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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网关于我们即时通讯
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2014/5/20 17:01:34 | 浏览:17049 | 评论:47

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net

主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2014年 第17期 創刊第648期 5/7-5/20/2014
Table of content - 本期重要目录




Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements







UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2014 No.17)

Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4060]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4598]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4878]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4074]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4108]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4371]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4682]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5034]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4249]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5228]
:天安门广场喜迎“十一”花团锦簇的美丽景象 马亮:做院长就能够发更多论文?论文发表是不是一场“权力的游戏”? :印裔人才在美碾压华裔:我们可以从印度教育中学到什么? :北京452万人将从北京迁至雄安(附部分央企名单) :《2019全球肿瘤趋势报告》 :阿尔茨海默病预防与干预核心讯息图解 :引力波天文台或有助搜寻暗物质粒子 :Sail Through the Mist - SoCal Innovation Forum 2019(10/5)
samuel说:留言于2015-04-09 14:29:01(第44条)
ACCS Spring Business Mixer
Date: 24 Apr 2015 5:00 PM
Location: Transpacific Financial, 1045 W. Huntington Dr #200, Arcadia, CA 91007
5:00-5:30 PM Registration
5:30-6:00 PM Opening Speech
6:00-7:00 PM Presentation- Investment Opportunities and The Art & Science of Successful Immigration
7:00-8:00 PM Dinner and Mingle

Contact: maxineaccs@gmail.com; 1(310)896-1724
john说:留言于2015-01-04 15:55:25(第43条)
Call for Photos
Please send us your approved medical action images for future covers, newsletters, and our Photo Gallery! Images for print must be high resolution, at least 300 dpi. Images for the digital edition and newsletter must be at least 400px wide, 72 dpi.

Journal of Special Operations Medicine
1275 66th St N, # 41494
St. Petersburg, Fl 33743
matt说:留言于2014-10-16 11:38:35(第42条)
访问团由东南大学党委书记领队,随行为各个院系的院长,包括建筑,电子,生物,生命,土木等。希望有意向的同学尽快联系报名,发邮件到seuboston@gmail.com 或者 填写以下登记表格 即可。同时也非常欢迎在美的东大校友一起参加晚宴。届时将根据参会人数确定晚宴地点,并另行通知。
RSVP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_XWHspeV-o2FUG9hKI3mE8UqvcDmQTHsk7fmGXcz7as/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link
Lan说:留言于2014-06-07 07:48:42(第41条)
More Free PSAT English Courses Opening - starting in July!
Hello Students and Families:
Due to high demand, there will be more PSAT English courses available to students for free this Summer, starting July, 2014. As of now, PSAT English 1 times are as follows:
July 12 to Sept 13, Sat 6-7 pm PDT
July 8 to Aug 7, Tue & Thu 10-11 am PDT
July 8 to Sept 9, Tue 6:30-7:30 pm PDT
Middle and junior high school students are welcome to join and start preparing for the PSAT! The free PSAT English courses are a 3 course series helping students prepare for the PSAT with extensive training exercises in grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing. PSAT English 2 and 3 will be available for free to students who pass the previous PSAT English level with a grade of A or B. There is a material fee of $25 which grants students access to a library of sample tests and exercises. The materials purchased can be used in all 3 levels of PSAT English if the student attempts the courses continuously. If you have any questions, please message support@drlanacademy.com
中国教师说:留言于2014-06-07 07:41:57(第40条)
北京师范大学《中国教师》 Teacher's Journal 半月刊
语种: 中文 开本: 大16开
ISSN 1672-2051 CN 11-4801/Z
邮发代号 82-113 创刊年:2003
投稿邮箱: edu_zgjs@163.com
ASPT来源刊 中国期刊网来源刊

