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2015/9/10 16:48:09 | 浏览:6827 | 评论:38

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net


(ISSN: 2372-9937)
主編: 姜镇英博士 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘博士 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅博士 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏博士 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云博士 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2015年 第29期 創刊第698期 9/3-9/10/2015
Table of content - 本期重要目录




Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements






  若因任何原因,您未能收到上期《即时通讯》(2015 No.28),请点击此处查阅

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2015 No.29)

Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4595]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [5083]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [5392]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4601]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4569]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4929]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [5157]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5551]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4698]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5824]
慕波:爬取7万条帖子  看看人们都是怎么吐槽相亲的 :陈文玲: 必须推动中美关系回到正确轨道 Colleen Flaherty 翻译 刘勤:MIT教授发文《美国经济评论》 :生命科学受益于明星科学家们的死亡 :北京和上海金融人的最新鄙视链 :日本政府《氢能利用进度表》 :美国《2016-2045年新兴科技趋势报告》 :天津工业大学“经纬英才”引进计划 :浙江财经大学国际青年学者论坛的邀请函 (10/31-11/1)
chinainstitute.org说:留言于2015-09-18 06:47:42(第36条)
Jim Chanos & Ted Wang
Tuesday, September 22, 2015 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
China's Financial Markets: On Track or Off the Rails
Join us for this timely and dynamic discussion on China's financial markets. Jim Chanos is the Founder and Managing Partner of Kynikos Associates. Ted Wang is the CIO of Puissance Capital and a former Partner of Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Breakfast With Tom Hill, Vice Chairman, The Blackstone Group
Thursday, October 1, 2015 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
China Institute, 40 Rector Street. New York, NY 10006
Join us for Breakfast and an engaging conversation with Tom Hill. J. Tomilson Hill is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Hedge Fund Solutions Group, a Vice Chairman of The Blackstone Group and a member of the Board of Directors of the general partner, Blackstone Group Management L.L.C. In his current capacity, Mr. Hill is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day activities of the group, including investment management, client relationships, marketing, operations and administration.

Wilson Leung
Tuesday, October 6, 2015 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
China's Real Estate Market: Fact vs Fiction
Join us as we welcome Wilson Leung for an enlightening discussion on China's real estate market. Mr. Leung is the Managing Director and Head of Asia Real Estate for Angelo, Gordon and Co. He leads the firm''''s real estate investment activities in the Asia-Pacific region.

Japan Society - Yoshiaki Fujimori & Stephen G. Patscot
Monday, September 28, 2015 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
One World: Leadership and Culture when Building a Global Company
2015冬季海外学子创新创业论坛暨项目推介会说:留言于2015-09-18 03:17:21(第35条)
大会内容: 1)海外学子创新创业论坛 2)海外学人创新创业项目推介
大会出席对象: 海外方 1)在海外留学或工作、有意回国创业并拥有创业项目的海外学子; 2)已回国创业并欲二次创业的海归学子;国内方:各地方政府主管海外人才与项目引进的部门、高新技术开发区、留学人员创业园、有产业转型与升级需求的民营企业家、风险投资公司、民间投资人等各类有意与海外高新技术项目与人才进行对接的单位或个人。
参会报名截止日期: 海外方:2015年10月11日; 国内方:2015年11月11日
一、 海外学人参会代表免报名费与会议期间食宿费用。住宿标准为双人间,如需住单间,将另补差价每晚300元/间。
联系方法: 电话(021)5566 6874 邮箱: 2867211926@qq.com
class=blackG>San Diego Chinese News说:>留言于2015-09-18 03:01:14(第34条)
保护牙齿为何那么重要 - 爱新牙科医生专业回答F&A
滑坡险情 La Jolla 部分海滩关闭(图频)
中国电动车市场正透霸气 仅次于美国(图)
美侨团联手中国舞蹈教育家 合作推广中国民族舞蹈
孙杰明和布启睿摩托游世界(第九站 - 第十五站)
更新:劳动节当天汽油降最低 老百姓纷纷出门了(图)
chinesewritersusa.org说:留言于2015-09-18 01:35:34(第33条)
这真是网络时代的典范,前后几分钟已经将我们的组织向全世界宣布了:) 万分感激!!!有时间到圣地亚哥来,请一定告诉我们,届时我们尽地主之谊。
chelsea说:留言于2015-09-18 00:02:31(第32条)
希望协会一切都好。Let me know if I can help.
Best regards,
上海大学海外北美人才招聘会说:留言于2015-09-18 00:00:37(第31条)
参加上海大学2015年北美海外推介会 暨人才招聘会。上海大学是上海市属、国家“211工程”重点建设的综合性大学,是国家教育部与上海市人民政府共建高校(省部共建高校),首批“卓越工程师教育培养计划”重点建设高校。为建设国际知名、国内一流、特色鲜明的综合性研究型大学,上海大学积极推进海内外高端人才引进工作,特此举办2015年上海大学海外人才招聘会(美国洛杉矶)。 这将会是一场为上海大学推广介绍,高端人才招聘以及校友交流互动的盛会!主办方做了充分的准备为迎接您的到来,免费提供可口的自助餐,精美礼品袋,免费停车(Carpool给予奖励),应聘专家集中地将安排车接送。名额有限,请速组织报名,各校友会参会满足8位的可以定制桌牌,谢谢!
china.usc.edu说:留言于2015-09-17 23:56:34(第30条)
Please join the USC U.S.-China Institute and the USC Center on Public Diplomacy for the opening of an exhibit on the work of contemporary Chinese photographer Wang Wenlan.
9/23/2015 Exhibit Opening - Depicting China: The Photographic Journey Of Wang Wenlan
Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, ASC 207
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Time: 4:00-5:00PM
Cost: Free
Wang Wenlan is one of contemporary China''''s most accomplished photographers. First as an army photographer and later as a photojournalist for the national English-language newspaper China Daily, Wang has documented Chinese life and culture over the past 40 years. Through his vast and remarkable body of work, Wang provides a visual record of changing China and offers foreign publics rare insight into Chinese society.
Refreshments will be served.
The show will be up through December 18, 2015 at the second floor lobby of the west wing in the Annenberg School for Communication.

