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2013/1/21 17:15:23 | 浏览:8447 | 评论:34

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
网站: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
杨鸣 ming.s.yang@gmail.com
Ming Yang
2013年 第3期 創刊第594期 1/15-1/21/2013
Table of content - 本期重要目录


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements







UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2013 No.3)

Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4032]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4561]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4840]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4038]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4071]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4334]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4649]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [4995]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4212]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5191]
:学术出版巨头Elsevier 彻查433名审稿人“强迫引用”黑幕 :中国336个国家重点实验室布局 :中澳政府联合出手打击洗钱和逃税漏税 大量中国居民海外账户遭冻结 :摄影师苏唐诗与寂寞百年的故宫对话6年,3万张照片美伦美奂 :大数据分析图解:2019中国企业500强 张梦然:英国惠康桑格研究所:人体内的微生物与出生方式有关 :美众议院将调查华裔部长赵小兰“利用职权为家族谋利“ :UCLA CCS 2019 Fall Quarter Lecture Series Overview
2013年海外華裔青年暑期英語服務營说:留言于2013-01-31 03:38:29(第34条)
由台灣僑委會與教育部合辦「2013年海外華裔青年英語服務營」活動,預計招募華裔青年前往台灣偏遠地區學校實地從事英語教學,活動期間自2013年6月30日起至7月27日止,為期4週,歡迎有興趣者報名參加。 報名者需已就讀11年級以上且於2013年11月30日前年滿17足歲但未滿27足歲之華裔青年,能以英語為母語,並以簡單中文溝通,身心健康,學行良好,能適應團體生活,且具高度從事志願服務意願者為優先錄取對象,個案開放部份名額供支持台灣之非華裔青年(台灣之友)參加,全球預計招募350位。 活動期間內,第1週由教育部安排英語教學訓練課程,第2至3週則前往偏遠地區學校實地從事英語教學志願服務,第4週由僑委會負責安排臺灣參訪活動,全程參與其英語教學活動且無違反主辦單位或服務學校之各項規定者,由僑委會頒發80小時中英文服務證明。 報名細節請洽承辦人廖小姐425-746-3602。

美西華人學會財經組说:留言于2013-01-31 03:08:31(第33条)
美西華人學會財經組 學術研討會
時間: 2月3日 星期日 下午 2:00-5:00
地點: 洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心會議室
9443 Telstar Ave, El Monte. CA 91731
題目:【2013 年全球投資、美國房地產趨勢、新稅法】
內容:1) 2008 年金融危機之後,全球金融市場產生重大變化,未來的機會及趨勢將如何?
2) 近來海外資金在美投資狀況對美國房地產有何影響?
3) 年初美國政府暫時避開財政懸崖之後所產生的新稅法,對您有何影響?
主持人: 廖茂俊 教授 美西華人學會 會長
引言人: 林春蕙 女士, 現任 美西華人學會 財經組 召集人
主講人﹕李志傑先生: 榮獲2012年南加州傑出青年獎。Cambridge Realty Investors, an affiliate of Chenco HoldingsCBRE Investors 亞太房地產基金經理人。AIG南山人壽不動產投資部門經理,台大經濟系學士,台大財務金融碩士。麻省理工學院(MIT) 不動產開發碩士
盧小芬 會計師 - 台大商學系學士、德州大學 會計碩士。Price Waterhouse Coopers國際稅務部 經理, McGladrey國際稅務經理、現任美西華人學會 財務長。
研討會免費入場,歡迎各界踴躍參加 聯絡 (714-404-7237)。
Academic Academy说:留言于2013-01-31 02:36:38(第32条)
A Strong STEM Flourishes Prosperity
It’s time to register for the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Academic Academy being held at the Paradise Point Resort & Spa in San Diego February 22-23, 2013. Your colleagues will be discussing how to increase success in our community college STEM courses. Don’t miss your chance to be part of the conversation to grow future STEM generations – register today!!
Colleges are encouraged to send STEM faculty teams to foster interdisciplinary discussions about serving the needs of STEM students. Click here for more information on this program, accommodations and to register: www.asccc.org and click on Academic Academy 2013 under UPCOMING EVENTS on the homepage.

