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2012/12/3 17:51:47 | 浏览:10047 | 评论:34

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
网站: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
杨鸣 ming.s.yang@gmail.com
Ming Yang
2012年 第31期 創刊第588期 11/27-12/03/2012
Table of content - 本期重要目录


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements







UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2012 No.31)

Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4509]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [5007]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [5304]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4511]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4492]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4830]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [5091]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5458]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4634]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5713]
:浙江财经大学国际青年学者论坛的邀请函 (10/31-11/1) :美国加大审查范围 北大多名美国留学生遭联邦调查局质询 :天安门广场喜迎“十一”花团锦簇的美丽景象 马亮:做院长就能够发更多论文?论文发表是不是一场“权力的游戏”? :印裔人才在美碾压华裔:我们可以从印度教育中学到什么? :北京452万人将从北京迁至雄安(附部分央企名单) :《2019全球肿瘤趋势报告》 :阿尔茨海默病预防与干预核心讯息图解
ZB说:留言于2012-12-11 09:15:09(第34条)
Thank you for your information. Best. ZB
Ye Fei说:留言于2012-12-10 00:48:39(第33条)
2013年海外華裔青年語文研習班说:留言于2012-12-10 00:29:46(第32条)
華府華文作家協會说:留言于2012-12-10 00:06:45(第31条)
華府華文作家協會將於15日(周六)下午2至5時舉行一場討論本屆諾貝爾文學獎的座談,邀請資深會員韓秀與張郎郎擔任引言人,和有興趣的文友與僑胞一起探討當代文學的趨勢與流變,進而分析文學創作是否應該執守古典的本質。首位獲得諾貝爾文學獎的華文作家高行健曾說「語言乃是人類文明最上乘的結晶,它如此精微,如此難以把握,如此透澈,又如此無孔不入,穿透人的感知,把人這感知的主體同對世界的認識聯繫起來。」作為全球矚目的文學桂冠,「諾貝爾文學獎」近期在瑞典頒發,對本屆文學獎得主莫言的兩極爭議再起。討論會的目的不在辯證莫言該不該得獎,而是要剖析,身為當代作家該不該扮演什麼樣的社會角色。本次活動獲世界書局馬里蘭門市慷慨贊助,作協會員將可獲世界書局折價券,享受購書優惠。座談會地點是波多馬克社區中心:Potomac Community Center, MD,11315 Falls Rd Potomac, MD 20854,聯絡: 703-865-4678,emafu63@gmail.com)、myy_md@yahoo. com)。
僑委會僑商青年企業家邀訪團说:留言于2012-12-10 00:04:42(第30条)
千人计划网说:留言于2012-12-09 16:44:48(第29条)

尊敬的美国华裔教授专家网 网站领导:

