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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网关于我们即时通讯
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2011/10/11 18:08:23 | 浏览:33344 | 评论:61

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
网站: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
杨鸣 ming.s.yang@gmail.com
Ming Yang
2011年 第31期 創刊第550期 10/3-10/11/2011
Table of content - 本期重要目录


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements





UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2011 No.31)

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4067]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4609]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4887]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4083]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4117]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4375]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4689]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5042]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4256]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5235]
:北京452万人将从北京迁至雄安(附部分央企名单) :《2019全球肿瘤趋势报告》 :阿尔茨海默病预防与干预核心讯息图解 :引力波天文台或有助搜寻暗物质粒子 :Sail Through the Mist - SoCal Innovation Forum 2019(10/5) 游天龙:《唐人街》是如何炼成的:UCLA社会学教授周敏的学术之路 :“为什么海外华人那么爱国,但是让他回国却不愿意?...“ :学术出版巨头Elsevier 彻查433名审稿人“强迫引用”黑幕
john说:留言于2014-03-22 19:55:37(第58条)
Dear Professor Zhenying Jiang,

This is Emma Yu, the program coordinator of BIT's 1st Emerging Industry Forum (EIF-2014). Until now we have released partial speakers’ info on the conference website, for more details regarding the conference program, please link to http://www.bitcongress.com/eif2014/program1.asp.
As you are the expert in the field of Transmission technology ..., we are sincerely inviting you to deliver a speech at Forum 6: Energy-saving Environmental Protection Industry. And we would be appreciated if you may reply to me at your earliest convenience.
List of Potential Speakers
Ms. Tamara Fridman, CEO, Vanasyl LLC, USA
Dr. Ahmed Tafesh, VP New Business Development & CTO, TransBiodiesel Ltd., Israel
Dr. John Lee, VP, The Silicon Valley Chinese American Computer & Commerce Association, USA
Dr. Xufei Wu, President, W&Y Environmental International Inc., Canada
Dr. Xiaolin Lu, R&D Manager, Texas Instruments, USA
Mr. Bruce Hamilton, President, Smart Grid Network Inc., USA
Dr. David Jian Tang, Chief Tech Officer, Smart Line Systems Inc., USA
Dr. Ellen Stechel, Professor, Arizona State University, USA
Dr. Mian Hong Wu, Professor, Derby University, UK
Dr. Jim P. Zheng, Professor, Florida State University & Florida A&M University, USA
For more information regarding EIF-2014, please visit our conference website at http://www.bitcongress.com/eif2014/.
We are looking forward to your active support and participation.

Contacts: Organizing Commission of EIF-2014
East Area, F11, Building 1, Dalian Ascendas IT Park, 1 Hui Xian Yuan, Dalian Hi-tech Industrial Zone, LN 116025, China
Tel: 0086-411-84799609-814
E-mail: eif@giecongress.com
john说:留言于2013-07-14 03:14:29(第57条)
horny说:留言于2013-07-09 18:48:01(第56条)
紐約法拉盛多元化教育中心说:留言于2011-10-20 06:45:37(第55条)
講座地點-法拉盛華僑文教中心:133-32 41 Road, 地下室,Flushing,預約電話:718-321-7393,地址:136-21 Roosevelt Ave.#306, Flushing,中文班報名專線:646-464-3886。
Becky Esparza说:留言于2011-10-20 06:25:40(第54条)
Thank you.

Shuo Wang说:留言于2011-10-20 02:58:50(第53条)
Thanks a lot, Dr. Ai!
ICSPAH说:留言于2011-10-20 02:05:46(第52条)
Dear ICSPAH member and friends,

Please see the following info. Many of our members are AAHPERD RC fellows. Anyone who current is not RC fellow but fit the criteria (see attached file) could actively seeking nomination. RC fellowship is a mark for career development, also provide avenues for professional services.

Thank you for your attention,

Li Li
President, ICSPAH

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carol Kramer
Date: Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 8:37 AM
Subject: Fellows Reminder
And a last call for nominees…
If you know AAHPERD members who have been actively engaged in presenting their research with the RC, and may be worthy of nomination to Fellow status, please review the nomination criteria at: http://www.aahperd.org/rc/programs/fellow.cfm. As RC staff, we are more than willing to check membership status and recent RC participation activity for members you may be interested in nominating.

