September 11-13, 2013 University of Urbino ''Carlo Bo'', Urbino (PU), Italy
Directed by: Mario di Bernardo, Alessandro Colombo, Fabio Dercole, Laura Gardini
The aim of the workshop is to provide an informal environment for scientific discussions and exchange of ideas on the open problems and challenges in the area of bifurcations in piecewise smooth systems and their applications. Both introductory and advanced topics will be presented by a set of internationally leading researchers in the field. The programme of the workshop is organized on three days devoted to discrete time systems, continuous time flows and applications respectively. The workshop is primarily oriented to PhD students, young and experienced researchers and professionals working in the broad area of engineering, mathematics, physics and applied science. All presentations will be given in English.
Lecturers Anna Agliari (Piacenza, Italy) Daniele Avitabile (Nottingham, UK) Viktor Avrutin (Stuttgart & Urbino, Germany & Italy) Flaviano Battelli (Ancona, Italy) Gian Italo Bischi (Urbino, Italy) Federico Bizzarri (Milano, Italy) Alessandro Colombo (Milano, Italy) Mario di Bernardo (Napoli & Bristol, Italy & United Kingdom) Enric Fossas (Barcelona, Spain) Paul Glendinning (Manchester, United Kingdom) John Hogan (Bristol, United Kingdom) Luigi Iannelli (Benevento, Italy) Liliana Ironi (Pavia, Italy) Piotr Kowalczyk (Manchester Metropolitan University) Luciano Lopez (Bari, Italy) Anastasiia Panchuk (Kiev, Ukraine) Petri Piiroinen (Galway, Ireland) Davide Radi (Bergamo, Italy) Iryna Sushko (Kiev, Ukraine) Fabio Tramontana (Pavia, Italy) Zhanybai Zhusubaliyev (Kursk, Russia)
For information and application visit http://tutorial-sicc.mdef.it
SICC - Societa'' Italiana Caos e Complessita'' e-mail info@sicc-it.org Web http://www.sicc-it.org
Best regards,
Prof. Mario di Bernardo President, Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity info@sicc-it.org
------------------------------------------------------ The 8th SICC International Tutorial Workshop Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics BIFURCATIONS in PIECEWISE-SMOOTH SYSTEMS: PERSPECTIVES, METHODOLOGIES and OPEN PROBLEMS
September 11-13, 2013 University of Urbino ''''Carlo Bo'''', Urbino (PU), Italy
Directed by: Mario di Bernardo, Alessandro Colombo, Fabio Dercole, Laura Gardini
The aim of the workshop is to provide an informal environment for scientific discussions and exchange of ideas on the open problems and challenges in the area of bifurcations in piecewise smooth systems and their applications. Both introductory and advanced topics will be presented by a set of internationally leading researchers in the field. The programme of the workshop is organized on three days devoted to discrete time systems, continuous time flows and applications respectively. The workshop is primarily oriented to PhD students, young and experienced researchers and professionals working in the broad area of engineering, mathematics, physics and applied science. All presentations will be given in English.
Lecturers Anna Agliari (Piacenza, Italy) Daniele Avitabile (Nottingham, UK) Viktor Avrutin (Stuttgart & Urbino, Germany & Italy) Flaviano Battelli (Ancona, Italy) Gian Italo Bischi (Urbino, Italy) Federico Bizzarri (Milano, Italy) Alessandro Colombo… |