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2015/5/22 16:40:35 | 浏览:16283 | 评论:27

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net


(ISSN: 2372-9937)
主編: 姜镇英博士 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘博士 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅博士 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏博士 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云博士 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2015年 第18期 創刊第687期 5/15-5/22/2015
Table of content - 本期重要目录


由北京市政府侨办、中关村管委会、海淀区政府共同主办的2015中关村华侨华人创业大会(简称中关村侨创大会)定于2015年7月9日至12日在北京新世纪日航酒店举行。详情请登录网站: http://www.bjqb.gov.cn

Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements






  若因任何原因,您未能收到上期《即时通讯》(2015 No.17),请点击此处查阅

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2015 No.18)

Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4027]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4553]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4834]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4035]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4062]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4325]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4640]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [4990]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4205]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5185]
:北京452万人将从北京迁至雄安(附部分央企名单) :《2019全球肿瘤趋势报告》 :阿尔茨海默病预防与干预核心讯息图解 :引力波天文台或有助搜寻暗物质粒子 :Sail Through the Mist - SoCal Innovation Forum 2019(10/5) 游天龙:《唐人街》是如何炼成的:UCLA社会学教授周敏的学术之路 :“为什么海外华人那么爱国,但是让他回国却不愿意?...“ :学术出版巨头Elsevier 彻查433名审稿人“强迫引用”黑幕
wildapricot.org说:留言于2015-07-15 08:50:25(第26条)
ACCS 10th Anniversary U.S. China Business CEO Summit: 2015 “Get Connected” - Doing Business in U.S. and China
The trend for business leaders and owners of U.S. companies who want to do business in China and Chinese companies who want to do business in the U.S. is on the rise and one of the hottest growth segments for entrepreneurs both locally and internationally. How you go about creating a platform to foster trade between the U.S. and China markets requires knowledge and experience. Our panel of business leader experts will discuss how through Innovation, Industry Demand and Investments, there are new and smart business opportunities through exporters of medical devices, medical supplies, pharmaceuticals, bio-tech, energy, mining, heavy equipment, automotive, electronics, chemicals, clean coal & water remediation technologies, IT, computer equipment, textiles, manufacturing, food, real estate, healthcare, urban planning & design, logistics, cultural entertainment, tourism, financial services and specialists in legal, franchise, taxation & investments issues.
Date: Saturday, August 1, 2015
11:00 – 1:00 pm: Registration, Lunch and Networking
1:00- 4:00 pm: Business Symposium
Address: 188 Campus Dr Arcadia, CA 91007
Keynote Speaker: China Consul General in L.A. - Ambassador Liu Jian
Mayor of Los Angeles - Eric Garcetti (TBC)
California Governor - Edmund G. Brown Jr.(TBC)
Founder and Chairman of Cityview USA - Henry Cisneros
Director of Pacific South Network U.S Commerical
Service - Richard Swanson
Jinhua Shen, President of Focus Technology Co., Ltd.
Thomas M. Priselac, President and CEO, Cedars-Sinai Health System
Dr. Zhihang Chi, Vice President and General Manager of Air China North America
Stella K. Li, Senior Vice President of BYD Company Limited
Larry Namer, President/CEO, Metan
Ifei Zhang, CEO & President at Greenland US Holding Companies
Brian Peck Speaker, Deputy Director of International Affairs and Business Development at the Governor’s Office
Raymond Chan, GM of LA Department of Building and Safety
Steve Rickert, Co-Partner In-Charge, Tax Services Partner, International Tax Services Group, RBZ
Henry Zou, President of Henry Group
Andy Cohen, Co-CEO of Gensler
Wei Tongwei, China Automotive Maintenance and Repair Trade Association
Ed Fuller, President and CEO of the Orange County Visitors Association
Sue Wong, Fashion Designer
Michael Mohammed, CEO at Chronic Tacos Enterprises, Inc.
Contact: (626) 716-1665 sendan33@gmail.com
洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心说:留言于2015-07-14 15:44:44(第25条)



洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心 敬上
San Diego Chinese Press说:留言于2015-07-14 15:25:04(第24条)
女子过会展西马路被撞死 警方悬赏千元缉拿肇事者
动漫展接地气 本地华裔作演讲(图)
动漫展渐入佳境 漫明星纷纷亮相(图)
免费培训中文教师 SDHXCS海外中文教育名师巡讲
2015圣地亚哥动漫展开幕 “中国制造”(图)
圣地亚哥Comic Con 今日开幕再现人流如潮(图)
SD国际动漫展明日开幕‘Zombie Walk“被叫停
2015美国独立日 我们和洋人同台演出!(图频)
中國芷江凱旋門〜 中美軍民聯合抗日紀事(图)
北京海外学人中心宣传联络部说:留言于2015-07-14 10:07:53(第23条)
距离7月31日国际奥组委宣布2022年冬奥会主办权已不足20天,北京已进入申冬奥冲刺阶段。近日,北京冬奥申委正式开通了 Facebook和 Twitter 账号,请各位墙外的海外学人follow起来,like起来,repost起来,为北京申冬奥凝聚人气。海外学人中心的王禹副主任因在2008年奥组委的出色表现,再次被借调冬奥申委,希望大家能多多支持!Facebook: www.facebook.com/beijing2022; Twitter: @Beijing_2022

