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2017/11/3 14:49:51 | 浏览:5314 | 评论:13

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net


(ISSN: 2372-9937)
主編: 姜镇英博士 drzjiang@hotmail.com
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘博士 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅博士 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏博士 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云博士 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2017年 第29期 創刊第770期 10/28-11/3/2017
Table of content - 本期重要目录


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements





  若因任何原因,您未能收到上期《即时通讯》(2017 No.28),请点击此处查阅

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2017 No.29)


Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4521]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [5015]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [5311]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4520]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4504]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4840]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [5098]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5472]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4643]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5723]
:美国加大审查范围 北大多名美国留学生遭联邦调查局质询 :天安门广场喜迎“十一”花团锦簇的美丽景象 马亮:做院长就能够发更多论文?论文发表是不是一场“权力的游戏”? :印裔人才在美碾压华裔:我们可以从印度教育中学到什么? :北京452万人将从北京迁至雄安(附部分央企名单) :《2019全球肿瘤趋势报告》 :阿尔茨海默病预防与干预核心讯息图解 :引力波天文台或有助搜寻暗物质粒子
文因互联说:留言于2017-11-22 09:01:08(第13条)
【Too good to be true】:给大家的条件好,所以挑选也比较严格,技术、文化认同、协作性格都要求比较高。我们不看标签,只看是不是真的是一个创造者。
【背景阅读】:可看公司主页 http://memect.cn ,博客 http://blog.memect.cn 知乎专栏https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/c_45652868 。这里可以进一步了解文因互联的工作、风格、技术、历史
【联系我们】:可发信给 ceo@memect.co (注意是.co不是.com)或者加微信 wenyinai42
华文风采说:留言于2017-11-22 02:15:11(第12条)
百尺竿头更进一步 ACCEF举行2017感恩晚会(图)
定档了!《芳华》12月15日全国和北美公映 (图频)
大案三六九 小案天天有 哪里的美国还安全?
特朗普的外孙女那么拼,你还好意思不学中文? (图频)

U.S. Food and Drug Administration说:留言于2017-11-21 08:57:13(第11条)
FDA has recently approved the Lutonix® 035 Drug Coated Balloon PTA Catheter, Model 9010 to be marketed. The Lutonix® 035 Drug Coated Balloon PTA Catheter (Lutonix 035 DCB) is a thin tube with an inflatable balloon at the tip. The device is used to treat narrowed or blocked blood vessels used as an access site for dialysis in patients with chronic kidney failure. The balloon is coated on its outer surface with the drug paclitaxel, a drug which may help prevent the vessels from narrowing again (restenosis).
City Internships说:留言于2017-11-17 09:46:39(第10条)
Dear Professors,
We hope you are well.
With the new academic year well underway, we are reaching out to Deans, faculty and student support staff to communicate the soft launch of the application process for our 2018 programs.

For 2018, we will be offering spring, summer and fall programs in 18 locations:
US: New York, Washington D.C., Boston, Chicago, Miami, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco.
Europe: London, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, Florence, Rome, Zurich.
Rest of World: Sydney, Hong Kong, Buenos Aires.

The soft launch provides an opportunity for direct and indirect recipients of this notification to apply to any of our summer 2018 programs ahead of the application process opening publicly next month. If you feel our programs would be of interest to your students, please share this email and invite them to apply via: www.city-internships.com/apply/
Best wishes,

