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2014/10/21 17:08:18 | 浏览:9962 | 评论:19

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net


(ISSN: 2372-9937)
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2014年 第30期 創刊第661期 10/15-10/21/2014
Table of content - 本期重要目录


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements







UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2014 No.30)

Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4509]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [5007]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [5304]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4511]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4492]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4830]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [5091]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5458]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4634]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5713]
马亮:做院长就能够发更多论文?论文发表是不是一场“权力的游戏”? :印裔人才在美碾压华裔:我们可以从印度教育中学到什么? :北京452万人将从北京迁至雄安(附部分央企名单) :《2019全球肿瘤趋势报告》 :阿尔茨海默病预防与干预核心讯息图解 :引力波天文台或有助搜寻暗物质粒子 :Sail Through the Mist - SoCal Innovation Forum 2019(10/5) 游天龙:《唐人街》是如何炼成的:UCLA社会学教授周敏的学术之路
sally说:留言于2015-04-17 04:22:46(第18条)
Dear Dr.Zjiang,
Thank you for clarifying. Also I am extremely grateful for you giving me this opportunity and believing in me. I appreciate everything you have done. Please have a blessed day and life. I will keep you updated on everything. Best regards, Pamela
samuel说:留言于2015-01-09 14:32:18(第17条)
【圣地亚哥华文网】(San Diego Chinese Press)
恭祝各位新年快乐!感谢你们的支持、鼓励和赞助,让我们在新的一年里进 !
“圣迭戈眼”将兴建 选址近 “胜利之吻”
加州高铁动工 圣迭戈民众对此褒贬不一
三千華人基督徒 出席盛大聚會(圖)
Viejas 圣地亚哥功能最齐全的度假式赌场
美国南加州侨界新年愿景 传承创新 团结发展
辞旧迎新 圣迭戈社区活动多(图)

garyson说:留言于2014-10-29 09:21:53(第16条)
Thank you, have a good night
Ping Guo说:留言于2014-10-28 08:24:33(第15条)
親愛的嘉賓朋友們 您們好
第十屆中美電影節將在2014年11月4日晚7點,在美國洛杉磯帕莎迪娜大劇院舉行。公司領導非常支持《環球聚焦》的節目,給了我一些票,如果您要參加開幕式,請與我聯係: xiaofeng@edimediainc.com
臺灣書院 (LA)说:留言于2014-10-26 13:33:31(第14条)
Taiwan Film Series-5: "Island Etude'' (練習曲)
Free admission
Date/Time :2014-10-30 6pm~
Venue :Taiwan Academy in Los Angeles
Address : 1137 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024

Director/Writer: Huai-en Chen (as En Chen)
Graduated from the Department of Printing and Photography at Shih Hsin University in 1982 and started working in the film industry in 1983. He began his career as a script supervisor, and then became involved in every aspect of film production. In addition to film, Chen also works as a television and commercial photographer/director.
Running Time: 108 minutes

Before graduating from college, a hearing-impaired young man decides to carry his guitar on his back and ride a bike along the Taiwanese coastlines, embarking on a seven-day round-island trip…

Pizza and drinks will be provided before screening.
Please email info@taiwanacademyla.org for seats reservation or like facebook to register.
No children under 13 years old. No oversize bag.

Taiwan Academy 駐洛杉磯辦事處臺灣書院
1137 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: 213-403-0168
California Media Club说:留言于2014-10-25 06:19:33(第13条)
2014 Just One More US-China News Photo Exhibition
Organizer: Press Photographers Association of Greater Los Angeles
Co-organizer: California Media Club
Opening Ceremony: Oct 25 (Sat), 2 PM
Address: 2121 W Mission Rd, Alhambra, CA 91803
Free Admission, Free Parking

