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2012/10/8 17:46:13 | 浏览:8352 | 评论:33

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
网站: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
杨鸣 ming.s.yang@gmail.com
Ming Yang
2012年 第23期 創刊第580期 10/1-10/7/2012
Table of content - 本期重要目录




Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements







UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2012 No.23)

Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4022]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4549]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4829]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4030]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4058]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4321]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4634]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [4985]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4201]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5182]
:日本政府《氢能利用进度表》 :美国《2016-2045年新兴科技趋势报告》 :天津工业大学“经纬英才”引进计划 :浙江财经大学国际青年学者论坛的邀请函 (10/31-11/1) :美国加大审查范围 北大多名美国留学生遭联邦调查局质询 :天安门广场喜迎“十一”花团锦簇的美丽景象 马亮:做院长就能够发更多论文?论文发表是不是一场“权力的游戏”? :印裔人才在美碾压华裔:我们可以从印度教育中学到什么?
Wwchfsvb说:留言于2014-02-15 09:00:38(第32条)
Happy Valentine's Day and Lantern Festival!

Lily Lee Chen 陳李琬若
Nmsepsln说:留言于2014-02-05 19:36:59(第31条)
祝新春快乐!马年里 马上有福,马上添财!

Dpwuhxsw说:留言于2014-02-01 19:50:28(第30条)
Happy New Year to you!

Xjblkwju说:留言于2014-01-27 17:29:15(第29条)
上海市浦东新区高层次人才服务中心说:留言于2012-10-17 03:18:50(第28条)
姜会长您好,前段时间报名网站是出现了些问题 ,现在可用,请各位专家登陆报名,非常感谢!

wcc说:留言于2012-10-16 10:17:29(第27条)

USC U.S.-China Institute说:留言于2012-10-16 08:05:56(第26条)
Screening: Crocodile in the Yangtze - The Story of a Westerner inside China's Alibaba.com
The USC U.S.-China Institute, the USC School of Cinematic Arts, and Taluswood Films present a screening of "Crocodile in the Yangtze," followed by Q&A with director Porter Erisman.
School of Cinematic Arts (SCA) 112
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Time: 3:00-5:00PM, 10/19/2012
Free, please click here to RSVP.

Crocodile in the Yangtze follows China''s first Internet entrepreneur and former English teacher, Jack Ma, as he battles US giant eBay on the way to building China''s first global Internet company, Alibaba Group. An independent memoir written, directed and produced by an American who worked in Ma''s comany for eight years, Crocodile in the Yangtze captures the emotional ups and downs of life in a Chinese Internet startup at a time when the Internet brought China face-to-face with the West. Crocodile in the Yangtze draws on 200 hours of archival footage filmed by over 35 sources between 1995 and 2009. The film presents a strikingly candid portrait of Ma and his company, told from the point of view of an "American fly on a Chinese wall" who witnessed the successes and the mistakes Alibaba encountered as it grew from a small apartment into a global company employing more than 16,000 staff.

About Porter Erisman
Porter first landed in China in 1994 and, after a year of Chinese language study, fell into a six-month stint as host of China Through Foreigners'' Eyes, a travel program on China Central Television. After studying for an MBA in the United States from 1996-1998, Porter returned to China and worked at Ogilvy & Mather in Beijing, overseeing an Internet marketing group as China's Internet began to take off. Lured by the excitement of joining an Internet startup, Porter joined Alibaba.com in April 2000, just as the company moved out of a small apartment. From 2000-2008, Porter worked as a Vice-President at Alibaba.com and Alibaba Group, at various times leading the company''s international website operations, international marketing and corporate affairs. In 2002, Porter took a year off from Alibaba to travel around-the-world, during which time he spent two months riding a bicycle across China retracing the southern route of the Long March. Porter's career began in Washington, DC in 1992-1994 where he taught leadership workshops for high school students at the Close Up Foundation, a non-profit educational organization dedicated to hands-on education about the US democratic system. Porter received a B.A. in Political Science from Stanford University and an MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management. Additional studies include courses at the Beijing Language University, the New York Film Academy and the Culinary Institute of America. Crocodile in the Yangtze is Porter''s first film.

Click here for the official website and to view the trailer.Suggested Parking
Parking Structure D (PSD)
Enter at the Jefferson Boulevard Entrance at Royal Street (Entrance 4).
Parking Structure A (PSA)
Enter at the Vermont Avenue Entrance at 36th Place (Entrance 6).
Parking on campus is $10.
Mason Z.说:留言于2012-10-16 05:23:31(第25条)
Thank you so much for the information! I appreciate it! It is really delightful! Best regards,

FEI说:留言于2012-10-16 04:07:53(第24条)
费尔讷市长助选活动 亚太裔参与积极踊跃
Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science说:留言于2012-10-15 14:31:00(第23条)
Hi, friends, happy in Oct.

