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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网关于我们即时通讯
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2011/5/10 18:01:07 | 浏览:19846 | 评论:35

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
网站: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
杨鸣 ming.s.yang@gmail.com
Ming Yang
2011年 第13期 創刊第532期 5/4-5/10/2011
Table of content - 本期重要目录




Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements





UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2011 No.13)

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4120]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4680]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4947]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4147]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4186]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4443]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4759]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5107]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4306]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5284]
:陈文玲: 必须推动中美关系回到正确轨道 Colleen Flaherty 翻译 刘勤:MIT教授发文《美国经济评论》 :生命科学受益于明星科学家们的死亡 :北京和上海金融人的最新鄙视链 :日本政府《氢能利用进度表》 :美国《2016-2045年新兴科技趋势报告》 :天津工业大学“经纬英才”引进计划 :浙江财经大学国际青年学者论坛的邀请函 (10/31-11/1) :美国加大审查范围 北大多名美国留学生遭联邦调查局质询
Ugrmhknt说:留言于2014-02-15 09:00:51(第35条)
Kids Reading to Succeed (KRS) uses reading as an educational platform to empower at-risk youth in Los Angeles by developing reading comprehension skills, imparting a love of books, and encouraging youth to succeed and rise above the challenges of their environment.
Kids age 5-13 will practice reading aloud to volunteers and will also take part in special activities each month. Our theme for March is “Spring”, we need your support to inspire kids reuse recycle materials and create something fun for their gardens.
Saturday: Mar, 1st 2014 8:30 AM - 11:00AM

Jackson Elementary School
593 W. Woodbury Road
Altadena, CA 91001

Yanvnnid说:留言于2014-02-05 06:53:45(第34条)

Nmusiiol说:留言于2014-01-29 13:48:31(第33条)
Vuhhmbwn说:留言于2014-01-27 17:29:28(第32条)
Angelique Yeh说:留言于2011-05-18 06:55:02(第31条)
Dearest Friend : How are You ?
You & your families are all invited for Angel Care Gathering Party
Time : 5:00 pm ~ 9:00 pm on
Sat. 25. June 2011.
Venue : 3701 Bamboo Grove, 74 Kennedy Rd. Wanchai H.K. (guest car park)
Fee : HK$ 100 for adults & HK$ 50 for students & children
all income would be donated to HMTCF ( 911612 ~ 2004 ) for supporting HMTCF ~ Angel Care ~ Students Assistantship Projects in H.K. , Macau , Singapore , Taiwan & The Mainland China ~ since 2007.

Angelique Yeh 852-61028108
Live simply ! Speak kindly ! Care deeply ! & Love generously !
( Open Kitchen ~ Welcome you to bring a plate ! )
台灣國父紀念館说:留言于2011-05-18 02:42:37(第30条)
台灣國父紀念館與華視文教基金會共同主辦的「2011金赫獎國際盃美術書畫大賽」活動,開始收件,主辦單位歡迎僑胞及國際友人參加。 初審參賽報名表件收件時間至31日止,郵戳為憑,作品請寄金赫獎國際盃美術書畫大賽活動小組,地址:100台北市中正區臨沂街25巷16號1樓。 活動辦法、報名方式及送件表格,可至國父紀念館及華視文教基金會網址查閱:http://www.yatsen.gov.tw 或 www.e-artTV.com。
旅美科技協會華府分會说:留言于2011-05-18 02:39:05(第29条)
旅美科技協會華府分會、旅美科技協網絡信息學會日前召開理事會聯席會議,決定於6月11日假世界銀行華府總部舉行「美中綠色發展論壇」。 宗旨定為「伸出您的手讓大地變得更綠,讓藍天變得更清澈,讓我們的世界變得更美麗」的本次論壇,將邀請美中兩國政府、聯合國高級官員出席報告綠色政策,該領域專家學者也將就綠色能源、環境保護及可持續發展等議題,進行分組討論。

