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2015/6/9 16:41:38 | 浏览:31326 | 评论:55

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net


(ISSN: 2372-9937)
主編: 姜镇英博士 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘博士 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅博士 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏博士 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云博士 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2015年 第20期 創刊第689期 5/29-6/9/2015
Table of content - 本期重要目录




Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements






  若因任何原因,您未能收到上期《即时通讯》(2015 No.19),请点击此处查阅

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2015 No.20)

Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4067]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4606]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4885]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4081]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4112]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4374]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4687]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5042]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4256]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5234]
:浙江财经大学国际青年学者论坛的邀请函 (10/31-11/1) :美国加大审查范围 北大多名美国留学生遭联邦调查局质询 :天安门广场喜迎“十一”花团锦簇的美丽景象 马亮:做院长就能够发更多论文?论文发表是不是一场“权力的游戏”? :印裔人才在美碾压华裔:我们可以从印度教育中学到什么? :北京452万人将从北京迁至雄安(附部分央企名单) :《2019全球肿瘤趋势报告》 :阿尔茨海默病预防与干预核心讯息图解
U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)说:留言于2015-07-20 21:43:06(第49条)
Recent Device Approvals: VENTANA ALK (D5F3) CDx Assay
The FDA has recently approved the VENTANA ALK (D5F3) CDx Assay to be marketed. This is a laboratory immunohistochemical (IHC) test that identifies whether the anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) protein is present in a non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) tissue sample. If the test result indicates that the ALK protein is present, then the patient with NSCLC may be eligible for treatment with the cancer drug Xalkori?? (crizotinib).
Xalkori is a drug used to treat patients with advanced (locally or metastatic) NSCLC who have ALK positive tumors. Xalkori selectively interferes with the ALK protein and stops cancer cell growth in NSCLC.
SC Wong说:留言于2015-07-09 18:48:42(第48条)
Very Interesting!! Insights in philosophy forwarded for your edification! - Brilliance in 3 parts
Part I:
A. Back off and let those men who want to marry men, marry men.
B. Allow those women who want to marry women, marry women.
C. Allow those folks who want to abort their babies, abort their babies.
D. In three generations, there will be no Democrats.

I love it when a plan comes together!

Part II: 10 Poorest Cities in America (How did it happen?)
City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level
1. Detroit , MI 32.5%
2. Buffalo , NY 29.9%
3. Cincinnati , OH 27.8%
4. Cleveland , OH 27.0%
5. Miami , FL 26.9%
5. St. Louis , MO 26.8%
7. El Paso , TX 26.4%
8. Milwaukee , WI 26.2%
9. Philadelphia , PA 25.1%
10. Newark , NJ 24.2%

What do the top ten cities (over 250,000) with the highest poverty rate all have in common?

Detroit, MI - (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961
Buffalo, NY - (2nd) hasn't elected one since 1954
Cincinnati, OH - (3rd) not since 1984
Cleveland, OH - (4th) not since 1989
Miami, FL - (5th) has never had a Republican mayor
St. Louis, MO - (6th) not since 1949
El Paso, TX - (7th) has never had a Republican mayor
Milwaukee, WI - (8th) not since 1908
Philadelphia, PA - (9th) not since 1952
Newark, NJ - (10th) not since 1907

Einstein once said, ''The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'' It is the poor who habitually elect Democrats....... Yet they are still POOR.

Part III:
"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people''s initiative and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves." - Abraham Lincoln

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government to take care of him had better take a closer look at the American Indian." - Henry Ford
Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason. - S. L. Clemens
-- Voting for Hillary Clinton is like buying a ticket on the Titanic, while already knowing it's outcome!
NKAA说:留言于2015-07-09 17:13:13(第47条)
亲爱的天大南开校友们,转眼间新的一年已至仲夏。度过了去年降雪量破历史纪录的漫长冬季,我们更应该play hard!来加入我们一年一度的波士顿天南大校友会联合烧烤吧~ 这将会是我们第三次夏季户外野餐烧烤活动,是老朋友叙旧,新朋友相识,促进交流的好机会。和往年一样,我们将为大家准备丰盛的食物和精彩的互动游戏(不信看这里)。更值得一提的是,今年我们还将在BBQ现场举办庆天大120年校庆联手画活动!无论你有没有绘画天份或艺术细胞,只要有一份祝福母校的心,那就一起加入我们吧(特别欢迎可爱的小盆友们)!让我们的祝福,漂洋过海,送回到北洋大学堂~ 真诚邀请大家和我们一起共度美好的一天!
地点:Arsenal Park, 485 Arsenal St, Watertown, MA 02472
费用:成年人:$20 (8月4日中午12:00pm EST之前付款优惠价) $28 (优惠价截止日期之后及活动当天付款)
青少年(5-12岁):$5 老年人(60岁以上):$5 幼儿(五岁以下):免费
1. 转帐时请选择friends/family选项以避免手续费;
2. 请注明转账人姓名和付费人数以便核对;
3. 转帐后请email活动负责人告知付费金额及人数。
优惠价截止日期:2015年8月4日星期二中午12:00 pm EST
1. Safety is your responsibility, event organizers will not be held liable for any personal injuries or property damages.
2. Bring your outing gears (sunblock lotion, swimming suits, fishing rods, folding chairs, balls, bikes, etc.) and games (chess, poker, Sanguosha etc.).
3. You might be denied park entry if you come late because the parking capacity is occasionally reached during summer.
4. No alcohol drinks or live music allowed in park.
天津大学: (315)395-0155 pipi.live5@gmail.com
南开大学: (617)818-4346 cmao2000@gmail.com
Cathay Bank说:留言于2015-07-09 17:07:48(第46条)
Thank you very much!

