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2016/4/21 2:39:08 | 浏览:7206 | 评论:24

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net


(ISSN: 2372-9937)
主編: 姜镇英博士 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘博士 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅博士 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏博士 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云博士 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2016年 第11期 創刊第720期 4/11-4/21/2016
Table of content - 本期重要目录




Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements






  若因任何原因,您未能收到上期《即时通讯》(2016 No.10),请点击此处查阅

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2016 No.11)


Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4019]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4544]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4825]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4027]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4053]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4313]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4628]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [4979]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4194]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5180]
:大数据分析图解:2019中国企业500强 张梦然:英国惠康桑格研究所:人体内的微生物与出生方式有关 :美众议院将调查华裔部长赵小兰“利用职权为家族谋利“ :UCLA CCS 2019 Fall Quarter Lecture Series Overview 谭晶晶:美国科技界高度关注中国科技创新进展 :推荐:2019年底前中国高校重要学术论坛(10月 - 12 月) :黄奇帆:今后10年,中国经济将发生5个历史性变化 :为了在外太空住,人们都设计过怎样的房子?
Dalian Hi-tech Industrial Zone说:留言于2016-04-28 12:49:04(第23条)
We are delighted to introduce the 3rd Annual Global Congress of Knowledge Economy-2016 (GCKE-2016) will be held in Qingdao, China during November 10-12, 2016, with a theme of “Innovation, Green and Sharing". This conference will bring together international organizations, governments, research institutes, NGOs, businesses and other groups that are interested in using indicators to support the development of economy. We admire your high reputation, and would be very appreciated if you could come and join us in exchanging ideas with colleagues. It is our great honor to invite you to attend this conference and share your insights at Forum 2: Green Smart City. The related forums in Forum 2 you may interested are as follows:
Forum 2: Green Smart City
Forum 201: Infrastructure of Green Smart City
Forum 202: Smart Communication Network
Forum 203: Smart Green Energy and Smart Grid
Forum 204: Smart Green Environment and Ecological City
Forum 205: Smart Medical and Green Living Community
The draft agenda for your reference:
November 09, 2016: Registration all day
November 10, 2016: Opening Ceremony & Keynote Forum; panel presentation
November 11, 2016: Panel presentation; Qingdao’s Night Show
November 12, 2016: Panel presentation; Closing Ceremony
The three-day conference will highlight the opportunities for Qingdao to thrive in a global economy, and how we can set the stage for innovation in public policy, in the private sector and ensure the long term prosperity. We look forward to having your positive reply soon. For more details about the conference PS: http://www.bitcongress.com/GCKE2016/
Contact“: 0086-411-84799609-813 E-mail: emma@bitcongress.com
Consul for Education说:留言于2016-04-28 05:49:29(第22条)

School of Medicine UCI说:留言于2016-04-28 03:15:15(第21条)
Many thanks, TS
野台说:留言于2016-04-28 03:12:02(第20条)
敬愛的洛杉磯泛藍的好朋友: 您好 !!
臉書社團”野台”發起人、前總統府副秘書長羅智強先生於3月1日正式展開美加巡講,從鳯凰城出發,以二個月,開車2萬公里,巡迴美加36州省近三十個城市舉辦客廳會與演講會。在此行中,洛杉磯是第二站,也是最後一站,羅智強 將於4月29日在洛杉磯舉辦演講座談,向洛杉磯僑胞報告二個月來的「巡講心得」,並分析520後台灣的新政局。洛杉磯一群泛藍的好朋友, 已安排羅智強先生於4/29星期五晚上6:00在 上流食府餐廳(GOLDEN SOUP RESTAURANT; 地址:1039 E. Valley Blvd., #B201, San Gabriel CA 91776,電話:626- 312-9586,888 Seafood 的對面) 餐敘. 有意參加餐敘的朋友(每人$30元), 請與謝宗煌 聯絡報名,謝謝!
【​​百國簽約,全球追稅 – 6/30如何申報?​ 】講座说:留言于2016-04-28 00:08:50(第19条)
1. 海外「帳號」申報 (the “FBAR”)
2. 海外「財產」申報 (the “FATCA”)
3. 海外「股權投資」申報 (5471-CFC)
FBAR執行機關為財政部,本意在於防止國際洗錢和恐怖分子資金流動。 FATCA主要目的在監控美國人海外收入的來源。 我們來具體看看截止日是6/30海外帳號申報的範圍、申報金額和申報方式?
a. 海外銀行帳號
b. 海外證券帳號
c. 任何海外債券,債權,選擇權,衍生性商品
d. 海外人壽保險的現金解約價值
e. 美國人有簽字權的 (或是有代理權的) 任何海外公司或個人帳號 (美國上市公司除外)
f. 信託受益人為美國人的海外信託銀行帳號
g. 海外個人退休帳號。
申報方式:必須上網申報。 申報日期為每年的6/30 (不得延期)。
蓄意漏報海外帳戶者可加罰海外帳戶最高餘額的50%作為罰金;蓄意漏報並違法情節嚴重的,甚至可判5-10年徒刑。為什麼說百個國家直接資料交換給國稅局是​​天羅地網佈局完成?法網恢恢,​​華人移民在網羅之下如何在6/30前誠實申報?​​ 卓越財富將在下週六5/7​​​​​​​@2pm舉辦專題為【​​百國簽約,全球追稅 – 6/30如何申報?​ 】講座。 請將您多年累積的海外​​​​​​財稅​​疑問帶到講座中來,專家一定傾囊相助! 講座報名電話是:1-877-253-8288​Jenny@EliteWealths.com。
prof.hsu说:留言于2016-04-27 06:57:04(第18条)
Thank you so much for sharing the memorable photos, and congratulations on the great success of this event! We were all very touched by the students' stories and by MLF's wonderful philanthropic work.