環球東方衛視電視臺说:留言于2014-06-07 07:32:29(第39条)
親愛的朋友們 大家好
6/9/2014 星期一 子女教育- 社會的角色
6/10/2014 星期二 香格里拉對話會和亞洲
6/11/2014 星期三 紅酒的品嘗和知識
6/12/2014 星期四 中美關係新動向- 奧巴馬在西點軍校講話
6/13/2014 星期五 美國大法官會議的三項裁決
G&E Studio;(頻道44.9, 每周一到周五,晚十一點到十二點)
電臺播出:環球東方廣播電臺播出(Am1370 和 FM105.9 HD2;每周一到五上午9:00-10:00am,
重播7:00- 8:00pm;還將在舊金山和紐約播出)
網絡收看: channelge.com (選擇視頻, 並點擊《環球聚焦》, 訪談節目的精彩部分還可以在www.youtube.com 和 www.youku.com上觀看
手機觀看:首先登陸: www.channelge.com ; 下移並找到: 環球東方流動應用程式 ;用您的手機對準 四格碼,便可下載環球東方電視臺的相關軟件,這樣,您就可以隨時觀看節目。在美國,歐洲,南美,中國及亞洲都可以觀看
Round Table说:留言于2014-06-06 13:56:31(第38条)
感谢大家的积极支持和广泛参与,第四届水立方杯海外华裔青少年中文歌曲大赛洛杉矶赛区5月31日圆满结束。洛杉矶赛区专题链接: http://www.chineseroundtable.org/News_View.asp?Id=756
1000plan.org说:留言于2014-06-06 09:09:10(第37条)
真是太感谢你们的支持了,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……~祝好
Margie & Richard说:留言于2014-06-05 15:45:15(第36条)
摯誠邀請: 茶香伴書香~茶餘飯後幽默人生
美國中華茶文化學會舉辦 "茶香與書香" 幽默作家 - 吳玲瑤女士演講會: 定於6/7/2014星期六,6/8/2014星期日舉辦兩場. 吳女士的文筆以機智幽默見長,為海外最受歡迎的暢銷女作家,死忠讀者深入各階層,近年來她在美洲各城市的演講,頻頻打破當地演講會出席人數的最高、笑聲最多的紀錄。演講會同時由: 台灣製茶公會提供頂級好茶品賞及毛偉文茶藝師表演太極茶道。歡迎各位蒞臨 免費參加
(1) 6月7 日 2:00pm~4:00pm星期六在南海岸中文學校/南海岸中華文化協會
地址:South Coast Chinese Culture Association, 9 Truman, Irvine, CA 92620
(2) 6月8 日 2:00pm~4:30pm星期日在橙僑中心/橙縣華僑文教服務中心
Culture Center of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles (Santa Ana)
地址:2901 W. MacArthur Blvd., Suite 115 Santa Ana, CA 92704
RSVP: uvchen@gmail.com ASAP

APEX说:留言于2014-06-05 15:31:35(第35条)
Volunteer for APEX OC Youth Education Summit This Sunday
Share your career path with high school youth this Sunday, June 8th! APEX OC is hosting its second annual YES Summit at the DoubleTree Hilton Hotel in Santa Ana, CA. The YES committee is looking for professionals of a variety of backgrounds to participate. Visit our webpage for more information, and contact Stephanie Huynh, Director of OC Programs, at stephanie.huynh@apex.org to get started.

Learn about Leveraging Social Media in Today's Job Market
On Thursday, June 19, 6:30-9:00 PM, join APEX as we host Connie Chan Wang, leader of LinkedIn's Social Media Strategy, at our next professional development workshop! Be ahead of the curve and learn how to leverage LinkedIn from the expert herself. Contact: info@apex.org
黑龙江省欧美同学会说:留言于2014-06-04 21:10:26(第34条)
传 真:0086-451-82648814

