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2015/3/30 16:37:19 | 浏览:35123 | 评论:75

The Chinese American Professors & Professionals Net


(ISSN: 2372-9937)
主編: 姜镇英博士 zjiang@barstow.edu
Zhenying Jiang
執委: 陳鈞銘博士 kmchan@csulb.edu
K. Ming Chan
副主编: 艾红梅博士 hongmeiai@hotmail.com
Hongmei Ai
网站: 郭繁夏博士 fanxiaguo@hotmail.com
Fanxia Guo
编委: 陈岳云博士 billchen@uwest.edu
Yueyun (Bill) Chen
2015年 第12期 創刊第681期 3/20-3/30/2015
Table of content - 本期重要目录


  国务院侨办第19期华侨华人专业人士回国创业研习班将于2015年6月24-26日在上海举办,报名者须填妥《报名申请表》,于5月10日之前以电子邮件发送到yxb_sh@163.com & zjiang@hotmail.com


Upcoming Events and Call for Participation

Important News and Announcements






  若因任何原因,您未能收到上期《即时通讯》(2015 No.11),请点击此处查阅

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network(2015 No.12)

Make a Donation!

Scholars-Net is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization. Check payable to CAPPA, to P.O. Box 1953, Huntington Beach, CA 92647. Or direct transfer to Bank of America, Huntington Harbour Branch CA 92649, of Account Number 09841-72137.

UPDATE - From The Chinese American Professors and Professionals Network (2019 No.22) 2019-09-24 [4429]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第21期(9/3-9/15) 2019-09-15 [4933]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第20期(8/17-9/2) 2019-09-02 [5215]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第19期(7/30-8/16) 2019-08-16 [4416]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第18期(7/23-7/29) 2019-07-29 [4426]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第17期(7/8-7/22) 2019-07-22 [4747]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第16期(6/16-7/7) 2019-07-07 [5010]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第15期(6/9-6/15) 2019-06-15 [5370]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第14期(5/29-6/8) 2019-06-08 [4559]
《即时通讯》周电—2019年第13期(5/20-5/28) 2019-05-28 [5586]
:北京和上海金融人的最新鄙视链 :日本政府《氢能利用进度表》 :美国《2016-2045年新兴科技趋势报告》 :天津工业大学“经纬英才”引进计划 :浙江财经大学国际青年学者论坛的邀请函 (10/31-11/1) :美国加大审查范围 北大多名美国留学生遭联邦调查局质询 :天安门广场喜迎“十一”花团锦簇的美丽景象 马亮:做院长就能够发更多论文?论文发表是不是一场“权力的游戏”?
Jason C.说:留言于2015-04-17 06:07:49(第74条)
Thanks. Very nice write-up. -Jason
Renwen Society说:留言于2015-04-17 05:49:10(第73条)
Lecture: Moral Standards and Etiquette in Ancient China
Saturday, April 25, 2015 l 2:00-5:00 PM
Prof. Peng Lin of the Department of History at Tsinghua University in Beijing has given extensive public lectures in and out of China, including CCTV, on ancient Chinese civilization and Confucianism. In this upcoming China Institute Renwen Society lecture, Prof. Peng Lin will discuss how the moral standards and etiquette in ancient China have formed the Chinese value system and conduct. This lecture will be held at SUNY College of Optometry, 33 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036, jointly with the Confucius Institute of the College. Register Now: http://form.jotformpro.com/form/50825742650960
中国福建海创周组委会说:留言于2015-04-17 05:32:19(第72条)

联系电话:0591-87729466 13806971719

四川省人民政府外事侨务办公室说:留言于2015-04-17 05:25:34(第71条)

2015“海科会”将以“汇聚海外英才 创新创业西部”为主题,突出国际性,邀请发达国家举办创新创业论坛;突出学术性,将承办高端国际学术会议;突出影响力,西部省(区、市)将利用大会平台开展人才科技国际交流活动。本届“海科会”将是海外华侨华人专业人士分享中国发展成就、实现自身事业更大发展的重要平台和难得机遇,我们热切期待贵会会员的到来。

地址:成都市一环路东三段100号 邮编:610021
报名联系人:刘利 86-13060077681、唐兵 86-15802849997 赵怡 86-13438343068、郭斌 86-15608091536
传真: 0086-28-84350872 E-Mail:scqbjkc@163.com 微信:OHTC2014
爾灣加大(UCI)海洋健康會議说:留言于2015-04-16 02:51:25(第70条)
南加州以美麗的太平洋海岸線聞名,爾灣加大最近宣布將展開以海洋為主題的教育計畫,利用該校現有的海洋研究資源,與南加州民間組織合作,創造新的海洋保育與教育機會。爾灣加大的OCEANS海洋教育學會,全名是海洋、環境變遷、藝術與海岸學會,由海洋學教授Adam Martiny負責。海洋教育學會將結合該校在生物、工程、藝術、社會科學、法律等方面的學者專家,共同為保育海洋資願的目標努力。同時,學會也計畫與南加州民間組織、中小學合作,提升大眾對海洋的認識。爾灣加大海洋教育學會成員來自該校教育系、法律系、人類學系、藝術系、生物學系、工程學院及理學院的數十位教授。

海洋教育學會將在5月8日舉辦首屆海洋健康會議(Ocean Health Conference),邀請學者及民間保育組織代表與會,研討有關海洋與健康的主題,有關海洋健康會議詳情可上網站oceans.uci.edu查閱。
美西南抗戰紀念籌備會说:留言于2015-04-16 01:01:54(第69条)

適逢對日抗戰勝利七十週年慶, 我們發起全球華僑 萬人簽名, 萬眾一心, 國旗簽名運動, 希望全球華人踴躍參加國旗簽名活動,以向為國捐軀的陣亡將士,及在無情炮火中死難的同胞 致敬致哀. 更重要的是要喚醒及重現歷史真相,不要讓悲痛的事件重演!
•本籌備處準備4面大國旗( 10英呎 “x14英呎) ,每面國旗在紅色部份印製1 , 250個簽名; -幅國旗正反兩面共有2 , 500個簽名。4幅國旗共忄有10 , 000個簽名。

美西南抗戰紀念籌備會 懸掛永久紀念
S. Lin说:留言于2015-04-15 23:29:57(第68条)
Thanks for your consistent support and we really appreciate it. Have a good day.

Rex H.说:留言于2015-04-15 09:05:23(第67条)
Thank you for update. I will join your meeting. Thank you!
China Institute说:留言于2015-04-15 05:49:18(第66条)
Lecture: The Timeless Book of Songs by BEN WANG
The Book of Songs (shi jing), an anthology of 300 songs-turned-poems from 1,100 to 600 B.C., compiled by Confucius (551-479 B.C.) among other scholars, is the first piece of literature of China. Timeless and beautiful, it remains as the glorious fountainhead of Chinese culture, from which all the later literary works and other cultural genres were derived. Subjects of these poems range from love, compassion and lamentation to laud and glorification. Its most outstanding descendants are the three poetic genres flourished from the 7th century through the 15th century: Tang poetry (shi), Song poetry (ci) and Yuan poetry (qu). One of the most acclaimed courses taught by Ben Wang, Senior Lecture of Language and Humanities of the China Institute and award-winning translator, the Book of Songs and its quintessential spirit will be introduced and explored in the original texts of selected poems. Mr. Wang will offer this lecture in English. No previous knowledge of the Chinese language is required.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
6:30 - 8:30 PM

China Institute
125 East 65th Street, New York, New York 10065
Lily Tang说:留言于2015-04-15 04:24:54(第65条)
小女Stephanie Tang (汤淑云)于四月二十二日星期三晚七时三十分Colburn音乐学院Thayer音乐厅举办独奏会,她将演奏贝多芬,肖邦及拉威尔的作品。Stephanie现在是Colburn音乐学院的大三学生,师从著名钢琴家,钢琴教育家John Perry教授。音乐会约为时一小时,之后将有冷餐会招待各位。您的光临对于我们将是极大的鼓励。
Colburn音乐学院地址:200 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90012。洛杉矶市中心迪士尼音乐厅对面。

M. Davis说:留言于2015-04-15 04:07:34(第64条)
Thank you!
Boston-NKAA说:留言于2015-04-15 02:23:01(第63条)
南开大学面向全球诚聘英才 宣讲会
房间:Harvard University, Sever Hall 214
地址:25 Harvard Yard, Cambridge, MA 02138
如有意提前会谈,可联系Nankaiboston@gmail.com (781-475-8394)或南开物理学院,中国电话:18622685550。