USC U.S.-China Institute
3502 Watt Way, ASC G24, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Tel: 213-821-4382 | Fax: 213-821-2382
PUBLIC PROGRAMS说:留言于2015-09-17 23:45:42(第29条)
Please join us in celebrating delicious Chinese cuisine with friends! This program features a Soup Dumpling "Xiao Long Bao," tasting, paired with cocktails. Come taste the innovative Soup Dumplings from an internationally trained chef, and have the opportunity to vote for your favorites. The tasting will be followed by other savory Chinese dishes.
Wednesday, September 30, 6:30 PM
FEE: $70 Per Person ($60 if paid by Sept. 20)
费用: $70/人
(9月20日之前报名可享受 $60/人的优惠价)
Location: Carma Asian Tapas "緣味" 餐館 | 38-40 Carmine St. | New York, NY 10014
Contact: thuang@chinainstitute.org
212-744-8181, 分机号105
松竹梅说:留言于2015-09-17 23:42:54(第28条)
2015年松竹梅野餐會將於11月8日在Whittier Narrows Park-Legg Lake 舉辦,為商活動事宜,敬請大家參加9月20日中午11點-2點假哈崗上海灘餐廳舉行的工作會議。會議重要,務請大家撥冗出席為盼!敬祝
robsuny说:留言于2015-09-17 23:35:45(第27条)
祝: 健康如意!小友 旸
Q.S.说:留言于2015-09-17 10:59:53(第26条)
Please kindly allow my impertinence of writing to you for a possible visiting position on your university. My research interest is basketball training . Our government will provide me scholarship to cover my accommodation and living expenses during my stay in your university. The only condition is that I should submit invitation letter by Oct.31 and start my visit no later than Dec.31.

I had completed my master degree at Physical Education in 2008. My major is physical education and training. My graduation thesis is the comparative analysis and research on checks and balances mechanism of China and United States professional basketball club. I am interested in comparatively research on physical education and training especially in basketball movement between China and USA. Through the graduate student''''s learning I mastered the basic theory related to sports, the knowledge and principles of basketball education and training, basic ability of scientific research skill and data statistics and analysis.

Now I am a sports teacher, lecturer, working in a University PE department. During the last seven years I have been committing to the teaching of basketball, tennis and volleyball. I am the head coach of men''''s basketball team in several institutions, I also organize and manage sport competition, assist the development of sunshine sports to enhance students'''' physical health. I am familiar with the knowledge and principles of basketball education and training. And have the experience on organization and management of the sports. The research include physical and basketball education and training, Sunshine sports, College students'''' physical health, Basketball curriculum reform.