地址:北京市西城区德胜门外大街83号德胜国际中心B座6层, 100088

Xilin Association说:留言于2015-07-13 19:16:58(第22条)
Xilin Performing Arts Program Awarded "Chinese Culture Star Performing Group"
The Xilin Performing Arts Program was awarded the "China Star Performing Arts Troupe" by the Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office. The purpose of the establishment of the China Star Performing Arts program was to facilitate overseas Chinese performing arts groups, as well as advance Chinese Heritage through the promotion of Chinese culture in the communities. Xilin was only 1 of 10 recipients of this prestigious award worldwide. Since its founding in 2003, the Xilin Performing Arts Program had dedicated itself to bring Chinese culture to the local communities in order to further cross-cultural engagement. This award recognizes Xilin's invaluable contributions towards that goal in the local communities. The Xilin Performing Arts Program will continue to work diligently to engage the community through dance, Chinese musical arts, and Western Musical instrument classes.
AVON 39 is a challenge. AVON 39 is an attitude. AVON 39 is a weekend like you've never had before. On the road to 39, no matter how far you walk, you'll crush fear, doubt and breast cancer - one persistent step and donation at a time. Xilin Association, as a 12-year recipient of Avon grants, participated at the Avon 39 event from the beginning to the end. It was a fantastic experience. Xilin's team worked on the weekend before the walk to pass out flyers in the neighborhoods along the route. It was cold, windy, and wet, but the team worked hard and had a great time engaging the community to encourage them to join the event. On June 5th, Xilin's team volunteered at the event registration at the Westin Hotel. On June 7th, Xilin represented 7 grass--roots organizations in the Midwest by accepting grants at the closing ceremony. By stepping up to the AVON 39 challenge, you're helping breast cancer patients in your community and across the nation. Net funds raised will directly benefit the Chicago and the Midwest area and help make sure that care programs nationwide, as well as national research programs, have the resources to make the most progress possible to help obliterate breast cancer.
jamesduan说:留言于2015-07-13 17:32:18(第21条)
一个美国的假留学人员,近20年无业盲流骗子 - 揭冒充美国高端海归人才的无业盲流蒿xx的丑恶罪行
各位同仁,这位在徐州与河南焦作频频抛头露面的风流人物或许大家都面熟?他,就是流窜于中、美两国、冒充美国加州州立大学博士、专家的著名国际诈骗犯:蒿xx,英文名:Frank,持美国护照,邮箱:frankhao001@yahoo.com,或Usita.frank@hotmail.com,他常填的联系地址:3xxxx Paseo Padre Pkwy.,suite B, Fremont, CA 94538,USA 。邮 编:CA 94538,USA。国际无业游民、诈骗惯犯蒿坤岳,1953年出生于江苏徐州郊县的一个普普通通的农民之家。1982年7月毕业于北京师范大学经济系后任职于中国石化总公司。后获赴美公派进修的机会滞留于美国,本应效力于国家的公职人员,却借机赖在美国,欺骗了单位与祖国。由于他不学无术,在美近三十年没有获得任何大学的任何学历与工作职位,却借国家招才引智的机会,自1999年以后游骗于大江南北,神州大地处处留下了他丑恶的骗迹与罪行。他那拙劣的骗术及滔天罪行主要表现在: 
2. 他为何要自封为美国的会长?诈骗惯犯蒿xx既是一个官迷,又是一个好色、贪财之小人。其信奉:当了官,就会拥有财与色、名利双收!于是,没有任何职业、职务的他,自赎一个“官位(美国硅谷信息企业协会会长、国际华人科技企业协会会长)”过过官瘾,目的是在国内以协助国内各级政府搞“海外英才招商引智”和其它的海外招商、人才引进活动,游离与各个政府、管理部门之间,借政府求贤若渴之心、骗取政府官员的信任、取得办会的独家委托权,并以此来收取政府大量的协会服务费、驻外办事处的活动协助费与参会海归的大量的人头费、国际旅费,还假借政府名义克扣海归同事们的交通补助。据不完全统计,他每年双向收取的费用就不下30万元。也可谓是海外华人的一大贪官污吏。  
avast说:留言于2015-07-13 14:43:02(第20条)
Jefferson was proudest of founding the University of Virginia, and wanted that on his tombstone, not that he was President of the US!!
At 5, began studying under his cousin's tutor.
At 9, studied Latin, Greek and French.
At 14, studied classical literature and additional languages.
At 16, entered the College of William and Mary. Also could write in Greek with one hand while writing the same in Latin with the other.
At 19, studied Law for 5 years starting under George Wythe.
At 23, started his own law practice.
At 25, was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.
At 31, wrote the widely circulated "Summary View of the Rights of British America" And retired from his law practice.
At 32, was a delegate to the Second Continental Congress.
At 33, wrote the Declaration of Independence.
At 33, took three years to revise Virginia's legal code and wrote a Public Education bill and a statute for Religious Freedom.