2016第六屆聖地牙哥亞裔電影節说:留言于2016-04-27 06:17:01(第17条)
2016第六屆聖地牙哥亞裔電影節(6th Annual San Diego Asian Film Festival)將於4月28日至5月5日在米慎谷(Mission Valley)電影院盛大舉行,14部電影、超過十個國家參展,詳情可上festival.sdaff.org/spring2016網站查詢和訂票。電影節地址:7510 Hazard Center Drive, San Diego, CA 92108。
UCLA-CCS说:留言于2016-04-27 06:12:33(第16条)
Water Festival as Spectacle: Sino-Burmese Identities, Ethnic Politics and Public Performances in Macau
Thursday, April 28, 2016
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Bunche Hall 10383, UCLA
In the decades after Ne Win’s military regime seized power in 1962 and anti-Chinese riots occurred in 1967, many Sino-Burmese people chose to flee Burma and immigrate to Macau. Today, they number over 40,000, making up 8% of Macau’s total population. They also constitute 60% of what the Macanese government officially calls gui qiao (“returning overseas Chinese”), and are thus recognized as Macau’s largest gui qiao community. To claim their ethnic subjectivity, this group has successfully created a unique Sino-Burmese Water Festival (derived from the Burmese Theravada Buddhist thingyan festival). When it was first held in 1995, it was simply a community initiative to commemorate their nostalgia towards their second homeland, Burma. Soon after Macau’s sovereignty was transferred from Portugal to China in 1999, the Macanese government transformed this festival from a one-day community gathering into a three-day grand Water Festival Carnival. The transformation has not only helped the group form a notable ethnic identity, mian hua (Burmese Chinese), but also boosted Macau’s city tourism, which, along with its gambling enterprises, facilitates an economic boom enjoyed by all residents.