Holly Macriss
Associate Director, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges
CASHFA说:留言于2013-01-30 10:01:20(第31条)
地點:595 Lawrence Expwy, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
電話:510-385-0981; 415-205-0429
Smedley UCR说:留言于2013-01-30 08:35:18(第30条)
Thank you, Dr. Jiang and Dr. Chan! It is very much appreciated. Best regards,

Keyue Smedley, Ph.D., IEEE Fellow Professor
Dept. of Electrical Eng. and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine
dengfeng说:留言于2013-01-30 03:37:49(第29条)
I m说:留言于2013-01-30 03:36:03(第28条)
gong xi fa cai!
成立30周年 中華科工會歡慶盛典別開生面
China Institute CSUN说:留言于2013-01-30 03:34:36(第27条)
Enjoy your new year, Justine
lxue说:留言于2013-01-30 03:31:22(第26条)
Got it. Millions of thanks!
Charlie Z.说:留言于2013-01-30 03:30:01(第25条)
Great to hear from you! Hope everything is well with you. I sincerely appreciate the gracefulness of kind support for having these kids getting education in US. Hope one day, they all could be faithful to our motherland. Wish you all the best.
商祺 All the best

International Programs CSUF说:留言于2013-01-30 02:10:39(第24条)
Thank you very much for your generosity.
Warmest regards,

International Training Programs CSULB说:留言于2013-01-30 02:09:01(第23条)
I sincerely appreciate! Best regards, Heidi
SJRB说:留言于2013-01-29 10:54:56(第22条)


圣地亚哥华文网 海黛说:留言于2013-01-29 10:39:11(第21条)
圣地亚哥 米拉玛学院受美国国防部部长嘉奖 - "Patriotic Employer Award" , 院长唐昭博士(Dr. Patricia Hsieh)代表米拉玛学院接受荣誉奖状
ERDT说:留言于2013-01-29 08:48:21(第20条)
I will share this website with the students, thank you for sharing. Thanks, Cindy
Efrem C.说:留言于2013-01-29 08:44:20(第19条)
Ok, thank you!

Respectfully, Efrem
128CUTE说:留言于2013-01-29 08:39:11(第18条)
SAPA-NE will host a Chinese banquet followed by Chinese stage show. The performance includes variety of shows performed by SAPA-NE members, families, as well as professionals. Some of the shows are from talented members’ original work. There will be door prizes, lucky money for all kids, dancing and Karaoke for your enjoyment during the celebration.
Venue: Empire Garden Restaurant (One block from Orange Line Chinatown Station) 690-698 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111
Time: Saturday, February 9, 2013. 5:00 – 9:00 PM
Please reply to : 128cute2000@gmail.com, if you want to buy the tickets. Or visit online ticket purchase / registration: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=234755
Parking is available at Archstone Garage (the same street next to the Restaurant), $10/whole day with the restaurant stamp.
Happy Holidays!

台灣行政院國家科學委員會说:留言于2013-01-29 01:10:17(第17条)
華府黃埔同學會说:留言于2013-01-29 01:06:43(第16条)
哈佛中國文化工作坊说:留言于2013-01-29 01:04:00(第15条)
哈佛中國文化工作坊暨北美華文作家協會紐英崙分會,將於1月31日(周四)下午2時至5時,在哈佛大學燕京圖書館(地址為2 Dvinity Ave.,Camgridge)聚會廳舉辦演講研討會。三位主講人和講題為:哈佛大學文學與比較文學系高級研究員、北京語言大學世界文學與文化研究所所長李慶本主講「跨文化闡釋與世界文學的重構」;媒體人史超平主講「談著作『三朵茶花的故事』」;曾任康乃爾大學教授的華梵大學第一任文學院長周春塘,主講「從『周易』看中華民族的人文精神」。活動用中文進行。免費公開。
南京市人民政府侨务办公室说:留言于2013-01-28 12:26:34(第14条)
尊敬的海外华侨华人、各位朋友: 新年快乐! 阖家幸福!

南京市人民政府侨务办公室主任 朱晓煜        
经济科技处处长 郭振军         
经济科技处 李晓娣 罗大骥 徐静 王慧娣
jane说:留言于2013-01-28 12:22:00(第13条)
草根助学圆梦行动志愿者服务队说:留言于2013-01-28 12:19:12(第12条)
好雨时节各位朋友: 感谢大家对草根助学圆梦活动的支持,2013年1月27日,草根助学圆梦行动志愿者服务队诞生了,相关媒体进行了报道。欢迎大家继续参与爱心助学活动,可通过QQ群(群号83468190)或微博http://weibo.com/u/3196351153、http://blog.sina.com.cn/caogenzuxue,或致电13828437697,QQ503318902联系助学事宜。宣传报道草根助学圆梦活动的媒体是"萝岗首个草根助学组织成立"(1月28日广州日报A17版) http://gzdaily.dayoo.com/html/2013-01/28/node_20.htm
HMTCF说:留言于2013-01-28 11:17:11(第11条)
You & your lovely families are all invited to ~ Angel Care ~ Chinese Lunar New Year Friendship Gathering !
Time : 2:00 pm ~ 5:00 pm on 17. Feb. 2013.
Venue : 3701 Bamboo Grove , 74 Kennedy Rd. , Wan Chai , H.K. ( Free Guest Car Park Space )

