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2012/4/27 17:39:48 | 浏览:76926 | 评论:40

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
网站: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
杨鸣 ming.s.yang@gmail.com
Ming Yang
2012年 第12期 創刊第569期 4/18-4/26/2012
Table of content - 本期重要目录




Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements





UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2012 No.12)

Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4298]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4833]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [5105]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4307]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4329]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4610]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4916]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5243]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4444]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5425]
Colleen Flaherty 翻译 刘勤:MIT教授发文《美国经济评论》 :生命科学受益于明星科学家们的死亡 :北京和上海金融人的最新鄙视链 :日本政府《氢能利用进度表》 :美国《2016-2045年新兴科技趋势报告》 :天津工业大学“经纬英才”引进计划 :浙江财经大学国际青年学者论坛的邀请函 (10/31-11/1) :美国加大审查范围 北大多名美国留学生遭联邦调查局质询 :天安门广场喜迎“十一”花团锦簇的美丽景象
Avfzurnh说:留言于2014-05-16 15:54:20(第40条)
上海市第五届婚恋博览会 • 大型公益相亲交友会
【地点】上海赵巷嘉松公路5369号(G50赵巷出口) 地铁2号线徐泾东站出口。后乘免费班车
Lrarduoj说:留言于2014-02-19 01:38:36(第39条)
Dear Zhenying,
Please join me to support the re-election of my fellow Congressmember Mike Honda on March 17th in Monterey Park. He faces a tough race this June and it is vital that we do everything in our power to keep our ally in the House!
Mike has represented the Silicon Valley in Congress for 13 years. He is the Chair Emeritus for the Congressional Asian-Pacific American Caucus and worked tirelessly to increase the caucus' visibility and to promote the issues facing Asian Americans. He paved the way for me to become the current chair of the caucus. Rep. Honda is a member of the powerful House Appropriations Committee and the subcommittee for Labor, Health and Human Services and Education. He has played a major role on immigration reform and technology issues. Despite his years of service to our community, Rep. Honda is facing a tough race against a well-funded millionaire. It is essential that we do all that we can to keep the experience and expertise of Mike Honda in Congress! I truly hope you'll be able to participate in the March 17th event.
In friendship,

Rep. Judy Chu
Congressmember Judy Chu cordially invites you to a Fundraising Banquet Supporting Congressmember Mike Honda (CA-17th Dist)
Monday, March 17th, 2014
6:00 pm Reception * 7:00 pm Dinner
Ocean Star Restaurant, 145 North Atlantic Blvd. Monterey Park, 91754
Please RSVP by Wednesday, March 6th to Drew or Heather at 310-477-8081 or rsvpforjudychu@gmail.com
Fbhnjhcg说:留言于2014-02-13 06:03:49(第38条)

Ugqdpqnr说:留言于2014-02-12 09:32:04(第37条)
Dear Prof. Jiang
Happy New Year.

Best Regartds

Fu Hua, Professor and Director
Fudan Health Communication Institute
School of Public Health
Fudan University
W. Kwong说:留言于2012-05-05 13:09:08(第36条)
I am pleased to announce my new email address as ---- ghh_dwk@yahoo.com. Keep on the good works. Best, Daniel
Anne Ma说:留言于2012-05-04 08:58:21(第35条)

記者招待會/Press Conference
日期/Date: May 8, 2012 (Thu)
時間/Time: 11AM
地點/Location: STC Center, 3st Floor, 18558 E. Gale Ave.
City of Industry, CA 91748
聯絡人/Contact Person: Amy Li (562) 695-1513 x117
主旨/Event: STC Youth Leadership Training Camp
2012 STC 青少年領袖品德培養訓練營說明會
Refreshments will be served (現場有餐點供應)


激發青少年“健康、愛、智慧”的理念是STC、DIP和ICMA的共同目標。因此,三個志同道合的團體走到一起成為STC順天聯合的主要成員,並齊心協力主辦這次2012 STC 青少年領袖品德培養訓練營。得益於STC順天聯合的贊助,訓練營的學員將能夠免學費參與課程。欲了解詳情,請於5月8日星期二上午11點到四季廣場三樓STC Center (18558E. Gale Ave., 3rd Flr., City of Industry, 91748)參加新聞發佈會暨說明會。現場有餐點供應。

STC、DIP、ICMA,以及社區的領袖們期待陪伴青少年度過一個有意義的暑假。 STC 順天聯合,旨在將獨立的人集合在一起從而獲得團結的力量,達到一加一大於二的效果。"順天"意為順從天意。我們相信善有善報,而我們的與人為善也能夠對周圍環境產生正面的影響。我們有的不只是專業技術,我們用以人為本的理念與對生命積極的態度也影響了我們周遭的朋友,改善我們的社區及環境。