Boston Nankai Alumni Association
SABPA OC/LA说:留言于2015-04-14 07:48:47(第62条)
Thank you a lot for your great help!
yloh说:留言于2015-04-14 05:23:00(第61条)
《精英犯罪 為何頻下毒手?》將刊發在4.19世界周刊。感謝您安排專家接受採訪!Y. Loh
洛杉磯台美商會说:留言于2015-04-13 15:20:49(第60条)
請踴躍組隊參加 !報名表請Mail來商會.以提高華人運動興趣及參賽意願,歡迎報名參加。

Jun Li说:留言于2015-04-13 12:25:42(第59条)
我们荣幸邀请到来自金融、信息、生物医药、工程、法律等行业的多位资深嘉宾,数百位校友和朋友们欢聚一堂,分享经验、共叙友情。今年年会以包场自助餐形式,提供充分的自由交流及讨论机会,并且部分资深校友、嘉宾及赞助商提供Employment Opportunity。
日期:2015年4月18日,周六(注册与集中用餐时间:11:00 – 12:30,交流与游戏时间:12:30 – 14:00)
地址:Maki Maki, 304 Western Ave Brighton, MA 02135
过去一年,波士顿清华校友会继续践行加强会员联谊、促进职业发展、弘扬清华精神的宗旨。从夏日聚会迎新、同行小聚系列座谈,到内容丰富的专题学术活动,促进了各行业校友与朋友们之间的交流。从校友组队参加波士顿华人排球友谊赛、波士顿龙舟大赛,到成功举办波士顿清华校友会第一届高尔夫球赛,形式多样的活动为校友和朋友们提供了轻松愉悦的社交平台。 从波士顿马拉松到Baystate马拉松赛, 33位参赛清华校友用实际行动为清华体育代表队成立60周年献礼,让世界看到我们清华人的风采。清华园让大家结下了一生难解的缘分。我们诚挚期待您的到来!

波士顿清华校友会 2014-2015 执行团队

1. 请点击下面按钮注册;并通过注册完成确认页面提供的链接付费。(注册及付费请使用同一EMAIL。)

2. 如您已注册,但是没能通过注册完成确认页面的链接付费,请点击下面的链接完成付费。http://www.tsinghua-boston.org/?q=node/264
Chinese Hometown说:留言于2015-04-12 14:34:10(第58条)
谁养狗谁负责 狗主人被判刑(图频)
80%车祸为分心驾驶 四月起警方加大力度查车(图)
育才乒乓球俱乐部参加Golden Western公开赛获佳绩(图)
CAIES说:留言于2015-04-12 07:50:58(第57条)
有意申请美国华裔工程科技学会(CAIES)奖学金的大学2至4年级华裔大学生,可从即日至4月26日通过该学会网页www.caies.org下载申请表格,按要求填妥后,电邮给该学会奖学金筹委会, 电邮地址为caiesscholarship@gmail.com,院校成绩报告原件,用邮寄方式寄给华裔工程科技学会奖学金委员会(CAIES Scholarship Committee),地址为1230 Powell Street,San Francisco, CA 94133。
中国福建海创周组委会说:留言于2015-04-12 07:37:30(第56条)



联系电话:0591-87729466 13806971719


上海市浦东新区归国留学人员联合会说:留言于2015-04-12 03:55:17(第55条)
通过沙龙帮助职场达人们了解自身心身健康状况, 学习养生保健知识, 分析职场压力源, 分享压力应对小技巧, 形成职场同伴支持系统。 在互动中, 收获实用的养生知识, 掌握身心平衡的艺术, 轻松应对工作与生活。内容包括:
【沙龙费用】公益免费 【茶点费用】30元
【报名方式】发送短信“0416+姓名+手机”至150 0211 8799 或邮件至 jyt99@126.com(报名是否成功以收到组织者电话或邮件确认为准)

【报名方式】席位有限敬请预约(审核资格通过后,方可参加)仅限企业高层管理人员参加,请回复姓名、单位、职务、联系方式、人数至021-5230 8253
【活动地址】宝山建配龙 长逸路15号(地铁3号线江杨南路站下,有班车到建配龙,十五分钟一班)
【报名方式】发送短信“0419+姓名+性别+年龄”至150 0211 8799 或邮件至 jyt99@126.com(报名是否成功以收到组织者电话或邮件确认为准)

企业经营之道沙盘是每个团队接手几百万元的初始资金,开始创建一个虚拟公司,并继续将其持续经营5个会计年度。通过直观的企业沙盘,逼真地模拟企业实际运行的流程和状况,经营活动的内容涉及到企业整体运营、产品研发、生产、市场、销售、财务、人力资源、团队协作等多个方面。 来参加企业经营沙盘,构建老板和员工之间的桥梁,通过统一沟通的平台,传递企业愿景和使命。积极主动的沙盘学习形式让您和管理团队用全新的视角看企业,树立管理中的纵深思维和前瞻意识,激发潜能,培养系统思考能力,塑造复合型优秀人才,建立高绩效团队,打造核心竞争力,达成共识,实现战略目标。
【沙龙费用】公益免费 【茶点费用】30元
【报名方式】发送短信“0423+姓名+手机”至150 0211 8799 或邮件至 jyt99@126.com(报名是否成功以收到组织者电话或邮件确认为准)
中国银行间市场交易商协会说:留言于2015-04-11 13:48:28(第54条)
Thank you so much.
財富管理博覽會说:留言于2015-04-11 11:46:52(第53条)
地點:Crowne Plaza大酒店(777 Bellew Dr., Milpitas, CA 95035)。
博覽會下午 1時至4時有3場專家講座:1)、2015投資前景。股市動態分析、利率前景及市場預測。2)、壽險新觀點。現金價值人保險可替代失去的收入、清償債務、支付房貸、負擔子女教育費用等。3)、稅務規劃新策略。瞭解針對所得稅的稅務投資策略。有現場問答。參加者可以學到不少財富管理的要點。
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies说:留言于2015-04-11 06:29:43(第52条)
Leaking Silver, Semen, and Sound: Rumor, Gossip, and the Early-Modern Information Economy of a Chinese Erotic Classic

Thursday, April 16, 2015
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Bunche Hall 10383, UCLA

Talk by Pieter Keulemans, Princeton University

Given our (twentieth-century) tendency to associate eroticism with visuality, the sixteenth-century erotic classic Jin Ping Mei comes as a surprise: many of its erotic scenes are told with a remarkable emphasis on its sound. How are we to interpret the sighs and sounds, whispers and overheard conversations the novel portrays in such remarkable detail? In this paper, I will argue that the novel employs such sounds as a way of creating an acoustic economy of intimacy. This acoustic architecture of intimacy should moreover be understood in the broader context of seventeenth-century Chinese print-culture. In an age where the printing press produced an ever in increasing flow of information to an ever broader public of alienated readers, the simulated orality of gossip and hearsay allowed the vernacular novel (and those who whispered about such novels) to create a sense of intimacy amidst an increasingly anonymous mass-readership.