Carol Ann Kramer
Research Consortium Program Assistant
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Steven Ly - Mayor, City of Rosemead说:留言于2011-10-20 01:55:48(第51条)
Dear Friends,

It's that time of year again. I know I have gone to you, my friends, many times and have asked for your help in making Rosemead into "Today's Small Town America". I am asking again because without your help I will be unable to continue the work I am committed to, work that will build Rosemead for the future.

On Wednesday, December 7th, I will be hosting a birthday fundraiser for my campaign and I am honored to be partnered with business and community leaders. Helping me as my Birthday Fundraising Chairs are:

• Ed Chen (Director of Government Affairs, Athens Services)
• Daniel Deng (Managing Partner, Law Offices of Daniel Deng)
• William “Minh” Duong (President, Minh Development and Management)
• Leon Garcia (President, Southwest Consulting Group)
• Tom Wu (Owner/Operator, Holiday Inn Express – Rosemead)

Three years ago, I was outspent four to one in my campaign; I promised never to be that weak ever again. This is why my team has agreed to help me meet my fundraising target of $100,000. I know it may seem like a lot of money but with a campaign is only a year away. In order for us to reach our target, I need people to help me by sponsoring either $2,500 Gold or $1,000 Silver tables of ten.

I am proud of my record as a Councilmember and as the current Mayor. As a Councilmember, I have worked with my colleagues to rebuild our two pools; reduce crime by one-third; beautify the entrances of the city; and bring quality developments like the UFC Gym, Fresh and Easy, and the selling of the Glendon Inn.

I hope I can count on your support one more time by helping me put together a table because without you, I will not have the resources to continue my passion of building Rosemead’s future.


Steven Ly
Mayor, City of Rosemead
布朗大學说:留言于2011-10-19 06:37:52(第50条)
移民講座 免費聽講
布朗大學人類教育專家李瑾將於10月23日(周日)下午2時至3時30分,假劍橋圖書館(4 9 Broadway St., Cambridge, MA)Whale Room 主持「華裔移民兒:成長中的挑戰」講座。李瑾對來自中國的移民兒童和歐洲利移民兒童在學校的表現有近20年的研究,對不同文化如何塑造孩子的信仰與成功有深刻分析。活動免費公開,預訂座位可電(617)349-4409。
Chang说:留言于2011-10-19 00:44:31(第49条)


《三藩不老情》从30岁开始夫妻分离,远隔重洋,几度淼无音信。他们却彼此等候着,一直等候了30年,直到60岁终于相见。夫妻分离时,丈夫给妻子留下了5个孩子;夫妻团 圆时,妻子给丈夫带来了27口人!是什麽力量支撑着这一对恋人,创造了这个令人难以置信的爱情传奇?郑果夫妇在本片中给出了令人信服的答桉。
he说:留言于2011-10-19 00:15:22(第48条)
Thanks very much! You are doing a great favor for all of us. I will be in touch

San Diego Chinese Press说:留言于2011-10-18 11:41:29(第47条)
Fei Lu
Harvard China Night 2011说:留言于2011-10-18 10:53:52(第46条)
October 19 (Wed), 2011, Burden Auditorium, Harvard Business School, 7:30 -10:00 PM
Modern China's New Century & Its Role in an Uncertain World
Featuring keynote speakers:
Professor Lawrence H. Summers
Charles W. Eliot University Professor
President Emeritus of Harvard University
Former Director of the National Economic Council
Former Treasury Secretary of the United States

Professor Keping Yu(俞可平)
Deputy Director of the Compilation and Translation Bureau of CCP Central Committee
New World Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School
Also Having FUN with Chinese Art Performances
Seats are limited, please register online now!
Early Birds: $5/person by October 17
Normal Price: $10/person after October 17

Register and pay here:
Greater Boston Fudan Alumni Association说:留言于2011-10-18 10:52:00(第45条)
MIT/GBFAA 特别讲座:十字路口的中国经济

MIT CSSA and Greater Boston Fudan Alumni Association (GBFAA) are pleased to co-host a special seminar on Oct 20th at MIT. Our speaker is Prof. Ming Lu
from Dept of Economics, Fudan University.
Prof. Lu has been a visiting scholar at Harvard University and he is specialized in Chinese Economy and would like to share his view on the issues of China economy.