Based on an ethnographic study conducted in 2015 and 2016, this talk examines how music and dance are crucial to the making of the Sino-Burmese water festival, and to its articulation of identity. The festival can be said to draw on collective understanding of space and agency, and to operate within a rhetoric of multiculturalism, nostalgic sentiments, community networks and bureaucratic logic. However, whilst presenting this cultural production as spectacular, the festival has obscured the continuous unbalanced power dynamics amongst subgroups. A “twin festival” phenomenon reveals the tensions sparked between the Sino-Burmese inhabitants and ethnic Burmese migrant workers occurring in recent years. This speaks to the idea of “festival reclamation,” where subaltern groups reclaim representations of a festival constructed by the dominant culture.
第三屆美國華人青少年藝術節说:留言于2016-04-27 06:09:21(第15条)
為弘揚中華文化、融合當地中文學校成果,「第三屆美國華人青少年藝術節」將於5月28日(周六)晚上6時30分至8時30分在波威表演藝術中心(Poway Center for the Performing Center)舉行,歡迎民眾參加。節目內容包括音樂、舞蹈、語言、繪畫、曲藝、體育、綜藝等,成人門票15元、兒童、年長者或十人以上團體10元,貴賓票50元,購票專線:858-610-2259,或向育才中文學校(858-603-2211)、金龍課後學院(858-335-6177)、啟迪中文學校(858-484-3990)、園泉藝術中心(858-610-2477)洽詢。波威表演藝術中心地址:15498 Espola Rd, Poway, CA 92064。
亞凱迪亞第18屆年度法律日说:留言于2016-04-27 06:07:24(第14条)
時間是4月30日上午10時至下午1時,地點是亞凱迪亞圖書館(20 W Duarte Rd.,Arcadia )626-526-8032。
洛杉磯聯合學區说:留言于2016-04-27 06:05:10(第13条)
洛杉磯市12至17歲的青少年可在6、7月免費參與「Get Summer」活動的項目,可得到學業方面的幫助,還可幫助青少年們發展個人領導能力。該項目由洛杉磯大都會青年會(YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles)設立,洛杉磯市、洛杉磯縣、洛杉磯聯合學區(LAUSD)合辦。青年會在洛杉磯地區設有26個活動點,青少年可在26個活動點免費享用主辦方提供的資源,洛杉磯聯合學區將為所有參與的青少年免費提供食物,洛杉磯市和洛縣還為成人提供兼職工作。主辦方預計今年將會有約5000名青少年參與「Get Summer」的項目。洛杉磯大都會青年會的各個活動點將會在4月30日(周六)舉辦的「健康兒童日」的活動上開始接受「Get Summer」的報名註冊,青少年需要在監護人的攜帶下,持附有照片的個人證件即可免費註冊成為會員,參與暑期活動。青年會各個活動點地址信息查詢及更多詳情,可上網關注:ymcaLA.org/GetSummer。
侨报求职创业俱乐部说:留言于2016-04-27 02:30:33(第12条)
小伙伴们学习完后,千万不要忘记来4月29日下午1点至5点的CCC的招聘会,几十家公司,只待你放手一试,看看到底管用不管用!!地址:USC Radisson Hotel (3540 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90007)。