論壇當天活動將設四個分會場,上午9時30分至下午12時30分是「環境、氣候以及低碳發展戰略」及「新能源及能源的有效利用」兩個分會場平行進行;下午1時30分至4時30分是「綠色IT和綠色政務」、「中美氣候圓桌會議與綠色金融」兩分會場。 主辦單位歡迎對綠色科技、綠色能源、環境保護感興趣者參與。詳情可上網網http://www.castdc.org/green2011/Welcome.html。
紐約華美協進社说:留言于2011-05-18 02:06:29(第28条)
紐約華美協進社暨人文學會特請中國大陸著名學者、中國小說學會秘書長江冰教授,於22日下午2時到4時在華美協進社演講,主題為「80後90後,中國大陸新一代的青春文化與青春文學」,向美國華人文化界介紹中國大陸當今盛行的一些文化文學現象和作家作品。講座對外開放,華美協進社地址在曼哈坦中城東65街125號,位於公園大道(Park Ave.)和勒辛頓大道(Lexington Ave.)之間。報名及查詢詳情可電(212)744-8181或(646)338-4472。

Syz说:留言于2011-05-17 23:32:03(第27条)
祝 幸福 健康 长寿! Syz
Liang Chiang说:留言于2011-05-17 23:11:59(第26条)
Michael说:留言于2011-05-17 23:11:12(第25条)
Thank you again.

VICTOR YEH说:留言于2011-05-17 22:59:02(第24条)
Music beautifies a complete life even to a young 11 year old. Please listen to her second last play "Yankee Doodle" in this 24 minutes and 44 seconds show.
An 11 years old musician. On TED. About Sirena Huang Sirena Huang started taking violin lessons at age 4 and made her professional solo debut at 9 with the Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. She has won top prizes in numerous international competitions,… Full bio and more links
Sirena Huang (瑟蓮娜‧黃)
在美國康乃狄克州 (Connecticut) 長大,瑟蓮娜四歲時開始學習小提琴演奏,自從在臺灣管絃樂團初次亮相後,便以其過人的音樂才華打進國際名人榜,更在2006年以一個年僅十一歲的小女孩身分,接受了來自TED這個以科技、娛樂、創新思維為主的工業大本營的邀請,前往發表演說與表演。