Anne Ma 馬淑芬
Artistic Director藝術總監
Dance Impressions Productions
Http:// danceimpressionsproductions.wordpress.com

On Tuesday May 8, 11:00 a.m., STC Collaboration will be pleased to announce to the community the Youth Leadership Training Camp. STC Collaboration continues to serve the community by providing opportunities to youths of all ages. This summer, we are hosting a Youth Leadership Training Camp to promote character development in youths. The partners that make up STC Collaboration include STC Management, Dance Impressions Productions (DIP), Institute of Chinese Martial Arts (ICMA), with great support from many community leaders and business entities. Your are cordially invited to attend and find out more. Refreshments will be provided.
We look forward to seeing everyone on May 8! Thank you.

Amy N.C. Li
Marketing Manager
10722 Beverly Blvd., #P, Whittier, CA 90601
Cell: (626) 321-3558 | Tel: (562) 695-1513 x117 | Fax: (562) 695-1834
Tang, Ben (Phoenix HK)说:留言于2012-05-03 23:55:40(第34条)
class=blackG>lxue说:>留言于2012-05-03 06:39:26(第33条)
Thank you very much for sharing the information. I am very interested in the event. Will look into it. Best, Lisa
Yan Zeng - US Asia Education (UAE)说:留言于2012-05-03 06:16:29(第32条)
Greetings from US Asia Education!
On February 5th, 2012, I invited you to attend our US China Education Cooperation Forum (UCECF) by sending email and attachment. The April event is approaching, and schools that are registered will gradually go to Beijing, China. We will have a series report about this event, please refer to this link: http://uaeamerica.org/news-at-a-glancepics.html

