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2016/2/15 2:43:58 | 浏览:7938 | 评论:45

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net


(ISSN: 2372-9937)
主編: 姜镇英博士 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘博士 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅博士 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏博士 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云博士 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2016年 第5期 創刊第714期 1/29-2/15/2016
Table of content - 本期重要目录


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements






  若因任何原因,您未能收到上期《即时通讯》(2016 No.4),请点击此处查阅

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2016 No.5)


Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4002]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4525]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4805]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4008]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4032]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4294]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4611]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [4963]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4174]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5162]
慕波:爬取7万条帖子  看看人们都是怎么吐槽相亲的 :陈文玲: 必须推动中美关系回到正确轨道 Colleen Flaherty 翻译 刘勤:MIT教授发文《美国经济评论》 :生命科学受益于明星科学家们的死亡 :北京和上海金融人的最新鄙视链 :日本政府《氢能利用进度表》 :美国《2016-2045年新兴科技趋势报告》 :天津工业大学“经纬英才”引进计划 :浙江财经大学国际青年学者论坛的邀请函 (10/31-11/1)
WHIC说:留言于2016-02-25 08:32:57(第40条)
“世界健康产业大会”(World Health Industry Conference 英文缩写:WHIC)是中国卫生和计划生育委员会所属的中国医疗保健国际交流促进会、中国保健营养理事会、中国国际健康产业博览会、美国美中经济贸易促进会、美国传统中医药协会、美国美中保健品协 会、俄罗斯亚洲商务合作中心、俄罗斯莫斯科工商会、德国天能生命科学研究院、日本日中商业交流会、韩国有机农业协会、国际企业联合会等多个国家相关机构共同发起的健康产业国际性会展活动。世界健康产业大会每年定期(世界卫生日前后)在中国北京召开,由产业论坛、产品博览、公益活动三大部分组成。
邮箱: ccg_i18n@yeah.net
「報稅前重要節稅提示」免費講座说:留言于2016-02-25 00:40:36(第39条)
您對自己為退休所做的準備是否滿意?您如何選擇有保證的產品以提供您穩健的退休收入呢? 您知道稅收將會怎樣影響您的退休規劃嗎? 您知道如何妥善運用稅務優惠,以及稅務多元化策略作退休規劃?什麼是非傳統的解決方案?什麼是補充性壽險退休規化(SLIRP) 的策略?如何運用人壽保險分散投資和省稅,以及結合長期護理作完善的退休規劃?
“稅務完美”的退休規劃,應該包含三個關鍵特點:1. 供款是可以抵稅的。2. 積累的資金是可以延稅的。3. 退休後領取的資金是免稅的。在報稅截止之前,與大家分享節稅和稅務多元化的議題,協助大眾為自己的人生以及退休生活作好妥善規劃與準備。
講座地點:764 San Aleso Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
洽詢電話: 408-863-0306
歡迎參加免費講座,座位有限,請上網報名: https://0227seminar.eventbrite.com
Sharon_Q说:留言于2016-02-24 23:50:05(第38条)
Thanks a lot!
华创会组委会办公室说:留言于2016-02-24 07:32:14(第37条)
非常感谢贵协会的大力支持! 祝工作顺利!胡月
Sona V.说:留言于2016-02-24 06:56:45(第36条)
Thank you, have a nice spring break.
Jim说:留言于2016-02-24 03:58:12(第35条)
Great! Thanks so much.
餐饮投资集团 (纽约)说:留言于2016-02-24 00:06:48(第34条)
1. 推广策划实习人员:
• 对餐饮行业具有浓厚兴趣
• 了解市场调研,市场销售和推广
• 熟悉网络口碑营销行业,了解中美社交平台(WeChat,FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram等)
• 创造能力强,拥有良好的沟通能力和团队协作能力
• 执行能力强,能在指定的deadline前完成所交代的任务
• 熟练操作办公软件(MSOffice)
• 拥有出色的文字组织能力和丰富的写作经验更佳
• 进行市场调查,收集相关行业市场信息,并整理、分析
• 了解竞争对手的动态,并整理、分析
• 推广方案的制定和实施
• 市场策划文案的撰写
2. 市场销售与PR实习人员:
• 对市场营销、产品知识、PR等方面有了解
• 有良好的市场判断能力和开拓能力
• 良好的表达能力(中文和英文)
• 较强的观察力的应变能力
• 高度的工作热情,良好的团队合作精神
• 有经验者更佳
• 参与各类市场推广方案的实施
• 有针对性的拓展客户
• 与客户建立良好关系,及时反馈客户信息
• 最大限度帮助公司提高营业额
3. a: 集团控股下饭店经理
• 正式开餐后,督导服务员认真做好服务工作并亲自参加服务工作;
• 及时跟踪、检查餐厅卫生,对不合格的地方进行指正、改正;
• 及时对餐台上菜速度、情况了解,及时催菜;
• 餐后组织服务员及时清台,整理好餐厅桌椅卫生,保持餐厅整洁和环境良好;
• 督导主管安排服务员认真落实酒店与部门规章制度;能够严格执行《食品卫生法》及食品卫生操作;
• 有效的进行交接班说明会,确保所有员工了解特殊活动、每日特价以及重点推销菜品等;
• 薪资面谈
• 有餐饮管理3年以上的经验
• 熟悉餐厅管理和服务方面的知识,具有熟练的服务技能;
• 有强烈的事业心和责任感,具备良好的职业道德,思维开阔、敏捷,善于策划运作,能承受工作压力,性格开朗外向,成熟稳重,善于交际,工作效率高;
b: 迎宾小姐
• 按时上班,着装整洁,保持仪容、仪表良好;
• 准时参加班前例会,接受当天工作安排;
• 做好营业前的准备工作,搞好前台区域的环境卫生;
• 熟悉餐厅的设施及走道线路;
• 对于客人的提问主动回答,遇客人投诉或不满,应及时做出反映,并及时向 上级报告;
• 有礼貌地接听电话订位;
• 薪资面谈
• 女性,身高160以上,形象气质良好;
• 品行端正、性格开朗,善于沟通、吃苦耐劳;
• 服务意识好、对待工作认真负责,服从管理;
4. 对商业融资有浓厚兴趣及有经验人士
• 参与餐饮集团投资、融资等各项事宜;
• 根据项目发展规划,制订各项目的融资策略及商业计划书;
• 代表公司对接投资机构和其他商业机构,负责融资条件谈判;
• 薪资面谈
• 熟悉美国的中餐发展现状;
• 有较好的中英文口头表达和书写技能;
• 有至少1年以上的相关经验;
• 有成功的创业团队融资经历优先;
• 接触和了解投资集团公司的运营与融资
• 获得一次餐饮市场营销的实战演练机会,将理论与实践相结合
• 获得市场销售与推广的宝贵经验
• 拥有与公司一起成长和壮大的机会
• 扩大自己人脉资源
注册报名请填写此链接: http://goo.gl/forms/m8C96Pqafl
海创中国重庆行(新加坡专场)说:留言于2016-02-23 17:50:16(第33条)
2015年11月7日,习近平主席宣布,新中将正式启动以重庆市为运营中心的第三个政府间合作项目。这是继双方政府在苏州工业园、天津生态城两个合作项目后,启动的又一个新的合作项目。该合作项目将带动中国中西部地区发展,将新中两国关系带到更高的发展里程碑。合作项目以现代互联互通和现代服务业为主题,在中国西部搭建区域联网,促进经济活动、金融服务等。 为推动重庆第三个新中政府间合作项目,重庆相关政府部门联合举办《海创中国重庆行(新加坡专场)活动》,重点引进培育与新加坡相关的人才与项目。
· 活动时间:4月或5月(暂定)
· 报名截止:3月5日
· 活动内容:第三个新中政府合作项目介绍、重庆创业创新人才政策推介、新加坡高层次人才交流、新加坡创业创新项目路演、重庆创业平台考察等
· 参会人员:本次活动仅邀请新加坡本土的、或具有新加坡背景与资源的人才与项目,包括:新加坡高层次人才、新加坡留学人员、新加坡公司企业、新加坡专业组织、新加坡科研院所、新加坡大专院校
· 报名方式:请下载填写附件报名表、信息登记表,连同相关材料,发邮件到:service@sci-tec.org
· 交通补贴:对于符合要求的人才与项目,经活动主办方正式邀请,将给予一定的交通补贴。
EI源刊出版说:留言于2016-02-23 13:15:04(第32条)
2016年材料应用与工程国际会议(ICMAE2016)于2016年6月25日至26日在美丽海滨城市中国青岛举办。录用文章全部由EI源刊Materials Science Forum ISSN: 1662-9752出版并EI Compendex,CAS, Inspec, CSA, CPCI-S (Web of Science) and Scopus检索。
Materials for Energy 能源材料
Biomaterials 生物材料
Materials for Water Purification 净水材料
Construction Materials 建筑材料
Food Preservation and Agro Processing 食品保鲜和农产品加工(材料相关)