City Internships

Academic Senate for California Community Colleges说:留言于2017-11-17 05:46:46(第9条)
We need your help! Faculty input requested---- Please share widely.
Public comments on the Chancellor’s Office recommendations to the Governor for a fully online college are invited, and ASCCC encourages faculty to submit comments via the official project email address: CAworkgroup@nchems.org. The Chancellor''''s Office Flex Learning Options for Workers (FLOW) website has additional information and a link to email feedback. It can be found at http://doingwhatmatters.cccco.edu/ForCollegeLeadership/FlexLearningOptionsforWorkers.aspx. The deadline to respond is November 22, 2017.
In May, Governor Brown requested that Chancellor Oakley present options for an entirely online college offering totally online degrees by November 2017. In response, the Chancellor tasked Executive Vice Chancellor Van Ton-Quinlivan with establishing the Flex Learning Options for Workers (FLOW) workgroup, which met at the end of August and end of October.
Outside facilitators from the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS) were employed to present the workgroup with information oriented toward a Western Governors University-type model of online college which would focus on offering classes to working Californians who hold a high school degree or equivalent but have little to no college but could benefit from training to advance in the workplace.
Three options were presented to the Board of Governors on Monday, and an opportunity now exists for all of us to provide feedback on the three options.
ASCCC Resolutions
At Fall Plenary two weeks ago, four FLOW-related resolutions were passed. You can find them here:
7.10 Using System Consultation and Faculty Input to Address Expansion of Online Education https://www.asccc.org/resolutions/using-system-consultation-and-faculty-input-address-expansion-online-education
7.12 Endorse Consortium Approach to Expanding Online Educational Opportunities https://www.asccc.org/resolutions/endorse-consortium-approach-expanding-online-educational-opportunities
9.02 Expand System-wide Online Educational Opportunities https://www.asccc.org/resolutions/expand-system-wide-online-educational-opportunities
9.03 Online CTE Programs and Competency-Based Instruction https://www.asccc.org/resolutions/online-cte-programs-and-competency-based-instruction
Further, the Senate has positions relative to Western Governors University, and given that the models presented by NCHEMS and advocated for by the Chancellor''''s Office incorporate many aspects of WGU''''s approach to instruction, they may also be of interest:
13.04 (Spring 2011) Opposition to Western Governors University California https://www.asccc.org/resolutions/opposition-western-governors-university-california
2.05 (Spring 1998) Western Governors University https://www.asccc.org/resolutions/western-governors-university
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies说:留言于2017-11-17 05:43:32(第8条)
Cultural Prosperity and Good Society in Taiwan: Reflections at the 30th Anniversary of the End of Martial Law

Friday, November 17, 2017
8:45 PM - 4:30 PM
UCLA Charles E. Young Research Library
Main Conference Room

Taiwan stands out as a shining example of smooth and successful transition from a traditional and authoritarian society to a modern and democratic society. The End of Martial Law in 1987 is obviously the turning point of this transition. To celebrate and reflect at the 30th anniversary of this remarkable turning point, the symposium focuses on the abiding theme of “cultural prosperity and good society,” because Taiwan’s achievements in these aspects are truly outstanding. Culturally, Taiwan manages to preserve the essence of tradition while embracing diversity, individuality and creativity, leading to cultural prosperities in film, arts, music, museum, and creative industries. Socially, Taiwan made admirable progresses in constructing civility (公德) and a viable civil society, and consequently, has witnessed the fast growth of societal forces.

Symposium Program
8:45 am - 9:00 am

9:00 am - 9:15 am
Opening remarks

9:15 am - 10:45 am
Round table on Cultural Prosperity
Speakers: Professor Fang-Ming Chen, National Cheng-Chi Univ., Taiwan
Professor Michael Berry, UCLA
Chair: Professor Shih Shu-mei, UCLA

10:45 am - 11:00 am Coffee break

11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Panel on Community Empowerment
Speakers: Dr. Rwei-Ren Wu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Professor Shelly Rigger, Davidson College
Chair: Professor Yunxiang Yan, UCLA

12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Keynote over light lunch
Speaker: Professor Shelly Rigger, Davidson College

2:05 pm - 4:05 pm
Film Screening
Super Citizen Ko, directed by Wan Jen

4:05 pm - 4:30 pm
Post-screening Q&A
with Professor Robert Chi, UCLA
Shelley Rigger is a Professor in the Political Science and Chinese Studies Department in Davidson College. She is the author of Why Taiwan Matters: Small Island, Global Powerhouse (Rowman and Littlefield 2011) as well as two books on Taiwan''''s domestic politics, Politics in Taiwan: Voting for Democracy (Routledge 1999) and From Opposition to Power: Taiwan''''s Democratic Progressive Party (Lynne Rienner Publishers 2001).