Chris Lu
Assistant Vice President, Marketing Officer
Phone: (626) 279-3837 Fax: (626) 279-3839
重庆市人才交流服务中心说:留言于2015-07-05 21:16:58(第45条)

网址:www.cqhrss.gov.cn www.cqrc.net;www.ccqjob.com
ChinaUSFriendship说:留言于2015-07-05 09:46:57(第44条)
Dear Friends,
Please click www.ChinaUSFriendship.com to read 1) “China and Democracy'' Debate with Minxin Pei and Eric Li” by Professor Minxin Pei and Eric Li; and 2) “The Legacy of President Obama” by Dr. Yung-Sheng Cha. In the Music Section, we have Shila Amzah - Let's sing kids - 《My heart will go on》: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFOVQ-BeqSg
and more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43-Sfdi4swA&feature=youtu.be
We thank you very much for your continued interest and support! If you do not want to receive this monthly publication reminder, please feel free to contact us.
American Red Cross说:留言于2015-07-04 16:08:46(第43条)
Red Cross Support 2015 Institute of Medicine Report Recommendations to Improve Cardiac Arrest Survival Rates. The American Red Cross fully supports a new report released June 30 from the Institute of Medicine on improving cardiac arrest survival rates in the United States. We will be collaborating with others in the resuscitation field and taking steps to enact several of the IOM's strategic recommendations: (http://iom.nationalacademies.org/Reports/2015/Strategies-to-Improve-Cardiac-Arrest-Survival.aspx?utm_medium=Email&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_campaign=PHSSIOMRecommendations)

To promote public education and training opportunities to reduce barriers to the provision of bystander CPR and defibrillation
To encourage training through employers, local public health departments, schools and community organizations
To encourage businesses to include cardiac arrest in their formal emergency response plans
To support state legislation to make CPR and AED training a graduation requirement for middle school and high school students
To develop national accreditation standards for hospitals and health care systems
To continue our support of the Emory University-based CARES program (Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival) that can serve as a national registry to track out-of-hospital cardiac arrests
To support the use of high-performance CPR within EMS systems through our new Basic Life Support course
It is part of the Red Cross mission to train people how to prepare for and respond to emergencies. With your help, we train more than two million people annually in First Aid, CPR and AED use. But there is more that can be done. To improve cardiac arrest outcomes, we must take action to strengthen the entire system of response to cardiac arrest. And with your assistance and support, we are prepared to do so. Related: To view the American Red Cross Press Release
Chinese Hometown说:留言于2015-07-04 15:30:59(第42条)
Waterfront, Petco 公园分办世界杯大屏幕收视球迷派对(图)
独立日来临 美国当局颁恐怖袭击警报
Big Bay Boom 焰火秀圣地亚哥湾上空表演(图)
愤青视频撼世界 本地愤青如是说(图频)
更新:动漫展开幕在即 租期续约两年(图)