I have also submitted my curriculum vitae, which include my publication record and list of references as well as my contact information. I would be happy to submit any additional materials at your request. I look forward to your response, and I appreciate your time and consideration.

email: qingluo@apppoc.com
China Institute NY说:留言于2015-09-17 02:54:23(第25条)
Songs of a Golden Age: High Tang Poetry
In his inaugural lecture series at our new home,
Ben Wang, Senior Lecturer of Language and Humanities of China Institute, will introduce the Tang dynasty and the lives and works of the poets Wang Han, Wang Changling, Wang Wei, and Li Bai. This lecture will be conducted in English (No previous knowledge of the Chinese language is required).
Thursday, October 8th, 15th, & 22nd 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Each Lecture: Members $25 | Non-Members $30
Series: Members $60 | Non-Members $75
(The sessions on the 8th and the 22nd will feature musical accompaniment to the poetry readings)

Join us as we celebrate the publication of Chen Shih-hsiang and Harold Acton''s lively translation of Kung Shang-jen''s The Peach Blossom Fan. In his first lecture at China Institute''''s new downtown home, Senior Lecturer Ben Wang will speak about this masterpiece of Chinese literature, a vast dramatic composition that combines the range and depth of a great novel with the swift intensity of film.(With Guest Musician: Chen Tao)
Thursday, September 24, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Members $10 | Non-Members $15
Location: China Institute | 100 Washington Street, 2nd Floor| New York, NY 10006 (Entrance at 40 Rector)
Contact: 212-744-8181, ext. 138 or by email at anicholson@chinainstitute.org
MacMillan.com说:留言于2015-09-17 00:48:01(第24条)
Fall 2015 Professional Development Webinars from Macmillan
View all of the Professional Development Webinars that we are offering during the fall semester! To kick off the start of the fall semester, Macmillan Higher Education is hosting a series of Professional Development Webinars.
Learn new ways to manage your classroom, make your course more efficient, peak student interest, and increase student success across a variety of disciplines (free webinars). All will be held at 1pm Eastern Time.
9/18/15 Digital Tools for Composition
9/21/15 Digital Tools for History
9/22/15 Digital Tools for Liberal Arts Math
9/23/15 Digital Tools for Developmental Psychology
9/24/15 Digital Tools for Developmental Writing
9/25/15 Digital Tools for Biochemistry
10/1/15 Digital Tools for Economics
10/2/15 Digital Tools for Public Speaking
10/5/15 Digital Tools for Developmental Writing
10/6/15 Digital Tools for Composition
10/7/15 Digital Tools for History
10/8/15 Digital Tools for Genetics
10/9/15 Digital Tools for Developmental Psychology
10/13/15 Digital Tools for Statistics
10/15/15 Digital Tools for Interpersonal Communication
10/16/15 Digital Tools for Literature
10/19/15 Digital Tools for Intro Psychology
10/20/15 Digital Tools for Public Speaking
10/21/15 Digital Tools for Composition
10/22/15 Digital Tools for History
10/23/15 Digital Tools for Calculus
10/26/15 Digital Tools for Biology
10/27/15 Digital Tools for Developmental Psychology
10/28/15 Digital Tools for Developmental Writing
10/29/15 Digital Tools for Interpersonal Communication
10/30/15 Digital Tools for Nutrition

T (866) 843-3715 x 1717
WrightwayEdu说:留言于2015-09-16 10:19:12(第23条)
Metel Cloud Institute说:留言于2015-09-16 05:52:00(第22条)
我们 MetelCloud Institute(密泰尔云教育中心)竭诚为美国教授专家协会的教授们服务,通过中美双方投资为他们搭建中美云端教育平台,开发中美密泰尔云学堂精品课程。使诸位华裔教授在美国事业有成的基础上,我们祝福他们通过我们的云端教育平台,占领高端,在中国高等教育领域更上一层楼。MetelCloud Institute是一家教育创新机构,致力于为中国高等教育提供最新数字化云教学实践,初定生命科学前沿技术课程,尤其是虚拟仿真实验教学课程,为主攻方向。MetelCloud Institute通过创建一个教授课程众包平台,为南加州美籍华裔教授提供网络授课的云端平台服务。我们采用自动课程采集技术和云端课程管理系统,为诸位教授提供网络课程的采集,编制,和投放,课程采录方式为:
1. 课堂演讲采录:在完全不干扰您课堂教学的真实教学环境中,自动启用课程采录系统。
2. 实验室采录:必要的课程实验,在不影响指导学生实验的同时,启动必要采录设备,采录视频和影像内容。
3. 课外采录:在教授的办公室或其他指定场所,教授在采集技术人员的帮助下,为您安装采录设备,按照您课程的教案进程,分次分期录制必要的授课内容。