In order to let your school experience the same group/individual recruiting directly from our partner high school in China, we send the following event invitation in this October. US-Asia Education (UAE) is a company consisting of a large network of presidents, principals, administrators, and teachers through over 30 Chinese high schools and colleges/universities using international learning and recruiting programs. We work directly with administrators of high schools and colleges in Shandong and other cities to find and aid students who are interested in studying in the United States.
Our company’s process is different than the usual college fair recruiter. We focus on personally partnering with many institutions to bring them directly to the students in China with no lost time, effort, or money. At most big events, schools have to pay to present themselves among a thousand other participants, and often get overlooked. UAE focuses on getting to know the institutions and bring each facet to light in Chinese classrooms, allowing students to make informed decisions and feel comfortable transferring into a welcoming environment.
UAE is holding a large-scale international education forum with events taking place in Beijing, Changle, Zibo, and Zouping. We would like to extend an invitation to your President, Vice President and Director/recruiter of International Programs from your institution to participate in these events. Our next big event is going to be held between October 23, 2012 and October 26, 2012. Mark your calendars!
There are four major parts of this forum:
1. Meetings between delegations from the U.S. and officials from the Ministry of Education to discuss the increasing needs of Chinese students for quality higher education.
2. Meetings between presidents and directors of international programs of American institutions and principals of high schools in China.
3. Increasing Chinese student population for your institution by thoroughly making your school programs and information visible and available to students.
4. Meetings in which your delegates will meet prospective Chinese students and parents, discussing their needs and opportunities.
I encourage you to consider and participate in these important events. More information will be available about each trip on our website as we get closer to each event''''s dates.
We also invite you to become one of our partners. With the many opportunities we provide, both for our students and the American colleges they will attend, I am sure that we can all collaborate for the best. Please visit our website at uaeamerica.org for details of our events and services.
In the future I would like to visit your school in person, but with my current busy schedule I would like to begin communication with a conversation on Skype or phone. I have reviewed your school''''s website already, but I would like to learn more about your programs and goals for international students. I would be happy to arrange a Skype or phone appointment. Please feel free to contact me if you have any concerns or questions. I am looking forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Wendy Zhong说:留言于2012-05-03 02:26:06(第31条)
4月16日下午,正在美国华盛顿访问的日本东京都知事石原慎太郎,在一个研讨会上发表演讲称:“东京政府决定从私人手中购买钓鱼岛(日方称“尖阁列岛”)”。目前,日本人在“雅虎日本”网站发起了一个“東京都の尖閣諸島買い取りに賛成?反対?”的投票。截止北京时间4月17日23时已有接近14万网友投票,其中赞成的有92%。我们的政府如何应对,我们说了不算。但是,我们有自己说了算的投票方式!我们可以用“一人一票”的方式向日本人说不!引用蔡成平先生的话说:“虽然可能没什么效果,但13多亿中国人总不至于投不过一亿多小鬼子!”呼吁各位看到这篇文章的中国人都去投一张反对票。我们的一票未必改变得了结果,但我们有义务告诉日本人:“你们想要钓鱼岛?我们一起请你好好放低(向黄子华学习,不说粗口)!” 希望你能作为中国人去投一票!一票代表自己声音的反对票!艹他石原慎太郎的大爷!
常州侨办说:留言于2012-05-02 08:54:11(第30条)
Zhihe Wang说:留言于2012-05-02 08:21:31(第29条)
Thank you so much. Really appreciate it! Stay in touch.
Warmest Regards
聖安東尼社區學院说:留言于2012-05-02 07:50:58(第28条)
核桃市與聖安東尼社區學院將於5月2日在社區學院聯合舉辦就業博覽會,有近60多家公司將進行現場招聘。目前,加州和洛縣的失業率仍在12%左右,因此這次大規模的就業博覽會是對失業者的一個很好的機會。應聘者除了具備是合法居民這樣的基本條件外,學歷以及使用電腦等基本技能的熟練,也很重要。參加在此次就業博覽會的企業有ATS、BEST FIT INTERNATIONA、CBS RADIO LOS ANGELES和EXEL SUPPLY CHAIN等主流社區大型企業,核桃市也將招聘2名文職人員。5月2日就業博覽會的時間是上午9點30分到下午1點30分,聖安東尼社區學院(Mt Sac Antonio College)的地址是1100 N Grand Ave. Walnut,CA 91789。
德州農工大學學生學者聯誼會说:留言于2012-05-02 07:12:23(第27条)
湖南鄉親黃道菊是就讀德州農工大學中國留學生張絲華的母親,黃道菊日前因突發腦溢血住院醫治急救,欠下巨額醫療債務,現又面臨出院後的長期康復治療等住宿及醫療費用困境,急需僑胞愛心捐款援助。 中國駐休士頓總領館僑務組兩位領事王誌宏與陳冠橋,日前獲知此事後隨即赴德州農工大學醫療中心探視張絲華與他住院的母親黃道菊,並就他們目前所面臨的困境,分別會同農工大學學生學者聯誼會、大學醫療中心進行專案分析和商討,決將為幫助張絲華母女發動募款,並協辦親屬來美簽證等事宜。 凡有願意提供Charity康復床位的機構或捐款幫助張絲華母女,請聯繫TAMU CSSA德州農工大學學生學者聯誼會979-676-2821、雙語記者公關協會832-790-3003。
大湖區華美化學與化工學會说:留言于2012-05-02 07:06:59(第26条)
大湖區華美化學與化工學會年會將於5月5日(周六)上午9時到下午5時,在芝加哥北郊西北大學主校區舉行,主辦單位歡迎有興趣者報名參加。 大會邀請到數位工業界資深技術專家演講,其中包括在亞培(Abbott)擔任資深主管、負責診斷產品的新技日術開發的羅賓森(John Robinson),NanoIntegris 首席技術官魏德(Nathan Yoder)和 Polyera 首席技術官范其堤(Antonio Facchetti)。 協會創始人之一的NL Chemical Technology總裁、美國工程科學院院士黎念之(Norman Li)也將發表演講。演講內容將涉及體外診斷偵測技術,新一代電子及察看材料及分離化工等。重點放在這些技術的主要發展趨勢,和由其引導的工業界的新的定位。

