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2014/6/7 17:02:08 | 浏览:19110 | 评论:46

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net

主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2014年 第18期 創刊第649期 5/21-6/7/2014
Table of content - 本期重要目录




Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements







UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2014 No.18)

Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4395]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4908]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [5197]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4401]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4408]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4720]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4992]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5345]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4534]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5565]
:印裔人才在美碾压华裔:我们可以从印度教育中学到什么? :北京452万人将从北京迁至雄安(附部分央企名单) :《2019全球肿瘤趋势报告》 :阿尔茨海默病预防与干预核心讯息图解 :引力波天文台或有助搜寻暗物质粒子 :Sail Through the Mist - SoCal Innovation Forum 2019(10/5) 游天龙:《唐人街》是如何炼成的:UCLA社会学教授周敏的学术之路 :“为什么海外华人那么爱国,但是让他回国却不愿意?...“
matt说:留言于2014-10-11 01:16:25(第42条)
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies
Veils of Global Health: the Visual Politics of the Cigarette Industry in and outside of China
Monday, October 13, 2014
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Bunche Hall 10383
Talk by Matthew Kohrman, Stanford University
This talk examines the visual legibility of a notorious product’s supply chain. Few products have been criticized more than cigarettes in recent years. Meanwhile, the factories that make cigarettes rarely get problematized. What optics have helped these key links in the cigarette supply chain to be overlooked? Using a comparative approach, the talk addresses that question, drawing upon new mapping techniques, fieldwork, and social theory. A corporate impulse to hide from public health measures, particularly recently created global mechanisms of tobacco control, is not the only mechanism at work. Cigarette factory optics have been coproduced by multiple processes, some common to all forms of manufacturing. Cigarette makers, moreover, do not always run from global tobacco control. Nor have they been avoiding all other manifestations of biopolitics. Rather, in various ways, cigarette makers have been embracing biopolitical logics, conditioning them, even using them to manage factory legibility.
Matthew Kohrman joined Stanford’s faculty in 1999. His research and writing bring anthropological methods to bear on the ways health, culture, and politics are interrelated. Focusing on the People's Republic of China, he engages various intellectual terrains such as governmentality, gender theory, political economy, critical science studies, narrativity, and embodiment.