San Diego Chinese Press
新华网思客讲堂说:留言于2015-07-03 15:04:46(第41条)
dz说:留言于2015-07-03 07:54:32(第40条)
C。 Wong说:留言于2015-07-02 12:54:04(第39条)
Never forget: Sanminzhuyi -- the Three Principles of the People (i.e. Nationalism, Democracy and the People's Liveihood; put forward by Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Three Principlesof the People(late 1890)
Does Taiwan ROC belongs to PRC China 一個中國政策 台灣真相 ~ Underatanding the "One China Policy"
湖北省科学技术协会说:留言于2015-07-02 12:51:12(第38条)
主办: 湖北省科学技术协会
周期: 旬刊 语种: 中文; 开本: 大16开
国际刊号ISSN: 1674-6813
国内刊号CN: 42-1795/N
《科教导刊》杂志社是湖北省科学技术协会主管、主办,面向国内外公开发行的优秀学术期刊。国内统一刊号:CN 42-1795/N、国际标准刊号:ISSN 1674-6813,邮发代号:38-290.
本刊为中国学术期刊网全文数据库(CNKI 中国知网)全文收录期刊 中国学术期刊(光盘版)全文收录期、万方数据数字化期刊群全文收录期刊、龙源期刊网全文收录期刊。
咨询信箱:kjdkwang@126.com 或 827384104@qq.com(点击邮箱直接回复咨询)
工作电话:027-59888196 13667131672 工作QQ:736489957
Journal of Special Operations Medicine说:留言于2015-07-02 12:38:05(第37条)
Clinician's Guide: Assisting Family Members Coping with Traumatic Brain Injury
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014) reports that in one year alone traumatic brain injuries (TBI) accounted for approximately 2.2 million emergency department visits, 280,000 hospitalizations, and 50,000 deaths. Those who survive a TBI may experience short- and long-term effects such as alterations in thinking, sensation, language, behavior and emotions, which affect the entire family. Family members are often at a loss to understand problematic behaviors and assist their loved one in daily routines and during times of stress.
For more information and registration details, please visit http://dcoe.mil/Training/Monthly_Webinars.aspx
qianshao说:留言于2015-06-28 08:42:54(第36条)
從賣豬仔到投資移民, 中國人的地位, 在海外尤其是美加的大城市有了長足的進步.不來洛杉磯,不知國人多牛皮。這次春遊主要是去迪斯尼和樂高樂園,但來到洛杉磯,不去華人最集中的山谷大道(VALLEY BLVD),似乎很不過癮,因為這裡有又便宜又地道的家鄉風味美食。從10號高速公路Atlantic Blvd段下到Valley blvd山谷大道,一直往東開到Temple City以東的Santa Anita Ave地段,這段大約六七英里長的山谷大道兩旁滿是中文招牌,彷彿這裡全是華人的天下山谷大道兩邊的很多廣場樓宇多為華人所擁有。聽洛杉磯當地的熟人說,走在山谷大道的人行道上,迎面遇到國人面孔的老頭或老太,說不定就是一位離休的部級幹部。見到著便裝度步的華人中年男,也許就是一個千萬億萬富翁。從豪華跑車裡下來的哥妹,那必定是富二代官二代。熟人說得似乎有些誇張,但街頭的餐館招牌到是口氣蠻大滴。你家的麵叫「皇上皇」,那我家的粉就是「粉之王」,大家不是「皇」就是「王」,一個比一個厲害。 整條山谷大道 ( Valley Blvard )上多是中餐館,究竟有多少不知,只曉得在這大道兩邊光是湖南辣味的餐館就不少於十家。就連華人的教堂也越來越氣派,國人的兩大愛好在洛杉磯也很有市場,熱絡到了要開辦學校來培養人材。
洛杉磯的華人真的很富很牛皮嗎,看看這山谷大道旁的移民招牌就明白一二了。美國最新的數據顯示,在每年發放的1萬個EB-5投資簽證中,因其他國家的用量不足,美國國務院允許中國超額使用EB-5投資簽證,結果,申請EB-5投資移民的中國人從2011年不到2500人,猛增到2013年的6985人,截至2014年9月的一年中,在獲得EB-5投資者簽證的近1.1萬人中,中國大陸的申請人便佔到了85%以上,而他們在過去2年內帶到美國的資金已經超過了100億美元。據說,近年來有成千上萬的中國富豪以投資的方式移居國外,攜帶和轉移的資金及資產就高達十幾萬億元人民幣(約合2萬多億美元) 。街頭到處都可見辦移民的牌子,美國公民及移民服務局(USCIS)4月7日宣布,2016財政年度的H-1B工作簽證申請滿額,從1日開放收件后短短五個工作日,6萬5000個常規名額和2萬個發給擁有美國碩士及以上學歷的名額,已全數用完今年移民署會收到20萬份左右的H1B申請。看來留美學生願意留在美國的人還真不少,不然街頭也不會有這麼多辦移民的開門做生意。在華人超市廣場或寫字樓前,豪華車隨處可見。紅色蘭博基尼跑車在Valley Blvd山谷大道上也常見。來山谷大道,一定要吃吃這裡價廉物美的家鄉風味美食。看看餐牌價格,再看看這菜的份量,真是價廉物美。還是洛杉磯的美食又好又便宜,感覺每樣菜都比三藩市便宜一半。牛肉麵只見牛肉不見麵。餛飩麵也是只見餛飩不見麵的影子。吃飽喝足便去迪斯尼樂園。
正身處千年盛世的中國人,在美國製造的奇異人文景觀越來越多。紐約的中央公園有成群中國大媽旁若無人跳廣場舞,擾人清淨,屢勸不聽,人們只好叫警察來把領頭的大媽拷走;華爾街的銅牛天天被中國遊客騎在背上拍照說是沾沾財氣,當局不得不用圍欄把銅牛與遊客隔開,連累其他國家的遊客也不能靠近。去年中國富人陳光標來紐約,說是要收購《紐約時報》,人家不賣給他,他就買下《紐約時報》整版廣告登自己和雷鋒的大幅照片,然後在紐約宴請美國窮人,還發鈔票,同時他竟然找來 一群華人男女,穿上紅軍的服裝,在餐廳外巡遊,展示了活脫脫的一個中國暴發戶來美國炫富的醜態。去年五月下旬,有一支多達7000人的中國旅遊團,分乘86個航班到達洛杉磯觀光和購物,包下29間酒店和100輛旅遊大巴。這7000中國富人忽然一個早上,全體集合在一間會堂前廣場,升中華人民共和國五星紅旗,高唱中國國歌《義勇軍進行曲》,便浩浩蕩蕩集體橫過馬路,把那條馬路阻斷了一個多小時。7000人同時做一般的動作,這是洛杉磯百多年來未曾有過的景象。繼早前在美國發跡的青年鋼琴家朗朗應邀到白宮演奏,卻彈了一首抗美援朝電影《上甘嶺》插曲「若是那豺狼來了迎接他的有獵槍」後,近日又有一位名叫王芳的春晚女歌手,應邀來舊金山華人選美會上做表演嘉賓,她放聲高唱抗美援朝電影《英雄兒女》裡與他同名的志願軍文工團員王芳唱的《英雄讚歌》:「人民戰士驅虎豹……」,使得與政治毫無關係的選美會場氣氛頓時尷尬起來。
This new phenomenon makes people wonder whether the theory of the American melting pot has changed to “Who’s Melting
Whom”! 誰在同化誰? 還很難說! However, here below are the newly developed notorious Chinese villages, cities and centers by the new immigrants.
Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California说:留言于2015-06-26 10:57:24(第35条)
Apply for Camp Blood Brothers and Sisters at the Painted Turtle Camp!! Apply for camp for children with bleeding disorders ages 6-16. Ages 17-18? Apply for the Leadership program at the Painted Turtle! Over 18? Apply to be a volunteer.
Siblings may apply to Sibling Camp August 13-17. Apply at www.thepaintedturtle.org or call the office for more information.
"Do or Not Do, There is no Try." Yoda
Do it! - 7th Annual NHF Walk
Join us for our STAR WARS themed 5K Walk! Dress up as your favorite STAR WARS Character. We'll have guests visiting us from "A Galaxy Far, Far, Away...."
Crescent Bay Park, Santa Monica Beach
9:30 AM -12:00 PM. SIGN UP TODAY!
HFSC 32nd Annual Golf and Tennis Tournament
La Cañada Country Club, La Canada, CA
October 19, 2015
HFSC Scholarship applications are due July 24!
Interested in helping to lead one of our newly forming Men's group, Women's group, Hispanic group, Programs Committee (events/fundraising), or Advocacy Committee?
Contact: info@hemosocal.org.