kwang说:留言于2014-06-03 21:52:33(第33条)
Thank you Prof. Jiang.
海外南开人说:留言于2014-06-03 20:59:55(第32条)
《海外南开人》81期 NANKAI OVERSEAS 81th
题目不分先后,点击链连打开后,目录均在第一页,点击任一题目即可直接进入该内容,点击 每页底部之“返回目录”即可回到第一页之目录。
Nankai Boston ‎说:留言于2014-06-03 20:57:24(第31条)
[奴隶主来博士屯啦!--麦肯锡全球董事李一诺谈“奴隶社会” : http://note.youdao.com/share/?id=cff7dad7c612b36af5de3b879e61aa68&type=note&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0]
Grant Training Center说:留言于2014-06-03 20:47:59(第30条)
Writing & Designing NSF Proposals Workshop
Writing Winning Grants for NSF
June 24. 2014
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
University of California
Los Angeles, CA
Sponsored by: The Grant Training Center
This one-day comprehensive workshop is geared for those who wish to submit winning research proposals to the National Science Foundation (NSF). It is taught by experienced faculty who have received various NSF grants and serve as evaluators on NSF review panels.
Participants will understand how to navigate the FastLane, focus on the key sections of successful proposals and demonstrate that their projects merit the excellence and innovation that bring them to the top of other submissions. All sessions engage the attendees in interactive exercises, writing, lectures and discussions so that all participants will leave the class understanding how to research, write and develop their specific project. Areas to be covered include the:
1. Overall strategic plan of grant-writing
2. Types of awards and NSF funding, including what to look for in a grant application
3. Proposal preparation process and submission mechanisms
4. Characteristics, content and function of the various pieces of the proposal, including: hypothesis, methods, outcomes, broader implications, evaluation, timelines and budgets
5. Secret to organizing and writing “Merit Review Criteria”
Participants will learn how to:
1. Compose the pieces of an NSF Research Grant Proposal
2. Understand the inner workings of NSF’s Peer Review System and the rating scores
3. Develop and write the approach and “Broader Impacts” section
4. Package superior proposal submissions
5. Avoid the fatal flaws of a grant
6. Effectively write and approach resubmissions
Contact: awilliams@granttrainingcenter.us
Or call us toll free at (866)-704-7268 or (571) 257-8864
科技创新导报说:留言于2014-06-03 20:41:19(第29条)
期刊收录情况:国家级期刊 中国期刊网、知网收录主要栏目:工程技术、工业技术、高新技术、建筑科学、IT技术、电子商务、资源环境、等
联系电话:010-57722269 投稿邮箱: kjcxsgjkwzwcx@sina.com QQ: 2528075518
Common Ground Publishing说:留言于2014-06-03 20:37:31(第28条)
The International Advisory Board is pleased to announce the Call For Papers for the Fifteenth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations will be held 15-17 July 2015 at the University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong SAR, China. We welcome submissions from a variety of disciplines and perspectives and encourage faculty and research students to jointly submit proposals, discussing Diversity through one of the following themes:
Identity and Belonging
Education and Learning in a World of Difference
Organizational Diversity
Community Diversity and Governance
"Affirming Diversity for Social and Educational Justice"
2015 Special Focus:
In addition to the annual themes, the conference will address the special focus - Affirming Diversity for Social and Educational Justice - through keynote speakers, garden sessions, workshops, and parallel sessions that examine the following topic:
"Affirming Diversity for Social and Educational Justice"
Modern diasporic movements of populations both across and within countries impact upon social diversity at multiple levels of scale. Responses to social change due to difference, whether related to culture, language, gender, race/ethnicity, class, ability, or sexual orientation can be conservative and at times detrimentally reactionary in nature. This conference focus, whilst acknowledging the challenges of diversity to local communities, seeks to disrupt discourses and narratives that can be seen to enable or accept inequity, and examine the potential benefits of diversity to all members of society. This conference focus thus explores the various ways global issues impact upon local contexts. Questions addressed will include:
How can changes to a country’s demographic profile as a result of global population movements be viewed as adding value to a society’s social and cultural resources?
How can the inclusion of diverse learners enhance the learning of all across educational contexts?
How can inclusive leadership for marginalized groups enhance organizational capacity-building?
Proposal Submissions and Deadlines: 7 August 2014*.
Contact: Community@ondiversity.com
人民教育杂志说:留言于2014-06-02 05:19:03(第27条)
《人 民 教 育》杂志社征文通知
人民教育杂志是由国家教育部主管,中国教育报刊社主办的国家级教育类核心期刊。当前为半月刊。人民教育杂志创刊于1950年,国内刊号:CN: 11-1199/G4。

国际标准刊号:ISSN0448-9365 国际书店代号:SM17 国内统一刊号:CN11-1199/G4 邮发代号:2-5
地 址:北京市海淀区文慧园北路10号 邮政编码: 100082
E- mail:edujournal@163.com
音韻合唱團说:留言于2014-06-01 06:59:24(第26条)
Dear All,
Here is the invitation, please join us if you can. Attached is a flyer that you can send to your friends. Please invite them to be with us from 2:00~4:30 pm , and 7:00~9:30 pm on June 14. Free admission! There are 19 well known groups join concert.
Looking forward to seeing all of you there.
第27屆南加州合唱團聯合演出, 6/14/2014, 星期六, 下午2:00~4:30 pm , 及晚上 7:00~9:30 pm, 在洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心, 免費入場, 歡迎踴躍參加.