Xun-zhang SHEN, Professor
海南航空说:留言于2012-10-15 05:28:47(第22条)
以人性化服務品質著稱的「海南航空」為回饋旅客,近日特推出商務艙特價活動,即日起至12月31日之間,凡購買西雅圖至北京的商務艙來回機票,均享有特價優惠。「海航」商務艙的服務品質,長期以來,備受客戶青睞。客艙服務方面,「海航」在多條航線上推出舒適的商務艙座位,可讓旅客在雲端上使座椅平躺180度,享受輕度按摩;在客艙上並配有充電插座及個人娛樂系統,其觸控式銀幕囊括時下熱門影片、電視、音樂及視頻遊戲等100多個頻道。在餐飲提供上,「海航」並禮聘有20多年在五星級酒店總監,精心為旅客設計最佳最地道的中西佳餚,菜單按照不同季節變化,加上各式麵包、起士、甜點、果汁、咖啡、中西茗茶及20餘種中西名酒,期望旅客能充分享受到五星級「海南航空」的優質服務。在地面服務方面,「海航」商務艙的旅客可享用機場貴賓室的服務。此外,最貼心的是,搭乘從北京出發的商務艙旅客可享受「海航」提供的豪華賓士免費的機場接送服務。「海南航空」自1993 年投入營運以來,發展至今,國內外航線近500條,以擁有最廣泛的中外航線著稱。除了航線網的蓬勃發展外,「海航」在客服航班準時等表現上也屢屢獲獎,2012年7月,再度蟬聯SKYTRAX (全球著名的航空運輸研究權威認證機構)所頒發的「中國最佳航空公司」和「中國地區卓越服務獎」兩項大獎。「海南航空」目前由西雅圖飛往北京的航班是每周7班,10月29日起為每周一、三、五、六共4班。訂票可透過旅行社或電1-888-688-8813,亦可上網查詢,網址:www.hainanair.us。
美中職業發展暨經濟文化交流論壇籌说:留言于2012-10-15 05:24:00(第21条)
第四屆美中職業發展暨經濟文化交流論壇籌委會第二次預備會日前舉行。會議中決定,論壇將於10月19日至21日在休士頓市皇冠酒店(Crowne Plaza)舉行。20日下午舉行大型職業招聘會,將有美中各類公司參加招聘會,歡迎廣大留學生和各類有求職需求的朋友踴躍參加。目前論壇網上報名系統(http://www.ucecec.org/)已開通。本次論壇有兩個主題:一是「美國-中國經濟和文化交流」,二是「美中職業發展:人才發現和交流」。論壇中美國和中國官員及各大企業領袖,將探討美中經濟發展和文化教育交流課題,論壇邀請美中著名企業參加。本次論壇為各企業對人才的需求和廣大留學生求職願望,提供雙向交流平臺。活動地點皇冠酒店(Crowne Plaza Suites Houston Southwest)地址:9090 Southwest Freeway, Houston, TX, 77074 United States of America 1-866-599-6674。各美中企業和有需要參加本次聘會、索取活動詳細資料,請寫電郵至:careerhouston@gmail.com或電832-293-0914。
美東南玉山科技協會说:留言于2012-10-15 05:20:53(第20条)
國際佛光會北卡協會说:留言于2012-10-15 05:18:56(第19条)
國際佛光會北卡協會與北卡佛光山將於28日(周日)下午2時,邀請蘭州大學歷史系敦煌學博士覺旻法師至北卡佛光山主講「敦煌佛教藝術風華」。覺旻法師目前服務於佛光山德州中美寺,曾任佛光大學圖書館館長,畢業於台灣大學,後獲美國羅格斯大學(Rutgers University)圖書館學系碩士,並取得蘭州大學歷史文獻學系及敦煌學博士。她將以其專業敦煌學研究領域,介紹敦煌歷史、地理位置,並從敦煌石窟的形制(內部結構)、塑像、壁畫等,介紹有名的敦煌石窟藝術品。北卡佛光山地址為2529 Prince Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606,有關詳情可電(919)816-9866。