陈光标说:留言于2014-06-23 12:20:48(第41条)
广告还注明了联系邮箱,欢迎美国穷人及流浪汉踊跃报名。征集大家报名参与标哥的志愿者活动,希望大家能25日上午9点15准时出现集合,联系电话6465420442,届时会为大家提供工作餐和服装一套,请留下您的姓名,电话,邮箱到 infornacs@gmail.com
集合地点:The Loeb Boathouse Central Park
East 72nd Street & 5th Avenue
New York, NY, 门口草坪处
张江工会联合会说:留言于2014-06-23 01:24:18(第40条)
周一:家庭亲子讲座: 望子成龙是每位家长的最大盼望,这里有专家的精典指导,有家长的互动交流经验。 每周一的家长沙龙将持续邀请教育方面的专家为你分享亲子教育方法,同时还有家长互动讨论成功的教子良方,让我们互相成为家教后援团,使你对孩子成长中的问题不再烦恼。
周二:英语沙龙: 爱尔兰文化、音乐与英语、你问我答、分享与讨论、中西文化交流及大家感兴趣的话题。
周三:婚恋情感讲座: 每周三的婚恋情感沙龙将持续邀请情感方面的专家(专业人士)为你分享最新的理念和方法,同时还有互动讨论环节,让我们在交流中成长、在沟通中进步,让我们的生活更美好。
周四:人力资源沙龙: 每周四的HR沙龙将持续邀请国内外HR领域的资深人士主持,探讨人力资源的管理经验、交流最新资讯和促进HR同业间互动和资源共享,使HR人员工作水准更上一层楼,使HR部门更好地为企业吸引和保留人才,最大发挥人才潜能。
【联系方式】15002118799 50800359
ACCS说:留言于2014-06-23 00:19:08(第39条)
亲爱的朋友, “世界卓越华人颁奖盛典”,”中美国际电视节“,和”美国东方文化艺术节“三大盛会于下周齐集洛杉矶,在28日周六晚共同假比华利山希尔顿酒店举办盛宴。国内派出的代表团星光熠熠,是夏日初始极为难得的一场聚会。活动包括6时至7时走红地毯及酒会;7时至11时晚会及正餐。美中企业家商会届时会有桌次,希望买票者请电714-715-7318,安排付费取票等事。
敬祝 夏日愉快!
CSSPENA说:留言于2014-06-22 12:31:04(第38条)
盛夏光年派对 Eternal Summer Party
时间 2014年7月19日周六 晚8点-12点
地点:纽约大学 Kimmeral Center, 4th Floor Eisner & Lubin Auditorium, 60 Washington Sq. South, New York University New York City, NY 10010
喜欢上纽约这座城市,有一半的原因都是因为它的夏天。夏天有狂欢的游行舞蹈,燥热的摇滚音乐节,花样百出的艺术展览,激情洋溢的各国游客,都来到了大都会纽约,让你饱览丰富多样的世界盛筵。盛夏光年派对就邀请您7月19日晚一同加入纽约夏天难以忘怀的狂欢,不但有劲歌热舞和乐队表演为您呈现视听盛宴,和无限期待的邂逅。来自各地的优秀青年歌手将会首先献上动人歌喉。他们中有来自天津的演艺新星,有来自曼尼斯音乐学院的打击乐大师,还有来自美国海军军乐团的纽约好声音。演唱过后,还有纽约女生爵士街舞团与爱笑的肚皮舞精灵Ashley为您带来热辣的爵士舞与肚皮舞。而在随后的北京中央音乐学院高材生小提琴演奏结束后,Mr. Cake摇滚乐团将在最后为您呈上一场震撼的摇滚演出,精彩不容错过。购票链接: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/eternal-summer-party-tickets-12037465383

美西華人學會说:留言于2014-06-20 06:55:12(第37条)
「生物醫藥創新:現狀與挑戰」國際學術研討會(Biomedical Innovation: Current status and Challenges),將於本周六6/21日8時至5時於洛杉磯工業市(City of Industry)Pacific Palms Resort舉辦。本次研討會由美西華人學會和南加玉山科技協會共同舉辦,21日活動包括玉山科技協會的年會午宴。美西華人學會表示,研討會獲得台灣科技部贊助,結合產、官、學三方,和美、中、台三地的生物醫學專家,共同進行,是前所未有的壯舉。演講主題包括:最新治療糖尿病和防止老化的新型藥物、發展中的生物技術及如何融資、醫療設備和生物醫藥的創新、生物科技在臺灣和大陸發展的現況、美國食品藥物管理局的法規,及心臟瓣膜移植、心臟支架、器官移植、糖尿病等科技成果。內容十分精彩紮實。研討會專家陣容是歷來最強的;來自大陸和臺灣的講員,都有非常高的學術水準。未來幾年生物醫藥技術將有爆炸性發展,也會出現許多研製成功的新藥。周六中午南加玉山科技協會的年會,每人60元。歡迎各界人士參加,預約洽 ( 818)282-6087或( 626)230-9655。年會之後,還有6月23日到26日的2014年聖地牙哥的北美生物科技產業展,台灣方面由台灣生物醫療科技產官學各界130 人代表參展,並在22日先辦台灣生技商機論壇,地點在聖地牙哥Hilton Bayfront Hotel的Ballroom DH,下午1時15分至晚上7時30分。

