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栏目导航 — 美国华裔教授专家网关于我们即时通讯
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2011/10/2 18:08:01 | 浏览:630758 | 评论:61

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net
主編: 姜镇英 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
网站: 艾红梅 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
杨鸣 ming.s.yang@gmail.com
Ming Yang
2011年 第30期 創刊第549期 9/25-10/2/2011
Table of content - 本期重要目录


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements





UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2011 No.30)

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4120]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4680]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [4947]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4148]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4187]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4443]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [4759]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5108]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4307]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5284]
:学术出版巨头Elsevier 彻查433名审稿人“强迫引用”黑幕 :中国336个国家重点实验室布局 :中澳政府联合出手打击洗钱和逃税漏税 大量中国居民海外账户遭冻结 :摄影师苏唐诗与寂寞百年的故宫对话6年,3万张照片美伦美奂 :大数据分析图解:2019中国企业500强 张梦然:英国惠康桑格研究所:人体内的微生物与出生方式有关 :美众议院将调查华裔部长赵小兰“利用职权为家族谋利“ :UCLA CCS 2019 Fall Quarter Lecture Series Overview
gordon说:留言于2015-01-07 07:09:17(第58条)
Thank you Professor Jiang for all you are doing despite your hectic schedule in China.
Have a great trip. We hope to see you soon.

Esther Wee
Senior Vice President
Cathay Bank
Email: esther.wee@cathaybank.com
matt说:留言于2014-10-05 23:02:27(第57条)
horny说:留言于2014-05-20 10:45:12(第56条)
US documentary film:Diao Yu Island /美国纪录片:钓鱼岛真相 Please forward to your friends who like to know the truth: Historical records of Diao Yu Island
Hdjsrsxo说:留言于2014-02-18 05:58:24(第55条)
Sun Xudong:
请华人组织起来反对限制亚裔入学比例的SCA5 ,以免以后其它州,其它大学有可能效仿。在华人欢庆新年之际,西裔民主党籍州参议员(State Senator)贺南德兹(Ed Hrnandz)提出一项提案却给欢乐中的亚裔们浇了一盆冷水:该议员嫌加州大学系统(University of California System)的亚裔学生太多了,要求限制亚裔入学,提高西裔和非裔在加大系统中的入学比率。此提案已在1/30/2014参议院(State Senator)27票赞成,9票反对通过。(注1)。下一步即将提到州众议会投票。此提案如果在州众议会(State Assembly)获得通过,将於今年11月公投,决定是否恢复在加大校园中实行所谓的平权措施(Affirmative Action),限制亚裔招生,多招西裔和非裔。加州於1996年通过209提案,成为全美第一个州禁止公立大学以种族决定入学,政府也不可以种族为聘用标准。参议会通过的SCA5修宪提案将取消209法案部分规定,包括政府单位在内,不可因个人或团体的种族、性别、肤色和原国籍,给予公立教育特殊待遇。目前加大(UC)各校亚裔学生比例,远超过加州亚裔人口比例,一旦公投通过,加大亚裔入学人数势必受到排挤。各级亚裔民意代表与民权团体,应尽速表明反对立场,勿使优秀的亚裔学子接受高等教育的机会遭剥夺。加大系统的亚裔学生比例最高,是因为亚裔凭学业成绩与各方面表现的真本事被录取,没有受到族裔背景的特别照顾。说白了,SCA5提案的实际意义,就是民主党人嫌亚裔占掉加大太多入学名额,尤其让西裔人士看了眼红。**现在我们可以做的是写信给代表我们选区的加州众议员,去他们的网站给他们写Email,请他们反对 SCA5. (不需要再和State Senator写了,因为他们已经投过票了)。请点击下面网站找到谁是代表您的州众议员(Assembly member),打开了议员网页后,按Contact按钮就可以写Emai了: http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/. 这里有一个Email的模板大家可以参考,最好加点自己的意见。“Please vote NO on SCA 5, the constitutional amendment to repeal provisions implemented through the enactment of Proposition 209. I believe preferential treatment based on race in college admission is not the right practice and violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Children who study and work hard deserve equal opportunity in college admission regardless of their race. I strongly urge you to vote "No" on SCA 5. Thank you for listening to the voice of your constituent.” 大家都是在美国合法纳税人,请捍卫我们孩子的利益,让众议员听到我们的声音!注:1.州参议员投票结果: http://legiscan.com/CA/rollcall/SCA5/id/313934;2.现在加州众议院有7位亚裔议员, 7位非裔议员,和至少16位西裔议员。如果您在以下亚裔议员的选区内请跟提醒他们要保护我们自己族裔的利益。(Mariko Yamada (District 4); Bob Bonta (D18) , Philip Ting (D19), Paul Fong (D28), William Das (D37); Ed Chau (D49); Al Muratsuchi (D66);3.法案详情: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/postquery?bill_number=sca_5&s;4.法案分析: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/pub/13-14/bill/sen/sb_0001-0050/sca_5