Wishing You & Your Families A Very Healthy, Happy , and Wonderful New Year !
Peace & Joy ! your sincerely

HMTCF ~ Angel Care ~ Student Assistance Project
上海侨办经科处说:留言于2013-01-26 01:20:03(第10条)
Samera K.说:留言于2013-01-25 05:48:26(第9条)
Thank you, Samera
Missouri State University说:留言于2013-01-25 05:47:03(第8条)
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) at Missouri State
Dear Colleague:
We are excited to announce that Missouri State University will be hosting a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF-REU) in Mathematics this summer 2013. Further details are available at http://math.missouristate.edu/reu .
Please encourage your students to apply. We especially encourage women, minorities, persons with disabilities, first generation students, and other underrepresented groups to apply. We will begin looking at applications on March 1th. Thanks for your help. Sincerely,
Les Reid, Xingping Sun, Jorge Rebaza
顾伯铭说:留言于2013-01-24 08:32:00(第7条)
Sophiawen说:留言于2013-01-24 01:42:30(第6条)
Sophia li
H Liang说:留言于2013-01-24 01:40:55(第5条)
Thank you. Happy new year.
Magna Publications说:留言于2013-01-22 12:46:08(第4条)
The 10th Annual Teaching Professor Conference
Magna Publications and The Teaching Professor are seeking nominations for the Maryellen Weimer Scholarly Work on Teaching and Learning Award. Now in its fifth year, the award recognizes outstanding scholarly contributions with the potential to advance college-level teaching and learning practices. The award includes a $1,000 stipend. Deadline for submissions is March 1, 2013.

Author(s) of the winning article will be recognized at the 2013 Teaching Professor Conference, May 31-June 2 in New Orleans. Please review the guidelines below for submission details. Complete information on the review procedures, judging criteria, and award information and be found on the Teaching Professor Conference website.

Articles published in a pedagogical periodical (discipline specific such as the Journal of Chemical Education, Teaching of Psychology, or Communication Education or cross-disciplinary publications such as College Teaching) or other higher education publications will be considered.
The piece of scholarship may address any topic related to college-level teaching and learning. Preference will not be given to a particular kind of scholarship. It may be a research study (quantitative or qualitative), a piece that describes development and/or implementation of a new teaching strategy or assignment, an article that offers advice based on research, experience or both, an inspirational essay or article that argues a point (like taking a position against grading on a curve). Articles must be at least 1,500 words and published in 2011 or later. In-press work will not be considered.
Submissions may be self-nominated by author(s) or nominated by readers (in this case the author will be contacted and asked if he/she/ they is/are willing to have the article considered for the award.) An electronic link to the article must be included with each nomination. Paper copies are not acceptable. Submit the following information: authors name(s) with contact information for at least one of the authors, the article title, the journal name, volume, issue number and date of publication and the electronic link of the article to: MMlekush@magnapubs.com.
Phoenix Wushu Academy说:留言于2013-01-22 12:25:40(第3条)
Phoenix Wushu Academy Presents MULAN: A Spectacular Performance of Wushu and Chinese Dance
Bring to life the ancient epic of China’s most famous female warrior and showcase action-packed fighting sequences.

Saturday, February 2, 2013 | 7:00pm
Mesquite High School Auditorium, 500 South McQueen Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85223

- Mulan is a unique art show to combine an epic, wushu and dance on the stage. You will like the story. Your kids will like the practicing and dancing.
- It is unique in Phoenix and in U.S. It also received significant attention in presses in more than 20 provinces of China.
- Performers received 16 Gold Medals, 11 Silvers, 6 Bronze in 2012 International Chinese Martial Arts Championship (ICMAC) in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- A big enjoyment for 2013 Chinese New Year!

Tickets available in these locations:
Win Salon, Lee Lee Supermarket (Chandler), China King Restaurant, Chou's Kitchen, Taiwan Express at Mekong Plaza and Phoenix Wushu Academy.
For questions, please call (480) 822-9339.
AAPA说:留言于2013-01-22 12:15:34(第2条)
Join AAPA for our first meeting of the year. This complimentary AAPA session will feature a keynote presentation by Caroline Choi, Vice Presedent of Regulatory and Environmental Policy for Southern California Edision, on the “Influence of Asian Culture." Mentoring circles will also be held to allow potential mentees the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the mentors of AAPA. Feel free to bring colleagues and friends. Dinner will be included. The event is free, but pre-registration is required for planning purposes.
RSVP Here: www.aapamentoring.com/2013generalreg1
Monday, January 28, 2013
Southern California Edison
General Office, Employee Lounge
2244 Walnut Grove Avenue
Rosemead, CA 91770
Email info@aapamentoring.com
mzhang说:留言于2013-01-22 12:09:37(第1条)
上海电视台纪实频道/ 奥巴马之路
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