Time: Oct 20th (Thursday), 7pm-9pm
Location: MIT (4-163 room)
Topic: Chinese Economy on Crossroad
Speaker: Prof. Ming Lu, Dept of Economics, Fudan University (see the
attached Chinese bio)
Language: Mandarin


Greater Boston Fudan Alumni Association
The Greatness of Panjiva and Ruby说:留言于2011-10-18 10:49:07(第44条)
The Greatness of Panjiva and Ruby

Date and time: Thursday, Nov. 10, 2011, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Venue: IBM Innovation Center, 404 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02454
Cost: Free for NECINA members and guests, $15 for general public

Seats are limited, online registration required. Please RSVP at:

Jim Psota is a serial entrepreneur and co-founder and CTO of Panjiva. Panjiva''''s technology consists of both advanced machine learning and natural language processing algorithms, and large scale web applications and data visualizations -- and heavily relies on the Ruby programming language. This talk will give an overview of Panjiva, and how Ruby has helped to enabled its initial success.

6:30-7:00 Pizza and networking
7:00-8:00 Jim Psota, Co-founder of Panjiva, Inc
8:00-8:30 Q&A
8:30-9:00 Networking

Speaker bio:
James Psota
Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer
James is a veteran entrepreneur and is responsible for Panjiva''''s technical direction and product development. James worked for Intel Research, where he incorporated artificial intelligence techniques into his computer architecture work. James also conducted artificial intelligence research at Caltech and is published in the field of computer science. While serving as Panjiva''''s technology lead, James is pursuing a doctoral work in large-scale parallel computer architectures in the Computer Science Department at MIT. James was recently a featured speaker at a Barclays Capital conference in New York and an Entrepreneurship conference at Microsoft. James holds a B.S., summa cum laude, in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Cornell University and an S.M. in Computer Science from MIT.

Company bio:
Panjiva is the leading intelligence platform for global trade professionals. With detailed information on 1.5 million companies that do business across borders, Panjiva is the go-to source for information for global trade professionals who want to find, evaluate, and connect with companies in other countries. Panjiva is backed by Battery Ventures and receives over a million unique visitors each month.

Event Contact:
Pei Qi (Pei.Qi@NECINA.org)
Hongmin Fan (Hongmin.Fan@NECINA.org)
Mingsheng Hong (Mingsheng.Hong@NECINA.org)
NECINA说:留言于2011-10-18 10:42:51(第43条)
NECINA dinner mixer on the evening of Tuesday October 25th. Only for Members!

Dear NECINA members,

NECINA is organizing a monthly dinner gathering for entrepreneurs and business professionals to exchange ideas and stay connected. We believe the best business relationships start from casual conversations. Whether you are thinking about starting a business, growing a business, looking for a new job or simply expanding your network, it is a perfect place to know new people.
Come join us for this unique mixer designed to bring you the ultimate networking experience! Mix and mingle with like minded people, make valuable business connections and build relationships!

Discussion Topic of this event: Business opportunity of mobile big data analysis
Special Guest: Tao Wu, Senior Architect of Nokia.
Time 6:30 - 8:30 PM, October 25th
Location: Yangtze River Restaurant Lexington MA
RSVP: ningke@gmail.com

Regardless of whether you have attended the Big Data conference, we would appreciate that your filling out the form to help us improve NECINA's operations. While it is optional for you to leave your contact method, you choose to do so (we will keep the information confidential), we will draw 3 winners among you for free 2012 NECINA memberships.

Please use the following URL to fill out the suvey: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dEh3dkdGM1FObGNaZFVMUEZsMllXY0E6MQ.

As a new initiative of NECINA, we will start a "Entrepreneur Club" . The members of the club are founders, co-founders or CEOs of technology companies.

The mission of the club:
• provide an environment for the entrepreneurs to do social and networking, share their successful experience and lessons learned in their business adventures.
• leverage NECINA resources to connect the club members to more senior and successful entrepreneurs and VC firms, seeking mentors, advices and business opportunities.
The first meeting is on Staurday 10/22. NECINA Honored Chairman of the Board, successful serial entrepreneur Cheng Wu will come to have a round-table discussion with the members.

If you are a technology business founder and interested in joining the club, please fill the survey form https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dHBYQWx5Y2tUME5famE1ajg1WDdFb2c6MQ, and send email to Harry Gao at harry@gnwlaser.com. Qualified applicants will be contact for detailed information of the first meeting.

Betty说:留言于2011-10-18 08:11:02(第42条)
How time flies that it has been three years since I graduated from USC. Glad that I am still with The Scholar Network, get to know updated information from the other side of the ocean.