My dear friends,
In my humble opinion, 1/30/2014 remarks the darkest day in California’s recent political history. On this day, the California Senate overwhelmingly (27:9) approved SCA-5 (http://legiscan.com/CA/bill/SCA5/2013), which would appeal Prop 209 and allow the State of California to discriminate an individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin. In the 18 years that Prop 209 has been in effect, California has become the most diversified state in the US. Also, comprehensive measures were introduced to help students from disadvantaged families to obtain high education, which have my full support. Now SCA-5 seeks to roll back the clock to unfairly punish Asians simply based on race. The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution clearly states that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. The SCA-5 is wrong and in violation of the US Constitution. As a beneficiary of the Prop 209, in just a few years of career life, I have directed works that brought tens of millions of dollars of revenues into California, helped to create/maintain hundreds of jobs benefiting all ethnical groups, with a lot more down the road. However, some day, my children might tell me: “Daddy, I lost the opportunity simple because of the color of my skin.” Not to mention that an Asian disadvantaged family could be kept away from all American Dreams. Currently, the bill is in the California Assembly. I hereby urge you to call your representative at the Assembly (http://assembly.ca.gov/assemblymembers) to vote no on SAC-5. I will also deeply appreciate if you could help spreading the words. Thank you & best regards!
Finytahv说:留言于2014-02-15 09:01:19(第54条)
Thank you so much :)

Sent from my Galaxy S®III

Nrdwmneu说:留言于2014-01-25 19:25:01(第53条)
Jmhuzfyd说:留言于2014-01-21 00:08:45(第52条)
So I am going to try and understand what it is good the service of online
horny说:留言于2013-09-14 15:46:18(第51条)
Asian Professional Exchange (APEX)说:留言于2011-10-12 04:57:37(第50条)
This Saturday''s APEX Career Symposium v.2011:
"Recharge Your Career. Plug Into the Future."
From networking opportunities and professional workshops to access to recruiters from top companies, APEX''s Annual Career Symposium is the largest career development conference dedicated to the Asian Pacific Americans in Southern California, and is one our marquee events. This year''s Symposium will be held this Saturday, October 15th in Downtown LA, and will feature an industry luncheon, where you''ll enjoy a 3-course lunch over casual conversation with representatives from industries that interest you most.
Tom Byun, Vice President and General Manager from Yahoo! will share some insight on personal and professional development as our Keynote Speaker.
After lunch, head over to Resume Critiques, Career Fair and/or Workshops! There''s plenty of do at this year''s Career Symposium, whether you''re looking for a new career or a recharge in your professional and personal life!
Special promotion due to increased sponsorships!
JUST ANNOUNCED: Register for yourself and get a friend in for FREE!
Just enter your friend''s name when registering.
Receive $10 off the advertised Career Symposium admission price! Use code "RECHARGE"
Not valid on $15 admission price.
PLUS, FREE admission into the post-event mixer!
Sponsored by Union Bank / Light appetizers will be served / Enter a raffle for an iPad2

Saturday, October 15, 2011
Wilshire Grand Hotel
930 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90017
- Industry Networking Luncheon
- Diversity Career Fair
- Social Media Workshop
- Marketing/PR Industry Workshop
- On-site Resume Critiques
"URLimitless: Developing Your Career Through Social Media"
Most of us are already users of LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, but how can these platforms help us when it comes to advancing our careers? Social media is increasingly being used by employers and employees alike, making it an essential tool for career advancement. This workshop will provide a lively discussion by experts in various fields on how we can leverage the low-cost/high-reward nature of social media to our advantage when taking the next step in our careers.

"So You Think You Want a Marketing Career?"
What does it take to have a successful career in the marketing industry? What if you want to start your own firm? The panel will consist of successful players in the marketing industry, who will take turns providing insight into the industry''s inner workings as well as provide tips on how to "get your foot in the door".

