洛杉磯台北來回機票包稅,蘭嶼機票、課程教材、手工製作材料費、講師鐘點費、膳食住宿(兩人一間),含交通旅遊、平安及意外醫療保險等。 夏令營由6月28日由洛杉磯出發,7月18日返回洛杉磯。體驗台灣風情文化包括DIY捏陶、皮雕、玉石、書法、春聯,漆彈活動、遊覽知卡森林公園、雪山隧道、鯉魚潭踏青之旅、蘭嶼浮潛觀賞海底世界、海鮮大餐,溫泉泡湯、參訪花蓮觀光酒廠、月眉糖廠、劍湖山世界主題樂園、后里神木、基隆古蹟巡禮及廟口夜市,參訪中國電視公司、參觀總統府等。 詳情及下載報名表可至www.unitedhorizon.org,或電洽活動626-810-5189。
四川省侨办说:留言于2012-04-24 10:12:50(第24条)

四川省侨办 赵怡
Bill Chen说:留言于2012-04-24 07:51:42(第23条)
Thanks very much. Bill
China Institute, N.Y.说:留言于2012-04-24 06:11:39(第22条)
A Compelling Journey from Peking to Washington
Renwen Society at China Institute invites you to join us for an afternoon lecture and book signing by a leading proponent of US-China relations, Dr. Chi Wang.

Born the son of a prominent Chinese government official and general in the Nationalist government, Wang left China to study in the United States in 1949. In his book, A Compelling Journey from Peking to Washington: Building a New Life in America, Wang recounts his extraordinary childhood and his experiences living through one of the most turbulent periods in Chinese history. Wang paints a picture of his travels through mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong during the Japanese occupation and Chinese civil war and describes how his life took a very different turn after his graduation from college. Due to the outbreak of the Korean War, Wang could not return to China as planned and it would be twenty years before he would see his siblings and the rest of his family again.

In the US, Dr. Wang started working on an archives project for the Library of Congress, an assignment that would lead to an unexpected career that spanned nearly half a century. As one of the first Americans allowed to visit China after Nixon''''s historic trip ended twenty-five years of isolation, Dr. Wang successfully negotiated an exchange agreement between the Library of Congress and the National Library of Peking and subsequent agreements with major Chinese academic libraries. During his tenure as head of the Chinese section, the Library''''s collection has grown from 300,000 to over a million volumes, becoming one of the largest centers for China studies outside Asia. Wang is a professor of history and U.S.-China relations at Georgetown University and founder of the US-China Policy Foundation. Since 1972, Wang has helped arrange countless cultural exchanges between China and America and has worked tirelessly on his lifelong goal to bring the two countries closer together.

This lecture will be in English.
Saturday, May 5 3 - 5 PM
Free member / $5 non-member
To register and learn more about this lecture, please visit http://chineselectures.org/050512.html or call (646) 912-8861.
To watch videos of selected Renwen lectures and events, please visit http://chineselectures.org/videos.html.

China Institute
125 East 65th Street, New York, New York 10065

class=blackG>NKAA-Boston说:>留言于2012-04-24 05:32:24(第21条)


第06期 目录
02. 校领导会见天津市国土资源和房屋管理局局长
03. 新西兰华人书画家区本书画巡展南开大学举行
04. 琼州学院党委书记韦勇访问南开大学
05. 我校首开中法硕士英文项目
06. 全国社科规划办副主任杨庆存来南开调研
07. 美国环球教育集团董事长访问南开大学
08. 广西河池学院党委书记访问南开大学
09. 南开公能讲坛开幕校长龚克谈学术道德与规范
10. 中欧论坛创始人高大伟来访
11. 校长龚克访问海南省相关单位
12. 南开大学原校长母国光院士逝世
13. 南开大学2012年服务师生的20件实事
14. 外国语学院72级英语专业校友重返母校----感念师恩 感念南开
15. 母国光:我对大学教育的理解
16. 母国光先生组图
17. 社会各界沉痛悼念南开大学原校长母国光院士
18. 母国光院士:人已逝,光永存
19. 有机废弃物快速高效生物反应器研发
20. 微生物——植物联合原位生态修复技术处理中低浓度石油污染土壤
21. 刘秉镰获2011年度对台优秀成果一等奖
22. 俞耀庭教授喜迎八十华诞
23. 程同顺:转型时期的社会管理创新
24. 龚克:真实与责任是学术道德与规范的真谛
25. 春华南开园
26. 方兆麟:南开学习生活琐忆
Taichi for kids说:留言于2012-04-24 05:29:55(第20条)
Visualization, breathing, movements, balance and flexibility, relaxation, feeling centered. THAT IS THE POWER OF TAI CHI: The power of imagination makes us infinite. - John Muir