July 25-August 1, 2015
Give it up for our riders!
1. Matt Erdmann and Robert Friedman have completed their funding, help Tim Meier reach his goal! CLICK HERE
2. Join us for the one day ride from Dana Point to San Diego on August 1st!

Executive Director of HFSC: The Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California is seeking an Executive Director. This full-time, onsite position is for immediate hire and will be based in the organization's new headquarters in Pasadena, CA. Hemophilia Council of California (HCC) is seeking an Executive Director to help lead the organization's advocacy agenda. Currently this is a part time, exempt position with growth potential, based out of HCC's Sacramento office. If you have a position you would like to advertise, please email info@hemosocal.org with a description. If you would like to advertise in our summer paper newsletter, HemophiliAction, contact us at 323.525.0440
赵美心众议员办公室说:留言于2015-06-26 07:10:58(第34条)
Please save the date for my annual fundraising banquet: Monday, September 21st, 2015 at the Ocean Star Restaurant in Monterey Park. I truly hope you'll be able to join us! I am proud of my work over the past year, including working with President Obama to designate the San Gabriel Mountains as a national monument, advocating for comprehensive immigration reform and fighting for our small businesses. I'm also continuing to chair the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus and co-chair the Creative Rights Caucus, which fights for America's greatest exports, it's movies, television and music. Your support allows me to continue to be your voice on these issues and more. Please reserve your table or seats as soon possible by emailing Heather or Drew at rsvpforjudychu@gmail.com or calling 310-477-8081 to R.S.V.P. See you on September 21st!
In friendship,

You are cordially invited to the
Fundraising Banquet Supporting

Judy Chu
Member of Congress, 27th District
Monday, September 21, 2015
6:00 pm Reception * 7:00 pm Dinner
Ocean Star Restaurant,145 N. Atlantic Blvd.
Monterey Park, CA 91754

Sponsorship Levels
Double Platinum Sponsor: $10,000
Platinum Sponsor: $5,000
Diamond Sponsor: $3,500
Silver Sponsor: $2,700
Bronze Sponsor: $1,500
Individual: $150
Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 9th
Contact: 310-477-8081
Or email rsvpforjudychu@gmail.com
CINY说:留言于2015-06-25 22:36:43(第33条)
Make your child's summer a fun-filled experience by enrolling in the Children's Summer Program at China Institute. Designed and tailored for different age groups ranging from 3 to 14, the Children's Summer Program offers instruction of Chinese language and culture in an exciting and interactive environment to students of all proficiency levels. Language instruction is led by experienced Chinese language teachers and centers upon exciting themes designed to inspire learning, participation and engagement. Additionally, children will participate in various cultural activities, such as calligraphy, Chinese sports, theater, arts and crafts, storytelling, and cooking. Friday field trips to many of New York City's cultural institutions will give your child a chance to enjoy the summer sun. Enrollment is on a first-come first-serve basis. Materials and snacks are included.
June 29th - August 7 (Monday - Friday)
Session I: June 29 - July 10
Session II: July 13 - July 24
Session III: July 27 - August 7
(*Fridays are field trip days! We meet from 9am-12pm)
Enroll Today and Reserve Your Space!
Location: China Institute, 125 E 65th St. , New York, NY 10065
Contact: 212-744-8181, ext. 150 or tfang@chinainstitute.org
黑龙江省欧美同学会 联络部说:留言于2015-06-25 15:34:26(第32条)