Premium Members & Students $30 (use code "RECHARGE" for $10 off = $20)
Students must show valid school ID day of event.
Non-Members $40 (use code "RECHARGE" for $10 off = $30)
Career Fair & Workshops Only $15
Also, don''t forget BUY 1 GET 1 FRIEND IN FREE!
Register here: http://apexcareersymposium2011.eventbrite.com/
Premium Members, register here: http://membership.apex.org/
For more information please contact Ming Chou, Director of Professional Development at Ming.Chou@apex.org.
Also, if you, or some one you know is interested in sponsorship opportunities, please contact Jon Fong at Jon.Fong@apex.org.
[- Go to www.apex.org for more information -]
xudong sun说:留言于2011-10-12 02:21:10(第49条)
Thanks for your keeping me posted with the latest news. Again, your time and effort is great appreciated by everyone receiving the news. I got a help request from one of my friends to invited people to attend the Yunan Job Fair. If anybody likes to work in Yunan Province, please feel to come to join the meeting. Dinner is provided. Is it possible that you may post the news in your network.
best regards
Xiqin zhang说:留言于2011-10-12 02:19:17(第48条)
SABPA说:留言于2011-10-12 01:59:10(第47条)
Dear SABPA friends,
Can you please post the SABPA Pacific Forum event on your website or forward it to colleagues in your organization? The event will be held on November 12th.
Thank you for your continuous support!
kun wang
海口市外事侨务办公室说:留言于2011-10-12 01:54:41(第46条)
yilan luo说:留言于2011-10-11 11:39:52(第45条)
Thank you so much
Yilan (Heidi) Luo
Bruce说:留言于2011-10-11 08:34:31(第44条)
Thanks a lot again.
San Diego Chinese Press说:留言于2011-10-11 08:27:21(第43条)
谁言子綦 应声而起 -- 本地新鲜事即时报道
百商萃集 供求互济 -- 社区好信息一网打尽
卢 非
《San Diego Chinese Press》
NECINA说:留言于2011-10-11 08:13:33(第42条)
• Time: 9:00 am - 1:00pm, October 15th, 2011
• Venue: Radisson Hotel Chelmsford, 10 Independence Drive, Chelmsford MA 01824 Tel: (978) 256-0800
• Cost: Free to NECINA members and VIP guests, $15 non-members
• Online Registration: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=223436
Big Data is becoming a big deal! It is like air -- You may not be aware of it, but it''s permeating everywhere, impacting all aspects of your work and life.
Do you work in the following industries, and know how Big Data has been transforming them: High tech, Financial, Telecommunications, Retail, Biotech, Healthcare, Marketing, Intelligence and home land security...
Do you use the following services for quality of life, and know how Big Data has been a key technology enabler: social networking, gaming, online recommendation of shopping, movie, travel, and apps...
In this age of information explosion, a company doesn''t need to be a Fortune 500 to own and monetize from terabytes or petabytes of data; an individual doesn''t need to be a Big Data professional to enjoy its benefits at work and in life.
Join us in this NECINA''s first ever Big Data conference, where a group of remarkable speakers and panelists will cover:
• The exciting opportunities and new business models leveraging Big Data
• The new tools purpose built for Big Data
• The challenges and solutions in Big Data use cases
No background in Big Data is needed for you to enjoy the talks and panel discussion. You will also have the opportunity to network with the speakers, panelists and attendees, discussing how Big Data is impacting your career and life.
Jo Tango, Leading investor in Big Data and other areas:
"A great conference to address one of the major waves affecting technology today."
Mike Stonebraker, Founding father and industry luminary in relational databases:
"This is a very interesting program on Big Data for students and technologists to attend."
October 15, 2011, 9am -- 1pm
9:00 - 9:05 Opening remark
9:05 - 9:35 Keynote Jeff Fagnan, Partner of Atlas Venture: The Big Data Stack
9:35 - 9:55 Vendor talk 1 Shilpa Lawande, VP Engineering of HP Vertica: The Anatomy of a 21st centry Big Data Analytics Platform
9:55 - 10:15 Use case talk 1 Matt Papi, Senior Software Engineer of Trip Advisor: The Data Warehouse Platform at TripAdvisor
10:15 - 10:35 Vendor talk 2 George Radford, Field CTO of EMC Greenplum TBD
10:35 - 10:55 Use case talk 2 Christopher Gillet, Chief Architect of Visible Measures: The Evolution of "Big Data" Technology Stack
10:55 - 11:10 Break and networking
11:10 - 11:55 Panel discussion
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch and networking
Get a bite of Big Data before the conference, please visit our website or follow us on Twitter.
New England Chinese Information and Networking Association
email: info@necina.org
web: http://www.necina.org
交通大學南加州校友會说:留言于2011-10-11 08:01:15(第41条)
JUDY CHU - Member of Congress说:留言于2011-10-11 07:36:15(第40条)
Great Food, Great People and Great Fun!!! Tickets are going fast and I really need your support for my race for Congress in my new district! I hope you will join us next Tuesday, October 18th at the the New Capital Seafood Restaurant in San Gabriel. Laugh with our MC Assemblymember Mike Eng! Get the inside scoop from special guest speakers State Controller John Chiang and Pasadena City Councilmember Chris Holden!
If you haven''''t responded yet to reserve your table or tickets, please fill out the form below and return it as soon as possible- or click here to donate on line now! Please fax or email the response form to 310/473-9465 or rsvp4judychu@gmail.com. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Drew or Heather of my campaign team at 310/477-8081.
I look forward to seeing you there!
In Friendship,

