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2019/1/5 14:26:46 | 浏览:14788 | 评论:34

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net


(ISSN: 2372-9937)
主編: 姜镇英博士 drzjiang@hotmail.com
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘博士 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅博士 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏博士 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云博士 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2019年 第1期 創刊第808期 1/1-1/5/2019
Table of content - 本期重要目录


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements





  若因任何原因,您未能收到上期《即时通讯》(2018 No.33),请点击此处查阅

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2019 No.1)



Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4029]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4554]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4836]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4036]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4065]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4329]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4644]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [4992]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4207]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5188]
:天津工业大学“经纬英才”引进计划 :浙江财经大学国际青年学者论坛的邀请函 (10/31-11/1) :美国加大审查范围 北大多名美国留学生遭联邦调查局质询 :天安门广场喜迎“十一”花团锦簇的美丽景象 马亮:做院长就能够发更多论文?论文发表是不是一场“权力的游戏”? :印裔人才在美碾压华裔:我们可以从印度教育中学到什么? :北京452万人将从北京迁至雄安(附部分央企名单) :《2019全球肿瘤趋势报告》
City of Hope说:留言于2019-01-24 02:07:52(第34条)
希望之城Cancer Genetic and Epigenetics 的劉㦤倫(Yilun Liu) 教授實驗室最近拿到兩個NIH R01,正在招聘talented postdocs。有兴趣的请推薦或联系。謝謝!
PingChiu说:留言于2019-01-24 01:53:31(第33条)
我们都不愿中加关系因孟晚舟事件而受损,但是事情发生了,损害已经造成,责任不在中方。目前要看加方如何补救,如果加拿大政府有胆量和担当,不一味让美国摆布的话。加拿大政客也好,普通人也好,最朗朗上口的是民主政制,司法独立,并以此为荣。然而,就这样简单吗? 在很大程度上,口口声声的所谓"民主",是为了维护西方的价值观。孟晚舟被抓时,已经破坏了法制,正如中国政府说,孟晚舟在加拿大没有违法,美国政府也没有起诉她,抓捕行动本身已经违法。这事件是缺乏经验的加拿大政府犯下的严重错误,"司法独立"是庄严的 ,但是加拿大司法完全独立吗? 哪一位法官不是政府任命的? 特朗普任命的最高法院法官就是最好的例子。

回到麦家廉的华文记者招待会,麦家廉对华文媒体说的与跟西方媒体说的不完全一样,看得出是为了拉拢华人选票而已,明年就是大选年了。当然,麦家廉向来对华人亲善,但是说到底还是维护自由党政权优先。三天前自由党党团会议后,当时他对西方媒体说,他赞成杜鲁多指责中国政府"任意行事"的说法,他赞成总理拉拢盟友向中国政府施压释放两位被抓的加拿大人。并说加拿大按法律程序行事,中国政府不能要求加拿大政府放人,行政不能干预司法,简直是胡说八道。加拿大要求中国政府放人,不是干涉司法独立吗? 拉拢其他国家向中国施压不是干涉中国内政吗?

孟晚舟是否会从加拿大引渡到美国?加拿大駐華大使麦家廉在华文记者招待会上指出,孟晚舟有三点理由理据可在法庭上抗辩: 一,这是政治事件,因为特朗普已表示,如果他认为此事有利于美国(中美贸易纠纷)的话,他会过问。二,事件发生地。孟晚舟在加拿大被抓时,她没有违反加拿大法律。三,美国对伊朗的制裁行动,加拿大没有签字参加,也就是说华为与伊朗贸易,美国不能要求加拿大在自己土地上抓人引渡。麦家廉大使这番话引爆了主流媒体的辩论,也有人认为是为中国政府加分。

留言于2019-01-22 17:32:02(第32条)
China Call说:留言于2019-01-22 17:31:59(第31条)
Dear Zhenying,

Happy New Year 2019 and Happy Chinese New Year of the Pig!
The January 2019 issue of the China Call Report features various efforts from government, academic and business-level cooperation and exchanges between China and other countries to better people's lives.
To access the January 2019 issue of China Call Report online, please follow this link: http://www.rroots.net/0119 CCR -- EN.pdf