邁阿密廣東同鄉聯誼會说:留言于2012-10-15 05:17:29(第18条)
世界廣東同鄉聯誼會邁阿密分會將於10月20日周六晚間7時,在Sunny Isles Beach的北海茶寮餐廳舉行成立大會。另有餐聚、表演節目、抽獎以及跳舞等餘興節目。餐費每人25元,詳情可電 (305)974-0338。北海茶寮餐廳地址:16850 Collins Ave. Sunny Isles Beach,FL 33160。
佛州台灣廠商聯誼會说:留言于2012-10-15 05:15:22(第17条)
佛州台灣廠商聯誼會將於10月17日晚間6時30分,在佛州大東銀行舉行「遺產規劃與財產保護」演講,由該會理事徐雅芬會計師與張曄會計師聯合主講,主辦單位歡迎有興趣人士前往聆聽。兩位會計師將聯合為大家講解各種遺產稅相關的題目,如遺產稅的稅務申報、遺產稅的規劃、財產保護 及.針對已婚夫婦、退休金、年金、i各類保險、 成立多個公司等內容。活動費用為每人10元(含晚餐),有意參加活動者可於10月15日前電郵至info@floridataiwanbusiness.com。
華盛頓西北同鄉會说:留言于2012-10-15 05:12:17(第16条)
由西北同鄉會主辦、西北文藝社擔綱的「五彩西北」文藝晚會,將於本月20日(周六)晚間7時,在馬州洛克維爾猶太裔社區中心(JCC)演出,節目包括海外難得一見的秦腔及其他西北歌舞。西北同鄉會約三年前創建西北文藝社,這場晚會是慶祝西北同鄉會成立15周年的大手筆活動,該會希望透過「演西北戲,唱西北歌,跳西北舞」,讓鄉親朋友們享受最地道的「西北風」。演出由華盛頓中國音樂協會協辦,華盛頓敦煌箏樂坊亦將應邀參演。猶太裔社區中心地址為6125 Montrose Road, Rockville。票價每人十元,三歲以下兒童謝絕入場。購票可上網http://xibeitxhdc.com,或電(301)503-9916、(703)798-4497。

馬州蒙郡洛城圖書館中文讀書會说:留言于2012-10-15 05:06:40(第15条)
馬州蒙郡洛城圖書館中文讀書會將於16日(周二)晚7時至8時30分討論謝淑麗(Susan Shirk)作品「脆弱的強權-在中國崛起的背後」。作者謝淑麗曾於柯林頓總統任內擔任國務院亞太助理國務卿,為重要的中國問題專家。有興趣參加者,可逕至該館借書台借書。圖書館地址:21 Maryland Ave., Rockville。
馬州凱仁安老自助中心说:留言于2012-10-15 00:00:11(第14条)
凱仁安老自助中心將於本月20日上午11時,邀請孔憲鐸教授在馬州蒙郡提爾頓中學(Tilden MS)主講「一流教授辦一流大學」。孔憲鐸為香港科技大學和美國馬里蘭大學榮休教授,1991年夏,應聘出任香港科技大學理學院院長,2001年退休。孔憲鐸2004年考取中國北京大學,2009年獲北大心理學博士學位。公餘之暇及退休後潛心寫作,編著有農業生物技術方面英文參考書十餘本,中文著作有「背水一戰」、「真人直話」、「我的科大十年」及續集、「東西象牙塔」、「基因與人性」等十餘冊。詳情可聯絡電話(301)468-6127。

羅大孔子學院说:留言于2012-10-14 23:55:38(第13条)

「中華演藝精粹2012」時間為11月4日晚7時,地點在 Nicholas Music Center,地址:85 George Street, New Brunswick。免費入場,額滿即止。謝絕五歲以下兒童入場。「文學,歷史與思想的互動」研討會,時間為11月9日至11日,地點在:Rutgers University Inn & Conference Center,地址:178 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick。免費向公眾開放。聯絡電話:(848)932-2490,電郵 ciru@rci.rutgers.edu,網址:www.ciru.rutgers.edu。

l.w. Sir说:留言于2012-10-13 14:49:17(第12条)
嗨,你好! 网页打不开呀.

USC U.S.-China Institute说:留言于2012-10-13 05:04:17(第11条)
10/12/2012 (Today) Screening: Assignment: China - China Watching
The USC U.S.-China Institute will screen the new segment of "Assignment: China" focusing on the generation of American journalists who reported on China during a period of revolution, famine, and upheaval.
Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism
ASC 204
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Time: 4:00-5:30PM
Free, please click here to RSVP.