CASEI说:留言于2012-12-09 16:38:43(第28条)
mjzhang说:留言于2012-12-09 15:06:41(第27条)
Dept. of Math, Ohio State University说:留言于2012-12-09 13:38:50(第26条)
Dear Colleague,
The Ohio State Graduate Program in Mathematics is inviting applications to both its Ph.D. and M.M.S. degree programs. Please find below several highlights that your graduating undergraduate majors and Masters students may be interested in.
Full Stipend & Tuition Support is offered to all incoming graduate students for all degrees, either through teaching associateships or, for qualified applicants, in the form of university fellowships.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.):
We expect to admit 15-19 students to our Ph.D.- program. The research program at our department has been invigorated by several recent faculty hires as well as special initiatives in mathematical biology, algebraic geometry, the interface of number theory and ergodic theory, and research topics combining topology, probability theory, and computation. This adds to our other strengths represented by a total of 90 faculty who are available to supervise dissertations in about every field of math. We are particularly pleased with very competitive post-doctoral job placements of many of our recent PhD graduates, including Princeton University, IAS, University of Chicago, Yale, Cal-Tech, Rutgers, University of Michigan, and top-institutions abroad. For more details see
Master of Mathematical Sciences (M.M.S.):
The M.M.S. is a two-year, terminal degree program with emphasis on practical, interdisciplinary work. Students apply to one of the specializations, in each of which they will collaborate with faculty from partner departments on summer projects and thesis research. Graduates find employment in related public and private sectors, or admission to applied doctoral programs. We plan to recruit up to 6 qualified students for each track per year.
Mathematical Biology:
This degree track is co-sponsored by the NSF Mathematical Biosciences Institute at OSU. Research and thesis projects are in collaboration, among others, with the OSU departments of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, Molecular Genetics, and Microbiology, as well as various research units of the OSU Medical School. For more details see http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/mms/bio
Mathematics for Educators: This degree track serves students with interest in the teaching and, more broadly, the communication of mathematics. The curriculum emphasizes a thorough background in core areas of mathematics as well as courses specially designed in collaboration with the OSU Department of Education and Human Ecology . For more information see http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/mms/edu
Computational Sciences:
This specialization represents the third track in our M.M.S. degree program, and provides the mathematical training and background in related fields required in a wide range of computational applications. Interdisciplinary practical projects and theses are designed and carried out in collaborations with the numerous engineering and physical science departments on campus. More detailed information about the program can be found at http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/mms/cps
Future plans include a Master of Quantitative Risk Management, expected to start in 2014. Detailed information and instructions regarding applications can be found at http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/apply
For full consideration please submit complete applications by December 26th , 2012 .
Thomas Kerler, Vice-Chair for Graduate Studies
Dept of Math, Ohio State University
IBM说:留言于2012-12-07 10:11:57(第25条)
Connecting Companies with Capital
Learn, Link & Lead with Start-ups to Succeed
Date/Time: Tuesday, December 11th, 2012, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Venue: IBM Innovation Center, 404 Wyman St. Waltham, MA
Online registration: ibm.co/VJgDQ6
Don't miss this opportunity to rub elbows and network with the people making the investments! Join venture capitalists, angel investors, industry experts, and the start-up community to discuss business formation and growth.
* Executive keynote by Massachusetts Secretary of Housing and Economic Development, Greg Bialescki.
* Interactive panel discussion and success stories with entrepreneurs.
* Breakout sessions led by thought leaders in Healthcare, Big Data and Mobile
* Entrepreneur speed dating with investors and mentors
CABA说:留言于2012-12-07 10:08:44(第24条)
2012 Medical Device & Diagnostics Symposium
-- A Joint Event presented by CABA, NECINA, ACMA, HMS-CSSA
• Date & Time: Saturday, December 8, 2012, 1:00-5:00pm
• Venue: IBM Innovation Center, 404 Wyman Street, North Entrance, Waltham, MA 02454-1280
• Contact: Dr. Wei Zhang, Email: zhangwei999@hotmail.com
• Admission: Free to CABA, NECINA, ACMA and HMS-CSSA members, $20 for nonmembers, $10 for students. On-site registration to become member is available.
• For more information, please visit www.cabaweb.org
Overview: Bridging Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Medical Device and Diagnostics
The 2012 Medical Device & Diagnostics Symposium aims to build a platform of interaction for biomedical professionals in the New England area, highlight innovation and marketing trends, and uncover opportunities for entrepreneurship in both US and China.
* Cutting-edge Innovation in the Medical Device & Diagnostics Industry.
* Market Trends and Industry Outlook.
* Panel discussion on Medical Device & Diagnostics in the US and China.
American-Chinese CEO Society说:留言于2012-12-07 00:13:56(第23条)
Time: Dec 8th
Lunch: 11:30 am to 14:00 pm
Location: Private Ranch at Bradbury
It is by invitation only. RSVP REQUIRED by Dec 6th. 2012 by e-mail reply to catieaccs@gmail.com

American-Chinese CEO Society
xjmyk说:留言于2012-12-06 12:02:04(第22条)
Thanks a lot for let me know the information.
binzhang说:留言于2012-12-06 12:00:11(第21条)
william T.说:留言于2012-12-06 09:25:04(第20条)
Thank you for sharing this wonderful information. William
Liz Locke说:留言于2012-12-06 07:19:37(第19条)
Thanks. Have a good night.
USC U.S.-China Institute说:留言于2012-12-06 05:02:00(第18条)
02/07/2013 (Thursday) - Screening: Half the Sky - Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide
A screening of the documentary series that introduces women who are living under some of the most difficult circumstances imaginable - and fighting bravely to change them. The film reflects viable and sustainable options for empowerment and offers an actionable blueprint for transformation.
Annenberg Auditorium
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089
Time: 7:00 - 8:30PM

China is one of the lenses WuDunn and Kristof use to highlight issues affecting women and girls in their book, Half the Sky. Issues that Chinese women face include a lack of investment in education in poor rural areas, gender imbalance due to forced or sex-selective abortions, and discrimination in the workplace. Yet the authors also use China to illustrate the vast improvements that have been made for women over time and their consequent effects. The knowledge that Sheryl WuDunn and Nicholas Kristof gained about the status of women and girls during their time living in China as journalists helped to solidify the urgent need to change perceptions about gender globally. The authors write: "China has traditionally been one of the more repressive and smothering places for girls, and we could see hints of this in Sheryl's own family history." When Cheryl's grandfather''s first wife could not bear sons, he married another wife who could, forgetting about the family who came before Cheryl's own.