2014 Just One More: US-China News Photo Exhibition is a cultural event that will display more than 100 iconic photographic works by more than 60 renowned American and Chinese professionals in Los Angeles, featuring Pulitzer-wining works, including The Shooting of Robert F. Kennedy by Boris Yaro, The Big Itch by Garry A. Watson, National Guard by John Malmin, Marlboro Marine by Luis Sinco, The Terror of War by Nick Ut, etc. This exhibition serves to promote cultural exchanges between American and Chinese photographers on a professional top level.
The organizer, PPAGLA, was founded by George Watson, the first staff photographer hired by the Los Angeles Times. PPAGLA has served the Los Angeles area photojournalism community to advance the standards of the profession of press photography since 1936. It represents over 500 Southern California photojournalists, from local and national network television stations, major daily and most community newspapers, major on-line news services, etc.
The co-organizer, California Media Club, is an organization of Chinese media professional members in the Southern California, who are active reporters and correspondents from major Chinese media outlets, including Remin Daily, CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, Phoenix TV North America, the China Press, China News Service, etc. CAMC is committed to advancing information exchanges among its members, facilitating development of Chinese media, and introducing high-level cultural events to its members.

Ceremony MC:
Mr. John McCoy, staff photographer for LA Daily News, lecturer of UCLA News Photography Extension Program

Photographer Guests:
Mr. Boris Yaro, Pulitzer Prize winner, Staff Photographers for LA Times
Mr. Nict Ut, Pulitzer Prize winner, Photographer for the Associated Press
Mr. Luis Sinco, Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography, News & Documentary Emmy Award for New Approaches: Documentaries Domination
Mr. Kirk McKoy, Pulitzer Prize, Senior Photo Editor for the Feature Section of LA Times, PPAGLA Vice President
Mr. Mark J. Terrill, Photographer for the Associated Press

Joyce Xu | PR Specialist
California Media Club
Cell (626) 320-3538 | Fax (626) 281-7700
PAROS说:留言于2014-10-25 03:03:00(第12条)
主题沙龙 - 个人财富管理
【活动时间】10月30日(周四)18:30 - 20:30
浦东新区说:留言于2014-10-25 00:37:49(第11条)
忆叶情沙龙 - 我的青春我做主
  Are you ready to look young,feel young, and live young ?
想要外表年轻、身体年轻、活出年轻?现在就报名参加我们的"Live Young Lifestyle"系列沙龙吧!
① "V脸人生":How to look Young 如何紧致你的肌肤
② "V型人生":How to feel Young 如何紧致你的身型
③ "重启V人生":How to live Young 活出年轻、健康、丰盛的人生
【活动时间】2014年10月28日(周二)14:00 - 16:00
【报名方式】编辑短信“ 姓名+性别+电话”发送至 18916102828

企业家互访 - 孙桥现代农业开发区(需提前报名) 相亲交友
【活动时间】10月29日(周三)14:00; 10月31日(周五)18:00 - 21:00

【报名方式】请于2014年11月3月之前编辑“姓名+职位+公司名称+邮箱+手机”发送至 liuxun@z-beichina.com
【联系方式】 021-50801818-6050 15802155967
大波士頓地區台灣大學校友會將说:留言于2014-10-24 01:40:23(第10条)
大波士頓地區台灣大學校友會將在11月2日(周日)下午5時,在Woburn市的Taipei Tokyo Restaurant舉辦年終聚餐。內容包括中日餐Buffet、演講、校友聯、娛樂活動、卡拉ok等。演講貴賓為哈佛大學商學院教授王常懿。會員及家屬每人35元,學生會員及家屬每人15元,5-12歲兒童10元,非會員45元。會費20元。意者可於31日之前上網報名:www.gbaantu.org。有關聯繫可洽gbaantu@gmail.com,或來電 (978) 226-8812。
Harvard CSSA说:留言于2014-10-24 00:14:19(第9条)
Dear HCSSA Members,
As members of Tencent headquarter recruitment team, We are writing to let you know that Tencent is coming to Boston for on-campus recruiting in October! It's our Fifth Year of Global MBA Recruiting, We shall be most grateful if you can help us to share this information with your student club members (both for full time and intern opportunity). At the same time, we would appreciate if you could kindly collect the club resume book with us so we can do some outreach for students who like to meet us on Campus. :)
Are you passionate about internet? Have you ever dreamed of changing the world to enrich other people's lives by being part of the internet revolution? If you are ready to release all your dreams, please don't miss this opportunity to join Tencent!
Tencent may be the largest internet company most people have never heard of! Tencent, Inc. is the leading provider of internet value-added services in China. Based in Shenzhen, China, with branch offices in the US, South Korea, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, and India, Tencent has grown exponentially over the past sixteen years. We offer a comprehensive range of internet and wireless value-added services to fulfill our users’ needs for online communication, information, entertainment, and e-commerce. Tencent’s commitment to innovation, high quality services, and customer value allows us to tap into the largest nation of internet users in the world. Currently, there are over 1.1 billion QQ accounts.
We will be on your campus as following:
School Event Date Speaker Location
MIT Recruitment Presentation Oct 27th, 2014, 11:45AM Ting Yin, Shaohui Chen TBC
Harvard Content Presentation: China Internet Innovation and Opportunity Oct 28th, 2014, 4:00-6:00PM Richard Peng Yenching Auditorium
Cocktail Reception Oct 27th, 2014, 6:00-7:00PM Ting Yin, Shaohui Chen Double Tree
Interview Oct 28th/29th, 2014    
We've included the presenter’s introduction and our job list in the attachment. Interested students please apply before Oct 26th so we can arrange interview afterwards.
Please visit our home page for job description and more information:

Harvard Chinese Students and Scholars Association(HCSSA)
Lehman Hall ∙ Harvard University ∙ Cambridge
website: www.hcssa.org
email: harvardcssa@gmail.com
facebook group: Harvard CSSA
facebook: Harvard CSSA
Twitter: Harvard CSSA
微博: 哈佛大学中国学联
哈佛大学中国学联说:留言于2014-10-23 23:32:19(第8条)
Alumni Relation team + Venture Club Joint Event
Time: Oct 31th (Fri), 2014, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Location: Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138
Please RSVP to see the room info: http://goo.gl/3Ei0pt
Language: Chinese
本次活动采用微博互动提问,请关注 Harvard CSSA 官方微博:“哈佛大学中国学联”
回复此贴提问 http://weibo.com/2492388642/BsnYstjTt 得到点赞数多的问题会被优先回答。

Harvard Chinese Students and Scholars Association(HCSSA)
Lehman Hall ∙ Harvard University ∙ Cambridge
website: www.hcssa.org
email: harvardcssa@gmail.com
facebook group: Harvard CSSA
facebook: Harvard CSSA
Twitter: Harvard CSSA
微博: 哈佛大学中国学联
Gene L.说:留言于2014-10-23 01:49:40(第7条)
Thank you!!
Gang Chen说:留言于2014-10-23 01:44:37(第6条)
尔湾将建超大型公墓, 而大部分尔湾居民还不知道
尔湾一向以环境优美, 学区好, 工作机会多, 治安好而闻名, 因而尔湾也成为了华人和其它亚裔购房置业的首选城市之一。尔湾亚裔约占总人口的40%, 约83,000 人。但尔湾的生活质量将受到严重冲击。 这是怎么一回事呢?
听到这个消息的大部分尔湾居民(特别是亚裔)都表示反对, 认为公墓太靠近市区, 太靠近住宅和学校, 也不顾及亚裔的文化传统。少数政客为了捞取选票, 没有任何公示和征询附近的尔湾居民意见,在今年7月就由几个市议员表决通过了。
今年尔湾的选举情况是,市长主要竞争对手, Steven Choi (共和党 )对 Mary Ann Gaido (民主党) 。 市议员选举主要竞争对手, Jeff Lalloway(共和党) ,Lynn Scott (共和党),Melissa Fox (民主党), Larry Agran (民主党)。
1. 公墓最初是由 民主党加州众议员 Sharon Quirk-Silva 提出在橙县找个地点。尔湾市民主党市议员 Larry Agran 主动提出放在尔湾。 在几个月的拉锯战后终于在今年七月22号的市议会上 5:0通过。当时共和党市长和市议员有提出在别的城市,或晚点决定而被强烈攻击,在场的约三十位老兵及支持者对他们嘘声喧哗。
2. 在 2017年前, Five Point有第一优选权购买准备作墓地的125 英亩土地, 从而使建墓地议案搁浅。
3. 以 Larry Agran为主的民主党团队 (Melissa Fox 和Mary Ann Gaido) 已经在竞选宣言里说在五年里盖起墓地。可以估计的是,这个团队上台后会大力凑集资金建墓地。
4. 墓地对尔湾的长期影响。墓地的地会是从减少房屋的地过来吗?没有,只有减少公园的地来做墓地。 会减少亚裔到尔湾吗?有可能。尔湾被称为花园城市, 125英亩的大墓地在亚洲文化中一时难以接受。墓地会增加白人到尔湾来吗?不一定。你在加州的百万豪宅区里看到过大片的墓地吗,比夫利山庄 ? Newport Cost?PV? 即使你自己不住在尔湾规划的墓地附近社区,也不要以为 125英亩的墓地一定会对你的房价有增值作用。
最后,请认真想想你手中的选票, 投票给Steven Choi (共和党 ) Jeff Lalloway(共和党) ,Lynn Scott (共和党), 以击败大力支持建墓地的Larry Agran (民主党), Mary Ann Gaido (民主党), Melissa Fox (民主党)!
NECINA说:留言于2014-10-23 01:05:45(第5条)
NEW 2014 Strategy Workshop
When: November 20, 2014
Where: One Broadway, 15th Floor (KPMG), Cambridge Innovation Center, Cambridge MA 02142
What: Strategy on conducting market research, identifying customers, creating value proposition
The NEW2014 session will be held in the same location on Thursday 11/20. Ten teams will be invited to present. A panel of NEW mentors will advise the teams on how to conduct market research, identify customers and create value proposition. Please contact NEW@necina.org if you have any questions.
CABA说:留言于2014-10-23 01:00:55(第4条)
CABA 2014 Biomedical Investment & Entrepreneurship Symposium
Date/Teme: Saturday, October 25, 2014;1:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Venue: The Doubletree Guest Suites, Boston MA
400 Soldiers Field Road, Boston, MA 02134
Online registration: http://investment2014.eventdove.com
The theme of CABA 2014 Investment, Technology & Entrepreneurship Symposium is Opportunities for Biomedical Scientists, Investors and Entrepreneurs.