Best Wishes from Beijing,

China Call
Managing Director, Royal Roots Global Inc.
980 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1400
Chicago, IL 60611, USA
Tel 1.312.202.0389
Fax 1.312.896.5841
Email CCR@rroots.net
Website www.rroots.net
jia00354说:留言于2019-01-22 17:27:21(第30条)
智庫商業演講说:留言于2019-01-21 14:48:19(第29条)
地點:Rosemead - Double Tree Hotel
地址:888 Montebello Blvd, Rosemead, CA 91770


Jason Yu律師

C-corp 如何從 21%的新稅率中獲得最優利益
S-Corp,LLC 及個人小生意如何利用川普新稅法的20%免稅條款

加州政府提供的稅務優惠政策一共1.8 億,其中$3500万申請日期僅限3/1/19 至3/25/19, 業主準備好了嗎?

現場解答所有業主稅務、法律方面的疑難雜症。此次演講不但有精美禮品贈送,還會為各位僱主提供2019年的最新勞工海報,並提供全年更新。員工手冊制作範本,以及公司HR 重要資訊link。
本次演講座位有限, 需報名入場 ,歡迎各位僱主報名參加, 報名電話 800-778-8588 ,我們會為您安排座位。
中北大学信息商务学院说:留言于2019-01-21 14:12:28(第28条)



Iceland说:留言于2019-01-20 15:12:13(第27条)
《本周新闻综合评论》加拿大抓人、波兰抓人,北京抓人、北京判人,中美贸易战、中美外交战,所有的问题最终都将用台湾问题作为“泄洪口”排泄出来,如果中美局势是按这个推断走下去问题可就大了。 当今国际社会上有很多离奇古怪比赛,而有些比赛不能随便报名参加,特别是下场比赛前要考虑体面离场问题。打牌、下棋都是有输赢的,不是输了里子就是输了面子。这个世界上没有“友谊第一、比赛第二”,也没有什么“互利共赢“,有的只是“真刀真枪”,“你死我活”,在这样一个残酷的现实面前谁人还敢在国际深水区里玩“具有什么特色的假大空”?!


Changwen ajia说:留言于2019-01-20 15:09:59(第26条)
Success Center说:留言于2019-01-20 06:18:40(第25条)
Demonstration of Cornerstone College Integration and The Vision Resource Center

Please join the Success Center for a demonstration of the Cornerstone-College integration project. During this webinar we will discuss the Chancellor’s Office Project, explore the Cornerstone products: Learn andConnect; learn about the process for local college/district integration with the Vision Resource Center. Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, we will view a demonstration of Palomar College’s local Professional Development Portal. We are offering three upcoming webinars for this demonstration, please only sign up for 1 time slot. Anyone from your institution who is interested in the project is welcome to attend. You may forward this invitationto them.