NSF-CBMS REGIONAL CONFERENCE 2016说:留言于2016-02-23 11:33:56(第31条)
Topology Data Analysis
Topological data analysis (TDA) has recently emerged as an active new field of research, which has generated great interest across mathematics, statistics, computer science, machine learning, and electrical engineering communities. TDA is being applied to image analysis, neuroscience, networks analysis, morphology, genetics, cancer research and other problems. The interdisciplinary nature of TDA naturally leads to the literature and the active researchers being scattered across different fields. This lack of a cohesive disciplinary home makes it difficult for junior researchers and in particular graduate students from statistics to obtain exposure to the field. This workshop will strive to fill this gap by focusing on tutorial and overview talks on topological data analysis and providing hands-on data analysis sessions.

The conference will feature Professor Sayan Mukherjee from Duke University as the principal lecturer who will provide an overview of how geometry and topology can be used for statistical inference. There will be some applied and data analysis aspects to the lecture where some common Topological Data Analysis codes will be used to model shape data, specifically heel bones of primates. Applied aspects of the program will include applications of the methodology developed in quantitative genetics, statistical genetics, as well as computer vision applications. The CBMS Conference will introduce graduate students and junior researchers to TDA, an active new field, which lies at the exciting intersection of topology, geometry, and statistics and serve as an opportunity to foster research collaborations.