Metel Cloud Institute
Cal ASIAN Business Summit说:留言于2015-09-16 05:09:48(第21条)
Cal ASIAN Business Summit!!
Thurs. & Friday; Sept. 17 & 18, 2015
HILTON Hotel, Costa Mesa, CA
- Statewide Small Business & Asian Business Summit
- Meet the Corp. & Comm. biz Movers & Shakers
- BIZ MATCHMAKING, Corp. & Govt. procurements
- Networking, Luncheon, Seminars & Workshops
REGISTRATION: www.CalAsianSummit.org
China Institute说:留言于2015-09-16 03:34:19(第20条)
Lecture: Early Life of Yuan Shikai and the Formation of the Yuan Family
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Time: 2:00 - 4:30 PM
Come experience the early life of Yuan Shikai before his rise to political prominence; the family structure of the Yuan family during and after Yuan's time; and the lives of more prominent Yuan sons and daughters in the second and third generations. This lecture will be held at China Institute, 100 Washington St, New York, NY 10006.
Balboa Park说:留言于2015-09-16 02:19:03(第19条)
聖地牙哥巴博亞公園(Balboa Park)將於26至27日(周六、日)中午12至下午5時舉行「品味亞洲—中秋節活動」(Taste of Asia —Moon Festival),包括中國、韓國、印度和菲律賓等亞洲各國風味料理,以及中國、日本和印度藝術作品展覽,還有舞蹈、武術和舞獅團表演,節目精彩可期,歡迎民眾共襄盛舉。這次除特邀廈門大學音樂家演出,閉幕式27日晚上7時還有焰火助興,地點位於公園內Spreckles Organ Pavilion和International Cottages兩處,詳情可上tasteofasiasd.net網站查詢。巴博亞公園地址: 1549 El Prado, Balboa Park, San Diego, Ca, 92101。
SOMSA说:留言于2015-09-16 01:55:21(第18条)
SOMA Call for Abstracts
Special Operations Medical & Scientific Assembly
May 23-26, 2016
Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte, NC
The Special Operations Medical Association (SOMA) is calling for abstracts to be submitted for the research portion of the Special Operations Medical and Scientific Assembly (SOMSA ''''16) to improve communication and encourage scholarly collaboration among all healthcare personnel in operational medicine. The full spectrum of research will be considered including basic science, case reports, reviews, clinical studies, experiments, and other scholarly works. We seek original research as focus submissions in topics relevant to the mission of SOMA. We expect medics and forward providers to co-author relevant submissions. The use of the English language is expected. Please submit a brief 300 word abstract using the link located on the SOMA website by 1600 EST on October 1, 2015. The abstract submission site will be open until the deadline of October 1, 2015. Submissions must be entered into this electronic system. Submissions received after this date will be considered only if there is a shortage of adequate submissions. For more information, visit www.specialoperationsmedicine.org
Journal of Special Operations Medicine说:留言于2015-09-16 01:50:13(第17条)
1. Barefoot Science "The Non-Orthotic" Rehabilitative Inserts
Come see Barefoot Science "The Non-Orthotic" Rehabilitative Inserts at the B2G Conference & Expo Ft. Bragg 2015 Ft. Bragg Conference and Catering Center
Building 5-5348, 2658 Reilly Rd.
Wed, September 23, 2015 8:00AM to 5:00PM (Eastern)

2. Special Operations Summit Little Creek
November 16-18, 2015
The Founders Inn & Spa, Virginia
Passes Available for Active Military, Government & Federal Employees at No Cost. Academia & Vendors can save $400 by registering before August 14th. LIVE FIRE DEMO on Nov 16th at Virginia's Premier Shooting Range Facility! New speakers have been added to the upcoming Special Operations Summit Little Creek this November 16-18 at the Founders Inn & Spa in Virginia. Join us to identify, understand, and impact the requirements of SOF in the maritime domain. For insight into the sessions led by the variety of SOF stakeholders download the agenda or if you prefer request a copy via email. For more information, visit: http://navy.specialoperationssummit.com/
College of Extended University说:留言于2015-09-16 00:24:37(第16条)
Thank you very much. All your kind support is heartfelt and deeply appreciated. Lisa