Friday,Jan. 25
9:00 - 11:00 am
Thursday,Feb. 7
9:00 - 11:00 am
Friday,Feb. 8
9:00 - 11:00 am
The Vision Resource Center is a platform for connection and collaboration designed by and for the California Community Colleges. Faculty, staff, and trustees can access professional development and collaborationresources to help achieve the goals and commitments outlined in the Vision for Success. Our team is always developing new learning content to help colleges work toward the Vision goals. Coming later in the spring look for content related to Equal Employment Opportunity, Developmental Education Reforms,CCAP Dual Enrollment, and of course ongoing content to support your college's Guided Pathways implementation.
Click below to enter the Vision Resource Center
CESA说:留言于2019-01-20 06:12:47(第24条)
2019 CESASC Student STEM Essay Contest: Future Technology That Can Improve Human Life •The contest is open to all 6th to 12th grade students who are currently registered in a U.S. school.
•Awards include the following prizes:1st place - $500 and a trophy; 2nd place - $250 and a trophy; 3rd place - $100 and a trophy
•Exceptional essay is eligible for a grand prize of $1000
Please click the link below for application form and more details:
Connect to us:
Website: www.cesasc.org
Email: info@cesasc.org
USC US-China Institute说:留言于2019-01-20 06:07:55(第23条)
30Years After Showa: Japan-China Relations in Uncharted Eras
Date: Thursday, February 28, 2019
Time: 4-5:30pm
Location: USC, Room TBA
Cost: Free, please rsvp.
2019 marks the end of the Heisei era and 30 years after the previous Showa era (1926-1989) in Japan. What are Japan''s challenges and solutions in uncharted eras, several decades before and after the end of World War II, including the nation''s vital relationshipwith China?
Consul General Akira Chiba assumed the post of Consul General of Japan, Los Angeles in July 2016. Born in Tehran, Iran, he is a third-generation career diplomat, after his father and grandfather before him. During his several decades careerin the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), he has spent eight years in China, and the remainder of his overseas postings in Switzerland, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States. The post of Consul General in Los Angeles is his third U.S. tour. Heis a graduate of the Law Faculty of Tokyo University, attended Peking University in China, and graduated with an M.A. in Asian Studies from UC Berkeley.

CarlMinzner: End of An Era
Date: Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Time: 4-5:30pm
Location: USC, Room TBA
Cost: Free, please rsvp.
China''s reform era is ending. Core factors that characterized it - political stability, ideological openness, and rapid economic growth-are unraveling. Since the 1990s, Beijing''s leaders have firmly rejected any fundamental reformof their authoritarian one-party political system, even as a decades-long boom has reshaped China''s economy and society. On the surface, their efforts have been a success. But as Carl Minzner shows, a closer look at China''s reform era reveals a different truth. Economic cleavages have widened; ideological polarization deepened. And China''s leaders are now progressively cannibalizinginstitutional norms and practices that have formed the bedrock of the regime''s stability since 1978. Technocratic rule is giving way to black-box purges; collective governance sliding back towards single-man rule. The post-1978 era of "reform and opening up"is ending. China is closing down. Uncertainty hangs in the air as a new future slouches towards Beijing to be born. End of an Era explains how China arrived at this dangerous turning point, and outlines the potential outcomes that could result.

BarbaraFinamore: Will China Save the Planet?
Date: Thursday, April 11, 2019
Time: 4-5:30pm
Location: USC, Room TBA
Cost: Free, please rsvp.
With the United States backing away from commitments to address climate change, will China take the lead in saving our planet from environmental catastrophe? Many signs point to yes. China, the world''s largest carbon emitter, is leading a global clean energyrevolution, phasing out coal consumption and leading the development of a global system of green finance. But as leading China environmental expert Barbara Finamore explains, it is anything but easy. The fundamental economic and political challenges that China faces in addressing its domestic environmental crisis threaten to derail its low-carbonenergy transition. Yet there is reason for hope. China''s leaders understand that transforming the world''s second largest economy from one dependent on highly polluting heavy industry to one focused on clean energy, services and innovation is essential, notonly to the future of the planet, but to China''s own prosperity.
contact: Contact: uschina@usc.edu
内蒙古大学人事处说:留言于2019-01-20 02:53:02(第22条)


内蒙古大学(Inner Mongolia University),是国务院1978年确定的88所全国重点大学之一,是英国《简明大不列颠百科全书》所列中国15所著名大学之一,首批国家“211工程”重点建设的高校。创建于1957年,是新中国成立后在少数民族地区最早创立的一所综合性大学,在国家高等教育布局中具有重要作用和特殊区域定位。2004年成为内蒙古自治区和教育部重点共建大学,2012年入选首批国家“中西部高校综合实力提升工程”高校。有28个省部级重点实验室、工程技术研究中心、人文社会科学重点研究基地。

class=blackG>conference organizing committee说:>留言于2019-01-16 02:09:16(第21条)
On behalf of the conference organizing committee, I am pleased to invite you to attend the upcoming International global combine conference on Civil Rights, Promoting Economic, Social Development, Violence and Human Trafficking, which will be taking place on 17th to 20th April 2019 in Paris France and from 22nd to 26th April 2019 in Dallas Texas United States.