While Chinese women do still face discrimination and more traditional views about women overall, the authors acknowledge that China offers maternity benefits, Chinese men are beginning to do more household work, and Chinese women are often leading decision-making in the home. Even more importantly, the authors show that the "emancipation" of women has allowed for China's tremendous growth. In fact, according to the book, 80 percent of the workers in China''s coastal factories are female. They also write about a young girl in rural China who could not afford her $13 school fee. After mobilizing donors from their news articles, the school could now offer scholarships to keep girls in school. The young girl was able to stay in school and now is an entrepreneur. By illuminating changes in China, WuDunn and Kristof are able to thread together their main argument that investing in and caring about women and girls worldwide, aside from a very credible moral case, has exponential benefits.
杉磯縣警察局華人顧問委員會(LACASA)说:留言于2012-12-06 03:14:56(第17条)
时间: 2012年12月05号下午4:30 – 6:30 pm
地点: 金凱旋宮餐廳 Tel: 626-308-3222
555 W. Main Street, Alhambra, CA 91801

Tell: 626-810-7572

R. McEvoy说:留言于2012-12-06 01:28:47(第16条)
Happy Holidays!
Best Regards,
song chen说:留言于2012-12-06 01:04:27(第15条)
姜教授,请加发UPDATE给另一朋友 lisun.usa@gmail.com,谢谢
Historic Joy Kogawa House Society说:留言于2012-12-06 01:02:46(第14条)
Historic Joy Kogawa House Society is pleased to present a roundtable discussion with Elders of the Japanese Canadian and Chinese Canadian communities to observe the 75th anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre. This is but one of numerous commemoration events being held across the country. Toronto City Council has unanimously voted for a week of education around this historic event, proclaiming this to be Nanking Massacre Awareness Week.
The Nanjing Massacre was a six-week-long mass murder that ultimately claimed the lives of 250,000 to 300,000 people, following the Japanese capture of the Chinese city in December 1937. The atrocity contributed to the longstanding tension between Japan and China, which flared recently over disputed ownership of islands in the East China Sea.
Elders and friends of the Japanese Canadian community and representatives from the Chinese community as well as other concerned Canadians will gather for discussion and a candlelight vigil as a gesture of reconciliation for past wrongs and the hope of justice for all.
A screening of a digest version of the film Torn Memories of Nanjing by Tamaki Matsuoka will be shown as a lead-in to the roundtable discussion. The film details interviews with Japanese veterans who fought during the siege of Nanjing on December 13, 1937. Please join us.
Where: Historic Joy Kogawa House, 1450 West 64th Avenue, Vancouver, BC
When: Sunday, December 9, 2012, 3:00 p.m.
Light refreshments served at 2:00 p.m.
Candlelight vigil begins at 4:00 p.m.
To interview Joy Kogawa or any of the discussants listed above, and for further information, please email kogawahouse@yahoo.ca or call 604-897-7438.
bingfu Lu说:留言于2012-12-06 00:55:09(第13条)
Shenggao L.说:留言于2012-12-06 00:47:40(第12条)
教授:我这几天带家人在Disneyland 玩,本来打算到您们办公室拜访取经的。但看了一下路程,单程得1.5小时,而且没有提前预约,只好遗憾作罢。胜高
Kuang说:留言于2012-12-06 00:45:42(第11条)
Dear Colleagues and friends:
Thanks for the announcments and the informative articles again. Wish you all had wonderful X'mas seasons and a fruitful NEW YEAR 2013. Keep on the good works and talk again soon. All the best, Zhong Hao

Bill C.说:留言于2012-12-05 10:57:34(第10条)
Thank you very much. I can open your web link now:) Who knows why?
Best regards,

APEX说:留言于2012-12-05 07:16:23(第9条)
13th Annual APA Community Holiday Toy Drive and Reception
Join APEX this Thursday, along with other co-sponsoring APA organizations, for the 13th Annual APA Community Holiday Toy Drive and Reception at the Japanese American National Museum in Little Tokyo. Help less fortunate children receive toys this holiday by attending this networking event filled with food, fun, and live entertainment from Nate Tao and Fujazz Band. Just bring a new unwrapped toy valued at $20 (or more) or donate a minimum of $20. Guests will also get a chance to tour the museum at no extra cost. The museum store is open until 8PM the day of the event.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Japanese American National Museum
100 North Central Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Admission: Bring an unwrapped new toy valued at $20 (or more) or a minimum donation of $20
Liang.Chiang说:留言于2012-12-05 06:52:56(第8条)
Thanks. Happy Holidays !