Contributions to Judy Chu for Congress are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Judy Chu for Congress may receive contributions of up to $2,500 per election from any individual and $5,000 from any Multi Candidate Committee. Judy Chu for Congress may not accept contributions from corporations, labor unions, federal government contractors or foreign nationals. FEC ID #C00458125, Barbara Chavira, Treasurer,777 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 4050, Los Angeles, CA 90017.
行业专家委员会说:留言于2011-10-11 07:28:33(第39条)
1. 有在海外留学学历或工作的经历(本科,研究生)。
2. 10年以上(或等同)工作经验 (海外公司请写英文名称),特别优秀者工作年限可以降低。
3. 所处领域拥有广泛人脉,工作经验,了解产业动向和市场,掌握高端技术。
4. 科技,投融资,法律,管理.....界人士,请自我界定。
5. 新能源,云计算,芯片,半导体设备,医疗器械,软件.....请自我界定。
5. Steve Jobs 和Bill Gates 式人物, 特别欢迎在产业界的领军人物。
sun_weide说:留言于2011-10-11 07:19:19(第38条)
Many thanks!
chinaoverseashr说:留言于2011-10-10 02:53:43(第37条)
12月17 - 22日:海外学人江南考察行
请发送报名材料至:yamin_lu@chinaoverseashr.com 或naec@chinaoverseashr.com
yamin_lu@chinaoverseashr.com 或naec@chinaoverseashr.com
亞特蘭大北京聯誼會说:留言于2011-10-10 01:20:21(第36条)
亞特蘭大北京聯誼會將於10月15日(周六)上午10時,在恰塔呼其河濱國家休閒區沙泉公園(Chattahoochee River National Recreation/Sandy Spring Park)舉辦賞秋漫步和野餐活動。 漫步全程三哩,參加者可自行攜帶飲食,當天在公園盡頭停車場集合,如果下雨將改在第二天上午10時進行。沙泉公園位於:1978 Island Ford Pkwy,Sandy Springs,GA 30350,電話(678)538-1200,路線圖可上網查閱: http://www.nps.gov/chat/planyourvisit/directions.htm,停車費三元。聯絡人張燕(770)634-5396,或電郵Yan@RetirementSolution101.com
北卡書友會说:留言于2011-10-10 01:06:52(第35条)
北卡書友會為了慶祝成立20周年,邀請台灣文學大師黃春明於23日上午11時到下午3時,在北卡州立大學俱樂部(NC State University Club)演講,與大家分享他的文學旅程。黃春明早年以現實主義文學體裁創作台灣鄉土小說,之後觸角伸入散文、詩、電影、兒童戲劇、兒童文學、撕畫、油畫等,曾獲吳三連文藝獎、國家文藝獎、中國時報文學獎。近年來致力於台灣本土文化的維護,進行鄉土文化研究與著作,極力推動歌仔戲及鄉土文藝活動。 此次活動將以餐會方式進行。為感謝會員的愛護,將提供會員優惠,並致贈驚喜小禮。北卡州立大學俱樂部位於:4200 Hillsborough Street ,Raleigh,NC 27606。有興趣報名參加者,可洽陳敏芳(919)303-2095或王明心joycew38@yahoo.com。
美東南區中文學校聯合會说:留言于2011-10-10 01:02:18(第34条)
美東南區中文學校聯合會暨亞特蘭大華僑文教服務中心、亞特蘭大中文學校,將於22日(周六)在僑教中心,舉行2011年美東南地區漢字文化節系列活動「中文聽寫」及「中文歌唱」比賽。 主辦單位歡迎該聯合會會員學校的學生報名參加。「中文聽寫」比賽學生將於當天下午2時至3時比賽,「中文歌唱」比賽將於下午4時舉行。 參賽分初級組美國學校一至三年級學生,中級組美國學校四至六年級學生,高級組美國學校七年級以上學生。「中文聽寫」比賽初級組以修訂版華語第一冊至二冊、生活華語第一冊至二冊,中級組以修訂版華語第三冊至四冊、生活華語第三冊至四冊,高級組以修訂版華語第五冊至七冊,生活華語第五冊至七冊為範圍。評分標準以寫正確的正體字多寡為評分標準。前三名獎金分別為100元、50元、20元、佳作獎10元。「中文歌唱」比賽的音樂由學生自行準備或清唱,初級組指定歌曲為「捕魚歌」、中級組指定歌曲為「甜蜜的家庭」、高級組指定歌曲為「遊子吟」,每組最多錄取一、二、三名及佳作獎,前三名獎金分別為100元、50元、20元,佳作獎10元。 報名截止日期為15日。報名費用,每位學生五元。詳情可參閱美東南區中文學校聯合會部落格 http://blog.huayuworld.org/acsseus 。報名支票抬頭寫ACSSEUS,寄至:ACSSEUS,c/o Chinese School of Atlanta, 5377 New Peachtree Rd., Chamblee, GA 30341。聯絡電話(404)542-9866、(404)542-9266 或電子郵件acsseus@gmail.com。
喬治亞州立大學(GSU)说:留言于2011-10-10 00:58:04(第33条)
喬治亞州立大學(GSU)為了慶祝孔子學院成立一周年,將主辦中國電影文化和中國雕塑文化講座,免費歡迎各界前往聽講。中國電影文化講座主講人為北京電影學院教授劉一兵和中國著名編劇、影視評論家姚婉莉,中國雕塑文化講座主講人為中國著名雕塑藝術大師、天安門廣場孔子像作者吳為山。劉一兵和姚婉莉將於12日下午3時、吳為山將於14日下午3時演講,兩場演講的地點都在喬治亞州立大學Troy Moore Library,圖書館在939 General Classroom Building,詳情可電(404)413-5298或電郵gsuci@gsu.edu。
山東省僑辦说:留言于2011-10-10 00:54:02(第32条)
山東省僑辦將於2011年10月26日在華府舉辦一場引進海外人才政策說明會。這次說明會由大華府地區中國大專院校校友會聯合會支持,期盼吸引更多的海外優秀人才去山東省創業發展,會中將介紹山東半島藍色經濟區和黃河三角洲高效生態經濟區等建設開發,也將重點說明山東省「四新一海」的戰略性新興產業,大力推介山東省引進高層次人才的環境、政策、措施、優勢、需求等相關信息。 海外專業人士可以現場報名、簽署意向或呈交到山東發展和參與科技合作申請。說明會時間為10月26日(周三)下午5至9時,其他相關詳情可查閱http://www.sdqb.gov.cn/zthd/或電話聯繫夏祥波(571)208-4441、、陳有明(202)288-3518。
北加國際醫藥大學说:留言于2011-10-10 00:21:40(第31条)
中醫藥專家王守東將于10月13及18日(周三及周二)在洛城(650 W. Huntington Dr, #203D, Arcadia CA 91007)10月15日(周六)在北加國際醫藥大學(970 W. Camino Real,Sunnyvale , CA 94087)舉辦“關愛生命、戰勝癌症”和“防治骨病、根除痛症”諮詢特診,因時間和人數有限,歡迎提前致電1-626-731-3535 垂詢和預約。
平湖说:留言于2011-10-09 00:10:30(第30条)
平湖代表团将来美国硅谷访问,吸引高层次人才到平湖创新创业。 10月16日下午5:40分在美国硅谷(东湾,Milpitas or Fremont)举办晚餐恳谈会(免费)。 有兴趣参加者:http://www.returnchina.org/index.php?option=com_bfsurvey_pro&view=onepage&catid=55&Itemid=69&lang=zh
Guangwen Chen说:留言于2011-10-08 22:40:30(第29条)
Best Regards
Chen Guangwen