黑龙江省欧美同学会 联络部

Renwen Society说:留言于2015-06-24 23:24:27(第31条)
The Teaching and Learning of Chinese Abroad in the Ming-Qing Period
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 PM
The Renwen Society is proud to present Prof. Meilan Zhang of Tsinghua University in China. Prof. Zhang will explore the teaching and the learning of the Chinese language outside of China during the Ming-Qing period. Issues discussed include the modes of teaching and learning, text materials used, and foreign institutions involved in conducting teaching.
This lecture will be held at China Institute, 125 East 65th St, New York, NY 10065.
bruce sun说:留言于2015-06-24 13:17:39(第30条)
icsshe说:留言于2015-06-24 11:23:59(第29条)
2015社会科学与高等教育国际学术会议将于2015年12月26-27日在美丽的三亚举办。会议旨在向国内外从事社会科学与教育的相关领域工作的专家学者、高校师生、科研人员等专业技术人员提供一个有深度、有广度的交流平台。会议文章需要全部英文撰写,会议收录的所有文章将全部保证ISTP-CPCI检索(因为学术道德问题不被检索的会务组不负责)。所有录用文章全部由Atlantis Press下期刊Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR) ISSN 2352-5398出版,刊物检索正常自己可查Web of Science. 论文选题不限,鼓励选题方向:社会科学,经济,高等教育,管理,艺术,其他: 宏观经济学;理论经济学;金融机构与市场;经济史;数量经济学;经济学理论;应用经济学;法律与经济学;经济学方法论;经济系统;国际经济学;金融经济学;公共经济学;自然资源经济学;货币经济学;企业管理和商务经济学;区域发展经济学;环境经济学;世界经济;文化与社会;社会与社会政策;城市化;农业现代化;国际事务;社会学;社会史;社会科学与创新;社会福利保障;成人教育;商业教育;教育发展的偶然因素;跨文化教育;跨学科教育;远程教育;教育政策与领导;教育管理;教育测量与评价;教育心理学;教育技术;平等的受教育机会;评估/绩效测量与评价;性别教育;全球教育体系;健康教育;高等教育;在全球背景下的国际教育;语言教育;自然科学教育;政策和教育;社会教育;特殊教育;教育和发展的相互关系;工程教育与培训;理论与工程教育实践;教育技术与管理;教育研究与发展;教育改革;教育质量保证;商业教学与教育;教育中的创新; 教育的其他领域
China Institute NY说:留言于2015-06-24 01:23:26(第28条)
Adult Language & Studio Classes (June 29th - August 6th)
China Institute offers a wide range of Chinese language classes at every proficiency level, from beginner to advanced. In the summer, we offer specially designed six-week intensive classes in addition to the regular classes. The year-round Private Tutoring has been designed to meet an individual's specific language needs.Our experienced instructors can bring private lessons to any location of your choice, and at the convenience of your schedule. In the Studio Program, we''''ll offer short courses of Calligraphy and Brush Painting on Fridays starting on July 10.

Not sure which level to register for?
Schedule an appointment for a quick 15 minute assessment! Please contact Tina Fang at
tfang@chinainstitute.org, call 212-744-8181, ext. 150, or submit your information through our contact form online. Enroll Today and Reserve Your Space!

China Institute, 125 E 65th St. New York, NY 10065
Contact: Tina Fang 212-744-8181, ext. 150
email: tfang@chinainstitute.org
ACCS说:留言于2015-06-22 15:11:56(第27条)
ACCS 10th Anniversary Business CEO Summit 美中企业家高峰论坛
188 Campus Dr Arcadia, CA 91007
Date: 01 Aug 2015 1:00 PM UTC-07:00
Keynote Speaker
China Consul General in L.A. Ambassador Liu Jian
Mayor of Los Angeles
Eric Garcetti (TBC)
VIP Speakers' List 演讲嘉宾介绍
1. Edmund G. Brown VIP Speaker, California Governor (TBC) 加州州长: http://gov.ca.gov/
2. Brian Peck Speaker, Deputy Director of International Affairs and Business Development at the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz)
加州州长办公室主任兼商务经济发展办公室国际事务与商务发展副主任: https://business.ca.gov/
3. Richard Swanson, Director, Pacific South Network U.S. Commercial Service U.S. Department of Commerce 美国商务部西南区主任: http://www.export.gov/california/irvine/
4. Ed Fuller
President and CEO of the Orange County Visitors Association and Former President & Managing Director of International Lodging, Marriott International
5. Dr. Zhihang Chi 池志航博士 Vice President and General Manager of Air China North America 中国国际航空公司副总裁暨北美区总经理: https://www.airchina.us/
6. Charles Ding 丁少华, Corporate Senior Vice President, Huawei 华为集团资深副总裁: http://www.huawei.com
7. Thomas M. Priselac, President and CEO, Cedars-Sinai Health System 美西最大私立医疗集团西达赛奈(Cedars-Sinai)总裁兼首席执行官: http://www.cedars-sinai.edu/
8. Sue Wong, Famous Fashion Designer, 著名服装,时尚设计师: www.suewong.com
9. Larry Namer, President/CEO, Metan, Metan 娱乐公司总裁/首席执行官: http://www.metanglobalentertainment.com/
10. Sean Luo Xiangyang 罗向阳 President of China Mobile (USA) Inc. 中国移动美国公司总裁: http://www.chinamobile.com/
11. Wei Tongwei 魏同伟 General Secretary of Auto Repair Parts Committee, China Automotive Maintenance and Repair Trade Association 中国汽车维修行业协会,汽车维修配件工作委员会秘书长: http://www.camra-arpc.org.cn/
12. Henry Cisneros, Founder & Chairman, City View. City View地产投资管理公司创办人兼董事局主席, 10th secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in the administration of President Bill Clinton, Advisory Board Member of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: www.cityview.com
13. Jinhua Shen 沈锦华 President of Focus Technology Co., Ltd. 焦点科技股份有限公司创始人,现任公司董事长兼总经理: http://www.focuschina.com/
14. David Grant or Werner Escher, Shareholder and General Manager of South Coast Plaza, Executive Director of Domestic & International Markets 南海岸购物商场股东兼总经理: www.southcoastplaza.com
15. Andy Cohen, Co-CEO of Gensler, Gensler 建筑设计公司总裁: www.gensler.com
16. Stephen Cheung, President of World Trade Center - Los Angeles 洛杉矶世贸中心总裁: http://laedc.org/wtc/
17. Lessing Gold, Partner, MSK LLP & Co-Chair of World Trade Committee, World Trade Center Los Angeles, LAEDC, MSK 法律事务所合伙人兼洛杉矶经济发展局世贸中心世贸委员会共同主席: http://laedc.org/wtc/
18. Michael Gordon 高腾, Chairman and CEO of USAChina Investments Group 美中投资集团董事局主席暨首席执行官: www.usachinainvestments.com
19. Ifei Zhang 张伊琲, CEO & President at Greenland US Holding Companies上海绿地集团美国控股公司董事局主席兼总裁: http://www.ldjt.com.cn/En/Default.aspx
20. Dr. Henry Zou: President of Henry Group 亨瑞集团总裁 http://www.visa800.com/
21. Stella K. Li, President of BYD Motors Inc. Senior Vice President of BYD Company Limited 比亚迪汽车公司总裁: http://www.byd.com/
22. Michael Mohammed, CEO at Chronic Tacos Enterprises, Inc. Chronic 塔可餐饮连锁集团总裁: http://eatchronictacos.com/