加州臺灣同鄉聯誼會说:留言于2015-09-15 11:54:00(第15条)
蒙特利公園市升旗典禮 邀請函

懇邀台端貴賓,出席加州臺灣同鄉聯誼會於二〇一五年十月四日(星期日)上午九時假 Monterey Park 的 Barnes Park 舉辦建國一〇四年的雙十升旗典禮,預期將有近千名來自各界的僑胞及朋友參與。本會於一九七九年起即連續不間斷地擧辦此項重要及有意義的國慶升旗活動,並於今年已堂堂邁入第三十七屆,與全僑共同慶祝於西元一九一一年成為亞洲第一個民主共和國,廣受各界歡迎及支持。活動中並彰慶自由、民主、法治, 與全球所有民主先進國家, 美國、英國、德國、日本、加拿大等擁有人民至上, 人民為主的民主社會。敬邀您屆時撥冗光臨,共同慶賀雙十節一百零四歲誕辰!
9:00am – 9:40am PreShow
9:40am – 10:30pm Flag Raising Ceremony
10:30am – 1:00pm Entertainment Show/Booth
地點: 蒙巿巴恩斯公園 Barnes Park, 350 South McPherrin Ave., Monterey Park, CA 91754

wailianvisa.com说:留言于2015-09-15 11:32:45(第14条)
Dear professor,We really appreciate your help. Let's keep in touch. Best regards,
USC U.S.-China Institute说:留言于2015-09-15 07:27:00(第13条)
1. Please join the USC U.S.-China Institute for the screening of a new documentary that delves into the lesser known details of late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping''''s historic trip to the United States in 1979. The screening will be followed by a discussion with director Fu Hongxing.

9/15/2015 - Screening of Mr. Deng Goes to Washington
Leavey Auditorium, LVL 17
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Time: 6:30-8:30PM *please note the time change
Cost: Free
Mr. Deng Goes to Washington (旋风九日) is a documentary chronicling the late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping''''s famous nine-day visit to the United States in 1979, only a month after China established diplomatic relations with the US for the first time after the founding of the People''''s Republic of China in 1949. The film retraces his pivotal visit that shifted China''''s diplomacy.

2. 9/23/2015 - Exhibit Opening: Depicting China
Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, ASC 207
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Time: 4:00-6:00PM
Cost: Free, please click here to RSVP.
The exhibit will be up through December 18, 2015.
Wang Wenlan is one of contemporary China''''s most accomplished photographers. First as an army photographer and later as a photojournalist for the national English-language newspaper China Daily, Wang has documented Chinese life and culture over the past 40 years. Through his vast and remarkable body of work, Wang provides a visual record of changing China and offers foreign publics rare insight into Chinese society. The exhibit will be up through December 18, 2015. (Refreshments will be served.)

USC U.S.-China Institute
Tel: 213-821-4382 | Fax: 213-821-2382
South Coast Plaza & Berluti说:留言于2015-09-15 07:20:09(第12条)
South Coast Plaza & Berluti cordially invite you to a cocktail reception to celebrate the launch of South Coast Plaza Men's Folio. Please RSVP by September 17
Time: Starting at 6:00 pm, Thursday, September 24, 2015
Location: South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa, California (2nd Floor at the Berluti store)
To RSVP, please contact 323-801-6079
PUBLIC PROGRAMS说:留言于2015-09-15 06:41:24(第11条)
Join us as we celebrate Confucius Institute Day
This year, in recognition of the 70th anniversary of the Anti-Fascist Victory in World War II and the Founding of the United Nations, this collective celebration will be guided by the theme "Understanding and Peace." Join us for two lectures with Daniel Jackson and Professor Steve Hochstadt, exploring China's relationship with the West during World War II. Mr. Jackson will tell the untold story of Chinese and Americans fighting side-by-side on the most rugged battlegrounds of World War II. Professor Hochstadt will speak about the Jewish refugees that escaped to Shanghai during the war and their impact on both Chinese and Jewish societies (Tea reception between lectures)
Saturday, September 26, 2:00 - 6:00 PM
Location: China Institute | 100 Washington Street | New York, NY 10006
Contact: Aaron Nicholson 212-744-8181, ext. 138
Taylor说:留言于2015-09-15 06:38:07(第10条)
Thank you very much.
CESASC说:留言于2015-09-14 15:41:16(第9条)
The Art of Making a Great Conversation - Foundation of success - Cracking the Bamboo Ceiling: “Make Conversation at Work and Play”
A Workshop by reputed speaker and trainer Carl Walsh: to Develop Effective Conversation Skills
Location: Radio Golden Vintage, 601 Las Tunas Dr. #100, Arcadia, CA 91007
Date: Sunday, October 11, 2015
Time: 1:30 - 2:00 pm Registration and Networking
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Seminar
RSVP by Oct 11, 2015: Open to all for $20, Limited to 20 Seats