為輔助大學生、研究生及博士後,有更好個人職涯規畫,該學會董事長黎念之、主席劉向暉、大會組織委員會成員及其他資深會員,也將到會交流。年會還將舉辦有獎研究論文牆報競賽,並邀請 UOP、Hospira,Baxter 和 Abbott等公司的人事部門代表,介紹職工招聘資訊。 會議免費入場,提供免費茶點和午餐,並有餘興晚宴。報名及詳情可上 www.greatlakecacs.org查詢,或聯絡學會主席劉向暉(608)215-4689、xianghui.liu@abbott.com及年會會議主席黃靜(706)761-5200、huangj@anl.gov。
內華達州立拉斯維加斯大學 - 中國高中生夏令營说:留言于2012-05-02 07:02:28(第25条)
有校區、有宿舍、有專門設計的課程加上「太空營」,內華達州立拉斯維加斯大學(UNLV)今年暑期首度開辦以中國高中生為對象的夏令營,讓從未出過國的中國大孩子,在暑期中來美國實地學習,並為將來留學美國申請大學作準備。 該校暑期間有一項與美國太空總署(NASA)合辦的「太空營」以美國高中生為夏令營對象,今年帶進中國高中生進來,所以為他們量身打造了特別的語文課。太空夏令營那一周,每天上午學語文課,下午參加太空營,中國孩子與美國孩子同時在太空營內探索奧秘,一起生活一起學習他們感興趣的事。 太空營只有一周,但暑期夏令營共三周,其它兩星期教學都由該校語言中心編輯規畫,有發音練習、音樂、藝術體驗,讓孩子們用英語和美國人溝通。
美國高等教育雜誌「INSIDE HIGHER ED」於今年3月公布的調查報告說,許多中國高中生希望高中畢業後進入英語系國家升大學,其中78%選擇美國,調查對象是全中國主要城市高中生,明顯看到中國高中生對於出國念大學的嚮往。 UNLV具有條件為中國高中生來美暑修進行課程設計及生活安排照顧,學生宿舍是要用學生證刷卡才能進去,保護學生住校安全,學校餐飲為暑期夏令營而開放,孩子們的三餐都營養美味,讓他們了解美式餐飲文化。周末不上課的二天,學校委託華裔機構帶中國學生們去大峽谷及迪士尼樂園旅遊。夏令營上課時,還會由各科系教職人員為他們講解及帶領參觀旅館管理學院、法學院、音樂學院等著名科院。UNLV有2萬8000名學生,校區設備完善,進出機場很方便,這次為中國高中生開辦夏令營,歡迎中國高中院校與他們接洽,學生組團來人數多少不拘,從十人到500人學校都有能力妥善安排。這個夏令營日期已定從7月9日起至7月27日。 中文聯繫可電001-702-338-1822,電郵 waynew5988@aol.com
哈佛中國文化工作坊说:留言于2012-05-02 06:48:41(第24条)
哈佛中國文化工作坊及北美華文作家協會紐英倫分會3日(周四)中午12時至下午3時,在哈佛大學燕京圖書館(2 Divinity Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138)聚會廳舉行講座,邀請三位哈佛大學訪問學者主講。 天津師範大學文學院教授郝嵐,將主講「通俗與經典的錯位─中國近代讀者視域中的柯南‧道爾、哈葛德、凡爾納與大仲馬」;華中師範大學文學院教授林岩將主講「古文運動與性命之學─北宋道學興起的一個新解釋」;北京師範大學歷史學院教授倪玉平,將以「海上生命線─清代漕糧海運與社會變遷」為題演講。 活動由張鳳主持,以中文進行。可攜帶午餐,免費入場。查詢可洽:changphong@gmail.com。

AABT-Boston说:留言于2012-05-02 04:35:24(第23条)
• 美國塔夫茨大學(Tufts University)和波士頓美亞商旅集團(AABT-Boston)第三屆面向中國大陸中學生(16歲以上)和大學生英語暑期課程班,报名截止日-2012年 5月 15日。部分学生已经拿到了三个月的 F-1 學生签证!!!
塔夫茨大学英语暑期班 http://pattycproperty.com/programs/4week.php x.php

學生們在美國的所有學習、生活和課外活動均由塔夫茨大學安排、組織、管理和實施。塔夫茨大學將為學生发I-20表,確保學生得到學 生簽證F1。塔夫茨大學(Tufts University)校址位於世界名城波士頓,周圍擁有四十多所頂尖名校,包括哈佛大学,麻省理工學院等。每天上午3.5小時英語文化課由塔夫茨大學的專家教授主講,老師將會依據學生的英語水平而分班教學。學習內容包括:加強英語聽,說,讀,寫能力;提高在公眾面前利用英語介紹、交流和演講的技能;了解美國的成語和文化;培養討論事件的信心及實際運用水平等。

下午則為選修課(每周四次,共2小時),主題包括:進一步強化美式口語;了解美國大學/研究生學院的準備錄取過程;如何撰寫申請美國大學/研究生學院的論文;如何準備大學/研究生學院的面試;準備標準化的入學測試等。主辦單位還特地聘請了針對外國學生的美國專家,根據學生的興趣與特長,提供美國大學入學申 請的全套輔導服務,包括學校和專業的選擇,入學考試的準備和成功申請材料的撰寫等。夏季班結束后,學生將得到結業證書。而且所有參加暑期班的學生均可享受三年免費留學資詢。除了緊張的學習之外,主辦方還為孩子們安排了豐富多彩的業餘活動,如夏季燒烤、每周電影旅行、天才表演、舞蹈和校內體育活動(足球、網球、籃球、排球等)。並計劃參觀波士頓著名的高校如哈佛大學和麻省理工大學等、遊覽波士頓名勝古迹、乘坐海船遊覽美國東部的海岸線、公園露營和野餐。校外活動的交通將通 過校車和/或公共交通。