Paize Keulemans is an assistant professor at the Department of East Asian Studies at Princeton. His first book, “Sound Rising from the Paper: Nineteenth-century Martial Arts Fiction and the Chinese Acoustic Imagination,” was published in 2014. His second project tentatively entitled, “Idle Chatter: The Productive Uses of Gossip and Rumor in Seventeenth-Century Chinese Literature,” investigates the local, imperial, and global information networks of the early-modern age. He is also interested in the remediation of late-imperial literature, in particular the way the great novels of the Ming have been turned into a variety of video-games.
UCLA Center for Chinese Studies说:留言于2015-04-11 06:28:18(第51条)
Gerschenkron Redux? New Evidence on Shanghai's Pre-War Stock Exchange and Its Implications for the Chinese Economy at Present
Monday, April 13, 2015
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Bunche Hall 10383, UCLA
Talk by Niv Horesh, University of Nottingham, UK
China's break-neck growth over the past three decades might therefore arguably suggest that, at least in the post-war era, industrialisation could conceivably be achieved primarily through foreign investment and state-backed bank credit rather than through free and extensive equity markets. Perhaps there was an element of path-dependency, after all, in Deng's decision to seek massive investment from foreign firms by granting them sweeping preferential treatment in the 1980s. Under Hu Jintao, China groomed the Hong Kong stock market as a more attractive vehicle for mainland firm listing. That China was able to develop exponentially over the last three decades without stronger, free equity markets is incontrovertible. However, can China become a superpower without effective equity markets? In other words, could Gerschenkron's thesis prove partly correct in a post-Socialist setting even if economic historians are increasingly skeptical about that thesis' applicability to the early 20th-century?
Niv Horesh, an historian, is a Professor of Modern History of China and the Director of the China Policy Institute at the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom. ​His first book, Shanghai's Bund and Beyond, is the first comparative study of foreign banking in prewar China. The book surveys the impact of British overseas bank notes on China's economy before the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937. ​Horesh's second book Chinese Money in Global Contex (Stanford UP 2013, Economics and Finance Series) makes for a China-centered examination of the evolution of money and finance around the word since the birth of coinage in Lydia and up to the present.
Pearson说:留言于2015-04-11 03:54:51(第50条)
Registration Open: Mastering Webinar
We're thrilled to announce that registration is now open for the April 22, 2015
Bring Learning Full Circle with Mastering webinar series. This special one-day event will feature various faculty-led presentations on diverse edtech topics related to Mastering, and will be of interest to all instructors teaching science and engineering courses regardless of whether they are using Mastering, another system, or no system at all. With over 4 million annual users, Mastering from Pearson is the world's leading online homework, tutorial, and assessment system for science and engineering, designed to improve results and increase student engagement before, during, and after class. Watch the Mastering Video. Register for the faculty-led presentations that are of most interest to you on the topics below: **All Times Eastern**
• 11:00 am - 11:45 am
An Overview of Mastering: Learning Full Circle with Rebecca Orr, Collin College Register Today
• 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm
Adaptive Learning: Using Tools Within Mastering to Foster Student Success with Terry Austin, Temple College
• 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm
Using Learning Catalytics: Engage Students Through Active Learning with Chrissy Spencer, Georgia Institute of Technology
• 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm
Mastering's Powerful Diagnostics: Analyze Student Performance Use Results to Improve Learning with Scott Hildreth, Chabot College
• 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm
Data: Measuring Results with Sandra Connelly, Rochester Institute of Technology
• 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm
The Future of Mastering: Peek at What's Coming and Give Your Feedback with Kelly Mason, Executive Product Manager for Mastering

1301 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94111

China Institute in America NY说:留言于2015-04-10 22:49:22(第49条)
Renwen Lecture: Resolving Five Mysteries of the Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644
A historian of the Ming Dynasty based in Nanjing who has published and lectured extensively on the subject, Mr. Ma Weiyuan will devote this Renwen lecture to resolving five mysteries of the dynasty.
Saturday, April 11, 2015 l 2:00-4:00 PM

Upcoming Renwen Society Programs
Moral Standards and Etiquette in Ancient China
Saturday, April 25, 2015 l 2:00-5:00 PM
Prof. Peng Lin of the Department of History at Tsinghua University in Beijing has given extensive public lectures in and out of China, including CCTV, on ancient Chinese civilization and Confucianism. In this upcoming China Institute Renwen Society lecture, Prof. Peng Lin will discuss how the moral standards and etiquette in ancient China have formed the Chinese value system and conduct.
This lecture will be held at SUNY College of Optometry, 33 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036, jointly with the Confucius Institute of the College.

Other Program
Beijing: The City Through Its Architecture
Illustrated Short Course
Wednesdays l April 29 - May 20 l 6:30-8:00 PM
Come explore the history and culture of Beijing through its architecture. In four sessions, participants will gain an understanding of Beijing's history as a capital of China, from its imperial architecture and layout to its commercial and residential architecture.

China Institute NY
125 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065 l Tel: 212.744.8181
Carter Center说:留言于2015-04-10 10:07:25(第48条)
The Carter Center will host a major forum May 6 and 7 on China's wide-ranging domestic and international reforms and their implications for U.S.-China relations.
The Atlanta symposium, which is open to the public and the press, is the sixth in the "World Forum on China Studies" series and the first to be held outside of China. The Carter Center and the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences are co-organizers of the program. More than 30 respected Chinese and American scholars and policy researchers will exchange views on China's current reforms and future prospects in the political, economic, social, international affairs, and cultural sectors.
U.S.-China relations will figure prominently in the exchanges. Renowned Chinese international economist Justin Yifu Lin and veteran diplomat Zhaoxing Li, who served as Beijing's ambassador to Washington and as China's foreign minister, will offer special addresses at the meeting. On the U.S. side, influential U.S.-China analysts David M. Lampton of the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and Douglas Paal of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace will provide solo presentations.
Ambassador (Ret.) Mary Ann Peters, CEO of The Carter Center, and Madame Cui Yuying, vice minister of China's State Council Information Office, will offer welcoming remarks. "At the heart of the Carter Center's China Program is the constant exploration of our shared concerns, acknowledged differences, and the intellectual foundations of our nations' policies," Peters said. "We are delighted to cooperate with our friends at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences to bring this impressive roster of thinkers and policy advisors together at the Center to continue that vital discussion."
Forum details, including a detailed agenda, are available in English and in Chinese. Members of the public interested in attending the event should RSVP by April 29. Media representatives should contact : chanellliu@gmail.com
APITA说:留言于2015-04-10 07:47:20(第47条)
Dear Dr. Jiang, Thank you for including me in your distribution list.
I have been serving on the Mt. San Antonio College Governing Board since 2002. I am committed in helping API educators in leadership positions. I am enclosing the APITA membership form for you to share. You are welcome to distribute it through your network.
California’s 112 community colleges educate over 2.1 million students a year which is more than any other state. Community college trustees are the only elected officials in the higher education in California. Together with thousands of administrators, faculty, and staff, community college trustees must ensure that students complete their degrees or certificates timely; receive adequate training for workforce; or successfully transfer to four year colleges.
The Community College League of California (“League”) provides the structure within which trustees and administrators work together on important policies, educational issues, and advocate for the benefits of students.
The Asian Pacific Islander trustees and administrators of the League have recently established the APITA Caucus to advocate issues critical to the education of Asian Pacific Islanders. The Caucus leadership has been elected and is committed in helping API students to achieve student success, developing an API administrators and trustees pipeline to increase future API leadership positions, and advocating issues of mutual concern by participating fully within the League.
The benefits of joining the Caucus are:
• Networking with other API trustees and administrators
• Meeting with legislators and decision makers to advocate our issues
• Share your concerns and issues about education within our new organization
PLEASE JOIN THE APITA CAUCUS by completing the attached application and following the attached Instructions with regards to payment of membership dues.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely,

Judy Chen Haggerty, Esq.
Membership Chair
APITA Caucus

phoenix说:留言于2015-04-10 07:31:07(第46条)
How are you? Just want to let you know that I got the official invitation from the Consulate today. Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity, much appreciated. I am looking forward to this trip. Again, thank you! Regards, Wendy
NAAC说:留言于2015-04-10 07:26:01(第45条)
Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 10 am - 12:30 pm
COR -AME CHURCH, 45 Tesla, Irvine, CA 92618
COST: FREE, RSVP: email at: ctran@naac.org

Arthur@cpp.edu说:留言于2015-04-09 23:57:55(第44条)
Millions of thanks again for your prompt help. Arthur
ZSY @harvard.edu说:留言于2015-04-09 23:55:21(第43条)
Thank you so much Prof. Jiang! Hope I can see you soon again in LA or Boston! Best, Songyu
CCC说:留言于2015-04-09 23:43:53(第42条)
Hi, Are you struggling to recruit and retain women in your STEM programs?
Then you’ll be extremely interested to hear that in less than a year, Professor Barbara DuFrain of Del Mar College was able to increase female enrollment in her intro to computer programming classes by 62%, and improve female and male retention by 45%.
Professor DuFrain is just one of the eleven presenters at the upcoming virtual conference “STEM Success for Women: Empowering Educators to Recruit and Retain More Women in STEM.” This virtual event is hosted by my colleague, Donna Milgram, Executive Director of the Institute for Women in Trades, Technology and Science.
Some of the other case studies you will hear over the course of the 12 sessions from April 13 – April 16 include…
•How one department chairperson was able to increase female enrollment in her college’s STEM programs by 95%
•How one professor improved retention of female engineering students by 42% in one semester in only 12 teaching contact hours
•How one professor increased the number of women who declared a computer science major from 11% to 46% by changing an introductory computer science course
Learn from these and other best practices during the Telesummit. This free event is completely online, and you can participate via phone or computer.
Learn more about this National Science Foundation funded virtual event:

CCC Confer, @ONE for Training, and 3C Media Solutions
海華聯誼會说:留言于2015-04-09 03:07:22(第41条)
海華聯誼會主辦的第28屆南加州合唱團聯合演唱會, 將於4/25/2015,星期六, 晚上7時; 及 4/26/2015,星期日, 下午2時, 在洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心舉行, 歡迎大家踴躍出席欣賞.
Saturday, 4/25/2 5晚上7:00pm
1 北架雙: On Wings of Song & “寶島歡樂行”組曲
2 瑞聲:GodBlessAmerica、常回家看看、快樂的牧場
3 好歌者: 忘了我是誰、長干行、Amigos Para Siempre
4 荣星儿童:0La o che bon eccho、Overture to the Marriage Figaro、La Carità 4. Sin Alon
5 牧星:故鄉、那窗戶不再明亮、明天會更好
6 半音:噗仔聲加催落、永遠的故玉、美麗的國度
7 樂音:How Can ~ Keep From Singing、Stodola Pumpa 、AuraLee 4-回娘家
8 南加儿童:My Heart Soars、Joshua Foughtthe Battle ofJerrico、Cildren Song of the Taiya Tribe、Choral Highlight Phatom of the Opera
9 洛聲: 組曲 - 夜來香、跑水祭、花樹下、The World Is Yours
10 爱之聲:茶山情歌、夕陽紅、上山
11 雅音:愛情樹、今山古道、The Sound of Music
12 阳光:靜心等、欢樂今宵

Sunday, 4/26/2015 下午2:00pm
1 东安儿童:Watu Wote (All the People) 、All Things Bright and Beautiful、大海啊! 故鄉、Inscription ofHope
2 松柏:夕陽紅、清晨我們踏上小道、保衛黃河
3 悅聲:雪花的快樂、AnnieLaurie、朝霞
4 法音:佛在汝心、燕子、茶山情歌
5 大专:天山明月、Who Will Buy、回憶
6 新橙县儿童:Dona Nobis Pacem、When Midnight Mists Are Creeping、廟會、Theme from New York, New York
7 心悦:賞月舞、月亮代表我的心、Take These Wings
8 音韵梦之聲:牽手、故鄉,我的故鄉、杜鵑花
9 佛光:星雲、至愛母亲、如果明天就是下一生
10 海韵:You Raise Me Up、Battle Hymn Of the Republic、希伯來奴隸之歌
11 明月:祈求、我的父亲、牽手
時間: 2015年4月25日(星期六) 6 : OOpm 2015年4月26日(星期日) 2:00pm
地點:洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心 9443 Telstar Ave.,曰Monte, CA 91731
洛杉磯臺灣書院说:留言于2015-04-09 02:25:44(第40条)
Speaker: Olivia Tsuyin Liou
Date: April 11, 2015
11:00-12:30 Lecture and dance demonstration
12:30-1:00 Lunch will be provided
1:00-2:30 Documentary screening: Baseball Boys
RSVP to info@taiwanacademyla.org

Taiwan Academy 駐洛杉磯辦事處臺灣書院
1137 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: 213-403-0168
聖峪中華文化協會‏说:留言于2015-04-09 02:23:07(第39条)
您好!聖峪華人協會(San Fernando Valley Chinese Cultural Association) 及本會所屬中文學校,自1971年在洛杉磯西北地區成立以來,已歷45寒暑,長期致力於海外中華文化之推展及華語文教學之深耕,更深入主流社區與各级民意代表建立良好互動關係。本會於1995年成立基金會專責本會及所屬中文學校永久會址及校舍所需基金之籌備工作,2010年4月基金會在Reseda購置1.5畝現址,設立聖峪華協多元文化中心(Multi-Culture Center),為本會中文學校舍之建構,跨出一大步,更奠定了長期發展基礎,目前定期舉辦年節慶祝活動及生活、健康、投資、理財、税務、園藝、保險、美食、旅遊及法律講座,積極為華裔及其他族裔提供服務,僑委會數位學習點亦設立於本中心,為本會及鄰近西區,千橡,羚羊谷中文學校教職員及社區人士提供華語文及數位學習之場地。
演唱會時間地點: 4月11日下午3:30—5:00在Northridge United Methodist Church, 9650 Reseda Blvd, Northridge, CA 91324,有意參加者請電楊賢怡818-282-6087.
素仰台端,熱心公益,僑界敬重,敬邀出席,共襄盛舉。敬祝 時安
四川省委组织部人才处说:留言于2015-04-09 01:41:45(第38条)

UCLA CCS说:留言于2015-04-09 01:15:35(第37条)
U.S.-China: Economic Ties, Growth Strategies and Investment Opportunities
The 2015 Wilbur. K. Woo Greater China Business Conference
Friday, April 10, 2015
11:30 AM - 6:00 PM
UCLA Korn Convocation Hall
In an increasingly uncertain and complex global environment, the relationship between the world’s two largest economies is prompting more attention and discussion than ever. One indisputable trend is that cross-border activity is at record-high across all segments - public, private and individual. In the city where East meets West, the 2015 Woo Conference will draw upon today’s leading thinkers and influential business minds to provide a platform for intellectual exchange, idea generation and networking. The conference will examine the economic ties, growth strategies and investment opportunities across key sectors and explore the future of the U.S. – China relationship. Business leaders and cross-border investors will review, examine and debate the trends, strategies and opportunities as well as the challenges, issues and dynamics presented by transforming cross-border business and investment between the world’s two superpowers.
UCLA CCC说:留言于2015-04-09 01:14:21(第36条)
Picturing Political Abstractions in Song/Jin Painting - Talk by Martin Powers, University of Michigan
Thursday, April 09, 2015
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Bunche Hall 10383, UCLA
Song period (960-1278) administration introduced a number of fine distinctions that had figured only weakly in medieval Chinese practice. The distinction between court and state, or office and officer for instance, came to be realized in daily political practice and so entered into the consciousness of the educated. It is just at this time that political abstractions such as “the polity”, “the people” as taxpayers, or even legal jurisdiction come to be referenced or pictured in Song and Jin painting. Martin Powers is Sally Michelson Davidson Professor of Chinese Arts and Cultures at the University of Michigan, and former director of the Center for Chinese Studies. In 1993 his Art and Political Expression in Early China, Yale University Press, received the Levenson Prize for the best book in pre-twentieth century Chinese studies. His research focuses on the role of the arts in the history of human relations in China, with an emphasis on issues of personal agency and social justice.
中国福建海创周组委会说:留言于2015-04-09 01:03:11(第35条)
福建省人力资源和社会保障厅 罗文芳
联系电话:0591-87729466 13806971719

美国 富兰克林 基金会说:留言于2015-04-09 00:42:49(第34条)
音乐会邀请函 -《天才音乐家和天才自闭儿的音乐对话》
为响应联合国世界自闭症意识日唤起全社会对自闭症的重视,有好莱坞著名音乐家和自闭儿共同演出的音乐会《天才音乐家和天才自闭儿的音乐对话》,将于4月11日下午三点在圣马利诺市圣艾德蒙教堂举行。著名作曲家、美国艾美音乐奖得主,7次获得罗格大奖,曾经为成龙和斯皮尔伯格作曲,也是《功夫熊猫3》的作曲家Nathan Wang以及他的音乐团队,将和自闭症孩子们一同演出。音乐家们还将演奏七八十年代最为流行的美国乡村和流行音乐。这是一场高水平的演出,更是一场感人的音乐见证。音乐会门票($15及 $25)收入,将用于支持南加州自闭症专家前往上海青聪泉自闭症学校和西安拉拉手残障中心,进行培训教师的费用。
时 间:4月11日(星期六)下午3点至5点
地 点: 圣工会圣艾德蒙堂, 1175 S San Gabriel Blvd., San Marino CA 91108
China Institute NY说:留言于2015-04-09 00:39:41(第33条)
Beijing: The City Through Its Architecture
This illustrated short course explores the history and culture of Beijing through its architecture. In four sessions, participants will gain an understanding of Beijing's history as a capital of China, from its imperial architecture and layout to its commercial and residential architecture and changes undergone in the 20th and 21st centuries. Each session will feature a well-known speaker on a select subject. Topics covered will include the construction of the Forbidden City and the main monuments of imperial architecture, the interior design of well-known houses, city planning, and the challenges and promise of contemporary architecture. Our final session will feature a discussion with Chien Chung Pei, talking about the works and experiences that Pei Partnership Architects has had constructing and designing buildings and interiors in Beijing.
• April 29 - Nancy S. Steinhardt, Ph.D, The Forbidden City: Then and Now
• May 6 - Ronald G. Knapp, Ph.D., Beijing's Traditional Homes
• May 13 - Michael Meyer, The Last Days of Old Beijing (Mr. Meyer will join via Skype)
• May 20 - A Conversation with Chien Chung Pei, Pei Partnership Architects in Beijing
(Recommended readings and curriculum materials will be provided to course participants.)
Wednesday Nights: April 29 - May 20, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
China Institute, 125 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065