karin yu说:留言于2011-10-08 07:04:23(第28条)
繼續email 《UPDATE》給我好嗎?謝謝!
karin yu
Min Zhou说:留言于2011-10-08 06:13:55(第27条)
Big news
Here is a piece of big news if you have not already read it:http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/nationnow/2011/10/us-senate-apologizes-for-mistreatment-of-chinese-immigrants.html
[Also in Chinese: http://national.dwnews.com/news/2011-10-07/58190190.html]
Somehow, it didn''''t make the CNN headline news or New York Times headline.
Min Zhou, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology, UCLA
Qi Ming说:留言于2011-10-08 02:05:28(第26条)
I enjoy your newsletter very much. Thank you. - Ming
HMTCF说:留言于2011-10-07 09:32:49(第25条)
HMTCF ~ Angel Care ~ Students Assistance Projects !
H.K. Macau, Singapore, Taiwan & The Mainland China ~ since 2007
Peace & Joy !
Your sincerely
Angelique Yeh
Live simply ! Speak kindly ! Care deeply ! & Love generously !
3701 Bamboo Grove, 74 Kennedy Road. H.K.
jjjiang说:留言于2011-10-07 04:57:09(第24条)
I do hope that Caltech C can have more interaction and stronger connection with your network. Since many of our own members aspire to do well in the future in the academic, some others in industry. The experience of the professors and professional members would be valuable to them. I''''m interested in organizing some event that could benefit the career of our members, as well as contributing to building a better network among scholars in LA. I hope that we can have some chance to talk in the future.

Yunzeng Wang说:留言于2011-10-07 04:55:00(第23条)