At 36, was elected the second Governor of Virginia succeeding Patrick Henry.
At 40, served in Congress for two years.
At 41, was the American minister to France and negotiated commercial treaties with European nations along with Ben Franklin and John Adams..
At 46, served as the first Secretary of State under George Washington.
At 53, served as Vice President and was elected president of the American Philosophical Society.
At 55, drafted the Kentucky Resolutions and became the active head of Republican Party.
At 57, was elected the third president of the United States.
At 60, obtained the Louisiana Purchase doubling the nation's size.
At 61, was elected to a second term as President.
At 65, retired to Monticello ..
At 80, helped President Monroe shape the Monroe Doctrine.
At 81, almost single-handedly created the University of Virginia and served as its first president.
At 83, died on the 50th anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence along with John Adams.
Thomas Jefferson knew because he himself studied the previous failed attempts at government. He understood actual history, the nature of God, His laws and the nature of man. That happens to be way more than what most understand today. Jefferson really knew his stuff. A voice from the past to lead us in the future: John F. Kennedy held a dinner in the White House for a group of the brightest minds in the nation at that time. He made this statement: "This is perhaps the assembly of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone." "When we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as corrupt as Europe ." "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." "It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.""I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." "To compel a man to subsidize with …
U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)说:留言于2015-07-13 14:21:02(第19条)
Recent Device Approvals: PROMUS Element Plus Everolimus-Eluting Platinum Chromium Coronary Stent System (Monorail and Over-The-Wire), and Promus PREMIER Everolimus-Eluting Platinum Chromium Coronary Stent System (Monorail and Over-The-Wire)
The FDA has recently approved the PROMUS Element Plus Everolimus-Eluting Platinum Chromium Coronary Stent System (Monorail and Over-The-Wire) and the Promus PREMIER Everolimus-Eluting Platinum Chromium Coronary Stent System (Monorail and Over-The-Wire) to be marketed. The PROMUS Element Plus and Promus PREMIER stent systems each consists of two components: the stent and the catheter delivery system. The PROMUS Element Plus and Promus PREMIER stents are metal tubes with the drug everolimus contained in a thin coating on the stent's surface.
The PROMUS Element Plus and Promus PREMIER stents are mounted on a folded balloon attached to a catheter delivery system and placed into a blood vessel (coronary artery)supplying blood to the heart. The stent helps to keep the coronary artery open and it is made of a platinum-chromium metal alloy.
The PROMUS Element Plus stent uses the identical drug coating formulation and drug dose density as the approved PROMUS/XIENCE V stent. The PROMUS Element Plus uses the identical stent materials, stent design, and balloon materials as the approved ION stent. The Promus PREMIER System is very similar to the PROMUS Element Plus stent, but has additional metal connector wires in its structure. Due to the extra connectors on the stent there is a very slight increase in the amount of drug on the Promus PREMIER stent.
APEXORG说:留言于2015-07-13 14:18:27(第18条)
It's time for APEX's black tie affair! Sign up to volunteer at our fanciest event yet! Volunteers are needed for pre-event coordination, event logistics, registration and setup. Questions? Email apexcares@apex.org
Join us on Saturday, July 25th, 2015 for LA's 13th Annual Plate by Plate Tasting Benefit, celebrating Project by Project's Partner, Center for the Pacific Asian Family! Stay in touch with @apexorg! #apexorg