PAROS 浦东新区归国留学人员联合会说:留言于2011-10-18 07:35:57(第41条)
PAROS 浦东新区归国留学人员联合会 
* 招聘信息
报名回复至:service@paros.cn 021-50800359-8003 翁小姐 

主题沙龙 | Evening Talk 事物渊源之西方视角
- 时  间:2011年10月20日(周四)18时 (18:00参与嘉宾相互认识、交流;18:30主题沙龙正式开始) 
- 地  点:忆叶情咖啡吧时尚俱乐部 (松涛路563号张江海外创新园B座,近春晓路)
主讲人介绍:牛旭林(Rock Niu)自由翻译。对中西哲学、科技与文化有浓厚兴趣;愿与各位交流,古为今用、洋为中用,探求和谐发展与创新之路。

会员活动: 金秋十月•湖州之旅

联合会近期活动: 1.2011张江-清华中国创业者训练营

招聘: 招聘单位 上海瑞康投资管理有限公司
招聘职位 1、美国医院联络专员 1人   2、远程会诊技术专员 1人
详情请见 http://www.paros.cn/upload/ruikang01.doc
联系方式 中英文简历及六个月内免冠照片Email至:djj@paros.cn,董小姐

网络支持: www.innovation-sh.com

传  真:021-50800439
网  址:www.paros.cn www.expofriends.cn
ygsunshine说:留言于2011-10-17 15:39:14(第40条)
Thank you for forwarding the information to me! Let me know if you need help / volunteer, I'd like to join more activities when I have time. I am available most of weekends. Best regards,
Grace Y.
休士頓中華文化服務中心说:留言于2011-10-17 12:27:08(第39条)
中華文化服務中心主辦免費的「看護者培訓課程」高級班,11月12日(周六) 在文化中心開班。這項免費培訓課程有:年長者心理問題、生前信託、遺產管理、醫療授權書、療養院監察員介紹,及年長者常見的疾病與預防。 文化中心特別邀請到美國專業諮詢師李譚雅芳、律師林志豪、、醫師汪家成等黃金陣容講師,是一場精采的課程。上課時還開放發問時間,機會難得。這項課程免費培訓,上完課者並發給上課證明。 招生對象為60歲以上的年長者或家中有年長親友需要有人照顧者。這項計畫由哈瑞斯縣老人事務總署(Area Agency on Aging) 贊助,名額有限,請早報名。報名周一至周五上班時間洽文化中心120室。電話 :713-271-6100轉106。

美東南區中華學人協會说:留言于2011-10-17 12:21:11(第38条)
美東南區中華學人協會將於23日(周日)下午2時至4時,在亞特蘭大華僑文教服務中心舉行中華學人協會會員團聚,該會邀請新舊會員聚會閒話家常。 為方便統計人數及準備點心,該會請有興趣參加的人士於19日(周三)前以電子郵件報名:fredchiou@yahoo.com。
微软华人协会说:留言于2011-10-17 11:51:35(第37条)
由中国海外交流协会策划并推出的“文化中国─名家讲坛”将于2011年11月登陆美国,展开巡回讲座。中国著名文化学者、北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院副院长于丹教授,和中医针灸专家、北京中医药大学针灸推拿学院程凯博士,将分别演讲中国文化和中医保健养生的精粹。作为此次巡回讲座的第一站,西雅图的“文化中国—名家讲坛”由南海艺术中心与微软华人协会共同主办,《侨报》和微软亚太研发集团协办。活动定于11月4日(星期五)晚6时起在微软公司总部会议中心举行,对公众免费开放。微软与中国文化先锋人物于丹、中医专家程凯的首度牵手,搭起了科技和文化之间合作的桥梁,将促进科技发展与文化传承交相辉映、相得益彰。讲座地点:Microsoft Conference Center, Redmond, WA 98052。
Plant and Food Research Institute, New Zealand说:留言于2011-10-17 06:58:32(第36条)
Dr. Jiang:
Please also send me this information to my home e mail address : meitian@vodafone.co.nz because sometimes I work at home. Many thanks,