嗨!大家好,我是塞麗娜。 我11歲,來自康乃狄克洲。
其實我不太知道我為什麼要來這裡 (笑聲) 我是說,我不知道小提琴到底和科技,娛樂或設計有甚麼關係? 好吧,我把我的iPod,手機和電腦叫做是科技 可是這和我的小提琴又沒有關係
所以我做了一點小研究 以下是我的發現♪♪ 當然 我希望我還記得內容 小提琴基本上是由一個木箱子 以及四根弦所製成的 當你拉了弦,弦就產生震動 而製造了聲波 聲音通過一片稱為琴馬的木板然後通到下面的木箱子而共鳴 但是...讓我想一下 (笑聲)
好。另一方面 當你將手指按壓在琴指板上不同的位置時 就改變了琴弦的長度 也就改變了聲波的頻率 我的天啊! (笑聲)
好了,這就是小提琴所謂的科技面 但我要稱它為16世紀的(舊)科技 事實上,最讓我著迷的是 我發現整個小提琴發聲系統 和現今的聲波傳導 兩者基本上遵循著相同的原理 來產生與反射聲音 這不是太酷了嗎? (笑聲)
設計面 - 我愛死了小提琴的設計了 我記得還小的時候 我媽問我 你想要學小提琴還是鋼琴? 我看了一眼那台巨大的怪物 然後告訴我自己 我才不要將我自己鎖死在那張鋼琴椅上一整天 這把小提琴又小又輕 我站著、坐著或走著都可以拉它♪ 而且你知道嗎? 最好的是,如果我不想練習 我還可以將它藏起來
小提琴真的很漂亮 有人將它的形狀聯想為女人的身型 但無論你喜不喜歡它 它也已經以那形狀存在超過400年 不像那些現代的東西很容易就退流行了 而且我覺得小提琴非常具有個別性與獨特性 即使每把小提琴看起來都很像 卻沒有任何兩把小提琴聲音是一樣的 即便是同一個人製造 或屬於同一個型號
娛樂 - 我喜歡娛樂 但老實說,這個樂器本身 並不是很讓人樂在其中 我是說,當我第一次拿到我的小提琴 並試著要彈奏時 實際上是非常糟的 因為完全不像我聽到其他小孩彈的那樣 我拉出很恐怖又沙沙作響的聲音 所以對我來說當時可一點都不娛樂喔 除此之外,我弟弟倒是發現這樣很有趣 丫!丫!丫!
數年後我聽到一個笑話 是關於最偉大的小提琴家,傑書瓦‧海菲茲 在某次海菲茲先生的演奏會後 有一位女士前來讚美他 喔!海菲茲先生,今晚你的小提琴音色真是太棒了 海菲茲先生是位非常酷的人 所以他拿起他的小提琴然後說 好奇怪喔,我沒有聽到任何聲音啊
現在我才體認身為一個音樂家® 身為人類,憑著偉大的心智♪ 藝術家的心與技巧 可以讓這個16世紀的科技 以及如此傳奇的設計 變成一個美妙的娛樂 喔,我現在知道我為什麼在這裡了♪
一開始我以為我只是要來這裡演奏 但是沒料到的是,我學習並享受到的更多 但是...雖然有些東西比我想的還要深奧 (笑聲) 比如說多相度(維度)的東西 我是說,老實說,我已經夠滿足了 如果我能搞定學校裡關於平面的課題
實際上最讓我感動的是 是....實際上是 我也想要代表我們所有的小孩™ 對所有的大人說聲感謝 感謝你們這麼照顧我們 並讓我們未來的世界變的更好 謝謝
Xilin Chinese Academy说:留言于2011-05-17 04:33:26(第23条)
In the previous Xilin Chinese Academy Newsletter, the opening date for Summer Weekend School was stated as June 6. The correct date should be June 4, the Saturday (Wednesday class starts on June 1).
We are sorry for the inconvenience and please take note of the correct date for the Summer Weekend School, 2011.
Please visit xilin.org to check summer schedules, class descriptions, and complete online registration.

Xilin Chinese Weekend School

Min Mey Chang说:留言于2011-05-16 12:35:11(第22条)
Enjoy, it's absolutely fascinating to watch!

希林亚裔社区中心中文学校说:留言于2011-05-16 02:58:13(第21条)
公开教学 - 希林《中文》集中识字教学法

如有问题请联系中文学校校长 贺晓明 mhe3456@yahoo.com
希林艺术中心说:留言于2011-05-16 02:54:51(第20条)
公开招生活动于5月21日,星期六,下午6:30 -8:30 在希林亚裔中心训练厅举行。监考老师,杨强。所有对舞蹈有兴趣并有一定舞蹈基础的人士都可以前来应征。
年龄: 9 - up (儿童及成人)女士和男士有一定舞蹈基础
1 准备一段两分钟以内的舞蹈片段
2 舞蹈模仿
3 即兴舞

NECINA说:留言于2011-05-15 12:12:33(第19条)
The Catalysts Role of NECINA in the Era of Global Innovation
Time: 8:30 am- 1:00pm, June 11th, 2011
Venue: Radisson Hotel Chelmsford, 10 Independence Drive, Chelmsford MA 01824 Tel: (978) 256-0800
Cost: Free to NECINA members and VIP guests, $15 non-members
Online Registration required: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=219998
China's R&D spending is climbing up to be the number two in the world. What are the main drivers of technological innovation in China? What are the key features of China's "national system of innovation?" What are the chief "promotion" mechanisms? How can NECINA members play the key role to involve in China''s big 12-5 technology plan? How do we ride on the wave of economic shift in China and its increasingly visible strategic strength in today's world economy?