美西華人學會指出,台灣有十幾種新藥,正在美國試市場,準備申請專利。加州在生物科技發展上有得天獨厚的優勢,橙縣有不少全世界聞名的生物器材企業,外加各大學的研究實力。此次獲得6家美國藥廠和一家臺灣的生物科技企業設置攤位贊助,雖然21日的研討會於早晨8時就開始,但準備了星巴克咖啡及85℃的早點,希望大家盡早光臨聆聽。由於會場席次有限,美西華人學會研討會呼籲:有興趣參加者請先上網 www.capswest.com 註冊,學生10元,其他每位20元;已註冊者周六最前100名報到繳費,即享有玉山科技協會年會午餐券。
Writing Winning Grants for NSF, UCLA说:留言于2014-06-20 06:06:18(第36条)
Writing & Designing NSF Proposals Workshop
June 24. 2014
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
University of California, Los Angeles, CA
Sponsored by: The Grant Training Center
This one-day comprehensive workshop is geared for those who wish to submit winning research proposals to the National Science Foundation (NSF). It is taught by experienced faculty who have received various NSF grants and serve as evaluators on NSF review panels.
Participants will understand how to navigate the FastLane, focus on the key sections of successful proposals and demonstrate that their projects merit the excellence and innovation that bring them to the top of other submissions. All sessions engage the attendees in interactive exercises, writing, lectures and discussions so that all participants will leave the class understanding how to research, write and develop their specific project.
Workshop Fee: $375.00 (including tuition, materials, certificate of completion, and continental breakfast)
To register: awilliams@granttrainingclasses.org
Or call us toll free at (866)-704-7268 or (571) 257-8864
Additionally, a Writing & Designing NIH Proposals Workshop is also going to be held at University of California, on June 25, 2014.
Get a discount of $155 on registration for both workshops (Call us for the discount):
Each person can register for either NIH or NSF for the price of $375. If a person registers for both, the price is $595 (discount of $155). *Please contact Grant Training Center for the discount code. For participants who has already registered for the NIH, this discount also applies if you register for the NSF workshop.


CSSASW说:留言于2014-06-19 15:50:42(第35条)
OCCSEA说:留言于2014-06-19 08:15:47(第34条)
Thanks so much Prof Jiang for posting our flyer on the top of the day. AQX Office
Bruce J.说:留言于2014-06-19 01:18:00(第33条)
贵会在美中文化,教育,科技,人才等方面做出特别的贡献和努力,也是我们协会学习的榜样,希望保持联系。祝好 Bruce
宁波 “3315计划”海外创业创新大赛组委会说:留言于2014-06-18 06:21:16(第32条)
首届宁波“3315”海外(伦敦)创业创新大赛,是带给创业者们又一次实惠的礼物,也是一次极其难得的宝贵机会,让参赛者能够直接进入宁波倾力打造的人才大餐“3315”计划。该大赛是由宁波市委组织部(市委人才办)、宁波市人力资源和社会保障局主办。由宁波市委组织部(市委人才办)、市人力社保局、市科技局、市教育局、市发改委、市经信委、市财政局等相关部门联合成立“3315计划”海外创业创新大赛组委会,具体由市高层次人才发展专项办公室负责组织实施。大赛前十名将获得最高2万元人民币的奖金,同时入围“3315”计划,其中一等奖将获得市本级财政给予100万元人民币创业创新资助。一,二,三等奖同事还可免评入选落户所在县(市)区、开发区海外人才(团队)项目引进计划,获50-500万元人民币的人才(团队)项目创业创新资助。(更多具体政策请登录http ://talentechs . com/news . aspx?id=32)
本次大赛将于6月30日截止报名(具体报名方式和内容请登录www . talentechs . com查看详情),
中国知网国际出版中心语言质检部说:留言于2014-06-17 07:25:49(第31条)

