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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网关于我们即时通讯
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2011/11/13 18:09:56 | 浏览:17808 | 评论:44

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
网站: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
杨鸣 ming.s.yang@gmail.com
Ming Yang
2011年 第35期 創刊第554期 11/05-11/13/2011
Table of content - 本期重要目录


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements





UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2011 No.35)

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4620]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [5108]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [5407]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4632]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4588]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4956]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [5171]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5564]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4712]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5875]
:天津工业大学“经纬英才”引进计划 :浙江财经大学国际青年学者论坛的邀请函 (10/31-11/1) :美国加大审查范围 北大多名美国留学生遭联邦调查局质询 :天安门广场喜迎“十一”花团锦簇的美丽景象 马亮:做院长就能够发更多论文?论文发表是不是一场“权力的游戏”? :印裔人才在美碾压华裔:我们可以从印度教育中学到什么? :北京452万人将从北京迁至雄安(附部分央企名单) :《2019全球肿瘤趋势报告》
南京321人才计划说:留言于2011-11-23 10:54:15(第43条)
很高兴告诉你,从11月20日起“南京321人才计划”正式申报开始了,这次的申报日期截止为12月15日。南京321人才计划 将会在您创业的重要环节和必要资源上,给您提供帮助,如:资金扶持、场地使用、人力资源、生产性服务等。与以往申报相比,申报周期明显缩短,提醒您抓紧时间开展申报工作。有关申报政策的解读、申报条件、方式及项目推荐或委托帮助申报,请与我们联系nanjing@iso60.org。
张素久说:留言于2011-11-23 09:08:40(第42条)


承办: 美国国际歌舞协会
地点:美丽华大酒楼 Ocean Star Restaurant, 145 N. Atlantic Blvd, Monterey Park, CA 91754 626 308-2128
票价:(包括晚餐) $50/每人;包桌优惠价: $400/每桌
订位: 王玲 626-443-3799 Email: xu.z@sbcglobal.net
鹿强 626-458-7666 Email: lu91754@yahoo.com
内容:丰盛晚餐,精彩表演, 歌星演唱及舞会
从5点开始卡拉OK,7点晚餐,7点半精彩节目表演,有2011年美国国际比赛拉丁午冠军,有世界巡回演唱会Marina,...等,舞会及卡拉OK贯穿整个晚会,欢迎您盛装出席。有意参加表演者,请与Robert Chin联络(626)589-4398.
练舞:为让大家玩的尽兴, 我们将组织大家免费学跳舞, 由 Robert Chin老师主教
时间是: 每周二11/15, 11/22, 11/29共三次, 晚上7-10时,
地点是: 440 S MC PHERRIN AVE., MONTEREYP PARK, CA 91754 (在蒙市巴恩斯公园的西南角, Service Clubs)
生命在于运动, 运动请来跳舞!!!

南加华人社团年终大联欢工作委员会 敬上
Lily Wu说:留言于2011-11-23 05:37:47(第41条)
Happy Thanksgiving!

Lily Wu
Shan Shi说:留言于2011-11-23 05:19:26(第40条)
Thank you very much for sharing this with CSA people.
Happy Thanksgiving!

第二次大戰中美軍民合作反侵略紀念碑建碑委員會说:留言于2011-11-23 00:57:55(第39条)
You are cordially invited to join "The first Anniversary
American and Chinese World War II Memorial Monument Dedication"
November 22, 2011
11:00 AM
Front of City Hall
320 W, Newmark Avenue
Monterey Park

Organized by
American and Chinese World War II Memorial Monument Association
David Pan说:留言于2011-11-22 12:57:59(第38条)
Happy Thanksgiving holidays!

Bill C.说:留言于2011-11-22 10:46:21(第37条)
Thanks and have a happy Thanksgiving!


Tim Fu说:留言于2011-11-22 10:09:42(第36条)
CSS News说:留言于2011-11-22 05:54:56(第35条)
Thank you very much Zhenying!

留言于2011-11-21 06:55:42(第34条)
Jimmy Liao说:留言于2011-11-20 16:03:00(第33条)
中天的報導-"經典懷念歌曲" 演唱會
Joy C.说:留言于2011-11-20 11:39:37(第32条)

Thanks! Have a wonderful weekend! -Joy
Li Eddie说:留言于2011-11-20 11:35:25(第31条)
Thank you very much.
Center for Chinese Studies - UCLA说:留言于2011-11-19 01:22:52(第30条)
Wonderful! Thank you!