Dr. Meisheng Tian
Plant and Food Research Institute, New Zealand
Steve Lee说:留言于2011-10-17 06:49:04(第35条)
Please join Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa with special guest Honorable Willie Brown at the Westin Bonaventure on October 17th at 11:30AM in support of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee. Use this link to register online: http://mayoredlee.info/s/la
威廉帕特森大學中國藝術中心说:留言于2011-10-17 06:15:12(第34条)
威廉帕特森大學(William Paterson University of New Jersey)中國藝術中心、大學美術展覽館和中國中央美術學院藝術館聯合舉辦的「中國素描中央美院收藏展覽」,將於10月24日至12月2日在帕特森大學賓軒藝術覽館正式展出。 此次展出的91幅作品,是從中央美術學院60年的素描收藏作品中挑選出來,作品不僅有人體寫生和素描,還有藝術家創作的草圖,大多出自中國當代優秀藝術家之手,包括吳作人、王式廓、葉淺予、靳尚誼、詹建俊、朱乃正、周思聰、袁運生及徐冰等。為配合展覽,帕特森大學中國藝術中心將舉辦系列的學術活動,邀請以中央美術學院學術部副主任孫景波、基礎教學系系主任周至禹、油畫系副教授王玉平、美術館管理高高專門來參加開幕式,將以素描在基礎藝術教育和現代藝術中的重要性召開研討會,並進行素描示範表演。
研討會:10月24日下午2時30分至4時30分,地點在Ben Shahn Center for the Visual Arts B-146;展覽會開幕式:24日下午5時至7時,地址Ben Shahn Art Gallery, 300 Pompton Road, NJ 07470。10月26日下午2時30分至4時30分,在上址還有素描示範表演。 版畫工作室版畫表演:10月26日上午11時至下午1時; 地點:Power Arts P143 printmaking studio, 25 Power Ave, Wayne, NJ 07470。 該展覽和學術活動均免費對外開放,歡迎民眾參加。詳情可電中國藝術中心(973)720-2799,或電郵:ccart@wpunj.edu,或上網:www.wpunj.edu/ccart瀏覽相關資訊。
nysha说:留言于2011-10-17 04:34:54(第33条)
zyzd说:留言于2011-10-16 22:32:07(第32条)
Thank you.

Ameroasis Inc说:留言于2011-10-16 15:15:51(第31条)
welcome to come, that's great, you are our VIP,
Frank Liu说:留言于2011-10-16 14:44:26(第30条)
你好! 谢谢寄来的通讯。我不知自己是否已经是会员。如果是,用这个E-MAIL和登录不成功,如何找回密码呢?
Frank Liu
We will find it out and let you know.
Workforce Initiative - Butte College说:留言于2011-10-16 13:26:53(第29条)
The Health Workforce Initiative in collaboration with the Southern California Chapter for the Assembly for Men in Nursing are offering a ‘Men in Nursing Conference’ in Garden Grove, CA on November 11 & 12, 2011. You may access the flyer/registration at www.ca-hwi.org on the home page, or click Calendar and scroll to date. Thank you.

Workforce Initiative (formerly RHORC)
Butte College
International Programs - CSUF说:留言于2011-10-16 08:35:22(第28条)
Thank you so very much for your great help.
Have a nice weekend!

Arthur Wang, Assistant Director
International Programs, Asia
University Extended Education
California State University, Fullerton
第16届中国国际美容美发化妆品博览会 BHC 2012 China说:留言于2011-10-16 08:30:32(第27条)
第15届中国国际美容美发化妆品博览会 BHC 2011 China
深圳玉山科技协会说:留言于2011-10-16 08:07:05(第26条)
由深圳市科学技术协会主席周路明领军的“创新、人才、引智、合作”代表团即将来访,于10月25日(周二 )于 波士顿喜来登与新英格兰人才科技公司进行一场面对面的交流,除了合作意向,更带来数百个从研究到工程的人才需求;是社会新鲜人、追求生涯突破者、创业人与 企业主管互换讯息,探索商机的最佳平台。该活动由深圳玉山科技协会筹办处、深圳市福田区人民政府、深圳光启高等理工研究院以及数个波士顿社团联合举行。深圳是中国经济改革的重要都市,也是华为、腾讯、比亚迪、中兴以及台资鸿海的基地,其创新文化以及创业环境一直都是中国大陆许多城市仿效的对象,目前更朝着建设国家创新型城市及国际化城市的方向迈进,而“国际化人才”正是深圳最为渴求的。此次,代表团带来海外高层次人才招募的“孔雀计划”和与会者分享。

  活动于 10月25日(周二)1:30 注册交流, 2:00 由 深圳市科学技术协会主席周路明亲自讲解科技产业及人才发展规画、深圳国际科技创业园功能、环境及配套、光启研究院院长刘若鹏博士谈该院所需的研发人才以及 具体措施,随后并进行问答以及茶歇。与会者不仅能了解当地招募人才、创业的第一手讯息,更能借此与深圳产业负责人交换讯息,座位有限,请事先报名参加,免 费入场欢迎携带履历或创业计划。
地点(Sheraton Boston):39 Dalton Street, Boston, MA 02199
Close to Prudential Center ( Green Line T Station) or Back Bay (Orange Line T Station).
Hotel Tel: 617-236-2000
报名表格 (10月18日前):
或上网www.investintaiwan.org , 名额有限,请即报名,以便准备资料。若需更多信息,请联系深圳玉山科技协会(联系方式附后)或电邮:nankaiboston@gmail.com.