《環球聚焦》说:留言于2014-06-17 06:37:29(第30条)
親愛的朋友們 大家好
6/16/2014 星期一 美國愛心第二春文教基金會理事 大數據時代對我們的影響2
6/17/2014 星期二 寶島一村的創作和藝術
6/18/2014 星期三 Donald Sterling 種族歧視案
6/19/2014 星期四 美國在2030年C02減排30%的目標
6/20/2014 星期五 美國“重返伊拉克”比重返亞洲要緊迫
電視播出:環球東方衛視電視臺 G&E studio;(頻道44.9, 每周一到周五,晚十一點到十二點)
電臺播出:環球東方廣播電臺播出(Am1370 和 FM105.9 HD2;每周一到五上午9:00-10:00am,
重播7:00- 8:00pm;還將在舊金山和紐約播出)
網絡收看:channelge.com (選擇視頻, 並點擊《環球聚焦》便可)
訪談節目的精彩部分還可以在www.youtube.com 和 www.youku.com上觀看
手機觀看:首先登陸: www.channelge.com ; 下移並找到: 環球東方流動應用程式 ;用您的手機對準 四格碼,便可下載環球東方電視臺的相關軟件,這樣,您就可以隨時觀看節目。在美國,歐洲,南美,中國及亞洲都可以觀看. 謝謝!
Fonda说:留言于2014-06-16 15:25:26(第29条)
Happy Father's Day
Royal Globalgp.com说:留言于2014-06-16 15:16:01(第28条)
Happy Father's Day! Tracy
Angel International Co.说:留言于2014-06-16 15:04:25(第27条)
Thank you. Happy everyday. Sincerely,

Angel International Co.

黑龙江省欧美同学会说:留言于2014-06-16 15:01:38(第26条)
1st Annual International Conference on Formal Sciences, 11-14 May 2015, Athens, Greece
Call for Papers and Participation
The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) organizes its 1st Annual International Conference on Formal Sciences, 11-14 May 2015, Athens, Greece. The conference website is: http://www.atiner.gr/formal.htm. The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars and students of Formal Systems, such as logic, mathematics, statistics, theoretical computer science, information theory, game theory, systems theory, decision theory, and portions of linguistics. You may participate as panel organizer, presenter of one paper, chair of a session or observer. Fee structure information is available on www.atiner.gr/fees.htm.

Special arrangements will be made with a local luxury hotel for a limited number of rooms at a special conference rate. In addition, a number of special events will be organized: A Greek night of entertainment with dinner, a special one-day cruise to selected Greek islands, an archaeological tour of Athens and a one-day visit to Delphi. Details of the social program are available at http://www.atiner.gr/2015/SOC-FOR.htm. Please submit an abstract (email only) to: atiner@atiner.gr, using the abstract submission form available at http://www.atiner.gr/2015/FORM-FOR.doc by the 13 October 2014 to: Dr. GeorgePoulos, Vice President of Research, ATINER & Emeritus Professor, University of South Africa, South Africa.. Abstracts should include the following: Title of Paper, Full Name (s), Affiliation, Current Position, an email address, and at least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of your submission. Decisions are reached within 4 weeks. If you want to participate without presenting a paper, i.e. organize a panel (session, mini conference), chair a session, review papers to be included in the conference proceedings or books, contribute to the editing of a book, or any other contribution, please send an email to ATINER gtp@atiner.gr.

亚裔青少年中心说:留言于2014-06-14 16:08:47(第24条)
JSOM说:留言于2014-06-14 14:55:28(第23条)
Call for Photos
Please send us your approved medical action images for future covers, newsletters, and our Photo Gallery! Images for print must be high resolution, at least 300 dpi. Images for the digital edition and newsletter must be at least 400px wide, 72 dpi.

Breakaway Media, LLC, is a female veteran owned business registered with the Central Contracting Office of the Department of Defense
DUNS #070397122 / Cage #6F0Z6
Primary SIC Code - 2721