WORLD TAI CHI DAY is just around the corner. April 28th at 10:00 AM.
I hope you can find a group to join on that Saturday to help spread the healing energy around the world. Let''''s visualize together the energy beginning in New Zealand at 10:00 AM and flowing through all the time zones to our own many hours later. For more information check out the web site: http://www.worldtaichiday.org/

You can also do your own little bit, alone, wherever you are at 10:00 AM. Focus on the flow of energy, the inner peace,and our connection to the beautiful earth. That works just as well. There are over 900 groups participating in the US. You can make your own group or join another.

World Tai Chi Day 2011, Lima, Peru
World Tai Chi Day, 2011 Des Moines, Iowa

I had a very rewarding spring visiting schools in New York City. What a pleasure to see the focused, calm faces of the nearly 2000 students I met. The teachers, about 125 of them, were very relaxed, too. Even at High School level. One group from a Bronx High School is considering going to the big event in Central Park for World Tai Chi Day. (east side of the park, north of 97th street)

I will be back in NYC at the end of the year for the closing events of the School Wellness Council and a final Professional Development. It is always a pleasure to work with the children.

This summer think about Kripalu Tai Chi for Kids summer camp. It is great weekend in the Berkshires - a weekend of focus, fun, fitness for kids. We learn Tai Chi tools to enhance self-control, relaxation, focus and self-esteem. Check out the web site for more information. It is in mid- July. You will love it there, too. You''''ll find your own relaxation and focus, fresh air and connection.


In two weeks I am traveling to Argentina where I plan to introduce kids there to TAI CHI MOVES PARA NINOS Y JOVENES - the Spanish version of my new DVD

This easy to follow video comes in both languages. Check it out!

As you continue training, inspiring and motivating young people you might enjoy this quote: Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves. - Ernest Dimnet

Tai Chi gives us those quiet moments when we can be in touch with ourselves and learn so much.

For weekly updates of Tai Chi for Kids, please follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/taichiforkids
there are more and more interesting studies and experiences going on everywhere.

Best wishes to you all

Cari Shurman
清華大學南加州校友會说:留言于2012-04-24 05:04:31(第19条)
  地點:Monrovia Community Center, 119 West Palm Ave, Monrovia, CA 91016
  門票(包括晚餐):成人$25,學生$15,12歲以下兒童免費; 8人一桌,歡迎包桌$200,請于4月23日之前回複,非常感謝您的支持!

Amy H. Yan说:留言于2012-04-24 04:09:03(第18条)
Thank you for sending the updates.

Amy Yan
Assistant Director
International Student Center
Pasadena City College
Hong Hua说:留言于2012-04-23 13:46:54(第17条)
先请看一段Funny 录像,祝大家周末快乐!

Boston Nankai Alumni Association说:留言于2012-04-23 02:35:25(第16条)
2012 年5月8日 晚7:30,波士顿南开校友会将在波士顿唐人街喜临门大酒楼,欢迎南开大学校长龚克代表团一行6人并举行座谈会,欢迎各位校友、及朋友们报名参加。
When: 7: 30 pm – 9:00pm, May 8 (Tuesday), 2012
Where: 唐人街喜临门大酒楼 (Hei La Moon Restaurant)
88 Beach St Boston MA 02111
Tel: 617-338-8813
Public Transportation:Close to South Station Red Line or Chinatown Orange Line (Walk across Boston Chinatown Gateway )
Parking: Street parking (free after 8:00pm); garage commercial parking next to the restaurant, if needed.
Cost:Group sharing on the spot (cash preferred).
Reservation (by May 2): To reserve the dinner seats, please fill the following simple form:
We reserve the rights to close the late reservation if restaurant capacity is reached.