電子郵箱: office@pattycproperty.com,
中國免費撥美國:950-4037 8774
T. Chengyuan说:留言于2012-05-01 11:40:39(第22条)
Happy the May Day !
tracy c说:留言于2012-05-01 11:16:09(第21条)
NECINA说:留言于2012-05-01 09:06:22(第20条)
NECINA Lab Android Development Workshop - Where you learn the technical know-hows and have fun
NECINA Labis offering an Android Platform Development Workshop. In this workshop, you will learn the basics of Android platform, understand the application lifecycle, and by the end of the workshop, you will be able to write simple GUI applications, use built-in widgets and components, as well as the advanced capabilities and APIs such as background services, accelerometers, graphics, and GPS. Different from traditional lecture-based technical training, student engagement is the center of the NECINA Lab design:
• In each lab the students will build a simple application based on lab lecture.
• Every student will design and develop a final project to accomplish this training. The instructor and TA will help students to finalize the idea, resolve technical issues and complete the project after the training.
• Training certificate is based upon completion of final project.

Fees: $50/member; $85/non-member
Online registration:
Schedule and Locations

May 1, 6 ~ 9:30 pm: IBM Innovation Center, 404 Wyman Street, North Entrance, Waltham, MA 02454-1280
May 8 , 6 ~ 9:30 pm: Deloitte, 1000 Winter Street, Suite 2000, Waltham, MA 02451.
May 15, 6 ~ 9:30 pm: IBM Innovation Center, 404 Wyman Street, North Entrance, Waltham, MA 02454-1280
May 22, 6 ~ 9:30 pm: Deloitte, 1000 Winter Street, Suite 2000, Waltham, MA 02451.
May 28, 6 ~ 9:30 pm: Deloitte, 1000 Winter Street, Suite 2000, Waltham, MA 02451.

• Object-Oriented programming experience, prefer Java programming language
• Laptop with wireless network card

Trainer Bio: Bin Lee - Bin Lee is a seasoned software engineer with extensive experience on mobile application development. He has worked for multiple companies or as an individual consultant, and built multiple applications in Apple Appstore, and Android market. The applications included social gaming, utilities, e-commerce and 3D visualizations. Bin Lee is also a co-founder of a couple Chinese technologies companies and has conducted many training courses including mobile development in China. Bin has a M.Sc. in Computer Sciences from the University of Houston (1996).

For detailed syllabus
Event Contact: sean.shen@necina.org; ruixi.yuan@necina.org

NECINA说:留言于2012-05-01 08:59:03(第19条)
NECINA Entrepreneur Workshop Meetup -- Big Data Use Cases
NEW Overview
• Are you looking to develop start-up ideas and get a taste of entrepreneurship?
• Are you looking to connect with passionate and talented people to form teams and start developing business models and building product prototypes?
• Are you looking for an entrepreneurial environment with disciplined schedule and peer pressure to drive you to make progress, with excellent mentorship resources to provide guidance and feedback, but without jeopardizing your day job and other commitments?

Welcome to NECINA Entrepreneur Workshop (NEW). NEW is now open for registration to any 2012 NECINA members who have a certain level of technical expertise in their fields, and want to bring new ideas, products, and business models to the market. Join us if you are looking to move your career towards an innovation and entrepreneurship oriented track. NEW is a peer-organized program, with no top-down, well-planned syllabus of lectures for you to sit in and absorb. Instead, all attendees will contribute to shaping up the program activities -- this is an entrepreneur special interest group. The next NEW meetup will focus on Big Data use cases. There are 30 seats available. Please register here: bit.ly/nBigDataUseCases. Here are some directions to the meetup venue.

Event Contact: Mingsheng Hong, mingsheng.hong@necina.org

顾伯铭说:留言于2012-05-01 08:08:32(第18条)
五一节快乐! 伯铭
美国华人社团联合会说:留言于2012-05-01 07:47:24(第17条)
2012年春游- 鸟岛一日游: 踏青, 大海, 海鸟, 日光浴
主办: 美国华人社团联合会
你有近距离观察过海鸟孵小鸟吗? 而且不是一两只,是成千上万只!
Follow Me!