More information please contact us: (626) 716-1665 or sendan33@gmail.com
ChineseHometown说:留言于2015-06-22 14:45:00(第26条)
圣地亚哥华人 端午节 父亲节(图)
庆端午气氛热烈 起大火北郡告急(图频)
南加海岸到处现小龙虾 目前又见怪异生物(图)
U.S. Food & Drug Administration说:留言于2015-06-22 14:40:36(第25条)
Recent Device Approvals: Misago Peripheral Stent System
The FDA has recently approved the Misago Peripheral Stent System to be marketed. The Misago Peripheral Stent System is used to re-open narrowed regions of an artery that supplies blood to the leg. It consists of two components, the stent and the delivery system. The stent is a small tube made of a nickel and titanium alloy (nitinol). It is mounted within the delivery catheter; a long, thin, tube-like device used to deliver the stent into the artery.

Recent Device Approvals: Superion InterSpinous Spacer
The FDA recently approved the Superion InterSpinous Spacer to be marketed. This is a small H-shaped implant that is designed to reduce symptoms of moderate degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis. The device fits between two adjacent bones (spinous processes) in the lower back. This limits movement (extension) at the level where the device is placed. The Superion Spacer is made of titanium alloy.

Recent Device Approvals: Radiesse Injectable Implant
The FDA recently approved the Radiesse Injectable Implant to be marketed. The Radiesse Injectable Implant (Radiesse) is a white, sterile, injectable implant. Radiesse is a dermal filler that can increase volume in the back of the hand to reduce the appearance of veins and tendons due to volume loss. Radiesse consists of synthetic calcium hydroxylapatite particles suspended in a gel containing sterile water, glycerin and sodium carboxymethylcellulose.
洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心说:留言于2015-06-20 21:48:59(第24条)

僑委會訂於104年9月14日至18日辦理「2015年(秋季)僑商連鎖加盟創業觀摩團」,以落實輔導華僑經濟事業發展,鼓勵僑胞回國交流商機,並配合「2015年臺北國際連鎖加盟大展-秋季展」,邀請有意創業展業及了解國內連鎖加盟業現況之海外僑胞藉由本活動增進相關專業知能,以期擴大海內外連鎖加盟商機,並利媒合臺灣優質連鎖企業至海外展業。該活動預計招收36名學員,報名截止日期為104年7月27日;有意報名者請洽 洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心: (626-443-9999 分機142)。

洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心说:留言于2015-06-20 21:46:27(第23条)


洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心 敬上

洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心说:留言于2015-06-20 00:59:15(第22条)


洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心敬上 104.6.17
Boston Nankai Alumni Association说:留言于2015-06-20 00:56:05(第21条)
《海外南开人》94期 NANKAI OVERSEAS 94th
Ourenglish.org/ 我们的英语网站
三阳开泰喜相逢 物在春台日在东
所欲随心能自至 天和人合万缘通


China Institute in America说:留言于2015-06-19 00:14:34(第20条)
Lecture - The Teaching and Learning of Chinese Abroad in the Ming-Qing Period
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 PM
The Renwen Society is proud to present Prof. Meilan Zhang of Tsinghua University in China. Prof. Zhang will explore the teaching and the learning of the Chinese language outside of China during the Ming-Qing period. Issues discussed include the modes of teaching and learning, text materials used, and foreign institutions involved in conducting teaching.
This lecture will be held at China Institute, 125 East 65th St, New York, NY 10065.

Savio Chan
President and Chief Executive Officer of US China Partners Inc.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Book Signing: China's Super Consumers: What 1 Billion Customers Want and How to Sell it to Them.
China Institute is pleased to present an evening with Mr. Savio Chan, a pre-eminent expert on doing business in China. He serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of US China Partners Inc., a consulting and advisory firm specializing in Market Entry, Strategic Sourcing and Marketing Development in China for U.S. companies.
JSOM ABCs说:留言于2015-06-16 10:37:45(第19条)
WEBINAR: Assessing and Reducing Violence in Military Veterans
June 25, 2015; 1-2:30 p.m. (ET)
Research shows that up to one-third of military service members and veterans report engaging in violence or aggression toward others, highlighting the need to improve violence risk assessment. Health care providers have a unique opportunity to identify, treat and refer patients who may be at high risk. The discussion will review the complex link between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and violent behavior in the military population, particularly when combined with alcohol misuse.