Wechat bb0407
chinainstitute.org说:留言于2016-04-27 01:47:31(第11条)
China's Great Emperors
Thursdays, April 28; May 5, 12, 19, 26, 6:30-8:00PM
40 Rector Street, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10006
"China's Great Emperors" is a six-session lecture series that will explore the history of imperial China through the lives of some of its most fascinating emperors. Each lecture features a prominent scholar covering an emperor and his dynasty, from the "first" emperor Qin Shi Huangdi to the Mongol rule of Khubilai Khan to the late-imperial glories of Emperor Qianlong. Join China Institute in exploring more than 2000 years of imperial rule over the Middle Kingdom.
Contact: 212-744-8181 ext. 138 or by email at anicholson@chinainstitute.org
CIAM说:留言于2016-04-27 01:44:56(第10条)
If you want to increase productivity, efficiency, sales, and profits in any industry or activity, whether for yourself, or for any size organization, the key is leadership. Beginning at West Point, and through being a PhD student, and then later a personal friend of Peter Drucker, "the Father of Modern Management", Dr. Cohen has practiced leadership around the world. He worked with hundreds of organizations and entrepreneurs, analyzed several hundreds more, including in the government, major corporations, as well as small companies. The leadership influence tools he uncovered through Drucker resulted in him writing more than 50 books published in 23 languages and in the co-founding of an accredited non-profit degree-granting graduate school (CIAM). The next seminar will be on May 10th* @5pm
Reserve Your Seat Today: 1(626)350-1500
The “How,” “When” and “Where” of the Leadership Influence Tools Seminar
Attending the Leadership Influence Tools seminar is easy. There are two options:
Option 1: We will conduct an identical seminar the first Tuesday of every month in our classroom from 5:00-6:30pm. We are right adjacent on the south side of the San Bernardino Freeway (10) in the office building located at 9550 Flair Dr., Suite 201, El Monte, CA 91731. It’s a safe area with adequate parking. However, we will only accept a maximum of 20 attendees for any Tuesday date. So you must call ahead to Penny Li or Sammi Scott at 1(626)350-1500 to register and reserve your seat.
Option 2: If you can provide a classroom with PowerPoint projector and computer, we will conduct the seminar at your location on condition that you have at least 20 in attendance. Again, call ahead to Penny Li or Sammi Scott at 1(626)350-1500 to set this up for your organization.
Who Should Attend?
• Top Level, especially HR and Line Executives
• Staff Managers
• Emerging Leaders
• First Level Managers
• Entrepreneurs
Reserve Your Seat Today: 1(626)350-1500; info@ciam.edu
9550 Flair Drive, Suite #201, El Monte, CA 91731, USA
Murrieta说:留言于2016-04-26 05:33:28(第9条)
- You are invited -
Southwest Riverside County Regional Healthcare/Economic Development Summit
With the rapid growth of the region and of our healthcare needs, the objective of the Summit will be to bring together top leadership with a focus on creating strong economic development around health and biotech, building the health professions pipeline for students, and exploring options for healthy cities here in Southwest County.
Who Should Attend:
Healthcare Industry leaders, Biotech leaders, College and University Presidents and Deans, School Superintendents and Principals, High School Health Academy leadership, City Managers and Economic Development Directors, Mayors and City Council members, Healthy City leadership, County Public Health, Healthcare leadership and Workforce Development Board, Chamber of Commerce CEO''''s, other leaders with a stake in the health of Southwest Riverside County. Other Participating Partners:
The City of Menifee and The City of Hemet.
May 5th, 2016, 8:00 - Noon
24510 Village Walk Place, Murrieta, CA 92562
爾灣加大社會科學院 世界和平與衝突研究中心说:留言于2016-04-25 15:38:10(第8条)
復旦大學國際政治系教授唐世平,應邀於27日(周三)下午4時,在爾灣加大主講「自由派的國際新秩序與中國」。由爾灣加大社會科學院世界和平與衝突研究中心主辦的專題演講,邀請專研比較政治的學者唐世平擔任主講人,唐世平將分析自由派的國際新秩序中,中國可能扮演的角色,並從國際貨幣基金(IMF)與亞洲基礎建設投資銀行(AIIB)的關係,推衍中國重建國際新秩序的方式。唐世平的學術經歷和大多數中國學者不同,他早年在美國拿到的是分子生物和遺傳學博士,卻因對比較政治有興趣,又進柏克萊加大修得亞洲研究碩士,從生物學轉行進入社會科學領域。他在2013年出版的英文專著「 國際政治的社會演化」獲得國際研究學會(International Studies Association)選為年度最佳著作,是首位獲此獎的亞洲學者。專題演講屬世界和平與衝突研究中心主辦的東亞系列講座之一,免費對外開放,地點在爾灣加大SBSG1517教室。
泰国会议展览局说:留言于2016-04-25 15:20:29(第7条)

14:00-14:30 嘉宾签到
14:30-14:40 主持人介绍参会嘉宾
14:40-14:50 泰国驻华大使乐堃.倪勇致辞
14:50-15:05 中国国际商会会展部“中泰经济贸易关系对东盟经济共同体的影响”
15:05-15:10 视频展示“泰国特展-拓展您在东盟的商机”
15:10-15:30 泰国会议展览局赵蕊女士演讲“ 针对中国市场新的支持政策”
15:30-16:15 泰国主办机构代表深讨行业视点
16:15-16:20 合影
16:20-16:30 茶歇
16:30-17:30 上午洽谈
17:30-19:00 自助晚餐
ZYW说:留言于2016-04-24 02:06:57(第6条)
That was fast, thanks!
Please give my congratulations to the recipients! They are all truly excellent.
四川省人民政府外事侨务办公室说:留言于2016-04-23 08:28:44(第5条)

Cathay说:留言于2016-04-22 07:28:42(第4条)
Dear Professor,
We can’t thank you enough for being so supportive and holding our hands through the process. Have a nice day!
大紐約華人教育基金會说:留言于2016-04-22 06:46:25(第3条)
「大紐約華人教育基金會」2016學年獎學金,即日起至5月23日接受申請,除了選出六名成績優秀華生及兩名新移民學生,大學四年每人每年可獲1000元,今年還首次提供一名經濟有困難學生四年共1萬8000元的獎學金名額。基金會成立至今已邁入第11年,為全美首個專為華裔學生設立的Dollars for Scholars基金會。申請者必須為2016到2017年秋季進入大學的12年級生,而新移民學生認定標準為2013年1月1日以後來美,所有獎金皆以支票形式寄到學生所就讀大學以補助學費。