C. Yang
Assistant Director, Center for Chinese StudiesYang
Tim说:留言于2011-11-18 15:10:42(第29条)
Thank you so much professor and i had an amazing time learning
NKAA-Boston说:留言于2011-11-18 14:40:01(第28条)
Boston 2011 Thanksgiving Reunion Party 11/26/11
Who: Nankai alumni or relatives and friends
When: Saturday, November 26, 2011
Agenda: (Lunch and/or Bowling)

11:30am Start lunch (dim sum or A la carte) at
Hei La Moon Restaurant (喜临门大酒楼)
88 Beach St Boston, MA 02111
(Close to South Station Red Line or Chinatown Orange Line)
Tel: 617-338-8813

2:00 pm Start Bowling at Kings Backbay
50 Dalton St
Boston, MA 02115
Tel: 617-266-2695

Public Transportation: Both the restaurant and the bowling facility are accessible via MBTA subway system.
Parking: Street parking; $11 flat rate whole day garage parking next to the restaurant, if needed.
Venues Connection: It’s walkable from the restaurant to the bowling facility.
Cost:Group sharing on the spot.
Reservation (by November 22): To reserve the lunch seats and/or bowling party, please fill the following simple form:
Happy Holiday and have fun!
Boston Nankai Alumni Association Committee
厦门市留学人员管理中心说:留言于2011-11-17 10:25:32(第27条)
留言于2011-11-17 10:02:46(第26条)
波士顿亚洲文化中说:留言于2011-11-17 07:59:26(第25条)
各位波士顿地区的朋友们,2011 年8月亚洲文化中心举办 的第二次艺术收藏品鉴宝活动,受到了大家的热烈欢迎,再次取得了圆满的成功。波士顿亚洲文化中心为了服 务波士顿华人社区, 将再次邀请知名鉴定师郑京生先生来美,于12月3日在波士顿亚文中心举办第三届亚洲文化中心艺术收藏鉴宝活动。 活动内容: 现场免费咨询、鉴定您的所有藏品,包括古玩、 字画、瓷器、玉器、珠宝、青铜器、古钱币、雕塑等等。 仅此一天, 机会难得! 由于时间有限, 为保证每位客人与专家面谈的质量, 本次活动限定名额60人, 从即日起接受预约报名, 额满即止! 预约方式: 电话: 6172252888 网上报名: www.asiancc.net Email: Boston@acngusa.com 活动日期:2011年12月3日星期六活动时间:上午11am–下午5pm 地点:波士顿亚洲文化中心 1035 Cambridge Street,Suite 30 Cambridge MA 02141(有免费Parking)

请选择您的预约时间 *
• ( ) 11 am - 1 pm
• ( ) 1 pm - 3 pm
• ( ) 3 pm - 5 pm

您所需要鉴定的艺术品件数 *
• ( ) 5件以下
• ( ) 6至10件
• ( ) 10件以上

您的email地址,请准确填写,将作为您的预约确认号。 * [ ]


Shuo Wang说:留言于2011-11-17 01:12:32(第24条)
Thanks a lot!
Also, I love the report by Xia Jia :)
Gong C.说:留言于2011-11-17 01:11:18(第23条)
Thanks. Somehow I did not get the notice in September.
John Wang说:留言于2011-11-17 01:07:48(第22条)

Y CHENG说:留言于2011-11-17 01:01:29(第21条)
I migrate my personal email from this account to YinguoNfam@gmail.com. Please send your correspondence with this new email account as of today.
Thanks and regards,
zhao zhang说:留言于2011-11-17 00:58:30(第20条)
马志坚说:留言于2011-11-16 11:44:27(第19条)

Consulate General of P.R.China in New York说:留言于2011-11-16 11:01:59(第18条)
江苏省侨联现拟建立海外江苏籍侨社团数据库,以便更好地为海外江苏籍华人服务,同时加强亲情联络。 请向您所在科技社团或研究院所中做的较为出色的江苏籍人才推介此事,并请有意与江苏省侨联加强联系的专家学者将本人的基本情况:姓名、性别、出生年月、祖籍(市、县)、居住地、所在社团(机构)和担任的职务、通讯地址、电话、传真、电子信箱等EMAIL给我。 截止日期为11月30日。 如有任何问题,欢迎致电! 有劳各位!欲致谢意! 庄嘉