Journal of Special Operations Medicine
PO Box 41494, St. Petersburg, Fl 33743
JSOM说:留言于2014-06-14 14:48:07(第22条)
A Special Call for Papers
The Tyranny of Distance: Protracted Care in a Resource-Constrained Environment/Looking for a Way Out
The application of patient care, particularly in military (or any austere or nonpermissive) environments, continues to suffer in a fashion similar to the application of military force itself. Strength diminishes with distance. Kenneth Boulding referred to this phenomenon as the "Loss of Strength Gradient" and showed reciprocally how the forward projection and staging of assets mitigated the amelioration of strength over distance. Tactical medicine has borrowed from this concept, pushing higher levels of care ever closer to the X. Despite this, crucial work is needed in the arena between stabilization and evacuation-especially when no fixed facility or higher level of care is available. The Journal of Special Operations Medicine previously published articles addressing select components of pro- longed care, which has been and will continue to be an increasingly prevalent issue. Our editorial staff is keenly interested in reviewing drafts and manuscripts furthering the conversation and evidence regarding prolonged and critical evacuation care. Whether tailored or complete, knowledge about resources and innovations in prolonged care in the combat environment is critical to the discussion. The world will not diminish in size, conflicts will not be less expensive, and hostilities show no sign of abating. Our patients deserve clinicians who use the best emerging evidence to develop and deliver care at all levels. Special Operations clinicians are the touchstone by which military medicine tests advances in care. Over the past decade-plus, we have pushed the envelope tremendously. Lest we lose the benefit of collective knowledge and our innovations stagnate as untold anecdotes, the professional action is to publish. There I Was:
After more than a decade of war, there are many stories to be told. Breakaway Media is looking to compile and publish your stories, be they humorous, lessons learned, or an event or patient who left an impact on you. Relevant best evidence is acquired first by accumulating stories of expertise and clinical anecdotes. Providers who ignore the histories and stories of those before them in favor of concrete evidence alone do so at their own peril. SOF clinical literature is primarily of the interpretive paradigm, which means evidence is generated from contextual experiences that are shared by narrative transmission-essentially; lessons learned are talked about among those in practice. SOF is unparalleled in the clinical world for this type of sharing via multiple methods (lessons learned, after-action reviews, etc.). Veterans of combat are the biographers of their lived experiences. If archives of SOF clinical narratives are unshared, incomplete, or unprotected, the immeasurable value of their experiences will be lost forever, to the detriment of not only the SOF community but also conventional military and civilian trauma science. When practitioners'' experiences are formally conserved, those who have borne witness become de facto historians. Their histories must be collected and recorded, to pre- serve phenomena of interest to educational, scientific, and research entities. The only permanent and irrefutable evidence on which other clinical constructs can be built is the safeguarded narrative experiences of SOF clinicians. Your submissions can be as long or as short as they need to be to tell your story. Please contact editor@JSOMonline.org
SOMA说:留言于2014-06-14 14:44:33(第21条)
SOMA Call for Abstracts: Special Operations Medical & Scientific Assembly
December 8-11, 2014
Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida
General Information:
The Special Operations Medical Association (SOMA) is calling for abstracts to be submitted for the research portion of the Special Operations Medical and Scientific Assembly (SOMSA '14) to improve communication and encourage scholarly collaboration among all healthcare personnel in operational medicine. The full spectrum of research will be considered including basic science, case reports, reviews, clinical studies, experiments, and other scholarly works. We seek original research as focus submissions in topics relevant to the mission of SOMA. We expect medics and forward providers to be a co-author on relevant submissions. The use of the English Language is expected.
For more information, please see our document
WEBINAR说:留言于2014-06-14 14:41:28(第20条)
WEBINAR: The Limits of Adaptive Coping: Neurobiology of Extreme Stress
Date/Time: June 26, 2014; 1-2:30 p.m. (EDT)
Despite unprecedented efforts over the course of the longest war in American history, existing programs in the Defense Department and Veterans Affairs to prevent, identify and treat stress disorders among military service members, veterans, and their families remain hampered by factors that limit their effectiveness. Research studies indicate that stigma, as a barrier to care, remains high in military communities. One limitation of existing psychological health programs, including those designed to reduce stigma, may be their exclusion of emerging scientific perspectives on the role of the central nervous system (CNS) in extreme stress. This webinar will examine the evidence that stress disorders are fundamentally neurobiological as well as psychosocial, and will provide an overview of select CNS neurotransmitter systems and neuronal pathways implicated in normal and pathological stress states. Discussion will include biologically informed approaches for psychoeducation to reduce stigma and for prevention and treatment in both clinical and non-clinical settings. During this webinar, participants will learn to:
Identify CNS neurotransmitter systems and pathways implicated in persistent adverse stress outcomes such as PTSD Correlate acute and chronic stress-induced changes in the functioning of CNS neurotransmitter systems with persistent changes in cognition, emotions and behavior. Summarize clinical and non-clinical approaches to addressing stress-induced neurobiological dysfunction. For more details and registration info, please visit http://dcoe.mil/Training/Monthly_Webinars.aspx.
APEX说:留言于2014-06-14 14:27:02(第19条)
Leverage Social Media in Favor of Your Job Search!
Based in the Bay Area as LinkedIn's lead social media manager, special guest Connie Chan Wang, joins APEX for one night in Downtown Los Angeles! Don't miss this rare opportunity to improve your online persona as Connie shares her expertise in social media and online resumes. Gain insight about why more recruiters are not contacting you. To learn more about Connie Chan Wang visit our website and register today! Arrive early to enjoy catering provided by Boo's Philly Cheesesteaks!
Thursday, June 19th
6:30-9:00 PM
Los Angeles City Hall, Tom Bradley Tower, 26th Floor, 200 North Spring Street, LA, CA 90012
Free parking with pre-registration! Pre-Registration
(Pre-Registration ends 9:00 PM Tuesday, June 17th)
美华联秘书处说:留言于2014-06-14 14:09:55(第18条)
地点:舞星 Star Dance LA, 122 W. Garvey Ave. #B, Monterey Park, CA 91754