Yin Yun Choir

北京市政府侨办说:留言于2014-05-31 11:13:37(第25条)

010 6601069
希林中文学校说:留言于2014-05-31 11:10:16(第24条)
希林中文学校基于在中华传统文化的传扬,聘请到中国老师领营举办"2014希林中国文化趣味夏令营"。夏令营的活动安排以寓教于乐的形式,让孩子们体验中国早期青少年的趣味学习和游戏,在玩中轻松的讲中文,学中文,丰富青少年的假期生活。2014希林中国文化趣味夏令营将于6/9/14开营, 请速到学校*注册
希林中文学校(SATURDAY). 地址: 1163 E Ogden Ave Suite 301 , Naperville IL 60563 (Close to Big Lots)
630-730-2337 yuhuahe999@gmail.com
630-664-0139 dypetrini.poli@gmail.com
環球東方衛視電視臺说:留言于2014-05-31 07:20:52(第23条)
親愛的朋友們 大家好 《環球聚焦》節目下周播出的安排如下:
6/3/2014 星期一 中國-俄羅斯戰略合作與中國的能源安全
6/4/2014 星期二 世界能源戰略
6/5/2014 星期三 美國移民改革對華人的影響
6/6/2014 星期四 中國的能源安全與天然氣合同 南海石油開發
6/7/2014 星期五 美國校園槍擊案再起的思考
電視播出:環球東方衛視電視臺 G&E studio;(頻道44.9, 每周一到周五,晚十一點到十二點)
電臺播出:環球東方廣播電臺播出(Am1370 和 FM105.9 HD2;每周一到五上午9:00-10:00am,
重播7:00- 8:00pm;還將在舊金山和紐約播出)
網絡收看: channelge.com (選擇視頻, 並點擊《環球聚焦》便可)
訪談節目的精彩部分還可以在www.youtube.com 和 www.youku.com上觀看
手機觀看:首先登陸: www.channelge.com ; 下移並找到: 環球東方流動應用程式 ;用您的手機對準 四格碼,便可下載環球東方電視臺的相關軟件,這樣,您就可以隨時觀看節目。在美國,歐洲,南美,中國及亞洲都可以觀看

www.DrLanAcademy.com说:留言于2014-05-30 23:49:02(第22条)
CCTV Chinese New Year Gala U.S.Talent Hunt Press Conference Invitation
Mission 261 Restaurant : 261 S Mission Dr, San Gabriel, CA 91776
Date: 30 May 2014 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm
Free Chinese Dinner offered 免费晚餐招待
More information and online registration:
www.DrLanAcademy.com说:留言于2014-05-30 23:47:29(第21条)
Hello Students and Families!
PSAT English will be available to students for free this Summer, starting July 12, 2014. PSAT English 2 and 3 will be available for free to students who pass PSAT English 1 with a grade of A or B. Middle and junior high school students are welcome to join and start preparing for the PSAT! Check out Free Classes. The free PSAT English courses are a 3 course series helping them prepare for the PSAT with extensive training exercises in grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing. There is a material fee of $25 which grants students access to a library of sample tests and exercises. The materials purchased can be used in all 3 levels of PSAT English if the student attempts the courses continuously. If you have any questions, please message support@drlanacademy.com.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DrLanAcademy
Twitter: http://twitter.com/drlanacademy
Phone: +1-855-637-0777
D. Zhang说:留言于2014-05-30 21:15:53(第20条)
Liebe chinesische Studenten und Freunde,
nach der ersten erfolgreichen Veranstaltung am 25.2.2014 laden wir Sie zu unserem zweiten Workshop herzlich ein!
Im Anhang bitte finden Sie die Informationen der Veranstaltung.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!
Joy说:留言于2014-05-30 15:36:04(第19条)
新西兰河南同乡会说:留言于2014-05-30 10:15:57(第18条)
GSP USA, Inc.说:留言于2014-05-30 10:13:20(第17条)
Tercheng Lin说:留言于2014-05-29 17:31:06(第16条)

Infectious Diseases World Summit说:留言于2014-05-29 12:43:44(第15条)
11th Anti-Infectives Partnering & Deal-Making Conference on July 10-11, 2014 | Hyatt Regency | Boston, MA
Overview | Speakers | Agenda | Register
The 11th Annual Anti-Infectives Partnering & Deal-Making Conference, to be held in Boston, MA on July 10-11, 2014 continues to give biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies an opportunity to network with high-level executives from top pharma and biotech companies, explore potential collaborations, and learn about relevant anti-infective issues and deals that will affect the industry.
Sessions for the meeting include:
Antibiotic Valuation & Reimbursements
Recent Advances in Anti-Infectives
Panel: Future of Anti-Infective Development: Addressing Unmet Medical Need?
Panel: Investment Opportunities & New Sources of Seed Stage Funding
Government Collaborations & Non-dilutive Funding
Evolution of the Regulatory Framework - Streamlining Pathways for Limited Use
Panel: Regulatory Guidance and Overcoming Challenges in Anti-Infectives Development
Panel: Finding the Middle Ground in Partnerships
The 11th Annual Anti-Infectives Partnering & Deal-Making Conference is part of the annual Infectious Diseases World Summit, which includes two other concurrent meetings:
12th Vaccines Research & Development Conference
3rd Annual Influenza Research & Development Conference