Boston Nankai Alumni Association
Email: nankaiboston@gmail.com
Phone Contact: Zhong (Larry) Wang at 781-475-8394
紐約華裔小姐選美會说:留言于2012-04-23 02:18:27(第15条)
紐約華裔小姐選美會今年將與山西電視台、北京東方星派影視文化公司、多元文化影視俱樂部等單位合作,拍攝不同主題的電視節目、電視劇及電影,將於中國及海外放映,期待能為參賽佳麗提供更多表演機會。主辦單位表示,由於拍攝計畫是近期決定,拍攝單位希望能有更多華裔佳麗參與試鏡,因此決定將報名截止日期延至4月30日。 今年將與中國合作機構華夏人傳媒公司共同策畫節目,並應山西旅遊局邀請到山西進行尋根之旅。今年6月山西電視台將針對入選佳麗拍攝一系列「中華之秀」特別節目,向全球華人呈現紐約佳麗的風釆。此外,北京東方星派影視文化公司今年年底將在美國開拍超過100集的情境喜劇「麗人咖啡屋」,屆時入選佳麗也有機會參與演出,該劇同樣將於中國及海外播放。

為了提供本年度參賽佳麗更多演藝空間,選美會與Diversity文化影視俱樂部合作,由本年度佳麗出演電影「愛在116街」,該片將由哥倫比亞大學電影系華裔學生Alex Ma擔任導演。俱樂部創辦人楊屹★說明,該片內容根據真人真事改編, 由於是學生愛情故事,製片方特別看重選美佳麗特有的清新氣質。導演Alex Ma指出,與許多悲情的海外華人電影不同,該片意圖展現華人生活的陽光面。目前劇本仍在潤色,預計五月選角,今秋開拍。紐約華裔小姐選美網。MissChinesePageant.com,聯絡電話(212)219-7688或(917)686-0866。

pat.lowe说:留言于2012-04-22 11:23:08(第14条)
China will ''take us as a prize'': Fraser
BY:BERNARD LANE - The Australian - April 21, 2012 12:00AM

AUSTRALIA could end up "taken as a prize" by China if a US policy of military containment leads to defeat for our American allies, former prime minister Malcolm Fraser has warned.

"If we have been a compliant ally of a virtually defeated super-power would we not be regarded as a prize - a prize to be taken?," Mr Fraser says in a submission to the Asian Century white paper. He argues that Australia''s decisions to welcome US troops to the Northern Territory and to entertain the idea of US surveillance drones in the Cocos Islands were part of a bigger picture of Australia as a subservient partner in an attempt to contain China by military means.

Yesterday he told The Weekend Australian he believed hostilities between China and the US were likely within the next 40 to 50 years unless the US abandoned its policy of containment. And his submission argues that China would win. "We know China could sustain massive casualties and would still fight, the US could not," he says.

"If they couldn''t win in Vietnam, if they couldn''t win in Iraq, and they can''t win in Afghanistan, how could they possibly win against China?" He says China would be able to force the US to withdraw to the western hemisphere, exposing the folly of Australia''s belief in US protection. Asked what he meant by Australia being taken as a prize, he said: "I don''t think I really want to expand on that."

A spokesperson for the US embassy in Canberra said it was simply not true that the US was pursuing a policy of containing China. The thrust of Mr Fraser''s submission is that Australia has naively looked to great powers for protection, first Britain and now the US, and instead must carve out a truly independent role in the region.

He says the stationing of US troops in the NT is "a major and significant mistake". US marines arrived in Darwin this month for training with the Australian Defence Force. "For America to say that 2500 troops do not constitute a base is nonsense, indeed a fabrication," Mr Fraser says. "If the US wishes to conduct a hostile action from Australian shores we are complicit in that action and party to it. The Americans will not ask our permission first before the troops are used."