  深圳市科学技术协会于1982年5月成立,是深圳市科学技术协会是中共深圳市委领导下的人民团体,其宗旨是团结组织科技工作者以经济建设为中心,促进科学技术的繁荣和发展,促进科学技术的普 及和推广,促进科技人才的成长和提高,维护科技工作者的合法权益,为科技工作者和科技团体服务。深圳市科学技术协会的主要任务是开展决策咨询、调查研究、 学术交流、深港与国际科技交流合作、科学普及和科普资源建设等活动,加强所属团体之间的联系,培养、引进、表彰、举荐科技人才,率先成为区域创新体系的重 要参与者、创新型城市解决方案的提供者、创新文化的建设者、国内外科技合作的实践者和科学技术普及工作的推动者


  深圳孔雀计划: 深圳市从2010年十月推出了旨在以更大力度吸引海外高层次人才的”孔雀计划”。根据计划内容,深圳市将在未来5年重点引进50个以上海外高层次人才团队及上千名海外高层次人才来深圳创业创新,并于今年4月正式颁布实施。纳入“孔雀计划”的海外高层次人才,可享受80万至150万元的奖励补贴及居留和出入境、落户等特定待遇;对引进的海外高层次人才团队,给予最高8000万元的专项资助。

深圳玉山科技协会筹备处林琦翔Shawn Lin +1 408-646-7046(10/18后) +86-137 145 25350 Tel:+886 28758 2980 Fax:+886 2 8758 2999 E-mail: bosiad@hotmail.com
台北101大楼37F 活动网址:www.investintaiwan.org
hdjpjx说:留言于2011-10-16 08:03:13(第25条)
Thank you very much for your imformation.
Have a very nice weekend.
District A Fashion说:留言于2011-10-16 04:18:25(第24条)
Thank you
Best Regards ,

1230 Santa Anita Ave. Suite F.,
South El Monte, CA 91733
上海浦东现代物流行业协会说:留言于2011-10-16 04:10:09(第23条)
shanghai pudong modern logistics association
Tel:50676606 Fax:50676336

Chang Victor说:留言于2011-10-16 04:06:47(第22条)
Hi Zhenying,
Received with thanks.
Richard Wong说:留言于2011-10-16 04:04:48(第21条)
Dear Professor Jiang,
Thank you for your Update which covers a wide range of interesting topics. I always enjoy reading it.
With best wishes,
Richard Wong
Yong Li说:留言于2011-10-16 04:02:38(第20条)
It's great to have these 4 senior CSA members to take 2012-13 CSA Board election task.
Thank all of you.
Yong-Gang Li
San Diego Chinese Press说:留言于2011-10-15 06:18:57(第19条)
《西厢记》 – 浙江传媒大学艺术团演出享好评 (视频)

卢 非
PAROS 浦东新区归国留学人员联合会说:留言于2011-10-15 02:42:31(第18条)
PAROS 浦东新区归国留学人员联合会 
* 私募股权投资与创业板
* 常用中药药效物质基础和生物学功能的研究
* 人力资源开发沙龙活动
* 海外人士汉语沙龙讲座
金融沙龙 | Financial Talk - 私募股权投资与创业板

王浩东 大通证券股份有限公司投资银行总部高级经理
- 时  间:2011年10月18日(周二)18时 (18:00参与嘉宾相互认识、交流;18:30主题沙龙正式开始)  地  点:浦东市民中心地下一层市民茶室

2011年“生物医药大讲堂”技术系列讲座 人力资源开发沙龙活动
主讲老师:张卫东 教授,博士生导师。
开课时间:10月19日(周三) 下午1:30-4:30
讲座地点: 上海张江创新学院
讲座内容:想学会游泳,须懂水性,要提高团队管理能力,得懂人性! DISC理论,目前已被普遍运用在员工招聘、绩效评估、职位调整、员工激励、员工EAP、领导力提升、团队构建等方面。借助测评,帮助学员从认知自我与现状分析的角度来拓展团队管理的潜力;了解团队成员的工作状态和压力感;了解团队行为模式,帮助管理者确定与之相匹配的领导风格,促进团队合作。
主讲老师:蔡老师 英国伦敦城市行业协会认证培训师 、国家二级心理咨询师。华师大心理咨询工作室特约EAP讲师
时间: 2011年10月21日(周五)13:30-16:30pm