时间: 5/20/2012 (星期天) 7AM, 晚上7PM回到出发地.
午餐: 每人自备午餐, 为保护生态, 岛上没有食物可供购买,必须自己携带.
上车地点: 鹿鼎记, 501 S ATLANTIC BLVD., MONTEREY PARK, CA 91754
车辆可停放CHASE BANK停车场.
报名费: $95 , 儿童12岁以下$75 (包括BUS, 来回船票, 早餐,小费 )
报名请电胡燕秋310-488-5812 或email: RCAOUSA@YAHOO.COM , 告之姓名,参加人数, 联络电话. 报名费抬头和邮寄地址是: RCAO (c/o CHARLES LU, 517 S ATLANTIC BLVD., MONTEREY PARK, CA 91754), 此活动老少皆宜, 是最佳的联谊, 亲子活动, 欢迎全家报名.
报名面向所有美华联成员及各会会员. 截止日期:5/13/2010, 名额有限,以交报名费为准,额满为止.一旦报名因故取消行程如过了截止日期可能无法退回船票, 请谅解.
class=blackG>claremont wang说:>留言于2012-05-01 06:20:27(第16条)
Thanks. All the best
Yours Zhihe
class=blackG>claremont wang说:>留言于2012-05-01 06:20:27(第15条)
Thanks. All the best
Yours Zhihe
class=blackG>Nan Ma说:>留言于2012-05-01 05:59:18(第14条)


MAO LI说:留言于2012-05-01 00:55:40(第13条)
谢谢,祝节日愉快!!! brgds
Mao Li

International Advisory Board说:留言于2012-04-30 08:24:14(第12条)
The International Advisory Board is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the Ninth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability and the call for submissions to the peer-reviewed International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability.

The International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability will be held 23 - 25 January 2013 at the International Conference Center Hiroshima, Hiroshima, Japan. This interdisciplinary conference is for scholars, teachers, and practitioners from any professional discipline who share an interest in and concern for sustainability in an holistic perspective, where environmental, cultural, economic and social concerns intersect. Proposals are invited that address issues of sustainability through one of the following categories:

a) Environmental Sustainability: What have been the forms and effects of human interventions on nature? How can we create a viable home for ourselves and the other lifeforms of the planet?

b) Cultural Sustainability: How does culture forge a productive diversity for the human species as well as nurture the sources of cohesion in ways of seeing, ways of thinking, ways of meaning, ways of relating to each other, ways of connecting with nature?

c) Economic Sustainability: How can we create economic systems which are environmentally, culturally, and socially viable?

d) Social Sustainability: What allows for all our participation as autonomous yet social beings? How do we promote good citizenship and ensure justice? How do we integrate the four fundamentals of environment, culture, economy and society so we can address our human futures and live to the full our human potentials?