重庆市人力资源和社会保障局说:留言于2015-07-12 14:23:36(第17条)
南加州僑界支持中華台北特殊奧運代表團後援會说:留言于2015-07-12 13:26:54(第16条)
日 期: 7月22日 (星期三) 6:30pm -9:00pm ( 6時入席)
地 點: 哈崗社區活動中心 Hacienda Heights Community Center, 234 Valencia Ave, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745
主 旨: 2015年洛杉磯世界特殊奧林匹克運動會 為「中華隊加油」
為歡迎中華特奧代表隊,中華駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處夏季昌處長、洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心翁桂堂主任、中華特奧代表團後援會及各大社團聯合歡迎遠道而來為國爭光的80位中華隊選手,將於2015年7月22日(星期三)在哈崗社區活動中心(Hacienda Heights Community Center) ,地址1234 Valencia Ave, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745)舉辦歡迎晚宴,現場亦備有大型簽名版供與會嘉賓簽名,共同為中華隊加油。
2015世界特殊奧運會賽事將於7月25日至8月2日在洛杉磯南加州大學(University of Southern California)及加州大學洛杉磯分校(University of California, Los Angeles)等賽場舉行,比賽期間免費開放,敬邀大家共同為中華特奧代表隊加油打氣!
另世界特奧會的開幕式將於7月25日(星期六)下午5時在Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum舉行,需事先購票入場。後援會目前先預購的門票所剩無多,有意參加開幕式的民眾可逕洽後援會,隨票贈送後援會運動衣乙件與運動帽乙頂。當天開幕式後援會備有免費巴士接送,屆時請於7月25日(星期六)下午3時前在洛杉磯僑教中心(9443 Telstar Ave., El Monte 91731)集合,欲搭車者請先於7月17日(星期五)前告知:
323-816-9636 E-Mail: mimic@justcaseusa.com
626-862-1192 E-Mail: wei.brown@gmail.com
敬祝 身體健康 萬事如意
留言于2015-07-12 12:54:04(第15条)
marchuang说:留言于2015-07-12 12:53:54(第14条)
Thank you for your comprehensive insight, and keep contact
Chinese Hometown说:留言于2015-06-29 05:57:20(第13条)
San Diego Chinese News
可疑物周末接连发现 独立日反恐预警提升(图)
汪静被判刑 18个月入监罚款50万(图)
2015 Comic-Con开幕在即 门票炒到一千五(图)
召回鸡蛋改品牌续出售 某公司官司输万余美元
Rancho Penasquitos一天发生七宗撬车入户(图)
圣地亚哥华人 端午节 父亲节(图)
《当代体育科技》编辑部说:留言于2015-05-29 08:03:07(第12条)
《当代体育科技》编辑部《当代体育科技》期刊约稿 国内统一刊号:CN23-1579/G8 国际标准刊号:ISSN2095-2813 本刊已被《中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库》、《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》、《万方数据数字化期刊群》、《中文科技期刊数据库》等网络媒体收录。省级体育刊,知网,万方,维普全文收录。 《当代体育科技》是由新闻出版总署批准,黑龙江省体育局主管,当代体育杂志社主办的专业类体育学术期刊。邮发代号:14-131。国际大16 开本印刷。 办刊宗旨:刊登国内外体育科技领域的新技术、新成果,介绍体育运动项目新的训练方法、动态和发展趋势,宣传科学技术在体育行业中的应用,促进我国体育科技事业的发展。
3、文章要求在3500-8000 字符,格式一般要包括:题目、作者及单位、邮编、内容摘要、关键词、正文、参考文献等。文章标题字符要求在20 字以内。
5、为缩短刊出周期和减少错误,来稿一律使用word 格式,并请详细注明本人详细联系方式。审稿周期为1-2 个月,请作者自备底稿。
6、编辑部对来稿有删修权,不同意删修的稿件请在来稿中声明。我刊同时被国内多家学术期刊数据库收录,不同意收录的稿件,请在来稿中声明。稿件刊登后,赠当期杂志2 册。
洛杉磯臺灣書院说:留言于2015-05-28 09:13:40(第11条)
Taiwan Film Series: ''Girlfriend Boyfriend ''女朋友男朋友 (Free Admission)
Date :2015-5-28 7:00PM~
Venue :Taiwan Academy in Los Angeles
Address :1137 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024
Director: Ya-che Yang
Writer: Ya-che Yang
Stars: Hsiao-chuan Chang, Lun Mei Gwei, Rhydian Vaughan
Storyline: In the 1980s, high school students Aaron, Mabel and Liam are best friends and also caught in a love triangle. As the three friends go through the turbulent times, when social revolution takes hold over martial law, their relationships go through many ups and downs. (Mandarin with English subtitles)
Of the film, director Yang stated that while he did not intentionally set out to make a "gay movie, but a political one, one which happened to include a gay character". He further stated that homosexuality and politics "both in fact represent the theme of freedom"
Asia-Pacific Film Festival 2012
Best Actress Lun Mei Gwei
Golden Horse Film Festival 2012
Audience Choice Award
Best Actress Lun Mei Gwei
Taipei Film Festival 2012
Best Actor Hsiao-chuan Chang