地图: 张江创新学院(浦东龙东大道3000号5号楼3楼)
联系方式:翁萍, 上海市浦东新区归国留学人员联合会
传  真:021-50800439
网  址:www.paros.cn www.expofriends.cn
电子邮件:service@paros.cn service@expofriends.cn
ICEIM 2011说:留言于2011-10-15 02:38:43(第17条)
2011 International Conference on Economic and Information management (ICEIM 2011) ISTP indexed

The 2011 International Conference on Economic and Information management (ICEIM 2011) will be held in Beijing, China during December 2-3, 2011. ICEIM 2011 will be published in the conference proceeding, and will be indexed by Thomson ISI Proceedings.

ICEIM 2011投稿截稿时间为2011年10月1日,会议论文集将由科学技术出版社出版,所有被大会收录的文章将被ISTP检索。论文电子版全文将上维普资讯网。
International Research Association of Information and Computer Science, Hong Kong
Science Technology Press, Hong kong
North University of China, China
The submission of Round II
Paper Submission (Full Paper) On November 1, 2011
Notification of Acceptance Before November 10, 2011
Authors'''' Registration Before November 20, 2011
Final Paper Submission Before November 20, 2011
Conference Dates December 3-4, 2011
For more information about this conference, please contact:
Email: iceim_conf@163.com
慈濟德州基金會说:留言于2011-10-14 05:46:31(第16条)
B型肝炎知多少?慈濟關心您的健康。根據統計,平均每三名亞裔就有一人曾感染過B型肝炎;每十名亞裔就有一人有慢性B型肝炎。忽略B型肝炎治療會導致肝硬化,甚至肝癌。 10月22日(周六)上午10時到1時,慈濟醫學講座「認識B型肝炎」將邀請陳正德醫師演講,隨即做肝病問卷調查及免費B型肝炎的抽血檢查。地點在慈濟靜思堂活動中心(6200 Corporate Dr. Houston, TX. 77036) ,備有簡餐,驗血結果將郵寄受檢者。

11月6日下午2時到4時,慈濟醫學講座將再度邀請陳正德醫師演講「B型肝炎及肝癌的關係」,並解答驗血結果的問題。地點在慈濟靜思堂,備有茶點。 講座詳情請聯絡慈濟德州基金會,電話:713-981-8966,地址:6200 Corporate Dr. Houston, TX 77036。
Celebrity Series of Boston说:留言于2011-10-14 05:39:46(第15条)
著名鋼琴演奏家郎朗,應「波士頓名人系列 」(Celebrity Series of Boston)之邀,將在10月30日(周日)下午3時在Symphony Hall(301 Massachusetts Ave., Boston)演出。他將表演巴哈、舒伯特和蕭邦的多首鋼琴曲。 音樂會票價83元、67元和50元。購票可電(617)482-6661,上網www.celebrityseries.org或至Symphony Hall售票處。
此外,郎朗還將於10月29日(周六)下午3時,在哈佛大學的Sanders Theatre(45 Quincy Street, Cambridge)提供「鋼琴專業課程」(Lang Lang Master Class),活動公開免費,但需持票入場。票務詢問可電Harvard Box Office(617)496-2222。
jimmy.wang说:留言于2011-10-14 02:23:02(第14条)
Jimmy Wang
Best in Nature
Diamond Nutriceutical,Inc.
He, Mingli说:留言于2011-10-14 01:18:05(第13条)

I believe that I have joined your group couple of years ago. Now, I somehow forget my password. What should I do to obtain it?
Thanks very much!

Mingli He, Ph.D., P.E.
Department of Engineering Technology
School of Professional Studies
Metropolitan State College of Denver
128cute说:留言于2011-10-13 11:38:26(第12条)
Dear 128cute Participants,

A delegation from Hisense top management team will visit 128CUTE. We will have a round-table discussion forum this Friday evening. The delegation from Hisense is composed with:
1. Dr. Liu, Yanming, VP of System Solutions, Hisense Broadband Multimedia Technologies Inc.
2. Mr. Shao, Jiancheng, VP of R&D, Hisense Electric Co. 3. Mr. Gao, Xiongyong, Director of Platform Applications, Hisense Media Networks Co.
4. Mr. Yang, Ming, Director of R&D, Hisense USA Inc.