The US embassy spokesperson said these claims were "absolutely false" because US troops would be on short rotation in various locations and the US "would not do anything from Australia''s bases without full knowledge and concurrence".
class=blackG>WL说:>留言于2012-04-20 01:34:19(第13条)
I read every CAPPN that is very helpful with a lot of messages. All Best Wish.
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies说:留言于2012-04-20 01:06:04(第12条)
The Emerging Cultural and Creative Industries in the Greater China Economy: The Cross-strait Co-opetitive Strategy
Click here for more event information
Thursday, April 19, 2012
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
New Location: Bunche Hall, Room 10367
Cost: Free and Open to the Public
Cultural and Creative industries (CCI) are potentially among the most influential sunrise industries in the 21st century, therefore both advanced countries and Asia-pacific emerging countries are continuing to strengthen the development of those industries. With the rise of the Greater China economy, mainland China has gradually transformed itself from world factory to world market. China''''s government has decided to push cultural industries strategically as a key economic sector in the 12th 5-year plan. By promoting it to become a pillar industry of the national economy by 2015, China’s plan offers abundant opportunities for the industry. At the same time, the Taiwan authority has continued to cultivate the CCI as a major national development policy. Taiwan signed the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) with China in 2010, substantially opening economic exchange and cooperation across the straits.
In the post-ECFA era, what are the charisma and market opportunities of Greater China’s experience economy? And how can China and Taiwan integrate mutually complementary advantages to form industrial value networks and enhance their international competitiveness to succeed in the global market? Prof. Tse-Ping Dong will offer an in-depth analysis of the prospects and outlook for the CCI from the perspective of the cross-strait co-opetitive strategy.
About the Speaker: Tse-Ping Dong, Ph.D.
Professor Dong, Associate Professor of College of Management at National Taiwan Normal University and adjunct Associate Professor of College of Fine Arts, earned his MBA and Ph.D. from the College of Management at National Taiwan University, 2011-2012 and is currently a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at UCLA and UCSD. He specializes in digital content and cultural & creative industries, industrial research of motion pictures, innovation & entrepreneurship and investment, intellectual property and Asia-Pacific business strategies. He is particularly interested in cross-disciplinary research integrating business management, arts, technology and law. Professor Dong has published extensively, including more than 20 papers in several renowned international journals (SSCI/SCI/TSSCI/EI rank).
class=blackG>Liang Chiang说:>留言于2012-04-20 00:17:36(第11条)
class=blackG>洛杉矶温州商会说:>留言于2012-04-20 00:16:19(第10条)
一、 时 间:2012年4月21日(星期六)下午2:30时,在希尔顿酒店会议室(圣地亚哥包房);
二、 地 址: 希尔顿酒店在 223 W. Valley Blvd. San Gabriel, CA 91776 。
三、 内 容:商业保险,财务报税,投资移民等热门话题
美京華人活動中心说:留言于2012-04-19 09:55:27(第9条)
美京華人活動中心排球夏令營即日起開始受理報名,夏令營今年將在馬州蒙郡紅土初中(Redland MS)舉行,仍將由名教練周曉蘭主持。 夏令營適合初中及高中之男女學生,教練將帶領學生由淺入深,依學員之球技及年齡分組,因材施教。對學生個人的基本動作,各位置的特色,團隊的進攻與防守加以訓練。 夏令營共分兩期,第一期為6月21日至24日;第二期為8月2日至5日(皆為周四至周日),時間為上午9時至下午4時。每人每期學費220元,參加多期或一個家庭有多位學生參加者另有優待。 詳情及報名可瀏覽美京華人活動中心網站www.ccacc-dc.org,可洽姜常本CCACCVolleyball@gmail.com、電話(240)252-9271,或李潮nedli@mris.com、電話(301)312-2093。
全美音樂教師協會(MTNA)说:留言于2012-04-19 09:53:04(第8条)
2010年全美音樂教師協會(MTNA)大專組冠軍林泛亞(Fan-Ya Lin),將於本周六(21日)晚間7時,應邀至耶穌基督後期聖徒教會華盛頓聖殿訪客中心演出,免費開放。 林泛亞來自台灣,2008年獲得猶他州韋伯州立大學(Weber State University)四年全額獎學金,師事來自台灣的楊玉珍。 她在2010年MTNA總決賽中脫穎而出拿到冠軍,並在2011年科州Grand Junction交響樂青年藝術大賽及2012年愛達荷州Coeur d'Alene青年協奏曲大賽獲勝。 華府聖殿訪客中心地址:9900 Stoneybrook Drive, Kensington, MD,詢問電話(301)587-0144。