MAY 31 - JUNE 04, 2016

Professor Rabi Bhattacharya University of Arizona
Professor Susan Holmes Standford University
Professor Ann Lee Carnegie Mellon University
Professor Lek-Heng Lim University of Chicago
Professor Yusu Wang Ohio State University

Hosted by UT Professors:
Dr. Lizhen Lin- Department of Statistics and Data Sciences
Dr. Peter Mueller- Department of Statistics and Data Sciences/Mathematics
Dr. Rachel Ward- Department of Mathematics

College of Natural Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin
120 Inner Campus Dr Stop G2500
Renwen Society说:留言于2016-02-23 11:29:44(第30条)
Thoughts on classical Chinese paintings
Sunday, March 6th, 2:00PM-3:30PM
40 Rector Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10006
The speaker, Prof. Xu Baiyi, is the Director of the Institute of Classical Chinese Paintings at Jilin University, China. He specializes in painting the scenes of the vast expanses of the Northeast Plains of China. He will focus his talk on how to appreciate classical Chinese paintings and illustrate with his own paintings. This lecture is in Chinese. Free, but advanced registration is requested.

Open House Week at China Institute!
Children''''s Immersive Summer Day Camp (Ages 2-14)
February 29th to March 4th, April 4th to April 8th@3:00PM -6:00PM
40 Rector Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10006
Session I: July 5th - July 15th; II: July 18th - July 29th;
III: August 1st - August 12th
Make your child''''s summer a fun-filled experience by enrolling in the Children''''s Summer Day Camp at China Institute. Designed and tailored for different age groups ranging from 2 to 14, the Children''''s Summer Day Camp offers instruction of Chinese language, history, literature and culture in an exciting and interactive environment to students of all proficiency levels. Language instruction is led by experienced Chinese language teachers with exciting historical themes designed to inspire learning, participation and engagement. Additionally, children will participate in various cultural activities, such as calligraphy, Chinese sports, theater, arts and crafts, storytelling, and cooking. For field trips on Fridays, we travel to many of New York City''''s cultural institutions which will give your child a chance to enjoy the summer sun. If you have any questions, please contact: emarks@chinainstitute.org
or call 212-744-8181 ext. 110
Health, Wellness & Society Conference说:留言于2016-02-23 11:25:54(第29条)
Call for Presenters
We are pleased to announce the Call for Presenters for the Sixth International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society. The conference will be held 20-21 October 2016 at the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C., USA. Founded in 2011, the conference provides a forum to explore issues of concern in the fields of human health and wellness, and in particular their social interconnections and implications. We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, colloquia, virtual posters, or virtual lightning talks. For more information regarding the conference, use the links below to explore our conference website.

Proposal Submissions and Deadlines
We welcome the submission of proposals to the conference at any time of the year before the final submission deadline. All proposals will be reviewed within two to four weeks of submission. The dates below serve as a guideline for proposal submissions based on our corresponding registration deadlines:
Early Proposal Deadlines – 20 March 2016
Regular Proposal Deadlines – 20 July 2016
Late Proposal Deadlines – 20 September 2016
If you are unable to attend the conference in person, you may present in a Virtual Poster session or a Virtual Lightning Talk. Virtual Sessions enable participants to present work to a body of peers and to engage with colleagues from afar. As a virtual participant, presenters are scheduled in the formal program, have access to select conference content, can submit an article for peer review and possible publication, may upload an online presentation, and can enjoy Annual Membership to the community and subscriber access to The International Journal of Health, Wellness, and Society.

Yiju说:留言于2016-02-23 11:22:06(第28条)
Thank you very much for helping me to set up all of this.

HCI说:留言于2016-02-23 11:18:37(第27条)
Wednesday, February 24 | 2:00 pm ET
Your Diversity & Inclusion Program — Just Beginning
Roy Zambonino, Sr. Solutions Consultant, PeopleFluent's Workforce Compliance and Diversity Solutions
Alex Gonzalez, Product Manager, Workforce Compliance and Diversity, Peoplefluent
Underwritten By: Peoplefluent
If you are just beginning to develop your Diversity and Inclusion program for your organization, our upcoming webcast will help you learn how to overcome the unique obstacles you may face in the future.

Thursday, February 25 | 1:00 pm ET
Navigate a Successful Transformation from Orientation to Acculturation
Angela Chang, Learning Strategy Project Manager, Southern California Edison
Amy Hirsh Robinson, Principal, Interchange Group
Underwritten By: Cornerstone OnDemand
Companies make a big mistake when cramming hours of mind-numbing employment information into their new employee orientation. There's a better way forward for new hires to be educated on corporate history and culture and help them establish bonds with their peers and others in the organization.

Thursday, February 25 | 3:00 pm ET
Engaging a Dispersed Workforce with Video Communication
Brian Moore, Director of Internal Communications, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Malcolm Lotzof, CEO, INXPO
Underwritten By: INXPO
Effective communication within a dispersed workforce increases reach, reduces cost, and can improve engagement. Learn best practices from firms who have done it right.

2016 Workforce Planning & Analytics Conference
Wednesday, March 2 | 12:00 pm ET
Delivering Quality Hires: The Foundation of Strategic Talent Acquisition
Alina Karle, Recruiting Leader, Axis Communications Inc
Underwritten By: Cielo
Organizations must take a critical look at the selection, assessment and screening process and close the communication loop with hiring managers to ensure that the talent acquisition process consistently delivers quality.