Yunzeng Wang, Ph.D.
Interim Dean
School of Business Administration
華美半導體協會说:留言于2011-10-07 04:51:16(第22条)
華美半導體協會年會:半导体 - 拥抱我们的生活,领导我们的未来 (2011年10月06日,星期四)
Invitation to CASPA 20th Anniversary Conference
Semiconductor — Embracing Our Life, Leading Our Future
VENUE: Santa Clara Convention Center, 5001 Great America Pkwy., Santa Clara, CA 95054 (FREE Parking)
DATE: October 8, 201(Saturday)
TIME: 12:00 - 17:40 Annual Conference(Admission:FREE; Online Registration: www.caspa.com)
Annual Conference Program:
12:00-12:45 Registration & Networking(Refreshment served)
12:45-13:30 CASPA Business Meeting:Annual Election of Board of Directors
13:30-15:45 Welcome from CASPA President
Recognition of SEMI President Stanley Myers
Chips:Fuel for the Digital Future - Dr. Albert Yu, Chairman of OneAngstrom; Former Sr. VP at Intel
New Transistors in Our Future - Dr. Chengmin Hu, TSMC Professor, UC Berkeley; Former CTO, TSMC
An Exciting Time for the Semiconductor Industry - Ms. Jodi Shelton, Co-Founder and President of GSA
Trends in Wireless LAN - Mr. Michael Hurlston, Sr. VP, Home and Wireless Networking, Broadcom
15:45-16:00 ( Break - Refreshments served )
16:00-17:30 President’s Forum:20 Glorious Years of CASPA
Panelists:CASPA’s Founders and Former Presidents
17:30-17:35 Announce BOD Election Result
17:35-17:45 Prize Drawings (iPad, Kindle, Gift Cards)
Caltech说:留言于2011-10-07 00:40:07(第21条)
Dear Zhenying,

On behalf of Caltech C (Caltech Chinese Students and Scholars Association), I would like to cordially invite you to our 2011 Moon Festival Celebration to be held at this Saturday, Oct 8th, 2011, 5:00pm - 9:00pm in Dabney Garden/Lounge at Caltech. See the attached invitation letter for details.

We would greatly appreciate and be honored by your presence at this year’s celebration. Please reply with the number of guests you bring if you grant our invitation to the celebration party. However, should you be unable to join us, we would be very grateful for an email response.


Junle Jiang
President of Caltech C (http://www.its.caltech.edu/~chinese/)

Thanks sincerely for your invitation.

Dr. Kwan Ming Chan and Gongle Mei will represent Prof. Zhenying Jiang and Scholars-Net to your event.

Our best regards and wishes.

Your Net
Wei Ye说:留言于2011-10-07 00:38:14(第20条)
Thanks again!
Wei YE, PhD
NKAA-Boston说:留言于2011-10-06 11:47:19(第19条)
Boston College 中秋国庆联谊会
All the Chinese people in the area are welcomed!
Theme: Dancing, Singing, Winning Gifts and Having fun! (Dinner and dessert provided)
Time: 7pm- 9pm, Oct 9th, 2011
Place: Gasson Hall 100 @ Boston College Chestnut Hill Campus (Notes: Gasson Hall is a VERY beautiful building and a seminal example of Collegiate Gothic architecture in North America. Please refer to wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gasson_Hall )
How to get to Gasson Hall @ BC:
1) Subway: Green B Line @Boston College. Follow the red lines in the map attached. Or just grab a student and ask him/her where is Gasson Hall (a as in happy). Or, if you prefer finding it by yourself, it is easy enough as well-- just walk up the hill and look for the tallest building with a Tower (please refer the attached photo).
2) Driving: Address is 140 Commonwealth Ave, Chestnut Hill, MA, 02467. Parking is available on Beacon Street (free or meters) and garage on campus ($5 per entrance)
Dress code: formal preferred

Boston College 中秋国庆联谊会
为了更好地促进波士顿地区各高校之间中国学生的交流,BC CSSA特此举办这次联谊会,为大家提供一个社交平台。联谊会采取歌舞表演与舞会的形式,届时将有免费晚餐提供。最后的抽奖环节,将有精美礼品放送。
BC CSSA诚邀您的加入。希望您在这里度过一个美好的夜晚!
活动时间:10月9日 晚7点-9点
活动地点:Boston College Gasson Hall Room 100

Xuan Zhang
Department of Psychology
Boston College
中文讀書會说:留言于2011-10-06 09:19:01(第18条)
馬里兰州蒙郡昆士歐查圖書館中文讀書會,10月份閱讀及討論聶華苓的著作「三生影像」,歡迎有閱讀興趣的同好,即日起到該館借閱。 本次讀書會時間是10月11日(周二)晚6時30分至8時30分,地點﹕Quince Orchard Library,15831 Qunice Orchard Road,Gaithersburg, MD 20878。
劍橋中國文化中心说:留言于2011-10-06 09:12:20(第17条)
劍橋中國文化中心將於10月8日(周六)舉辦成立20周年系列慶祝活動。一整日慶祝活動包括上午的「中文教育學術討論會」、下午的「劍橋中國文化中心成立20周年慶祝大會」及晚上的「滿山秋色-中華情大型文藝晚會」。 該中心成立於1991年,其屬下的中文學校是大陸學人在美東地區創辦的第一所教簡體字及漢語拼音的中文學校。20年來在弘揚中華文化、辦好華文教育、服務社區、聯繫主流社區等方面成果豐碩。