The organizing committee sponsors are responsible for participants visa processing for those who requires visa to France and United States. Free round-trip air tickets for both event will be provided by the organization. We shall send you more information for registration processing immediately we receive your response of interest. We look forward to see you soon!
Warm Regards,

International global combine conference on Civil Rights, Promoting Economic, Social Development
Conference Organizing Committee
USC U.S.-China Institute说:留言于2019-01-16 01:34:36(第20条)
Is There A Populism with Chinese Characteristics?
Date: Friday, January 18, 2019
Time: 10-11 AM
Location: Social Sciences Building, SOS B-40, USC
Cost: Free, please rsvp.
Talk of populism is everywhere these days, but the recent boom in comparative populist research has focused almost exclusively on developments in electoral democracies. This talk will explore the possibilities of bottom-up forms of populism under conditions of authoritarianism. Drawing from a nationwide survey conducted in August 2018, Eaton will make the case that a popular populism is alive and well in one-party China.

Sarah Eaton is Professor of Chinese Society and Economy at the University of Göttingen and concurrently Director of Göttingen''''s Centre for Modern East Asian Studies. She is the author of The Advance of the State in Contemporary China: State-Market Relations in the Reform Era (Cambridge, 2016). She holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Toronto and held previously faculty positions at the University of Oxford and the University of Waterloo.

USC U.S.-China Institute
CESASC说:留言于2019-01-15 09:08:47(第19条)
Dear Friends:
Warmest greetings to you and your family for a happy, healthy and prosperous year 2019! We cordially invite you to the CESASC's 57th Anniversary Annual Convention. Please mark your calendar for Sunday, April 14, 2019. CESASC annual convention provides a platform for engineering and science professionals to network and broaden exposure. We help engineers and scientists in career enrichment and advancement through informative seminars and award recognitions. We also provide opportunities for emerging professionals to develop leadership skills. In addition, we offer a strong STEM program for middle-school to high school students, which has inspired many past participants to choose STEM as their fields of focus.

The CESASC 57th annual convention will be held at
Hilton Los Angeles/San Gabriel
225 W Valley Blvd, San Gabriel, CA 91776
Sunday, April 14, 2019

This year's theme is "Towards a Sustainable Tomorrow", featuring innovative technologies for better sustainability. Past CESASC awardees and keynote speakers include Nobel Laureates, industry leaders, heads of institutions, and top policy makers, such as Dr. Steve Chu, Dr. Chen Ning Yang, Dr. Chen-Dau Lee, Yuan T. Lee, Dr. Samuel C. C. Ting, Dr. David Ho, Dr. Shu Chien, Dr. Henry C. LeeMs. Elaine L. Chao. Please check CESASC website (http://www.cesasc.org) for convention details. Early-bird ticket sale is open online at http://cesasc.org/2019-convention-ticket-catalog . Reserve your seat now for this exciting event. Look forward to getting together with you on April 14, 2019!

UCLA CCS说:留言于2019-01-15 09:03:29(第18条)
Is There Elite Resistance to Xi Jinping''''s Power Concentration? How, Why, and What It Means?
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM, Thursday, January 17, 2019
Bunche Hall 10383, UCLA
Talk by Guoguang Wu, University of Victoria
President Xi Jinping’s power concentration has achieved a remarkable success since he came to power in 2012, as he is now often portraited China’s “new emperor.” How to assess and analyze the success, however, is still a challenge to comprehending China’s political development in both terms of leadership politics and state-society relations. The questions concerning possible elite resistance to Xi’s power concentration are particularly crucial to such analysis: Is there any elite resistance to Xi’s fast-growing power and authority? How could the Party-state cadres be able to do such resistance? What are the motivations behind such resistance if it does occur? And, perhaps most importantly, what political consequences follow such domination-resistance struggles? With the empirical focus on the latest developments of China’s elite politics since the 19th Party Congress held in October 2017, this talk will, first, analyze Xi’s new measures for power concentration, elite resistances to Xi’s political ambition, and Xi’s strive-backs, and, second, attempt at connecting the analysis to state-society relations, China’s historical process of post-Mao transition, and theoretical reflections on authoritarian politics.