Thursday, March 3 | 1:00 pm ET
Transform Complexity into Contribution
Janet M. Harvey, CEO, inviteCHANGE
Underwritten By: InviteCHANGE
Explore the leadership mindset essential to agile employee contribution. Learn to perceive complexity that blocks action and generate more ease in producing results through others.

Wednesday, March 9 | 2:00 pm ET
Top 10 Lessons Learned from Global SaaS Deployments
Kim Breesman, Time Management Architect, Cloud Deployment Solutions, Aon
Karl Congson, Payroll Principal Consultant, Cloud Deployment Solutions, Aon
Peter Sambucci, Payroll Functional Architect, Cloud Deployment Solutions, Aon
Nelson Egurrola, Director of Product Strategy & Solutions, Cloud Deployment Solutions, Aon
Underwritten By: Aon
Any major software deployment comes with a host of challenges, risks and rewards. An SaaS deployment requires a significant amount of operational change. Explore 10 vital lessons learned to integrate into your own deployment processes.

Thursday, March 10 | 1:00 pm ET
"Feed" Me: 5 Fierce Tips to Ask For and Receive Feedback
Beth Wagner, Training Manager and Master Facilitator, Fierce, Inc
Underwritten By: Fierce
Feedback. We all want it, and we rarely get enough of it. Learn 5 tactics you can start doing now to invite more feedback into your conversations.
cesasc说:留言于2016-02-23 11:07:27(第26条)
Attention! Parents with 6th to 12th Grade Students,
You are invited to our STEM workshop on February 27, 2016, 2-4 PM
at Foothill Chinese School 4490 Cornishon Ave. La Canada Flintridge, CA
The workshop is hosted by a team of seasoned engineers and scientists from CESASC. Bring your child to this workshop and you may go home with a SCIENTIST! You will
• Meet a Mars Rover scientist
• Play games and win prizes
• Meet a recent “Future Technology” winner
• Capture your great idea and learn the steps to prepare for a winning presentation
Please fill out the registration form below before you come.

Website: www.cesasc.org
四川省侨办说:留言于2016-02-23 10:58:41(第25条)
姜会长: 您好!

smedley说:留言于2016-02-22 02:38:22(第24条)
Thank you. Really appreciate your care to the details.
美华联换届选举监督委员会说:留言于2016-02-21 02:31:39(第23条)


中美論壇说:留言于2016-02-21 02:11:50(第22条)
網站:www.us-chinaforum.org www.us-chinaforum.com

水秉和: 談三獨 - “在這兩道牆的空間中,台灣獲得數十年的太平日子, 使許多台灣人感到小確幸" (三獨者,藏獨,疆獨,台獨是也)

彭文逸: 特朗普現象 - “不但財色雙全,連性能力也不比尋常”

Dr. Wordman: Decline of American Value and American Public School
Chinese Hometown说:留言于2016-02-19 15:01:48(第21条)
【美国华文网 】 & 【圣地亚哥华文网 】 & 【华文风采】 恭祝各位猴年快乐!感谢你们的大力支持、鼓励和赞助,让我们在新的一年里携手并进 !
USChinesePress.com SanDiegoChinesePress.com
听闻 七大盗终被捉拿!(图频)
为梁警官陈情 听名律师如何说法(图)
新媒体助增凝聚力 南加州安徽乡亲齐聚一堂迎新年(图)
首届南加州华人创业颁奖典礼 见证创投圈蓬勃发展(多图)
CGP说:留言于2016-02-19 03:03:04(第20条)
We are pleased to announce the Call for Presenters for the 16th International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations. The conference will be held 27-29 July 2016 at the University of Granada in Granada, Spain. Founded in 2000, the conference has a history of bringing together scholarly, government, and practice-based participants with an interest in the issues of diversity and community. The conference examines the concept of diversity as a positive aspect of a global world and globalized society and seeks to explore the full range of what diversity means in real-life situations of living together in community. We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, colloquia, virtual posters, or virtual lightning talks. For more information regarding the conference, use the links below to explore our conference website.

Conference Partners
We are honored to have the International Institute for the Inclusive Museum (iiiM) and the University of Granada as our conference partners for the 2016 conference.

Proposal Submissions and Deadlines
We welcome the submission of proposals to the conference at any time of the year before the final submission deadline. All proposals will be reviewed within two to four weeks of submission. The dates below serve as a guideline for proposal submissions based on our corresponding registration deadlines:
Regular Proposal Deadlines – 27 April 2016
Late Proposal Deadlines – 27 June 2016
As a virtual participant, presenters are scheduled in the formal program, have access to select conference content, can submit an article for peer review and possible publication, may upload an online presentation, and can enjoy Annual Membership to the community and subscriber access to the Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations Journal Collection.