For questions or to register by phone, please contact Aaron Nicholson at 212-744-8181 ext. 138
or by email at anicholson@chinainstitute.org.
《紀念抗日戰爭胜利70週年特刊》 籌委會说:留言于2015-04-09 00:36:58(第32条)
為紀念中國人民抗日戰爭暨世界人民反法西斯戰爭勝利70週年,《紀念抗日戰爭胜利70週年特刊》 將舉辦系列徵文活動。活動自2015年4月起至同年7月截止,誠徵有關抗日戰爭的史實記錄、人物回憶等文章,內容包括:個人親歷、對前輩或友人的回憶、歷史人物特寫,或是對史料研究的感想等。來稿內容務必尊重歷史,文字流暢,字數以萬字為上限,繁簡文體均可,請賜電子版,可附5張以內圖片或照片。徵文分為特约稿和比赛稿兩類,特約稿由即日起到5月底截稿,约20篇(由特刊籌委會約稿);比賽稿由即日起到6月30日截稿。特刊籌委會將聘請各界名家對來稿進行評審,特約稿和参赛優秀作品將編印成冊,計劃于8月出版。投稿人年齡、國籍不限。入選者將贈送獎牌、獎品作為紀念。徵文活動部份撰稿人將安排電視訪談等節目,並刻錄成光盤,與紀念特刊一同贈送和收藏。徵文同時歡迎其他社團選用在各會刊刊登。歡迎各界人仕踴躍投稿,參加此次具有纪念意義的徵文活動。

聯繫電話:213-613-1130 / 213-613-1145
GI and Liver Association of the Americas说:留言于2015-04-08 02:23:49(第31条)
Dallas Conference: April 10-11, 2015
The Hyatt Regency Dallas, 300 Reunion Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75207

Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of GALA (GI and Liver Association of the Americas), we would like to invite you to the GALA Dallas CME conference being held on April 10-11, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Dallas. This 1.5 day conference is designed to address the educational needs of healthcare professionals interested in chronic GI and liver diseases. The CME/CE component of the conference will provide up to 11.0 CME/CE credit hours and will present state of the art information that will help you optimize patient outcomes. For more information and to register, please go to galamericas.org/dallas2015. Please email any questions or comments to info@galamericas.org.
加州臺灣同鄉聯誼會说:留言于2015-04-08 02:19:55(第30条)
APRIL 19th, 2015, 12:30 PM SUNDAY
ACTION LANE Bowling Center保齡球館

敬愛的僑學界社團先進, 大家好!
加州臺灣同鄉聯誼會為了促進南加華人的體育交流活動, 及僑民們能夠藉球會友, 訂於 四月19日星期日下午12:30 在 ACTION LANE 保齡球館, 舉行一年一度 老少皆宜的保齡球賽.大會將邀集百名選手參賽; 比賽將按年齡分成以下各組別:
十六歲以下不分男女, 訂為少年組
十七歲到三十五歲, 分男女組
三十六歲到五十四歲, 分男女組
五十五歲以上, 分男女組
每位球員可以打兩局, 每組按比賽成績各取前三名頒獎; 今年並設社團團體組比賽. 四人一組不分年齡性別, 總成績取前三名頒獎. 大會將準備Pizza及飲料招待,球場備有球與球鞋免費使用. 另備有精彩獎品助興, 參賽者有機會中獎,比賽費用是每人二十五美元
歡迎踴躍報名; 報名單可E-MAIL: shfong888@yahoo.com 或電話 (626) 215-4584
San Diego Chinese Press说:留言于2015-04-08 02:04:29(第29条)
此间涌动着创业的热流 – 圣地亚哥新创业中心办Ebay讲座侧记
UCSD受青睐 2015申请人数创新高
Github遭骇客攻击 波及美网民(图)
学生不让多用厕所 校长教师被起诉(图)
阿尔法避难所关闭 数百名流浪汉回到大街
幸福成長協會说:留言于2015-04-08 01:55:05(第28条)
由於社會型態的改變,大家都忙於工作,生活圈變的很小,因此在社交與人際上少了很多機會與空間,也因此錯過了適婚的黃金年齡,實在是很可惜!因此我們希望藉由好的理念,辦一些優質的活動來服務一些優秀的單身朋友,並將每次活動的盈餘再去幫助弱勢團體或是需要幫助的人(目前我們網站已定期認養了 幾 位小孩)。我們舉辦的活動內容很精彩,有做手工肥皂、果凍蠟燭、手染布、陶藝、看畫展 .... 等相關藝文活動,也有不少戶外活動,內容很知性感性,豐富充實有趣! 最近在 4月份 有一場室內午茶的聯誼活動,希望將這個訊息分享給您與您身邊的未婚單身男女。活動內容介紹如下:這次報名的朋友都非常優秀喔!活動精彩,請勿錯過!!名額有限,敬請把握!!
職業:大學/講師,教育研究/研究員,政府機關/公務員,鴻海/專案管理師,建築營造/3D建築設計師,電子商務部副總經理,製造/供應商/助理管理師,金融保險/課長,資訊/主任工程師,資訊/工程師,製造/供應商/工程師,製造/供應商/工業設計師,製造/供應商/工程師,製造/供應商/原料經銷商專員,專員,交通/運輸/技術人員 ,製造/供應商/工程師 ,服務業/廣告設計
職業:教育研究/教師 ,教育研究/英文老師,教育研究/教師,教育研究/安親班老師,政府機關/行政人員,金融保險/行員,金融保險/銀行行員,醫療/醫檢師,醫療/護理師,研究員,服務業,藝術/工程師,藝術/平面設計師,服務業/財務會計,服務業/副店長,服務業/管制行政員,服務業/專案工程師
俗話說:物以類聚…. 參加講座是一個自然交朋友的好方式,不但可以學習成長,還可以在這裡找到志趣相投的知心好友,幸福也許就因此降臨囉-- 活動中,除了豐富專業的講座內容,還會預留時間讓大家聽完講座後留下來聊天交流。在靜態(講座)、動態(DIY)活動相互穿插中,讓您充分享受活動的樂趣,自然自在的交朋友,絕對會非常有收穫-- 您決對不能錯過這樣好康「一兼多顧,摸哈蟆兼洗褲」的精采活動。名額有限,敬請把握機會!!
時間:下午1:00-1:30報到 1:30-3:30講座+體驗市售的『救援花精』 3:30-5:00悠閒暢聊交流時間
Candy T.说:留言于2015-04-08 00:22:49(第27条)
Thank you very much! Candy
China Institute NY说:留言于2015-04-08 00:20:00(第26条)
Mao’s Golden Mangoes and the Cultural Revolution
Exhibition Lecture Series
Zhijian Qian, Professor, NYC College of Technology – Wednesday, April 1, 2015, 6:30-8PM
Fragmentary Memory: Visual Reflection of the Cultural Revolution in Works of Artists Born in the 1960s
Carma Hinton, Professor, George Mason University – Wednesday, April 8, 2015, 6:30-8PM
The Posthumous Life of Chairman Mao
Dorothy Ko, Professor, Barnard College and Columbia University – Wednesday, April 15, 2015, 6:30-8PM
Fashion and Gender in Mao’s China
Jane DeBevoise, Chair, Asia Art Archive, Hong Kong and New York – Wednesday, April 22, 2015, 6:30-8PM
Art and the Cultural Revolution: A Conversation with Zheng Shengtian
All lectures: $10 for CI members / $15 for non-members / FREE to Friends of the Gallery Members
Contact lwarne@chinainstitute.org or 212-744-8181, ext. 146.
Vic Yeh说:留言于2015-04-07 09:15:45(第25条)
廈門空姐 帶你遊金門 - 觀光局不覺得慚愧嗎?
此片竟然是由廈門航空製作: https://youtu.be/7GHl2Mun4r4
從未看過如此介紹金門的美, 一定要去一次到處走走. 那金門高梁首酒訣: 蓮花指 輕舉杯 深入喉 舒展眉 重擲杯 讚好酒
SW-CSSA说:留言于2015-04-07 08:25:14(第24条)
在洛杉矶总领馆的指导下,经过紧张地筹办,美西南首届“联梦杯”辩论正在如火如荼的进行。我们诚挚地邀请您担任本次辩论赛总决赛的评委,我们的总决赛将于4月18日下午2:00 PM - 4:00 PM在汉天卫视电视台演播厅进行,并会通过汉天卫视进行现场直播。期待您的答复!