Online registration: http://investment2014.eventdove.com
TCFA说:留言于2014-10-23 00:59:07(第3条)
TCFA Boston Fall Reception
时间:2014年10月24号 晚上6点至9点
地点:Boston Hyatt Regency:Martha' Vineyard room-- One Avenue de Lafayette Boston MA 02111
6点至6点半 注册登记
6点半至8点 专题讨论和问答环节
8点至9点 会后交流
SICC - Societa'''' Italiana Caos e Complessita''''说:留言于2014-10-22 14:44:38(第2条)
Lake Como School of Advanced Studies
Como, Italy, Villa Grumello, 18-22 May 2015
Many real systems can be modeled as networks, where the elements of the system are nodes and interactions between elements are edges. An even larger set of systems can be modeled using dynamical processes on networks, which are in turn affected by the dynamics. Networks thus represent the backbone of many complex systems, and their theoretical and computational analysis makes it possible to gain insights into numerous applications. Networks permeate almost every conceivable discipline---including sociology, transportation, economics and finance, biology, and myriad others---and the study of "network science" has thus become a crucial component of modern scientific education. The school "Complex Networks: Theory, Methods, and Applications" offers a succinct education in network science. It is open to all aspiring scholars in any area of science or engineering who wish to study networks of any kind (whether theoretical or applied), and it is especially addressed to doctoral students and young postdoctoral scholars. The aim of the school is to deepen into both theoretical developments and applications in targeted fields.
Monday, 18 May, morning
Introduction to complex networks (Piccardi)
Monday, 18 May, afternoon
Temporal networks (Holme)
Tuesday, 19 May, morning
Multilayer networks (Kivela)
Tuesday, 19 May, afternoon
Community detection in networks (Fortunato)
Wednesday, 20 May no lectures
Thursday, 21 May, morning and afternoon
Networks in economics and finance (Battiston, Caldarelli)
Friday, 22 May, morning and afternoon
Contagion dynamics: epidemics on networks (Colizza, Moreno)
For more information and application: http://ntma.lakecomoschool.org/

洛杉磯中美電影節说:留言于2014-10-22 14:33:10(第1条)
The Commerce-Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts, 6121 E. Telegraph Rd Commerce, CA 90040
Pasadena Civic Auditorium, 300 E. Green Street, Pasadena Ca 91101
(包括免费电影票11月4日至30日 )

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