In this conference, you will get valuable information from the high ranking government representatives of People's Republic of China, and academic professor from Harvard University. You will also witness the transition of new leadership team in NECINA and hear the new operation plan. Let us connect you, and help you shine in the new era of global innovation!
8:30-9:15 am Breakfast and Registration
9:15-9:30 am Open Remark by Dr. Daryl Luk, NECINA Board member
9:30-10:30 am Keynote Speech: "The Vision of Innovation in China: a Government's Perspective" by Zhongying Mao, Science and Technology Counselor at the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China
10:30-11:00 am Speech: "Global Trend of Translational Technologies and the Strategic Position of China" by Winston P. Kuo, Director of Harvard Catalyst Laboratory for Innovative and Translational Technologies
11:00 -11:15am Coffee Break
11:15-11:30am Summary of Achievement for the Past Year, by Jenny Chen, Current President, NECINA
11:30-11:45am Operational Plan for the Coming Year, by Sean Shen, President Elected, NECINA
11:45-12:00pm Officer Awards
12:00-1:00pm Lunch and networking
About Speakers:
Mr. Zhongying Mao, Science and Technology Counselor at the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in New York.

Winston P. Kuo, DDS, DMSc
Dr. Winston Kuo is currently the director of the Harvard Catalyst Laboratory for Innovative Translational Technologies. In 2007, Dr. Kuo established the Laboratory for Innovative Translational Technologies (LITT) at HSDM to provide the Harvard research community with early access to enabling leading-edge genomic and proteomic technologies, which is now an integral part of the Harvard Catalyst clinical and translational science center.
Phil Corrigan说:留言于2011-05-15 00:22:29(第18条)
Just verified this with Snoopes and it is REAL. ALSO WENT TO TRUTH OR FICTION, IT'S on their site also..
1.) Emails with pictures of Osama Bin-Laden hanged are being sent and the moment that you open these emails your computer will crash and you will not be able to fix it!
If you get an e-mail along the lines of ''Osama Bin Laden Captured'' or ''Osama Hanged'', don't open the Attachment!!!!
This e-mail is being distributed through countries around the globe, but mainly in the US and Israel. Be considerate & send this warning to whomever you know.
2.) You should be alert during the next few days
Do not open any message with an attached file called ''Invitation'' regardless of who sent it.
It is a virus that opens an Olympic Torch which ''burns'' the whole hard disc C of your computer!!!!
This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list, that is why you should send this E-mail to all your contacts.
It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it.
If you receive an e-mail called ''invitation'', even though sent by a friend. Do not open it!!!
This is the worst virus announced by CNN, it has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever.
This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus..
This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where other vital information is kept.
yehvic说:留言于2011-05-14 09:10:07(第17条)


洛杉磯華人單身基督徒聯誼會说:留言于2011-05-14 06:09:37(第16条)
時間:5月21日2011年 週六下午 12:45 PM ~ 4:30 PM 地點:福恩靈糧堂 1201 Dorothy Ln., Fullerton, CA, 92834 (co-located at Morningside Presbyterian Church, parking lot 對面的building) 報名者希望是重生受洗敬畏神的在職基督徒,並想在1-2年内成家的弟兄姐妹。報名對象主要是以來自大陸、台灣、香港等地在美留學工作生活的大齡適齡的華人基督徒弟兄姐妹為主。 年齡:26-45+ 歲 〈姐妹26歲以上,弟兄28歲以上〉 報名费:$5 〈活動將供應一些簡單飲料點心,不供應午餐。〉 報名截止日期為:5月18日 週四 報名者請盡可能提供如下信息

姓名 Full Name * [ ]
性別 Gender *
• ( ) 女 Female
• ( ) 男 Male
電子信箱 Email Address * [ ]
電話 Phone Number (format: 000-000-0000) [ ]
年龄 Age (e.g. 35 or a range like 26-30; 31-35; 36-40; 41-45; 46+) [ ]
籍貫/出生地 Birthplace [ ]
婚姻狀態 Marital Status
• ( ) 未婚 Never married
• ( ) 離婚 Been divorced
學歷 Education [ ]
職業 Career [ ]
所在城市 City of residence [ ]
來美年數 Number of years in U.S. [ ]
信主年數 Number of years as a Christian [ ]
參加教會 Church you normally attend [ ]
興趣愛好 Hobbies
服事方向 Church services/ministries
對未來配偶的期待 Expectations to your future spouse
對未來家庭的期待 Expectations to your future family

Kevin liu pastorkevinliu@yahoo.com
Wei yahu2012@yahoo.com
CATHY & Peter说:留言于2011-05-14 04:00:07(第15条)
1. Please advise your relative who does not have access to internet/e-mail.