美华联秘书处 626-390-9981
Daniel Tao说:留言于2014-06-14 07:05:55(第17条)
Daniel Tao 真是不幸, 接觸大自然, 還是要小心安全..
一位台灣遊客不幸在美國黃石國家公園遭倒樹壓死,外交部表示,外館第一時間即與美方聯繫,也協助家屬安排後續回國相關手續。 美國黃石國家公園發表聲明說,一位36歲台灣男性遊客9日下午參加仙女瀑布步道(Fairy Falls Trail)健行隊。但這名男子離開步道,登上附近長有樹木的斜坡,顯然是為了能比較清楚地觀看大稜鏡泉(Grand Prismatic Spring)。 有1棵松樹倒下,擊中男子頭部。黃石國家公園表示,森林管理員立即將傷者移至步道口,等待直升機送醫。但因同時施行的急救無效,他被當場宣告死亡。 外交部表示,台灣遊客不幸遭傾倒樹木重壓往生,駐洛杉磯及駐西雅圖辦事處接獲通報後,第一時間提供相關援助,除聯繫在台家屬之外,也與美國相關單位聯絡協助釐清案情,目前已配合家屬需求,提供文件驗證及喪事之後的回國通關手續。
JL说:留言于2014-06-14 07:03:30(第16条)
吃有機蔬菜只是欺騙自己 甚麼是有機蔬菜就是古時候的人吃的蔬菜。多古的時候?


一、美國農業部(U.S. Department of Agriculture, USDA)曾在1974年的一份報告指出;有機食品的價格是常規食品的2倍以上,但並沒有具備更高的營養價值。二、在過去10年間,美國史丹佛大學( Stanford University )的一項綜合性研究,分析了超過200篇的科學論文,對有機食品和常規食品中的營養成分和致病因子進行充分的比較,得出這樣的結論: organic food is a big fat waste of money(有機食品是對金錢的巨大浪費)。
以下多位國內學者專家的說法,也值得你仔細讀一讀:1,台灣大學園藝系教授鄭正勇表示;生食蔬菜,其實有頗高的風險,蔬菜若經過清洗、煮熟,令人擔心的問題幾乎均可消除,一旦採用生食,必須格外注意食材的來源及清洗、製程等衛生問題。被土壤中的寄生蟲與蟲卵汙染的菜葉,這種有機蔬菜 絕對不可以生食。台灣田間有許多非洲大蝸牛、田螺,都是廣東住血線蟲的中間宿主,只要被這些蝸牛爬過,就會在蔬果上留下含有廣東住血線蟲的黏液,一旦經生食進入人體,就會穿過腸胃道,到達循環系統、中樞系統,造成腦部病變,死者的腦組織內還可檢出蟲體。