University of Illinois Research Park, 2001 South First Street, Suite 202, Champaign, IL 61820 USA
Arthur说:留言于2016-02-18 23:28:43(第19条)
Dear Prof. Jiang,
Millions of thanks again for your great help.
I m说:留言于2016-02-18 23:21:35(第18条)
南灣台灣同鄉會说:留言于2016-02-18 07:44:10(第17条)
2016元宵花燈會精採內容: 台灣夜市,益智童玩,趣味登迷,精採節目,祈龜,獎不完
猜燈謎: 以往燈謎都在寺廟裡舉行,因為寺廟乃民眾閒暇時聚集的場所,而且有花燈競賽與展示,所以從前都在花燈下榜上一個謎面,到元宵夜由廟裡相關人員主持猜燈謎,場面熱鬧而溫馨,因為可以得個獎品回家,算是小過年的吉祥兆頭。演變至今,元宵節猜燈謎拿大獎,已是我國的傳統習俗,也是各活動的主辦單位在當天必備的活動單元之一。
乞龜: 台灣的許多寺廟,也在元宵節舉行「乞龜」的活動,以作為慶祝。所謂「乞龜」,就是由廟方準備由糯米或麵粉製成烏龜擺在廟前。元宵節當天可由信徒擲筊乞回,讓家人「吃平安」。乞得麵龜的人家,明年元宵必須還給廟方一個更大的麵龜。本活動也備有麵龜,讓鄉親可以許願,並祈求來年有個吉祥如意的一年。
活動時間: 2016/02/20 5PM-9PM
活動地點: 南灣文教中心新址
地址: 100 S. Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035
報名專線: 408-646-4153 ; 408 677-6855
附註: 現場以手機facebook打卡可得一張摸彩券。現場有童子軍協助。須有Facebook 帳號。
卓越说:留言于2016-02-18 07:34:48(第16条)
1,​新​春​送大禮倒數​5​天! 22%開戶紅利零風險零费用! 但有無弊端?
​2,​每年保證10%​回報​​,共​增值10年​,保證​双倍​回報! 但有無局限?​
本週​末​2/​20 & 2/​21​@2​pm【局限?弊端?隱藏?如何避免年金陷阱​​?】講座​。
報名​電話:1-877-253-8288 or 電郵至​Jenny@EliteWealths.com
Kim说:留言于2016-02-18 07:31:15(第15条)
Thank you!

UCLA CCS说:留言于2016-02-18 07:29:45(第14条)
A City of Workers, A City for Workers? Beijing Urban Space in the 1950s
Thursday, February 18, 2016, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Bunche Hall 10383, UCLA
Talk by Fabio Lanza, University of Arizona
Immediately after Beijing’s “peaceful liberation” in 1949, Chinese planners and leaders conjured up the idea of a capital city that could fulfill three different but theoretically inseparable functions: it should be a productive city, with a sizeable modern industrial proletariat; it should host a vast centralized bureaucracy; and it should be remade into a more perfect structure, in which the needs of the people (the newly industrialized working masses) could be finally satisfied and the people themselves remade into new socialist individuals. Documents of the Beijing government in the 1950s indicate that these three functions proved to be in the end incompatible. Socialist “city construction” became realized in a form of and urban modernization that was antithetical to any radical change in the lives of the working people and to any step towards a more equalitarian organization of society. While in the 1950s Beijing was indeed being transformed into a city of workers, it was not becoming a city for workers.

This presentation traces the increasing distance, through the 1950s, between the projects of the planners and practices at street level, showing how the contradictions of Beijing’s urban space were intrinsic to some of the basic concepts that animated the early PRC, such as “development,” “modernization,” and “production.” But it also illustrates how the city government (and Beijing residents) never stopped trying to solve these tensions, leading to the creation of new forms of urban organizations, from the danwei in the early 1950s to the urban communes of the Great Leap Forward.

Fabio Lanza (Ph.D. Columbia University, 2004) is associate professor of modern Chinese history in the Departments of History and East Asian Studies of the University of Arizona. His main research interests are political movements and urban history of twentieth-century China. He is the author of Behind the Gate: Inventing Students in Beijing (Columbia University Press, 2010) and co-editor (with Jadwiga Pieper-Mooney) of De-Centering Cold War History Local and Global Change (Routledge, 2013).
He has recently completed a manuscript on Maoism, Asian Studies and intellectual activism in the U.S. and France and has just started a new project on Beijing urban space under Maoism.
聲援梁彼得说:留言于2016-02-18 03:00:26(第13条)
聲援梁彼得 2月20日全美35城市 華人遊行 (南加州地區:洛杉磯City Hall, 11:00 A.M. ; 及 Irvine City Hall)
聲援梁警官:向檢察長Kenneth Thompson 寄發的申訴信樣本
向檢察長KENNETH THOMPSON 申訴的方式: 信件可寄到: DA Kenneth Thompson Brooklyn District Attorney's Office 350 Jay Street 16th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11201 Hotline: 718-250-2340
推特聯络方式: twitter.com/brooklynda 臉書聯络方式: FACEBOOK : Brooklyn DA Thompson
法官聯络方式: 寄信到法官辦公室 Chambers of the Honorable Danny Chun Supreme Court of the State of New York County of Kings 320 Jay Street, 19th Floor Brooklyn, New York 11201

Honorable Kenneth Thompson

Brooklyn District Attorney's Office
350 Jay Street, 16th Floor,
Brooklyn, New York 11201

RE: People v. Peter Liang
Indictment No. 9988/2014

Dear Honorable Thompson,

I am very disappointed that your office decided to indict Office Peter Liang, a young Chinese American officer who really wanted to serve our community. While Officer Wenjian Liu was killed in the line of duty, Officer Liang was indicted because of an accidental shooting. I believe that his conviction was unjust and I do not believe that the charge of reckless manslaughter is supported by any reasonable view of the evidence submitted at trial. Likewise, the conviction of official misconduct is unsupported by the evidence.