10月8日上午9時至中午12時的「中文教育學術討論會」,將於該中心(411 Waverley Oaks Road, Suite 214 Waltham MA 02452 )舉行。致詞者、演講人包括波士頓孔子學院院長、香港孔子學院院長、中國教育專家彭瑋作有關教育的學術報告;美國教育專家林遊嵐作有關華文教育的學術報告;美國大學委員會AP項目有關人員馮禹介紹AP項目;劍橋中文學校副校長兼教務長湯曉作中文教學的經驗與體會的報告。

劍橋中國文化中心成立20周年慶祝大會,將於同日下午2時至5時,在Regis College Fine Arts Center(235 Wellesley Street Weston MA 02493)舉行。該中心董事長紀虎民將介紹中心的成立與成長經過,另有「當代中國叢書」贈書儀式以及匯報演出。以麻州諧音「滿山秋色」命名的「中華情大型文藝晚會」將於晚間7時至10時,在同一地點(235 Wellesley Street Weston)舉行。演出者包括波士頓著名男高音歌唱家李玉新、段小毅、小提琴家李鍾靈,2011年中國北京「水立方杯」海外華裔青少年歌曲大賽總冠軍黃一,賽區冠軍王雯倩等。另有北美合唱協會、天使舞蹈團等大型藝術團體的演出。票價10元,購票地點:劍橋中國文化中心(781)788-8558,牛頓中文學校(617)319- 4183,世紀中文學校(508)202-0199。
li_hongshan说:留言于2011-10-06 08:44:35(第16条)
UCLA Chinese Study Center说:留言于2011-10-06 06:45:42(第15条)
Writing Sex, Food, and Politics
Li Ang (李昂), a prominent Taiwanese writer, investigates gender and politics in social life and literary creation, opening up new spaces of critical reflection on the question of women in literary writing.

Friday, October 07, 2011
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Charles Young Research Library (YRL) 2nd Floor
WEC (PLEASE NOTE: Room has changed to YRL WEC, Room 23167)

For a detailed description of the event please visit the UCLA Center for Chinese Studies website at: www.international.ucla.edu/china
無錫市人民政府说:留言于2011-10-06 03:31:22(第14条)
無錫市人民政府將於10月10日下午4時半至7時,在Royal Sonesta Hotel Boston(40 Edwin Land Blvd. Cambridge, MA 02142)舉行美國(波士頓)中國留學生創業座談會,旨在推介無錫的創新創業環境,吸引海外人才。會議由無錫市科技局局長吳建亮主持,市委副書記陳振一為主講人。預約請聯繫Alan Zhou zhou@alum.mit.edu。
ghh_dwk说:留言于2011-10-05 23:07:22(第13条)
Dear colleagues;
I am pleased to announce that I have just been proposed to co-chair a global investment forum Ukraine as a globally recognized Business Mentor and Success/Life Coach.
Have a good evening.
R.M.说:留言于2011-10-05 10:18:21(第12条)
Thank you,
jmurphy说:留言于2011-10-05 08:07:13(第11条)
Thank you!
ming rao说:留言于2011-10-05 01:29:41(第10条)
10月1日,阿尔伯塔目前由进步保守党((Progressive Conservative Association))执政,因原党魁兼省长施特默(Ed Stelmach)宣布提前退休,在该党进行的新党魁选举第二轮投票中,雷福德(Alison Redford)击败2名竞争对手当选党魁,她不仅接替施特默成为新党魁,而且自动成为阿省省长。 早前呼声甚高的华裔马健威(Gary Mar),在第1次投选举和第2次投选举都遥遥领先,但最终却以1,613票落败。今年49岁的马健威生于阿省、长于阿省,他本人是律师,1993年首次当选省议员,曾先后担任卫生厅、教育厅、环境厅、社区发展厅及国际政务厅厅长等要职。4年前,马健威获委任为阿省驻美国经贸顾问。马健威落选有若干原因,但一个来自中国大陆,叫肖辉(David Xiao)的省议员的丑恶行为,不得不提。