The theme of the discussion forum is "the Introduction of Chinese High-Tech Companies (such as Hisense) Going Global". It will cover (not limited to) the following sub-topics:
 The analysis of the current trend of Chinese High-Tech companies going global.
 How can we capture this opportunity and play a role in Chinese High-Tech companies going global?
 What challenges may be involved and what are the solutions?
 Introduction of Chinese High-Tech Companies (such as Hisense)

Going Global Time: 7:30-9:30pm, Friday, October 14, 2011
Admission: Free for all
Parking: Free
Language: Mandarin (IN CHINESE)
Location: E51-315, 70 Memorial Drive, Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
Style: Informal presentation, discussion and debate See you at MIT.

All the best!
John Zhang
www.128cute.comMing, Director of R&D, Hisense USA Inc. The theme of the discussion forum is
山東省僑辦说:留言于2011-10-13 10:17:13(第11条)

sxd说:留言于2011-10-13 08:14:58(第10条)
Thanks a lot for your help!
Li Li Ji PhD说:留言于2011-10-13 06:35:37(第9条)
Collaborating with Tianjin University of Sports, UM has received approval from the US State Department to establish an American Culture Center focusing on sports, in Tianjin. We are searching for the ACC coordinator who will be stationed in TUS. I am asking for your assistance to let people know this job and apply, as it requires US citizenship and bilingual ability. You have the best network in US. See following job advertizing.

American Cultural Center in Tianjin Program Coordinator: employment.umn.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=98273
Many thanks and best wishes,

Li Li Ji, Ph.D.
Director and Professor
School of Kinesiology
University of Minnesota
Chinese Studies - UCLA说:留言于2011-10-13 06:31:28(第8条)
Thank you!
Xilin Association说:留言于2011-10-13 05:55:43(第7条)
Dear Friends,
Since Congresswomen Judy Chu and Judy Biggert introduced a resolution in the US House of Representatives to express the regret for the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act, the Senate also introduced a similar bill. Last week, the US Senate has unanimously passed SR201, which expressed regret for the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act and other subsequent laws that banned most Chinese immigrants from entering the United States and denied them the right of citizenship. These laws were eventually repealed in 1943 to strengthen the alliance between the United States and China during World War II. Until now, Congress had never formally acknowledged or expressed regret for the pain and suffering endured by the Chinese and other Asian immigrants and their American descendants as a result of the discriminatory laws. The passing of SR201 is a historic time for not just the Asian community, but for all of America as a whole. The American spirit is re-instilled in all of us. It is a victory of several generations of effort, and its success garners national attention. Xilin Association is honored to be part of it.

Thanks to Judy Biggert, our Congresswomen in District 13, for taking the leadership on this project in the House. We're grateful for the efforts from Senator Mark Kirk and Senator Duck Durbin in supporting SR201 in the US Senate. Now still have work to do to pass the house resolution before it goes to the desk of US President. Chicagoland will have its own effort to advocate this issue and promote the 1882 Project. Please attend a Roundtable Discussion event in Chicago which is cosponsored by Chinese American Service League, Coalition for Better Chinese American Community, OCA, Xilin Association and the 1882 Project. You can find more information regarding the Roundtable Discussion below. Let''''s work together to make the final victory come true!

David Tsand, Chairman
Xilin Association Board of Directors
Amy H. Yan说:留言于2011-10-13 05:53:37(第6条)
Thank you for the updates. Hope that you all have a good beginning of the fall semester.

Amy Yan, Assistant Director
International Student Office
Pasadena City College
Yifan Xiong说:留言于2011-10-13 04:10:12(第5条)
Thanks a lot.
mednet.ucla.edu说:留言于2011-10-13 04:09:07(第4条)
Dr. Jiang:

It was great to meet you. I look forward to seeing you in more occasions in the future and hope to be able to do something together.

kun wang说:留言于2011-10-13 04:07:50(第3条)
Thank you for the support.

Prof. George Liu说:留言于2011-10-13 04:03:55(第2条)
Nice getting your message!
I am in Shanghai now. Kep in contact.
All the best,
George Liu
xmwang说:留言于2011-10-13 04:02:34(第1条)
thank you, you did very fast,
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