Fang-Ming Chen was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in 1947. His is the Chair Professor of the Graduate Institute of Taiwanese Literature. His major in Taiwanese history and Taiwanese Literature. His publications include Revolution and Poetry (2017) and A History of Modern Literary History (2011).

Rwei-Ren Wu is an Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of Taiwan History. He received his Ph. D. in Politics from the University of Chicago. His specialty includes comparative politics, Asian nationalism, political history and history of political thoughts (modern Taiwan and Japan).
The UCLA Center for Chinese Studies is pleased to co-organize this international symposium at UCLA with the Taiwan Academy in Los Angeles, Taiwan Cinema Toolkit, and Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library.

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies
11381 Bunche Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Tel: (310) 825-8683 Fax: (310) 206-3555

brann说:留言于2017-11-17 05:02:37(第7条)
Thank you, Professor Jiang! Have a great day
California Community Colleges Technology Center说:留言于2017-11-16 07:43:26(第6条)
Welcome to the November 2017 issue of CCC Technology For Student Success News featuring updates on the latest progress of the Common Assessment Initiative (CAI), Education Planning Initiative (EPI) and Online Education Initiative (OEI).

Common Assessment Initiative Reset
Development of CCCAssess, a common assessment test for math, English and English as a Second Language for the California Community Colleges (CCC), has ended, according to a recent announcement from the Chancellor’s Office ...

OEI Work Recognized Statewide & BeyondThe California Community Colleges (CCC) Online Education Initiative (OEI) continues to be recognized for its groundbreaking work of creating an online ecosystem for student success, completion, and faculty professional development. ...

EPI Nears End Of 2017 Conference Season
The California Community Colleges (CCC) Education Planning Initiative (EPI) is ending its conference season and has provided stakeholders with updates on the various tools and service EPI offers, and information on how to get involved. ...

Read more: http://ccctechedge.org/

Upcoming Events
ASCCC Fall Plenary: Change
November 2-4, 2017
Irvine Marriott, Irvine, CA

PACRAO 2017: Shining A Light On Innovation
November 5-8, 2017
Davenport Grand Hotel, Spokane, WA

CC League Annual Convention: Creating, Adapting, Innovating
November 16-18, 2017
Fairmont Hotel, San Jose, CA

DET/CHE 32: Racing To The Horizon - Success For All Students
November 28 - December 1, 2017
Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa, Costa Mesa, CA

CCC Information Security & ICT Accessibility Workshops
January 8-9, 2018
Evergreen Valley College, San Jose, CA

Annual Budget Workshop
January 17, 2018
Sheraton Grand Hotel, Sacramento, CA

CC League Legislative Conference
January 28-29, 2018
Sheraton Grand Hotel, Sacramento, CA

See more higher education & technology events
Visit Us Online:
Common Assessment Initiative: CCCAssess.org
Education Planning Initiative: CCCEdPlan.org
Online Education Initiative: CCCOnlineEd.org
CCC TechEDge News: CCCTechEDge.org
Get More Initiative News: http://ccctechedge.org/

CCC Technology For Student Success News Archive
3536 Butte Campus Dr., Oroville, CA 95965
USC U.S.-China Institute说:留言于2017-11-16 07:35:32(第5条)
Please join the USC U.S.-China Institute for a book talk by Scott Tong and a unique perspective on the transitions in China through the eyes of regular people.