Jack说:留言于2014-05-29 12:03:36(第14条)
Thank you very much!
Fei说:留言于2014-05-29 11:34:11(第13条)
USCGCC说:留言于2014-05-28 15:30:53(第12条)
Dear Sir /Madam,
The “2014 MEIHUA Charity Art Exhibition and Contemporary China Calligraphy and Painting Invitation Exhibition”. The events will be held on May 31st, 2014, 11 AM, at Hilton Hotel San Gabriel. This exhibition has collected art works from more than 50 famous Chinese artists. The President of America Chinese Volunteer Group, Mr. Chijia Chen, also the organizer of this event, said the exhibition is not only a demonstration of excellent Chinese traditional culture, but also passed on the love of Chinese artists to the world because the fund raised from this exhibition would be used for assisting educational projects. Hereby, we sincerely invite you to attend the “2014 MEIHUA Charity Art Exhibition and Contemporary China Calligraphy and Painting Invitation Exhibition.” By the way, Lunch will be served. By the way, Hon. Congresswoman Judy Chu will attend the event!
May 31st, 2014, Saturday
11:00 Social 11:30 Event Starts
Hilton Hotel San Gabriel, Los Angeles
225 West Valley Blvd. | San Gabriel CA 91776 | 626-270-2700
Please RSVP by May 28th: carsonusaus@yahoo.com or call +1 (626) 278-3112 for more information. Looking forward to meeting you at the Exhibition.

US-China Guangdong Chamber of Commerce
Cell 626-278-3112
SICC - Societa ''''Italiana Caos e Complessita''''说:留言于2014-05-28 15:15:06(第11条)
We would like to invite you to the 2014 Workshop on Advances in Applied Nonlinear Mathematics on September 18-19th 2014, celebrating the 60th Birthday of Prof John Hogan, in Bristol, UK. Please register soon by emailing sjhogan2014@gmail.com listing your name, position, and institution. We are now inviting posters, so if you'd like to contribute please include a title and abstract in your email. We have a fantastic list of speakers for your enjoyment including Phil Holmes, Robert Mackay, Chris Budd, and many more. The full list is at:
The venue is Engineer's House in Bristol. Full details are available on the webpage: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/engineering/departments/engineering-mathematics/meetings/anm-advances/index.html#home
We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.Please forward this email to any interested parties.
SICC - Societa"Italiana Caos e Complessita''
Web http://www.sicc-it.org
The Story of Yu-Huan说:留言于2014-05-28 15:03:24(第10条)
"The Story of Yu-Huan"
Drama in two acts, written and directed by Joanna Chan. A bilingual drama with dance on the celebrated beauty (708-746 A.D.) whose hanging death marked the decline of the mighty Tang Dynasty
May 30 to June 22, 2014
A Yangtze Repertory Theatre production presented by Theatre for the New City. Theater for the New City (Joyce and Seward Johnson Theater), 155 First Ave. (at E. 10th St.)
Thursdays through Saturdays at 7:30 PM, Sundays at 3:00 PM. Added performance Wed., 6/18 at 7:30 PM
$25.00 general admission; $20 for seniors and students; Wed. and Thurs. pay-what-you-can.
Box office: Smarttix 212-868-4444, www.smarttix.com. Reserve by email YangtzeRSVP@gmail.com or call (516) 515-0630.
Running time: 2 hours (incl. intermission). Previews May 30 & 31, opens June 1.
第十届RockForHope希望摇滚音乐节说:留言于2014-05-28 14:57:27(第9条)
欢迎来到第十届RockForHope希望摇滚音乐节。该音乐节由小松树基金会合办。所有的门票收入将直接用于资助国内贫困弱势儿童的教育。Rock For Hope自2010年已举办了九届, 资助了近百名国内的贫困学生。这次是第十届,演出将于5月31日周六晚举行,届时将有纽约本地的硬地摇滚乐队进行表演,不要错过!音乐节将一如既往地将门票收入全部用于资助中国贫困学子之外,还收到来自国内众多小朋友们的绘画作品进行义卖。本届活动以及小松树基金会的详情如下。
We would like to invite you to Rock For Hope Concert X (http://www.rock4hope.org/), a charity event hosted by the Little Fir Foundation (http://www.littlefir.org/). The concert will be launched at Santos Party House on Saturday, May 31st 2014, starting at 5:30pm. All proceeds will be used to fund the educational programs for financially underprivileged children in China. Please feel free to invite your friends to join this meaningful social event and have a great time enjoying the local indie music bands! Also, there will be an exhibition of children's arts in the hallway.
Presale $12:
At the door $15.
Stage: Santos Party House Upstairs
96 Lafayette St New York, NY 10013
5:00pm: Door opens
5:30~6:20pm Various Artists
6:30~7:05pm Mr Cake
7:20~8:00pm Torpid May
8:15~9:00pm The Ricecookers
9:15~10:00pm Late Cambrian
全国青联科技与海外学人工作部说:留言于2014-05-26 18:18:31(第8条)