2. My house the Microwave is broken and Pete does not want me to buy a new one. Now I''m using the steam cookware and the Iron Bowl ( iron bowl contains meals and set inside the Tseng-Long, use the gas stove to boil the water, to warm up the food; it takes about 3-5 minutes, depends on quantity or kind of foods).

I have only two iron bowls in my house and they were for dog''s food. Now dog is gone and we then use it for our foods. Every time I make joke with Pete "see, you are following Max, use his bowl". Funny is, he does not mind to use them, says it''s better then to use a microwave!

p.s. later I found the steam cookware is slower then the reqular cookware. Now I put iron bowl directly in a tall pot, the bowl is surounded by the water, the water is abount 1/3 heights of the bowl; next I use two peices of short bamboo chop stickets to set on top of the bottom bowl for another bowl. If there is third bowl, can use the same way to let the third bowl to sit on top of the middle bowl, if the cookware is higher enough. It only take about less then 5 minutes, each bowl is ready for eat at the same time.
Jimmy Liao FW说:留言于2011-05-14 03:57:34(第14条)
一、 防治癌症,抑制癌細胞生長
二、 防治肝臟病、腎臟病、胰臟病、胃潰瘍。
三、 防治非典型肺炎、心臟病、高血壓。
四、 恢復體力,增強體質,提高免疫和自癒能力。
五、 恢復眼睛疲勝,消除眼睛乾燥,令雙眼亮麗。
六、 治癒腰痛、肩膀痛、膝痛。
七、 排除體內毒素,美容顏潤皮膚、治肥胖。
八、 根治便秘,痔瘡,根治口臭、胃酸、減低月經痛。
材料:新鮮馬鈴薯(即薯仔)、紅蘿蔔、蘋果各一個。每個各重約 一百五 十 克 至 二百克 。
注意:馬鈴薯發芽處要切除,以免中毒。 新鮮果汁宜清晨空腹飲用。
必須天天飲用不間斷,輕症三週見效。重症 三個月見效。

全美中醫學會说:留言于2011-05-14 02:33:27(第13条)

欲知詳細報名方法請電(301)530-5590詢問,或電郵ncam2001@gmail.com,研討會時間是5月22日(周日)上午8時至下午6時,地點是Park Bethesda Residential Lounge (5325 Westbard Avenue,Bethesda, MD)。
大華府地區太極研究學社说:留言于2011-05-14 02:31:09(第12条)
太極夏令營 歡迎報名

今年的夏令營將自6月4日起至7月30日,每周六上午9時至12時假蒙郡伍頓高中(2100 Wootton Parkway Rockville)上課,獨立紀念日周末7月 2日停課一次,共八周。活動內容包括:團體太極養生操;分組上課;各級太極短、長拳、劍、推手;太極拳雙練、太極拳單項練習、太極拳論、及太極養生操進階等。

報名費八周計35 元,主要用於租借場地及第八周的結業午餐。詳情可瀏覽網站http:// www.itcadc.org,或聯絡 Hyeon Kim,電話(301)468-0349,亦可於上課時直接到校址報名參加。

僑務委員會说:留言于2011-05-14 02:21:11(第11条)


台灣行政院經建會说:留言于2011-05-14 02:16:50(第10条)
招商說明大會地點:The Westin St.Frncis旅館,地址,335 Powell St.,San Francisco,Tower Salon A。電話,415-397-7000 。