獎學金申請者須住在紐約州、新澤西州及康州。申請條件為全職在校生、平均分(GPA)在3.5及以上、課外活動展現領導能力或贏過重要獎項、一封熟知申請者所寫的推薦人信函,以及一篇自傳,而家庭經濟條件也會特別予以考量。自傳須說明申請人興趣、目標,以及特殊情況或克服的困難;新移民申請者須在自傳說明語言、文化適應能力,以及個人遇到的困難與特殊經歷。要特別注意的是,獎學金申請者所要就讀的大學必須為慈善機構「美國獎學金」(Scholarship America)的成員(Collegiate Partner),或該校承諾將獎金用於支付學生學費上的「未足需求」(unmet need)、工讀(work study)或貸款。若該校會因申請者獲得外界獎學金而減少財務補助,將失去申請此獎學金的資格。申請表及申請材料須在網上提交,網站:greatnychinese.dollarsforscholars.org,點選「學生&家長」(Students & Parents) 選項。在網上註冊用戶後,學生可以申請大紐約華人基金會獎學金及其他獎學金。詳情可電(718)710-1132或(718)767-8895,或是電郵chinesescholarship@gmail.com。
Center for Chinese Studies, UCLA说:留言于2016-04-22 05:42:07(第2条)
Water Festival as Spectacle: Sino-Burmese Identities, Ethnic Politics and Public Performances in Macau
Thursday, April 28, 2016, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Bunche Hall 10383, UCLA
In the decades after Ne Win’s military regime seized power in 1962 and anti-Chinese riots occurred in 1967, many Sino-Burmese people chose to flee Burma and immigrate to Macau. Today, they number over 40,000, making up 8% of Macau’s total population. They also constitute 60% of what the Macanese government officially calls gui qiao (“returning overseas Chinese”), and are thus recognized as Macau’s largest gui qiao community. To claim their ethnic subjectivity, this group has successfully created a unique Sino-Burmese Water Festival (derived from the Burmese Theravada Buddhist thingyan festival). When it was first held in 1995, it was simply a community initiative to commemorate their nostalgia towards their second homeland, Burma. Soon after Macau’s sovereignty was transferred from Portugal to China in 1999, the Macanese government transformed this festival from a one-day community gathering into a three-day grand Water Festival Carnival. The transformation has not only helped the group form a notable ethnic identity, mian hua (Burmese Chinese), but also boosted Macau’s city tourism, which, along with its gambling enterprises, facilitates an economic boom enjoyed by all residents.

Based on an ethnographic study conducted in 2015 and 2016, this talk examines how music and dance are crucial to the making of the Sino-Burmese water festival, and to its articulation of identity. The festival can be said to draw on collective understanding of space and agency, and to operate within a rhetoric of multiculturalism, nostalgic sentiments, community networks and bureaucratic logic. However, whilst presenting this cultural production as spectacular, the festival has obscured the continuous unbalanced power dynamics amongst subgroups. A “twin festival” phenomenon reveals the tensions sparked between the Sino-Burmese inhabitants and ethnic Burmese migrant workers occurring in recent years. This speaks to the idea of “festival reclamation,” where subaltern groups reclaim representations of a festival constructed by the dominant culture.

Tasaw Hsin-chun LU (Ph.D. UCLA in Ethnomusicology, 2007) is an associate research fellow at the Institute of Ethnology in Academia Sinica, Taiwan. With a geocultural focus on Burma and its diasporas, her research interests are the everyday politics, identity shifts, soundscape formation, and embodiment as exemplified in music performances. Her ongoing project is a comparative ethnographic study concerning the Sino-Burmese musical practices in Yangon, as well as those in Taiwan and Macau. She is the author ofUnfaded Splendor: Representation and Modernity of the Burmese Classical Music Tradition(National Taiwan University Press, 2012), and co-producer, with a filmmaker Chuan-Chiang YU, of a documentary film “Musical Sojourn: Circle of the Losing Drum” (2015) on a legendary Burmese drummer in exile.
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