中国知网国际出版中心语言质检部说:留言于2014-05-26 16:42:00(第7条)

Lili Z.说:留言于2014-05-26 16:29:30(第6条)

Li Li
Executive Producer of Mandarin Radio
Web: www.sbs.com.au/chinese

American Chineseceo Society说:留言于2014-05-25 19:18:30(第5条)
CCTV Chinese New Year Gala U.S.Talent Hunt Press Conference Invitation
Mission 261 Restaurant : 261 S Mission Dr, San Gabriel, CA 91776
Date: 30 May 2014 6:30 PM UTC-07:00
Free Chinese Dinner offered 免费晚餐招待
Best regards,

ICSPAH说:留言于2014-05-25 07:15:15(第4条)
Hi all,
Dr. Li Li has compiled the ICSPAH “Selected Member Research Publication” (Vol. 2). The booklet contains 31 recent publications from 19 USA and Hong Kong ICSPAH members, and it has 395 pages total. The 19 contributors are Drs. Gong Chen, Senlin Chen, Weiyun Chen, Erwei Dong, Frank H. Fu, Yong Gao, Zan Gao, Chales Chaoqun Huang, Guoyuan Huang, Xiaofen Deng Keating, Wenhao Liu, Yunalong Liu, Weihong Ning, Bo Shen, Jianyu Wang, Ping Xiang, Zhenhao Zeng, James J. Zhang, and Peng Zhang. Sincere thanks go to Li Li and all the contributors!
The ICSPAH will purchase four copies of the booklet and they will be used as gifts presented to universities in China that the ICSPAH delegation will visit this summer. In addition, if any individual contributors will have exchange or scholarly activities at some universities in China in the near future, the booklet could be a great gift to the universities as well. For having a look at and/or purchasing the booklet, please visit the website: http://www.lulu.com/shop/international-chinese-society-for-physical-activities-and-health/selected-member-research-publications-vol2/paperback/product-21637510.html
Thank you very much and have a great summer!

苏州国际精英创业周服务中心说:留言于2014-05-25 06:20:03(第3条)
精英周活动时间:2014年7月10日~ 7月12日(具体时间以收到的邀请函为准)
  本次创业周活动网上参会报名系统( www.rcsz.gov.cn/cyz )常年开放,报名受理不限时,2014年5月31日之前的报名申请,将有机会受邀参加本届创业周相关活动;5月31日之后的申请,将有可能受邀参加2015年创业周活动。
  联系地址:苏州市体育场路4号 邮编:215006
  联系电话:(+86 512)65811070、65811055,传真:(+86 512)65811055

APEX说:留言于2014-05-24 14:36:45(第2条)
Create Your Legacy Mixer in One Week!
APEX cordially invites you to another amazing mixer at the historic, Legendary Park Plaza, where we are showcasing APEX Cares, the community service arm of Asian Professional Exchange. Let APEX help you get started on creating your legacy of meaningful work. Join APEX in one week! Don''''t miss the opportunity to learn about the community service projects we are involved in, and to connect with like-minded professionals. Pre-Registration ends 5:00 PM Thursday, May 29th: membership@apex.org
L. Xueying说:留言于2014-05-23 06:01:26(第1条)

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