Guoguang Wu, a Ph.D. in politics from Princeton University, is Professor of Political Science, Professor of History, and Chair in China & Asia-Pacific Relations at the University of Victoria, Canada. With research interests on two tracks, namely, political institutions of China and its transformation in comparative perspectives, and political economy of capitalism and globalization, he is author of four books, including China’s Party Congress: Power, Legitimacy, and Institutional Manipulation (Cambridge University Press, 2015) and Globalization against Democracy: A Political Economy of Capitalism after its Global Triumph (Cambridge University Press, 2017), editor/coeditor of six volumes, and author and editor of more than a dozen of Chinese books. During the late 1980s he worked in Beijing as a policy advisor and a speechwriter to China’s national leadership.

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies
11381 Bunche Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Campus Mail Code: 148703
Tel: (310) 825-8683 Fax: (310) 206-3555
nuomiyaoyao说:留言于2019-01-14 11:51:24(第17条)

微信号 nuomiyaoyao
第十五届深圳国际LED展说:留言于2019-01-14 01:37:38(第16条)
LED CHINA - LED领域主题展,专注于展示最完整LED产业链的“一站式”商贸采购平台,被业界公认为LED行业发展的“风向标”。 2019年,LED CHINA应众多企业及买家要求,在原有9月上海站的基础上增添2月深圳站,为行业提供更广阔的商机。
展会时间 2019年2月21-23日
展览地点 深圳会展中心(福田区福华三路)
主办单位 闻信展览服务有限公司
● LED显示屏:小间距屏、租赁屏、透明屏、创意屏、控制系统、LED电视及相关套件等
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邮 箱:13764524696@139.com
桂林医学院人事处说:留言于2019-01-12 04:01:27(第15条)

我们是桂林医学院人事处 ,非常荣幸与您联系。




湖北武汉第十九届华创会说:留言于2019-01-11 03:04:40(第14条)




第十七届中国国际人才交流大会组委会说:留言于2019-01-10 11:14:18(第13条)


河北农业大学说:留言于2019-01-10 10:07:39(第12条)

九江学院组织人事部说:留言于2019-01-10 09:06:54(第11条)

ross说:留言于2019-01-09 08:47:23(第10条)

We will hire about 30 undergraduate math majors and math graduate students to work as Ross Counselors next summer.
Please announce those job opportunities to students in your Department.
The Ross Mathematics Program is a residential summer program for high school students who are deeply interested in mathematics. This Program has two sites, one for 6 weeks in Columbus, Ohio, the other for 5 weeks in Zhenjiang, China. (All classes are held in English.)
At Ross, high school students take an intensive course in Number Theory, involving challenging daily problem sets. Those students are supervised and mentored by Counselors. Those Counselors grade papers, provide advice on problem solving and proof-writing, participate in more advanced math classes, and have opportunities to present their own informal math lectures.
For further information about Ross Counselor jobs, visit https://rossprogram.org/counselors/.
Learn about Ross Counselor jobs
Please forward this message to others who might be interested.

Ross Mathematics Program.

dcye说:留言于2019-01-09 08:45:46(第9条)
We wish you a Happy New Year!
Barstow College说:留言于2019-01-09 08:36:50(第8条)
Good Morning,
Please review the link below and forward to anyone interested in applying. The current job vacancies with Barstow Community College are:
Database Analyst
Financial Aid Tech I
Visit https://www.schooljobs.com/careers/barstowcc to apply.