Q & A with Mr. Chi YIN Writer/Director
With his earlier academic background in engineering (BSEE from Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, MSEE from Ohio State University), Mr. Yin changed his career path to filmmaking 1992 after receiving MFA from the UCLA film school. Chi Yin made his debut feature In a Strange City in 1995. In 2000, his critically acclaimed period drama, Fleeing by Night (Ye Ben夜奔), was also a domestic box-office success. In the same year, his screenplay White Snake, adapted from the novella by Yan Ge-Ling, was a recipient of Taiwan’s Annual Screenplay Award. In 2003, he made the black comedy Comes the Black Dog黑狗來了, which mocked the absurdity of Taiwan’s funeral rituals. The film was listed among the year’s Ten Best by Taiwan’s Film Critics and also received three nominations for the Golden Horse awards. After La Mélodie D’Hélène心戀 (2004), a romantic and idyllic drama, and Bad Moon (2005), an urban thriller/ghost story, Mr. Yin directed Road to the Ghost Horse 愛不羈(2010) for a Chinese production company, about an intriguing relationship between two young women. Yin’s latest feature, Viva Baseball球來就打, was released in the summer of 2012. It tells the story of a baseball coach who has to battle with a mafia boss to win the championship title for a team of young players.

Viva Baseball 球來就打(Qiu Lai Jiu Da, 2012)
Road to the Ghost Horse 愛不羈(Ai Bu Ji, 2010)
Bad Moon 惡月(Er Yue, 2005)
La Mélodie D’Hélène 心戀(Xin Lian, 2004)
Comes the Black Dog 黑狗來了(Hei Gou Lai Le, 2003)
Fleeing by Night夜奔 (Ye Ben, 2000)
In a Strange City在陌生的城市(Zai Muo Sheng De Cheng Shi, 1995)
Pizza and drinks will be provided before screening.
Please email info@taiwanacademyla.org for seat reservations.

Taiwan Academy 駐洛杉磯辦事處 臺灣書院
1137 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: 213-403-0168
紀念抗戰勝利70週年萬人國旗簽名活動籌備會说:留言于2015-05-28 09:08:44(第10条)
各位敬愛的先進朋友 鄉親長輩 長官同儕們,您們好!
邀請您們家人同事親朋好友,會員同鄕,簽下大名,電郵至 ROCflag2015@gmail.com , 我們將彙總簽名後,送回台北,用電腦印刷方式,將各位的簽名,印刷在四幅雙面,約10X14呎的巨幅國旗上,長留台灣,永久展示。您們的熱心參與,我們非常敬佩。請大家合作,在六月以前將簽名表以電郵發回。並請將此件轉發給您認為有需要的個人團體和單位,和我們一起,將名字印在國旗上,表示同舟共濟,海內外一心。如果有任何建議,請隨時賜教。

BOWERS MUSEUM说:留言于2015-05-28 07:28:34(第9条)
“齊白石:中國的畢加索 (齊白石書畫篆刻木雕展)”,自4月11日開展以來,受到各界關注。許多華人不遠千里從波士頓等地趕來看展。當地的美國觀眾都驚歎于中國畫技法的精湛與傳神,都很想更多地了解這些用“毛刷和黑墨”渲染出來的藝術品的魅力。為了滿足廣大觀眾的需求,寶爾博物館特別邀請到齊白石的嫡孫齊劍雄先生來寶爾講座并演示。讓大家零距離感受齊派藝術的高超境界。
講座地點:寶爾博物館內的Kershaw Auditorium

2002 North Main Street, Santa Ana, CA 92706
Cell: 949-394-4041
Phone: 714.567.3637 F: 714.567.3603
Email: axfyuan@bowers.org
CHINA INSTITUTE NY说:留言于2015-05-28 07:23:07(第8条)
China Institute is pleased to introduce the Gourmet Circle, a new dining program that brings together food-lovers to explore the fascinating regions of China. Culinary experts at venues around New York City will guide you through delicious and adventurous dinners, beginning with our June 16th evening featuring the cuisine of Shanghai. Gourmet Circle offers an exclusive opportunity for those with an interest in Chinese food to come together and experience an insider's appreciation of the regional diversity. Please join us!
Gourmet Cuisine Circle
Hosted by Michael Tong, Owner, Shun Lee West
Tuesday, June 16, 7:00 PM
(Champagne will be served)
Location: Shun Lee West | 43 W 65th St. | New York, NY 10023
Contact: 212-744-8181, ext. 117 or by email at bechard@chinainstitute.org
四川省侨办说:留言于2015-05-27 13:10:51(第7条)
恭祝 安好!


华创会说:留言于2015-05-27 07:50:05(第6条)