I respectfully ask that your office would reconsider the position and will stipulate to Liang's Motion to Set Aside the illogical verdict handed down by the jury. If your office will not agree to set aside the verdict, I respectfully ask that you sentence Police Officer Peter Liang to probation. Institutional confinement of Police Officer Peter Liang is not necessary for the protection of the public. A prison sentence would be inconsistent with the ends of justice. It would send the wrong message to our Asian American community.

Respectfully submitted,
Chris L.说:留言于2016-02-18 01:55:01(第12条)
Thank you Aimee!
Xiaofeng Yang说:留言于2016-02-18 01:51:10(第11条)

RCAO说:留言于2016-02-18 01:11:48(第10条)
春节好!现转发2016年美国华人社团联合会换届选举委员会通知, 详细选举办法请参考附件。从现在到2月28日正式选举还有近两周时间, 请大家注意以下事项:
1. 请八位候选人务必在2/20/16前提交书面个人简历和政见,并发至邮箱chineseroundtable@yahoo.com。
2. 凡本人不能出席也无委托人,请尽快回复以下信息至邮箱 Rcao.yearbook@gmail.com,完成登记程序。您将收到正式选票, 请打印填表后寄到指定的美华联邮箱。
3. 所有社团都已有专人负责联络通知。如果因故未能通知到, 请转发本通知,确保每一个社团都能及时收到选举通知。有关本选举通知的任何问题, 请大家联系秘书处。

秘书处 rcao.yearbook@gmail.com
Nancy W.说:留言于2016-02-18 01:09:31(第9条)
Great! Thank you so much ~ Nancy
Cecilia K.说:留言于2016-02-18 01:07:25(第8条)
Hi Aimee,
Thanks! It looks good. Regards, Cecilia
City of Murrieta说:留言于2016-02-17 05:47:05(第7条)
Murrieta Business Roundtable - February 17, 2016 - TOMORROW!!!
Need an inspiring word? Three local business owners talk shop . . . Please join us for the Murrieta Business Roundtable... No cost to attend!
Each of our speakers have a unique perspective and a
story they want to share with you! Please join us!!
Primal Pastures: Following Your Passion in Life/Business
Paul Greive is a former Marine Intelligence Officer and CPA turned farmer in Murrieta, CA. He and his family have grown Primal Pastures into one of the nation''s premier pastured livestock farms, growing the business from 50 chicks in the backyard to a muti-million dollar enterprise with several thousand delighted customers in less than 4 years. He has his MBA from UCLA Anderson and is involved with his local church, Temecula Hills Christian Fellowship with his wife Lynsey, and 3 year old son, Noah.
Dave Daley: Knock Out Fear in the First Round!
Failure is the most important classroom an entrepreneur will attend. Dave has built and sold three separate successful companies ... in three different industries. What he has learned and what he teaches is, "It''s not what you do...but how you do it."
Christina Ross: Reinventing Yourself for Life and Business
Christina Ross is a retired United States Army Veteran with expertise in the administrative and logistics field. She is currently attending The Art Institute of California in Hollywood and is due to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Graphic Design in March 2016. Christina''s photography has been featured in publications such as Murrieta Magazine and the Valley News. Christina is a member of the United Business Professionals, the Women''s Business Resource Connection, The America Institute of Graphic Arts-San Diego, Temecula Valley VFW Post 4089 and a volunteer with the Murrieta Police Department. Christina Ross resides in Murrieta.
February 17, 2016
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Murrieta Innovation Center, 26442 Beckman Court, Murrieta, CA
No cost to attend, no RSVP necessary.
ming.s.yang说:留言于2016-02-17 05:34:06(第6条)
NYPD Sucks, No Scapegoating! 纽约警局太烂,不许嫁祸与人!
最近大家都在讨论集结游行的口号,我认为比较好的口号应该是: NYPD Sucks, No Scapegoating! 因为受屈辱的不只是一个Peter 梁,是很多的Peter 梁,是华人群体,这个趋势已经长期存在,现在到了忍无可忍的地步。从下面网文可以看到,如果说 只讲 “Shame on Peter Liang" (梁警官的过失),还不如说 “Shame on NYPD!",要让美国人理解华人 Peter Liang 不能作为 NYPD 的替罪羊,如果这个搞不明白,游行就失去了意义。因而我建议采用 “NYPD Sucks, No Scapegoating!” 作为游行主要口号,意思是用"纽约警局太烂,不许嫁祸与人"。来点明事实真相。至于一定要写上 NYPD Sucks! 就是要点出警察机制的弊病,这也为各族裔所接受,提升社会公义。用 NYPD Sucks, 来主领口号,这样做另一个作用是为了敲山震虎。