Proposals for paper presentations, workshops, posters/exhibits, or colloquia are invited. The deadline for the next round in the call for papers (a title and short abstract) is 24 May 2012. Future deadlines will be announced on the conference website after this date. Full details of the conference, including an online proposal submission form, may be found at the conference website: http://onsustainability.com/conference-2013/
徐振东说:留言于2012-04-29 23:38:41(第11条)
National Tsing Hua University, TW说:留言于2012-04-29 15:44:03(第10条)
Following the signing of a University-to-University Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation, National Tsing Hua University and the University of Liverpool have taken concrete steps to substantiate the interactions. To this end, both institutions are pleased to announce the launch of their Dual PhD Program. Eleven PhD scholarships are available for students starting in October 2012. The scholarships provide the tuition fees for a 5-year PhD program during which the students will study at both institutions spending at least 12 months in each institution. A single PhD thesis will be prepared in English for examination by a panel that includes examiners appointed by both institutions and a successful thesis defense will lead to the award of a PhD degree by both institutions. Applications, which may be made to either institution, for the scholarships are invited from suitably qualified candidates with at least a Bachelor’s degree and preferably a Master’s degree.
1. Stiffness Measurement of Human Corneas in Vivo: Ahmed Elsheikh, University of Liverpool (elsheikh@liverpool.ac.uk)
Chao-Min Cheng, National Tsing Hua University (chaomin@mx.nthu.edu.tw)
2. Age and regional variation of behaviour of blood vessels with different curvature extents:
Jeng-Jiann Chiu, National Tsing Hua University (jjchiu@nhri.org.tw); Ahmed Elsheikh, University of Liverpool (elsheikh@liverpool.ac.uk)
3. Study of Residual Stress around Cold-Expanded Holes in Aircraft Structures: Wei-Chung Wang, National Tsing Hua University (wcwang@pme.nthu.edu.tw); Eann Patterson, University of Liverpool, (eann.patterson@liverpool.ac.uk)
4. Modelling and Validation of Structural Analysis of Thermoelectric Coolers: Wei-Chung Wang, National Tsing Hua University (wcwang@pme.nthu.edu.tw); Eann Patterson, University of Liverpool, (eann.patterson@liverpool.ac.uk)
5. Efficient algorithmic methods for time series comparison in QBSH: Prof Jyh-Shing Roger Jang, National Tsing Hua University (jang@cs.nthu.edu.tw); Prof Leszek A Gąsieniec, University of Liverpool (lechu@liverpool.ac.uk)
6. Analogue building blocks for realising biologically inspired hardware: Professor S. Hall, University of Liverpool (s.hall@liverpool.ac.uk); Associate Professor Kea-Tiong Tang, National Tsing Hua University (kttang@ee.nthu.edu.tw)
7. Time & Space Efficient String Algorithms & Data Structures with Applications to Computational Biology: Dr Wing Kai Hon, National Tsing Hua University(wkhon@cs.nthu.edu.tw); Dr Prudence Wong, University of Liverpool, (p.wong@liverpool.ac.uk)
8. Resonant tunnelling nanostructures for Terahertz electronics: Professor S. Hall, University of Liverpool (s.hall@liverpool.ac.uk); Professor Yen-Chieh Huang (ychuang@ee.nthu.edu.tw)
9. Germanium based high-k oxide gate for device applications: Professor S. Hall, University of Liverpool (s.hall@liverpool.ac.uk); Professor Yung-Jane Hsu, National Tsing Hua University (yjhsu@ee.nthu.edu.tw)
10. Analysis of optical coherence tomography images for the development of eye healthcare planning tools: Professor Ahmed Elsheikh, University of Liverpool (elsheikh@liverpool.ac.uk): Professor Shang-Hong Lai, National Tsing Hua University (lai@cs.nthu.edu.tw)
11. Graphene and Oxide-Based Materials for Energy Storage Systems: Dr Laurence Hardwick, University of Liverpool (laurence.hardwick@liv.ac.uk); Prof. Chi-Chang Hu, National Tsing Hua University (cchu@che.nthu.edu.tw)
Sophie C Wong说:留言于2012-04-29 14:49:26(第9条)
A legend of urban Civilization: History Story of Shanghai 1843 -1945 " The Bund " A Video Movie worth watching!!
外滩佚事 [电影]/1.5 HOURS
又是週末了,看看電影罷。 It''s a great Movie to watch this weekend if you have time!!
外 滩佚事剧情介绍
《外 滩佚事》讲述的是一个长达一百 多年精彩的上海故事。外滩从 一 个泥滩成长为世界上最繁华的商 业港口和金融中心,这里发生着 人 类 历史上最传奇的财富故事。我们 在这部纪录电影中将讲述五个人 在 这 座城市里的经历。他们中有英国 人赫德、来自日本的李香兰、中 国 的 叶澄衷、杜月笙和周璇。在他们 身上分别承载着人类共同的梦 想, 那 是关于金钱、权力、爱情的梦 想。在这部纪录大电影里,不仅 讲述 这 五个人的命运和情感的变化,还 展示许多珍贵的历史影像。上海 这 座 城市以及外滩从19世 纪50年 代直到今天,它的城市面貌的变 化都将在这部纪录片里得到展示 。 在细腻的人性情感表达中,本片 将带给大家一段魔幻和史诗的外 滩 历 史。
step说:留言于2012-04-29 14:42:37(第8条)
Hong HUA说:留言于2012-04-29 14:39:01(第7条)
看看,用你老家的方言是这样说这句话的吗?/视频: 东北小伙儿模仿九国人民(日、韩、印度、英、法、意、美、俄、中)
Chinese Guy Speaks English In 9 Accents
福建崇安话:“ging diu外就yua系遗dei了(今天我就站这儿了)内龚歪告几哈(你动动我试试看)恩niong图内会姐duai(别看你个子大)歪gikie咧北跌罗夹俊hiou骂到内hiou窘(逼急了我直接拿块砖头拍你头上!)”
山东烟台话:“劲儿个俺都咱儿介行(三声)了,恁(三声)敢攒七俺哥修子头儿四(二声)四。掰看恁(三声)块(二声)儿达,几了拿钻头害你哥小婢 养的!”
浙江温州话:“恩gi尼gi勒,尼似似东恩,fai次你难头盖,dei阿巴juo jia i次阿巴掰勒居都噶尼都勒得!”
安徽广德话:“.跟到老子就站捏哈不走了~~你搞老子一下试试看~~表看过子高~把老子搞火了~你看老子不搞砖头把你头砸翻过来! ”
湖南话第2版:“小化生子,今天老子就立打国里大,你等我试哈看罗,莫看你胚子逮,搞得老子发宝一窑娟骂死你地!”& amp; amp; lt;/ SPAN>
南开校友会说:留言于2012-04-29 14:30:57(第6条)
Here is the information for the recruitment by Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Science.
Place: MIT, 35 building 5th floor, Room No. 520.
Time: May 2nd, Wednesday, 5-7 PM.
Food: Chinese food will be provided.
If you have interest in this recruitment, please send me a note so that we could arrange the food. My e-mail address: huidong_zhang@hms.harvard.edu
Thank you.