飛達學院说:留言于2012-04-19 09:28:39(第7条)
2012年世界日報春季教育展及大學專題講座將於本周六(21日)、周日(22日)上午10時至下午5時在羅斯密西來大學圖書館大樓登場。 此次講座由飛達學院特別贊助,分別向八至十年級、10至12年級高中生推出免費PSAT、SAT模擬測試,PSAT測試時間為21日、22日上午10時15分至12時45分。SAT測試時間為21日、22日下午1時至5時。
此次模擬測試均為全真試題,對八年級以上中學生是絕佳練兵機會。SAT考試分為SAT I推理測驗、SAT II專項測驗兩部分。目前不少大學招生時要求學生提供過去每次SAT I測試成績,參加免費模擬測試便可省去「不理想測驗成績上紀錄」擔憂。 PSAT、SAT測試每場100人,測試完畢後一周左右,飛達學院會將考生成績寄出以提供個人參考。名額有限,從速報名,電話:323-268-4982轉500或256。
美東華人學術聯誼會说:留言于2012-04-19 09:06:12(第6条)
美東華人學術聯誼會將於7月27日舉行第37屆年會。這次的主題是「全球化時代下之永續發展與創新」,將分八個主題進行。主辦單位歡迎有研究的專家學者踴躍投稿,與行業和社區人士共同分享學術上的最新發展。 有意在年會上發表論文的人士請在5月18日前,將論文的摘要(表示議題)與個人簡介,用電子郵件發送給張彰華,電郵地址:chang.moses@epa.gov,聯絡電話(212)637-3867。活動詳情可登錄美東華人學術聯誼會網站:www.CAAPS.us或是加入臉書:http://www.facebook.com/groups/caaps。
Pacific Asia Museum说:留言于2012-04-19 06:50:38(第5条)
The Cherry Blossoms of Janpan - Performance Schedule:
1:00 p.m. Little Tokyo Karate Dojo demonstration
1:30 p.m. Taiko Center of L.A. performance
2:00 p.m. L.A. Kimono Club fashion show and demonstration
3:00 p.m. Kotobuki No Kai Folk Dance performance
Free fun for all ages!

Becky Sun|Outreach Program Manager
Pacific Asia Museum
46 N. Los Robles Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101
Tel: 626.449.2742 ext 12
Email: b.sun@pacificasiamuseum.org

class=blackG>Flinda 付说:>留言于2012-04-19 04:36:09(第4条)
问好! Flinda
class=blackG>CESASC说:>留言于2012-04-19 03:52:08(第3条)
Free CESASC event on Sunday 4/22? Many students may have interests. Thanks.
class=blackG>he.yutao@gmail.com说:>留言于2012-04-19 03:50:47(第2条)
Many thanks!
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies说:留言于2012-04-19 00:29:21(第1条)
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies Event:
The Challenge of Covering a Fast-Changing China
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Presentation Room 11348 YRL
UCLA Charles E. Young Research Library
Cost: Free and Open to the Public
Pre-registration required
A networking reception will follow the event

How is China’s economy changing and how is this affecting its people and the world? What are the biggest obstacles and most exciting aspects of reporting on this increasingly important topic? These are the kinds of issues to be discussed in a conversation between journalist and editor Angilee Shah, and Rob Schmitz, American Public Media’s Marketplace China correspondent, who along with covering a host of important stories, related to everything from labor rights to education to the rise of consumerism, played the key role in exposing the fabrications in Mike Daisey’s account of Foxconn factories on This American Life and then was featured in that show’s much discussed retraction episode.

About the participants:
Rob Schmitz, APM’s Marketplace China Correspondent, is based in Shanghai. He joined Marketplace in 2010. Prior to that, Schmitz was the Los Angeles bureau chief for KQED’s The California Report. He’s also worked as the Orange County reporter for KPCC, and as a reporter for MPR, covering rural Minnesota. Prior to his radio career, Schmitz lived and worked in China; first as a teacher in the Peace Corps, then as a freelance print and video journalist.

Angilee Shah has reported from across Asia, including China, Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka, and was a South Asian Journalists Association Reporting Fellow in 2007/2008. Shah is the co-editor with historian Jeffrey Wasserstrom of of the forthcoming book Chinese Characters: Fast-Changing Lives in a Fast-Changing China.

About APM’s Marketplace:
American Public Media’s Marketplace reports on business, the economy and money as they affect people every day. The portfolio reaches 9.5 million listeners each week on more than 500 public radio stations through its award-winning news shows: Marketplace Morning Report; Marketplace; Marketplace Money; and Marketplace Tech Report. For more information on Marketplace, please visit marketplace.org.

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies
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