apex说:留言于2015-04-06 12:42:00(第23条)
APEX Spring Mixer: Lucky Break
Break out your lucky socks and roll out in support of APEX! Join us for a fun, casino themed night - with Poker, Blackjack, Roulette, Craps! Admission comes with free playing chips redeemable for prizes! We will be featuring the APEX Youth Olympics and the APEX Youth Education Summit! All proceeds go back 100% to support APEX's programming for at-risk youth. Event info & tickets: http://bit.ly/luckybreak
Lu说:留言于2015-04-05 11:48:01(第22条)
不知您有沒有注意到斯坦福大學女博士歐陽香瑜投毒的新聞?以此為啟發,我們最近要做一篇相關的報導,整理一下孫維、李天樂和歐陽香瑜的案件,並探討一下她們的行為心理。一方面想找一些心理學或精神學科方面的專家;另一方面,這些投毒女性的共同特點是學歷高,道德和情商方面可能有點障礙,尤其在留學生群體中,碰到生活學業和婚戀壓力,常常可能導致心理或精神方面失常,能否也請一些留學前輩以自己或身邊人的例子,來談一談如何處理類似困境?如果有人對相關案件有比較深入的了解和研究,那也非常歡迎跟我們分享。Tel: 718.746.8889 (Ext. 6228)
dwnyer说:留言于2015-04-05 11:40:09(第21条)
Dear Dr. Jiang, Please find the news article about Dr. Dave Wang's research and its influence from the link below: http://ny.usqiaobao.com/spotlight/2015/04-03/67442.html
Have a great weekend.
CCC-UCLA说:留言于2015-04-04 12:16:44(第20条)
Picturing Political Abstractions in Song/Jin Painting - Talk by Martin Powers, University of Michigan
Thursday, April 09, 2015
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Bunche Hall 10383
Song period (960-1278) administration introduced a number of fine distinctions that had figured only weakly in medieval Chinese practice. The distinction between court and state, or office and officer for instance, came to be realized in daily political practice and so entered into the consciousness of the educated. It is just at this time that political abstractions such as “the polity”, “the people” as taxpayers, or even legal jurisdiction come to be referenced or pictured in Song and Jin painting.
Martin Powers is Sally Michelson Davidson Professor of Chinese Arts and Cultures at the University of Michigan, and former director of the Center for Chinese Studies. In 1993 his Art and Political Expression in Early China, Yale University Press, received the Levenson Prize for the best book in pre-twentieth century Chinese studies. His research focuses on the role of the arts in the history of human relations in China, with an emphasis on issues of personal agency and social justice.

U.S.-China: Economic Ties, Growth Strategies and Investment Opportunities
The 2015 Wilbur. K. Woo Greater China Business Conference
Friday, April 10, 2015
11:30 AM - 6:00 PM
UCLA Korn Convocation Hall
In an increasingly uncertain and complex global environment, the relationship between the world’s two largest economies is prompting more attention and discussion than ever. One indisputable trend is that cross-border activity is at record-high across all segments - public, private and individual. In the city where East meets West, the 2015 Woo Conference will draw upon today’s leading thinkers and influential business minds to provide a platform for intellectual exchange, idea generation and networking. The conference will examine the economic ties, growth strategies and investment opportunities across key sectors and explore the future of the U.S. – China relationship. Business leaders and cross-border investors will review, examine and debate the trends, strategies and opportunities as well as the challenges, issues and dynamics presented by transforming cross-border business and investment between the world’s two superpowers.

UCLA Center for Chinese Studies,
11381 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095
Tel: (310) 825-8683
Fax: (310) 206-3555
J. Thomas说:留言于2015-04-03 05:44:15(第19条)
Thank you very much for the information!
Have a wonderful day!
Bowers说:留言于2015-04-03 03:47:33(第18条)
Kathy & Yennan说:留言于2015-04-03 03:11:19(第17条)
倾听蔣碩德的原唱:我常在想,台灣少了些什麼. 這土地曾經擁有的奇蹟. 那張用無數鮮血染紅的大旗, 幾十年後, 鮮血也成為褪色的回憶. 我常會想,我待在台灣做什麼. 中華民國, 靠著他我曾風光無比. 那張用無數鮮血染紅的大旗, 憑著努力, 我可以自由生長在這裡. 我不停的想, 雙十節有多少人不記得掛國旗, 我不停的問… 请听听蒋硕德的原唱 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxb6-3vQRB0
國民黨,她一直是個很辛苦的黨。從群起革命推翻滿清後,就開始北伐、抗日、剿共.....。好不容易在台灣這塊土地上休養生息、建設發展。三十七年後,出現了一個不停在作亂的民進黨直到現在。我們這個國家,除了兩岸問題、美中日問題,還有國內兩黨問題,甚至黨內兩派 (挺馬派和挺王派) 問題,各路人馬,你爭我奪、尔虞我詐、合縱連橫......。有時候,國民黨做得確實不盡人意,但,起碼她讓我們這些人在台灣這塊土地上富足安康地過了60多年,遠離文化大革命的摧慘,還把無數珍貴國寶都保存下來了,使它們沒在文革時被破壞殆盡!故而,因這兩點,讓我對國民黨相當感恩。
我雖樂見將來兩岸統一,但那是因為我心向『中華民族』。至於將來是誰統一誰,現在都尚言之過早、各說各話。我希望對岸可以更進步,更開放,更繁榮,但千萬不要民主自由過了頭。我常說,我們是全球華人的民主實驗場,我們是對岸參考的借鏡。這麼多年來,我們在民主階段所經歷過的點點滴滴,有正面的優點,也有令人搖頭的缺失,只希望對岸能夠記取台灣這些教訓,好的學起來,壞的不要重蹈覆輒,將來兩岸三地中國人一起富強於全世界,這才是炎黃子孫的福氣,這也才是中華民國存在了100多年的價值之所在! 畢竟,從有歷史 (文字記錄) 以來,中國人就一直是世界霸主 (除了魏晉南北朝、五代十國和少數幾個分裂的年代),誰不願意看到中國再度壯大呢?至於這個『將來』 (統一時間表)是多久?10年?20年?30年?50年?這就不是我們這些小老百姓所能預測的了。好快,中華民國已經陪著我們100多年了,我打一出生,一懂事,就知道我的國家叫做「中華民國」,只是不知,她,還能再陪我們多少年呢?將來統一了,國號仍是「中華民國」嗎? ...
IAMED说:留言于2015-04-02 06:27:21(第16条)
Immediate Action Medicine IAMED - Leaders in Advanced Paramedic Certification
The Premier Flight Paramedic Certification (FP-C) Course
26-29 April, 2015
Enterprise, AL
• Interactive classroom lectures
• Official IAMED study guide (Amazon 5-star rating)
• Comprehensive written exams
• Daily written quizzes
• Continuing Education Units
• Testing and career recommendations
This is a 4-day training and exam preparation program that prepares students to sit for the Flight Paramedic Certification (FP-C) and Critical Care Paramedic Certification (CCP-C) exams created by the Board for Critical Care Transport Paramedic Certification (BCCTPC). This course is designed specifically to teach critical care concepts in an easy to understand format. Although intended for paramedics and nurses, the course is open to anyone, although the course will not address concepts below the level of a paramedic.CCP-C and CFRN students welcome! More information here: http://www.iamed.us/
Special Operations Summit说:留言于2015-04-02 06:25:27(第15条)
Special Operations Summit and Warfighter Expo
June 22-24, 2015
Fort Bragg, NC
IDGA is proud to present the Special Operations Summit and Warfighter Expo taking place, for the first time, on Fort Bragg, NC, home of Army Special Operations. Since the War on Terror began over a decade ago, the need for Special Operations Forces has grown dramatically. This is primarily due to the asymmetric warfare that terrorist organizations are waging against US and NATO forces. With new terrorist factions emerging and creating new threats, SOF requirements continue to evolve and be reevaluated. Working together with our partner nations, Special Operations Forces are leading the way as they protect our soldiers, citizens, allies, and freedom. Special Operations Summit and Warfighter Exhibition 2015 will bring together Special Operations leaders and stakeholders within the US Army Special Operations community to identify the current and future needs of the Army Special Operations Command. This is essential in order to successfully combat the current and future threats facing the United States and its allies. Join more than 250 fellow Special Operations professionals from over 80 different organizations to discuss and identify opportunities to strengthen local, regional, and global trust through interagency and partner cooperation. For more information regarding Special Operations Summit & Warfighter Expo, visit our website: www.specialoperationssummit.com
The Certified Tactical Responder (TR-C) Examinatio说:留言于2015-04-02 06:22:30(第14条)
Coming this Spring! The Certified Tactical Responder (TR-C) Examination
The Certified Tactical Responder (TR-C) Examination is the BLS version of the Certified Tactical Paramedic (TP-C) Examination and will be released in May 2015 to allow Tactical Responders with medical training and responsibilities to become certified following the same rigorous requirements of all BCCTPC Examinations. The certification process is focused on the knowledge level of accomplished, tactical medics with less than paramedic credentials who function in hostile and austere environments. The candidate is expected to have mastery of a significant body of knowledge surrounding the learning domains central to TCCC and TECC standards. For more information, contact Monica Newman at 770-978-4400 or via email at mnewman@bcctpc.org.
SOMA说:留言于2015-04-02 06:20:22(第13条)
Prevention and Management of Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Youth Sports
April 9th, 1-2:30 ET
19th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine - Cape Town 2015
21-24 April