有意報名參加企業團體及投資人請直接上網登記註冊報名(網址:www.citievents.com/Metron/forms/2011TaiwanInvest_SFO.form),或向經建會接洽聯繫(Theresa Hu, theresa@cepd.gov.tw。電話,886-2-2316-5976,或Ken Tseng,tseng0210@cepd.gov.tw。電話,886-2-2316-5974)。

NECINA说:留言于2011-05-14 01:22:16(第9条)
NECINA's current fiscal year will end on June 30, 2011. Along with the end of the fiscal year, the term of office for four members of NECINA''s board of directors will expire on June 30, 2011. According to NECINA''s by-laws, two of the three opening seats will be elected by NECINA's members. A person has to have paid the 2011 membership fee in order to vote and/or to nominate a candidate for the board election

Accordingly, NECINA is now seeking nominations for candidates to fill TWO (2) board vacancies, each for a three-year term starting on July 1, 2011. A candidate must be a NECINA member in good standing. A candidate also must provide a written petition signed by 10 or more NECINA members. From among the eligible candidates, two directors will be elected at NECINA's upcoming annual meeting on June 11, 2011. Only members who have paid their membership dues for the fiscal year 2010-2011 will be eligible to vote at the annual meeting.

If you are unsure of your membership status, you can find out whether you are currently registered as a member by emailing membership@necina.org. If you wish to nominate a member as a board candidate, please send email to membership@necina.org and we will send you the nomination form. You must then gather the signatures of at least 10 NECINA members using the form and submit (1) the signed petition and (2) a short biography (not to exceed half a page) of the candidate to NECINA's legal counsel, Karen K. Chan, by fax (617-261-3215) or email (karen.chan@klgates.com) no later than May 27, 2011. We look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting.

New England Chinese Information and Networking Association
web: http://www.necina.org
Yong Li说:留言于2011-05-13 08:47:27(第8条)
Thanks so much.

伦景光说:留言于2011-05-13 00:08:18(第7条)
I have another e-mail address: jglun@yahoo.com

Best regards

Asian American Professional Association说:留言于2011-05-13 00:00:46(第6条)
Dear Friends & Colleagues,

Attached please find an announcement and registration information for AAPA''''s Executives Forum - Views from the Top: Defining and Sharing Success . The event will be held on Wednesday, June 8, 2011, 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm at Edison''''s Headquarter, Employee Lounge, Rosemead. Please see attachment for details.

The Executive Forum brings together over 200 business leaders, professionals and academics to discuss the breakthrough perspectives and strategies that carve out executive success. It takes forward thinking, a well developed network, and proven strategies and frameworks to engineer success and demonstrate your worth. The Executive Forum is designed to inspire and empower business and professional leaders. It provides a platform to build networks, create ideas and share knowledge.

The event is FREE. Dinner will be provided. Seating is limited.
Pre-registration is required for attendance.

To RSVP, visit http://www.aapamentoring.com/rsvpjune8

For additional information, contact Daphne Ng, Executive Director of AAPA at daphne.ng@sce.com.


Daphne Ng
Executive Director
Asian American Professional Association
Southern California Edison
2131 Walnut Grove Avenue, Rosemead, CA 91770
Tel.: (626)302-1885 Fax: (626)302-9043
Kenneth Yoon Sang Yap说:留言于2011-05-12 10:40:08(第5条)
早上好 这是一个很好的平台
祝你们交流得益双赢 顺颂商祺

澳大利亚 叶润生 拜上

Aus mob:+614 1818 1133
Blackberry:+614 4818 1133
China mob:+86 138 2324 1833
Skype address: YAPPKEBA3
CCDC说:留言于2011-05-12 07:29:47(第4条)

Lan Shu, Director
Chinese Culture Development Center (CCDC)
The China Press
Add:2121 W Mission Road, STE308, Alhambra, CA91803
Tel: 626-281-8500 Ext 140 Fax: 626-281-7700
Senator Carol Liu说:留言于2011-05-12 06:29:21(第3条)
Hosted by: Senator Carol Liu
in Collaboration with Los Angeles Universal Preschool (LAUP) and APIsCAN
Senator Carol Liu cordially invites you to an important community meeting for AAPI community leaders and preschool advocates to examine ways in which we can ensure that every AAPI child has access to preschool in California.