M.Z.说:留言于2011-10-04 23:59:03(第9条)
Thanks a lot
yishuluntan说:留言于2011-10-04 23:25:31(第8条)
中国戏剧协会说:留言于2011-10-04 10:50:09(第7条)
由“中国戏剧协会”、“全美华人专业人士协会”、“中华文化交流协会”、“美國華裔教授專家網”等主办的两岸三地京剧名伶名票联袂演出,即将在10月8日举行。这次演出是为了纪念辛亥革命100年而举行的,他们将带给大家张派经典剧目全本《望江亭》,欢迎大家前往欣赏。《望江亭》一剧经京剧名家张君秋公演后很快风靡全国,全剧共四折。主要演员有徐少莉、吴兆南等。此剧是剧作家王雁根据元代关汉卿著杂剧 《望江亭中秋切绘旦》和川剧《谭记儿》改编的。《望江亭》是关汉卿的优秀作品,其间没有红粉飘零的离愁别绪,没有碧草池塘的香闺春梦,没有战云压境的宗社安危, 也没有血染桃花的亡国之恸,有的只是一个鲜活的生命及对爱情的追求。剧作家没有让笔下的人物成为理学笼罩下一枚空洞的时代戳记,而是成功塑造出谭记儿的爱情。剧本写谭记儿在望江亭内设计对付权贵杨衙内的故事,剧本表现了谭记儿的机智。《望江亭》演出时间:10月9日下午2点30分,地点:Baldwin Park Performing Arts Center ,地址: 4640 North Main Ave, Baldwin Park, CA 91706。欢迎大家前往观看。
百年慶祝活動美西南地區組委員會说:留言于2011-10-04 09:35:43(第6条)
百年慶祝活動美西南地區組委員會將陸續開展的包括慶祝酒會、升旗儀式和僑界慶祝遊行及餐會等20多項活動的具體內容。重要的活動包括10月6日晚駐洛杉磯台北經文處在環球影城希爾頓酒店舉行的建國100年雙十酒會、10月8日上午10時蒙市舉行的雙十升旗典禮、10月9日上午11時在華埠舉行的雙十遊行以及9日晚在金龍及漢宮舉行的南加全僑雙十餐會。10月10日上午10點的另一項活動,是僑界在孫中山居住過南帕沙迪納市安尼安塔教主堂( Oneonta Congregational Church),為孫中山紀念碑舉行揭幕儀式。舉辦展出的開幕式。大洛杉磯地區共有39個團組、1175人返台參加雙十慶典活動。 有關各項活動的詳情,可向籌委會洽詢,網站是www.roctaiwan100.com。
BShen说:留言于2011-10-03 23:48:09(第5条)
Thank you so much, Lao Jiang!
CCS-UCLA说:留言于2011-10-03 23:44:56(第4条)
Thank you!
Joy C. Yang
Assistant Director, Center for Chinese Studies
Bruce说:留言于2011-10-03 23:42:23(第3条)
CABA说:留言于2011-10-03 10:56:06(第2条)
2011 CABA Investment, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Symposium (Oct. 8th)
"Pharma Open Innovations: Opportunities for Investors and Entrepreneurs"
Presented by: Chinese-American BioMedical Association (CABA)
When: 1:00PM-9:00PM, Saturday, October 8, 2011
Where: The Doubletree Guest Suites, Boston MA, 400 Soldiers Field Road, Boston, MA 02134
Luke Li, Ph.D., Exec Director, Head of Global Biotherapeutic Technologies, Bio-Innovation, Pfizer
Sridaran Natesan, Ph.D., Scientific Site Head (R&D) at Sanofi-Aventis Cambridge and Head of External Innovation and Partnering for the US Northeast region
David Dalgarno, Ph.D., VP of Research Technologies, Ariad
Wei Li, Ph.D., Principal, Fidelity Bioscience Ventures
Gayathri Srinivasan, Ph.D., Licensing Officer, University of Massachusetts Medical School
Karen Wong, Partner, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati LLP
Jean Qiu, Ph.D., Founder & CTO, Nexcelom Bioscience

"Simcere Night先声之夜" 6:30PM - 9:00PM
Evening Keynote: Peng Wang, Ph.D., CSO, Simcere Pharmaceutical Group (先声药业)
Admission: CABA, CAIPLA, OCEAN, ACMA, NECINA, 128CUTE members: FREE; Non-members: $20.
On-site membership registration to CABA available. ($20 annual membership fee due), you can also register online at www.cabaweb.org.
Parking Direction: Please enter the hotel parking garage from Storrow Drive. Parking is free.

Philip Zhang, Ph.D., J.D., philip.zhang@mzwiplaw.com
Jinbo Lee, Ph.D., jk.lee@sage-partner.com
Zhihong Chen, Ph.D., zhihongchen06@yahoo.com
IBM Smart Camp - Shanghai说:留言于2011-10-03 10:48:30(第1条)
IBM is looking for smart entrepreneurs, with businesses less than 5 years old, to help us build a smarter planet. Does your solution address problems the world is facing in energy, healthcare, food, telecommunications, education, government, public safety or any other areas related to smarter planet? If that sounds like you, then apply to participate in IBM SmartCamp Shanghai on October 27 & 28th. IBM SmartCamp is an exclusive global event bringing together entrepreneurs, investors
and experienced mentors who want to build a Smarter Planet. IBM SmartCamp provides selected startups access to world-class advisors plus a direct route to seed and venture capital. The winner of IBM SmartCamp Shanghai will be invited to attend the international IBM SmartCamp finals in Silicon Valley where one business will be named "IBM Global Entrepreneur of the Year". More info at: http://www.ibm.com/isv/startup or http://www.ibmsmartcamp.com
Apply now at:
NOTE: When you apply for this event at https://e.younoodle.com/c/smartcamp_china/er/smartcamp_china/ submit, please do remember fill in NECINA at "How did you hear about SmartCamp?"
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