The session will also address important non-PTSD risk factors and protective factors associated with reduced risk of violence. The presenter will outline a systematic, structured process for assessing and reducing violence risk in clinical practice. For more information and registration details, please visit http://dcoe.mil/Training/Monthly_Webinars.aspx

Special Operations Summit and Warfighter Expo
June 22-24, 2015
Fort Bragg, NC
IDGA is proud to present the Special Operations Summit and Warfighter Expo taking place, for the first time, on Fort Bragg, NC, home of Army Special Operations. Since the War on Terror began over a decade ago, the need for Special Operations Forces has grown dramatically. This is primarily due to the asymmetric warfare that terrorist organizations are waging against US and NATO forces. With new terrorist factions emerging and creating new threats, SOF requirements continue to evolve and be reevaluated. Working together with our partner nations, Special Operations Forces are leading the way as they protect our soldiers, citizens, allies, and freedom.

Special Operations Summit and Warfighter Exhibition 2015 will bring together Special Operations leaders and stakeholders within the US Army Special Operations community to identify the current and future needs of the Army Special Operations Command. This is essential in order to successfully combat the current and future threats facing the United States and its allies. Join more than 250 fellow Special Operations professionals from over 80 different organizations to discuss and identify opportunities to strengthen local, regional, and global trust through interagency and partner cooperation. For more information regarding Special Operations Summit & Warfighter Expo, visit our website: www.specialoperationssummit.com
CIAM.edu说:留言于2015-06-15 23:39:11(第18条)
Thank you! Keep in touch. Best, Penny
FDA说:留言于2015-06-15 23:31:52(第17条)
Recent Device Approvals: Dexcom G4 PLATINUM (Pediatric) Continuous Glucose Monitoring System
The FDA has recently approved the Dexcom G4 PLATINUM (Pediatric) Continuous Glucose Monitoring System to be marketed. The system is an externally-worn glucose sensor that continuously measures and displays glucose values. In addition to reporting glucose values every 5 minutes, the system reports trending information in real-time for up to seven days (the life of each sensor). This supplement updates the software in the pediatric version that calculates the glucose values from the sensor signal. The updated software has improved the accuracy of the system, primarily for glucose values less than or equal to 70 mg/dL. This allowed for the removal of performance warnings from the device receiver and labeling.
Chinese Hometown说:留言于2015-06-15 23:28:22(第16条)
San Diego Chinese Press ‎近期报道:
悼念“东方之星” 本地华人创作朗诵诗歌(音频)
海滩布满了小龙虾 厄尔尼诺现象?(图频)
更新:Scripps Ranch 案凶手现身从蒂华纳
童心飞扬 快乐起航—育才中文学校2015学前班毕业典礼
热飓风Blanca已抵墨下加州 距本地20余哩
上海千人计划创业园说:留言于2015-06-15 22:48:48(第15条)
会议时间:2015年6月17日下午14:30-17:30 晚宴 17:30-18:30
主办单位:上海千人计划创业园 上海光明孵化基地
对符合创业园政策条件的中央千人计划人才或者相应高水平海外领军人才,在奉贤区购买自住商品房的,给予一次性货币补贴,补贴金额由区人才激励政策工作领导小组实行“一事一议”讨论决定。 对在创业园工作,没有享受人才购房优惠政策的人才,按其技术职称、学历等层级分别给予300元、500元、800元三个档次的租房补贴。
阿Q说:留言于2015-06-15 00:18:13(第14条)
我这里给你们说明一个伪协会”国际华人科技企业协会“,其实就是一个没有任何注册非法的以蒿坤岳(FRANK HAO)自己谋利、无任何公共服务性质的伪协会组织。其中所谓自封会长蒿坤岳(FRANK HAO)本人就是一个无留学背景,无专业技术技能,无专业工作经历,还假冒加州伯克利大学经济学博士在留学生和政府之间靠欺骗会费钱财谋生的海外高龄(已经65岁以上)盲流人员。该人员在1989年“64“期间在美国积极反中国政府,填写发表反中国政府声明的三无一假冒还有一反动的冒牌无业人员。


Boston Nankai Alumni Association说:留言于2015-06-15 00:00:05(第13条)
1 时间与地点:
Along Charles River Near Harvard (Boston Side) 集合。由于现场没有明确地标,地点请参照附件地图。
2 全天安排:
8:10 我们的第一场比赛开始
5:00 颁奖
3 观战:
4 停车:

ACCS说:留言于2015-06-14 23:39:24(第12条)
ACCS Commercial Real Estate Investment Mixer - New Trend
9680 Flair Drive El Monte, CA 91731
Date: 09 Jul 2015 6:30 PM UTC-07:00
Presenter: Howard Ting, SVP of YK America
Pls Contact:
Tel: 909-973-0917
Email: Jessicaaccs@gmail.com
CHINA INSTITUTE说:留言于2015-06-13 23:31:32(第11条)
China Institute is pleased to introduce the Gourmet Circle, a new dining program that brings together food-lovers to explore the fascinating regions of China. Culinary experts at venues around New York City will guide you through delicious and adventurous dinners, beginning with our June 16th evening featuring the cuisine of Shanghai. Gourmet Circle offers an exclusive opportunity for those with an interest in Chinese food to come together and experience an insider''''s appreciation of the regional diversity. Please join us!
Gourmet Cuisine Circle
Hosted by Michael Tong, Owner, Shun Lee West
Tuesday, June 16, 7:00 PM (Champagne will be served)
Location: Shun Lee West | 43 W 65th St. | New York, NY 10023
Contact: 212-744-8181, ext. 117 or by email at bechard@chinainstitute.org
hunsdyc说:留言于2015-06-13 22:47:19(第10条)
华中师范大学说:留言于2015-06-13 22:36:14(第9条)
为延揽海外优秀人才, 华中师范大学现已启动实施"高端人才引智计划"、"青年双百计划"(青年拔尖人才支持计划、青年英才支持计划)等人才支持计划,重点引进一批海外高层次拔尖人才和青年学者。学校拟定于2015年6月下旬在美国举办两场人才招聘会、在加拿大举办一场人才恳谈会。学校领导、人事部门及相关学院负责人和专家将参加面谈。现就有关招聘事宜公告如下。