请看相关链接:“游行口号怎么喊,正确声援梁警官”- 作者:songmenglaw

这次的事件要强调“体制的受害者”的概念,是因为这一方面说明了我们所反对的不公正是什么,另一方面也把议题从个案的是非转到体制的公允。如果有心留意英文媒体报道下各种评论的话,也会发现凡是对梁警官持同情态度的人,大多同意梁警官被判有罪,是政治需要的“替罪羊”。不过“替罪羊”这样的词,很微妙,外人用就是同情和支持,自己用就是开脱逃避责任。所以,华人社区示威的时候,“Shame on NYPD” 或者“Victim of the System”占多数,偶尔出现几个No Scapegoating也无妨。但是一旦被问起,要说明不是针对个案的。那么梁警官在体制里到底怎么被牺牲了呢?为什么说他是被体制牺牲了呢?我认为至少可以从以下三方面陈述:

1. 替先前白人警官的罪。具体就不展开了,大家可以再回顾下Michael Brown和Eric Garner被白人警察打死的新闻。前者发生在Ferguson,事件中的白人警察Darren Wilson总共开了12枪。后者Eric Garner的事件发生在梁警官事件的同样地点纽约,死者被疑似锁喉致死,死前发出“我不能呼吸”(I can’t breathe)的求救信号11次。顺便说一下,梁警官一直被人诟病在格里倒下后没有进行人工呼吸CPR复苏抢救,梁警官的辩解是自己没有足够的训练去做CPR。在Eric Garner的事件中,白人警官Daniel Pantaleo在等待急救车的时候,也并没有实施CPR,辩解是他“以为”Garner当时还有呼吸。最后的结果大家都知道了,这两位白人警官最后都没有被起诉,引起了全国性的黑人大暴动。而正在此时,我们不幸的梁警官误伤了格里,并卷入到这起警民对立的系列事件中。我觉得之前提到的叙事角度,即强调白人警察能开脱而华人警察不能,对我们不利的原因除了上面列举的以外,还有就是把梁警官白白地和这些故意伤人的警官放到了一个层面去比较。而事实是,梁警官的错误和上面这两者简直就不是一个级别的。我们需要强调的是,梁警官是最近 一系列警察伤害事件中唯一被起诉并且被判有罪的,但他同时是唯一一个并没有伤害意图的警察。如果说一定要说事后没有做CPR就有意图了,那么可以反问下:那些打了12枪的呢?那些听了11次求救呼声仍然罔顾的呢?

2. 替同伴Shaun Landau的罪。和梁警官当时同时巡逻的,是另外一位菜鸟警官Shaun Landau。但是如上所说,Shaun Landau与检察官达成协议起诉梁警官后,就免于被起诉了。陪审团最后定梁警官罪的时候,有考虑到一个很重要的情节是,梁警官没有及时汇报上级和做CPR抢救格里。如果这些事后的情节真的是可以被考虑的严重犯罪行为话,那么和梁警官在一起的Shaun Landau脱罪就变得很难解释了。

3. 替纽约警局的罪。梁警官的事件,暴露出警察系统内部的很多问题。比如:为什么派两个菜鸟警官在夜晚去巡逻最危险的街区,而没有有经验的警察带领?警察手册到底是否有在真正被要求执行,还是有所谓的内部行规?警察的CPR训练是否只是走过场?此外,之前的白人警察致死黑人青年事件,也一直让人质疑警察系统的种族歧视问题(racial profiling)。这一系列的问题都没有被回答,而纽约警察工会选择把梁警官推上风口浪尖承担一切作为交代。好了,至此我们已经能够基本回答到底谁歧视了谁,梁警官怎么被牺牲了。但是仍然有一个关键的问题,可能会把华人的立场摆到一个很政治不正确的地步。比如,如果有人这么问:你们是不是不管梁警官到底有没有错,只关心白人杀黑人可以开脱,所以要求亚裔也可以开脱?换言之,你们到底知不知道Black Lives Matter的运动?你们对黑人有没有一点同情心?你们是在争取亚裔警察和白人一样的杀黑人没责任的特权吗?

平等对待的两种可能,Charge Pantaleo!
首先,根据上面提到的事实可以看到,梁警官的情节严重程度,明显弱于先前引起轰动的所有白人警察袭击黑人青年事件。梁警官是唯一没有伤害意图的警察。既然我们要求的是平等对待,那么其实理论上讲有两种可能性。一种是,之前白人警察脱罪是合法正义的,那么梁警官情节更轻,不应当担此重罪。这是我们要抗议的。那理论上还有一种可能是,梁警官现在受到的判决其实才是正义的,而之前的白人警察是漏网了。OK,如果一定要说梁警官这次的判决是正义的实现,那么我们要求,请重新严查Daniel Pantaleo,请重新严查Darren Wilson!(如果有朋友问法律上这是否可行,那么答案估计是不可行。如有错误,还请纽约律师更正。但是,这个诉求是一种姿态,我们并非一定要把他们带回法庭,但是至少要求把他们带回公众的视野。)这样的诉求,一方面使得诉求的逻辑更加完整,另一方面的优势是把我们的诉求搭在当今火热的Black Lives Matter运动上。我们的游行,不是为了与黑人社区为敌的,而是为了帮助黑人社区追惩真凶,而不是任由警局拿一个意外开枪的菜鸟警察搪塞说事儿。纽约的警察系统也许想牺牲梁警官平息黑人社区的怒火,那我们游行的目的之一是,不要让黑人社区买这个账。虚假的胜利不是胜利,Black Lives Matter的运动不能莫名其妙以梁警官被控诉为终结。如果这个目标可以得到部分黑人社区的认同,那么就能使警察系统知道,牺牲少数族裔求太平,是没有用处的。