Medical Support Operations Summit
May 19-21, 2015
MHSRS说:留言于2015-04-02 06:15:53(第12条)
The MHSRS website will be accepting abstracts for the 2015 meeting until COB EST 3 April 2015. We are soliciting abstracts in 28 research topic areas. Submitters will be notified of results by 8 May 2015. Submit abstracts here: https://mhsrs.amedd.army.mil/SitePages/Home.aspx
The 2015 MHSRS will feature new breakout sessions on Genitourinary Injuries and Humanitarian Emergency Response, and a special track dedicated to Infectious Disease. It will again focus on the research contributions of our Young Investigators, and serve as a host for the prestigious Region 13 American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma research paper competition. As of this date, the 2015 MHSRS has not yet been officially approved. In addition, the location and date of the conference is still to be determined. However, we anticipate a date within the August, 2015 time frame.
聯合講座说:留言于2015-04-02 06:12:26(第11条)
報稅倒計時倒數10天! 減稅小竅門,為報稅作準備!不過在做出決定之前,最好諮詢一下財稅顧問。
1. 求職或工作變遷。今年如果你找了份新工作或正為一個新工作搬遷,而你又選擇逐項扣除,你的求職差旅費、求職簡歷印刷費和搬家費都可能幫你減稅。搬家費的抵稅要求是你的新工作需要搬遷至少50英哩。
2. 捐衣服、電腦、汽車和股票投資等給國稅局認可的慈善團體從而得到減稅。對於股票、共同基金或其他已增值的投資,直接將股份捐給慈善機構,可獲得全額減稅。
3. 使用兒童扣抵稅額或老人/殘障人士的減稅,前提是你的收入不超過一定的上限值。
4. 大學費用減稅。如果你或你的孩子在大學讀書,或者你在職進修,美國機會信貸報稅條目下,每年每名學生最多可獲得2500美元的學雜費抵稅。對於成年人參加的額外課程,使用終身學習信貸可最多獲得2,000美元的抵稅。如果你參加529大學儲蓄計畫,你可以抵州稅。
5. 收益與損失相抵。檢查你的投資得失,你可以將收益減去損失。如果你得不償失,你可以從一般稅前收入減去最多3000美元的損失。如果你聲稱虧損後又決定買回賣掉的投資,需要至少等待30天才能回購,否則將面臨懲罰。
6. 投資你的個人退休帳戶,如Roth IRAs、401(k)s、 403(b)s、簡化雇員養老金計畫等。你的401(k)一年最多可以投入$17500美元,50歲以上人可以再加$5500。2015年的IRA和Roth IRA投資限額不變,50歲以上的人可分別追加$5500及$1,000美元。401k的投資上限增加至$18,000美元,50歲以上的人可再增加$6,000。
7. 取出你的最低分紅。如果你70.5歲以上,你必須從你參與的合格退休計畫和IRAs中拿錢出來。第一年你必須取出你退休投資的3.65%。這一比例隨著你年齡增長而增加。如果你不拿出這筆錢,你需支付未取金額的5 0%作為罰款。
8. 給你喜歡的人$14,000美元。2014年 你可以而無需申報贈與稅的額度是$14,000美元。這一禮物,可以給人、實體或慈善機構,但必須在今年年底前送出。
9. 使用彈性支出flex spending dollars。可用於合格的醫療和牙科費用的彈性支出計畫Flex spending plans以幫你減少稅前收入。但這些錢必須在納稅年度中使用。
10. 附表Schedule A減稅。附表A在你夠資格減稅前有許多限制。例如,醫療/牙科的減稅必須要達到你調整後總收入的10%後方可減稅。如果你是65歲以上,需調整後總收入的7.5%。雜項費用抵稅必須達到調整後總收入的2%後才可。看看你的各項花費是否可以合併以符合要求。
报税倒计时倒数10天! 國稅局查稅面面觀,前國稅局稽查師畫龍點睛!高薪省稅/房東節稅/退休免稅, 房地产律师—理財師指點迷津!由蟬聯National Life三項全美第一, 百萬圓桌TOT理財師Jenny Chang攜手前國稅局稽查師和房地产律师聯合講座:[省稅延稅減稅免稅,报税大冲刺] 本期最后一次报税省税讲座,時間是本週六日4/4,4/5下午@2pm,座位有限,本期講座不邀请會計理財等專業人士。講座報名电话:1-877-253-8288,Jenny@EliteWealths.com。
College of the Extended University说:留言于2015-04-02 06:07:03(第10条)
Millions of thanks again for your great support as always. Arthur
CPP说:留言于2015-04-02 06:04:23(第9条)
Thank you very much again for your kind support and guidance as always. With warm regards, Lisa
China Institute NY说:留言于2015-04-02 06:01:35(第8条)
Author Talk | Dorothy Tse: Snow and Shadow
Please join us for a reading and discussion with acclaimed Hong Kong writer Dorothy Tse, as we celebrate the U.S. release of her short story collection: Snow and Shadow
Dorothy Tse is one of Hong Kong''''s most acclaimed young writers. Her short story collection So Black won the Hong Kong Biennial Award for Chinese Literature in 2005 and A Dictionary of Two Cities, which she co-authored with Hon Lai-chu, won the 2013 Hong Kong Book Prize. Her literary prizes also include Taiwan''''s Unitas New Fiction Writers'''' Award and the Hong Kong Award for Creative Writing in Chinese. A co-founder of Hong Kong''''s preeminent literary magazine, Fleurs des Lettres, she currently teaches creative writing at Hong Kong Baptist University. Snow and Shadow displays Ms. Tse''''s distinctive dreamlike and surrealist style, which she attributes to her struggle to carve out space as an artist in Hong Kong''''s highly commercial, trend-obsessed society. Ms. Tse will read from her book and discuss her writing and inspirations with the audience.
Friday, April 3, 2015 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
China Institute, 125 East 65th Street, NY 10065
For questions or to register by phone, please contact Yuyang Li at 212-744-8181 ext. 121
or by email at yli@chinainstitute.org
United States Asia Chamber of Commerce说:留言于2015-04-02 05:55:10(第7条)
投資項目Capital Investment E2G2 Neighborhood Network 社區鄰里守望相助計劃
目前為止,最安全完美可靠的投資項目,政府合約商,穩定性佳,有合法權益,可申請居留權,入籍後,可選擇繼續投資或退場或將股權出售轉讓。這個投資計劃的概念設計是把市政府資源和企業社團社區與市民的生活商業交流文化活動,以城市政府的深入市民服務與當地人民的生活消費者市場的各中小企業經濟融合在一起,協助市內每一個商業和市政廣告介紹結合,以最簡便快捷方便的行動網絡裝置如手機,I Pad, I Watch, 電腦等,即時即興創造商機,這種最新潮流的企業經營模式,每分每秒都在增加營銷的機會,造福每個持有工商登記執照的工商業;不論是訂Pizza, 修水電,買花,找商機,上超市Shopping, 郵局寄信,看表演電影,參加社區學校博物館活動,找學校,去雜貨便利商店,搬家砍樹,叫車,旅遊安排,稅務法律咨詢,市政府業務,修車,洗衣,找銀行,印刷,上餐館,不論大小事務,都可以在Easy-To-Get-To 這裡很輕鬆地在划手機時立刻找到;而每個鄰居的商家,也都樂意提供各種商業服務和優惠給附近的市民;而不會因為不熟悉不瞭解而開車跑到很遠的地方去找需要的物品或服務;Win- Win- Win 大家都贏的局面。我們解決每一個商家心中的疑問
E2G2是一個唯一經過市政府合法授權的專利項目,依據工商管理部門法律的規定,「提供各市政府網上登記申請工商營業執照」並且准予協助推廣每一個合法申請登記核准的各種各個工商業,有機會在市政府官方網站上出現曝光,使每一家企業都能夠確確實實地在每一個人的手機Apps,I Pad及電腦中出現。
社區鄰里守望相助互動計劃 是以每一個「城市」為單元,一方面結合市政工商執照發照業務,另一方面推動城市縱深及地毯式介紹的工商業促銷引導的經濟發展,利用行動網路廣告宣傳的方式,做深入細膩的地毯式商業推廣,手機互聯網把每一個登記有執照的商家作置入性行銷,將廣告業務以超低成本,每個商家都能承擔的收費廣告,即時PO上市政府官網上,發佈給所有持有手機和電腦的每一個人,讓每一位市民和來訪的外地貴客,都能很快很容易利用手機上網和行動網絡裝置的方便性,深入了解這個城市的每一個商家的聯絡方式名稱地址;也順便可以在網站上找到想吃的餐館,想找的對象以及城市的組織,服務單位和市政府狀況,活動及新聞等各種資訊,這種現代流行通訊,信息交流的趨勢,既方便又簡單:實在是一大德政。