3,中興大學農業推廣研究所教授董時叡說;有機農場的周遭環境 不能保證完全無汙染,隨著風、雨而來的蟲卵、農藥、重金屬等各種汙染,都有可能掉在有機蔬菜上。


南加州中國大專院校聯合校友會说:留言于2014-06-13 18:23:19(第15条)
大家好!南加州中國大專院校聯合校友會將於2014年6月14日下午1:30PM至5:00PM假聖蓋博希爾登二樓舉辦免費就業輔導講座。就業輔導講座是大專一直以來為貫徹聯合校友會服務和聯誼社區、校友及校友子女之宗旨所舉辦的一項非常有意義的活動。在大專同仁的共同努力下,可以預計本次就業輔導講座將會延續過去歷次給社區帶來幫助和貢獻,Kaiser Permanente, Panda Restaurant Group, Inc, 駐洛杉磯 臺北經濟文化辦事處經濟組,及聯邦,洛縣等單位提供上萬個就業機會,當天並可直接面談。在此,大專竭誠邀請各位當天撥冗出席,並分享此資訊讓更多朋友能共同參與。謝謝!
敬祝 時祺!

Lisa X. CSUF说:留言于2014-06-13 13:47:15(第14条)
Thank you very much indeed. Kindly, Lisa
E. Locke说:留言于2014-06-12 10:17:44(第13条)
Thank you much.
Y. Fang说:留言于2014-06-12 10:15:01(第12条)
常州市侨办说:留言于2014-06-12 10:04:01(第11条)
祝身体健康 工作顺利

Li X.说:留言于2014-06-12 09:54:00(第10条)

Xilin Asian community说:留言于2014-06-12 02:01:35(第9条)
Come join us at: 2014 Xilin Spring Health Fair
Xilin Health Program will be hosting its annual Spring Health Fair on two separate days and locations:
Saturday, June 21st 9:00 am to 1:00pm
H-Mart of Niles, 801 Civic Center Dr., Niles, IL 60714
Sunday, June 22nd 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
H-Mart of Naperville, 1295 E. Ogden Ave., Naperville, IL 60563
Xilin staff and its associates will be available to answer any questions you may have regarding your health. Here are some of the services that will be offered:
Free Screenings: Blood Pressure Check-up
Osteoporosis Bone Density screening
Other Screenings (12-hour fast may be required)
Blood Sugar Testing $5
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen $15
Cholesterol Check $15
Prostate Cancer Screening $15
Basic Metabolic Panel: Glucose, Sodium, Calcium $15
Free Mammogram Screenings
Free Cervical Cancer Screening Program
Application for Benefits Eligibility
Illinois Cares of Rx
Public Benefits information and application assistance
SSI Benefit Applications
Adult Day Service program
If you have any further questions regarding the health fair, you may contact us at: (630) 355-4322. We hope to see you there!
Ethan说:留言于2014-06-11 09:45:13(第8条)
The upcoming "An Evening of Chinese Splendor" concert to be held at Hollywood Bowl on July 5. This concert is produced by Los Angeles Philharmonic in exclusive cooperation with Sino US Performing Arts Organization. It will be the first time a Chinese-themed concert is produced by a world class musical association and brought to the largest and one of the most renowned musical facility in the U.S. We sincerely hope your organization can help disseminate news of this event through your channel and let more people from the Chinese community and their friends in the mainstream society know this event and come to appreciate the wonderful Chinese cultures: http://special.uschinapress.com/zhzy/
Thank you very much.