我们的游行不是为了包庇同胞寻求特殊待遇,我们要的是公正的对待。不仅是对我们自己华人的公正对待,也是对黑人社区的公正对待。如果有Shame on NYPD, Charge Panteleo这样的标语出现,那么走过路过的黑人大哥至少能一眼看出,我们和他们的诉求是部分重合的。不说上来帮忙,至少不会产生敌意,闹出新的矛盾。阅读详情: http://www.backchina.com/blog/357573/article-243999.html#ixzz40MGwbEud
ICSPAH Nominating and Credential Committee说:留言于2016-02-17 05:20:40(第5条)
Call for Candidates of ICSPAH Executive Council Members
Election for ICSPAH Executive Council members will take place at 2016 ICSPAH General Assembly (April 6, 2016) in Minnesota, the United States. We now call for candidates for the following four positions:
1.President Elect. A three-year position. The candidate must have been an active ICSPAH member for three years by April 2016.
2.Secretary. A two-year position with possible one-term extension. The candidate must have been an active ICSPAH member for three years by April 2016. The current, appointed Secretary is eligible as a candidate for this position.
3.Business Manager. A three-year, non-voting position with possible one-term extension. The candidate must have been an active ICSPAH member for three years by April 2016. The current, appointed Business Manager is eligible as a candidate for this position.
4.Student Representative. A one-year, non-voting position with possible one-term extension. The candidate must be an active ICSPAH member at the time of nomination. The current, elected Student Representative is eligible as a candidate for this position.
Those who are interested in the above positions please prepare the following three election documents and send them to Dr. Wenhao Liu at wenhao.liu@sru.edu and copy the information to Dr. Tao Zhang at Tao.Zhang@unt.edu and Dr. Henry Wang at hwang2@bsu.edu by February 14, 2016. 1.A brief election statement indicating the position you are interested in (President-elect, Secretary, Business Manager, or Student Representative) and your future commitment to, and/or ideas for, the position (a short paragraph with no more than 300 words)
2.A one-page biographical sketch in English
3.A one-page biographical sketch in Chinese
Submitting the three documents in time will serve as a formal indicator that you have become a candidate for the position in which you are interested.
yangkl说:留言于2016-02-17 05:14:06(第4条)
你们好!我是从“美国华裔教授专家网”得悉湖北2016华侨华人创业发展洽谈会。所以特此致电想咨询下, 具体6月下旬时间定在什么日期? 还有报名表格, 或者公函, 从何处下载?
非常谢谢贵组织倾力主办这种重要会议, 望回复告知细节
并祝新春愉快 :)
Student Assistance Project说:留言于2016-02-17 04:40:05(第3条)
Wishing You & Your Families Greatest 2016 !!!
四川省人民政府外事侨务办公室说:留言于2016-02-17 04:36:55(第2条)

USC U.S.-China Institute说:留言于2016-02-17 04:03:04(第1条)
Please join the USC U.S.-China Institute for a book talk by Deborah Brautigam, one of the world's leading experts on China and Africa. Will Africa Feed China? explores China's evolving global quest for food security and Africa's possibilities for structural transformation.
What: Will Africa Feed China?
Who: Deborah Brautigam and Shaun Breslin
When: Thursday, February 18, 4-5:30pm
Where: ASC 207, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, USC Campus
Cost: Free.
Is China building a new empire in rural Africa? Few development topics are as controversial and emotionally charged as the belief that the Chinese government is aggressively buying up huge tracts of prime African land to grow food to ship back to China. In Will Africa Feed China? Deborah Bräutigam, one of the world's leading experts on China and Africa, probes the myths and realities behind the media headlines. Chinese farming investments are in fact surprisingly limited, and land acquisitions modest. Defying expectations, China actually exports more food to Africa than it imports. Why is the reality of Chinese investment so different from the headlines? Is this picture likely to change? What role will China play as rural Africa moves from subsistence to commercial agriculture, and China builds a portfolio of tools to allow its agribusiness firms to "go global"?
Will Africa Feed China? answers these questions as it sheds new light on China's evolving global quest for food security and Africa's possibilities for structural transformation.
Presenter: Deborah Brautigam is the Bernard L. Schwartz Professor of Political Economy, Director of the International Development Program, and Director of the China Africa Research Initiative at Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies. Her most recent books are The Dragon's Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa (2010) and Will Africa Feed China? (2015). Before joining SAIS in 2012, she taught at Columbia University and American University. Bräutigam's teaching and research focus on international development strategies, governance, and foreign aid. Journalists, government agencies, and international organizations frequently turn to her for analysis and advice.
Discussant: Shaun Breslin is professor of politics and international studies at the University of Warwick. His books include China and the Global Political Economy (2007), Mao (2000), and China in the 1980s: Centre-Province Relations in a Reforming Socialist State (1996). He's also the editor of a number of books and has written recently on Chinese ideas on human security. He is frequently cited in the press and among his op-eds is one on Chinese leader Xi Jinping's 2015 visit to the United States.
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