After Mao Zedong''s communists took power in China in 1949, American journalists were barred from the country. For more than two decades, until Richard Nixon''s historic trip to Beijing in 1972, the People''s Republic remained off-limits to the American press. During this period, as the country experienced revolution, famine, and upheaval, covering China was the job of "China-watchers." Operating primarily from the British colony of Hong Kong, an entire generation of journalists developed the Chinese equivalent of "Kremlinology"- looking for clues in official propaganda, interviewing refugees and defectors, swapping notes with diplomats and spooks - and in the process, producing a surprisingly accurate picture of China in turmoil. This episode of "Assignment: China" is their story.
USCI Senior Fellow Mike Chinoy serves as the lead reporter. Chinoy is widely known for his more than two decades of award-winning reporting from China for CNN. Craig Stubing, USCI Multimedia Editor, is responsible for the filming and editing of Assignment: China. USCI students handle the research and transcriptions. Assignment: China features interviews with journalists who were based in China and Hong Kong. It also includes interviews with scholars who have studied the work of these journalists and government officials who had to be mindful of how such reporting influenced public opinion and thereby affected their ability to make and implement policies.
This is a multi-part documentary film series produced by the U.S.-China Institute on the history of American reporters in China. Click here to view the other segments in the series.
Angel Care Student Assistance说:留言于2012-10-12 02:00:41(第10条)
【2012 HMTCF ~ Angel Care ~ Student Assistance Project 】 Application Procedure
A. Objective and History
In order to help students (who are studying in universities of H.K, . Macau or Taiwan ) from the needy families ( no matter Where they were from or born ) in the pursuit of knowledge and truth, Ms Angelique Yeh started these projects with the generous support of all other donors since 2007.
By providing financial assistance, we hope that students who benefited today will contribute to the society and create a better world in their future. There is a total of over 1360 students, children & patients from The Mainland of China, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore and Taiwan who received benefit fund.
B. Application period: between 8. AUG. 2012. ~ 8.NOV.2012.
C. Assistantship Amount : ( No matter where the students were from or born ~ )
Universities in Hong Kong : HKD 5,000 each; Universities in Macau : MOP 5,000 each
Universities in Taiwan : TWD 10,000 each ; University in The Mainland China: CNY 1,000 each.
D. Eligibility Criteria
Students come from low-income families or families with sudden adversities.
( brothers & sisters from the same needed family who is studying in university must apply as well )
E. Documentation for Application email : angel.care.student.assistance@gmail.com
Application forms with attached files must c.c. to school student affair officer & all teachers at the same time!
1. Student Assistantship application forms: (A) (B1) (B2) (C1) (C2)
2. A copy of the latest school transcript
3. Three pictures of the applicant which was taken with the teachers.
4. Three teachers’ recommendations from the institution which the applicant is studying in (First Year Freshmen can have one recommendation written from their previous school & two from the university they are studying in recommendation written from 5. Applicants will get an email " RECEIVED " notice within 20 days.
F. Result of " Most In Deed In Need " List:Dec. 28. The fund receivers will receive individual notice email from 28.Dec.2012. onward
G. Release of Assistantship
Each university and institution will release the assistantship to our selected students according to their own procedures in the second semester. (which included amount within our existing donated fund. )
Any enquiries please only contact us through email ! Thanks !
香港中文大学EMBA中文班说:留言于2012-10-12 01:54:17(第9条)
地 点 : 广州粤海喜来登(广州 天河区 天河路208号)
时 间 : 2:30pm - 5:00pm
电 话: (0755) 8692 0076 / (0755) 8692 0078
招生咨询 : (0755) 86920077
网 站:http://embachinese.baf.cuhk.edu.hk/~webcms/
J. Chen说:留言于2012-10-11 05:47:06(第8条)
I'm interested in this Shanghai visit and I would like to take part in your delegation.

Please get online registration done as soon as you may. Usually, if Pudong knows that you are the member of Scholars-Net, they may speed up the process. The only thing you have to be aware of is that the purpose of this event is: Looking for high ranking professionals back to Pudong and work there (especially in the finance fields); high quality projects.
If you may be well prepared in the above two, the chance of getting approved is great.

We are the officially authorized overseas-platform for both Shanghai and Pudong. They usually will pay more attention and take good consideration of our professors and professional member.

Your Net
爾灣加大亞洲研究中心说:留言于2012-10-11 02:49:11(第7条)
美國駐中國大使駱家輝將透過視訊會議參加29日(周一)在爾灣加大舉行的第六屆中美關係研討會。 研討會由爾灣加大亞洲研究中心主辦,除了由駱家輝以視訊會議報告最新中美關係發展之外,爾灣加大歷史系教授Jeffrey Wasserstrom也將到場發表專題演講:「1912到2012美國的中國夢與惡夢」。研討會時間下午5時至7時,地點在爾灣加大SBSG 1517,歡迎校內外人士參加。

ghh说:留言于2012-10-10 05:18:13(第6条)
Dear Colleagues:
Thanks for the announcements and articles posted. Again, I love broad contents with fair coverages.
Keep on the good works. Talk soon.
Joshua Li说:留言于2012-10-10 04:06:56(第5条)
Please try another computer. Sometimes it could be the setting problems.
M. Liu说:留言于2012-10-09 09:30:35(第4条)
Somehow your network has been stopped a couple of days. How can I send my article to you ? waiting for your words thanks.
Tony K T CHEN说:留言于2012-10-09 09:21:21(第3条)
Best wishes

Dr. Fu说:留言于2012-10-09 03:39:44(第2条)
YUGUI GUO说:留言于2012-10-09 03:36:35(第1条)

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