Starting a conversation with someone from a different background especially from a different culture is one of the hardest parts of communication. Don't worry! With the seminar/workshop you will have good skills and the confidence of striking up a good conversation with your friends, colleagues, bosses, managers, customers, and others. This would be the first step towards making a successful career. This Seminar is the best investment for you, your friends, and your family; share this information with them. Learn more about the speaker at : https://crackingbambooceiling.eventbrite.com

Speaker: Carl Walsh, Speaker, Trainer and Performance Coach. He has coached speakers of all types, from high school students to Hollywood personalities. He speaks to over 60 Realtor groups a year across the country and also speaks to various professional and trade groups on Leadership and Communications. As a business professional, Carl spent 24 years in the world of Corporate Information Technology, with such organizations as The Walt Disney Company, C&R Clothiers and Smart & Final. He also served on advisory boards for industry leaders Lexmark and NCR. During that time, he participated in the evolution of desktop computing from simple gaming to industrial and management tools. Before that, Carl spent twenty years in theatre as an actor and director after graduating from London’s prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. He founded and managed one of Los Angeles’s first union-sanctioned small theatres for professional actors, receiving critic’s awards for both acting and directing. He now joins these two careers by using techniques drawn from the theatre to allow his audiences to experience the principles he discusses. Carl was featured in the August 2012 issue of Toastmaster Magazine for his innovative approach to using theatre games with non-actors. Carl speaks to over 100 Professional Realtor Groups and Professional Associations every year across the country.
kathy说:留言于2015-09-14 09:46:12(第8条)
ACCS My Generation Young Chinese Artists Presentation-South Coast Plaza VIP Reception
850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach CA 92660
Date: 08 Oct 2015 5:30 PM UTC-07:00

Contact 714-715-7318 mobile
上海大学说:留言于2015-09-14 01:17:10(第7条)
我们诚挚邀请各校友会参加上海大学2015年北美海外推介会人才招聘会。上海大学是上海市属、国家“211工程”重点建设的综合性大学,是国家教育部与上海市人民政府共建高校(省部共建高校),首批“卓越工程师教育培养计划”重点建设高校。为建设国际知名、国内一流、特色鲜明的综合性研究型大学,上海大学积极推进海内外高端人才引进工作,特此举办2015年上海大学海外人才招聘会(美国洛杉矶)。 这将会是一场为上海大学推广介绍,高端人才招聘以及校友交流互动的盛会!主办方做了充分的准备为迎接您的到来,免费提供可口的自助餐,精美礼品袋,免费停车(Carpool给予奖励),应聘专家集中地将安排车接送。名额有限,请速组织报名。真诚邀请您出席本次盛会!
1. 招聘会时间及地点:
地点:UCLA Covel Commons,Grand Horizon Room(330 De Neve Drive, Los Angles, USA)
2. 报名方式
邮件报名:请参会人员或有意向人员将报名表及简历发送至邮箱 jcusinc@gmail.com
洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心说:留言于2015-09-13 03:04:07(第6条)
僑務委員會年度盛事—「四海同心聯歡大會」將於10月9日(星期五)下午2時至4時在臺北小巨蛋舉行,以隆重、歡樂及多元的節目設計,歡迎海內外僑胞共襄盛舉慶雙十。今年大會主題為「勝利七十 璀璨雙十」,特別以紀念抗戰勝利七十周年的熱情與精神為主軸,也將邀請到旅居印尼、享譽海內外的華人巨星白嘉莉女士專程返國出席大會,擔綱國歌領唱並參與盛會;此外,大會將以多元的表演節目設計,搭配歷史影像與各具特色的影片,呈現抗戰勝利與臺灣光復迄今的時代意義。