Human Resources
760-252-2411 EXT. 7231
湖北汽车工业学院说:留言于2019-01-09 08:13:55(第7条)

南方科技大学说:留言于2019-01-09 07:59:03(第6条)

ChinaUSFriendship说:留言于2019-01-09 07:43:57(第5条)
Dear Friend,
Please click http://www.ChinaUSFriendship.com to read 1) “Why China is too important a market for foreign companies to exit, especially as Chinese innovation takes off” by Edward Tse; 2) “How could the global economy crash? Let us count the ways” by Andy Xie; and 3) “If Trump abandons globalism, American interests will suffer ''''irreparable harm'''' – CNBC” by Frederick Kempe.
In the Music Section, we have Zhou Shen (周深) singing Lake Baikal (《贝加尔湖畔》):
We thank you very much for your continued interest and support! If you do not wish to receive this monthly publication reminder, please feel free to contact us.
中文讀者請用鼠鍵點http://www.chinausfriendship.com/chinese/index.asp,即可阅讀此月的新論文:1)“ 血管中流著的是……” (作者 張一程); 和2)“ 《紐約時報》說:’厲害了,中國!’”(作者 水秉和) 。

China-U.S. Friendship Exchange
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中国科学技术大学人事处说:留言于2019-01-09 07:31:02(第4条)

USC U.S.-China Institute说:留言于2019-01-09 07:02:34(第3条)
Leta Hong Fincher: Betraying Big Brother
Date: Thursday, January 24, 2019
Time: 4-5:30pm
Location: USC, Room TBA
Cost: Free, please rsvp.

Please join the USC U.S.-China Institute for a book talk with journalist and author Leta Hong Fincher. Betraying Big Brother is a story of how the feminist movement in China against patriarchy could reconfigure the country and the rest of the world.

Through interviews with the Feminist Five and other leading Chinese activists, Hong Fincher illuminates both the difficulties they face and their "joy of betraying Big Brother," as one of the Feminist Five wrote of the defiance she felt during her detention. Tracing the rise of a new feminist consciousness now finding expression through the #MeToo movement, and describing how the Chinese government has suppressed the history of its own feminist struggles, Betraying Big Brother is a story of how the movement against patriarchy could reconfigure China and the world.

30 Years After Showa: Japan-China Relations in Uncharted Eras
Date: Thursday, February 28, 2019
Time: 4-5:30pm
Location: USC, Room TBA
Cost: Free, please rsvp.

2019 marks the end of the Heisei era and 30 years after the previous Showa era (1926-1989) in Japan. What are Japan's challenges and solutions in uncharted eras, several decades before and after the end of World War II, including the nation's vital relationship with China?

Consul General Akira Chiba assumed the post of Consul General of Japan, Los Angeles in July 2016. Born in Tehran, Iran, he is a third-generation career diplomat, after his father and grandfather before him. During his several decades career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), he has spent eight years in China, and the remainder of his overseas postings in Switzerland, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States. The post of Consul General in Los Angeles is his third U.S. tour. He is a graduate of the Law Faculty of Tokyo University, attended Peking University in China, and graduated with an M.A. in Asian Studies from UC Berkeley.

USC U.S.-China Institute
USC U.S.-China Institute说:留言于2019-01-09 06:57:52(第2条)
Huawei, Hi-Tech, and U.S.-China Ties
Date: Monday, January 14, 2019 Time: 4-5:30 PM
Location: Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, ASC 207, USC
Cost: Free, please rsvp.
Please join Asia Society Southern California and the USC US-China Institute for a discussion with Stecklow about a case that encompasses key issues in the complex relationship between Washington and Beijing: trade, high technology and national security. The arrest of Meng, who is also the daughter of Huawei''''s founder, underscores the stakes. Huawei has risen to become the world''''s largest telecommunications-equipment maker - a key player in building digital infrastructure for the global economy. Her arrest has heightened tensions between China and both the U.S. and Canada. Ottawa says that China has since detained 13 Canadian citizens. What''''s more, the friction over Chinese high-technology sales extends beyond Huawei. Stecklow''''s reporting has also led to about $2 billion in fines levied by the U.S. against Huawei''''s fellow telecom-equipment maker ZTE.
Steve Stecklow joined Reuters in 2012 after 18 years at the Wall Street Journal, where he shared a Pulitzer Prize in 2007 for a series of stories on stock-options backdating by U.S. companies. Based in London, he has long reported on Asia, and his recent investigations include stories on how Facebook failed to combat hate speech in Myanmar, how Iran''''s Supreme Leader secretly controls a multi-billion-dollar corporate empire, and how Western and Chinese technologies are used by repressive regimes to crack down on dissidents.