Zhuang Jia
Consul for Science and Technology
Consulate General of P.R.China in New York
520 12th Ave., New York, NY 10036
Tel: 212-244-9392 ext.1505
NECINA Entrepreneur Club说:留言于2011-11-16 11:00:38(第17条)
NECINA Entrepreneur Club will have its 2nd meeting on 11/29. The meeting is for the club members only. To join the club, you must be a current or former founder, co-founder or CEO of a technology company. The mission of the club:
* leverage NECINA resources to connect the club members to more senior and successful entrepreneurs and VC firms, seeking mentors, advices and business opportunities.
* provide an environment for the entrepreneurs to do social and networking, share their experience in their daily struggle with common challenges but in individual cases.
We have an online platform on which club members can discuss issues and post freely on any subjects related to business. Please contact Harry Gao, NECINA Entrepreneur SIG lead, at harry.gao@necia.org if you are interested in joining the club and attending the meeting. The topic of next meeting is fund raising/financing.
苏州生物纳米科技园说:留言于2011-11-16 10:59:17(第16条)
苏州生物纳米科技园 Suzhou Nanotech Promotional Meeting

Nov. 20th, Sunday, 10:00-11:30 am
MIT Building 3, Room 270
33 Massachusetts Ave (Rear)
Cambridge, MA 20139

Dr. Xijun Zhang General Manager of Suzhou Nanotech and Deputy Director of Science &Technology Bureau of SIP will lead a delegation to visit Boston on Nov. 19 and 20. NECINA will host a Nanotech Promotional Meeting so the delegation members can meet with local professionals, entrepreneurs and students who are seeking collaboration and career opportunities in China. Especially if you have a business plan to start a nanotech venture in Suzhou you will be invited to join the lunch with the delegation members and have a further discussion. Please sign up at http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=224906.
For more information about this meeting and Suzhou Nanotech park, please visit http://www.necina.net/china-express.

CHAIN说:留言于2011-11-16 07:56:14(第15条)
Innovation in Clean Tech: US/China Cross-Border Entrepreneurship
Nov 30, 2011, 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, 650 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304

With a tremendous amount of investment made by VCs, both the US and China have witnessed a rapid growth of Cleantech start-up formation in recent years. As these two leading Cleantech countries present different policy framework, industry characteristics and competitive landscape, visionary entrepreneurs have gone across the border to embrace new challenges and pursue even bigger opportunities. CHAIN proudly presents a panel of Cleantech leaders to share their entrepreneurial endeavors in Cleantech across the border between the US and China. Panelists will tackle from multiple angles including taking US technologies/products to the Chinese market, outsourcing supply chain or R&D to China, and taking Chinese businesses to the US market. They will provide their insights in working with governments, investors, corporate partners and talents in both countries.

Tom Baruch, Founder and Partner Emeritus at CMEA.
• Kang Sun, CEO of Amprius, a Lithium ion battery company that was founded upon breakthrough in anode technologies and has received venture dollars from investors in both the US and China.
• Linhui Sui, CEO of ET Solar USA and Chief Strategy Office of ET Solar, a top Chinese solar panel company with strong presence inAsia Pacific, North America and Europe.
• Jennifer McFarlane, CFO of LanzaTech, a venture-funded start-up actively working with Chinese partners.
• David Cheng, Director of Cleantech Group, the leading market intelligence source of the global Cleantech space.
Registration: Please RSVP here: http://chaincleantech.eventbrite.com
聖地亞哥華文網说:留言于2011-11-16 04:01:07(第14条)
Fei Lu
《San Diego Chinese Press》
song chen说:留言于2011-11-16 03:48:28(第13条)
湖南老乡,想吃湘菜的朋友周六-11/19-中午聚餐湘味楼 12:15AM
地址:地址: 227 W Valley Blvd San Gabriel, CA 91776 (希尔顿广场内)
电话: 626-289-2276 626-289-2276
George Zhao说:留言于2011-11-16 03:37:54(第12条)
姜教授您好,在洛杉矶和总领馆的很多大型活动中见过您,您领导的这份电子刊物办得非常好,信息量大,中肯实用,我每期必看。 谢谢
镇江市人民政府侨务办公室经联处说:留言于2011-11-15 15:36:52(第11条)