Sino US Performing Arts Organization
Work: (626) 872-1145 | Mobile: (626) 679-7869
北京国际文化嘉年华说:留言于2014-06-10 21:02:24(第7条)
第六届高端人士和外籍人员服务暨海外投资和时尚生活展览会 - 北京国际文化嘉年华
由北京市商务委员会批准举办的“第六届高端人士和外籍人员服务暨海外投资和时尚生活展览会 - 北京国际文化嘉年华”将于2014年6月20-22日在三元桥凤凰汇购物中心中庭举办。同时配合凤凰汇狂欢季,翼起世界杯的系列活动。此次活动并非传统的商业展会,是专为高端人士提供的集投资,留学,休闲、购物和社交于一体的国际文化嘉年华。几十家来自海外留学,房产,移民,健康和高端时尚生活等各个行业的高端服务机构和国际领先品牌供应商将在现场与你亲密接触,展示行业内最新产品和服务;众多海外生产商和进口品牌将联袂奉献“意大利及欧洲进口食品暨意式美食节”,来自意大利不同产区的名庄葡萄酒、高品质橄榄油、茱莉雅诺松露酱、意大利咖啡、意大利农场自钟香草调味品,意大利香肠,意大利甜点、小食品等荟萃精品正式亮相,更有意式美食制作表演,同时开展商品零售,展销洽谈和品牌引进等活动;现场更有丰富多彩的舞台表演和一系列有奖互动活动,让你在休闲娱乐的同时赢取丰厚的礼品,快乐领略国际文化嘉年华的风采。同时,凤凰汇世界杯啤酒花园用超大屏幕和冰爽啤酒为你打造身临其境的观赛狂欢主场;激情桑巴热舞,邀你在舞台上翼起舞动;欧洲风情的凤凰商街热辣开街,带你走进时尚潮流的新主场…… 凤凰汇购物中心面向国际中产和精英白领阶层,是集购物、休闲、社交于一体的精品国际商区。
6月20-22日快来三元桥凤凰汇购物中心吧!咨询电话:13552717973 或63356416,www.cnhrexpo.com
WCVMA说:留言于2014-06-10 14:58:01(第6条)
顺颂 商祺

外事部: 18210939029
网 站:www.wcvma.com
Victor Y.说:留言于2014-06-10 10:54:11(第5条)
Dear Prof Jiang:
Thanks very much!
Victor Yeh
Jack说:留言于2014-06-10 09:00:07(第4条)
thank you very much!
美國中華藝術學會说:留言于2014-06-09 19:54:14(第3条)
各位僑社先進、賢達及所有朋友們: 大家好。
千呼萬喚,經過近三年的謹慎雕琢和努力不懈,慶祝建國一百年藝術大展的紀念畫冊終於印製完成。也已運到了Long Beach港。美國中華藝術學會定於6月12日上午11時在洛僑中心召開記者招待會,以將訊息公諸媒體,並定於6月29日晚舉辦餐會以茲慶祝。誠摯邀請各位僑社先進賢達,屆時撥冗蒞臨指導。感謝您的不吝相挺。敬請 RSVP,祝順心如意!

美國中華藝術學會 敬致
(714) 553-7470

yahan说:留言于2014-06-09 19:42:00(第2条)
ACCEOS说:留言于2014-06-08 07:20:06(第1条)
China Jiangsu Province Trade & Investment Delegation Connects with U.S. Companies 1010 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90017
Date: 27 Jun 2014 6:00 PM UTC-07:00
China Jiangsu Province Advanced Manufacturing Trade & Investment Delegation Connects with U.S. Companies
June 27th:Registration & Network 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm
Dinner 6:45 pm to 7:30 pm
Program 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
1)Delegation Presentation on Jiangsu Advanced Manufacturing History
2)Jiangsu Companies presentation
3)Promotion on China Import Expo in Jiangsu China
4)How to Help U.S. Companies to sell products to China
5)Dinner & Networking
Complimentary Parking: 637 St. Paul Street (Facing 1010 Wilshire)
Contact: 714-715-7318 mobile
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