每個城市採用E2G2的鄰里守望相助互動計劃,市政府必須和E2G2 簽訂授權及代理合約。執行合約內容也包括了保密協議,必須創造本地新的工作機會,投資創業輔導協助,也可依照EB-5投資移民法規定申請綠卡,並回饋社區。如果要申請EB-5 直接投資移民的申請,也可請移民法及商業法律師協助申請辦理。社區鄰里守望相助互動計劃的主要目標 是推動社區各種小型商業活動更本土化在地化,以市為單位,再把一個一個城市商業網絡聯結起來,由點而線,線而面,逐步走向全國全球國際化的模式。由於市政府合約的約期規定,投資人的投資選項將因此而受到限制,但是同時也受到保障。政府採購法律的規定,也必須與投資法律規定符合,在合理合法的情況下,依照規定執行投資移民的操作,投資人反而無需擔心項目方的存在風險,且合約中都會清楚登註利潤的產生,比例,退場機制,利益分享的方式等各種規定。此類有保障投資人固定收入的投資項目,發展的前途的機會和投資利益的回收,都在商業計劃中詳細地陳述。

電郵:Rex. USACC@yahoo.com
南加州輔仁大學校友會说:留言于2015-04-02 02:54:03(第6条)
敬愛的社區領袖, 僑團先進好友們:
2015年度台灣輔仁大學管理學院[海外專業參訪]美西參訪團共八十三名師生,於2015年4月1日(三)至4月11日(六), 前來洛杉磯及舊金山進行11天的參訪活動。輔仁大學管理學院在成為兩岸第一所通過AACSB國際商管認證學校之前,即非常重視學生國際化視野的培養,每年皆安排學生至美國各地參訪汲取學習經驗。今年行程除了安排參訪數位傑出校友辦公大樓, 前往加州州大-長提分校(Cal-State Long Beach) 上課,規劃課程以"全球化創新"和"社會企業"兩大議題為主軸,為鼓勵莘莘學子求知的渴望, 南加州輔仁大學校友會訂於4月4日下午2點到5點 假洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心舉辦演講暨座談會。希望能滿足學生的求知欲並啟發學生們宏觀的思維.在此誠摯的邀請各位好友們共襄盛舉,齊來參與, 讓全場的聽眾除了聽演講,還可以獲得對他們非常有用的其他訊息.

(626)282-1122 E-mail: usaapex@yahoo.com
(626)688-0867 E-mail:aileenchan888@gmail.com
(626)755-7211 E-mail:kcsunshineimport@gmail.com
KZ AU说:留言于2015-04-01 11:57:02(第5条)
SQS说:留言于2015-04-01 04:35:51(第4条)
洛杉磯臺灣書院说:留言于2015-04-01 03:04:57(第3条)
Taiwan's first Walking Dead movie: Taiwan Film Series : ''Zombie 108'' (棄城) - Taiwan''''s first Walking Dead movie (RESTRICTED 限制級)
Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian
Free admission
Movie: 88 min, Horror, Sci-Fi
Date : 2015-4-2 6:30PM~
Venue : Taiwan Academy in Los Angeles
Address : 1137 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90024
Director: Joe Chien
Stars: Morris Hsiang Jung, Cai-Ying Yao(姚采穎), Sona Eyambe
Story: A virus gets loose in Taipei. Army and SWAT teams begin to oversee the mass evacuation but the Ximending gangs don't want the police to get involved in their turf. They attack the military, only to find themselves under attack by the real enemy. Please email info@taiwanacademyla.org for seat reservations. Pizza and drink will be provided before screening.

Taiwan Academy 駐洛杉磯辦事處臺灣書院
1137 Westwood Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Tel: 213-403-0168
Mentoring Institute说:留言于2015-03-31 23:40:53(第2条)
The Mentoring Institute at the University of New Mexico (UNM) is now seeking proposals for the 2015 mentoring conference: New Perspectives in Mentoring: A Quest for Leadership Excellence & Innovation. The 8th annual conference will be held on Tuesday, October 20 through Friday, October 23 at the Student Union Building (SUB) situated on UNM’s main campus in Albuquerque, NM.
We invite faculty, staff and students of higher education, researchers, K-12 educators, community leaders, administrators, non-profit partners, government agencies, and other professionals to join us in a rich mix of conversation, networking opportunities, hands-on workshops, and engagement among scholars and professionals in the fields of mentoring, coaching, and leadership.
We are particularly keen to receive proposals that are informative and relevant to the field of developmental relationships, those which are supported by theory and research, and which demonstrate ideas that are applicable to the conference theme. The term developmental relationship includes, but is not limited to: mentoring, coaching, networking, and sponsorship.
The 2015 conference theme is New Perspectives in Mentoring: A Quest for Leadership Excellence & Innovation. The theme focuses on new perspectives in mentoring, and how they can be used to foster strong leaders for the future generation.
We are interested in presentations based in the following fields: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics), Arts & Humanities, Business & Government, Health Sciences, and Education. With this in mind, we seek proposals that accomplish any of the following:
• Builds on the knowledge base of existing literature in the field of developmental relationships.
• Demonstrates the effectiveness of existing mentoring programs.
• Proposes a methodology or evaluation model for developmental relationships.
• Suggests new ideas and best practices for successful developmental relationships.
• Proposals that include participants of different nationalities, different levels of experience, and from different institutional and organization types.
Submit an Abstract & View Presenter Requirements
Abstract Proposal Submission Deadline Friday, May 15, 2015
Notification of Submission Acceptance Friday, May 29, 2015

The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131
(505) 277-1484
CCC Confer说:留言于2015-03-31 23:07:50(第1条)
Hi, Are you struggling to recruit and retain women in your STEM programs? Then you’ll be extremely interested to hear that in less than a year, Professor Barbara DuFrain of Del Mar College was able to increase female enrollment in her intro to computer programming classes by 62%, and improve female and male retention by 45%. The upcoming virtual conference “STEM Success for Women: Empowering Educators to Recruit and Retain More Women in STEM.”
April 13 - April 16
• How one department chairperson was able to increase female enrollment in her college’s STEM programs by 95%
• How one professor improved retention of female engineering students by 42% in one semester in only 12 teaching contact hours
• How one professor increased the number of women who declared a computer science major from 11% to 46% by changing an introductory computer science course
Learn from these and other best practices during the Telesummit. This free event is completely online, and you can participate via phone or computer. Learn more about this National Science Foundation funded virtual event: bit.ly/stem-telesummit31

CCC Confer
ONE for Training & 3C Media Solutions
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