加州華裔律師協會说:留言于2011-11-15 11:15:29(第10条)
「加州華裔律師協會」將於16日(周三)下午6時30分至8時30分,在聖蓋博市亞裔青少年中心,主辦一場免費法律諮詢活動,現場提供華語及粵語服務,歡迎社區民眾參加。 該活動除主辦機構外,尚有亞太美法律中心、亞裔青年中心、鄰里法律服務處、洛杉磯法律援助基金會等聯合協辦。於每月第三個星期三舉行,藉以幫助華裔民眾獲得免費法律資訊,了解在美國的一些相關律法規定。諮詢不需預約,先到先問,人多時需排隊等候。由於提供免費諮詢的律師來自各領域,民眾需備齊相關資料,以便律師了解案情,對症下藥。該活動已行之有年,為每月例行一次之免費法律諮詢服務。亞裔青少年中心地址232 W. Clary Ave., San Gabriel, CA 91776,詳情可電1-800-520-2356。
DXL说:留言于2011-11-15 08:32:48(第9条)

jack wu说:留言于2011-11-15 08:22:00(第8条)
it says new account I signed in as of
jackwu0@gmail.com was prohibited to sign in
Jack Wu


You may have to use the correct password to sign in.
Liang Chiang说:留言于2011-11-15 08:16:56(第7条)
Gong Chen说:留言于2011-11-15 08:14:30(第6条)
When happens to our journal this year?

Gong Chen, Ed.D.
Activity Coordinator
Assistant Director of Center for International Sports
San Jose State University

Here it is:

Dr. Daniel W. Kwong说:留言于2011-11-14 14:15:25(第5条)
Prof. Jiang and Prof. Chan: Thanks for the updates and information. Best, Dr. Daniel W. Kwong
Li Daxi说:留言于2011-11-14 14:13:44(第4条)
My article about US-China Innovation and Cooperation Conference

Dear Prof. Jiang:
I am extremely happy about the success of the US-China Innovation and Cooperation Conference. You may find the conference video in our website and YouTube soon. Please check our website www.casbi.org. My article about the conference is included. Hope to hear your comments.
Best regards,

Daxi Li
Chairman, Chinese Association for Science and Business
Chairman, Organizing Committee of US-China Innovation and Cooperation Conference
Jiao Yang说:留言于2011-11-14 13:40:53(第3条)
您看完一定開心!哈!哈!,一定点开下划线地址看!This is guaranteed to give you a smile. Watch it to the end…. DANCING COUPLE. 点击下面的链接即可观看。可点画框右下角的按钮,选择全屏幕观看,效果更好。很好看,比幻灯片更有意思!強力建议各位好友观赏~8 分多钟而已!还可点击 Next, 看公鸡跳舞等许多影视呢!http://www.wimp.com/amazingsights
嘆為觀止的地球短片- Earth: Amazing sights
看亞馬遜河反射的陽光 ...
云计算/商务外包创新餐叙说:留言于2011-11-14 12:50:55(第2条)
陈刚博士一行三人,将来访加州 San Diego and Silicon Valley. 定于11月24日晚六点(或是25日晚六点,请在备注栏说明 which day is your favor)在王朝海鲜酒家, Cupertino, CA, 餐叙,座位有限,需要确认才获准邀请参加。如果你对云计算,商务外包有兴趣 (Please see details below),欢迎报名参加,请至 www.returnChina.org. 活动报名入口六报名,同时在备注栏说明你的兴趣。
SecureCloud: US-TIG/China-Longsky Joint Venture
A new joint venture SecureCloud (安云(中国)科技有限公司) will be established in Jan. , 2012, by TIG based in San Diego, a middle size of US IT service company with system integration of cloud computing and LongSky based in Jiangyin by local Entrepreneurs with chemical materials, ITO software development, BPO of offshoring e-publishing, medical insurance, marketing research etc. The joint venture will leverage China's market and apple knowledge labors with US advanced information technology application and innovative business models.
Sharing with you
1, China's 10 year experience of new emerging IT service industry.
2, Consultancy and strategic planning experience for Chinese governments (central and local) to promote service industry.
3, Development of service science research, education and training.
4, Opportunities of cloud computing, IT services and offshoring
Looking for
1, Consultant and architect for vertical industry service applications using technology of mobile-Internet, cloud computing in banking, insurance, telecoms, government, education etc.
2, Information exchanging for IT service either in USA and China.
3, IT service marketing and sales for offshoring.
Members of the dalegates
Frank G. Chen, SVP of Beyondsoft
Dongpeng Shi, CEO of Longsky software company.
Janson Zhang, VP of Bachieva, an expert of offshoring BPO.
Gang Chen说:留言于2011-11-14 12:44:25(第1条)
超级偶像歌唱比赛, 俞演俞烈,已经进入白热化的阶段。短兵相接,狭路相逢,勇者胜!高手对阵,个个身怀绝技,究竟鹿死谁手?请每天锁定本网页的最新战况报道:http://superidoltw.com/

注意: 留言内容不要超过4000字,否则会被截断。
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