本次大會節目主持人為澎恰恰、許效舜,演出內容包括「閃耀新星 光榮綻放」、「勇士國魂 鋼鐵意志」、「華人之光 時代金曲」、「繁榮進步 幸福樂章」、「掌中魅力 傳承創新」、「凝聚力量 生生不息」六大主題。僑務委員會精心安排的演出團隊還包括臺灣舞蹈之光「文化大學華岡舞團」、周遊女士成立之「明星演唱團」、高空特技名震亞洲的「藝想劇團」、12連冠天籟美聲「國立興大附中合唱團」、海軍軍官學校鼓號樂隊、金曲歌后張秀卿、秀蘭瑪雅、新生代閩南語歌后曹雅雯、金曲歌王荒山亮、臺灣第一原民弦樂團「親愛愛樂」、無限人形劇場、霹靂布袋戲超Q人偶、華人首席亞洲第一沙畫藝術家莊明達老師、臺灣超人氣雙胞胎童星「左左右右」、妙齡女子團體「TPI臺灣練習生」等,節目精彩萬分、絕對不能錯過。僑務委員會表示,四海同心聯歡大會將由「臺灣宏觀電視」及YouTube網路同步現場Live直播,歡迎同胞按時收視。

UNM Mentoring Institute说:留言于2015-09-12 07:08:54(第5条)
Come and Share Your Perspectives on Mentoring:
New Perspectives in Mentoring: A Quest for Leadership Excellence & Innovation
Tuesday - Friday, October 20 - 23
Student Union Building, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

Spanning four days, the 8th annual conference will feature over 300 Unique Sessions, a Keynote Presentation, daily Plenary Presentations, a Poster Session featuring 95 posters, 2 Pre-conference Workshops, Networking Opportunities and more. Close to 700 participants attended last year’s conference, and in 2015, we’re expecting our largest audience yet!
Primarily focused on Higher Education, the conference features presentations based in the following fields: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) and Arts & Humanities; Nursing, Medicine & Health Sciences; Business & Corporate; Non-Profit and Government, and more...
Contact: (505) 277-1330
留言于2015-09-12 04:04:48(第4条)
China Institute NY说:留言于2015-09-12 03:22:49(第3条)
Join us as we celebrate the publication of Chen Shih-hsiang and Harold Acton's lively translation of K'ung Shang-jen's The Peach Blossom Fan. In his first lecture at China Institute's new downtown home, Senior Lecturer Ben Wang will speak about this masterpiece of Chinese literature, a vast dramatic composition that combines the range and depth of a great novel with the swift intensity of film. (With Guest Musician: Chen Tao)
Thursday, September 24, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Members $10 | Non-Members $15

China Institute
100 Washington Street | New York, NY 10006
Contact: 212-744-8181, ext. 138
CPP.edu说:留言于2015-09-12 03:05:58(第2条)
Thank you very much. Looking forward to your visit to CPP! Lisa
CESASC Board说:留言于2015-09-12 00:59:24(第1条)
Dear CESASC Members and Friends,
2015 LA-18 Harvest Moon Festival
You’re cordially invited to the LA-18 2015 Harvest Moon Festival Event that will take place in the Arcadia County Park on Sunday 9/13/2015 (http://www.la18.tv/la18-harvest-moon-festival-2015/). CESASC has participated in the past five years and will set up a booth this year again together with JPL/AAC (Asian American Council) and Tsinghua University Alumni Allocation at SoCal (THUAA-SC) to promote the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) education.

Among others, We will have on display various goodies on NASA/JPL Planetary missions such as Mars programs Curiosity Rover model, MSL 1/10th scale, Mars Victoria Crater fabric banner or MRO Digital 3D picture, MSL full scale wheel, MSL Parts Kit, MSL Fact kit, Back-crawling robot, and Curiosity Landing Xbox Video Game, and various Earth Science missions including Aquarius and OCO-2, etc.

The event address:
Arcadia County Park. 405 S. Santa Anita Ave. Arcadia, CA 91007
Time: 11am-5pm
Date: 9/13 Sunday

The CESASC/JPL/THUAASC booth is Booths #4 and 5 in the Business Square. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Yutao He at He.Yutao@gmail.com. Thank you very much! Looking forward to seeing you on 9/13.
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