Eileen Chang''''s Sea Burial And Special Collection At USC East Asian Library
Date: Thursday, January 17, 2019
Time: 4-5:30pm
Location: USC Doheny Library, Room 241, USC
Cost: Free, please rsvp.
One of the most influential modern Chinese writers and the author of Lust, Caution, Eileen Chang passed away in Los Angeles in 1995. Her works, considered to be among the best Chinese literature of the 1940s, examined the themes of marriage, family, love, and relationships in the social context of 1930s and 1940s Shanghai. After her death, Dominic Cheung, Professor Emeritus at USC, took care of her sea burial in San Pedro and set up the Eileen Chang Special Collection in the East Asian Library at USC in 1997. Cheung will discuss these experiences as a part of the lecture series titled Los Angeles and Shanghai: The USC Nexus.

Is There A Populism with Chinese Characteristics?
Date: Friday, January 18, 2019
Time: 10-11am
Location: USC Social Sciences Building, SOS B-40
Cost: Free, please rsvp
Talk of populism is everywhere these days, but the recent boom in comparative populist research has focused almost exclusively on developments in electoral democracies. This talk will explore the possibilities of bottom-up forms of populism under conditions of authoritarianism. Drawing from a nationwide survey conducted in August 2018, Eaton will make the case that a popular populism is alive and well in one-party China.
Sarah Eaton is Professor of Chinese Society and Economy at the University of Göttingen and concurrently Director of Göttingen's Centre for Modern East Asian Studies. She holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Toronto and held previously faculty positions at the University of Oxford and the University of Waterloo.
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies说:留言于2019-01-09 06:46:29(第1条)
The PRC Re-education Gulag: Repression, Assimilation and Islamophobia in the Name of Tianxia Harmony
Wednesday, January 09, 2019
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Bunche Hall 10383, UCLA
Talk by James A. Millward, Georgetown University

Since late 2017 the PRC has been interning up to two million Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other indigenous peoples of Xinjiang in an expanding system or prisons and prison camps, submitting those ethnic people not interned to an unprecedented surveillance regime, and persecuting non-Han peoples studying or working abroad by threatening or punishing their relatives. This talk lays out the evidence for the prison camps and other aspects of the repression, in light of repeated official PRC claims that they are "vocational training centers." It also examines the new, radically assimilationist shift in CCP minzu policy against the background of imperial pluralism of Qing and earlier China-based states and similar legal, administrative and cultural approaches to accommodating diversity in the PRC. The lecture concludes that current CCP policies, besides being illegal and morally repugnant, turn their back on pragmatic Chinese tradition to chase the chimera of a homogeneous national population, a notion rooted in 19th century European experience.

James A. Millward is Professor of History at the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, teaching Chinese, Central Asian and World history. He is also an affiliated professor in the Máster Oficial en Estudios de Asia Oriental at the University of Granada, Spain. His specialties include Qing empire; the silk road; Eurasian chordophones and music in history; and especially Xinjiang. He follows and comments on contemporary issues regarding the Uyghurs and PRC ethnicity policy. Millward has served on the boards of the Association for Asian Studies (China and Inner Asia Council) and the Central Eurasian Studies Society, and was president of the Central Eurasian Studies Society in 2010. His publications include The Silk Road: A Very Short Introduction (2013), Eurasian Crossroads: a history of Xinjiang (2007), New Qing Imperial History: the Making of Inner Asian Empire at Qing Chengde (2004), and Beyond the Pass: Economy, Ethnicity and Empire in Qing Central Asia (1998). He most recent album, recorded with the band By & By, is Songs for this Old Heart. His articles and op-eds on contemporary China appear in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Review of Books.

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies
11381 Bunche Hal, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Campus Mail Code: 148703
Tel: (310) 825-8683 Fax: (310) 206-3555
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