电 话:+86-27-87811321 转 2191
传 真:+86-27-87811262
China Institute说:留言于2015-05-26 22:43:03(第5条)
Celebrated Voices of Contemporary Chinese Fiction:
A Dialogue with Liu Zhenyun, Mai Jia, Sheng Keyi, Su Tong, Xu Zechen (Moderated by Jeffrey C. Kinkley)
Join us as some of China's most popular and exciting voices in current fiction discuss their experiences creating work that engages with contemporary readers and contemporary China. A wine reception with the authors will follow. This is a unique opportunity not to be missed!
Su Tong is a bestselling author who attained international recognition in 1993 when Zhang Yimou's film of his novella, Raise the Red Lantern, was nominated for an Academy Award. He has a number of translations in English; Boat to Redemption was shortlisted for the Man Asian Literary Prize.
Liu Zhenyun's cold humor, broad familiarity with the many facets of urban society, and modern sensibilities have made him a favorite among Chinese readers. Several of his novels have been turned into movies, including the blockbuster Cell Phone. He won the Mao Dun Prize in 2011.
Mai Jia, who spent many years in the Chinese intelligence services, is one of China''s bestselling and most famous writers. He has won almost every major book prize in China, including its highest literary honor, the Mao Dun Literature Prize.
Sheng Keyi is one of the newer generations of writers who deal primarily with modern China (as opposed to rural themes). She tends to begin with female characters and themes, but is a ferocious experimenter with style and voice, and her works cover a wide range of emotional and social territory.
Xu Zechen was selected by People's Literature as one of the "Future 20" best Chinese writers under 41. The Los Angeles Review of Books said of Running Through Beijing, "The novel captures the taste and tension of Beijing better than any I''ve ever read."
Jeffrey C. Kinkley (moderator) has recently retired from teaching at St. John''s University, having taught there since 1979. He is the author and translator of numerous books, including the recently published Visions of Dystopia in China''s New Historical Novels.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
3:00 - 4:30 PM (Discussions)
4:30 - 6:00 PM (Reception)
(Wine and light refreshments will be served)
Members: $10 / Non-Members: $15
Learn More Register Now

China Institute
125 E. 65th Street, New York, NY 10065
212-744-8181, ext. 138
中華元極舞總會说:留言于2015-05-26 18:38:58(第4条)
時間:2015年6月10、11日(星期三、星期四, 兩天);9:30 A.M.~16:00 P.M.
地點 : 洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心, 9443 Telstar Ave, E1 Monte, CA 91731
『元極舞』要給您 『健康、快樂、幸福』! 歡迎免費加入!
最簡單的氣功! 最優美的舞蹈! 最易學的武術!
教您元極舞怎麼跳! 怎麼正確,到位!怎麼吐納健身!、、、

中華元極舞總會 世界元極舞協會
聯絡報名: 626-862-8644、626-538-5512 、626-383-9350、626-537-5665
S C Wong说:留言于2015-05-26 09:12:24(第3条)
We Honor Those Who Have Fallen!!
On behalf of Officers and members of Asian American Republican Women Federated AARWF, sends our best wishes to you this Memorial Day!! We hope that today is a day with family and friends, and a day of reverence as you reflect on the sacrifice made my so many in the cause of liberty. Their memory lives on, not just because they gave their life, but because they gave it so that others might live in freedom.
We thought you would enjoy the following message sent in 1983 by President Ronald Reagan: Memorial Day is a time to take stock of the present, reflect on the past, and renew our commitment to the future of America.
Today, as in the past, there are problems that must be solved and challenges that must be met. We can tackle them with our full strength and creativity only because we are free to work them out in our own way. We owe this freedom of choice and action to those men and women in uniform who have served this nation and its interests in time of need. In particular, we are forever indebted to those who have given their lives that we might be free.
I don't have to tell you how fragile this precious gift of freedom is. Every time we hear, watch, or read the news, we are reminded that liberty is a rare commodity in this world.
This Memorial Day..., we honor those brave Americans who died in the service of their country. I think an ancient scholar put it well when he wrote: "Let us now praise famous men . . . All these were honored in their generation, and were the glory of their times. Their bodies are buried in peace; but their name liveth for evermore." As a tribute to their sacrifice, let us renew our resolve to remain strong enough to deter aggression, wise enough to preserve and protect our freedom, and thoughtful enough to promote lasting peace throughout the world.

留言于2015-05-25 12:43:18(第2条)
Tracy CY说:留言于2015-05-25 06:37:36(第1条)
Thank you very much. Have a nice weekend :)
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