Liang Chiang
全英高层次人才创业大赛说:留言于2012-12-05 06:50:58(第7条)
报名方式:诚意欢迎英国高端人才、学者和学子到中关村考察和访问。如果您希望创业,中关村是最佳的选择。由于名额有限,报名从速(12月17日报名结束)。请您填写报名表并在上方签名后,将报名表发送至talentsuk@gmail.com 报名的信箱中。注:在收到您的签字报名表后,我们发出邀请函。中关村管委会将负责安排考察团成员在北京中关村考察期间的交通食宿等


也芮職業培訓學院说:留言于2012-12-05 02:08:40(第6条)
「也芮職業培訓學院」的護士助理冬季課程正在招生中,開課時間為12月13日,開學介紹會時間是12月6日及12月11日下午2時,必須電話預約。由於名額有限,可儘快報名。也芮職業培訓學院表示,護士助理課程由加州衛生部及教育局註冊並批准,學生接受11周短期培訓及通過加州護理部考試後,便可經由學校協助介紹往各大醫療機構及護理站工作。目前市場急需大量護士助理,此工作穩定、福利佳、就業率高。 護士助理英文為Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA),它的主要工作是配合護士照顧病人有關的醫療護理工作。故護士助理,必須學習一些基本的護理常識及量度病人的生命體徵,包括測血壓、體溫及脈搏,及跟據各病人不同護理計劃協助其日常活動和生活,及作適當的心理輔導,促使病人儘快康復及身心健康。護士助理可選擇在療養院、康復中心、醫院、成人日間保健中心工作,以及家庭中工作,通常照顧較需長期接受治療及護理的人。此工作市場需求量甚大,將會在註冊護士直接領導下工作。剛畢業的護士助理工作起薪約為年新2萬6000元以上,多年工作經驗後可晉級考取職業護士。 歡迎參加開學介紹會,詳情可電626-572-7231查詢。該院另設有一個月專業家庭醫療看護就業培訓課程、及CPR心臟急救證書培訓。學院地址209 N. San Gabriel Blvd. Suite C, Rosemead, CA,網址www.st-inst.com。
luwei说:留言于2012-12-05 01:15:04(第5条)
請點擊 http://chineseusa.org/

William/Wei Lu
EDI Media Inc./ KMRM 1370AM/ EDI City Newsweek/ Xin Min Evening News

jqhe说:留言于2012-12-05 00:48:17(第4条)
Angel Care说:留言于2012-12-05 00:45:41(第3条)
Merry X ' Mas ! & Happy New Year !
You are cordially invited to fallowing two ceremonies in Macau
Tues. 18. Dec. 2012. 4:30 pm
MUST HMTCF ~ Angel Care ~ Students Assistance Project
Venue : Macau University of Science and Technology
Rome Room N221, 2/F, Academic Building, Block N. * Ms. Bonnie Wan 853-88971901
Tues. 18. Dec. 2012. 6:30 pm
UMAC HMTCF ~ Angel Care ~ Students Assistance Project
Venue : University of Macau
Senate Room T302, 3/F, Tai Fung Building * Mr. Henry Cheung 853-83974819
HK & Macau Taiwanese Charity Fund Limited ~ Angel Care ~ Student Assistance Project
which aim to assist and encourage university students from the needy families.
Thanks a lot ! Peace & Joy !
your sincerely Angelique Yeh 61028108
pdwen说:留言于2012-12-05 00:42:31(第2条)
姜镇英教授、陈钧铭教授:我是贵网老读者,不知何故,最近不能打开你们的网页?十分可惜。我从你们这里得到不少海外学人的信息,我还是希望继续阅读你们的网页,有什么办法?请指教。 广州市人民政府参事 潘鼎文
laihua luo说:留言于2012-12-05 00:39:00(第1条)
注意: 留言内容不要超过4000字,否则会被截断。
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