电话:0086-27-87813050-2191 传真:0086-27-87811262
V. Yeh说:留言于2015-06-13 21:56:34(第8条)
Thanks very much!
Victor Yeh

杭州市富阳区说:留言于2015-06-13 21:53:22(第7条)
一、 时间、地点
三、 议程
環球通訊社说:留言于2015-06-12 15:35:39(第6条)
上文的参考視頻:臺海記憶 宋美龄抗戰中訪美求援
RCAO说:留言于2015-06-12 14:55:01(第5条)
地点:汉天卫视 演播厅 911 Canada Court, City of industry, CA 91748
Boston-NKAA说:留言于2015-06-12 14:39:41(第4条)
波士顿南开校友会和天大校友会联合组建了北洋南开龙舟队,参加今年第36届6月13日和14日波士顿龙舟赛,本周六上午预赛,周日决赛。首先感谢各位南开龙舟队员挺身而出,抽出宝贵时间积极训练,展现南开人的精神风貌。南开校友企业(NovaBioAssays; Chemtek; CellMosaic)也慷慨解囊,赞助我们北洋南开龙舟队。热烈欢迎大家呼朋唤友,带领家人或小孩参加这次中国文化盛会,为北洋南开龙舟队加油助威。我们到时有南开校友会的旗子和帐篷,需要几位志愿者帮助搭建帐篷及购买水和饮料,感兴趣的请填写此表(周五前):https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1f6dXCC846mQS6ZOEjNIChyywqH4V1WkKdk1rRphpi2E/viewform?c=0&w=1

Boston Nankai Alumni Association nankaiboston@gmail.com

China Institute in America说:留言于2015-06-10 23:14:19(第3条)
Make your child's summer a fun-filled experience by enrolling in the Children's Summer Program at China Institute. Designed and tailored for different age groups ranging from 3 to 14, the Children's Summer Program offers instruction of Chinese language and culture in an exciting and interactive environment to students of all proficiency levels. Language instruction is led by experienced Chinese language teachers and centers upon exciting themes designed to inspire learning, participation and engagement. Additionally, children will participate in various cultural activities, such as calligraphy, Chinese sports, theater, arts and crafts, storytelling, and cooking. Friday field trips to many of New York City's cultural institutions will give your child a chance to enjoy the summer sun. Enrollment is on a first-come first-serve basis. Materials and snacks are included.
June 29th - August 7 (Monday - Friday)
Session I: June 29 - July 10
Session II: July 13 - July 24
Session III: July 27 - August 7
(*Fridays are field trip days! We meet from 9am-12pm)
Enroll Today and Reserve Your Space!
Location: China Institute | 125 E 65th St. | New York, NY 10065
Contact: 212-744-8181, ext. 150 or by email at tfang@chinainstitute.org
FDA说:留言于2015-06-10 22:50:37(第2条)
Recent Device Approvals: cobas KRAS Mutation Test
The FDA has recently approved the cobas KRAS Mutation Test, an automated molecular assay designed to detect the presence of mutations in the KRAS gene in colorectal cancer (CRC) tumor tissue. In normal tissue, the KRAS protein helps start or stop cell growth; mutations in the KRAS protein disrupt this regulated process.

Erbitux (cetuximab) and Vectibix (panitumumab) are cancer medicines used to treat patients with CRC that starts in the colon or rectum and spreads to other parts of the body. Mutations in the KRAS protein likely block the beneficial effect of Erbitux or Vectibix. If the cobas KRAS Mutation Test shows that a mutation is present in the CRC tumor tissue, then treatment with Erbitux or Vectibix is not recommended for the patient. If the cobas KRAS Mutation Test does not detect a mutation, then the patient may be eligible for treatment with Erbitux or Vectibix. For more information, please see: http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/ProductsandMedicalProcedures/DeviceApprovalsandClearances/Recently-ApprovedDevices/ucm447256.htm

Recent Device Approvals: MAMMOMAT Inspiration with Tomosynthesis
The FDA has also approved the MAMMOMAT Inspiration with Tomosynthesis to be marketed. MAMMOMAT Inspiration with Tomosynthesis Option is a mammography device that produces 2D digital images as well as multiple cross-sectional images of the breast for the screening and diagnosis of breast cancer. For more information, please see: http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/ProductsandMedicalProcedures/DeviceApprovalsandClearances/Recently-ApprovedDevices/ucm447240.htm
Renwen Society说:留言于2015-06-10 22:46:17(第1条)
Set for the Show: A Pre-Performance Renwen Lecture on Zhang Huoding, Reigning Queen of Beijing Opera
Saturday, June 13, 2015 l 2:00-4:00 PM
The Renwen Society is proud to present a pre-performance lecture on the artistry of Mme. The lecture will be given by the eminent Beijing Opera and Kunqu scholar and specialist, Ben Wang.
This lecture will be held at China Institute, 125 East 65th St, New York, NY 10065.
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