Saturday, May 14, 2011 1:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.
Pico House,El Pueblo de Los Angeles,424 North Main Street,Los Angeles, 90012

Pico House, El Pueblo,424 North Main Street, Los Angeles 90012
Saturday, May 14th, 2011 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm

I. Welcoming Remarks
a. Senator Carol Liu
II. Panel Introductions
a. Adam Sonensheim, LAUP
b. Diane Ujiiye, APIsCAN
c. Dr. Janet Oh, Department of Psychology at CSU Northridge; Consultant to APIsCAN
III. Panel Discussion
IV. Q & A with Audience

To RSVP or for more information, please email Casey Lo at Casey.Lo@sen.ca.gov or call (818) 409-0400.
American Life Inc说:留言于2011-05-12 01:44:09(第2条)
EB-5速辦綠卡 市長和議員背書支持 洛市發展項目尋求中國投資者
即將在洛杉磯市中心興建的兩家全新22層樓Marriott大酒店,看中了EB-5的商機與中國強大的購買力,將赴中國尋求EB-5投資者。負責該項目管理的美國生活有限公司(American Life Inc.,)希望此舉能帶動洛杉磯市的經濟復甦,同時為有意在美國投資的中國商人提供一個合法取得美國綠卡的捷徑。

Marriott大酒店興建的計劃地點位於洛市中心Olympic Blvd大街與Francisco Street交口的西北角,占地30萬平方呎,樓高22層,兩座Marriott大酒店共有377套客房。洛杉磯市市長維拉艾構沙和洛市第9選區市議員Jan Perry已經為該項目背書支持。整個項目投資為1.18億元,項目資金將由美國投資者與EB-5簽證持有者合資,交由美國生活有限公司管理。


南加州佛教界聯合慶祝2011佛誕節大會说:留言于2011-05-12 01:38:15(第1条)
南加州佛教界將於5月15在南艾爾蒙提市的Whittier Narrows Regional Park 舉行「2011聯合慶祝佛誕節大會」,歡迎各界人士踴躍參與盛會。當天除安排莊嚴隆重的行佛、獻供、浴佛儀式,也設計主題展及佛教文物展,透過現代電腦科技與精緻的紀錄片,呈現南加地區佛教的蓬勃發展現況。同時應各界要求,再度舉辦園遊會,五十多個各式攤位,將供應各種素食酥陀妙味、及佛教文物書籍結緣品等,讓參與民眾的身心都獲得充分的滋養。法會結束後,也將舉辦第十屆「菩提媽媽表揚」大會,這些由各道場推薦,精進學佛、護持佛教不遺餘力的媽媽們將上台接受殊榮。

當天的其他活動還有中西醫療義診服務,包括肺功能、血脂肪、血糖檢測,以及眼科、膽固醇、B 型肝炎、老人痴呆、骨質疏鬆等。表演節目包括:少林武術大展、洛杉磯太鼓、泰國傳統歌舞、法鼓山美國護法會 LA分會帶動唱、民俗表演以及新出爐「人間音緣」歌唱比賽冠軍的獻唱。此次大會由法光寺、法印寺及佛光山西來寺聯合主辦,國際佛光會洛杉磯協會承辦,協辦與參與單位包括:法身寺、南加州學佛聯誼會、戒光禪寺、雪峰精舍、佛教慈濟基金會、洛杉磯明月居士林、妙覺寺、延壽寺、普陀山觀音菩薩寺、洛杉磯淨宗學會、觀音禪寺等近三十個南北傳、顯密單位代表。活動免費停車、免費入場,詳情請電(626)923-5188。活動地點是 Whittier Narrows Regional Park, S. El Monte (60 FWY Rosemead 出口)。
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