A Village With My Name
Date: Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Time: 4:00-5:30pm
Location: Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, ASC 204, USC

About the Book
If you find yourself on the wrong side of history, no one tells yours. A Village with My Name: A Family History of China''''s Opening to the World is longtime public radio journalist Scott Tong''''s long view of China''''s links to the West, told through the lives of five people across five generations in his own family. He begins by pursuing the lives of relatives and ancestors whose stories are deliberately left out of the family conversation:
• A father of three, an enemy collaborator in World War II, exiled to a labor camp from which few survive
• An eight year-old girl educated by American missionaries, one of the first Chinese girls to read and run who becomes the accompanist for the Nanjing Glee Club.
• A toddler abandoned during China''''s civil war, for decades never mentioned by the father who left him behind.
The untold stories and history help fill in an oft-ignored chapter in Chinese history: the contribution of mainlanders who adopted the ideas, music and literature of the outside world. Although A Village with My Name is a personalized, historical telling, it addresses questions people around the world are asking today about globalization, national identity and drawbridges: when a society lurches from open to closed to open, what is the human cost? Why do bad economics happen to good protectionists? Are open trade and borders the historical norm, or the exception?

USC U.S.-China Institute, University of Southern California
3502 Watt Way, ASC G24, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0281
CCA President说:留言于2017-11-16 01:12:50(第4条)
The Recipe for Success for 'The Power of We'
As the member engagement chair for the South Orange County Community College District Faculty Association (SOCCCDFA), Blake Stephens’ mission is to greet people personally, starting with the professional development week at the start of each semester. Learn more about how Stephens is able to connect with adjunct faculty to create a stronger chapter. We are so proud of their member outreach efforts.

Reimagining Governance Gives Voice to Faculty, Improves Learning
The College of the Sequoias Teachers Association and the district reimagined its entire governance structure rather than fight a “Show Cause” order from the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. Find out how faculty leaders addressed the issue, thus avoiding further sanctions.

Fires Char Northern California: CTA Offers Ways to Help
Our hearts and thoughts go out to the many students, faculty, educators and families impacted by the fires that raged through California in October. Many of our community college faculty, staff and students were affected. There are many ways you can help in the coming weeks. If you suffered a hardship related to damage to a primary residence or college site, CTA’s Disaster Relief Fund is here to help. Grants are available for homes and classrooms, including temporary displacement and catastrophic damage grants. Request help by turning in a disaster relief application.

CCA Continues to Support Faculty in Assisting Dreamers
CCA leaders were dismayed by the decision to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which impacts some 60,000 of our community college students. Faculty will continue to educate all who come to our community colleges, work with policymakers and the Chancellor’s Office to make dreams of a better life come true. Share these resources from the CTA website. You can also support Dreamers by sending a Wings of a Digital Butterfly postcard to Congress.

CCA Passes Resolution Banning Travel to Some States
The CCA Board has passed a Resolution banning travel to the states which fall under AB 1887 because they do not support LGBTQ rights.

CTA Votes to Support Thurmond and Newsom and Others in '18
The top governing body of the 325,000-member California Teachers Association, the State Council of Education, has voted to support Gavin Newsom for governor and Tony Thurmond in his bid for State Superintendent of Public Instruction in the November 2018 Election. The decision came Oct. 21 during Council’s quarterly meeting. Read more about Council’s vote for these important offices. In other recommendations , State Council also voted to support Xavier Becerra for Attorney General, Fiona Ma for State Treasurer, and State Senator Ricardo Lara for Insurance Commissioner.

Educators Denounce Janus v. AFSCME Suit that’s Coming Before the Supreme Court
The U.S. Supreme Court is again going to take up a case that would curtail the ability of working people to come together in strong unions. Read the statement by CTA President Eric Heins denouncing the case.

Have an Idea? There's a Grant for That!
CCA, through CTA and the National Education Association, provides a variety of grant opportunities for college faculty, full- and part-time, to accomplish their professional and advocacy goals. Please contact us at cmenzel@cta.org.

CCA is the higher education affiliate of the California Teachers Association (CTA), the largest and most influential professional association of educators i…
CTA President说:留言于2017-11-16 01:05:35(第3条)
CTA CalPERS Runoff Election Recommendation - Vote By December 11
- CTA recommends Michael Bilbrey for Position B

Dear CTA members,
Voting has commenced for the CalPERS runoff election. CTA recommended Michael Bilbrey, for Position B. Ballot packages were mailed on November 10, 2017 and voting will end on December 11, 2017.