Ling Li说:留言于2012-04-29 14:25:27(第5条)
Many thanks for your email. I will no longer use this email account anymore, please contact me via llwelcome921@gmail.com in the future. All the best, Ling Li
中国科学院上海高等研究院说:留言于2012-04-28 04:50:43(第4条)

孔 洁
国际台李红说:留言于2012-04-28 04:37:17(第3条)
Asian American Professional Association说:留言于2012-04-28 04:35:08(第2条)
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
You are invited to a special reception hosted by Mr. Erwin Furukawa, Senior Vice President of Southern California Edison. Southern California Edison (SCE) partners with Asian & Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (APIASF) hosting a special community reception on Thursday, May 3, 2012. SCE has a valuable partnership with APIASF to enable and encourage higher education opportunities for Asian American and Pacific Islander students. SCE will announce the 2012 - 2013 APIASF/SCE scholarship recipients and to learn more about APIASF''''s programs and services.

SCE/APIASF Community Reception
Southern California Edison General Office
1515 Walnut Grove Avenue
Rosemead, Ca 91770
5:30 p.m. - Reception & Networking
6:30 p.m. - Program

There is no cost to participate, but RSVP is required for security check-in process. To RSVP, please visit www.apiasf.org or e-mail info@apiasf.org. Look forward to seeing you at May 3! Thank you!
Best regards,

Daphne Ng
Executive Director, Asian American Professional Association
President, Edison Chinese Connection
Nankaiboston说:留言于2012-04-28 04:31:21(第1条)
波士顿南开校友会的杨晓丹(2004-2008 南开物理学院本科,后保送南开物理学院研究生2008-2011)于2012年3月13日晚下班途中突发脑溢血。由于抢救及时,虽然他手术后昏迷近两周,现在人已经清醒,神智也在逐渐恢复。据医生说,残留在晓丹脑部的血块也在逐步吸收。受到血块压迫的神经控制的右边肢体也开始有些力量,语言系统和说话功能还没有完全恢复。晓丹的后期康复将会是一个漫长而艰难的过程。截止到4月25日,晓丹的医药花费总计约13万元人民币(医药费用明细在后面附有说明)。预计晓丹的后期理疗和康复费用还需要数十万人民币。由于晓丹去年才毕业开始工作和他的家庭情况(后面附有说明),这样一笔巨额医疗费用让晓丹的家人一筹莫展。目前晓丹的工作单位认定这个事故不是工伤,我们有从事法律咨询多年的南开校友在帮忙做法律认定。也有其他热心同学一直在和晓丹的工作单位协调此事。作为一名南开人,晓丹的同学,我在这里也请大家伸手帮一下病中的晓丹,多一份爱心,晓丹家人的忧虑就会减少一分,晓丹恢复健康的信心就会增加一分。我们在此替晓丹筹集捐款,真诚地希望南开校友和各位朋友的爱心帮助,拯救一个年轻的生命。让我们大家一起帮助晓丹克服困难,战胜疾病!
通过专门为晓丹同学而设立的Bank of America 账户。为增加各位校友的信任,打消大家可能存在的疑虑,此账户是由南开校友会波士顿分会负责人王忠和邹璐一起开设。我们会确保所有筹集到的捐款专款专用,全部用于晓丹的治疗以及后期康复。数月之后捐款停止时,我们会注销此账户。捐款方式有两种:
Bank of America Route #: 011000138
Recipient's Last Name: Zou, Wang
Recipient's Account Number: 0046 3973 5247
Recipient's Zip Code: 02021
Lu Zou, 200 Clarendon Street, 47th Floor, Boston MA 02116
每一笔捐款,捐款人姓名,数额,和到款日期我们都会详细备案,并且定期会公布出来,方便大家核对,也利于大家对我们的监督。请您捐款后,发邮件给 王忠 primewang@yahoo.com, 邹璐luzou62@hotmail.com, 和方磊fangleiwh@gmail.com 告知您的姓名和捐款数额,以便我们核对。如果您不希望自己名字被公布,请您在邮件中注明,我们会以匿名的形式公布。如果您愿意从中国直接捐款,需要中国接受捐款的银行账号信息,也请发邮件给邹璐 luzou62@hotmail.com询问。我们将及时答复。
以下是关于晓丹更多的信息 - 杨晓丹个人情况:
注意: 留言内容不要超过4000字,否则会被截断。
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