Eligible members can cast their vote one of three ways this election: Online, by telephone, or by paper ballot. All three voting options are convenient, secure, and easy to use. Instructions on how to vote were included in your ballot package. For additional information, you can visit the CalPERS website.

CTA-recommended candidate David Miller, was successful in his election for Position A and will begin his four-year term on January 16, 2018.

California Teachers Association
1705 Murchison Drive, Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone: (650) 697-1400
CTA on Facebook @WeAreCTA on Twitter
CTA on YouTube CTA on Flickr
浦东新区人才交流中心说:留言于2017-11-15 09:07:53(第2条)
2017年浦东高级专家博雅讲坛之政治专题: 坚持新发展,引领新时代——十九大精神学习报告会

活动时间: 2017年11月15日(周三)
活动地点: 科苑路1300号浦东国际人才城1号楼二楼智音厅
1、13:30 - 14:00 签到
2、14:00 - 16:00坚持新发展,引领新时代
3、16:00 - 16:30互动交流
七、报名方式: 活动免费
联系:yvonneymxu@126.com , 61053528
CCA说:留言于2017-11-13 14:39:55(第1条)
Cultural Prosperity and Good Society in Taiwan:
Reflections at the 30th Anniversary of the End of Martial Law
Friday, November 17, 2017
8:45 PM - 4:30 PM
UCLA Charles E. Young Research Library
Main Conference Room

Taiwan stands out as a shining example of smooth and successful transition from a traditional and authoritarian society to a modern and democratic society. The End of Martial Law in 1987 is obviously the turning point of this transition. To celebrate and reflect at the 30th anniversary of this remarkable turning point, the symposium focuses on the abiding theme of “cultural prosperity and good society,” because Taiwan’s achievements in these aspects are truly outstanding. Culturally, Taiwan manages to preserve the essence of tradition while embracing diversity, individuality and creativity, leading to cultural prosperities in film, arts, music, museum, and creative industries. Socially, Taiwan made admirable progresses in constructing civility (公德) and a viable civil society, and consequently, has witnessed the fast growth of societal forces.

Symposium Program
8:45 am - 9:00 am
9:00 am - 9:15 am
Opening remarks
9:15 am - 10:45 am

Round table on Cultural Prosperity
Speakers: Professor Fang-Ming Chen, National Cheng-Chi Univ., Taiwan
Professor Michael Berry, UCLA
Chair: Professor Yunxiang Yan, UCLA

10:45 am - 11:00 am Coffee break
11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Panel on Community Empowerment
Speakers: Dr. Rwei-Ren Wu, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Professor Shelly Rigger, Davidson College
Chair: Professor Yunxiang Yan, UCLA
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Keynote over light lunch
Speaker: Professor Shelly Rigger, Davidson College
2:05 pm - 4:05 pm
Film Screening
Super Citizen Ko, directed by Wan Jen
4:05 pm - 4:30 pm
Post-screening Q&A with Professor Robert Chi, UCLA
Shelley Rigger is a Professor in the Political Science and Chinese Studies Department in Davidson College. She is the author of Why Taiwan Matters: Small Island, Global Powerhouse (Rowman and Littlefield 2011) as well as two books on Taiwan's domestic politics, Politics in Taiwan: Voting for Democracy (Routledge 1999) and From Opposition to Power: Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (Lynne Rienner Publishers 2001).

Fang-Ming Chen was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, in 1947. His is the Chair Professor of the Graduate Institute of Taiwanese Literature. His major in Taiwanese history and Taiwanese Literature. His publications include Revolution and Poetry (2017) and A History of Modern Literary History (2011).

Rwei-Ren Wu is an Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of Taiwan History. He received his Ph. D. in Politics from the University of Chicago. His specialty includes comparative politics, Asian nationalism, political history and history of political thoughts (modern Taiwan and Japan).

The UCLA Center for Chinese Studies is pleased to co-organize this international symposium at UCLA with the Taiwan Academy in Los Angeles, Taiwan Cinema Toolkit, and Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library.

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